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Yes and yes. And if you want to kill him before he offs himself, I am cool with that. :P

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Halali and the Phantom move into the room to see what is up. Kaztor readies an attack! Grunigon wonders what is up.

Bilos grabs the knife starts pressing it against his own neck, pushing really hard. Definitely a bit too hard for a lark.

Rounds 1 & 2: Wassgunnahappen?!?

Round 2

Bilos (finishing coup de grace?)

Round 1

Bold may act. The haunt has triggered. Positive Energy won’t do anything to stop it now.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

You have an overwhelming urge to grab the knife and jab it into your neck, as hard as you can!

Surprise Round!

Round 1: Wassgunnahappen?!?


Bold may act. The haunt has triggered. Positive Energy won’t do anything to stop it now.

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Clw to hit ac 10: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Bilos easily hits, and his spell discharges into the haunt. It diminishes briefly, then the evil surges again and the dwarf feels an unnatural urge to pick up the knife on the table.

Please make a Will Save vs. a Mind Effecting Fear effect from the haunt. I will provide the results as quickly as possible. You are welcome to use a re-roll at any point before those results are given, unless said re-roll specifically grants you the ability to do so after the result is given. Thanks and good luck!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

I rolled it for everyone who had line of sight in the GM screen spoiler.

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Bilos recalls that almost all haunts can be deactivated by (enough) Positive Energy, this one probably can too.

This isn’t just channeling. It also applies to Cure Spells and Disrupt Undead, but those do require an attack roll while in range of the haunt.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Bilos heads on in up next to the body and looks everything over really closely.

GM Screen:

Dran: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Halali: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Ander: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Kaztor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

He and Halali notice a sharp knife on the table wiggle seductively. As if it really really wants you to pick it up and jab it… somewhere.


Halali: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Dran: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Grunigon: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Bilos: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Ruya: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Ander: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Kaztor: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Haunt: 10 = 10

Surprise Round!

Bold may take a surprise round action. The Haunt location is the 9 squares including and around the middle table. Kaz is not in the effect.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Kaztor hopes valiantly that decades or even generations of brainwashing can be undone in a night. I'm sure it can!

He moves just barely into the room (I moved his piece inside the door) and takes a closer look. It appears the halfling, an adult male, climbed up onto the table, hung a rope over the rafters, stepped up on a metal pot, tightened up the rope around his neck and kicked the pot away. There doesn't seem to be any indication of foul play, at least at this point.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

The body does not look older than a day or two, with your best untrained guess from a distance.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

The group sorta feels like this is theft, but also sorta feels like those things were meant for them (they definitely were put there by the scenario designer for the group to have).

And to take advantage of the monks still in their worship session, they clomp on around to look at other rooms.

They find a stable, a storage room and a pantry (A2, A3, A4). Nothing unusual or valuable in any of the rooms. And then they come to the kitchen (A5).

The temple kitchen is long abandoned and smells faintly musty. The kitchen’s massive stove and rows of cooking implements are all covered with a patina of rust and dark flecks of mold. Dangling in the center of the room, above a solid oak table, swings a halfling man on a stout cord.

I moved Dran to the doorway, but can’t move everyone on my phone. The group is in order behind Dran. To clarify if needed, the halfling is not moving and appears at first glance to be dead.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

No one finds anything to help shorten the time it will take to index the library, but Dran does quickly find two magical items among the shelves.

One is very easily identified as a scroll of lesser restoration and the other one (a thick book) seems to be harder to figure out.

DC 20 Spellcraft:

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Bilos seems to be aware of the monumental amount of effort required to catalog this library, aka get a record of every item in it.

He thinks it would take at least forty dwarf hours to do the job, unless there were some sort of index somewhere. But alas, neither dwarf who has looked has found one yet. Nor anything else of note… yet.

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Seems to be enough of a consensus to keep exploring so I'll just move you all to the next closest unexplored area.

The pathfinders can't do anything about the destroyed doors into the garden area, but can at least close the door to the hallway to hide the battle, for now.

Heading back down the hallway they decide to stop in the library.

This spacious room is crammed with narrow bookshelves and large tables. Many shelves are empty and the remaining scrolls and tomes seem tattered and sagging. A small open door looks into a tidy office. The room is clean and bright despite a general atmosphere of abandonment. Several windows look into a garden to the west.

With the worshippers still in their worship session, the library is unoccupied. What does the group do and where do they look, if they look around?

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Halali suggests some options. Grunigon makes a good point. Ander makes a promise. The dwarves otherwise don't yet have a consensus as to what to do next.

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With the scales recovered and the timeframe for this room’s task known, what next?

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I don’t ‘think’ you can phase lurch and grab stuff like that, but it’s completely inconsequential towards anything in the mission so I am fine with it.

Tolvaj pulls out a set of old brass scales that are now suspiciously slimy. They seem functional.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Perception Dran: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Dran finds nothing magical in his scan. He does notice a very small crack under the middle sarcophagus, something non-magical but metal seems to have fallen inside.

DC 30 Escape Artist Check to get to it

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Halali pauses on her scroll as she sees the expansive amount of rubbings to copy. Her best guess is it would take about twelve dwarf hours to complete the task. Obviously one dwarf hour equals one hour of work from one dwarf, so maybe the group could crank it out if they all worked together for about two hours.

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Current Status
Bilos (-4 HP)
Kaztor (GH)
Grunigon (-2 HP, GH)
Dran (Prot Evil 1m, GH)

The dwarves stand around finishing their healing. Now all is really well.

But what to do next? Burn it all down? Seems like the only real option.

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As far as I know that is 100% a house rule, even if very common. I have never found anything in any book that allows it.

If you find it though, please let me know! I roll horribly with CLW wands.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

You can’t take averages in society play, though I certainly wish one could.

Tolvaj finds bones and rags in the sarcophagi.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Current Status
Bilos (-11 HP)
Grunigon (-21 HP, GH)
Dran (-4 HP, Prot Evil 1.5m, GH)

Kaz feels right as rain. Maybe his luck is returning.

The dwarves stand around. All is well. No issues here.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Current Status
Bilos (-11 HP)
Kaztor (-22 HP, GH)
Grunigon (-21 HP, GH)
Dran (-4 HP, Prot Evil 2m, GH)

Grunigon wakes up!

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Current Status
Bilos (-11 HP)
Kaztor (-22 HP, GH)
Grunigon (-30 HP, Unconscious, GH)
Dran (-4 HP, Prot Evil 2m, GH)

The group figures that's enough healing and heads into the next room to check things out.

This vaulted mausoleum holds six large sarcophagi, each bearing the carved image of an aasimar dressed in ornate robes and holding glass spheres in one hand and a bell, a book, or a lotus flower in the other. Innumerable runes crowd the top edges and sides of each sarcophagus.

The remains of a solid wooden door hand from the hinges and show an alternate route out into the garden. Gastidem is nowhere to be seen.

I am kidding obviously that you are ignoring the rest of your healing. But you all gotta actually do the healing and track the resources. Two PC's have offered to use anyone's wands. Grunigon can't do anything though yet, he is unconscious.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

I am assuming Ander stepped back first? Right? RIGHT?!?

With a bright flash of gunpowder bursting from his muzzle, Ander waits one moment for the smoke to clear. The final foe totters… and then collapses.

Out of Combat. No dead dwarves, barely.

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Dran unfortunately misses, thus combat continues and the risk of dwarf death increases. Got anything you can do Ander?


Dran, did you drop your wand? You had it in one hand and a greatsword takes two hands to use. It's a move action to stow your wand, but that would have prevented your move and attack. My count on your AC is 20 (22 vs. evil). 19 base with no shield and war mind for +1. That may have been based off an old profile update though. And looking at your gear closer it seems BOTH of us are wrong about your AC. +1 full plate is +10 AC and you have 12 dex so you are at least 21 AC with no shield, 22 with war mind and 24 against evil.

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Moved Khargrom into a spot that threatens that is also next to Halali who was holding his axe he took. Dran now also has a spot to move up. Due to delays to wait for positioning, I updated the combat tracker.

Halali's ghostly friends zip in and start distracting the stupid undead jerk. Kaztor moves up and grabs his axe again. He totally might actually get a chance to do something this fight other than bleed out! MAYBE!!!

Tolvaj is pretty sure he hit with that last attack, but he didn't seem to do any damage. Stupid undead. Stupid damage resistance. STUPID WORLD OF THE LIVING! KILL THEM ALL...

...wait, maybe not ALL of them.

Bilos steps back and then tosses a chunk of rubble past his foe.

Round 8: Jeeze combat is hard.
Buffs: NA

Round 8
Bilos (-11 HP)
Kaztor (-22 HP, GH)
Grunigon (-30 HP, Unconscious, GH)
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)

Yellow Undead (-24 HP, -2 AC/CMD 2 rds GH)

Bold may Act!

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Will DC 14: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Two moves Kaztor is correct, I’ll let you and Dran and Bilos figure out y’alls final positioning this round, as long as it makes sense. Hampering Hex up for two rounds!

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Bilos moves up and wands Gru away from death’s door, but the prone dwarf remains unconscious. And while this doesn’t provoke an attack, it does provoke the ire of the undead zombie, who steps back in and slashes at the healer.

Nodachi at Bilos: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 for slashing: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Who takes a comparatively small wound, at least when compared to other wounds these foes have caused.

Rounds 7 & 8: Jeeze combat is hard.
Buffs: NA

Round 8
Bilos (-11 HP)
Grunigon (-30 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Yellow Undead (-24 HP, GH)

Round 7
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-23 HP, GH)

Bold may Act!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Wands don't provoke so you can move up and use it on Grunigon without provoking for the cast. Depending on how far you move, that might provoke. And you can also hold the charge and move up and touch as a free, I think.

Tolvaj doesn't come close to threatening the foe, who seems to be likely to have another round of attacks.

Halali is a lot closer to hitting, but also misses.

Ander decides to just draw the potion and reload his firearm instead of starting the trickle.

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Dran pulls a wand and quickly brings Kaztor back to consciousness. He steps towards the final foe.

Kaz wakes up, groggy but quickly recalling his situation. And the situation is that he doesn't have a weapon and is laying down. That's no place for a dwarf! He stands and re-arms himself, then applies a bit more divine healing.

Ander steps up and starts trickling a warm healing potion down Gru's throat.

Rounds 6 & 7: Another one bites the dust!
Buffs: NA

Round 7
Ander (1/2 Standards complete to pour potion into Grunigon)
Grunigon (-39 HP, Unconscious, 2 pts of heal from Potion next round, probably, GH)
Yellow Undead (-24 HP, GH)

Round 6
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-23 HP, GH)

Bold may Act!

Both Doors next to the enemy are usable, fyi. Bilos and Tolvaj both act before Grunigon's failed stabilization, so I can adjust if something changes for Gru.

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No worries, It’s a full action to do that anyway so it will have to be two standards to get it in him.

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Kaztor is now conscious and may take his turn. He is prone and his axe was dropped, fyi.

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Yes, Kaz is only -1 hit points.

Halali charges bravely into combat! Ineffectively, but bravely!

Her strike is quite wide of her target.

The final foe shifts slightly towards Grunigon and chops again.

Nodachi: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 for Slashing: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

And drops him to the ground hard, like a good habit (because honestly bad habits are a lot harder to drop). Anyway, Grunigon's blood is leaking out onto the floor. The undead foe looks proud of itself and turns towards the rest of the dwarves, before stepping tactically out the doorway into the garden. It seems to be taunting you all to 'bring it on'.

Rounds 6 & 7: Another one bites the dust!
Buffs: NA

Round 7
Grunigon (-38 HP, Unconscious, Bleeding Out, GH)

Yellow Undead (-24 HP, GH)

Round 6
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-35 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

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Grunigon figures that he better kill this thing now, and his opportunity to do so won't get better. He stabs while the foe is distracted and manages to get a good slash in across a vital point. Unfortunately the strike doesn't penetrate all of the magical resistances and his target remains a threat.

Then he steps to the side and hopes someone can bring it down.

Buffs: NA

Round 6
Red Undead (-34 HP, Fully Dead)
Grunigon (-22 HP, GH)
Yellow Undead (-24 HP, GH)

Round 5
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-35 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

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Dran Stoneheart wrote:
Looks like that tiny bit of healing went to Kaz and not Dran.

Ah, I see that now. I’ll try to update with my next block post. Kaz should still be unconscious either way.

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The phantom frustratingly fails to land a blow, even with fantastical positioning.

Halali barks out good tactical suggestions, but time will tell if they are used.

Bilos heals up Dran a tiny bit. Ander sends another bullet ineffectively into his foe again.

Buffs: NA

Round 6
Red Undead (-34 HP, Fully Dead)
Grunigon (-22 HP, GH)
Halali (delaying)

Yellow Undead (-21 HP, GH)

Round 5
Dran (-17 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

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Even with the Hex expired, Dran's strike is just enough to chop his foe in half. The pieces twitch a bit, but then finally expire. Only one still very dangerous foe remains, but most of the pathfinders are up again!

Buffs: NA

Round 6
Red Undead (-34 HP, Fully Dead)
Grunigon (-22 HP, GH)

Yellow Undead (-21 HP, GH)

Round 5
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Ander blasts a small hole into the zombie. Grunigon 'smites' it with curing energy. And Bilos cures Grunigon, a bit.

Will vs. CLW: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The pathfinders find that sometimes a battle is just attrition. And Cure Light Wounds seems like a small thing, but enough of them added up are tearing these undead to pieces. The ambushing undead foe looks pretty rough.

But not gone. It swings at Grunigon after that nasty positive energy attack.

Nodachi: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 for Slashing: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

The sylvan dwarf doesn't look great either.

Buffs: NA
Red Undead (-15 HP, -2 AC/CMD 1 rd, reduce on start of H turn)
Grunigon (-22 HP, GH)
Yellow Undead (-21 HP, GH)
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Tolvaj waves his arms a bit, but the breeze doesn't seem to harm the zombie. Perhaps his intel was wrong and it actually needs to be hit to be hurt.

With the combat split into two fronts, Halali keeps her focus on the one hovering over Kaztor. Feinting with her weapon she encourages Dran to take advantage of the distraction.

Dran does so! Just barely too. If it weren't for Halali's attack AND Halali's curse, his very average swing would have missed. Maybe someone should thank the lady dwarf instead of taking her for granted. Oh yeah, back to the attack. The blade slices cleanly into the zombie, but it does not yet fall.

Kaztor dreams of a day where he isn't almost dead. Maybe this weekend?

The zombie above him dreams of a day where it isn't undead. Maybe. Or maybe it just wants to share its painful existence by causing more pain. Either way, it hacks at the Draninator.

Nodachi: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 for Slash: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Buffs: NA
Red Undead (-15 HP, -2 AC/CMD 1 rd, reduce on start of H turn)
Grunigon (-17 HP, GH)

Yellow Undead (-9 HP)
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari

Bilos manages to reach out and touch the yellow cloaked jerk.

Will DC 11: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Sizzling undead flesh with the positive energy, like a boss!

The owner of said undead flesh is not happy with this at all. He has chosen his target.

Nodachi vs. Bilos: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

His target is quite fortunate.

Buffs: NA
Red Undead (-2 AC/CMD 2 rds, reduce on start of H turn)
Grunigon (-17 HP, GH)
Yellow Undead (-9 HP)
Dran (-11 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, GH)

Bold may Act!

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I forgot to update Kaz on the tracker. He is now stable.

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Ander moves back, slams in a quick load cartridge and fires again. His bullet thunks solidly into the creature, but just doesn't quite do enough damage to injure the undead monstrosity (DR).

Grunigon's fey hex starts stitching up Dran's wounds, knitting flesh together and restoring blood to his body. Dran is pretty sure he felt the tiniest tug upon his soul in payment, but it's probably nothing to worry about.

Buffs: NA
Red Undead (-2 AC/CMD 2 rds)
Grunigon(-17 HP, GH)
Bilos (held CLW charge)
Yellow Undead (-3 HP)
Dran (-11 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil, GH)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, Bleeding Out, Stabilization Needed, GH)

Bold may Act!

Spell Templates | Dwarf Info | Dwarf Maps | Quah | Trouble in Otari
Bilos Nizhnyy wrote:

The hex should get Kaztor back to conscious.

Bilos waits to see if someone will move to make room for healing.

Clarification is necessary here. The hex cannot be on Kaztor, he was already hexed. I am also pretty sure it was actually intended for Dran. Especially based on who Grunigon was next to when he applied the hex and he also said ‘great big sword’ which Dran has. Grunigon, did you mean Dran or Kaztor?

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Kaztor’s pool of blood stops growing. He is totally fine and probably will get up for a nice walk soon.

Halali’s spirit friends burst forth from the afterlife, whipping around and distracting their foe.

Will DC 14: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

It seems to still relish combat though, hissing and stepping up to slash at Dran!

Nodachi: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 for Slashing: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

And a wicked slash it is, blood is spraying everywhere now!

Buffs: NA
Red Undead (-2 AC/CMD 2 rds)
Grunigon(-17 HP, GH)
Bilos (held CLW charge)

Yellow Undead (-3 HP)
Dran (-20 HP, War Mind +1 AC, Prot Evil)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, Bleeding Out, Stabilization Needed, GH)

SOUTH HALLWAY DOOR (0/15 HP, destroyed, doesn't act)

Bold may Act!

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I stole this earlier post from kaervek78 who did all the hard work. Then I did a little updating.

GM TOP: Elf Eldritch Knight, Fighter/Wizard frontliner/arcane buffer

bluedove: Druid, frontliner/scout/healer in a pinch

phaeton_nz: fighter, frontliner; maybe wizard(arcane caster?)

Luke_Parry: gish - probably a Ranger/Diviner/Eldritch Knight, frontliner/arcane self-buffer

John Woodford: half-elf finesse fighter with maybe a couple of levels in rogue, frontliner/scout/disabler

kaervek78: dwarven cleric of Desna (with the Luck and Travel domains), divine caster/support


The player we lost was a bard with maybe a dip into rogue or at least get disable device, but we don’t ’need’ a bard to replace them. A second cleric would be very useful, especially for this scenario when our current cleric is GM’ing. We have a lot of melee too, but as our players diversify a bit that may hopefully take care of itself. I expect my PC to get a lot more combat versatility once he gets a casting class. I think a few of us are still deciding what routes to take.

The most important thing to me at least is to play a PC I am excited about or will have fun with. I have seen (and been) bored players give up on a PC they couldn’t connect with just because they played a PC they didn’t enjoy for a group that needed a ‘role’ filled.

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Dran bisects and obliterates his foe. These undead really aren’t tough, is what it looks like he is thinking. But he doesn’t say it cause Kaztor is sorta bleeding out right next to him.

Tolvaj gives a really nice one two punch combo, feinting and then striking hard! Sadly though the zombie expects a one two combo and barely gets hurt by it (Crit did not confirm and DR soaked five damage).

Buffs: NA
Blue Undead (-52 HP, It is No More, GH)
Red Undead
Grunigon(-17 HP, GH)
Bilos (held CLW charge)
Yellow Undead (-3 HP)
Dran (War Mind +1 AC)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, Bleeding Out, Stabilization Needed, GH)

SOUTH HALLWAY DOOR (0/15 HP, destroyed, doesn't act)

Bold may Act!

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I will second that welcome. I also feel that a planned break like yours should be easily worked around.

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The undead are as expected, immune to mind effecting thingies.

Chop vs Door: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 for Smash: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Slamming its way through the splintered door, the wild eyed undead menaces the rear reserves of dwarves.

While Tolvaj technically has a readied action, I think it would be wiser to skip that and take his normal full attack instead of a single readied action.

Buffs: NA
Blue Undead (-13 HP, GH)
Red Undead
Grunigon(-17 HP, GH)
Bilos (held CLW charge)
Yellow Undead
Dran (War Mind +1 AC)
Kaztor (-38 HP, Unconscious, Bleeding Out, Stabilization Needed, GH)

SOUTH HALLWAY DOOR (0/15 HP, destroyed, doesn't act)

Bold may Act!

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PM’d our alternate option, they should post here if available.