Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventures: Competition

Blog: Did You Guys See the Size of that Chicken?!

Seoni tactics

Possible need for Errata or FAQ for Spells from Witch Class Deck

Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck #1 issues

Mummy’s Mask – where’s the hype?

Merisiel evade power vs Pirate Hunter barrier

Boundaries of an exploration

PFACG App - well played Paizo! Issue with Chapter 3.3 - Here comes the flood

Blog: An Adventure Like No Other!

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Strategy #1—The Three Resources

Second Pathfinder ACG App, or just a Fake?

Fun speculation - iconics for Mummy's Mask

Re-used characters

Mummy's Mask Release Timing

Need Tup and Ekki models

Questions about the ACG app

Mummy's Mask character playmats?

Q: Do Cohorts affect your handsize?

Feiya the Witch doesn't have an Arcane skill?

ACG Edition Question

Paizo Blog: Mummy's Mask and PAX West

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Tup

How do *you* play this game? / How to enhance the game?

S&S adventure 4

Class Deck Character sheets

Subscription questions

Looking for a mini to represent Maznar

Agna Character Sheet

Paizo Blog: Gen Con and Thanks for All the Fish

The Traitors lodge with Baleful Shadows.

Class Deck Unique Cards

Paizo Blog: The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Returns to Gen Con!

Rise of the Runelords - what next?

GenCon ACG Open Write-Up and Thoughts!

Paizo Blog: Lock and Load!: The Gunslinger Class Deck Preview

RotRL set, maybe missing cards?

Leather Armor VS Chain Shirt

Paizo Blog: Hexes and Foes!

What happened to the WotR Game Demo Script?

Paizo Blog: Goblins, Promo Cards, and the Adventure Card Guild

Gaming on the go

Seltyiel Marauder - Ranged Skill


Paizo Blog: Obsidian Tells a Tale

Stat gem question

Pathfinder Adventures and Android Emulators

Charm Bracelet

S&S Armada srsly wft?

Witches and casting ability

Cohorts in class decks

Goblin Decks - two shipments?

Which Ezren is best?

Paizo Blog: Choose Your Own Adventure—How to Make Cards for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game


Skull & Shackles final snapshot survey - Jirelle

Iconic Heroes Promo list

Pathfinder ACG Character Tracker Mobile App Feedback

Newbie Question / Clarification

Monster / Encounter Decks?

Paizo Blog: Goblins Again?!

Make sure to give Wayfinder #15 a read...

Pathfinder Character Tracker Adventure Card Game Mobile Application

Paizo Blog: Looking Back on Four Years of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Which campaign to buy?

Some New Player Questions

UK Subscribers

Post RotRL Characters - What To Do?!

Paizo Blog: Goblins Cut and Goblins Fight!

Thoughts on playing Pathfinder ACG over Skype?

Wrath Total Sleeve Card Count

Tick tock on the clock

Any Mummy's Mask news from Origins?

Need some Clarification on Ships in Skull and Shackles

Paizo Blog: Liz's Best Character Ever: Damiel

Goblin Box Art

Paizo Blog: Death is Always in the Cards (Or Maybe it Isn't)

Obsidian app question

please let it be known...


Blog: Throw Her into the Pond!

Paizo Blog: Pathfinder: Origins—Not Just a Comic Book Anymore!

Humble Bundle with 40 Treasure Chests for Pathfinder Adventures App

New ACG on KS

Super Promo Card

More typos in class deck list

Some Thoughts After 1500+ Pathfinder ACG Threads

I <3 this comic

Paizo Blog: Class Decks Update

PaizoCon 2016

Con Report: PaizoCon 2016

Books based on this game?

Blog: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!

In need of Advice

Class Deck Symbols

Paizo Blog: A Wild PaizoCon Appears!

Today at Paizocon

Season of the Shackles cards now available at DriveThru

More Scenarios in Wayfinder 15

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