The Paizo Warehouse will be performing our annual inventory during the week of January 6th through the 10th. We will resume normal operations when the inventory process is completed.

Organized Play General Discussion

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The limits of Evolving Destiny

Revising "Run as Written"

Rewords in Orgnized play

The road to becoming "Official" ALSO RECRUITING GM'S

Ruffian Sneak Attack

Running beginner box privately? Question and Suggestions for clarity

Sanctioning Material

Scenario as written

Scenarios for only 1 or 2 players

Scenarios, Bounties, Quests

Setting up Organized Play


Shatter Defense

Shield block reaction question

Sheet Enhancement requests

so now ive got concerned players.

Society games linked into campaigns

Sorcerer help

Staff Nexus Wizard and changing staffs

Strength of Thousands Adventure Path

Super hard skill DCs (PFS2e & SFS)

System Traveler Boons

Table credit for multiple run instances is broken?

Table Seating for 9-12 Scenarios...

Taking Feats more than one time

Tales from GenCon or GenCan't

Ten Habits of Good Online Players

Tetsubo in Organized Play

Thank You and You are Appreciated

Thank you for reporting your games!

Thank you for the Achievement points!

Thank you once again for same day sanctioning!

Thank you, Tech Team and Admin! (Re: Boons)

This year, I am grateful for...

Tian Xia Character Guide Variable rarity and PFS

Timings of Ressurect Rituals

Uncommon item availability

Unconventional Weaponry with the explosive dogslicer

United Paizo Workers T-Shirt Sanctioning

Unreported Event

Venture Officers list?

Website Update! Replay Points are now live for Organized Play!

What are we going to do with all this Good Will?

What happens to organized play at an edition change?

What is it like to play Society regularly?

What is Something that Brings you Joy in Org Play?

what is the range for this combination when it comes to it's reach

What is your highest level PFS2 PCs?

What scenarios or bounties do you recommend in this situation?

What to Expect at a PFS 2E Table

What's the point if GM's don't let you fail skill checks?

Where are the chronicles for the FreeRPGday 2022 modules?

Where are the curated lists for the Avid Collector boons?

Which banquet halls is best to you?

Who do I contact about missing credit?

Why do so many people sign up for Organized Play games and then just not show up?

Will we get Remaster Pregens?

Woo hoo - New Section...

[Discussion] How do you recruit & keep GMs?

[Discussion] Problem Players

[OPF Outage] I've re-hosted the VO Handbook

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