Current Campaigns
Previous Campaigns
GM Aosrax PFS #00-13 The Prince of Augustana
GM Blake's PF2 Extinction Curse Campaign
GM Granta's AP Planning
Hmm's Dark Archives Duology: 'Lady of the Harvest' & 'Tomorrow's Feast' [OUTPOST VI]
Kingmaker - Taming the Stolen Lands by DM DoctorEvil
Merciel's Strange Aeons Campaign
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
Saga of the Sages
[PFS] Multi-GM Menagerie Campaign
[SFS, Campaign Mode] GM Blake's Against the Aeon Throne
(GDVII, PFS2, Playtest) The Rose Street Revenge Table 2
(PFS2e) Q4: Port Peril Pub Crawl
1-01 - The Round Robin Absalom Initiation
1-14 Lions of Katapesh
3-18: Dacilane Academy Delightful Disaster (GMRR)
06-10 The Wounded Wisp PbP Gameday #189
AP Planning
Crypt of the EverFlame
Dungeon Master S's "Siege of Diamond City" [CORE] Subtier 7-8
Extinction Curse (OP version)
Game Master S's "Scoured Stars Invasion" [Tier 3-4]
Gameday IX GM Tyranius Bounty #1: Whitefang Wyrm (Tier 1 Only)
Gameday IX [PFS2] #1-19: Iolite Squad Alpha (tier 3-6)
Gameday VI We Be Goblins!
Gameday VIII Fate of the Scoured God GM Thread
Gameday XI - PFS2 3-98 Expedition Into Pallid Peril - GM Thread
GM Batpony PBP Gameday VI pt II Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen [Low tier]
GM Batpony PFS Special 8-99B Solstice Scar
GM Blake's Gallows of Madness Part 3
GM Blake's PFS(2) 1-02: The Mosquito Witch
GM Blake's PFS(2) Introduction to PbP (Q2: Unforgiving Fire)
GM Crunch's Lost on the Spirit Road
GM Debug's PbP Gameday 6: SFS 1-01 The Commencement
GM Debug's Siege of the Diamond City
GM Deneve's The Fall of Plaguestone (PFS 2e)
GM Doug Henderson’s Malevolence
GM Doug — The Sandstone Secret [Gameday VIII PFS2]
GM Doug's Beginner Box PbP (Closed)
GM Doug's Fire & Bone (MoTD)
GM Doug's Mountain of Sea and Sky
GM Doug's Path Of Kings [Outpost IV]
GM Doug's The Lost Legend
GM Doug's Troubles in Otari
GM Enchanter's 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road
GM Faelyn's House of Harmonious Wisdom
GM Fireclaw's SFS PBP 1-26 Truth of the Seeker
GM Fromper's First Steps Part 1
GM Frost's B08 The Tireless Path
GM Frost's B09 Fishing in Anthusis [PbP PFS GM School 2024]
GM Frost's B13 The Blackwood Abundance
GM Frost's B18 From Family Lost (2)
GM Granta's War for the Crown
GM Ietsuna's Confirmation Scenario
GM Ietsuna's Gameday VI - We B4 Goblins
GM Ladile & the Pathfinder Society Present: Portent's Peril CORE (Tier 1-2)
GM Lorenzo's #6-10: Wounded Wisp (1-2) PbP Gameday VI Session I
GM mechaPoet's 6-22: Out of Anarchy (Tier 1-2)
GM Nomadical's Battlecry! playtest run of Swordlord's Challenge
GM Nomadical's Footsteps of Horror - Quest #15
GM Nomadical's Infernal Infiltration
GM NotEspi's "The Dalsine Affair" (Standard)
GM NotEspi's Confirmation 2 (Standard)
GM RePete's "From Under Ice"
GM RePete's Hall of the Flesh Eaters: GD VI
GM RePete's Rise of the Goblin Guild
GM RePete's The Stolen Heir: GD VI
GM SFS's 1-12: Ashes of Discovery
GM SFS's 1-22: The Protectorate Petition
GM Silbeg's 1-05 Trailblazer's Bounty
GM Silbeg's 5-00 Siege of the Diamond City (14-15)
GM supervillan's Godsmouth Heresy [Menagerie]
GM Turmoil's MotFF
GM Tyranius (PF2) Big Trouble in Little Absalom
GM Tyranius (PF2) Bounty #6 The Road from Otari
GM Tyranius (PF2) Bounty #12 Somewhere Below
GM Tyranius (PF2) Cat's Cradle
GM Tyranius (PF2) Flooded Kings Court (Tier 1-4)
GM Tyranius (PF2) Perennial Crown Part 1 and 2
GM Tyranius (PF2) Quest #7 A Curious Claim
GM Tyranius (PF2) Quest #9 Wayfinder Origins (Tier 3-6)
GM Tyranius (PF2) Quest #11 A Parchment Tree (Tier 1-4)
GM Tyranius (PF2) Shadows and Scarecrows
GM Tyranius (PF2) Star-Crossed Court
GM Tyranius (PF2) Tarnbreaker's Trail (Tier 1-4)
GM Tyranius (PF2E) Quest #6 Archeology in Aspenthar (Tier 1-4)
GM Valen's SFS Quests - Into the Unknown (PbP) (Table 2)
GM Weenerton PFS The Confirmation
GM Xynen's Confirmation
GM Z..D.. Starfinder Adventure Path: Dead Suns PBP
GM ZD 01-The Absalom Initiation
GMElberion's Wounded Wisp PBP Gameday 6
GMG's SFS PbP: Claim to Salvation
Granta's Evergreen Arc #8
Granta's Long Campaign
Granta's Long Campaign (Core)
Helikons Regular Confirmation
Hmm's Incident at Absalom Station
Hmm's PFS 3-99: Fate in the Future [Nostalgia Con]
Hmm's SFS 1-38: The Many Minds of Historia
Hmm’s 1-99: Scoured Stars Invasion (Tier 5-6)
Killer Dough
L'harfang des neiges.
Menagerie PFS: Murder's Mark
Menagerie PFS: Wounded Wisp
Motteditor's PFS 5-11: Library of the Lion PBP
NostalgiaCon Fate GM Thread
NotEspi's Evergreens (Standard)
OMB's Assault on Absalom!
OMB's Bonekeep 1 - Nostalgiacon!
OutPost 1: GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 2
Outpost 2019 - Solstice Scar D GM Thread
Outpost II: Dungeon Master S's "Debt to the Quah" [Core 3-4]
OutPost III: GM Kate's Grehunde's Gorget
Outpost IV - KiT GMs
Outpost IV: GM Kate's King in Thorns [author table]
PbP Gameday VI: Pathfinder Module: Murder's Mark [Tier 1-2]
PbP Gameday VI; Quest Starfinder [lvl 1]
PFS 2E 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail
PFS Speed Run: 03-01 Intro Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (P5)
PFS Speed Run: Lions of Katapesh
PFS(2) 4-14: Shattering Golden Chains
PFS2 #1-14 Lions of Katapesh
PFS2 1-04 Bandits of Immenwood (1-4)(GA)
PFS2 Pirate Blood of the Beautiful Many
PFS2 Speed Run: Q14 - The Swordlord's Challenge
PFS2 Speedrun: Quest 1 - The Sandstone Secret (GM Blake)
PFS2e 2-05 - Balancing the Scales (KS)
Port Peril Pub Crawl - GM Wayfinder - Outpost III
Redelia's Emerald Spire (PFS)
Redelia's Emerald Spire 2 (PFS)
Redelia's Emerald Spire 3
RetroCon: GM Kate's Year of the Shadow Lodge
Round Robin: Intro 2 United in Purpose
Round Robin: The 2nd Confirmation
Rusty Iron Henges
The Scoured Stars Invasion GM Thread
Season 4 Star Gun Arc Table 2
Solstice Scar B GM Thread
Solstice Scar B GM Thread, Session Two
Starfinder Module Skitter Shot (PFS PBP GAMEDAY VII) 13 AUG 18
Tervalis Evergreen Arc 1
VampByDay's 1-01 Round Robin Speedrun Extravoganza
VampByDay’s PFS2e 2-11 Pathfinder Trials
World's Most Interesting Confirmation (001) [PFS Standard 5-08]
World's Most Interesting Silverhex Chronicles (002) [PFS Standard]
Zero's Q4: Port Peril Pub Crawl
[ACO] PF2e - Q17 Escorting a Mirage (P1)
[ACO] PF2e 04-01 Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder (P2)
[ACO] PFS2e B10 - Hillcross Roundup (P5)
[ACO] PFS2e PFS Speedrun: 01-14 - Lions of Katapesh (P2)
[ACO] PFS2e Speedrun - B09-13, 15-17
[Cards Against Gnomanity II] GM Ladile Presents: We Be Heroes?
[Gameday IX] GM Hawthwile's Expedition into Pallid Peril (lvl 1-2)
[Gameday VIII - SFS] GM Mjolbeard's 2-01 Pact World Warriors
[Gameday XI] GM Doug's Cavern of the Sundered Song
[GD VII Session 2, SFS] GM Blake's Skittershot
[GD XI, PFS2, MTS] GM Blake's 3-98: Expedition into Pallid Peril (Tier 5-6)
[GDVII, PFS2, Playtest] The Rose Street Revenge
[GDVII, PFS] GM Blake's 9-00 Assault on Absalom
[GDVII, SFS, Special] GM Blake's SFS 1-99 (Tier 1-2)
[GDVII, SFS] GM Blake's SFS 1-01: The Commencement
[GDVIII, PFS(2)] PFS(2) 1-03: Escaping the Grave
[GDVIII, SFS, MTS] 2-0: Fate of the Scoured God
[GDVIII, SFS] SFS 1-25: The Beacon Code Dilemma
[GDX] GM Blake - PFS(2) 2-02: Mountain of Sea and Sky
[GDX] GM Blake - PFS(2) 2-11: Pathfinder Trials (Tier 1)
[GDX] PFS(2) 2-00: King in Thorns (Tier 1-2)
[NostalgiaCon, PFS(2)] 3-99 Fate of the Future (Tier 5-6)
[OutPost III, PFS(2)] PFS(2) 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road
[OutPost III, PFS(2)] PFS(2) 1-08 Revolution on the Riverside
[OutPost III, PFS(2)] PFS(2) 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail
[Outpost II] GM Dennis - SFS #1-31 Treading History's Folly
[Outpost II] GM Mjolbeard's 1-10 The Half-Alive Streets
[OutPost II] SFS 1-33: Data Breach
[Outpost II][SFS] 1-16 Dreaming of the Future -- GM Gustavef
[Outpost V, PFS2] 2-04 Path of Kings
[Outpost V] PF2e 03-01: Intro Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (P4)
[OutPost, SFS] GM Blake's 1-05: The First Mandate
[PbP Gameday IX] GM Doug's Star-Crossed Voyages
[PbP Gameday VI PFS] **Classic** Helikon´s Nightmarch of Kalkamedes
[PbP Gameday VII] GM Ladile & the Pathfinder Society Present: Treacherous Waves
[PbP Gameday VII] GM Mjolbeard's SFS 1-12 Ashes of Discovery
[PbP Gameday X] GM Ladile's Bounties
[PBP GD VIII] GM MattMorris The Mosquito Witch
[PFC] Granta's Consortium Compact #1
[PFS 00-03] Murder on the Silken Caravan - GM Red
[PFS 1e Menagerie] Day of the Demon
[PFS 2e] GM Ladile & the Pathfinder Society Present: The Absalom Initiation
[PFS 8-00] GM Chie's Cosmic Captive [Tier 1-2]
[PFS CORE] Solstice Scar B Session 2
[PFS(1), Menagerie] PFS 1-49: Among the Dead
[PFS(2), Outpost IV, MTS, 5-6] PFS(2) 2-00 The King in Thorns (5-6)
[PFS(2), Outpost IV] GM Blake's PFS(2) 2-01: Citadel of Corruption
[PFS(2), Outpost IV] PFS(2) 1-4 Bandits of Immenwood
[PFS(2), Tactical Run, Secrets Playtest] B1 - The Whitefang Wyrm
[PFS, CORE] Blake's Confirmation
[PFS, GDIX] PFS(2) 1-11: Flames of Rebellion
[PFS, OPS] GM Blake's PFS 9-06: Shores of Heaven
[PFS, OPS] PFS 5-08: The Confirmation (Introduction to PFS)
[PFS, Outpost II] 10-8: What Prestige is Worth
[PFS, Outpost II] Solstice Scar, Version D
[PFS, Standard] 9-06 Shores of Heaven
[PFS, Standard] GM Blake's Solistice Scar B (OutPost)
[PFS2 / GMGlyn / Table2 ] 1-23: Star-Crossed Court
[PFS2, PaizoCon] A Most Wondrous Exchange!
[PFS2, playtest] PFS2 1-23: Star-crossed Court (Battlecry!)
[PFS2e] 1-08 Revolution on the Riverside
[PFS] #5–08: The Confirmation
[PFS] 5-22 Scars of the Third Crusade by GM Upaynao
[PFS] 8-06: Reaping What We Sow (GM Blake)
[PFS] 8-08: Tyranny of the Winds Part II
[PFS] 8-10 Tyranny of the Winds, Part 2: Secrets of the Endless Sky by GM Upaynao
[PFS] Blake's Gallows of Madness, Part I
[PFS] Blake's To Seal the Shadow
[PFS] GD-VII AoA GM Thread
[PFS] GM Blake's 5-08: The Confirmation
[PFS] GM ShieldBug's Mists of Mwangi (#0-05) - PbP Gameday VI
[PFS] GM Skipper's #5-08 The Confirmation
[PFS] Master of the Fallen Fortress - OP Romp [RD]
[PFS] Siege of the Diamond City - GM Ewok
[PFS]DM Elanmorin Phantom Phenomena
[PFS]DM Elanmorin's Honor's Echo
[PFS]DM Elanmorin's The Silverhex Chronicles
[PFS][PBP Gameday VI] 8-06: Reaping What We Sow (1-5)
[PSF] GM Blake's Gallows of Madness Part 2
[Retrocon] GM Blazej Cosmic Captive 1-2 CORE
[RetroCon] Siege of the Diamond City - GM Thread
[SFS 1-01] GM Cellion's The Commencement
[SFS 1-01] GM Cellion's The Commencement B
[SFS OutPost Style] Starfinder 1-04: Cries from the Drift
[SFS PbP] DM Rhino's Scenario #1-01: The Commencement
[SFS, ORS] 1-28: It Rests Beneath (Tier 1-4)
[SFS] 1-00: Claim to Salvation (GM Blake's Table A)
[SFS] 1-00: Claim to Salvation (GM Blake's Table B)
[SFS] Duskmire Accord 9 - GM Ewok
[SFS] GM Blake's Session 0
[SFS] GM Mjolbeard's "Into the Unknown" Quest Series
[SFS] PbP GameDay VII: Live Exploration Extreme! by GM Lupulus
[SFS_Aerondor] 01-02 Fugitive on the Red Planet
[SFS_Aerondor] 01-03 Yeasteryear's Truth
[SFS_Aerondor] 01-05 The First Mandate
[SFS_Aerondor] 03-01 Crash Down [1-4]
⚔ Battlecry! Playtest @ #1-14 "Lions of Katapesh" ⚔