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OK. All that is--mostly--taken care of. Here is the sign-in sheet for Midnight Mauler: Sign-in Sheet
Human (he/him) 3 | 15/44 | AC 20 (22) | F +8 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 | 30 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: toughness, feather step, (panache - 35 ft)
I'm posting this to all of my tables: My apologies for my delays and/or minimal posting for the past few weeks. There has been an unusually burdensome conflux of time sensitive urgencies both at home and at work, some anticipated and some not. Things are beginning to finish up, but I expect it to take another week until I'm above water.
LG (he/him) Amurrun (Shemtej) Champion (paladin) 7 | HP 92 (+15)/92 | AC <25> 26 (28) | F +13 R +13 W +13 (+1 vs. poison) | resist poison 3 | Perc +11 (darkvision) | Stealth +15 25 ft (40 ft) | Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: catfall, land on your feet, aura of courage, (wild shape, scent)
I'm posting this to all of my tables: My apologies for my delays and/or minimal posting for the past few weeks. There has been an unusually burdensome conflux of time sensitive urgencies both at home and at work, some anticipated and some not. Things are beginning to finish up, but I expect it to take another week until I'm above water.
NG male Human (Lirgeni) Inventor 12 | HP 76/152 | AC 34 (36) | F +21 R +18 W +21 (S>CS) (resist acid 9 (11), electricity 9 (11), fire 6 (8), cold 6 (8), piercing 3 | Perc +18 (darkvision) | Stealth +13 | 30 ft | Hero 1/3 | 1st: 2 2nd: 2 3rd: 1 4th: 1 | Halcyon 1 | Astrology 3/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | sHP: 104/104 | Active Conditions: see invisible, blindness counter (L6, DC 29), overdrive, unstable
I'm posting this to all of my tables: My apologies for my delays and/or minimal posting for the past few weeks. There has been an unusually burdensome conflux of time sensitive urgencies both at home and at work, some anticipated and some not. Things are beginning to finish up, but I expect it to take another week until I'm above water.
I now realize hybrid legacy-remaster oracle is a nightmare to understand. I don’t want to have to figure out these ambiguous rule interactions on the fly when GMing. As a GM, I would like a more standardized endpoint for oracles that removes the ambiguity of how a class works. That is a table argument waiting to happen.
Ravingdork wrote: Why on earth would Paizo allow free rebuilds for Player Core 1 characters, but not Player Core 2 characters? Absurd! So that the nuance isn't lost to others in the several posts of concern: Player Core 2 characters, including oracles, can be rebuilt for free x 1... if they had 1 XP on them before November 2023. There are two different concerns with the oracle conversion rules: 1) Newer players who may not even have been PFS players before the blog scrolled off the website's front page who created oracles after November 2023 must now pay AcP to rebuild if they want to not be an NPC acolyte class with penalties rather than rebuilding for free x 1. From my perspective, this is the bigger concern, as it disproportionately affects new players and those players may have accumulated more than 12 XP but not enough games for a rebuild boon. They can't play that character to earn AcP, or else they'll be stuck as a pre-Remaster oracle (see below). 2) Older characters who could rebuild but don't want to, however, the way the conversion rules are written, the Mystery must use the remaster version, which is where all the benefits for an oracle used to rest in the pre-remaster version. 3/day spontaneous divine casting, with no benefits from the Mystery, but a curse that now increases each time you cast a Focus spell, and can only decrease by 1 by refocusing, and has no upper limit--those Ancestor oracles are going to be irritated by their Clumsy 6 status--and any other pre-remaster feat or feature that interacted with the mystery benefits won't work, either. It's a legitimate concern.
JohannVonUlm wrote:
That the document is a draft is technically true, but I believe you will find the emotional component of the concern comes from the response received following the concern for oracles built after November 2023 being pointed out. Alex Speidel wrote:
That response does not sound very draft-ish.
Tridus wrote: And why do Oracle Mysteries/Curses get replaced by the new ones while other subclasses (like Bloodlines) don't. . . The problem stems from the PFS rule that features with the same name are treated as an errata by PFS, so PFS players must use the Remaster version. I don't have access to the Player Core 2, but if Angelic Bloodline is still called Angelic, those Angelic sorcerers will need to change to the Remaster version of their bloodline. The difference being that a pre-Remaster sorcerer using a Remaster bloodline still functions correctly. They just miss out on Blood Potency and any proficiency changes that I might not know about. However, a pre-Remaster oracle with a Remaster mystery 1) looses all benefits from their mystery, 2) can't generate the cursebound status because 3) they can't take the new feats. An example from Player Core 1: Druid Order Animal kept its name, so Druids must use the new version. Wild Order was changed to Untamed Order, so you have to keep Wild Order if you don't rebuild, which doesn't break anything. Tridus wrote: . . .we broke your whole character concept. . . We, as players, need to be clear on what the problem is, and it is not that concepts were broken, e.g., my flavorful ancestors oracle can't be a gish now, but rather that the pre-Remaster class does not function--the mechanics are broken--except as a very feature poor class. Furthermore, this makes pre-Remaster oracles so inferior as a class to be an active problem to tables and likely temptation for heated arguments (and bullying) among players once they find out someone brought their beloved pre-Remaster oracle to play (or just don't have enough AcP for a rebuild). Giving out a rebuild to oracles alleviates that potential harm and has only the downside of creating an expectation for free rebuilds when a class is remastered, though I think they should if the remastering process broke the class.
Human (Varisian) Gunslinger 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 | F +8 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative, feather step, wary disarmament
Ovidivo's pistol and sword are in his hand as soon as he senses danger. "Ask the last fool who got hurt," he growls.
Given the extreme overhaul to Oracle, unseen back in November 2023, and that not rebuilding an Oracle results in a non-functioning pile of mechanics, would it be the worst thing in the world to take a moment to consider and confer within the OP team whether allowing all Oracles created before August 12 wouldn’t be a good thing?
LG (he/him) Amurrun (Shemtej) Champion (paladin) 7 | HP 92 (+15)/92 | AC <25> 26 (28) | F +13 R +13 W +13 (+1 vs. poison) | resist poison 3 | Perc +11 (darkvision) | Stealth +15 25 ft (40 ft) | Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: catfall, land on your feet, aura of courage, (wild shape, scent)
The amurrun looks at Nicholo from behind his mask and blinks. "Alvarius landed on his feet."
You retrain with Downtime, just like regular PF2. You get 8 days of Downtime after a Scenario (2 days for Quest/Bounty). It costs 7 days of Downtime to retrain a Feat. So after you complete a Scenario, instead of rolling Earn Income for 8 days, spend 7 days to retrain and 1 day to Earn Income (or craft or something else).
SoulBaker wrote:
First, there's no problem with the granted Reactions. The rules for Reactions explicitly state they happen immediately (and there's no text stating if they lack a trigger they occur during your turn like Free Actions have). What you're doing is reading the text in a way that supports how you (and I) believe the feature should work. What you're missing is that the text you quoted makes no mention of timing to override the rules text of Free Actions. "Enabling these allies to respond to your tactics in combat" does not grant "immediate" response or response "outside your turn." And I have experienced at least one GM who reads it such that the Free Actions must wait. Where there is one, there are more, and they are technically correct. So, again, why not throw a few extra words in there to remove ambiguity?
LG (he/him) Amurrun (Shemtej) Champion (paladin) 7 | HP 92 (+15)/92 | AC <25> 26 (28) | F +13 R +13 W +13 (+1 vs. poison) | resist poison 3 | Perc +11 (darkvision) | Stealth +15 25 ft (40 ft) | Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: catfall, land on your feet, aura of courage, (wild shape, scent)
"Why is Nicholo lying down? The pit is not so deep," the catfolk comments.
I didn't remember to get this into the survey, but hopefully other people mention it: free actions without triggers wait until the character's turn to activate under baseline rules; if the Commander granted free actions are meant to trigger on the Commander's action, then they need reference to the Commander's action being the trigger. And if not, that needs to be more clear in the class/feature description.
Human (he/him) 3 | 15/44 | AC 20 (22) | F +8 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 | 30 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: toughness, feather step, (panache - 35 ft)
Bireli watches with a solemn face as Puddins conjures a wooden bridge. He raises his eyebrows. The he holds his belly laughing. "You let me do all that work first?" He grins at the dwarf. "Can I borrow that extra rope? I want to go get something while the others cross." He ties off Puddins rope on the old bridge post at roughly thirty feet before tying it around his waist. "I'll be right back." He starts feeling for handholds on the rock wall. Athletics (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
NG male Human (Lirgeni) Inventor 12 | HP 76/152 | AC 34 (36) | F +21 R +18 W +21 (S>CS) (resist acid 9 (11), electricity 9 (11), fire 6 (8), cold 6 (8), piercing 3 | Perc +18 (darkvision) | Stealth +13 | 30 ft | Hero 1/3 | 1st: 2 2nd: 2 3rd: 1 4th: 1 | Halcyon 1 | Astrology 3/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | sHP: 104/104 | Active Conditions: see invisible, blindness counter (L6, DC 29), overdrive, unstable
Chimwemwe does his best to leverage his reading of nation-states within the Mwangi Expanse for Ahassunu's class to negotiate with the chief guard for an appointment with Worknesh. Lore (Mzali) (U**), Clever Improviser: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36
Human (he/him) 3 | 15/44 | AC 20 (22) | F +8 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 | 30 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: toughness, feather step, (panache - 35 ft)
Would someone please move my token to flanking behind the construct. Potentially triggers any reaction on movement. Thanks. ”Oh! I thought we were letting it come to us!” Bireli says and charges after Puddins with his shield raised. He swings at the magnetic statue. Raise a Shield
AC 22
AC 18 (19) | HP 17/18 | F+5 R+7 W+4
It might be more expedient to make it a random lottery. However, if the consensus is to have some familiarity between the characters, I'll pitch my 2 cents: If the call includes the promise or allusion to land holdings, I can see Fenric and Quintessa each being interested. As nobles, Fenric and Quintessa could plausibly be familiar with each other from social events despite their family seats of power being on opposite sides of Brevoy. Easily conceivable that they each know the other has ambition/interest beyond their station. When each hears of the call, they could have simultaneously reached out to one another looking for support. Tessa, Quintessa's fortunte-telling seamstress, could have a foretelling (real or manufactured) that Quintessa will come into a significant bounty but only if she keeps the seamstress close to her. Either Quintessa remembering a relatively remote foretelling or Tessa having the foretelling--miraculously/suspiciously--right after hearing about Quintessa's plans to go on the adventure. Fenric could be familiar with Selina from his years spent trying to master his fencing--Restov is an obvious place to find teachers--and recognize her as a potential mercenary to help them with their adventure into the Stolen Lands. Thark could be known to Fenric in a similar sword-training-adjacent familiarity by face/name, if he wanted, and hired on as a mercenary with the promise of battle and glory. Or Thark could be a last-minute arrival divinely guided to assist this motley band of adventurers. Fenric wouldn't say no to having a cleric along, even if he might be a little suspicious at the serendipity of it. That way nobody is necessarily intimately familiar with any one member of the party but they all have a reason to go on an adventure with at least one other person in the group. And there should be plenty of wiggle room to play with for everybody.
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That's a wrap. Thank you for playing. I apologize for the unscheduled delays. I have reported and emailed chronicles. If you did not receive on, and it is not in your spam folder, let me know.
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The council seems to be growing bored with Flory's arguments. Cercuciel and Hisaki manage to gain a few nods. However, Kesstraka stands once more and addresses the council again in favor of your agenda. This turns the direction of the debate, and the council confers. It continues on like this for several hours. Eventually, the negotiations come to a close. The Council of Stars takes a vote on the presented trade agreement. The majority vote in favor and the agreement is ratified. Calisro and Eras congratulate you on your hard work and give you permission to rest and relax around Ekkeshikaar until the delegation is ready to return. Primary Objectives: succeed at least 3 of 5 negotiations.
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Hancock lasts until the his anklyosaur is broken. The dinosaur finally stops bucking, and the dwarf dismounts having lasted the longest. The iruxi handlers bring Hancock a leather belt embossed with saurian iconography as a reward for lasting the longest. (lifting belt) The give Cercuciel a pouch with ten gold coins for lasting the second longest. Hancock gains the following boon for this scenario: a one time +2 circumstance bonus to any Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Deception check made against an iruxi for the remainder of the scenario. Cercuciel gains the following boon for this scenario: a one time +2 circumstance bonus to any Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Deception check made against an iruxi for the remainder of the scenario. You return to your designated quarters in the city where Calisro encourages you to get some rest and warns you against the danger of staying up too late.
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Apologies. After that, I lost Internet--construction company cut through my home linee--and it can be tricky posting at work.
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Apologies. There’s a local power outage. Worst comes to worst, I will very slowly post from my phone. Like this one.
Human (Varisian) Gunslinger 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 | F +8 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: incredible initiative, feather step, wary disarmament
"Alkenstar magic," Ovidivo says. His pistol is in his hand before you know it, twirling on his finger. His cloak ruffles, and the pistol is back in its holster.
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(Kioko, you could have attempted to strike. It is only affected by a penalty. Humble regular missed. Rakka missed due to frightened this time.) Kioko extends her blade, but the witch steps to the side and easily avoids the blow. Humble summons a lance of divine energy that crackles into the ground at the witch's feet. Rakka fires at the witch but hesitates at the last moment, so the shaft leaves the string unsteadily. Kioko:
As you try to impale the witch with your katana, her visage transforms. She becomes an ephemeral wraith. You can sense her draining the vitality of the island from the land into her form to sustain herself. Humble:
As you direct the divine energy with your will, the witch transforms before your eyes. She becomes a golden and perfectly formed aphorite dressed in pristine white robes. A golden key hangs from her neck. She offers a plate with a cut of roast boar, sausages, and pork ribs as well as a chalice of wine to you. Once the bolt crashes into the ground, her form returns to normal. Right before the image resolves, you notice corrosion on the key. Your soul is still disquieted even after the illusion is gone. Rakka:
You see the witch as the gaunt creature corrupting the natural creatures at her feet once more as you release your arrow. This time the visage shakes something inside your soul. The witch continues to battle you despite being outnumbered. Each of you continue to see her flickering between her Tian-Hwan form and her monstrous form as you attempt to bring her down. She shows no pity for her allies on the ground and no fear of her own death it seems. However, in this battle, the outcome is inevitable. She showers you with iron-hard darts made of her hair, you cut her when you can overcome the fear her form instills in each of you. With determined persistence, you land a blow that knocks the witch unconscious. Both the Ruby Phoenix Sage and Nai Yan Fei rise and applaud your victory. Red and gold attired attendants rush to the field to tend to the fallen. The dark-haired woman appears to be dead from a distance, but the attendants apply poultices to her wounds before carrying her from the arena so she must still live. Empress Nai Yan Fei turns slowly toward Hao Jin, though her eyes linger on the four of you, and speaks. She and her own attendants step down from the table of honor and depart the courtyard in the company of the young Butterfly Blades. Several more experienced Butterfly Blades who you had not noticed before emerge from the shadows and join the procession. "Well fought, Summary Judgement," Hao Jin states. "All of you here have fought well over these last three days. You are all welcome to stay the night. If you prefer, you may return to your camps. I will see you next in Goka." You sleep a well-deserved deep and dreamless sleep that night. In the morning, a group of tournament enforcers escort you to the docks. The Dancing Carp awaits to return you to Goka. Glory awaits you there in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament! GM Screen: Flat: 1d20 ⇒ 11 Flat: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Human (Iobarian) Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 | F +5 R +11 W +8 (emotion: S=CS) | Perc +8 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: deny advantage (3rd)
I think the held in one hand "attached to a simple pole" overregulates it. It just needs to be held in one hand and can be attached to a weapon or shield. I understand this isn't what it currently says, but I think they should simplify the feature. I can't see where waving your banner around in your hand or on a pole is going to make a functional difference--your hand is occupied either way--nor whether your banner is affixed to a greatsword vs. a shield (or is your heraldry on your shield).
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One child has a graduation and the other has a doctor's appointment, so I may not get a post tomorrow, but I will try.
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DC 15 flat check at the end of your turn. Can spent 2 actions to get or give an immediate DC 15 flat check (DC 10 if it is especially effective like splashing water on fire) in addition to the end of turn flat check if it wasn't successful.
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Givzib opens his demonic eyes wide and pouts a little. "Givzib has the most innocent of intentions."
Human (Iobarian) Rogue 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 | F +5 R +11 W +8 (emotion: S=CS) | Perc +8 | Stealth +9 | 25 ft | Hero Points: 0/3 | Active Conditions: deny advantage (3rd)
Locke does his best to keep his footing as the dwarves on his team outstrip him in strength. "I'm just here to look pretty," he quips. Acrobatics (E) vs. DC 18: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
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@ Flory: No critical fail effect, and, as I read the rules and this particular reaction, you don't take the effect of the Slow 1 until your next turn when you regain actions.
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Did I understand that correctly? All of you allies can use a reaction to Stride within your aura, and Cercuciel gains a bonus one to use for this, which leaves him with his standard reaction(s)?
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GM Screen:
Flory: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Hisaki: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Flory: Although they are referred to as “lizardfolk” by most other humanoids, the name they use for themselves is iruxi. The simple villages that most outsiders associate with iruxi are the homes of migrants in outlying regions. In true centers of iruxi civilization, such as Ekkeshikaar, they build impressive complexes of glass and stone. It is rumored that a vast empire of dinosaur-riding iruxi, known as Droon, dominates southern Garund, in territory beyond any maps common to the Inner Sea region.
Various forms of divination, but especially astrology, are of vital importance in iruxi culture. However, while they often have one eye on the future, they are patient and cautious, with strong ties to tradition that occasionally make them seem slow to act.
Per Slack, Daehalya is out of town. Daehalya-bot steps forward to strike at the lightning naga. She then steps back toward Onye's protection. Step
Recruitment Closed GM Blake wrote: This is not a first come first seated recruitment. I will arbitrarily select from interested players. I'm going to take a table of 4. rainzax (Commander 3)
You're not locked into those characters if you want to make any switches, that's just what you posted interest with. We'll start tomorrow, but Gameplay is open for dotting.
I've skimmed the playtest document, and neither class have subclasses, so I'll be sticking with 1 Commander (rainzax) and 1 Guardian (TBD). I'll start May 2nd. I'll leave recruitment open for tomorrow, though I know neither playtests nor speedruns are for everyone so this might be all the interested parties. Playtests can be 1st, 3rd, or 5th. I picked this repeatable to allow for the option of 3rd or 5th. Take your pick, but it looks like the non-playtest options could skew high.
Human (Erutaki) Cleric (warpriest) 4 | HP 44/44 | AC 21 (23) | F +9 (11) R +8 (10) W +12 (14) | Resist Cold 1 | Perc +10 | Stealth +8 | (35) 25 ft | Hero 3/3 | Font 2/4 | Spells 1: 2/3, 2: 3/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: feather step, Exploration: Defending, bless (8/10), tailwiind (8 hr)
6: Far from Home
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With the kobold and the random bits and bobs in his pockets out of the way, Ephie can confirm that the rusty shield is magical. Swiping that from the sticky ether stalker nest, you make your way out of the Arodenite ruins and begin the climb to the surface. "Givzib was going to suggest just that! That you save the poor, wretched dragonling," he nods to himself. "Givzib is very kind-hearted. You will see." The quasit turns invisible shortly before you reach the surface, and you cannot tell if he is still with you or stayed behind by the time you reach the sinkhole. By the time you reach the circus camp, it is dinner time. Cubby and Aditya Kanbalis meet you at the path. "Who's that?" the head of the Featherfall Five asks. "He looks like he's been through the wringer," Cubby notes.
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I have updated my Paizo PbP Profile Template (link) for anyone who wants it. There are a few tweaks and clarifications, but mostly it is removing bits not used in the Remaster.
San Thevin wrote:
I accidentally overwrote my 2.3, which is a little cleaner, but I need to update to Remaster anyhow.