Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Questions regarding to old sets

Strangler minor typo (CotCT1)

Core Rulebook minor typo

Core Set - Seelah: Base role power

Core Deck List

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Rethinking Complexity in the Pathfinder ACG, Part 1

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Rethinking Complexity in the Pathfinder ACG, Part 2

Core set French translation ?

Core Set Card List

Help needed! Duplicate cards!

Paizo Blog: Hail Gom-Gom!

Goblin Marauder (Core) Minor Error

Ship Location in CotCT

A major distributor does not yet list Core Set nor Crimson Throne

Character Sheets?

Fumbus - Master Explorer

Some questions about the new Pathfinder ACG version

New Rules PDF?

Skull and Shackles - Two Character Party Ideas

Adventure Path release schedule?

Core set: Balmberry

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Efficient Gameplay in the Pathfinder ACG

Excitement Level Nearing 11

Starting Core, add Crimson Throne level 0 cards?

PACG Core Set and Custom Content

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Embracing Chance in the Pathfinder ACG

Playing the New Core Set

Updating Class Decks to the new version...? What's next?

New Core Set - 29% off at

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Encouraging Teamwork in the Pathfinder ACG

Adventure Card Game Sale!

PACG Puzzles: Countdown to Core #1

Introducing the newest way to play PACG!

Paizo Blog: Who's the Outsider Now?

Another infinite loop, starring Spell Trapper Zvarbel

Skull and Shackles - Which three character party is more balanced?

Reddit AMA today at 1 pm Pacific

Rise of the runelords 2 character teams

Unique Characters to Pick Up Before the Core Set

Mist Horn "At that location" question

PACG: RotR - Need help finding a third character

RotR - Which two character party should I run?

Add x Random Cards from Box

What would *you* change?

Character Sheets?

New Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne (not yet available)

Question about PACG Subscription

[Online Org Play] Quick survey about your experiences

What's your setup look like for 3 to 4 characters?

Old Promos

RotR - Need a fighter

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Injecting Story into the Pathfinder ACG

Looking for group in Rochester, NY

(Speculation / Query About) Character Variation in the (New) PACG

Getting Ready to Start My First Physcial Playthrough of RotR

Struggling with starting the campaign.

Skull and Shackles - Need Help Finishing My Team

Skull and Shackles - Can I get some team ideas?

Broken Token Insert.....What a piece of ......

The PACG: Pathfinder Adventure Chest Lives!!!

Starting a new campaign and playing way worse

Skull and Shackles: Getting Started and Need Help with Party Composition

Awesome figures for S&S

An Interesting Read: PACG Article on Mechanics and Meeples

[Skull & Shackles] We Need a Snapshot of Your Conquering Pirates!

Character Art for Mummy's Mask?

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Varying the Challenge in the Pathfinder ACG

Is there a market for a PACG Deck / Box-tracking app?

Missing / Lost some cards.

Best Ultimate decks to supplement Skull and Shackles

PAX Unplugged 2018

Paizo Blog: Core Principles: Designing the Next Pathfinder ACG

Season PDF Sale!

S&S Royster Mccleagh, not working

Recommended Starting Deck For Red Raven / Aric

PbP Special - Cosmic Captive ACG (RetroCon, January 14-March 8, 2019)

Game set up for one player

I hate my brain...

How many characters should a "newb" play with?

Just a Clarification for Solo Play

Which Padrig to use?

Combining Class Decks

Paizo Blog: That One Time I Lied About My Best Character Ever (Spoiler: It's Really Mavaro)

Class decks: if i use the society rules in a normal boxed AP are they to powerful?

Paizo at ESSEN SPIEL 2018?

Can we please get an official response to missing deck lists etc?

Yewstance's "Broken" Build Testing

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Playtest at PaizoCon!

[Wrath of the Righteous] We Need a Snapshot of Your Victorious Crusaders

[Wrath of the Righteous] We Need a Snapshot of Your Crusaders at the Midpoint

Paizo Blog: With the Ultimate Wilderness Deck, Your Power Will Be Mushrooming

Character Deck Ratings *need help*

Puzzle and Game Design Humble Bundle

Ultimate Wilderness - Possible Misprint?

Can another character attempt to defeat an undefeated monster?

Paizo Blog: Ultimate Intrigue Deck Preview

Mummy's Mask Minis

I haven't been paying a lot of attention to PACG for a while..

Magus Deck Character Sheets?

Where's my Ninja ?!?

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