Meet the Iconics: Chk Chk

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Chk Chk (he/him), formally named Chkoresk*, is no stranger to the galaxy’s perils. His father Keskodai was a traveling priest of Pharasma who wielded mystic powers. Keskodai carried baby Chk Chk in a fortified cradle-jar when he left his home on Verces to visit as many incredible worlds as possible—and experience even more incredible adventures. One such adventure got a little too incredible, smashing open Chk Chk’s container during an emergency landing. Fortunately, Chk Chk was safe, but Keskodai felt the existential dread of losing his child and realized it was time to return home and be with their loving throuple.

Chk Chk the Shirren Mystic. Art done by Kent Hamilton
full body illustration of iconic Mystic, Chk Chk

Keskodai’s adventures and beliefs had a profound impact on the larval Chk Chk. As a child, the aesthetics and rituals of Pharasma’s faith awed him. As he grew older, he practiced his father’s faith but felt a restless yearning for something different (ironically, Chk Chk’s questioning mirrored his father’s adolescent rebellion many years ago). As Chk Chk stood on the cusp of self-discovery, the universe provided a brutal catalyst that would change his life forever.

When Aucturn exploded, every telepath under the Fullbright** sun suddenly lost control of their psychic projections. Every intrusive thought, destructive impulse, and damning secret became public as a mysterious psychic contagion spread. Chk Chk was sipping a cappuccino and shopping at the local market when he heard the screams. People all around him–some of them friends and neighbors–were screaming and venting their psychic stress or fighting each other with fists and makeshift weapons.

Panicked, Chk Chk began a prayer to the Lady of Graves but couldn’t recall the sacred words. Keskodai burst into the shop and Chk Chk felt the psychic whiplash of doubt and fear pouring from his father’s spirit. He felt Keskodai remember the pain of believing he’d lost his only child in the crash-landing long ago mixed with his current dread at seeing their neighbors wracked by fear and pain. Instead of resisting the intense feelings, Chk Chk embraced the emotional hemorrhage. As the pain washed over him, he mentally composed a poem. When someone tore the shop’s roof off, the harsh sun brought Chk Chk’s shadow into harsh relief. His shadow changed and spread, growing into tendrils that protected him and his father from the glaring sun. Chk Chk spoke another stanza, and soothing shadowy arms wrapped around his panicking neighbors. Thanks to Chk Chk’s unconventional prayer, the chaos calmed as quickly as it began.

That’s when Chk Chk realized there’s more to the soul’s journey than life and death. Destruction and creation, pain and healing, light and shadow–these dichotomies exist in every spirit. Chk Chk stayed up night after night studying philosophy, listening to music, and writing poetry in his sacred journal, driven to compose a pure expression of the beauty of contradicting unity.

Chk Chk broke his social isolation to join a group of artists he met at a nonstop café in Takoris. At first, Chk Chk got a job as a barista so he could attend the meetings without attracting attention. As he improved his skills at writing dark poetry and brewing dark roast (both topped with colorful sprinkles), Chk Chk gradually became the spiritual glue holding the group of misfit artists together. One night during a midnight jam, the group had a religious experience, feeling a surge of bliss as Zon-Shelyn Embraced them and their work. Zon-Shelyn called on Chk Chk to become their minister by nurturing creativity and creating a safe space for artists to gather. The tiny cafe was consecrated as one of Zon-Shelyn’s first temples (they still serve coffee), but Chk Chk was inspired by the idea of ministering in a new place, feeling the same wanderlust as his father before him.

With his father’s letter of recommendation in one hand and his poetry journal in the other, Chk Chk got an internship with the Starfinder Society at the busy Lorespire Complex. Being on Absalom Station expanded his social horizons, too. He found a new coffee shop to sling beans at, quickly meeting others who felt the Embrace of Zon-Shelyn. He learned how to use a painglaive from a sculptor who creates impressive wood carvings with the weapon.

Chk Chk met his best friend Dae at a pop-up dance party in the Vesk Quarter. The pair bonded the first time they met. Dae’s performance inspired Chk Chk to write a poem***. The poem didn’t do the dance justice, so Chk Chk tore the page from his notebook and threw it away, but Dae found the discarded poem, read it, and confronted its moody author. Now Chk Chk always wears the friendship bracelet Dae gave him. Since meeting Dae, Chk Chk’s opened up about sharing his art with others—you can read part of one of his poems below!

*Chk Chk only lets members of his mystic bond call him Chkoresk, and usually prefers Chk Chk. After all, Chkoresk is the full name his family used when discussing serious or unpleasant matters.

**Fullbright is the scorching, rural desert region of the tidally locked planet Verces. Chk Chk’s family lives in a shaded encampment in Fullbright.

***The following is a part of the poem Chk Chk wrote after dancing with Dae.

A prismatic kaleidoscope burns the shadow patchwork wrapped around my heart.

We are dancing lights that shine within a cold and empty void, eternal.

Will your searing brilliance chase away my shadows?

Or will your light be eclipsed by my spirit’s umbral shroud?

Your warm silhouette reaches for my neck,

Only to wipe away my bloody tears.

— The Starfinder Team
-Thurston Hillman, Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)
-Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer
-Jessica Catalan, Senior Developer (Starfinder Society)
-Dustin Knight, Developer
-Mike Kimmel, Developer

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Tags: Meet the Iconics Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

That is *peak* sad-boy poem. Absolutely awesome story, and I love Chk Chk!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Looking forward to learning more about Zon-Shelyn as deity.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

He's a an art-goth Shirren Mystic... I love it!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes it takes an Emo Insect to save the Galaxy. They're going for a distinct cultural vibe for SF2 and I find it very interesting.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The little embellishments on the pain glaive have such art kid notebook energy. I am adopting this boy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fabulous! Thank you.

I really appreciate this story on so many levels and for so many reasons. Again, thank you.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, Starfinder team.
I really do feel like one of my nephews has Grown Up and is Doing Good.
Also, Barista background ftw?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ooh this is a fun character but question. How do you pronounce his name?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

awesome ... can't wait to get to know Dae as well !!

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Chk Chk! Oh man I can't wait to play our new favorite bugbaby <3

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
vyshan wrote:
Ooh this is a fun character but question. How do you pronounce his name?

For the sf2e preview podcasts they were pronouncing it like "Chick-Chick"

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks more like a Painhalberd than a Painglaive.

I like that the first temple of Zon-Shelyn still servers coffee.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mr. Fred wrote:
awesome ... can't wait to get to know Dae as well !!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is there anything more biter and beautiful than coffee? No, there is not.

I'm only sad Chk Chk can't sport a Robert Smith style hairdo. Someone get that shirren some eyeliner!

I am in love with the iconics so far! I love Chk-Chk and Dae's friendship. I want to hug them and make sure they are safe. Looking forward to meeting the rest of them over the next few weeks! Adore that we have an emo barista in the lineup! Would love to read more of Chk-Chk's poems! Adore the fact that the first temple of Zon-Shelyn still functions as a coffee house, it seems appropriate somehow.

I’m fairly curious how Zon-Shelyn’s emergence effects Desna and Sarenrae…

This is also leading me to believe a *considerable* amount of time has passed between 1E and 2E but I may be wrong

His color palette gives me strong Majora vibes and I kinda dig it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Zon-Shelyn seems remarkably pleasant.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Chk Chk not rocking a dad 'stache like his Old ManBug fills me with sadness; but adding bright coloured sprinkles to coffee (...and poetry?) makes me happy. So, I guess, perfectly balanced? As Zon-Shelyn intended?


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"When Aucturn exploded, every telepath under the Fullbright** sun suddenly lost control of their psychic projections. Every intrusive thought, destructive impulse, and damning secret became public as a mysterious psychic contagion spread."

This almost sounds like the opposite of The Gap... I'm excited to see how this plays out in SF2e lore.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah that weapon isn’t by any means glaivelike, but it *does* have the smashed remnant of Chk-Chk’s larval container on the haft just below the blade.

[See Keskodai with adawable lil larval Chk-Chk in said container on belt HERE]

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love Chk Chk

Paizo Employee Marketing & Media Specialist

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chk Chk being an emo poet means so much to me. Keep on keeping on, you funky little bug! <3


6 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a lovely story!

Now I need to know—how long does it take Shirren to go from larval size to adult-size like Chk Chk? GIVE ME ALIEN SPECIES LIFE CYCLES STARFINDER TE—

*gets carried away by vulkarisu, frothing*

Community and Social Media Specialist

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I would pay real monies to watch a sitcom of the emo goth oracle and the cool cat solarion bopping around space doing things.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
I would pay real monies to watch a sitcom of the emo goth oracle and the cool cat solarion bopping around space doing things.


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am both confused and gratified by the sudden influx of barista characters :)

Paizo Employee

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

It's a lovely story!

Now I need to know—how long does it take Shirren to go from larval size to adult-size like Chk Chk? GIVE ME ALIEN SPECIES LIFE CYCLES STARFINDER TE—

*gets carried away by vulkarisu, frothing*

Page 41 of the Core Rulebook has you covered!

Knowing that Shirren reach maturity at 5 years old is why I brought up in a meeting that Chk Chk should probably be out of his larval jar by now, which lead to him becoming the next iconic!


Dustin Knight wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

It's a lovely story!

Now I need to know—how long does it take Shirren to go from larval size to adult-size like Chk Chk? GIVE ME ALIEN SPECIES LIFE CYCLES STARFINDER TE—

*gets carried away by vulkarisu, frothing*

Page 41 of the Core Rulebook has you covered!

Knowing that Shirren reach maturity at 5 years old is why I brought up in a meeting that Chk Chk should probably be out of his larval jar by now, which lead to him becoming the next iconic!

To add specificity(sp?), Shirren are larva until they are 2 years old, so from approximately birth to 2 Chk Chk would be in their carrier, then from 2 until 5 would be a juvenile. This does line up well indeed, because if we assume Chk Chk was born when Starfinder released in 2017, then he would now be 7-8 years old when Starfinder 2 releases.


VerBeeker wrote:

I’m fairly curious how Zon-Shelyn’s emergence effects Desna and Sarenrae…

This is also leading me to believe a *considerable* amount of time has passed between 1E and 2E but I may be wrong

Well, technically about 7 years have passed from the release of Starfinder to now. Starfinder Society actually has alot of in year adventures that are set during specific times, including big events like the Drift Crisis.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Took me a minute to realize "Fullbright" isn't a name for the Sun, but rather a name for a region of Verces on which the Sun shines. Which leads me, for no particular reason, to wonder what the name for the Sun is in the various native languages of the Pact Worlds (Lashunta "Mataras", "Burning Mother" according to the Starfinder wiki). Not to mention the various languages of Golarion ca. 4724 AR.

Side note: Earth's star is "the Sun" or "Sol" or "Helios" or... how many languages are there on Earth these days? And that's not counting the dead ones.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:

Took me a minute to realize "Fullbright" isn't a name for the Sun, but rather a name for a region of Verces on which the Sun shines. Which leads me, for no particular reason, to wonder what the name for the Sun is in the various native languages of the Pact Worlds (Lashunta "Mataras", "Burning Mother" according to the Starfinder wiki). Not to mention the various languages of Golarion ca. 4724 AR.

Side note: Earth's star is "the Sun" or "Sol" or "Helios" or... how many languages are there on Earth these days? And that's not counting the dead ones.

Soleil in French. :3

Grand Lodge

Okay, I recognized Chk Chk was Keskodai's kid... but I had to look up some things on the Starfinder wikia to learn about things like:
Aucturn exploding!?!?

Also... Zon-Shelyn??? What?!? Ummm... what happened to Shelyn? Why has she changed her name? Please, someone, tell me she hasn't gone full cenobite like her brother...

...Although, given her interactions with her new priest... maybe she's just expanded her portfolio in her efforts to reach her out and heal her brother?


Nicolas Paradise wrote:

Looks more like a Painhalberd than a Painglaive.

Huh, Blaine Simple was right, people really can't tell the difference between a glaive and a halberd.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mangaholic13 wrote:

Okay, I recognized Chk Chk was Keskodai's kid... but I had to look up some things on the Starfinder wikia to learn about things like:

Aucturn exploding!?!?

Also... Zon-Shelyn??? What?!? Ummm... what happened to Shelyn? Why has she changed her name? Please, someone, tell me she hasn't gone full cenobite like her brother...

...Although, given her interactions with her new priest... maybe she's just expanded her portfolio in her efforts to reach her out and heal her brother?


Nicolas Paradise wrote:

Looks more like a Painhalberd than a Painglaive.

Huh, Blaine Simple was right, people really can't tell the difference between a glaive and a halberd.

The big playtest adventure will introduce some big event: Aucturn is hatching!

And we had some spoilers during Paizo Con:
Paizo Con Panels:
Shelyn, trying to protect the deity-esque baby that was attacked by some villains, was mortally wounded... And Zon-Kuthon said "No-no! Only me can hurt her, and I was STILL not ready for that!" And he... fused with her to save her. And thus, they are now one deity: Zon-Shelyn... just to make it all even more complicated. xD

And about the "it's not really a glaive" thing, that must be the "pain" part of the name. It "pains" every weapon aficionado that see the name. :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Technically, Aucturn hatched... looks at watch ...about two weeks ago in SFS #7-03: Aucturn Asunder. A Cosmic Birthday will delve into the aftermath.

Mangaholic13 wrote:
Also... Zon-Shelyn??? What?!? Ummm... what happened to Shelyn? Why has she changed her name? Please, someone, tell me she hasn't gone full cenobite like her brother...

Best available information is that Zon-Shelyn is somehow both of them together.

Also, I think I recall the Paizo folks mentioning somewhere that worship of baseline Shelyn was still available.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon accidentally Gift of the Magi'd themselves into a combined entity stronger than the subparts by simultaneously accepting defeat and sending all of their life force to the other to continue the battle against Nyarlathotep.

They said previously existing worshippers of Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon still get their powers from the combined entity. So you can create a Mystic in PF2 who says they only worships one of them and gets access to the Zon-Shelyn domains via that feat. I'm sure they won't waste space publishing separate Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon stat blocks.

Xenocrat wrote:

Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon accidentally Gift of the Magi'd themselves into a combined entity stronger than the subparts by simultaneously accepting defeat and sending all of their life force to the other to continue the battle against Nyarlathotep.

They said previously existing worshippers of Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon still get their powers from the combined entity. So you can create a Mystic in PF2 who says they only worships one of them and gets access to the Zon-Shelyn domains via that feat. I'm sure they won't waste space publishing separate Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon stat blocks.

Wait, seriously? That's canon?

If so, it argues for many of the less horrible Zon-Kuthon interpretations, at least for the pre-fusion Starfinder version of the deity. The idea that there legit were circumstances where he'd be willing to extinguish himself on Shelyn's behalf argues pretty hard that he wasn't entirely lost.

...and now that I've checked, I can see that the PF2 remaster version is can choose unholy, rather than must choose unholy. So that's interesting.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon accidentally Gift of the Magi'd themselves into a combined entity stronger than the subparts by simultaneously accepting defeat and sending all of their life force to the other to continue the battle against Nyarlathotep.

They said previously existing worshippers of Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon still get their powers from the combined entity. So you can create a Mystic in PF2 who says they only worships one of them and gets access to the Zon-Shelyn domains via that feat. I'm sure they won't waste space publishing separate Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon stat blocks.

Wait, seriously? That's canon?

Spend a few bucks on the SFS module Aucturn Asunder.


1. Baby Aucturn is close to hatching.
2. Nyarlathotep decides to suck it dry of power before hand, causing it to send out psychic screams throughout the universe and beyond.
3. Shelyn, in the most unlikely part of this sequence of events, is the only entity that cares enough and is crazy enough to try and stop Nyarlathotep. (Maybe the psychic birth pang shrieks were really musical before Nyarlathotep intervened and she wanted to hear those dulcet tones again.)
4. Her intervention does not go well. Just as she's about to get got for good, Zon-Kuthon steps in and helps his sister.
5. His intervention does not go well. Just as they're both about to die, each coincidentally self sacrifices and sends their entire life force to other. Shelyn says goodbye and tosses the Whisperer of Souls aside first.
6. Zon-Shelyn is forged by the accidental simultaneous self sacrificing exchange/gifting of souls. It slaps Nyarlathotep out of the multiverse, alive but unable to touch reality anymore, then departs.
7. Aucturn continues to psychically scream across the system as it prepares to hatch.
8. The Starfinders send a mission to see what's happening.
9. They fight local threats, frustrate Nyarlathotep cultists trying to enact rituals to redirect the birth energies to restore their boss, and make friends with the Whisperer of Souls, who tells them what happened in the god battle and potentially provides the equivalent of close air support to shred most of the waves of enemies trying to kill the PCs.
10. PCs, if victorious, flee just in time to avoid the planet exploding.
11. The Newborne is newly born.

Grand Lodge

Xenocrat wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon accidentally Gift of the Magi'd themselves into a combined entity stronger than the subparts by simultaneously accepting defeat and sending all of their life force to the other to continue the battle against Nyarlathotep.

They said previously existing worshippers of Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon still get their powers from the combined entity. So you can create a Mystic in PF2 who says they only worships one of them and gets access to the Zon-Shelyn domains via that feat. I'm sure they won't waste space publishing separate Shelyn and Zon-Kuthon stat blocks.

Wait, seriously? That's canon?

Spend a few bucks on the SFS module Aucturn Asunder.

** spoiler omitted **...

Huh. I now have the mental image that Zon-Shelyn looks like an androgenous person with a white face covering mask whose appearances are heralded by glowing blue butterflies. You can thank Persona for that.

Sanityfaerie wrote:

If so, it argues for many of the less horrible Zon-Kuthon interpretations, at least for the pre-fusion Starfinder version of the deity. The idea that there legit were circumstances where he'd be willing to extinguish himself on Shelyn's behalf argues pretty hard that he wasn't entirely lost.

...and now that I've checked, I can see that the PF2 remaster version is can choose unholy, rather than must choose unholy. So that's interesting.

I mean, all the lore has indicated that, as twisted as Zon-Kuthon is from his original self, harming his sister has always been something he'd never do.

On the bright side, it seems like Zon-Shelyn is a deity of dualities and the balances of them, rather than extremes.

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