Rules Discussion

General Discussion: Mesmerist

General Discussion: Kineticist

Welcome to the Occult Adventures Rules Discussion Forum

General Discussion: Medium

General Discussion: Spiritualist

General Discussion: Psychic

General Discussion: Occultist

General Discussion: Spells and Magic

Unofficial Kineticist FAQ Q&A thread.

Should Druids know the spells from every sourcebook?

How to summon phantom?

Occultist Implements

Contagious Zeal

Kineticist and Prestige Classes

Do psychic spells provoke?

Kineticist (first impressions)

Alcohol and potions

Kineticist / Telekineticist specific questions

kineticist problems at first glance

Surprising Switch + Alter Self

What is the DC for using concentration in Kiteticist Blast?

Kinetic Blade to hit

Specific Suggestions for the improvement of the Kineticist

Kineticist: A telekineticists Force Ward with gathering energy.

Kineticist questions

Kinetic its and obscuring mist

Occultist Implementations clarifications

"Psychic Spell" is a new classification of spells?

Magic jar and target hit dice

Ring of Sustenance and the Kineticist

Kineticist Move Earth Unworked Stone

Kinetic Weight Lifting, a Math and Balance Problem

My Spiritualist build

Logical Spell

Kineticist: Gather Energy & Readied Blasts

Can you...? Just wondering.

kinetisict blasts as weapons for weapon focus

Making a More Viable Mesmerist

3 Kineticist Questions

Strength focused kineticist?

Occultist Melee Build Concept

Kineticists and Full BAB

Occultist and Expanded Arcana

A question about Wild Shape

Armor and Balance Issues

Psychic magic and Spell Resistance

whatever happened to the spirit of 1969?

Kineticist and Vital strike

Occultist Questions

Check to notice a Psychic Spell?

More thoughts on Kineticists

Kineticist's Infusion Specialization: Clarification

Psychic Only Spell Components

do monks / brawlers need to take two weapon fighting to qualify to feats?

Phantom Questions

Random altnerate Burn for Kineticists idea.

Wild Talent lists

Medium: Spirits wording

Tk with feats

Occultist Light Matrix

Psychic Dark Half

Kineticist Move Earth...

Occultist Mental Focus power number crunch

Beacon "Below expectations" - PFS Telekineticist build...

Magus,Spellstrike, and Ranged Weapons

Pros and Cons of The Tranquility Discipline

Thoughts on the Kineticist

Why "Wild Talent?"

hangman henry's medium thread

Mythic Kineticist - Melee only?

Kineticists and Elemental Racial traits, do they work together

How would Korra deal with Cthulhu?

Suggestion for altering burn of kineticist

Medium: loophole in losing control ?

An XPH and Ultimate Psionics' Fan's first thoughts

Tie-ins to existing rules systems e.g. Mythic, prestige classes, etc.

Question about Telekineticist defense power

Shaman Spell Access

Spiritualist's Bonded Manifestation (Su) - Stacking additions, or choices?

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