DM Papa.DRB |
Please provide a complete character sheet for a first level character including, description, personality, look ahead (where you see your character going, ie. multi-class, prestige classes, etc.), history, which includes a good tie in to your campaign trait. You are 1st level characters, so no need for pages of history. No need for an alias yet. Only selected characters will be required to set one up.
Recruitment ends on Thursday, October 25th at 08:00 EDT. Five characters will be selected and announced Saturday, October 27th. Play will begin on Tuesday, October 30th. As this is only the 2nd recruitment thread for this AP (as far as I can determine), if I get overwhelmed with submission, with 36 hours or so notice, I will shut down recruitment so if you are interested, don't wait till the end.
Character Creation Guidelines
All the following information and more are in the profile for my DM id. Please read, or at least have a passing understanding of what is there. In addition to character creation it includes formatting, how I run the game, as well as odds'n'ends: DM Papa.DRB
PbP rules & General notes:
This adventure specific notes, information not in my DM id profile:
Campaign Traits: (Normal for all others. These three are “special”)
-- david, DM Papa.DRB
DM Papa.DRB |
In addition to Ouachitonian's question. Feats are only from those 2 sources, correct?
Some people don't like the normal summoner, but it is in the APG. Do you have anything against summoners?
Similarly, rogues may not be unchained, correct?
Yes, CRB and APG only, so normal summoner, and regular rogues.
-- david
Note to everyone. If your are wondering if "X" is ok? If it is not in the CRB or APG, then the answer is NO. Sorry folks.
Digger Chandler |
Got my submission down on paper ... (Adjunct) Dr. Predonius X. Tomulus, the son of [Fill in Sidihidron Hero], and local alchemist who may or may not partake in his own less than magical concoctions on the regular. Pathfinder Hunter Thompson, basically. Will transfer to here using your format this weekend.
haydenmccullen |
Alustria Wintersbreath
Female Half-Elf Druid 1
NG Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor,+1 shield, +2 Dex, )
hp 9 ((1d8)+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Speed: 30 ft.
Ranged: Sling +2 (1d4/x2)
Melee: sword, scimitar +0 (1d6/18-20)
Special Attacks: Storm Burst, Ranged Touch +2, 1d6 nonlethal +1/2 druid levels, -2 to target's attack rolls for 1 round
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4; Domain spells in bold)
1st(2+1, DC 14)- Obscuring Mist, Entangle, Cure Light Wounds
Oth (3, castable at will) - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 13,
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Spell Focus Conjuration (1st), Skill Focus: Perception (Racial)
Skills Climb +4(+3), Craft(Sewing) +5, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (Geography) + 5, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perception +12, Survival +9, Swim +4(+3)
Traits Elven Reflexes, Audrahni's Ally
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian, Druidic
SQ elven immunities, humanoid traits, keen senses, low-light vision, nature bond (weather domain), elf blood, nature sense, wild empathy
Combat Gear sling (10 bullets), outfit (peasant's), leather armor, scimitar, dagger
Other Gear sewing needle, thread, holy symbol of Sarenrae, 65.8 gp
Background Skill (Knowledge: Geography, Craft: Sewing)
Orisons You have learned a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Nature Bond: Access to Weather Cleric Domain, 1 domain slot/spell level
Nature Sense: +2 to Survival and Knowledge Nature checks
Wild Empathy: may make check to change the attitude of an animal; add druid level and charisma modifier to check
Keen Senses (Ex) Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.
Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.
Elven Reflexes: +2 to Initiative
Spell Focus: Conjuration
Choose a school of magic. Any spells you cast of that school are more difficult to resist. +1 DC for conjuration spells.
Skill Focus: Perception
Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill. You gain a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If you have at least 10 ranks in the chosen skill, the bonus increases to +6.
DM Papa.DRB |
Here are the submissions that I am aware of.
haydenmccullen; Alustria Wintersbreath; Female Half-Elf Druid; GMT ??
Digger Chandler; Name; Male Race Alchemist; GMT ??
-- david
DM Brainiac |
Okay, here is my submission: Deivon Tomovici, a monk trapped in a runelord's body. My time zone is GMT -5.
If chosen, I will update my stat block to the formatting you prefer. This is just a rough draft I wrote up on my iPad. :)
Female human monk 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Senses: Perception +6
Initiative +4
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d6+3) or flurry of blows +3/+3 (1d6+3)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4+3)
Special Attacks stunning fist 1/day (DC 12)
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
BAB +0; CMB +1; CMD 18
Feats: Deflect Arrows*, Improved Unarmed Strike*, Stunning Fist*, Toughness, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Adventuring Skills: Acrobatics +6, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Background Skills: Knowledge (history) +4, Perform (dance) +4
Traits: Accidental Clone (+1 Bluff and Diplomacy, +20 on a save against a mind-affecting effect 1/adventure), Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Languages: Common
Gear: monk's kit, monk's outfit, sling, 10 bullets, 52 gp
When he was just a boy, goblins attacked the town during the annual Swallowtail Festival. He watched in awe as a band of brave adventurers fought them off--the very same adventurers who would one day become the Sihedron Heroes! He knew that one day he would follow in their footsteps. Once he turned eighteen, he joined up with a group of likeminded explorers and set out to plumb the depths of the ancient dungeons of Varisia.
Unfortunately, his first real adventure ended in disaster. His party came across the statue of a beautiful woman holding a double-bladed polearm. While searching it, his companion foolishly triggered a trap! Black lightning crackled through the chamber, striking his companions. Deivon tried to dodge out of the way of the other bolts, but there were too many. His world exploded into pain as the magical feedback wracked his body, and then--
He felt like his soul was floating free of his body, drifting through an endless silver void...
His heart beat, the sound thundering in his ears. His eyes fluttered open and he took a ragged breath. It felt like he'd been suffocating for an eternity, and the rush of air in his lungs burned with intense relief. He lay there, gasping, for several moments, the world slowly swimming into focus.
The first thing Deivon saw was his own corpse. His dead body lay staring at the ceiling, eyes open in terror. His body was twisted and blackened, wisps of smoke rising from charred flesh. His companions were quite dead as well.
As he looked down, a few raven-black tresses obscured his sight. Everything felt off. He couldn't help but notice the large swell of the breasts now hanging from his chest. Where once he was lean, muscular, and masculine, now he was soft, voluptuous and undoubtedly feminine. He had become a woman--and not just any woman, but the same one that the statue depicted!
Too ashamed to return to Sandpoint, Deivon travelled north, eventually reaching Roderic's Cove. There she decided to stay a while to meditate and research the fate that had befallen her. She has since learned that she's apparently in the body of none other than the Runelord of Lust, Sorshen. She has been having strange dreams lately, urging her to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh that she denied herself as a monk. The more time she spends in this body, the harder it's becoming to resist those urges. She hopes she can find a way back to her original body soon.
haydenmccullen |
Here are the submissions that I am aware of.
haydenmccullen; Alustria Wintersbreath; Female Half-Elf Druid; GMT ??Arcane
Digger Chandler; Name; Male Race Alchemist; GMT ??Dotting
Brainiac-- david
Sorry! GMT - 7 (Pacific Time)
DM Papa.DRB |
Here is Fergus Ironbeard-Dwarf Paladin. I still need to do some work on him, but I wanted to toss his helm into the ring.
Stonelord (what you have in the alias) is from the Advanced Race Guide. That book is not allowed. Please use another archetype.
-- david
Here are the submissions that I am aware of:
Briccone; Fergus Ironbeard; Male Dwarf Paladin; GMT -5 ** Stonelord not allowed **
DM Brainiac; Deivon Tomovici; Female Human Monk; GMT ??
haydenmccullen; Alustria Wintersbreath; Female Half-Elf Druid; GMT -7
Digger Chandler; Name; Male Race Alchemist; GMT ??
-- david
Mat_H |
Here's my submission. I still haven't purchased gear (or the Hunting for Bargains item) and might do some small tweaks, but that can probably wait for if I'm selected. Everything here is 90% complete. Since the witch initially appeared in APG there's not a huge amount of options for them with only the 2 books, so I made her with HeroLab using only those two references to ensure that there were no reference discrepancies. (Also - GMT-5)
Mara Cortescu
Female human witch 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks hexes (cackle, misfortune)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—comprehend languages, mage armor
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
Patron Shadow
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Extra Hex[APG], Improved Initiative
Traits intrigued by thassilon, suspicious
Skills Heal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +8
Background Skills Knowledge (history) +8, Linguistics +5
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Necril, Thassilon, Varisian
SQ witch's familiar (weasel named Arcane Familiar)
Other Gear 180 gp
Special Abilities
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +2 to Reflex saves You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Misfortune (1 round, DC 14) (Su) Foe in 30 ft must take the lower of 2d20 for rolls (Will neg).
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.
Arcane Familiar CR –
N Tiny magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +1
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Defensive Abilities improved evasion
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d3-4)
Space 2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks attach
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6 (10 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse[B]
Tricks Come, Fetch, Heel, Perform, Seek, Track
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Climb +10, Escape Artist +3, Heal +2, Intimidate -2, Linguistics -1, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft -1, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth
SQ come, empathic link, fetch, heel, perform, seek, track
Special Abilities
Attach (Ex) If you hit with the listed attack, you can latch on to your opponent.
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Heel [Trick] The animal will follow you.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Perform [Trick] The animal will perform tricks.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.
Track [Trick] The animal will track a scent.
Mara is a sullen young woman. She usually does not dress with the flair and color of a typical Varisian but instead wears simple traveling clothes and keeps her hair pulled back in a plain tail. She is not initially very friendly with others but once she warms up to a group she works very well with them.
Mara was the daughter of a historian in Sandpoint who unfortunately passed away of natural causes when she was relatively young. She began traveling with a caravan as an apprentice and aid to a fortune-teller to make her way once she realized she did not have enough knowledge to survive as an academic. While traveling she learned some of the arcane arts of her new mentor as well as kept her eyes open for any opportunity to expand her knowledge so that she could eventually follow in her father's footsteps.
The rediscovery of Thassilon's legacy interested her as a study she could be on the forefront of to jumpstart her academic career, and as her lack of real social skills did not bode well for a potential career as a fortune-teller she looked for any opportunity to study Thassilon. When the rumors of activity in Roderick's Cove began which supposedly was associated with Thassilon, she took all of her existing finances and left the caravan at Roderic's Cove hoping to be involved in any way.
A witch using only these books is pretty much just a vanilla core witch with few options, which I actually kind of look forward to. I intend at this point to do no multiclassing or prestige classes, but will look at that again during the campaign if chosen.
Mara will primarily be a buffer/debuffer and backup healer, with some combat ability, starting off with debuffing hexes and going from there, as well as a knowledge/linguistics skill addict.
I'll do the roll now so when I buy gear you know what I'm allowed
Bargain Hunting: 1d20 ⇒ 7
An alchemical item of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
psionichamster |
Male Elf Conjurer 1
LG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init: +3; Senses: Perception +8; Low-Light Vision
Speed: 30, Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Thassilonian, Draconic
AC 13 (+3 Dex) Touch 13 FF 10
HP 6 (1d6)
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3; +2 vs Mind Effecting
Immune: magical sleep
Melee: Staff +0 (1d6)
Ranged: Longbow +3 (1d8 x3) Range 100, Ammo 20 ______
BAB 0 CMB +0 CMD 13
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 16 Con 11 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 10
SQ: Favored Class (Wizard; skills), Keen Senses, Elven Magic, Weapon Training, Arcane Bond (Staff)
SA: Acid Dart (7/day, +3 to hit, 1d4 acid)
Traits: Scion of Legend (stealth, perception), Focused Mind
Feats: Spell Focus: Conjuration, Scribe ScrollB
Skills: Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +8, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +8
Scribing Materials: 15 gp
Combat Gear:
Equipment: backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint & steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, torches (5), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, longbow, arrows (20), dagger
Coin 5 gp
Carried Weight: 32 lbs
Carrying Capacity: Light <33 | Medium <66 | Heavy <100
Spells Prepared: (CL 1, Concentration +6, Spell Resistance +3; DC Spell Level +4, Conjuration +5 / Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, Evocation)
[b]Cantrips: daze, detect magic, message
1st:mage armor, silent image, sleep
0th: All except Necromancy/Evocation
1st: color spray, enlarge person, gravity bow, mage armor, silent image, sleep, summon monster I
Description: Fandrollul is a tall, thin specimen of elf, standing 6’5” and massing 149 lbs. He dresses simply and ready for travel, with dark colored and well-kept tunic, pants, and cloak under a new leather backpack and quiver. He is never seen without his black oaken quarterstaff, using it as a walking stick for the most part. He wears his sandy blonde hair shoulder length, tied back with a leather thong around his brow, and his ageless elven skin and features could belong to a person anywhere from 30 to 140 years of age.
Background: Fandrollul originally wanted to study at the Acadamae in Korvosa, but was put off by the Fiendish bent of the ruling party of Cheliax. He wandered for a little while before meeting and befriending a traveling Illusionist, a gnome named Metaphor. This gnome would become his master, teaching the fledgling wizard all about magic, despite Fandrollul’s proclivities towards Conjuration rather than Illusion. That was no matter, as his master said, because he routinely used misdirection and guile to make his foes believe summoned or called creatures were merely illusory or vice versa. A sharp and creative mind yielded far greater results than one stultified and locked into one mode of thinking. Having learned what he needed to begin his career as an adventuring wizard, Fandrollul set out with the blessing of his master to seek his fortune.
RE: the Scion of Legend, a master/apprentice relationship seemed workable to me. Let me know if that's not so, I can work something else in. The Sihedron Hero would be Metaphor, a gnome Illusionist who went through RotRL way back when in my IRL tabletop days.
Almost forgot, I'm at Eastern US time (GMT -5?) And Fandrollul is gonna go full wizard focusing on summoning (and eventually calling) the most awesome critters out there.
Talomyr |
@Talomyr: I did say above that I would prefer that we're a couple. One of us female, the other male. Which do you prefer?
For class I'm thinking summoner.
I figured that much, but was more curious if you had something in particular in mind. That being if you are really thinking summoner, I think I'll go it alone. Just not a fan of the class in general (and even less so for the original version) and would prefer not to be tied to one.
DM Papa.DRB |
David wrote:Guardian of the Forge is from Ultimate Campaign. Please pick a trait from the APG. Other than that things look good.According to my version of the APG it is on page 333...
Dang, I just looked at my PDF for the APG, and you are correct. Stupid Archives of Nethys, and d20pfsrd show it in Ultimate Campaign.
It is good to go then.
-- david
Mat_H |
Guardian of the Forge is from Ultimate Campaign. Please pick a trait from the APG. Other than that things look good.
According to my version of the APG it is on page 333...
Dang, I just looked at my PDF for the APG, and you are correct. Stupid Archives of Nethys, and d20pfsrd show it in Ultimate Campaign
Yeah you've gotta be careful on that. Both AoN and d20pfsrd will show the most recent reference something was in. For example they both list Alchemist's Fire and Acid Flasks as being Ultimate Equipment even though they were both in the CRB, as UE made full lists of items incorporating everything previous as well as new items.
Celeste Naevirion |
Talomyr here, checking in with my submission, Celeste Naevirion. She is a half-elf diviner of the foresight subschool. My intention is to multi-class her rogue (burglar) and eventually make my way to Arcane Trickster.
@DM Papa.DRB - What's your stance on using starting gold to craft items? In my case, as the character is created I scribed 3 scrolls for a total of 37.5 gp. If that is not alright by you, no worries, I'll just go in and redo those items in question along with the requisite math.
M Morris |
Here is my submission. I am also US Eastern Time Zone (Philadelphia)
Flik Gnilleps, Traveling Librarian
Flik Gnilleps
Bard (Archivist) 1
NG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +3; Senses low-light visionPerc +3, SM +1
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13
HP 10
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3 (+5 vs illusion)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +1 (1d6 19-20)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d4 x3)
Special Attacks
Hatred +1 attack vs goblinoids and reptilians
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
1/day: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak with animals
Bard Spells (CL 1st Concentration +4)
0: dancing lights, daze, detect magic, mage hand
1st (2/day): saving finale, silent image
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Lingering Performance
Traits Time Lost, Vagabond Child
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Giant, Goblin
SQ bardic performance (7 rounds: countersong, distraction, fascinate, naturalist)
Skills Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion) +7, Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, nobility, planes) +3, Perception +3, Perform (oratory) +7, Profession (librarian) +7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +7
Combat Gear leather armor, longsword, shortbow, dagger, acid, alchemist's fire,holy water, arrows (20)
Other Gear backpack, bedroll, rations (8), books (5), chalk (10), flint and steel, thieves' tools
Special Abilities
Bardic knowledge, defensive training, gnome magic, illusion resistance, keen senses
Look Ahead: Flik will be continuing to develop his knowledge skills and ability to support the party. Starting at 2nd level, he will be able to deal with magic traps. Starting at 5th level, he will be able to fill in any skill gaps in the party.
Flik is a personable gnome with black eyes and hair the color of indigo ink. He is usually seen lugging around a knapsack full of old paperback books. He is quick with kind words and loves trading stories and gossip. He loves travel, but more than that he loves all of the communities in Varisia that he has gotten to know over the years.
Flik has spent his adult life wandering from Riddleport to Korvosa, but his favorite places to stop were the small town like Roderic's Cove. He'd set up shop in the corner of the inn and stay for weeks, loaning books to all of the children in the town. Finally, the innkeeper would shoo him out, and he'd be on to the next town, where he would lend his wares to the youth and trade news and stories for more used books. He would say that he knew most of the townsfolk in the country well, after years and years of wandering southern Varisia.
While he would only admit it to his closest confidants, Flik is a bit haunted by some unusual occurrences on his journeys. At times, he will be leaving one town and suddenly seem to be entering another, with no memory of the journey between. He has also experienced visions of strange buildings in the distance that disappear when he draws close to them. So far, he has been able to discount these visions as the result of fatigue or atmospheric conditions.
[ooc]I am flexible on the campaign trait I take. I think that Audrahri's Ally or Intrigued by Thassilon would also be easy matches for my backstory.
DM Papa.DRB |
I very much like what I am seeing so far, so please keep it up.
Here are the submissions that I am aware of:
Briccone; Fergus Ironbeard; Male Dwarf Paladin; GMT -5
DM Brainiac; Deivon Tomovici; Female Human Monk; GMT -5
Buckshot Bob; Grulyn Ironfoot; Male Dwarf Fighter; GMT -8
haydenmccullen; Alustria Wintersbreath; Female Half-Elf Druid; GMT -8
Mat_H; Mara Cortescu; Female Human Witch; GMT -5
psionichamster; Fandrollul Ciandrioglor; Male Elf Conjurer 1; GMT -5
Talomyr; Celeste Naevirion; Wizard (Diviner-Foresight) 1 / Rogue (Burglar) 0 / Arcane Trickster 0; GMT -6
Critzible; Name; ? Halfling Rogue; GMT ??
Digger Chandler; Name; Male Race Alchemist; GMT ??
M Morris; Flik Gnilleps; Male Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1; GMT -5
oyzar Withdrawn
-- david
andreww |
I am also interested in this.
Gabrielle is a tall, well built varisian woman, dark haired and with piercing blue eyes. Her armour is decorated with tokens from her travels, feathers, small maps, beads and other items and she is often seen sketching maps or pictures of monuments, people and places she meets along the trail.
Gabrielle is young, impetuous, keen and full of life. She wants nothing more than to see the world, explore all of its nooks and crannies and meet interesting new people. She is the first up in the morning and the last to bed, often spending hours watching the stars turn overhead.
Gabrielle was born to a family of travelling Varisians. Her mother was a Harrow practitioner, her father a wanderer by the name of Casomir Gallonica who claimed to be on a quest to stop Karzoug from waking up. He left her with nothing but her name and a whole host of stories of Runelords, Giants and strange magic. When she was blessed by the Flames of Desna one mid Winter festival she decided it was time to learn more about her past. Kissing her parents goodbye she decided to start where her father told her it all began, the small town of Roderic's Cove.
Looking Ahead
Gabrielle will be staying as a single classed Oracle. She will be primarily a spell casting support and healer character with a sideline in melee.
Gabrielle Gallonica
Human oracle 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee cold iron morningstar +2 (1d8+2) or
. . dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged sling +0 (1d4+2)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—cause fear (DC 15), command (DC 15), cure light wounds
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 14), guidance, light, mage hand
. . Mystery Lore
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Extra Revelation[APG], Improved Initiative
Traits birthmark, scion of legend (perception, bluff)
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Bluff +9, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (arcana, geography, history, local, religion) +8, Perception +5
Languages Common
SQ oracle's curse (haunted), revelations (lore keeper, sidestep secret)
Combat Gear scrolls of magic weapon (2), comprehend languages, acid (3); Other Gear hide armor, heavy wooden shield, cold iron morningstar, dagger, sling, sling bullets (10), backpack, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, paper (10), spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol of Desna, 13 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Lore Keeper (Ex) Knowledge Skills become CHA-based.
Timezone: GMT
Harlow Tallfellow |
If this is still recruiting, here is my idea:
Harlow Tallfellow
Harlow is a local, with a fresh-faced look marred by the full set of tattoos from neck to sternum depicting a war between Azata and Daemon, the main part on his chest showing a Bralani descending spearpoint first in to a Pit-lords' chest. Cleanshaven. Bright blue eyes, blond and loosely curled hair. He stands 4 foot tall and about 35 pounds.
Harlow is a Halfling: One of a relatively self-important family of Halfling, who consider themselves some of the most talented brewers in Halfling society. He probably would have been just like any other Halfling if his family hadn't been run out of their homes by local giants, forcing them to abandon the comforts and cheer of a living place. Since then, he's trained and studied to defend himself, in the hopes of returning the favor to the giants. Hearing of the mobilisation of giants, he's decided to come himself.
Harlow is cheery, sometimes a little impudent and likely to engage in friendly banter with almost anyone. He likes creature comforts, money and things that make his life better, but he isn't afraid of hard work to accomplish what he needs.
Looking Ahead
Harlow will be proceeding in to Bard Archivist at level 4 and 5, then in to Dragon Disciple.
Stat Block
Alignment: Lawful Good Class: Monk HP: 10
Race: Halfling Armour Class: 15 Favoured Class: Monk
Archetype: Zen Archer
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 10
Charisma: 11
Traits: Giant Slayer, Rich Parents
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Sense Motive: Rank: 1 Total Bonus: +6
Stealth: Rank: 1 Size Bonus: +4 Total Bonus: +10
Climb: Rank: 1 Halfling Bonus: 2 Total Bonus: +8
Perception: Rank: 1 Halfling Bonus: 2 Total Bonus: +8
Knowledge(Arcana): 1 Total Bonus: +4
Bonus Skills:
Knowledge(Geography): Rank: 1 Total Bonus: +4
Profession(Fletcher): Rank: 1 Total Bonus: +6
Equipment: Clothing, backpack. Belt. Numerous pockets, satchels. Mastercrafted Mighty Composite Longbow, 24 arrows,2 quivers.
GP: 295
Timezone: GMT