
Ekundayo "Ekun" Trollkiller's page

60 posts. Alias of Papa-DRB.

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I just received the note about the 2nd Edition Kingmaker books on the way to Paizo so it is time for me to setup for my Play by Post to be run on Paizo for this.

I am an original Pathfinder 1E player, and while I have the 2E books, I have not played 2E at all.

What I am looking for are hints on how to handle PbP for 2E. Especially how folks in PbP handle the "react" action, and transitioning between "exploration" and "encounter" modes.

Thanks for any help.

My main character is a Lawful Good Ranger. I found Radiance, and it was just a cold iron longsword (masterwork?).

For giggles, I started a new game, with a Paladin. When I found Radiance, the dialog changed dramatically and it became a +1 cold iron longsword.

If I continue with the Ranger, does Radiance ever become what it is in the Tabletop game, or does the main character have to be a Paladin?

-- david

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now that the Kickstarter has begun (backer #48 here), can we please have a sub-forum to discuss, thanks


-- david


-- david

Apologies if this has been answered else where, as my search-fu stinks.

In the above order, I have the Modules and Roleplaying Game subscriptions. In the details it lists the Fall of Plaguestone (module) and the Core Rule Book (PF2), but there is no mention of the Bestiary.

Will the Bestiary be included? thanks,

-- david

I just saw this and was going to purchase the $100, print, pdf and slipcase for the campaign and companion guide. However it is $999.00 to ship it??? to New York, USA???

Is this for real, or is it a rather large error.

-- david

Now that the final Return of the Runelords adventure has shipped, please cancel my Adventure Path Subscription.

Will start it up again when the first PF2 AP starts in August,

thanks -- david

My downloads is missing the One File Per Chapter version. The Single File version is there.

-- david

I was an early backer for this in Kickstarter, and am supposed to get some "in game" items. Up to two hot fixes ago, I believe that I was getting them automatically (a signet ring, a belt, and a spell) in one of the chests in Oleg Trading Post. Now they are not there.

When I downloaded the game I used the "digital downloads" claim code (15 characters long), but I also got a "digital rewards" code that I have never used. How do I use that second code to get my rewards back?

thanks, -- david

edit: I got the codes and program from Steam.

My downloads is missing the One File Per Chapter version. The Single File version is there.

-- david

Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

DM rolls:

?: 1d20 ⇒ 11d4 ⇒ 3

It is a warm spring day in Roderic's Cove, after a cool crisp morning. Being Market Day, most of the town is in the Circle(9) trading, selling and buying food and supplies. As a group, you enter the market and Halder Makrosh, a retired adventurer who runs the market greets each of you by name, and suggests that you might stop at two booths, Conrel’s General Store run by Varna Rigsten and the Cove Armory run by Lyndwyn Suvasa, as both have received some strange items that might be available at a slightly cheaper price to young adventurers just starting out as no one in Roderic's Cove seems to be interested.

Map Updated

Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

This is a lurker friendly thread, and discussion for all things pertaining to this campaign.

-- david

Please provide a complete character sheet for a first level character including, description, personality, look ahead (where you see your character going, ie. multi-class, prestige classes, etc.), history, which includes a good tie in to your campaign trait. You are 1st level characters, so no need for pages of history. No need for an alias yet. Only selected characters will be required to set one up.

Recruitment ends on Thursday, October 25th at 08:00 EDT. Five characters will be selected and announced Saturday, October 27th. Play will begin on Tuesday, October 30th. As this is only the 2nd recruitment thread for this AP (as far as I can determine), if I get overwhelmed with submission, with 36 hours or so notice, I will shut down recruitment so if you are interested, don't wait till the end.

Character Creation Guidelines
All the following information and more are in the profile for my DM id. Please read, or at least have a passing understanding of what is there. In addition to character creation it includes formatting, how I run the game, as well as odds'n'ends: DM Papa.DRB

  • 20 point character buy. All scores 10 or greater after racial adjustments.
  • Sources, Races, Classes allowed: Core Rule Book (CRB), Advanced Players Guide (APG).
  • One Campaign Trait for Return of the Runelords. Return of the Runelords Players Guide
  • One other trait, no drawbacks.
  • Alignment. LG, NG preferred. CG, LN, TN, CN acceptable. NO Evil.
  • Maximum gold for 1st level.
  • Maximum hit points all levels.

  • Modified Background Skills: Two extra skill points per level from the following list:
  • Appraise
  • Craft (any)
  • Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, nobility)
  • Linguistics
  • Perform (any)
  • Profession (any)

    PbP rules & General notes:

  • This is an Adventure Path. You must be willing to follow the campaign premise and plot.
  • You are an adventurer. You must be willing, even eager, to go into situations no sane, average citizen would get into.
  • Posting: Minimum once per day on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and once over the three day weekend (Saturday, Sunday, Monday).
  • To speed up play, I will roll group perception, group initiative, and other group and individual rolls as appropriate / needed.
  • Please provide your timezone in GMT. I am in upstate New York, USA, GMT -5.
  • Light Role Playing.

    This adventure specific notes, information not in my DM id profile:

    Campaign Traits: (Normal for all others. These three are “special”)

  • Accidental Clone: Only one character allowed this trait.
  • Audrahni’s Ally: Only one character allowed this trait.
  • Close allies: If two or more characters wish to take this trait, or multiple sets of characters, you are either accepted or rejected together. (ie. one set of siblings, and/or one set of lovers. Each set is either accepted / rejected together)

  • The selected PCs know each other. You are either a resident of Roderic's Cove, or you have been here for a month or more. You have heard about the deadly confrontation between rival gangs a few days ago, however right now you are now together at the Circle Market looking to buy things. This will be made clear in first game post.
  • Hunting for bargains. Per JJ, that is 10% off, not 10% of price. Make your rolls. Don't be greedy, as I will approve / disapprove choices. This is the only time and only item that will be able to purchase that is NOT from the CRB / APG. You will be getting treasure that is NOT from the CRB / APG.
  • The selected PCs will either have to provide a 17th or so level character that has played either Rise of the Runelords or Shattered Star to be part of the Sihedron Heroes, or will create one with my assistance.
  • Please read the Player's Guide fairly thoroughly, as it contains lots of information that you need when creating characters.

    -- david, DM Papa.DRB

  • At the Sycamore Tree there are three levels: Above ground; Caves; Depths

    I am "assuming" that the shaman is in the depths, but I can not find him. This is after meeting Kesten Garess, doing Pine Patch(?), then going back to the Sycamore Tree. Shouldn't the shaman be there by then?

    Also, where is the moon radish patch. Can't find that either.

    Also, when does the Stag Lord fort become visible. I am "assuming" that it is in the fog you can't get thru in the southern half of the map.

    Also, and hopefully finally, does anyone have a map of the Greenbelt with all the locations, trails on it?

    -- david

    I have been trying to setup a list for a (soon to be) recruitment thread and the list and * tags are not working properly.

    ======== code ===== change ( to [
    (*]Craft (any)
    (*]Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, nobility)
    (*]Perform (any)
    (*]Profession (any)

    Only the first * has the "dot". Remove a "." and then two have "dots", remove the other "." and then three have "dots". If there are three or more lines of text, whether just a simple '.' or real text above the list or * then the list/dot doesn't work.

    -- david

    I just ordered the Curse of the Crimson Throne (PFRPG) hardcover, as the additional 10% downtime made the purchase irresistible.

    It did not show up as a "side cart" item however to be shipped with September subscription.

    Should it? or am I missing something?

    thanks, -- david

    This thread:

    http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2van3?Pathfinder-Playtest-checking-characters-f or

    I can mouse over the thread and it shows some of the post, but opening the thread and it is bare, ie. no text. Also it should be moved, if it does exits, to one of the Playtest forums.


    -- david

    Greetings to applicants. Looking for a replacement character, that must be a Paladin of Iomedae.

    Some Applicants: I want to play a something else.
    DM Papa-DRB (waves hand) This is not the recruitment thread you are looking for.
    Some Applicants: Yes, this is not the recruitment thread we are looking for.
    DM Papa-DRB (waves hand) You will now leave this thread.
    Some Applicants: Yes, we will leave this thread now. (leaves thread)

    Now that only the Paladins of Iomedae are here. We are in the last exploration area of Chapter 3, and then the group is heading back to base (Drezen). At that point the current Paladin will be leaving the group, and we need someone to take his place.

    The easiest way in is;
    1) You were one of the Paladins in the army that retook Drezen from the demons and wish to be more active.
    2) You were a Paladin in Queen Galfrey retinue that is now occupying Drezen and wish to be more active.
    3) You are an itinerant Paladin and received a vision from Iomedae.
    4) Something else, as long as you end up in Drezen and wish to join this group of adventurers.

    The current cast of characters is:
    Name ;; Character class and level ;; Mythic path and tier ;; Campaign trait
    Aladir Cyruthion ;; Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11 ;; Trickster 4; ;; Chance Encounter
    Alikia Sokol ;; Female Half Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 11 ;; Archmage 3 ;; Riftwarden Orphan
    Ezro Lindran ;; Male Half-Elf Cleric of Iomedae 11 ;; Heirophant 4 ;; Touched by Divinity
    Hyram Grimstalk ;; Male Human Inquisitor 11 ;; Guardian 4 ;; Exposed to Awfulness
    Quinn Inktooth ;; Male Demon-Spawn Tiefling Paladin 8/Bard 2 ;; Champion/Hierophant 4 ;; Stolen Fury ( Link to Quinn)

    LINK to original recruitment thread, where you will find the character creation rules. Check that thread for questions before asking here please.

    By the time you meet up with the group they will be character level 12 and mythic tier 5, so create your character at that level. When you all meet, Quinn will give you his sword, Radiance (campaign longsword), as he has had a vision from Iomedae, which will strip him of his mythic path / tier and transfer the energy to you so you gain your mythic path / tier at that time. Give yourself at least a +1 longsword that you will give to Quinn. Starting wealth will be what is normal for 12th level characters. Couple of caveats for character build; at least ¾ of your levels must be Paladin, preferably all; no occult or guns; core races plus aasimar and tiefling only. I will leave this recruitment thread open for two weeks, or perhaps longer depending on how fast they get thru the last area. You will meet the group in about 3-4+ weeks of real time.

    – david

    My understanding is; If I make two posts that are identical there is code that "rejects" the second attempt.

    Question, how far back does the code look?

    I tried to make a post in one of my game play threads and it was identical to a post that was 1) on the same page, 2) six posts earlier; and it would not post it.

    -- david

    My group and I are having a conversation about what a summoned creature (tiger) can do when it is summoned.

    Two situations:

    1) Standard summon (1 round summon time)
    a) Start summoning at the beginning of round 1
    b) Creature appears beginning of round 2
    c) Creature gets full attack (tiger - claw/claw/bite). We agree on this.

    2) Sacred Summons (standard action summon time)
    a) Start summoning at the beginning of round 1
    b) Creature appears in the middle of round 1
    c) Disagreement time:
    I say the creature only gets a standard action (ie. one attack) during round 1
    Group says the tiger gets a full round action (ie. all three attacks) during round 1

    Which of us is correct, and why?


    -- david

    If this is in the wrong section, please move.

    In Paizo rules there is a Death domain, but no Life domain for clerics. Is there a third party supplement that has a Life domain, not Healing, Restoration, Resurrection, etc. but specifically Life.

    -- david

    I just read about "Return of the Runelords" AP quite accidentally, so I went searching for the list of Adventure Paths.

    Click on "Store" which takes me to http://paizo.com/store
    Click on "Pathfinder" which takes me to http://paizo.com/store/pathfinder
    Click on "Pathfinder Adventure Path" which takes me to http://paizo.com/pathfinder

    Can't go anywhere from there. There is a place to on "Pathfinder" which takes me back to the same page.

    How do I get to the list of Adventure Paths, please.

    thanks, -- david

    You say this is part one of five parts.


    What are the character levels for each of the parts?
    When do you expect the rest of the parts to be available?
    How many "pages" is each adventure?


    -- david

    Under the Mystic Healer Connection, it says:

    "Spells: 1st—6th mystic cure; replaced by 1st—lesser remove condition, 2nd—remove condition, 3rd—remove affliction, 4th—
    restoration, 5th—greater remove condition"

    Does that mean that a Mystic with the Healer connection CAN NOT take the Mystic Cure line of spells as Spells Known?

    I am confused by the "replaced by" phraseology.

    -- david

    I just received the following PM from Markins.

    Sent 3 hours, 11 minutes ago
    From Markins Add to Contacts
    To Papa-DRB
    Subject Frog God Games Discord Server Reply
    Howdy, Frog God Games the makers of Swords and Wizardry, Rappan Athuk, Tomb of Abysthor, and Slumbering Tsar just launched their official discord server last week. I would like to invite you to come join us to talk about Swords and Wizardry, 5th Edition, Pathfinder, Starfinder and other Frog God Game products.

    We have voice channels for pickup game, playtesting, lots of free content, and resources.

    Step 1.) Go here https://discordapp.com/download
    Step 2.) Click which is best for you Windows, Mac, Android, IOS, or Linux and download it.
    Step 3.) Once it has finished downloading click the + button surrounded by a dotted circle on the left hand side
    Step 4.) Click the Join a Server button and copy and paste this into it https://discord.gg/HKUZfUv

    I have no idea who it is, and there are no posts, threads, alias, profile or anything under this ID. I have blocked the ID from sending me anything else, but would like to report it to the Powers That Be.

    -- david

    I have been a loyal Firefox user for years, but the latest updates of a month or so ago (v54?) is really horrible. Slows down web pages, etc. So I have switched to Chrome. I have the few Extensions that I use (Flashcontrol, Adblock, Stylish) working except for one thing.

    Under Firefox I added this code to Stylish:

    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
    @-moz-document domain("paizo.com") {
    .messageboard-listing-no-new-posts a:link {
    background-color: #F781F3 !important;

    which makes the background color of followed threads have a purplish background. While this works well with Firefox, it does not work at all with Chrome.

    It is used for URLs beginning with https://secure.paizo.com and http://paizo.com. Can someone give me a hint on how to fix this. While it is not critical, it really was nice.

    -- david


    One of the folks had to drop out, and I am recruiting a new player. The group is at a point where a new character would be quite easy to bring in.

    Currently the party consists of:
    Male Human Druid
    Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
    Male Human Bard
    Male Human Ranger (Guide)

    There is currently an NPC Sorcerer and Robot. Both of whom will be leaving the party shortly, so the above is the group.

    Please provide the following information in your request to join:
    A complete character sheet for a third level character, including description, personality, history, look ahead. No need for an alias yet. Only the selected characters will be required to set one up.

    This PbP will be based on Legendary Games Legendary Planet AP, a Sword and Planet adventure.

    Recruitment ends on Thursday, June 15th.

    Character Creation Guidelines
    20 point character buy. All scores 10 or greater after racial adjustments.
    Allowed sources:
    CRB - Core Rulebook
    APG – Advanced Player Guide
    Drop Dead Studios:
    SoP – Spheres of Power
    Races allowed: Core Rule Book only.
    Classes allowed: All from the above books, except NO cavaliers.
    One Basic, Race, Regional or Religion trait from the APG, ask first (no Adopted, nor Rich Parents, nor some others). You will be able to select a Campaign trait from the Players Guide for this AP during Chapter 1, ie. after the Prequel.
    250 gp.
    Maximum hit points all levels.
    Alignment. LG, NG preferred. CG, LN, TN, CN acceptable. NO Evil.
    Excepts from the Legendary Planets Players Guide:
    1. Character Focus: The environment and situations the PCs will encounter will likely change many times over the course of the interplanetary story line. So, focusing intensely on a single aspect or creating a “one trick pony” with an affinity for a single terrain or culture may not work as well as focusing on a character’s versatility and adaptability.
    2. Skills: These adventures necessitate that characters overcome both the physical and mental challenges imposed by entirely new worlds, technologies, and adversaries. Thus, spending skill ranks on skills which aid in exploration, such as Climb, Perception, Survival, and Swim, will provide ample opportunities for a PC to shine. Similarly, social skills will prove an absolute must in interacting with other cultures—either by placating them, winning them over to the PCs’ cause, or perhaps just aggravating and stymieing them on the battlefield in order to impress or inspire potential allies. Knowledge skills involving arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, and even geography will provide important, relevant information regardless of where these adventures take the PCs. And, in some cases, they may prove vital in solving various mysteries and opposing certain enemies. Also, as you will be traveling to alien places with different “common” tongues, it behooves you that one or more party members invest in Linguistics.
    At the beginning of Chapter 1 ”To Worlds Unknown” the PCs have the possibility to “change their characters race”, here are the new playable races, with a picture and a little information regarding them. Choosing a new race would be via player / DM agreement, not a DM nor a player dictate. If you would be interested in this, let me know in your application. I will only allow one or two PCs to change race.

    PbP rules
    Posting: Weekday – at least once per day, more if you can do it. Weekend – at least once.
    To speed up play, I will usually roll perception, survival, initiative, and other group and individual rolls as appropriate / needed.
    Please provide your timezone in GMT. I am in upstate New York, USA, GMT -5.

    -- david, DM Papa.DRB

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    1st post in new gameplay thread.

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    1st post in the discussion thread for the continuation of bluedove Rise of the Runelords game, now DM'd by Papa.DRB.

    All folks please check in.

    See campaign info for link back to the original campaign.

    I am taking over a Rise of the Runelords campaign, and we need a replacement character. Here is a LINK to the campaign. Eventually Paizo will put me as the GM for it.

    Currently there is a:
    Fighter (going Paladin at some point)
    Bard (archeologist)

    The group needs another front line character; Paladin, Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian.

    Original character creation guidelines - updated

    - 2nd Level
    - 20 Point Buy
    - 500 gp. No magic
    - Max HP all levels
    - Races: CRB only.
    - 2 Traits + 1 Campaign Trait. No drawbacks.
    - Alignment: Good or LN, N. No CN or Evil.

    I would like to have a few characters to choose from by Monday 8 May.

    -- david

    My wife and I are snagging two tickets to the Aretha Franklin concert here in our home town, and the gala tickets which included premier seating and invitation to the gala at the local grand ballroom, are going to break the entertainment budget badly, but the opportunity to see the Queen of Soul is just too much to pass up for us.

    So please cancel the two following pre-orders so we can afford it;

    Order 4204863 - Starfinder Core Rulebook
    Order 4207746 - Starfinder Adventure Path (Book 1 of 6)

    thanks, and sorry for the trouble.

    -- david

    I am running a Rise of the Runelords campaign and our fighter Kizzy is missing.

    Currently there is a slayer, cleric, wizard and bard.

    In my mind and in alphabetical order a barbarian, fighter or paladin would be a good fit, but we are open to other options.

    Build requirements:
    - 7th level
    - max hit points all levels
    - wealth: 10,500 but nothing more than +1 enhancement.
    - 20 point buy, max one 18, min one 8 after racial adjustments at 1st level. Fourth level bump.
    - 3 traits, 1 of which is a Campaign trait
    - no race builder nor technology nor psionics

    For those that know anything about RotR, the group is at the very end of book 2 in the Clock Tower. The new character would come in after they finish that section so probably in a couple weeks, so I will leave this open for about 1 week.

    You could be a long lost friend of the fighter, or know her adoptive halfling parents, which would be your hook into the group.

    Any questions, please ask.

    -- david

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    You arrived in the city of Bildt on the island of Aegos seven days ago. After purchasing supplies, especially a cold weather outfit, getting directions to Rybalka, and hiring someone to ferry you across The Broken Bay, you set out five days ago for the small village, and the annual Vigil of Light ceremony where the moonshard was brought out and the light was displayed on the longest night of the year. It has been cold, snow has fallen occasionally on your journey, and you had to push the last day to ensure that you arrived at Rybalka before the ceremony would start after dark on Kuthona 22nd, which is the Winter Solstice.

    As you approach the village you make your way down the street, you realize that the expected murmur of activity is missing and that the settlement of Rybalka seem ominously quiet and cold. Then rounding a building, you spot a group of villagers carrying torches towards the large stone cathedral on the edge of town. Following them, you see they rap on the doors, which are opened for a brief moment, allowing a sound of voices to escape along with some light and heat, causing the air to steam. The interior of the building is bathed in warm, inviting reds and oranges, sharply contrasting the cold whites and blues of the snow and ice surrounding you in the darkness outside.

    You suddenly feel quite vulnerable standing out here all alone. The last of the villagers round the bend and pass by you, heading for the cathedral.

    "You coming!?" one of the women calls, her voice suggesting that any other choice would be madness.

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    This will be a Solo Tristalt campaign based on "The Rise of the Drow" trilogy from AAW Games. It will run from Level 1 thru 20 (or so).

    This is the discussion thread. All are welcome to ask questions, make comments and in general discuss what is done in the Gameplay thread and the game in general.

    Lurkers - Please do NOT post in the gameplay thread, thank you.

    Rednal - Welcome aboard.

    -- david

    In one of my games, there is definitely a NPC "sorcerer" with charm person, sleep, and comprehend languages spells. I am looking for a third level SoP character to replace her. Probably will be a short term character from level 3 thru 5, and would like some suggestions on how to "stat" her up.

    So far I have (20 point buy) with a race that gets +2 to charisma:
    S: 10, D: 14, Co: 14, I: 10, W: 10, Ch: 18
    Neutral Good
    Eliciter 3

    Mind sphere (free)
    Sleep (charm)
    Group charm


    The other character, possibly, would be a Soul Weaver from character level 5 thru 8 (or so).

    While I do not have this one even started, I am thinking human, Life and Death spheres, but I don't know where to go from there.


    -- david

    I am trying to build an Oradin (Oracle / Paladin), and have some questions.

    I have read the Giant in the Playground Thread on the guide to Oradin. The thing that I am most interested in is, what order should I take Paladin / Oracle levels.

    So far:
    Human Paladin (Hospitaliter) 1
    Ability scores: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16 (14+2) (20 point buy)
    Skills: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Perception, K (religion) (all maxed)
    Traits: Seeker (Perception as class skill), Campaign
    Feats: Fey Foundling, Power Attack

    I am thinking of:
    Paladin 1
    Paladin 1 / Oracle 1 (pick up Life Mystery and Life Link, Clouded Vision Curse)
    Paladin 2 / Oracle 1
    Paladin 2 / Oracle 4 (pick up Oracle Channel)
    Paladin x / Oracle 4 (rest of levels Paladin)

    Feats: Toughness, Extra Lay on Hands, ?????

    Does anyone have any other ideas, especially as to what order to take levels in and what other feats?

    -- david

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    Could you please add to your list of possible PbP Recruitment improvement the following three options.

    When creating the thread in the Recruitment section the Thread Creator (hopefully the GM):

    1) has the option of pressing one of three buttons that would define the Ruleset for the game, and add the tag at the beginning of the subject line.

    [PFRPG] or [PFS] or [<5 character other>], with the default being [PFRPG]. I have seen some recruitment threads where it is just not clear what ruleset is being used and I have seen others post the same question.

    2) has the option of pressing one of two buttons that would define whether it is [OPEN RECRUITMENT] or [CLOSED RECRUITMENT], with default being [OPEN RECRUITMENT].

    3) Allow the thread creator after recruitment is over, to "edit" the first post by pressing a button that removes the tag from 2 above and puts something like [RECRUITMENT FINISHED] or something like that to let folks know that the game has been filled.

    Thanks for listening,

    -- david

    I am creating a character for a PbP and the DM says to use Background Skills, which I have not used in the past.

    Situation: Ranger, Favored Enemy (Gnoll), Human, 10 Int so no extra skills.

    With his background he needs four Background Skills, 1-Linguistics(gnoll), 1-Profession(soldier), Max-Handle Animal and Max-Knowledge (geography).

    With only two background skills am I limited to having to take Linguistics and Profession at 1st level Ranger, then Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) at 2nd (and beyond) level Ranger, or can I use two of my "regular" skill points, including the Favored Class Bonus skill point and pick up all four at 1st level Ranger?

    I have read the PRD rules section on Background Skills and it does not specify one way or the other.

    -- david

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hello All,

    I am taking over a Rise of the Runelords campaign, and another character is needed. Per the title, a martial character with skills.

    Currently there is a fighter, cleric, wizard and bard.

    In my mind and in alphabetical order a ranger or rogue or slayer would be a good fit, but am open to other options. The character does need to enter melee combat so don't make a glass cannon.

    Build requirements:
    - 6th level
    - max hit points all levels
    - wealth: 8,000 but nothing more than +1 enhancement.
    - 20 point buy, max 18, min 8 after racial adjustments, and only 1 8 allowed.
    - 3 traits, 1 of which is a Campaign trait
    - no race builder nor technology nor psionics

    For those that know anything about RotR, the group is in the middle of Book 2, in the Manor house. The new character would come in after they finish that section so probably in 3 or 4 weeks, so I will leave this open for about 2 weeks.

    Any questions, please ask.

    -- david

    I have taken over the following campaign. Please transfer ownership to my userid "DM Papa.DRB" and rename the threads,

    Gameplay Thread: "DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelords - Gameplay"
    Discussion Thread: "DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelords - Discussion"
    Recruitment Thread: "DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelords - Recruitment"

    Thanks a lot,

    -- david

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    OOC – Lurkers and Players please read:
    Lurkers – Please do not post, even "dot" posts in this thread. Use the discussion thread for any questions, comments, etc.
    Players – Please try and only use only your characters alias in this thread. I will probably be the first one to forget and use my primary rather than my DM alias, but I'll try.

    You arrived in Kaer Maga yesterday evening and after spending the last of your money for a night at an inn, this morning you decided to walk around this strange town before looking for work. Passing by the Temple in the Downmarket area, you see a crowd of people gathering near the front, and you push your way forward into the crowd. What a sight, a troll, dressed in bloody clothes that looks like they have been slit open across the stomach multiple times is holding on to her entrails and screaming aloud. This must be one of the Augurs, a group of troll prophets you have heard about. As you move forward near the front of the crowd, she stares at several of you in turn, a maddened look on her face, and yells, ”Death from Beyond! Holver's Ferry is where the apocalyptic ruin of the world will begin. Strange beings! Sickness, disease, madness. Holver's Ferry will doom us all!” With her prophetic utterance finished she sits down, the strange look on her face passing as she stuffs her entrails back into her body and the wounds start to heal. She ignores the stares and questions from all, as she heads into the Temple. When she leaves and the crowd disperses, you see four others, besides yourself, still standing there looking around.

    And so it begins. Introduce yourselves, and I will move the game forward Monday.

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    Lurker friendly thread.

    Players, please check in. Create your alias and finish up character sheets, thanks.

    -- david

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I know there is a lot of text, but please read it all

    You arrived in Kaer Maga yesterday evening and after spending the last of your money for a night at an inn, this morning you decided to walk around this strange town before looking for work. Passing by the Temple in the Downmarket area, you see a crowd of people gathering near the front, and you push your way forward into the crowd. What a sight, a troll, dressed in bloody clothes that looks like they have been slit open across the stomach multiple times is holding on to her entrails and screaming aloud. This must be one of the Augurs, a group of troll prophets you have heard about. As you move forward near the front of the crowd, she stares at several of you in turn, a maddened look on her face, and yells, ”Death from Beyond! Holver's Ferry is where the apocalyptic ruin of the world will begin. Strange beings! Sickness, disease, madness. Holver's Ferry will doom us all!” With her prophetic utterance finished she sits down, the strange look on her face passing as she stuffs her entrails back into her body and the wounds start to heal. She ignores the stares and questions from all, as she heads into the Temple. When she leaves and the crowd disperses, you see four others, besides yourself, still standing there looking around.

  • Please provide the following information in your request to join:
    A complete character sheet for a first level character, including description, personality, history, look ahead and the reason you are “accepting” the prophetic call to go to Holver's Ferry. No need for an alias yet. Only selected characters will be required to set one up.

  • This PbP will be based on Legendary Games Legendary Planet AP, a Sword and Planet adventure. Think of the 2012 movie “John Carter of Mars” or better yet the Barsoom series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs which the movie is based on. There are 8 adventures, a Prequel (Chapter 0) and 7 Chapters, taking the characters from Level 1 to Level 20. The Prequel will be set in the world of Golarion (aka Paizo default setting).

  • Recruitment ends on Thursday, March 17th. Five characters will be selected and announced Saturday, March 19th. Play will begin on Tuesday, March 22nd.

    Character Creation Guidelines

  • 20 point character buy. All scores 10 or greater after racial adjustments.
  • Allowed sources:
    CRB - Core Rulebook
    APG – Advanced Player Guide
    Drop Dead Studios:
    SoP – Spheres of Power
    SoP:EO – Spheres of Power: Expanded Options
  • Races allowed: Core Rule Book only.
  • Classes allowed: All from the above books, except NO cavaliers. Anyone with an animal companion or familiar will not have it during the first two-thirds of Chapter 1 and you will have to obtain a new one later in that chapter.
  • One Basic, Race, Regional or Religion trait from the APG, ask first (no Adopted, nor Rich Parents, nor some others). You will be able to select a Campaign trait from the Players Guide for this AP during Chapter 1, ie. after the Prequel.
  • Average gold for 1st level. Spend it all, no left over cash, gems or jewelry. No need to buy equipment when applying, this can be done after the group is chosen.
  • Maximum hit points all levels.
  • Alignment. LG, NG preferred. CG, LN, TN, CN acceptable. NO Evil.
  • A five person party will be selected. Minimum one from each of the following groups: Warrior, Divine, Arcane, Skill
  • Excepts from the Legendary Planets Players Guide:
    1. Character Focus: The environment and situations the PCs will encounter will likely change many times over the course of the interplanetary storyline. So, focusing intensely on a single aspect or creating a “one trick pony” with an affinity for a single terrain or culture may not work as well as focusing on a character’s versatility and adaptability.
    2. Skills: These adventures necessitate that characters overcome both the physical and mental challenges imposed by entirely new worlds, technologies, and adversaries. Thus, spending skill ranks on skills which aid in exploration, such as Climb, Perception, Survival, and Swim, will provide ample opportunities for a PC to shine. Similarly, social skills will prove an absolute must in interacting with other cultures—either by placating them, winning them over to the PCs’ cause, or perhaps just aggravating and stymieing them on the battlefield in order to impress or inspire potential allies. Knowledge skills involving arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, and even geography will provide important, relevant information regardless of where these adventures take the PCs. And, in some cases, they may prove vital in solving various mysteries and opposing certain enemies. Also, as you will be traveling to alien places with different “common” tongues, it behooves you that one or more party members invest in Linguistics.
  • At the beginning of Chapter 1 ”To Worlds Unknown” the PCs have the possibility to “change their characters race”, here are the new playable races, with a picture and a little information regarding them. Choosing a new race would be via player / DM agreement, not a DM nor a player dictate. If you would be interested in this, let me know in your application. I will only allow one or two PCs to change race.
  • Midway thru Chapter 1 you gain a Mythic Tier. The feat is predetermined. As only the Prequel (Chapter 0) and Chapter 1 are out now, I do not know how many more Mythic Tiers that you get.

    PbP rules

  • Posting: Weekday – at least once per day, more if you can do it. Weekend – at least once.
  • To speed up play, I will usually roll perception, survival, initiative, and other group and individual rolls as appropriate / needed.
  • Please provide your timezone in GMT. I am in upstate New York, USA, GMT -5.

    I have a buddy who is invited to participate in this campaign. He will be bringing in a Ranger. That leaves another warrior, divine (melee), arcane (preferably SoP, but CRB/APG are ok) and a skill character.

    -- david, DM Papa.DRB

    Adventure titles, author, levels, brief summary of each:

    The Assimilation Strain by Tom Phillips and Neil Spicer – a prelude adventure to introduce 1st-level characters on any fantasy world to a broader universe of insidious alien invaders.

    To Worlds Unknown by Jim Groves – An adventure for 2nd to 5th level characters, featuring a breakout from an interplanetary prison and the exploration of a crime-infested hub world that could provide a gateway home, or draw the heroes deeper into a web of alien conspiracies and cryptic alliances.

    The Scavenged Codex by Mike Shel – An adventure for 5th to 8th level characters across a post-apocalyptic desert planet in search of the forgotten lore of near-mythical creator races, now jealously guarded by corrupt cultists of the wastes.

    Dead Vault Descent by Matt Goodall – An adventure for 8th to 11th level characters venturing forth to the blasted surface of a tidally locked world, half scorched by eternal sunshine and half frozen by endless darkness. The heroes must brave the primitive swamps of the habitable zone and penetrate the vast catacombs beneath in search of the keepers of hope to unlocking the mysteries of the ancients.

    Confederates of the Shattered Zone by Richard Pett – An adventure for 11th to 14th level characters exploring the post-industrial ruins of an asteroid field, all that remains of a devastated world once held by the descendants of the creator races but bombarded into destruction. Can they recover the tools they need to form a resistance against a rising tide of evil?

    The Depths of Desperation by Steven T. Helt – An adventure for 14th to 17th level characters who must confront an invasion that has already begun as the heroes venture into a watery world inundated by a sinister race of aquatic conquerors. What will they find left behind, and can they halt the aliens’ unstoppable advance?

    Mind Tyrants of the Merciless Moons by Tim Hitchcock - An adventure for 17th to 19th level characters, that takes place among the moons of a gas giant.

    To Kill A Star by Jason Nelson – An adventure for 19th to 20th level characters, that takes place on a constructed Dyson-sphere surrounding a waning star.

  • Telman UP
    Init (HP Cur/Max, AC)

    Telman: 22 (97/97, 19)
    Kreig: 22 (80/80, 22)
    Misha: 21 (81/81, 20)
    Rikar: 19 (92/113, 24)
    Latys: 18 (96/96, 24/28)
    Josef: 11 (84/84, 20)
    Therena: 8 (70/70, 13/17)
    Foe(s): 7

    -- code -- with lead "[" replaced by "(" so it can be seen.

    (b]Telman UP(ooc]
    Init (HP Cur/Max, AC)(/b]
    Telman: 22 (97/97, 19)
    Kreig: 22 (80/80, 22)
    Misha: 21 (81/81, 20)
    Rikar: 19 (92/113, 24)
    Latys: 18 (96/96, 24/28)
    Josef: 11 (84/84, 20)
    Therena: 8 (70/70, 13/17)
    (i]Foe(s): 7(/i](/ooc]

    Why is the closing BOLD at the end of the "Init" line closing the OOC tag? This, to the best of my memory, only started happening recently, in the last week or so as I have been using this particular piece of code for several years.

    -- david

    Narrator [Maps, handouts, pictures: Links in top of page spoiler]

    Players & Lurkers, please read:
    Players - Please try and post here only with your alias, but don't worry if you use another ID, as I will probably be the first one to mess that up.
    Lurkers - Please do not post in this thread at all. Use the Discussion thread, thanks.

    You arrived in the small hamlet of Dronabar just after lunch. Being on the road for several days, the sign over a door displayed a picture of a horrid red troll, with the word Tavern underneath it. Hope the food is better than the name you think as you enter and see an almost empty tavern. The lunch rush being over, the bar maids are finishing the cleaning up, when an ugly half-orc, We only got left overs, iffn yer hungry, and only one open table" and he points to the only table in the place that wasn't used during lunch. As you sit down he instructs a barmaid to take your order and bring you food. While sitting five others, looking much like you, road weary, come in and the Tavern Keeper gives them the same line as you, and soon all six of you are sitting together at the table, eating and talking.

    Introduce yourselves. On Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how you all are interacting, I will move this forward.