| Speed 100ft, fly 120ft | Active conditions: angelic form
Agender N blood angel
About Sgrack
Sgrack, the Blood Angel
Sublime human dread blood gaunt lich creature epilektoi 1 of Mrtyu/keshig (khorchin) 9/trinity knight 10//raveler (martial raveler) 10/trinity angel 10
Champion//Gifted tier 1
N Medium undead (augmented humanoid)
Init +28 [+35]; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +38
Aura fear (DC 35, 60 feet)
AC 67 [74], touch 55 [62], flat-footed 55 (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +8 [+15] Dex, +4 dodge, +5 natural, +7 raveler, +6 shield, +15 Wis)
hp 872 (20HD; 1d12+19d10+680); delayed damage pool (218+60), fast healing 15
Fort +47, Ref +49 [+56], Will +32
DR 15/bludgeoning; Defensive Abilities active defense, channel resistance +4, defer death 2/day, hard to kill, I will survive, rejuvenation, will of the gods; Immune cold, electricity, positive energy, sonic, undead traits; Resist acid 20, fire 25, negative energy 10; SR 32
Speed 100 ft., [fly 120 ft. (average)]
Melee huge greatsword +47 [+54] (6d6+41 [+53]/15-20/x3 plus 2d6 and bleed) [reach, 15 ft. reach]
Melee shield bash +42 [+49] (8d6+40 [+52]) [10 ft. reach]
Melee shove +47 [+54] (33 [41])
Melee slam +38 [+45] (1d6+35 [+47] plus bleed, blood drain and grab)
Melee touch +38 [+45] (1d8+25 plus paralyzing touch)
Ranged shadow chakram +47 [+54] (3d6+13/19-20/x3 [+20] plus 3d6 cold and bleed) [thrown, 30 ft. range increment]
Ranged blood spears +40 [+47] (1d6+22 [+30]) [110 ft. range]
Special Attacks angelic form, battle prayer, bleed (2d4), blood drain, bloodied strike, blood infusions 5/day, bloodslick (DC 35), brutal strike, challenge, eternal infusion, fleet charge, fountain of blood, mark of the hunted, mightweaving +8, mythic power (5/day), paralyzing touch, patient counterpoint, patrol, poison blood (DC 38), pounce, shove, stamina (35 points), surge (1d6), titan weapon, trinity assault 1/day, trinity combat, trinity mastery 8/day, trinity strike, with this sword
Maneuvers and Stances (AC: active defense, G: auto granted, R: readied)
Boosts - inescapable fetters (R), oath of torpor (R), rotting axe style (R)
Counters - beat the clock (AC), break the hourglass (G), decree of silence, decree of vengeance (R), oath of eternity (G), scything reaper riposte, unbreakable promise (AC)
Strikes - curse of impending doom (R), hammer of the immortal (R), pitiless axe of the executioner (R), shatter spell, soul drinking strike (R)
Stances - armaments of the empire, chronal fission, god of the hourglass stance, mourning ghost attitude, sands of time stance, stance of the infinite warrior
Ravels bloodied hem (woven), duplicating inlay (woven), elemental threads (woven), enhancing sheer (woven), stepping knots (woven), warding bindings (woven)
Sphere Casting (35 spell points)
Blood (CL 10th) - martyr's tithings
Protection (CL 20th) - armored magic, luck
Veilweaving (CL 10th) - condense and draw essence
Warp (CL 10th) - teleport, pouncing teleport, swap placement
Veils (6/52 essence points + 6 free essence)
Blood - blood rush [9], daevic aspect (mutation) [-], daevic aspect (vigilance) [9], ichor ink (reagent powder) [8], lashing blood [8]
Body - aura of rage [-], superior reflexes [-]
Chest - dark heart [1]
Feet - sprinter's boots (flint-and-steel trimming) [9]
Hands - deathgrip gauntlets [-], juggernaut blade (mithral inlay) [-]
Headband - crown of elemental mastery [1 (+3)], frostbite halo [1 (+3)]
Wrist - frigid grasp [-]
Str 24 (+7), Dex 26 (+8), Con -, Int 26 (+8), Wis 40 (+15), Cha 40 (+15)
Base Atk +20; CMB +37 [+45] (+10 with greatsword; +18 to disarm and reposition, +12 to trip, +6 to bull rush, drag and overrun); MSB +20; CMD 80 [95] (+18 vs. disarm and reposition, +12 vs. trip, +6 vs. bull rush, drag and overrun); MSD 30
Feats Altered Life, Centering Mightweaving, Combat Reflexes, Combat Stamina, Combat Tenacity, Create Humor Familiar, Desperate Focus, Discipline Style Mastery, Endurance, Elemental Body (cold), Eternal Hourglass, Focused Stamina, Fuse Styles, Giantslayer, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Improved Critical (heavy blades), Improved Quick Draw, Improved Vital Strike, Lingering Spirit, Manyshot, Mixed Combat, Mythic Improved Critical, Mythic Vital Strike, Mythic Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Seize the Opportunity, Titan Breaker, Titan Grip, Titan Slayer, Titan Technique, Toughness, Trinity Warrior (protection), True Rage, Unquiet Grave Hunger, Unquiet Grave Return, Unquiet Grave Style, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (heavy blades)
Spheres Berserker, Blood (cruoromancy drawback), Brute (armed combatant drawback), Duelist (bloody slasher drawback), Equipment, Guardian, Protection (alternate aegis and limited protection drawbacks), Shield, Veilweaving, Warp
Talents Armored Magic (aegis), Bashing Shield, Beat Down, Bell-Ringer, Bind Body Chakra (bind), Bind Chest Chakra (bind), Bind Feet Chakra (bind), Bind Hands Chakra (bind), Bind Headband Chakra (bind), Bind Wrists Chakra (bind), Brace Weapon, Cold Iron Call, Critical Genius, Debilitating Injury (bleed), Deathless, Deflecting Shield, Durable, Entwined Allocation (essence), Expanded Guardian, Extra Essence, Fast Draw, Finesse Fighting, Focused Might, Follow-Through, Greater Brute, Greater Disarm, Greater Shove, Huntsman Training, Hurricane Slash (bleed), Iai Slash (bleed), Iron Wall, Long Cuts, Luck (succor), Marauder (adrenaline), Martyr's Tithings (blood art), Mass Challenge, Ooze Ichor, Perforating Wounds (bleed), Pouncing Teleport, Punishing Rebuke (zone), Shape Additional Veil (x6), Shield Training, Smashing Counter (deflect), Swap Placement, Swift Guardian, Twin Veil, Vacuum Cut (x2), Veilwarding, Versatile Shield
Traits Natural Essence, Steel Body, Unorthodox Method (radiant dawn)
Skills 280/280
Acrobatics +31 [+38] (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Dex)
Autohypnosis +38 (use Intimidate)
Bluff +38 (20 ranks, 3 class, 15 Cha)
Climb +15 [+23] (5 ranks, 3 class, 7 Str)
Diplomacy +42 (20 ranks, 3 class, 15 Cha, 4 racial)
*Escape Artist +38 [+45] (20 ranks, 8 Dex, 10 racial)
Fly +31 [+38] (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Dex)
Intimidate +38 (20 ranks, 3 class, 15 Cha)
Knowledge (history) +31 (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Int)
Knowledge (martial) +31 (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +31 (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +31 (20 ranks, 3 class, 8 Int)
Perception +38 (20 ranks, 3 class, 15 Wis)
Sense Motive +38 (20 ranks, 3 class, 15 Wis)
Stealth +28 [+35] (20 ranks, 8 Dex)
Spellcraft +16 (5 ranks, 3 class, 8 Int)
Swim +15 [+23] (5 ranks, 3 class, 7 Str)
Use Magic Device +23 (5 ranks, 3 class, 15 Cha)
Armor Check -0
Languages SQ advanced formation, akashic arsenal, aligned class, aligned defense, aligned disciplines, always a chance, astral celerity, blood aspect, blood binding, blood body, bloodweaving, casting tradition (consciousness linked, essence infusion, focus casting, magical signs, path of the knight, somatic casting, verbal casting), eternal guard, improved essence capacity, improved formation, integrated formation, mastered formation, mythic sphere mastery (guardian), patient riposte, raveler's ascendance, reinforced, resilient form, sight beyond sight, silent virtue, skilled, slithering blood, strong life-force, sustaining virtue, tireless virtue
ABP deflection +5, mental prowess (+6 Wis, +4 Cha, +2 Int), physical prowess (+6 Dex, +4 Str, +2 Con), resistance +5, toughening +5
Favored Class Bonuses: +5hp, +2 essence, +1 ravel feat
Weapons juggernaut blade with blood funnels [sunsilver +5 dueling impact martial legend (eternal guardian) vicious greatsword // sunsilver +5 arrow-catching bashing ghost touch light shield]
Wornkeshig's scabbard Slotted
-Chest: greater corset of delicate moves
-Feet: improved catalysed treasure (flint-and-steel trimming), steelwalker's boots
-Hands: catalyzed treasure (mithral inlay)
-Headband: greater akashic catalyst
-Rings: ring of freedom of movement, ring of spell turning
-Shoulders: juggernaut's pauldrons
-Wrists: fate-woven braid of the norns Wands, Rods, Etc Backpack
Belt Pouch 173,700gp
Consumed Othercatalyzed treasure (reagent powder), unicorn's blackened horn (shaped as its heart, which is also its phylactery)
Magic Items:
Blood Funnels (attached to the Sword of Lost War) The blood funnel deals 1 point of damage to Sgrack each time the weapon is drawn or wielded, which cannot be healed while the weapon is still wielded or in hand. Whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage to an opponent with at least 20HD with the Sword of Lost Time, it treats the amount of essence invested in its Blood veils as 1 higher for the next 3 rounds, even if that would raise the veil above its normal capacity. If it scores a critical hit with that attack, it instead treats the Blood veil as having 3 additional points of essence invested. Multiple instances of the benefit from blood funnels do not stack.
Greater Akashic Catalyst Veils Sgrack shapes in the
Greater Corset of Delicate Moves Twice per encounter, as a move action, Sgrack can take an additional swift action.
Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns Up to three times per day upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw, Sgrack can activate the braid to reroll the saving throw. If the result of any reroll obtained is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid’s daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair.
Juggernaut's Pauldrons Sgrack gets a +4 bonus to its CMD. On command, it can increase its size as per enlarge person and revert to its size with another command. Three times per day, as an immediate action after Sgrack kills a foe, it gains the benefit of the deadly juggernaut spell for 1 minute.
Steelwalker's Boots Sgrack can move up to half its movement speed during a full attack, which must be taken before, after, or between its attacks, and may be taken in separate increments. If Sgrack uses this ability but does not hit with any melee attacks during that action, it is then staggered until the end of its next turn.
MANEUVERS Aligned Defense (Ex) Whenever Scragck readies its maneuvers, it may choose one counter from each of the Eternal Guardian and Radiant Dawn disciplines. It may expend any granted maneuver of equal or higher level to initiate these counters, even if they are not readied or granted.
Aligned Disciplines (Ex) Sgrack treats the Eternal Guardian and the Radiant Dawn disciplines as one. When the Sgrack makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate skill check, it may make the check with the bonus of the other skill instead.
Combat Tenacity (feat) For the purpose of initiating counters, Sgrack is not considered to have expended its swift action this turn if it used the action to initiate a boost or entered a stance. For the purpose of initiating boosts and entering stances, it is not considered to have expended this swift action this turn if it used the action to initiate a counter.
Eternal Hourglass Once per encounter, while Sgrack maintains an Eternal Guardian or Riven Hourglass stance, it can initiate an Eternal Guardian or Riven Hourglass counter as an out of turn free action.
Maneuvers Readied/Granted Sgrack can ready 10 of its known maneuvers by praying to Mrtyu for 10 minutes, which remain readied until it prays again. It must choose 2 of its readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to it for use at any time, which can be changed with an 1 minute prayer. When combat begins (or on its turn if unable to act in a surprise round), Sgrack is randomly granted another 5 of its readied maneuvers and at the end of each of its turns, it is granted another one at random. If there are no more withheld maneuvers to be granted, all its spend maneuvers are recovered, it loses access of its current maneuvers (spent or not), chooses 2 maneuvers to be granted to it and receive another 5 random readied maneuvers, starting the process anew.
<>Battle Prayer (Su) As a full-round action, Sgrack may grant itself all of its remaining withheld maneuvers, then immediately expend them. As there are no remaining maneuvers to be granted, a new set of maneuvers is granted to it at the end of its turn, as normal. In addition, until the start of its next turn, Sgrack gains DR/- equal to the number of points in its delayed damage pool and a +1 bonus to saving throws for each 5 points in it.
Path of the Knight (Su) Sgrack adds its trinity knight levels to its initiator level. It also progresses its stances and maneuvers as five levels higher.
VEILWEAVING Akashic Arsenal (Su) Each day when Sgrack shapes its veils, it may choose an [Enhanced (armor)] and an [Enhanced (weapon)] to shape them without them counting against the number of veils it may shape each day as well as having it not count against the slot that it shaped. These are always considered to be bound.
Bloodweaving Sgrack can shape three veils to the Blood chakra, which do not count against its Blood chakra slot.
<>Blood Aspect Sgrack can shape two Daevic Aspects veils each day, which do not count against its normal limits on veils shaped, or its veil slots. By meditating for one minute, it can change the passions it has selected for the Daevic Aspects.
<>Blood Binding Sgrack can bind veils to its Blood chakra.
<>Blood Infusions As part of shaping its veils for the day, Sgrack can create five free doses of infused blood, which are treated as if they had 9 essence invested, and as Bound. These doses' effects last for 5 hours and automatically expire 24 hours after their creation.
<><>Eternal Infusion Sgrack can infuse a single creature with its blood as part of shaping its veils, allowing that creature to shape and use Blood veils as well. That creature can shape a single Blood veil each day using Sgrack’s veil list, and uses its essence capacity, veilweaving modifier, and veilweaving level for this veil. This veil does not count against its veils shaped or Blood chakra, and is treated as bound. It also gains 9 temporary essence when it shapes it to be invested in this veil.
Chakra Binds Each day when Sgrack shapes its veils, it can bind veils to the following slots: body, chest, feet, hand, headband, and wrist.
Entwined Allocation (essence) Whenever Sgrack spends a swift action to use an ability, it may reallocate its essence as part of using that ability. It may still only reallocate its essence as part of using a swift action once per round, even if it can use multiple swift actions each round.
Improved Essence Capacity The maximum essence capacity of Sgrack's containers is 9.
Mark of the Hunted (Su) As a swift action when Sgrack deals damage to a creature, it may invest essence into it. As long as a creature is marked this way, Sgrack can pinpoint its exact location so long as it is within 25 feet of it, and as such, it ignores any miss chance or similar effects (like concealment or mirror image). Beyond this range, Sgrack only knows the general distance and direction of those creatures. If it is in a different plane, Sgrack knows what plane it is on. For each essence invested in the creature, Sgrack deals an additional 1 point of damage to it and ignores up to 2 points of DR or Hardness it posses. The creature takes a penalty to AC equal to 1 + essence invested and to saving throws equal to 1 + half the essence invested versus Sgrack's attacks, spells, and abilities. Sgrack's weapons' critical threat range and critical multiplier increase by 1 against the creature. Finally, Sgracks d20 rolls to attack the creature treat any unmodified result of less than 1 + essence invested as that amount instead, and d20s rolls to save against Sgrack's effects whose unmodified result is greater than 20 - essence invested is instead treated as that amount.
Reinforced (Su) Sgrack receives an additional 30 hit points and 6 points of essence, though it may not invest this essence into any veil (may still invest it into other containers or burn). Essence burn recovers at a rate of 1 per minute.
Twin Veil When Sgrack shapes its veils, it chooses a single chakra slot to allow two veils to be shaped in it.
Veilwarding (essence) When Sgrack shapes its veils and whenever it reallocates essence, it may select up to 15 creatures. These creatures take no damage from veils it has shaped, and are treat as if they passed any saving throws when determining its effects.
<>Aura of Rage Whenever Sgrack deals damage to creatures, it may force them to make a single melee attack against it (if they are capable) as a free action. A DC 35 Will save allows them to choose not to attack Sgrack. If they make an attack, Sgrack may retaliate with a single attack of its own.
<>Blood Rush (9) Sgrack gains a +50 feet bonus to all of its modes of movement, a +4 bonus to attack rolls, a +4 dodge bonus to its AC, and a +4 bonus to Reflex saving throws. Sgrack may take an additional move action each round, and when it makes a full-attack it can make an additional attack at its highest base attack bonus. This is not cumulative with similar effects, such as the haste spell.
<>Crown of Elemental Mastery (1+3) Sgrack's abilities and attacks ignore up to 25 points of its targets’ acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance. It treats foes with immunity to these elements as if they had resistance 50 to that type instead. Every time it deals damage to a creature with one of the above elements, that creature’s resistance to that element is reduced by 5 for 1 minute, which stacks with itself and renews the duration of each previous penalty.
<>Daevic Aspect (mutation) Sgrack gains acid resistance 20 and the pounce ability, allowing it to make a full attack as part of a charge.
<>Daevic Aspect (vigilance) (9) While Sgrack sets a up patrol, the patrol's reach increases by 20 feet, it increases the speed of all of its modes of movement by 100 feet, gains a +11 insight bonus to Perception checks made against creatures and to Knowledge checks made to identify creatures in the area of its patrol, and 9 extra attacks of opportunity per round. Sgrack also gains blindsight within its patrol's reach, improved uncanny dodge and its movements made as part of the patrol do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
<>Dark Heart (1) Once per round as a free action, Sgrack may increase the capacity of its essence containers by 4. All the essence invested in this veil is burned and Sgrack gains twice as many temporary essence, which is lost when this ability is deactivated. When activating this veil and at the beginning of each of its turns while this veil is active, it loses 40 hit points. This choice can be made even if Sgrack cannot take actions. This hit point loss ignores temporary hit points, and cannot be mitigated or redirected in any way
<>Deathgrip Gauntlets Whenever Sgrack would deal damage, it may deal 1 point of damage to itself to gain a +2 insight bonus to damage for that attack. Damage dealt to it this way cannot be reduced or mitigated by any means, and ignores temporary HP. It treats its Charisma as 10 higher for the purposes of determining the amount of negative hit points it can reach before being destroyed and is immune to the staggered condition while below 0 hp. While at or below 50% hit points, Sgrack gains a +2 insight bonus to attack and increases the bonus damage gained by this veil by 50%. While at or below 0 hit points, Sgrack instead gains a +20 insight bonus to attack and increases the bonus damage gained by this veil by 100%.
<>Frigid Grasp Sgrack may make 15 additional attacks of opportunity each round and its attacks of opportunity deal 15 additional cold damage. Whenever Sgrack hits with an attack of opportunity, it may burn a point of essence to cause the creature to become entangled in ice for 1 round. A DC 35 Reflex save negates this effect.
<>Frostbite Halo (1+3) Whenever Sgrack deals cold damage, the cold damage dealt increases by +5. Additionally, cold damage it deals ignores up to 25 points of the target’s cold resistance. The first time each round a creature would take cold damage from one of Sgrack's effects, they lose the benefits of any insight or morale bonuses they are benefiting from until the end of Sgrack's next turn. A DC 29 Will save negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.
<>Ichor Ink (8) As a standard action, Sgrack mimics the shadow evocation spell-like ability (CL 15th, DC 33), being able to emulate evocation spells up to 5th level and having them be 60% real. Sgrack takes damage equal to twice the spell's level, which cannot be prevented in any way and ignores any temporary hit points.
<><>Treasure: Reagent Powder Sgrack gains a +8 bonus to veilweaving level checks to overcome spell resistance when utilizing its veils.
<>Juggernaut Blade Sgrack may treat this weapon as both a greatsword and a light steel shield. Its shield bashes use its greatsword’s damage dice, but it deals bludgeoning damage. As a swift action, Sgrack may have this veil enter one of the following forms and reinvest its essence:
<><>Titanic Swings: Whenever Sgrack deals damage with a weapon created by this veil, it may deal 15 damage to enemies adjacent to the struck creature and increases its reach by 5 feet.
<><>Warding Blade: Once per round when a creature within this weapon’s reach makes an attack against Sgrack, it may make a shield bash attack of opportunity against that creature and it gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary hit points last until the end of its next turn and do not stack with themselves.
<><>Treasure: Mithral Inlay Sgrack may use its Dexterity for attack rolls with this veil and it counts as a weapon the finesse ability. <>Lashing Blood (8) As a standard action, Sgrack makes five ranged attacks with its blood (do not provoke AOO), each dealing 1d6 + its Strength modifier damage and having a 110 feet range. Sgrack gains a +8 insight bonus on the attack rolls and damage with these attacks. Whenever it successfully strike a target, it may pull the target 5 feet closer to it. A DC 33 Fortitude save negates this movement and they gain a +4 bonus to this save if being this would put them in immediate harm. Instead of pulling a target, Sgrack may instead cause them 8 bleed damage, which heals it whenever it deals damage while within 110 feet. A DC 33 Fortitude save negates this effect.
<>Sprinter's Boots (9) Sgrack gains a +20 insight bonus to initiative. Once per minute as a free action, Sgrack may move up to its speed (increased by +10 ft.) and gain the effects of haste for 1 round.
<><>Treasure: Flint-and-Steel Trimming As a part of reallocating its essence, Sgrack may suppress this veil to gain 5 points of temporary essence. This temporary essence cannot be burned, and is lost if this veil is no longer suppressed. This veil can be unsuppressed as part of reinvesting its essence.
<>Superior Reflexes While Sgrack wears no armor have no other enhanced (armor) veil shaped, it may add its Wisdom modifier to its AC and CMD. It loses these bonuses when immobilized or helpless or when it carries a medium or heavy load. Whenever a creature makes an attack of opportunity against Sgrack, they must roll twice, take the worse result and they provoke an attack of opportunity from it. Whenever Sgrack makes an attack of opportunity, it rolls twice and take the better result. Whenever Sgrack hits with an attack of opportunity, it may make another attack of opportunity at its highest base attack bonus -5.
RAVELS Mightweaving (Su) As a swift action or whenever Sgrack uses an ability of a combat sphere, it can unweave one of its ravels to enhance the abilities of a continuous effect granted by a combat sphere, allowing it to treat its BAB and skill ranks with that ability as 8 higher when determining its effects. For continuous abilities or that have a duration, this bonus lasts for the duration of the ability, or until the ravel is woven again, whichever happens first. For instantaneous abilities, this bonus applies every time that ability is used, but no more than once each round, for as long as the ravel is unwoven.
<>Centering Mightweaving (feat) Whenever Sgrack uses mightweaving, it regains its martial focus.
Ravels (Su) Sgrack knows to weave and unweave ravels. Each ravel gives it an ability depending on them being woven or unwoven. When unwoven, a ravel remains in that state for 10 minutes and then Sgrack can choose to leave it unwoven or return to its woven state as a free action.
<>Bloodied Hem
<><>Woven: Whenever a creature within 55 feet of Sgrack takes slashing or piercing damage or suffers from bleed damage, it can cause it to suffer blood loss, taking 10 damage. A particular creature can only take blood loss in this way once each round.
<><>Unwoven: Sgrack automatically sense the locations of creatures within 60 feet of it who have suffered bleed damage or blood loss within the past 20 minutes, as per blindsense. If Sgrack attacks a creature it can sense in this way and it is benefiting from percentile miss chance (such as that granted by concealment), it reduces the effective miss chance for that attack by 50% (minimum 0%).
<>Duplicating Inlay
<><>Woven: When Sgrack rolls initiative, it gains six illusory doubles, as per the mirror image spell. These doubles persist until destroyed, until this ravel is unweaved, or until combat ends. These images stack with those produced by the mirror image spell, or similar effects.
<><>Unwoven: Sgrack is surrounded by a haze of constantly shifting energy that conceals its location, causing attacks made against it to be treated as if it had partial concealment with a miss chance equal to 45%. Sgrack cannot use this concealment to hide.
<>Elemental Threads
<><>Woven: As a swift action, Sgrack chooses one of the following energy types: Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire. It gains resistance to the chosen energy type equal to 25.
<><>Unwoven: As a swift action, Sgrack chooses one of the following energy types: Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire. Whenever it deals damage of the chosen energy type using a sphere effect, spell, strike, or psionic power, it deals 20 additional damage of the chosen type. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
<>Enhancing Sheer
<><>Woven: Sgrack radiates an aura in a 15-foot radius that grants its allies (but not itself) a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls and a +7 insight bonus to weapon damage rolls.
<><>Unwoven: Sgrack radiates an aura in a 15-foot radius that gives its enemies a -1 penalty on attack rolls, and reducing the damage of their weapon attacks by -7.
<>Stepping Knots
<><>Woven: As a swift action, Sgrack can teleport to a space within 55 feet of it. This teleportation does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and requires it to possess line of sight and line of effect to its destination.
<><>Unwoven: Sgrack treats creatures it can see as 55 feet closer to it for the purposes of the range of its supernatural abilities, spells it casts, and magical sphere effects it casts (including melee touch effects and spells). This does not apply to auras or to abilities that affect an area, and does not treat those creatures as closer to it for any other purpose.
<>Warding Bindings
<><>Woven: Sgrack gains a +7 bonus to AC and Reflex saving throws. This bonus to AC applies to its flat footed AC and is considered a force effect, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they would armor.
<><>Unwoven: Sgrack is surrounded by a field of repelling force out to a radius of 25 feet. Its enemies treat this area as difficult terrain that applies to all forms of movement through the area, which also applies to incorporeal creatures. Whenever it or its allies in this area make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage.
<>Raveler's Ascendance (Su) Whenever one of Sgrack's ravels is unweaved as part of its magicweaving or mightweaving abilities, it maintains that ravel’s woven effect for the duration it is unweaved in addition to gaining its unwoven effect. It is still considered to be unwoven, and cannot be unweaved again until it is weaved again. Additionally, ravels recover 1 minute after being unweaved.
SPHERECASTING Aegis As a standard action, Sgrack may touch a creature and spend a spell point, granting it an (aegis) for 20 hours. Unwilling targets are allowed a Will save to resist gaining an aegis, and aegis is subject to spell resistance. As an immediate action, Sgrack may sacrifice an (aegis) it created in order to gain the effect of a (succor).
<>Armored Magic (aegis) Sgrack may create an aegis that grants a target either a +7 armor bonus or a +5 shield bonus to AC. This does not stack with other armor or shield bonuses, but does apply against attacks made by incorporeal creatures.
<><>Angelic Form (Su) As a swift action, Sgrack may cast a special version of the armored magic aegis talent to gain the effects of the stalwart ability and a fly speed equal its base speed plus 20 feet.
<><><>Astral Celerity (Su) Sgrack may assume angelic form as a part of a swift action to activate or change another class feature and may choose to be considered an outsider instead of an undead when in angelic form. Sgrack's spells are cast as though benefiting from the Still Spell metamagic feat.
<><><>Integrated Formation (Su) When in angelic form, Sgrack’s veils merge seamlessly into its armored aegis, making them much more difficult to detect (+10 to DCs to recognize the shaped veils nature) until they are used. Weapon-like veils do not gain this advantage.
<><><>Silent Virtue (Su) When in angelic form, Sgrack's spells may be cast as though they were benefiting from the Silent Spell metamagic feat.
<><><>Telekinetic Combat (Su) When in angelic form, Sgrack treats its Strength score as if it was equal to its Wisdom score and its Dexterity score as if if was equal to its Charisma score.
<>Luck (succor) As an immediate action, Sgrack may dismiss an aegis on a target to allow it to reroll a saving throw it has just made. It must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Condense and Draw Essence As a swift action, Sgrack can spend any number of spell points to gain half that many points of temporary essence (rounded down). It may only ever have 15 temporary essence using this ability. These points of temporary essence persist until it rest to recover your spell points. As a swift action, Sgrack can choose to burn any number of points of temporary essence granted by this ability to gain the same amount of temporary spell points that last for 1 minute.
Martyr's Tithings Whenever Sgrack causes another creature to suffer blood loss, it gains an amount of temporary hit points equal to the blood loss for 15 rounds. Whenever it would take blood loss damage, these temporary hit points are lost first. As a standard action, Sgrack suffers 5 blood loss damage and grants another creature within range 25 temporary hit points, which last for 10 minutes. If it spends a spell point when casting this effect, the target is also healed for an amount of damage equal to the number of temporary hit points they receive.
Teleport As a standard action, Sgrack can teleport itself and up to a heavy load to any place within 50 feet. Alternatively, it may teleport a touched willing creature. It may spend a spell point to increase the teleport range to 200 feet. It must have line of sight to its destination.
<>Pouncing Teleport Sgrack may spend a spell point or increase its teleport casting time by one step in order to make a single attack after successfully teleporting itself. It may also spend an additional spell point to make either a full attack or take an attack action instead of a single attack after successfully teleporting.
<>Swap Placement When teleporting itself or another creature to a location already occupied by a different creature, Sgrack may send the creature already occupying that location back to where the teleporting creature came from.
OTHER ATTACKS Always a Chance (Ex) Sgrack does not automatically miss when it rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll.
Bashing Shield (Ex) Sgrack does not lose its shield bonus to AC when making a shield bash attack.
<>Versatile Shield (Ex) Sgrack may add its shield’s AC enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls when making a shield bash attack as if it were a weapon enhancement bonus.
Blood Drain (Ex) A living creature damaged by Sgrack’s slam takes an additional 2 points of Constitution damage, which is subject to the multiplier for a critical hit. In a grapple, Sgrack deals 2d4 points of Constitution damage to a living foe each round that the grapple is maintained. For each point of Constitution damage caused, it gains 5 temporary hit points.
Blooded Strike (Ex) Whenever Sgrack uses the attack action or an attack of opportunity to attack or disarm a creature, it deals an additional 7 points of bleed damage to the target on a successful attempt which stacks with any other bleed damage it is capable of dealing. Sgrack never provokes attacks of opportunity when attempting non-disarm combat maneuvers against a target currently taking bleed damage. It can apply the effects of a single (bleed) talent to this attack.
<>Debilitating Injuries (bleed) (Ex) Whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage to a creature, it may cause them to take a penalty on all weapon attack rolls equal to the amount of bonus bleed damage granted to it by blooded strike for as long as the bleed is in effect.
<>Hurricane Strike (bleed) (Ex) Whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage to a creature in the same round that it drew the weapon used to deal that damage, it may make an additional attack against each enemy within reach as an immediate action, making a single attack roll with a -2 penalty and applying it against each target’s AC, and dealing its normal weapon damage to each creature that it hits.
<>Iai Slash (bleed) (Ex) Whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage to a creature in the same round it drew the weapon used to deal that damage, it may expend any amount of attacks of opportunity as a free action to compare the same attack roll against the AC or CMD of a different enemy within reach for each attack of opportunity. If its attack roll is greater than a creature’s AC, it causes them to suffer from its blooded strike. Additionally, whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage to a creature already suffering from its blooded strike, or an enemy suffering from its blooded strike’s bleed is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, Sgrack may sheathe its weapon as a free action.
<>Perforating Wounds (bleed) (Ex) Whenever Sgrack deals bleed damage as part of an attack action to a creature who is already suffering bleed damage from its blooded strike, it deals an extra 7 bleed damage. This bleed damage stacks with other bleed damage granted by the Duelist sphere and Sgrack can stack this bleed damage with itself three times. This bleed damage does not affect other abilities that scale off of its blooded strike’s bleed damage.
<>Vacuum Cut (Ex) Whenever Sgrack uses the attack action to make a melee attack in the same round it drew a sheathed weapon, it may target a creature within 75 feet. The attack is treated as both a projectile and as a melee attack. Sgrack may use this talent with Hurrican Strike and Iai Slash to increase the range to 75 feet.
Blood Slick (Ex) Sgrack constantly drips slippery blood in a 10-foot-radius around itself, which counts as difficult terrain and as it if were under the effects of a grease spell (Reflex DC 35). Sgrack is immune to this effect.
Brace Weapon (Ex) Sgrack may use its greatsword to perform an overrun maneuver.
Brutal Strike (Ex) As a special attack action, Sgrack may make a melee attack against a target and if it deals damage, the target is battered until the end of Sgrack's next turn. It may expend martial focus to have the attack deal 40 additional damage.
<>Beat Down (Ex) When Sgrack inflicts the battered condition with a brutal strike, it lasts for an additional 15 rounds.
<>Bell-Ringer (Ex) Creature damaged by Sgrack's brutal strike take a -6 penalty on concentration checks and Will saves for as long as the creature is battered.
Challenge (Ex) As a move action (swift action by expending martial focus), Sgrack may issue a challenge to a non-mindless creature it can see. The creature takes a -7 penalty on attack rolls that do not include Sgrack as a target and a +2 bonus on attack rolls targeting only it. The challenge lasts for 13 rounds and when it issues a new challenge, any previous challenge it has active ends.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Sgrack's challenge casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability that does not include it in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty to the spell’s save DC.
<>Durable (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Sgrack's challenge uses such an ability (see Durable under Delayed Damage Pool) that does not include her in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty to the ability’s save DC.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Sgrack's challenge attacks an ally within 75 ft. of it, that attack suffers a 20% miss chance. If an attack would also be subject to the Patrol miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Mass Challenge (Ex) When using the challenge ability, Sgrack may increase the time to activate it (move to standard or swift to move) to issue its challenge to up to twelve targets at once.
<>Swift Guardian (Ex) Sgrack may use the challenge ability as a swift action, or a free action if it expends its martial focus.
Combat Reflexes (feat) Sgrack may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to its Dexterity bonus. It may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
<>Seize the Opportunity (feat) When Sgrack makes an attack of opportunity, it can take an attack action or attempt a combat maneuver in place of its attack of opportunity. This feat does not allow it to move when it isn’t its turn.
Critical Genius (Ex) Sgrack treats greatswords as though its critical threat range was 18-20. In addition, when Sgrack confirms a critical hit with a greatsword while using the attack action, it deals 20 additional damage (not multiplied by the critical hit).
Discipline Style Mastery (feat) As a swift action, Sgrack may enter the Titan Technique style and the Unquiet Grave styles simultaneously.
<>Fuse Styles (feat) Sgrack can enter two styles and a martial stance with the same swift action.
<>Titan Technique (feat) As a swift action, Sgrack may enter this style. It can wield weapons two sizes larger than it and increases its reach by 5 ft while doing so, with a penalty of -1.
<>Unquiet Grave Style (feat) As a swift action, Sgrack may enter this style. Whenever it scores a critical strike with its greatsword, the target takes a -8 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores (Charisma if undead) for 15 rounds. Penalties from this feat stack with themselves, but they cannot exceed the target's ability scores. Sgrack gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the penalty and these count as coming from an Unquiet Grave maneuver. Once per day, whenever Sgrack would be destroyed it instead remains conscious for 1 minute. No matter how many negative hit points it accrues during this time, it still remains animate, but if it does not slay a creature before the minute is up, it is destroyed. If its HP is below 0 when the time elapses after slaying a creature, it is brought to 1 HP. Otherwise it remains at its current total.
Elemental Blood (feat) As a swift action, Sgrack may suffer 5 damage of blood loss (or nothing if below half hit points) to coat a weapon with its freezing blood, granting it the icy burst ability for 20 rounds. Any creature that confirms a critical hit against Sgrack with a non-reach slashing or piercing weapon takes 20 points of cold damage. A DC 30 Reflex save negates this effect.
Fast Draw (Ex) Sgrack can draw a weapon as part of the action used to make an attack with it. As a move action, it can draw a hidden weapon.
<>Improved Quick Draw (feat) Sgrack is considered to be threatening all squares within reach of his weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw its weapon when making an attack of opportunity. When it draws its weapon in this way, it may sheath the weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity after the attack is resolved.
<>Mixed Combat (feat) Sgrack can sheathe a weapon as an out of turn free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it hits a creature with a melee attack, its ranged attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature until the end of its turn.
Fear Aura (Su) Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at Sgrack become frightened, while those with more HD become shaken for 20 rounds. A DC 35 Will save negates this effect and protects it for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Finesse Fighting (Ex) Whenever Sgrack makes an attack using its Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and its Strength bonus on melee damage rolls, it may deal 10 additional damage.
Focused Stamina (feat) Whenever Sgrack would expend its martial focus, it may instead spend 5 stamina points.
Follow-Through (Ex) Whenever Sgrack hits a target with an attack action, it may make a bull rush or reposition maneuver against the target as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. It may use its weapon to perform this maneuver.
Giantslayer (feat) Sgrack gains a bonus to its CMB and CMD equal to +1 per size category larger than itself an opponent is. In addition, it can use combat maneuvers against creatures one size larger than normal.
<>Titan Breaker (feat) Sgrack increases the bonus to its CMB and CMD from the Giantslayer feat by another +1 per size category larger than itself an opponent is. In addition, it can use combat maneuvers against creatures two sizes larger than normal.
Greater Brute (Ex) Sgrack gains a +6 competence bonus to its bull rush, drag, overrun, and reposition combat maneuver checks, as well as to its CMD vs those maneuvers.
Greater Disarm (Ex) Sgrack gains a +6 competence bonus to its disarm combat maneuver checks, as well as to its CMD vs disarm.
Greater Vital Strike (feat) When Sgrack uses the attack action, it can make one attack at its highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. It roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack four times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities, precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.
<>Mythic Vital Strike (feat) Whenever Sgrack uses Greater Vital Strike, it multiplies the Strength bonus, magic bonus, and other bonuses that would normally be multiplied on a critical hit by 4.
Long Cuts (Ex) The bleeding wounds Sgrack inflicts are more difficult to close, taking at least 25 points of healing at one time or a DC 40 Heal check to end bleed effects it causes.
Ooze Ichor (Ex) Sgrack is able to deal bleed damage to behemoths, constructs, elementals, and undead, bypassing their normal immunity, though all bleed damage it deals to such creatures is reduced to half of what it would normally be (minimum 1).
Paralyzing Touch (Su) A living creature Sgrack hits with its touch attack is permanently paralyzed. A DC 35 Fortitude save negates this effect. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim, but the effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a Sgrack seems dead, though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.
Patient Counterpoint (Ex) During Sgrack's turn, if its delayed damage pool isn't empty, it gains an insight bonus to damage rolls equal to its Wisdom modifier + 1 for every 5 points in its pool beyond 5. Additionally, it adds half of its bonus to damage as a bonus to its attack rolls, up to +6.
<>Patient Riposte (Ex) The bonus from Sgrack’s patient counterpoint feature is doubled when below 0 hit points. This allows it to exceed the normal cap on that ability.
Patrol (Ex) As a full-round action while Sgrack has martial focus, it may increase its threatened area by 30 ft. Until the beginning of its next turn, Sgrack may make attacks of opportunity against any creature in this threatened area and may move to bring the creature within its reach as part of these attacks, provided its total movement before its next turn does not exceed its base speed.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Allies within the area of Sgrack's patrol, not including itself, gain a 20% miss chance against melee attacks originating from a creature that it threatens. If an attack would also be subject to the Challenge miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Mythic Sphere Mastery As a swift action, Sgrack may spend mythic power to gain an enhanced patrol for 1 minute per tier. While it makes a patrol, Sgrack may make an additional move action which can never be used to make an attack.
<>Punishing Rebuke (Ex) When a creature attacks an ally within the area of Sgrack's patrol, not including itself, it provokes an attack of opportunity from it.
<>Swift Guardian (Ex) Sgrack may use the patrol ability as a standard action, or as a move action if it expends its martial focus.
Poison Blood (Ex) A creature that strikes Sgrack with a bite attack is subject to his poison blood. Poison Blood — ingested; save Fortitude DC 38; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1 Con plus nauseated; cure 1 save.
<>Fountain of Blood (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, as a full-round action, Sgrack can spray blood in a 30-foot radius, exposing creatures as though they had ingested his poisonous blood. Until its next turn, creatures entering the area are also affected, but only once per round. For 10 rounds, the area also has the effects of Sgrack's blood slick ability. Creatures and objects within the area that do not have total cover are coated with the blood, as if affected by the grease spell.
Precise Shot (feat) Sgrack can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on its attack roll.
Rapid Shot (feat) When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, Sgrack can attack one additional time this round at its highest bonus. All of its attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.
<>Manyshot (feat) When making a full-attack action with a ranged or thrown weapon, Sgrack's first attack fires two shots or throws two weapons. If the attack hits, both hit. Precision-based damage and critical hit damage are applied only once. Damage reduction and resistances apply separately to each hit.
Shove (Ex) As a move action, Sgrack may move up to half its speed and make a melee touch attack against a creature and dealing bludgeoning damage equal to its Strength modifier and inflicting the battered condition until the end of its next turn. It may perform a shove in place of the attack granted by a charge, although this does not grant the extra movement.
<>Brace Weapon (Ex) Sgrack may use its greatsword to perform a shove, adding its bonuses to its shove’s attack roll and its enhancement bonus to its shove’s damage.
<>Focused Might (Ex) Whenever Sgrack successfully performs a shove, it may regain its martial focus.
<>Greater Shove (Ex) Sgrack's shove deals 10 additional damage. Additionally, it may augment its shove with feats and talents despite it being a touch attack.
Titan Weapon (Ex) Whenever Sgrack makes an attack with a two- handed melee weapon and miss with that attack, it deals damage to that creature equal to its Strength modifier. Once per round, whenever Sgrack deals enough hit point damage to cause a creature to die, be destroyed, or fall unconscious with a melee attack, it may make an additional melee attack with the same weapon against a creature within its weapon’s reach and may take a 5 ft. step before this attack.
Trinity Assault (Su) Sgrack may take a special standard action to launch a combined attack fusing its three aligned classes, select one standard action ability from each. The attack follows the targeting of the most inclusive attack and applies the attack of all three effects.
Trinity Combat (Su) Sgrack can cast spells, activate supernatural abilities, or veil powers and wield its weapons at the same time. It must have one hand free, while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, it can make a single attack with its melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also activate a power, spell, veil, or supernatural ability with an activation time of 1 standard action. Sgrack can choose the order of attacks and activations.
Trinity Mastery (Su) Sgrack may combine two swift actions to activate abilities from different classes as a single swift action.
Trinity Strike (Su) Sgrack can perform an attack action or initiate a strike normally requiring a standard action, while also casting or activating any combination of two spells or non-maneuvers supernatural abilities against a single target (regardless of normal area-of-effect) they hit from the attack action or initiated strike maneuver.
UTILITY ABILITIES Aligned Class (Ex) The combination of trinity angel and trinity knight give Sgrack 11 levels of epilektoi, 11 levels of keshig and 10 levels of raveler.
Berserking (Ex) As a free action at the start of each turn, Sgrack may choose to take a -2 penalty to AC in exchange for 23 temporary hit points until the start of its next turn.
<>Desperate Focus (feat) Once per round while berserking and below 0 hit points, Sgrack may use the benefits of a class feature, combat talent, feat, or other ability which requires it to expend its martial focus without expending it.
<>Marauder (Ex) While berserking, Sgrack may gain a +30 feet circumstance bonus on all forms of movement and a +10 competence bonus on all Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim.
Blood Body (Ex) Sgrack can store items within its form. As a move action (or free action as part of a move action), it can retrieve any item stored in its body. An item to be stored must be of a size and shape that fits within its body.
Sight Beyond Sight (Su) Sgrack gains the benefits of a constant true seeing effect.
Slithering Blood (Ex) Sgrack can transform in a slick pool of mobile blood, gaining the immunities of the ooze type, turning his poison blood into a contact poison, and gaining the flow, pseudopodia, incredible compression and slick abilities, while losing his blood body, blood slick and fountain of blood abilities. Any items it was carrying in its body via blood body are released as it oozes out. Sgrack can remain in this form up to 15 minutes, but then taking 1 Cha damage per minute beyond that and being destroyed if it reaches 0 Cha. Once back in its form Sgrack regains Charisma at the rate of 1 point per day.
Strange Style (Ex) Sgrack gains proficiency in a number of exotic weapons equal to its mythic tier. With 1 hour of practice or as a full-round action if it spends one mythic power, Sgrack can wield it as if it had one of the following special features for the next 24 hours: blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, monk, nonlethal, performance, or trip; or if it did not have the fragile or nonlethal feature. If Sgrack spend an hour practicing and spends one mythic power, it may add the grapple or reach special feature to an exotic weapon, or you may add (or subtract) a number of special features listed above when using that exotic weapon equal to one-half its mythic tier (minimum 1).
DEFENSIVE ABILITIES Active Defense (Ex) If Sgrack is using a shield and is attacked by a creature it is aware of while not flat-footed, it may spend an attack of opportunity to increase its shield bonus to AC against that attack by +7. Sgrack may expend its martial focus to use active defense in place of spending an attack of opportunity.
<>Deflecting Shield (Ex) Sgrack's shield bonus to AC applies against touch attacks.
<>Smashing Counter (Ex) Whenever an attack misses Sgrack while benefiting from its active defense, it may make a shield bash attack against the attacking creature as an out of turn free action.
Create Humor Familiar (feat) Sgrack posseses a blood construct familiar with the protector archetype. Its familiar has the same number of hit points as Sgrack and while in touch, Sgrack can split the damage evenly between itself and its familiar. While absorbed in its body, the familiar has fast healing 5.
Defer Death Twice per day, if Sgrack would be destroyed by hit point damage, it may continue acting as though not destroyed for a number of rounds equal to its Wisdom modifier. Continue tracking damage taken and healed. If, at the end of this ability, its negative hit points are low enough that it would die, it dies.
Delayed Damage Pool (Ex) Sgrack has a delayed damage pool that can hold up to 1/4 of his maximum hit points (rounded up). When an encounter begins, the pool starts at 0 and any damage taken is added to this pool instead of being subtracted from Sgrack's hit points, delayed until the end of its next turn. Apply damage reduction, resistances, or other defenses before the damage being added to the pool. The delayed damage cannot be reduced or resisted in any way. Should Sgrack gain temporary hit points before taking its delayed damage, it can deduct it from these temporary hit points just as it could from normal hit points. Healing in excess of Sgrack’s maximum hit points can be applied to its delayed damage pool, effectively allowing it to heal away damage before it occurs.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) When targeted by a spell or spell-like ability, Sgrack may delay the onset of its effects until the end of its next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to its caster level.
<>Durable (Ex) When targeted by a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious, Sgrack may delay the onset of its effects until the end of its next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to the attacking creature’s Hit Dice.
I Will Survive (Ex) As an immediate action, when the actions taken by a creature during its turn would reduce Sgrack below 0 hit points, it can spend any number of mythic powers to survive with 10% of its current hit points for each use of mythic power. All damage dealt as part of a full attack action is considered a single effect for this purpose.
Lingering Spirit (feat) Instead of being destroyed at zero hit points, Sgrack remains intact until it is reduced to an amount of negative hp equal to its Charisma score. Sgrack is destroyed if not healed above 0 hit points within 20 minutes.
<>Deathless (Ex) As long as Sgrack has martial focus, the number of hit points it can be reduced to below 0 without being destroyed is doubled and it may choose to act as if it was disabled. When using this talent, Sgrack is staggered. If it performs any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous), it takes 1 point of damage after completing the act.
<>Hard to Kill (Ex) Sgrack isn't destroyed until its total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double its Charisma score.
Strong Life-Force In addition to its Constitution modifier, Sgrack also adds its Charisma modifier to each of its HD when determining hit points.
Undead Traits Sgrack is immune to ability drain, bleed, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion and fatigue effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), non-lethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. It is immune to damage to its physical ability scores and to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless). It is not subject to death due to massive damage, but is immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points.
<>Altered Life Sgrack calculates its bonus hit points per Hit Die based on its Wisdom instead of its Charisma.
<>Rejuvenation (Su) When a Sgrack is destroyed, its phylactery immediately begins to rebuild its body, which take 1d10 days.
Will of the Gods (Ex) Sgrack adds its Wisdom modifier as a bonus on Fortitude and Reflex saves.