Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Paizo Blog: A New Wave of Iconic Heroes Promo Cards!

The problem with the base scenarios and why some people are turned off to 'Wrath'

PACG on Tabletop Simulator?

Paizo Blog: The Big Reveal: Demon's Heresy!

Looking for ok mage of npc codex character. HELP

S&S and Class Deck Errata Decks

Thematic question

In search of card sized covers.

Why is Pelt of the Ulfen Wolf a deck 6 card?

Paizo Blog: Druid Class Deck Preview

First game night tips.

Broken Token Organizer

Paizo Blog: A Look at Obsidian's Adventure Card Game

Who can banish a blessing to close Sandpoint Cathedral?

Two player game: character selection advice, please

Invasive species are killing our sharks!!!

Welcome to Blackburgh setup

The Good, The Bad and the Abyssal - Fistful of Meeples Review of Adventure 6

PathFinder Rise of the Runlords Character Sheets?

Real non-corrupted heroes

Newb questions. Combining sets? adding character sets?

Iconic Set 4 cards for sale

today at OrcaCon

Missing a card from the game.

Iconic Heroes Sets 4 & 5

Reddit AMA today!

Paizo Blog: "I Do Not Seek Answers, But Rather to Understand the Question"

DIY PACG Accessories

PACG statistics

Drivethrucards - Character Sheet release date?

Class decks and new mats

PACG Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Guide

PACG Iconic Heroes Set 4 is released

Gunslinger and swashbuckler decks

Which additional Adventure Paths would you like to see?

What to do about Raznak, Ekkie, and Arueshalae

Pathfinder ACG AP

Now you can roll dice in the dark ...

Paizo Blog: A Visit from St. Pathfinder

Maze Location from wrath

BGG Poll: 2016 Most Anticipated Game

Rise of the Runelords Scenario Stories

The secret 4th Monk missing from the Monk Class Deck!

Alchemy in Wrath of the Righteous?

Please remove the watermark from Class Deck Character Sheets

Any fans of Crowe the Archmage out there?

Add Graphic Representation or Chart of Player Turn in Future Editions

Broken Token Game Organizer

Cheaper Broken Token Inserts!!!

New player incoming, shooting the breeze and asking stupid questions.

Paizo Blog: Paul's Best Character Ever: Lini


Mats for Pathfinder Card Games

Ever consider a 2nd printing / edition of Rise of the Runelords


Death question....

Class deck add-on question (general)

Closing a location...

Card errors...

Perils of the Lost Coast and Burnt Offerings Questions

Play by Forum

Next box set?

Newbie here!

Island of Empty Eyes Errata Pack

Bad omen?

Paizo Blog: Meet the Geeks

214: The final blow...

iconic minatures 4 and errata cards release?

Subscription class deck discount

Ranzak mini available!

I know someone who has ...

Next set?

Paizo Blog: Prayers Answered—Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 5

Wrath - Play by Post!

Paizo Blog: Homebrew Scenario Design with Jen "Iammars" McTeague

A couple takes on the Runelords - A New players experience with RotR

Any Plans for a Tracking App?

The Good, The Bad and the Herald - Fistful of Meeples Review of Adventure 5

BGGCON Nov 2015

WotR featured on Watch it Played! during their visit to GTS 2015

Paizo Blog: When Should We Errata a Card?

Poll: Any interest in a Pathfinder Tarot Deck?

Harem of Ardent Dreams minor typo

Skull&Shackles: Premium Plunder Die in its "Ultra Premium"-Edition

Paizo Blog: How Hard Should it Be? Adventure Card Game Power Curves

Paizo Blog: The Epic Conclusion

Wrath of the Righteous Deck List is missing the Companions section

Justifiable Deicide: Padrig eats Deskari as amuse-bouche - 324 rolled!

Digital adventure card game

Most valuable PACG characters

Tier Question reviews the Monk class deck!

Arueshalae question

How to adjust Wrath base AP?

Need to confess

Delay used to further improve PACG / Mummys Mask: idea collection

Temptation of Arms and Improvised Dinosaur

Paizo Blog: It's Dangerous to Go Alone... But, You Get ALL the Stuff!

New PFACG Subscription Management Soon?

Card Creator Broken?

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