Rules Questions

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Stupid noob question: Differences between Supernatural & Extraordinary

At what points during a full-round action that provokes an AoO do enemies get an AoO?

Jason / James: Why do eidolons need a weapon proficiency evolution?

Arcane Armor Training and Eldritch Knight

Spiritual Weapon Wand

Trip + Spiked Gauntlet Question

Mind Blank Rules?

Detect Magic & Magic Traps / Invisibility

Starting Gold and Item Creation Feats

Character Sheets

Inquisitors and Opposed Alignment Spells

Simultaneous uses of Sense Motive?

How to....

Shadow Evocation and Darkness

High fantasy + fast xp progression = phat loot?

Experienced GM wanting clarification / backup

Dimension Door Query

Cyclops BAB

Belt of Incredible Dex + feat prerequisites

Detect Magic - Magic Weapon

Two Weapon Fighting + Mithril Heavy Shield

Ale of Life?

Rest in Pathfinder

Gunslinger Feat and Flanking?

Pounce and Rake

Valeros pregen, question about offense stats

Quick staff question

Awareness plus awareness.

Carrying folded nets and loaded crossbows

Which squares do you threaten, exactly, with a 10-foot reach?

Changing a Wonderous Item's Slot

Deafness & Communication

Greater Vital Strike and Deadly Stroke stack?


Druid Animal Companion and Ability Score Increase

True Resurrection Typo

Shillelagh (love that word!) question

Re-incarnated into a Half Orc

Strength damage from Shadow.... Example please

Need Emergency Rundown on how Turning / Rebuking works in Pathfinder

Draconic "Bloodline Arcana" and Evokers "Intense Spells" stack ???

Two-bladed Sword and Finesse

Improved Critical and Critical Focus stack?

Beast Former small size AC?

Concentration Checks for the Feat Godless Healing (PFCCS page 123)


Evil Clerics and Channeling

Need a cleric a free hand to channel energy?

Stone Shape + Stone Golem = fight over?

Damaged Condition for Masterwork Ammunition

Changes to reach weapons from 3.5 to PFRPG

So How Many Hands to use a Scroll?

Questions about Sorcerer's "Elemental Ray"

Small, medium, tiny, medium and large?

Short questions about number of spells known

School Specialist abilities confusion

Would someone under the effect of a silence spell....

I don't understand the Monk's Flurry of Blows

Sorcerer Bloodlines and +1 Arcane Caster Level from Prestige Classes

Rules Question: Mounted movement

FireStorm and Reverse Gravity

Smite + Vital Strike

Stunning Fist Usage

Grapple Scenario

Why are apes so feeble?

Half-dragon and natural attacks


Perception Checks - how long does it take for a 5x5 area?

Familiar's "Deliver Touch Spells" & Spell-like abilities

Mounted Combat and Saving Throws

Can I cast class spells without components when polymorphed?

Shapeable spells and narrow spaces question

Form of the Dragon

The Intersectin of Gauntlets and Disarm

Casting spells while raging

Frankenstein's monster

An Observation - Sorcerers & Scrolls

Fiendish / Half-fiend Dragon

Flurry of Blows and Multiclass monks

Rings of Sustenance, Spells, Rage and Daily Abilities

Skeleton Champion Minotaur Fighter 6

A feat is forever

Griffon: Missing skill point?

Monk - Fighter Multiclass Flurry Question

What exactly / is / a deadly wound?

Fly spell stacks with mundane flight?

Can elementals wield weapons?

Pathfinder Prestige Class Requirements

Winter Wolf Cohort

Teleport, Phase Door Questions

Extra Channel stackable

Shod Staves?

Question about Large creatures and Reach

Double Weapon confusion

Feeblemind and Spell-like abilities

Goblin made potions

Pegasus: Is Sense Motive a Class Skill?

Wild Shape and Supernatural Abilities

What are the construction costs / requirements for an 'Animated Object'?

How to add class levels to monsters

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