Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Simple Sajan Question

After Game / Between Scenarios question

Acquire Discard and Banish with Divine, Arcane, Magic

just somthing i wanted to ask

What happens to the cards Black Magga eats?

weapon + spell

What basic boons did you leave in?

some minor questions

What do you wish you'd known or remembered?

Brigandoom question

Game too easy! Game too hard! How hard is just right?

Playing Seoni

Iesha Foxglove

A suggestion about loot cards

"a" versus "your"

Quitting the location / scenario / adventure before reaching the end

Intent of Foxglove Manor's At This Location power

Urgent help required when playing with Kyra

Clarification on Lini's powers

Are you allowed to skip scenarios?

Increased Difficulty Rules

Harsk and his constitution. What is it good for?

Undead Uprising / Zombie Minion question

Cards Cycled Out?

Playing Seelah

evading an encounter [as per temple text]

blessing of zarongel

Yeth Hound

Horsechopper + 1 Promo Card

Dumb question. Do I mix new cards from addons into my base set of cards?

Wand of Force Missile used on Goblin Warchanter

unused loot, where do they go?

Summoned monsters... what rules apply to them?

RotRL - Post your group here!

what happens if you fail scenario

Combo Blessing of Zarongel + Incendiary Cloud

Advice for adding in a drop-in player, mid campaign

Druid rules question

Consequences of undefeated Malagus Kreeg at the Dam.

Two questions about Mirror Image (mostly, can I play it on another player's turn?)

Is the '0' side of d10 10 or 0?

Lini and Sajan powers

Building location decks - card levels.

Clarification Request: Cards Not Chosen After Scenario: Banished or Just Returned to Box?

Graul Ogrekin - Place on Bottom of Location Deck ?

General Store - how many explorations?

Choose to fail?!

Two Spells on One Monster with Two Checks (hold the mayo)

Thassilonian Dungeon and Ezren

Hook Mountain Massacre and Ending Reward Q

Farmhouse "At this location" effect

Favored card type: are you forced to mulligan?

Banish a blessing

Roll a Check When Unneeded

Seelah's Blessing Recharge (or Shuffle)

Some questions regarding basic rules

2 Quick Questions Regarding Combat

Clarification: Two spells in one turn?

Playing Kyra

Question about cards adding their traits


Each character using their character mat receives a special bonus

Quick question regarding when cards may be played

Lini (Wild Warden) power question

Rules concerning feat choices of 'immediately adjacent' from left to right.

Another Noob Question: Wooden Shield vs. "Before the encounter" damage

"farming" for boons

Wand of scorching ray and a weapon.

Garrison Encounter Question

Will you be keeping any basic boons?

Kyra's Heal and Raising the Dead?

Can't evade a card before encountering it

Can damage be two types at once?

Muck Graul in the woods

Black Maaga Problem

Vicious Trident and FAQ Update

Question about adding bonuses

Making sure we played Mammy Graul right

Playing Ezren

"Cannot Be Reduced"

Muck Graul Clarification

Warrens and Skinsaw ritual.

Encountering, Exploring and the timing of cards like Detect Magic and Detect Evil

Scenario for One: The Cult of The Dragon

Playing Sajan

Understanding the Treacherous Cave: At This Location Trait

Banishing cards after the game ends

Approach to Thistletop: How do you play it?

A question about monster traits

Closing locations and Escaping Villains

Before the Encounter choose a character

Them Ogres Ain't Right and summoned henchmen

Add one die...which one?

Junk Beach Question

A couple newb questions ...

hound and graul guy

closing locations and extra explores

use both a spell and a weapon?

Seoni and explosive runes

Vicious Trident +1

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