Maedyri |

Seeking approval of some templates.
Mutant (This one should maybe be worth +2cr? though it has some drawbacks so maybe not?)
Phase creature (as in my previous post, I'd need some clarification on how this one would work, if approved.)

Pasha of the Nightsands |

@Critzible: Planning on playing as the dwarfiest dwarf who ever dwarved? I can respect that as a fellow appreciator of everyone's favorite race of bearded beer kegs on legs. Consider the Axe of Dwarvish Lords cleared for use.
@pad300: Both of the Realmwalker feats are fine and the Aljebrie template is as well. Green Warden and Suzerain both grant Leadership and thus aren't viable options.
I understand where you're coming from with the Lurker in Darkness feat, but it still remains better than most capstones in stealth-focused classes and archetypes because it defeats almost every means of extrasensory detection. I MIGHT be willing to change my mind by adding in a caveat that it doesn't work on beings or effects a certain number of CR/CL/mythic tiers above you, but it's just too comprehensive as it stands for such a low investment of six skill points and a feat.
@Godwyn Blaecwulf: If you're looking for a good baseline to start, the lowest CR of fights I have planned is 26. There might be a few corner cases where that's not the case- a familiar, a frost drake monstrous companion, or such- but largely everything I plan on throwing at the party is CR26+ right out of the gate. These aren't just straight out of the box CR26+s though, these were handcrafted by myself to be exceptionally powerful while still fitting their flavor. I also make use of Horrifically Overpowered Feats as part of my GM-only toolkit and those obviously bump up their power quite a bit.
@Maedyri: What themes are you going for? That would help me figure out what templates to suggest.
@Dr.Vulpiano Arvanxi, MD: I can't say that I've ever seen a rakshasa medical practitioner before, but I CAN say the idea's got my interest piqued!

Maedyri |

Yigyri was a Veryax (Amoxa) born with a talent for magic, especially necromancy. At an early age, she joined the frozen graves, feeling pulled to the organization by fate. But she grew restless and left on contentious terms. She joined the cocoon pact shortly after where they observed her carefully, fearing she was a double agent. Eventually shaking any stigma she rose through the ranks eventually bonding with Nymaeda.
Nymaeda was born an elven princess of Kyonin. She lived many lives, as a spy, a thief, an adventurer, a diplomat and finally a martyr. On her death, she was pulled from the river of souls to become a servant of her elven gods, the Sovyrian Conclave. They would send her throughout the planes to accomplish their goals. During one of her stays in Hyraeatan, she bonded with Yigyri.
Eventually, Yigyri and Nymaeda went through with the arcane bonding ritual to become a Samoxa. They adopted the name Maedyri and have continued to work within the circle of wardens to accomplish the goals of the cocoon pact and elven pantheon.
The drider template and mutant template fit the cocoon pact's idea of evolving to become more than what you were. On the other side, I'm considering cleric or half-celestial templates as gifts from the elven pantheon. And then maybe fey creature template as it sort of fits the nature theme of the elves and their gods and the evolution of the cocoon pact. I'm not set on any of these templates besides drider

Josten Cailean |

@Monkeygod: Trust me when I say that having resurrection options are going to be a huge boon for this game.
Spontaneous Resurrection
You can will yourself back to the land of the living.
Prerequisites: Godling level 9, Wisdom or Constitution 18
Benefit: Once per day, one round after you have been killed as a result of hit point damage (as opposed to ability damage, a death effect, or similar sources of death other than losing hit points), you are healed of 5d8 + your godling level hit points (even though you are dead).
If this results in your hit point total being at a negative amount less than your Constitution score, you come back to life and stabilizes at this new hit point total. You also gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.
Would you allow Josten to take this feat?

Cronossuss Fallen of Time |

The strange entity turns to regard Cronossuss, And people call me mad! it utters in an entirely deadpan voice.
haha, that he may seem, But I have a feeling we may start the game knowing each other as we are a team. And here is lies something that I have been thinking about. I have made my PC so that he can't really function without others to lock him into the here and now. And as a Time warden he has to sometimes do this that may seem evil. Like Ending a plane, because it's either going corrupt others, or become the start of time corruption. I am working on the ideal that there is a near infinite number of planes out there, from pocket dimensions to dream planes, Etc.
And there are times where he needs someone like Candraphon to pop in there and do the deed. Think the hard, cull the weeds. And this is where a mobility and vision come in. Local good, may not be global good.Local evil may not be global evil. Intent evil/good and action evil/good not being the same. So I think Candraphon would be friends in an odd way.

Godwyn Blaecwulf |

@Godwyn Blaecwulf: If you're looking for a good baseline to start, the lowest CR of fights I have planned is 26. There might be a few corner cases where that's not the case- a familiar, a frost drake monstrous companion, or such- but largely everything I plan on throwing at the party is CR26+ right out of the gate. These aren't just straight out of the box CR26+s though, these were handcrafted by myself to be exceptionally powerful while still fitting their flavor. I also make use of Horrifically Overpowered Feats as part of my GM-only toolkit and those obviously bump up their power quite a bit.
That makes alot of sense. Should Godwyn be part of this, then I'll really look forward to seeing what monstrosities you throw at us!
You mentioned that it's a good thing to have varied forms of coming back to life (exciting! Players going down is quite rare, and most PCs are very tanky).
For Godwyn, he has:
(1) Resuscitate: If Godwyn heals a creature that died within 1 round it comes back to life
(2) Supreme Resurrection: 3 spell points- Can resurrect someone who has died regardless of how long ago it was without any negative levels and with all ability score/drain removed. May also resurrect someone whose body has been destroyed completely, and for +2 spell points this can count as a miracle or wish.
(3) Personal Only and 4x times per day- Divinity (standard action to activate, lasts 20 hours. So realistically should always have this up): The next time the champion of the cause’s hit points would be reduced to 0 or fewer by an attack or effect, he is healed for 1d6 hit points per champion of the cause class level (20d6). This healing can prevent him from falling unconscious or dying. This boon lasts for 1 hour or until triggered.

Pasha of the Nightsands |

@Maedyri: It seems you posted your template requests right after I pulled up the screen to reply since I don't remember them being there and the post times aren't too far apart. I really need to do better refreshing before I post so that any questions made in that weird interim period can be answered.
Consider all three of those templates approved. Mutant doesn't need the CR bump you asked about since it comes with downsides and doesn't give anything particularly powerful by this game's standards.
There's one tiny thing that needs changing though: the Cocoon Pact is just the de-serialized SRD name for the Chrysalis Covenant to make it compliant with the OGL. Not a big deal or anything since I know what it is, just wanted to mention it for future reference.
@Josten Cailen: I'll allow Spontaneous Resurrection since it's basically just a 1/day self-Breath of Life.
@Godwyn Blaecwulf: Oh yeah, PCs going down is definitely rare in most Pathfinder games. Part of that's because most adventures and APs are written to be accessible to a broader audience and that has the unintended consequence of leaving those system veterans craving a real challenge out in the cold.

![]() |

Okay So Dwarf with Advanced template, Animal Lord:Rat, Half Dragon Brass who welds the Mystical Axe of Dwarvish Lords
Is the only son to a low tier Clan soldier of a Clan long dead. Taised by his mother in another hold, trained as a Vermin Slayer [aka rats, goblins, orc] and a miner whose innate magical power and training allowed him to become a powerhouse.
He is Bors Brassrat, Gaint Slayer, Dragon Friend, Rat Lord, Tunnel Scout, and Axelord.
Should have his rough Character sheet later tonight. And maybe his discription and back story.

Monkeygod |

Trying to decide on my second epic boon, but a question in general for those who might take a PrC via Well-Traveled Wanderer:
You said it doesn't grant you additional levels of spellcasting, but what about any PrCs that add a specific list or group of spells to a caster's list(like the Crimson Assassin or Winter Wtich)? Do you still gain access to those spells?

Belltrap |

If Boon of the Well-Traveled Wanderer is selected for a class that has aligned class as one of its class features (for example, Evangelist from Paizo or High Aspirant/Trinity Knight/Trinity Angel from Co7S), given it's indicated we'll be moving into epic levels, could you have the effective class levels of a character higher than their character level? For example, say I have Fighter 20 and I chose Boon of the Well-Traveled Wanderer (Exalted 10), would I get the class features of a level 29 Fighter?

"Initiative_monkey" |

Boon of the Evolution's Chosen: you or a companion you gain from a class feature gain a number of templates of your choice less than or equal to a total CR value of +6.
If CR = HD you lose levels,
But which?
6 levels off one side of you Gastaut
3 levels off both sides of you Gastaut
6 levels off both sides of you Gastaut
If they are free CR that don't count in regards to PC CR, asthat can be set to HD. and the above question goes away

Godwyn Blaecwulf |

* Alignment: NG
* Race: Android
* Classes: Legendary Investigator / Psion-Telepath
* Mythic: Overmind / Genius
* Alignment: CG
* Classes: Scholar / Investigator
* Alignment: LG
* Race: Angel
* Classes: Paladin / Incanter
* Mythic: Spheremaster / Gifted
* Alignment: LN
* Race: Drow Noble
* Classes: Legendary Cleric / Investigator
* Mythic: Bonded / Path of the Mythic
* Alignment: N
* Race: Fey
* Classes: Raveler 20 // legendary arcanist 1/legendary sorcerer 1/legendary oracle 1/legendary wizard 17 // XXX tier 1
* Alignment: LN
* Race: Augmented Undead Human
* Classes: Legendary Sorcerer / Mighty Godling
* Mythic: Archmage / Trickster
* Alignment: CG
* Race: Aasimar
* Classes: Mighty Godling / Bard
* Mythic: Marshall / Trickster
* Alignment: CG
* Race: Veryx Drider
* Classes: Symbiat (Gravecrawler) / Legendary Rogue
* Mythic: ?

Pasha of the Nightsands |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Before I start answering questions, I need to announce something. I live in the South-East part of America and we're supposed to get hit with some pretty bad storms tonight. There were apparently some near hurricane-level windgusts from the same storms recorded in Texas. If I don't post tomorrow, it's likely because power lines or cell towers are down. Just wanted to let everyone know the situation so people aren't left in the dark if things go sideways and I'm left without the ability to log on for a day or two.
For the purposes of template features in this game, your CR is equal to your character level. That should prevent weird corner cases where you can cheese out additional features through gaining HD from another template.
@Critzible: I'll admit that I'm somewhat amused that your dwarf got the Auspicious Adventurer Starter Package by starting out as a professional rodent slayer. That brings me back to the old 'kill rats in the tavern basement only to discover a hidden necromancer dungeon' adventures of yore.
@Belltrap: I don't want aligned class progression with the effective PrC levels.
@"Initiative Monkey": They're basically free.
@Godwyn Blaecwulf: Thanks for keeping a working list of everyone who has a character concept up.
@Qeetan'Chachol Shaaldanarth: Oh yeah, DCs can get crazy at this level. I have measures in place to prevent a lot of the auto-win button pressing that can go on, at least when it comes to the named NPCs, so I'm not as worried about it as most GMs would be. As a big third-party enthusiast, I have a much larger toolkit to play around and customize encounters with.

Cronossuss Fallen of Time |

slight change
* Alignment: LG
* Race: Planer Elf
* Classes: Time Warden / Psion Uncarnate -Telepath
* Mythic: Overmind / Genius
Class:To be an Uncarnate, Which I really want to play, You have to be able to manifest powers, and as we seem to have a two other players applying with the Investigator class. Dropping Investigator for Psion makes mores sence.
Race: Felt Planner Elf felt like a better fit, And he is a gentle soul, a good guy so, LG Seems more inline with the build.
Presented Form
Cronossuss Fallen likes to keep well dressed, as he says, "you never known when you may be invited to a party". He is a shocking attractive elf, with white Hair, White pale skin and stange grey white eyes that seem to glitter. In the center of his forehead is a diamond gem, like a 3ed eye.
Fallen is very very old and at times Odd. He is caring, intelligent, charming, tactful and discreet. Fallen likes the company of others and will help anyone if they can, being kind by nature. He hates to harm others and will only kill if there is no other way. Fallen oddness comes from the face he can "sees" time, The pathways of reality. So he sometimes seems lost, seeing and talking about things that are not there.

Qeetan'Chachol Shaaldanarth |

Considering how many spellcasters we have (and how I really love martials), I'm considering changing concepts.
GM, what are your thoughts on the Watchman and Shadow-Traced Creature templates?

Cronossuss Fallen of Time |

Cronossuss orders two pan galactic gargle blaster drinks from the bar, when the come they like quite inoffensive. He leviates one over and offers one to Candraphon.
"Eaten any nice worlds restanily?"
He asks in his high fading in and out voice, Cronossuss always seems a little away with the fay. Too much smoking of herbal menthol cigars per chance. He becomes material just long enough to down the drink in one. Shudders, belches a rainbow to the sound of a trumpet, looks around as if seeing things that are not there, and then dematralaises once more.
"Not bad two more please"
Thinking of playing Fallen like a hippy that do so many Lucy in the sky with diamonds and never fully came back.

![]() |

NG Age:88 Hgt:4’8” Wgt: 333lb Hair: Brown& Brass Eyes:Sapphire
Init: Perception: Speed:40ft,Climb 20ft, Swim 20ft, Fly 80ft
Str36 Dex28 Con32 Int28 Wis34 Cha22
AC| 52|14+10+7 +10+5 +6|Touch:|FF:|
+5 Mithral Elven ChainMail of the Ratcatcher:
Impervious, Delving, Creeping, Improved Shadow
+5 Mithral Buckler aka the Delvers Light:
CMD:51 |10+20+13+9|
CMB:+33 |+20+13|
HP:435 |20d10+10+5+220
Axe of Dwarvish Lords
Pick of Stone Delving
Throw Axes
Background 40
Feats:34+2 Mythic
Weapon Focus:Dwarven Waraxe, Greater Weapon Focus:Dwarven Waraxe,Power Attack, Improved Sunder,Combat Reflexes,Critical Focus, Crippling Critical,Blinding Critical, Death or Glory,Disruptive,Quick Draw,Rat Catcher,Intimidating Prowess, Martial Focus, Quick Stow,Goblin Cleaver, Orc Hewer, Giant Slayer,Improved Trip, Combat Expertise,Great Cleave,Weapon Specialization:Dwarven Waraxe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Waraxe,Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike,Greater Trip, tripping Strike,Cleave, Sundering Strike, Spellbreaker, Shatterspell
Mythic QuickDraw, Paragon
Cornucopia of Plenty
Ring of Maintenace OverSeer
Swarmwalker Ring
Stone of Conjuring Earth Elementals
Greater Belt of Mighty Hurling
Tunic of Deadly Might
Gloves of Skilled Maneuvers
Greater Hat of Disguise
Swarmbane Clasp
Handy Haversack
Greater Stone Cloak
Bag of Holding Type 2
Mallet of Building
Lyre of Building
Deluxe Dungeoneering Kit
Gear Maintenance Kit
Grooming Kit
Pathfinder Kit
Explorer’s Outfit
Signet Ring
Adventurers Sash x2
Cooking Kit
Ability Score Modifiers: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.
Size: Dwarves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Dwarves are humanoids with the dwarf subtype.
Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Craftsman: Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone. This racial trait replaces greed.
Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Dwarves can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Offense Racial Traits
Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Rebuild Rules: AC increase natural armor by +2; Ability Scores +4 to all ability scores (except Int scores of 2 or less)
Half-Brass Dragon
CR: Same as the base creature + 2 (minimum 3).
Type: Creature type changes to dragon. Do not recalculate hit dice, base attack bonus, or saving throws.
Armor Class: Natural armor bonus improves by +4.
Special Qualities and Defenses: A half-dragon gains darkvision 60 feet; low-light vision; and immunity to sleep, paralysis, and energy of the same type as its breath weapon.
Speed: A half-dragon has wings. Unless the base creature has a better fly speed, the half-dragon can fly at twice the creature’s base land speed (average maneuverability).
Melee: A half-dragon has two claw attacks and a bite attack. If the base creature can use manufactured weapons, the half-dragon can as well. A new claw or bite attack deals damage as appropriate for the half-dragon’s size (see “Natural Attacks”).
Special Abilities:
A half-dragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains a breath weapon usable once per day based on the dragon variety (see below). The breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage per racial HD possessed by the half-dragon (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 creature’s racial HD + creature’s Con modifier).
Breath Weapon: Reflex DC40 20d6 Fire 60ft line
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8, Con +6, Int +2, Cha +2.
Animal Lord: Rat
Animal Lord (CR +2)
“Animal Lord” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid of 10 Hit Dice or more, referred to hereafter as the base creature. The animal lord also gains the characteristics of one type of animal (of a size no larger than one step larger than the base creature’s size), referred to hereafter as the base animal.
CR: Same as the base creature or the base animal (whichever is higher) +2.
Alignment: Any neutral.
Type: The base creature’s type changes to outsider (native, shapechanger). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.
Senses: An animal lord gains the senses of both the base creature and the base animal in both of its forms.
AC: An animal lord gains the base animal or base creature’s natural armor bonus, whichever is higher, in both of its forms—this bonus is increased by +2 to determine the animal lord’s actual natural armor bonus.
Defensive Abilities: An animal lord gains DR 10/silver. It also gains all of the base animal’s defensive abilities in both of its forms.
Speed: An animal lord’s base speed is that of its base creature form or its base animal form, whichever is greater. Animal lords whose base animal has a burrow, climb, fly, or swim speed can use that mode of movement even in humanoid form, instantly growing the necessary appendages as necessary.
Melee: An animal lord in humanoid form can instantaneously transform parts of its body to make all of the natural attacks possessed by the base animal. An animal lord typically prefers to use its natural attacks in melee combat, but often carries manufactured ranged weapons to diversify its combat options as well.
Special Attacks: An animal lord gains all of the special attacks possessed by the base animal and can employ them in both humanoid and animal form. It also gains abilities determined by its species affinity (see below).
Ability Scores: Animal lords use the higher ability score between the base creature and the base animal as their base ability scores, then increase all of these ability scores by +4.
Skills: An animal lord gains all of the base animal’s racial modifiers to skill checks.
Change Shape(Su)
An animal lord has two forms—a humanoid and an animal form. When an animal lord in humanoid form uses the base animal’s defensive abilities, movement types, attacks, and other features, the animal lord’s body instantaneously changes as appropriate to allow the use of that ability, growing wings or claws or fangs as necessary. The animal lord can use this ability to take the shape of the base animal (as shapechange) as a move action.
Dominion (Su)
In both forms, an animal lord is treated as if constantly under the effects of a speak with animals spell, but this only applies to creatures of the animal lord’s species affinity (see below). In addition, an animal lord can cast charm animal on any animal of its affinity as a spell-like ability at will (CL equals the animal lord’s HD).
Species Affinity
Hearty (Ex)
Rat lords are immune to disease and gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves.
Legendary Fighter:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus Feats 10
At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats.
Bonus Skills:
Bluff,Heal,Escape Artist
Sharp Reflexes:
+4 Reflex save
+2 Will saves
Feat Expertise (Ex)
At 2nd level, a fighter treats his ability scores as being higher for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. The amount he adds to each of his ability scores for this purpose is equal to half his class level.
Feat Aptitude (Ex)
At 3rd level, a fighter treats his base attack bonus as being higher for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. The amount he adds to his base attack bonus for this purpose is equal to one third his class level (to a maximum of +5 at 15th level).
Advanced Armor Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th level, a fighter gains an advanced armor training option. A complete list of these options can be found above. Unless otherwise noted, an option can be selected only once.
Armor Training (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level a fighter becomes more adept at wearing armor. When a fighter dons half-plate or full plate armor without assistance, he can spend twice as long as normal donning this armor to don it properly rather than only being able to hastily don it. Additionally, the fighter gains an advanced armor training option. At 5th level, 9th level, and 13th level the fighter gains an additional advanced armor training option. Unless otherwise noted, an option can be selected only once.
Weapon Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with all weapons he is proficient with. A fighter also adds this bonus to any combat maneuver checks that are made with weapons he is proficient with. This bonus also applies to the fighter’s Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against disarm, steal, and sunder attempts made against weapons he is wielding and proficient with. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th, 11th, and 15th level.
Feat Retraining (Ex)
At 4th level, and every 2 levels thereafter (6th, 8th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new combat feat in place of either a fighter bonus feat or a combat feat gained from character advancement. The fighter can choose to either lose this feat in exchange for the new one or to convert the old feat into a latent feat (see below).
If the old feat was a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability that the fighter possesses then he must still meet these prerequisites after retraining. A fighter can gain any feat he qualifies for at the time he retrains. He isn’t limited to the feat choices he qualified for when he first gained the feat. For example, a fighter who chooses Cleave as his 1st level bonus feat can then retrain this bonus feat into the Vital Strike feat (which has a prerequisite of +6 BAB) at 6th level, even though he did not qualify for Vital Strike at 1st level. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains the new level.
Latent Feats (Ex)
At 4th level, when a fighter retrains a combat feat, he can choose to have that feat become a latent feat. The fighter still counts as having a latent feat for the purpose of prerequisites but cannot make use of that feat’s benefits. If a fighter later relearns a latent feat, he regains the feat’s benefits and the feat no longer counts as a latent feat. When retraining, a fighter can replace a latent feat with another feat that he wishes to turn into a latent feat, losing the first latent feat altogether, provided he still meets the feat retraining prerequisites after doing so. A fighter can retrain a latent feat into another latent feat, subject to the normal retraining rules. A fighter can have a maximum of one latent feat at 4th level plus an additional latent feat for every 4 levels beyond that (to a total of 5 latent feats maximum at 20th level.)
Prowess (Ex)
At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, and 16th level, a fighter gains a prowess option. Unless otherwise noted, an option can be selected only once.
A complete list of prowess options can be found above.
Rapid Attack (Ex)
At 11th level when making a full attack, a fighter can move up to his speed either before or after his attacks. He can also combine a full attack with a charge as a full-round action, as long as he only moves a distance less than or equal to his speed. In either case, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. When attacking in this way, the fighter must forgo one attack of his choice (usually the one at his lowest bonus) and all attacks after the first take a –2 penalty on the attack roll. When using this ability, if the fighter also has the Spring Attack feat, he can make melee attacks before, after, and at any point during his movement and the fighter can designate one opponent that his movement this turn does not provoke attacks of opportunity from.
When using this ability, if the fighter has the Shot on the Run feat, he can take make ranged attacks before, after, and at any point during his movement.
Weapon Unity (Ex)
At 13th level, a fighter’s preferred weapons become almost an extension of his body. A fighter is immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers made against a weapon he is wielding, provided the fighter has Weapon Focus with the weapon or the weapon belongs to weapon group which he possesses. A helpless fighter does not gain the benefits of this ability.
Combat Composure (Ex)
At 15th level, a fighter can take 10 on skill checks during combat even if the situation or immediate danger wouldn’t normally allow him to do so, provided the skill is a class skill, he is trained in the skill, and he could take 10 on the check outside of combat. The fighter cannot use this ability if he currently has any of the following conditions: confused, cowering, dazed, disabled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, flat-footed, frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned.
Flawless Technique (Ex)
At 17th level a fighter doesn’t automatically miss an attack roll when he rolls a natural 1.
Assured Strike (Ex)
At 19th level, once per round before making an attack roll, a fighter can choose to treat the d20 result as a 10.
Armor Mastery (Ex)
At 19th level, a fighter gains damage reduction 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield. A fighter who gains DR from armor or other fighter class features increases his armor mastery Damage Reduction by the DR values of these sources. If weapon damage from an attack ignores some or all of the fighter’s armor mastery DR then the fighter can redirect to his armor or shield the amount of weapon damage from the attack that bypassed his DR. The fighter takes any remaining damage.
Advanced Weapon Training (Ex)
At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, a fighter gains an advanced weapon training option. Unless otherwise noted, an option can be selected only once.
Weapon Guard (Ex)
At 5th level, a fighter adds his weapon training bonus on saves against any effect that target his held weapons (for example, grease, heat metal, shatter, or warp wood).
Perseverance (Ex)
At 6th level and every four levels thereafter, a fighter chooses and gains a perseverance option. A complete list of these options can be found above. Unless otherwise noted, an option can be selected only once.
Secure Weaponry (Ex)
At 7th level, a fighter defensively counters when an opponent uses an effect which would harm his held weapon or cause him to drop it. If the effect is a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability which doesn’t grant the fighter or his weapon a saving throw (such as the transmute metal to wood spell), the fighter gains a Reflex save to negate the effect, calculating the DC as if the effect did allow a save. Otherwise, if the effect is an extraordinary or nonmagical ability that doesn’t require the opponent to succeed at a check against the fighter’s CMD (such as the swashbuckler’s precise strike ability) then the opponent must succeed at a combat maneuver check against the fighter as if attempting a disarm, steal, or sunder combat maneuver, as appropriate for the effect, or the effect is negated.
Weapon Adaption (Ex)
At 7th level, when a fighter wields a weapon he isn’t proficient with, he reduces the non-proficiency penalty by 2 (to a minimum of 0). At 15th level, he instead reduces the penalty by 4. Even if this reduces the penalty to 0, the fighter doesn’t count as being proficient with these weapons.
Tenacious Grip (Ex)
At 9th level, a fighter doesn’t drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the fighter gains the ability to retain his weapons when panicked or stunned from another source (such as the magic item, gloves of dueling), he also gains the autonomic grasp class feature (see below) and gains the weapon unity class feature at 11th level (instead of 13th).
Autonomic Grasp:
At 11th level, a fighter clings to his weaponry even when on the brink of death. A fighter can choose to retain his hold on his wielded weapons when he is knocked unconscious or succumbs to a sleep effect. While the fighter is asleep or unconscious, attackers must succeed at combat maneuver checks to disarm him, but they gain relevant bonuses for attacking a helpless target, including treating the fighter’s Dexterity as 0 when determining his CMD.
For example, if a fighter with armor mastery DR 10/— takes 18 points of piercing damage from a spear and this attack ignores 5 points of his armor mastery DR, then he can redirect that 5 points of damage to his armor or shield and only take the remaining 8 points of damage from the attack himself.
If an attacker uses an ability that allows her to total the weapon damage from multiple attacks before applying damage reduction against a fighter with armor mastery, multiply the fighter’s armor mastery DR by the number of successful hits after the first. The fighter can have his armor or shield receive this amount of damage from the attack, or the total weapon damage from all hits after the first if this is a smaller amount. The fighter takes any remaining damage from the attacks.
In either case, the fighter must decide whether to direct damage to his armor or to his shield before an opponent attacks him and the armor or shield’s hardness counts as normal against any damage it takes.
If this damage destroys the armor or shield then any excess damage is applied to the fighter.
Weapon Mastery (Ex)
Attacks made by the fighter with weapons he has selected with the Weapon Focus feat, or that belong to a weapon group he possesses, automatically confirm all critical threats and have their damage multiplier increased by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, for example).
Weapon Training:
Focused Weapon (Ex): The fighter selects one weapon for which he has the Weapon Focus feat. The fighter can deal damage with this weapon based on his fighter level and not the weapon type. The fighter can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of the focused weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn’t apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage. Damage with the War Axe increases to 2d8 (Medium) 3d8 (Large)
Spell Parry:As an immediate action while wielding a weapon, the fighter can expend a use of an attack of opportunity to add his weapon training bonus to his saving throw against a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability that allows a Reflex save or that targets him. The fighter cannot use this option against ongoing magical effects he is already affected by, only on the initial saving throw against such an effect. The fighter must have the Disruptive feat to choose this option.
Spell Smash:The fighter can attempt to sunder an ongoing spell effect by succeeding at a combat maneuver check. For any effect other than one on a creature, the fighter must make a sunder combat maneuver check against a CMD of 15 plus the effect’s caster level. To sunder an effect on a creature, the fighter must succeed at the check listed above or a sunder combat maneuver against the creature’s CMD +5 if this is higher, ignoring any miss chance caused by a spell or spell-like ability. If successful, the fighter suppresses the effect for 1 round, or 2 rounds if she exceeded the CMD by 5 to 9. If she exceeds the CMD by 10 or more, the effect is dispelled. The fighter can only use this ability once per minute. The fighter must have the Spellbreaker feat to choose this option.
Weapon Group:Axes. A fighter selects one group of weapons. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. A fighter also adds this bonus on any combat maneuver checks made with weapons from this group. Bonuses granted from overlapping groups do not stack. A fighter can choose this option more than once, choosing a different weapon group each time.
Axes Group:: axe-gauntlet, dwarven heavy, axe-gauntlet, dwarven light, bardiche, battleaxe, boarding axe, butchering axe, collapsible kumade, dwarven waraxe, gandasa, greataxe, handaxe, heavy pick, hooked axe, knuckle axe, kumade, kumade, collapsible, light pick, mattock, orc double axe, pata, throwing axe, and tongi.
Armor Training:
Armor Expertise (Ex)(x3)
When wearing armor, the fighter can increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor and reduce the armor check penalty (to a minimum of 0) and.
Each time the fighter takes this ability, he picks one of the following choices:
Reduce his armor check penalty by 2 points.
Increase his maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by 1 point and reduce his armor check penalty by 1 point.
Increase his maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by 2 points.
The fighter’s total increase to his maximum Dexterity bonus allowed cannot exceed his total reduction to armor check penalty. When determining the fighter’s total reduction to armor check penalty, include reductions from feats, traits, or class features (including this option).
A fighter can choose this option multiple times.
Armor Specialization (Ex)
The fighter selects one specific type of armor with which he is proficient, such as chain shirt or full plate. While wearing the selected type of armor, the fighter adds +1 to the armor’s armor bonus. At 9th level this bonus increases to +2. This increase to the armor bonus doesn’t increase the benefit that the fighter gains from feats, class abilities, or other effects that are determined by his armor’s base armor bonus, including other armor training or advanced armor training options. A fighter can choose this option multiple times. Each time he chooses it, he applies its benefit to a different type of armor. The fighter must be 5th level before choosing this option.
Greater Armor Specialization (Ex)
The fighter increases the bonus of the armor type chosen with armor specialization by an additional +1 (total bonus of +3). At 17th level this increases by +1 again (total bonus of +4).
A fighter can choose this option multiple times. Each time he chooses it, he applies its benefit to a different type of armor. The fighter must be 13th level and have the armor specialization option with the selected armor before choosing this option.
Armored Confidence (Ex)+5 Intimidate
While wearing armor, the fighter gains a bonus on Intimidate checks based upon the type of armor he is wearing: +1 for light armor, +2 for medium armor, or +3 for heavy armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 7th level and every 4 fighter levels thereafter. In addition, the fighter adds half his armored confidence bonus to the DC of Intimidate checks to demoralize him.
Unmoving (Ex):(x2)Bull Rush, Trip, Overrun,Grapple +5 CMD
The fighter selects two combat maneuvers from the following list: bull rush, drag, grapple, overrun, reposition, and trip. Whether using his armor as leverage against a grappling foe or using its weight to help him stop a bull rush, a fighter can use his armor to protect him from the chosen maneuvers.
While wearing armor, the fighter gains a bonus to his CMD against these combat maneuvers. The bonus is +1 if he’s wearing light armor, +2 if he’s wearing medium armor, and +3 if he’s wearing heavy armor. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every 4 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum at 19th level of +5 for light armor, +6 for medium armor, and +7 for heavy armor.
Mithral armor provides a bonus 1 lower than normal for armor of its type. A fighter can choose this option up to three times. Each additional time he chooses this option, he selects two combat maneuvers he hasn’t previously selected.
Combat Competence (Ex): The fighter chooses a weapon group he possesses and becomes proficient with all the weapons in this weapon group. A fighter must have the weapon group advanced weapon training option before taking this option and can choose this option multiple times. A fighter can select this option as an advanced weapon training option if he wishes.
Weapon Specialist (Ex): The fighter selects a weapon group he possesses. If the fighter has combat feats that apply to a specific type of weapon (such as Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization), and that type of weapon is in the selected weapon group then the fighter is treated as having the selected feats for all the weapons in that weapon group that are legal choices for those feats. The fighter is also considered to have those feats with these weapons for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. A fighter must have the weapon group advanced weapon training option before taking this option. A fighter can choose this option multiple times and can select it as an advanced weapon training option if he wishes.
Friendly Persuasion (Ex): The fighter can use his Intimidate skill bonus in place of his Diplomacy bonus. When substituting in this way, the fighter uses his total Intimidate skill bonus, including class skill bonus and bonuses from feats and other abilities, in place of his Diplomacy skill bonus, whether or not he has ranks in Diplomacy or if it is a class skill. Whenever the fighter makes a Diplomacy check against creatures with a hostile attitude toward him, this also counts as an Intimidate check to demoralize those creatures.
Master Armorer (Ex): The fighter can use his base attack bonus in place of his ranks in the Craft (armor) skill. The fighter substitutes his total base attack bonus (including his base attack bonus gained through levels in other classes) for his ranks in this skill, but adds the skill’s usual ability score modifier and any other bonuses or penalties that would modify that skill. Additionally, the fighter is treated as having the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Master Craftsman feats (choosing Craft [armor]). The fighter does not need to meet these feats’ prerequisites for the purpose of making magic armor or magic shields. If the fighter has 5 or more ranks in a Craft skill, he doesn’t have to meet these feats’ prerequisites for the purpose of making magic armor, shields, or weapons provided those armors, shields, or weapons can be manufactured using that Craft skill.
Stalwart Mettle (Ex): A fighter can use physical and mental resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. At 10th level, when the fighter makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw to recover from an ongoing effect, he may roll twice and choose the better roll.
Physical Resilience (Ex): If the fighter takes ability damage, ability drain, or a temporary penalty to an ability score, this damage, drain, or penalty is reduced by 2 points. This reduction improves by 1 at 10th level and for every four levels beyond that (to a maximum reduction of 5 at 18th level).
Indefatigable (Ex): The fighter becomes immune to fatigue. At 10th level, he also becomes immune to exhaustion.
Internal Hardiness (Ex): The fighter gains immunity to the sickened condition. At 10th level, he also gains immunity to the nauseated condition.
A mystic begins her career with knowledge of seven martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Elemental Flux, Mithral Current, Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror, Solar Wind, and Veiled Moon.
Once the mystic knows a maneuver, she must ready it before she can use it (see Maneuvers Readied). A maneuver usable by mystics is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. A mystic’s maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and she does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she initiates one.
The mystic learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as indicated on Table: Mystic. A mystic must meet a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See Systems and Use for more details on how maneuvers are used.
Upon reaching initiator level 4th, and at every even numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on), the mystic can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one she already knows. In effect, she loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. She can choose a new maneuver of any level she likes, as long as she observes the restriction on the highest-level maneuvers she knows; the mystic need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. She can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A mystic’s initiation modifier is Wisdom.
Maneuvers Readied/Granted
ranted Maneuvers and Alternate Recovery Methods
If a mystic uses the Lightning Recovery or Victorious Recovery feats (or a similar method) to recover a maneuver, it is immediately added to her currently granted maneuvers.
A mystic can ready five of her seven maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A mystic must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by meditating for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The mystic does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in meditation, she can change her readied maneuvers.
A mystic begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below).
Mystics are unique among martial disciples in that they rely on surging, primal arcane forces within their being to fuel their martial maneuvers. Because of this, they do not have full control over their readied maneuvers; when a mystic readies her maneuvers, she selects two of her readied maneuvers to be immediately granted to her for use at any time (when these two maneuvers are used outside of combat, they recover on their own in the following round), with the rest of her initially randomized maneuvers waiting to be granted in combat. The remainder of her readied maneuvers are withheld and currently inaccessible until combat begins. If she is able to act in a surprise round when combat begins, she is granted her maneuvers then as normal, but if she is caught unaware, she must wait until her initiative before her maneuvers are granted (beyond the initial two). At the end of each of her combat turns, one previously withheld maneuver (randomly determined) is granted to her, and thus becomes accessible for her next turn and subsequent turns. She can freely choose to initiate any maneuver that is currently granted when her turn begins, but she cannot initiate a withheld maneuver. If the mystic chooses not to employ a maneuver in a given round, her currently granted maneuvers remain available, and a previously withheld maneuver is granted, as described above. In other words, it doesn’t matter if she uses her maneuvers or not—at the end of each of her turns, one withheld maneuver from her selection of readied maneuvers is granted to her. Over the course of a few rounds, all the mystic’s maneuvers will eventually be granted.
A mystic can change the two readied maneuvers she has chosen to be immediately granted for use at any time by spending one minute meditating.
If, at the end of the mystic’s turn, she cannot be granted a maneuver because she has no withheld maneuvers remaining, she recovers all expended maneuvers, and a new group of readied maneuvers is granted to her, replacing her previously granted maneuvers if any remain unspent. She selects two of her choice (and gains the remainder of granted maneuvers as randomized selections, see below). At the end of her next turn, a withheld maneuver is granted to the mystic, and the process of surging power begins again.
At 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, 12th, 18th, and 20th levels, the number of maneuvers granted to the mystic at the beginning of an encounter and when she recovers her maneuvers increases by one. Unlike the mystic’s initial granted maneuvers, these additional maneuvers are randomly determined (for example, at the beginning of an encounter, a 6th level mystic would choose two maneuvers to have access to, then randomly be granted two more).
Stances Known
A mystic begins her career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to mystics. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the mystic does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description.
Unlike with maneuvers, a mystic cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows.
A mystic’s martial prowess is in part fueled by a reservoir of roiling, turbulent energy within her soul, and the passion and danger of combat causes this arcane energy to overflow outwards. This power, called animus, waxes and wanes with a mystic’s use of her maneuvers in battle. Outside combat, a mystic has no animus to spend, but her inner power can still be used for more subtle arcane arts. Her levels in mystic count as arcane spellcaster levels for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites (such as those of item creation feats or the Arcane Strike feat), and if a mystic ever develops arcane spellcasting from another class, she may add her mystic level to her levels in that class to determine her overall caster level for the purposes of item creation feats.
When a mystic enters combat, she gains an animus pool equal to 1 + her mystic initiation modifier (minimum 1) at the start of her first turn, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool at the start of each of her turns thereafter. Her animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which the mystic initiates a maneuver, she adds an additional point of animus to her pool. Certain abilities, such as some class features, maneuvers, and feats, require the mystic to expend points of animus to use.
The primal power of animus can be used in several ways—the foremost of which is the augmentation of maneuvers. A mystic can spend points of animus to augment her maneuvers in the following ways, depending on her class level. If the mystic has the ability to augment her maneuvers in other ways, such as from another class feature or the maneuver itself, this cannot be combined with the augments granted by her animus class feature; she must choose which augmentation type to use when initiating the maneuver.
Starting at 1st level, a mystic can spend a single point of animus to augment a maneuver as part of that maneuver’s initiation action to apply one of the following effects to it (if applicable)
-Enhance Maneuver: For each point of animus spent, the mystic adds a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all d20 rolls made (including attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, and skill checks) when initiating that maneuver (maximum of three animus may be spent on this augmentation); if the maneuver allows the user to make multiple attacks, then this bonus only applies to the first attack.
-Increase DC: For each point of animus spent, the save DC of that maneuver increases by 1.
When the mystic reaches 4th level, she can spend up to two points of animus on maneuver augmentation, rather than one, and she gains access to the following additional augmentations:
-Anima Burn: The mystic adds 1/2 her class level to damage rolls made during that maneuver. This augment costs two points of animus, and can only be applied once to a given maneuver.
-Increase Potency: For each point of animus spent, the mystic may ignore 10 points of energy resistance or 5 points of damage reduction.
When the mystic reaches 9th level, she can spend up to three points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and gains access to the following additional augmentation:
-Animus Rush: The mystic make move up to her base movement speed as part of the initiation action for the maneuver before initiating the strike. This is a teleportation effect and the mystic must clearly see her destination. This augmentation costs three points of animus.
-Increase Range: The mystic may target a creature within 30 feet with a strike that normally uses a melee attack. Resolve the strike normally, as if the targeted creature was within the mystic’s melee reach. This augmentation costs two points of animus.
At 13th level, a mystic can spend up to four points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and at 19th level, she can spend up to five points of animus per augmentation.
Elemental Attunement (Su)
A mystic contains incredible elemental power within her body, surging energies that constantly flow through her blood and muscle. Bringing these energies to bear is as easy as breathing for a mystic, shifting the flow of power with the subtle movements of her martial stances. When a mystic readies her maneuvers, she may select one of the following elements (and associated energy type) to be her active element: air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold).
After readying maneuvers, a mystic can change her active element by taking a standard action to focus inwards, or by expending one point of animus as a free action while assuming a new stance. Whenever she initiates a maneuver that deals damage, she may spend one point of animus as part of its initiation action to change all damage the maneuver deals to her active element’s associated energy type. For example, if a mystic whose active element is currently air initiated the cursed fate Veiled Moon strike, she could spend one point of animus to change her attack’s damage (including the strike’s bonus damage) to from her weapon’s normal damage type to electricity damage.
If the mystic has access to the Elemental Flux discipline, then her active element from this class feature is the same as her active element for Elemental Flux maneuvers. If she is psionic, she can change her active energy type whenever she changes her active element, and vice versa. Her active energy type need not match her active element.
Blade Meditation (Su)
When a mystic finds that her martial power is beginning to wane or that few options remain available for use, she can pause in battle, drawing on her inner well of animus to reinvigorate her body and mind. As a full-round action, a mystic can spend one point of animus to grant herself all her remaining withheld maneuvers, then immediately expend them in a raging cadence of arcane power. As there are no remaining maneuvers to be granted, a new set of maneuvers is granted to the mystic at the end of her turn, as normal.
In addition, until the start of her next turn, creatures that target the mystic with melee attacks are engulfed in the explosion of energy, taking 1d6 points of damage of her active element’s associated energy type, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every two points of animus remaining in the mystic’s animus pool
Bonus Feat 4
At 2nd level and every five levels thereafter, a mystic gain a bonus combat or item creation feat. She must meet the prerequisites for these feats as normal.
Arcane Defense (Ex)+5
Starting at 2nd level, the sorcerous power within a mystic’s body makes her resilient to the supernatural. These energies defend her from magical and psionic powers, granting her a +1 insight bonus to her AC and saving throws against psionic powers, psi-like abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level, and again at 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level.
Elemental Glyph (Su)13 rounds
Starting at 3rd level, a mystic learns to aid her friends with the arcane power of the elements. Although at first this surging energy was raw and unformed, she has begun to master this ability, and can use it to empower her allies, granting them benefits in combat. As a move action, the mystic can spend one point of animus to apply an elemental glyph to a number of allies equal to her mystic initiation modifier modifier within her sight. The effect of this glyph depends on the element it is associated with, but all glyphs last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the mystic’s initiation modifier. A mystic is not limited to casting glyphs of her active element (as darkness, illumination, and metal have no elemental type). Allies may only be affected by one of her glyphs at a time, with new glyphs ending the current glyph in effect and replacing it on the affected ally. The benefits of these glyphs are cumulative (for example, an 8th level mystic grants both the 3rd level and 8th level benefits to her allies). Different glyphs from different mystics may apply to the same target. Glyphs are supernatural abilities and not subject to spells or effects like dispel magic but do not function within an antimagic field or similar effect.
Air: The glyph of air fills the mystic’s allies with energy and speed.
-At 3rd level, all movement speeds possessed by each ally under the effect of the glyph gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to speed. In addition allies may choose to make one turn of up to 90 degrees while making charge attacks.
-At 8th level, this enhancement bonus to movement speed increases to 30 feet, and they may make Acrobatics checks to jump as if they had a running start.
-At 13th level, allies affected by the glyph of air gain the ability to move up to 30 feet as a swift action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
-At 19th level, whenever one of the mystic’s allies uses the glyph of air’s swift action movement ability, they can make a single attack with a weapon they are wielding at their highest base attack bonus at any point during this movement.
Darkness: Though darkness often connotates evil, for the mystic its shroud offers both protection and insight, allowing the mystic’s allies tactical avenues that they would otherwise be unable to access.
-At 3rd level, allies affected by the glyph of darkness gain concealment (20% miss chance).
-At 8th level, affected allies gain darkvision and the effects of a see invisibility spell out to a range of 60 feet.
-At 13th level, affected allies are shrouded in a pitch-black veil, gaining total concealment (50% miss chance).
-At 19th level, affected allies gain the blindsight trait with a range of 30 feet.
Earth: The dour, steadfast nature of earth allows the mystic’s allies to better stand their ground and weather assaults
-At 3rd level,this glyph makes allies more difficult to move against their will. Affected allies gain a bonus to their CMD equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier.
-At 8th level, affected allies gain DR/adamantine equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier.
-At 13th level, affected allies gain resistance to all energy types equal to the mystic’s class level.
-At 19th level, the first time during the encounter that an affected ally is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, they are instead reduced to 0 hit points and automatically stabilize. Their hit points cannot be reduced below 0 for the rest of the round. Once this effect triggers on an ally, that ally cannot gain its effect again until the end of the encounter. In addition, affected are allies are immune to bleed damage.
Fire: The unquenchable flames of passion drive the mystic’s allies to feats of glory.
-At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1).
-At 8th level, affected allies add 1/2 the mystic’s class level as fire damage to attacks they make.
-At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of energy resistance equal to the mystic’s class level.
-At 19th level, whenever an affected ally is targeted by a melee attack, the attacker takes fire damage equal to the mystic’s class level, regardless of whether or not the attack hits.
Illumination: The light of the universe reveals truth wherever it hides.
-At 3rd level, affected allies’ attacks ignore the miss chance from concealment granted to targets by anything less than total concealment.
-At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on Will saving throws against illusion spells and effects equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier.
-At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a true seeing spell out to a range of 30 feet.
-At 19th level, affected allies are protected from any falsehood, gaining the effects of a mind blank spell.
Metal: Sturdy and unyielding like the forged iron from which it takes its name,the glyph of metal imparts resolute strength to the mystic’s allies.
At 3rd level, affected allies increase their natural armor bonus to AC by an amount equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1).
-At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1).
-At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of damage reduction and hardness equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier.
-At 19th level, affected allies gain damage reduction/– equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier and gain spell resistance equal to 15 + the mystic’s class level.
Water: Fluid and changeable, the glyph of water grants allies flexibility in both their movement and their thinking.
-At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to their CMB and on Swim checks equal to the mystic’s initiation modifier.
-At 8th level, affected allies ignore difficult terrain when they move.
-At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a freedom of movement spell.
-At 19th level, affected allies gain fast healing 10.
Mystic Artifice (Su)
Starting at 4th level, a mystic is able to channel her animus into her craft, substituting primal arcane energies in place of more ordinary spells. When crafting an item, the mystic uses her initiator level as her caster level to determine how potent a creation she can and for the purposes of meeting caster level prerequisites. In order to create a spell trigger or spell completion item, the mystic’s initiator must be at least the minimum required to cast the spell or spells in question. When attempting to create a magical item for which she does not possess a prerequisite spell, the mystic can attempt to replicate the spell through her innate power with a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the level of the spell being replicated). If successful, she can create the item as if she had cast the prerequisite spell. The mystic must possess any material components necessary for casting the spell that she is replicating. If the item being created requires multiple spells, she must make this check for each spell she intends to replicate. If she fails the skill check, she may not try again for that spell while creating that item—the item creation DC increases as normal for the creation of an item without a prerequisite spell in such a case.
Withstand Spell (Su)
Starting at 5th level, the mystic’s natural instincts with magic work to protect her, guiding her reactions against offensive spells cast by her enemies and allowing her to siphon off a small amount of that energy for her own use. If the mystic is targeted by a spell, spell-like ability, psionic power, or psi-like ability that normally would have a lesser effect (such as a partial effect) on a successful Fortitude or Reflex saving throw, she may make a Will saving throw instead of the effect’s normal save. If that Will saving throw is successful, she is completely unaffected by the spell or power, taking no damage and suffering no ill effects. If she fails the saving throw, she suffers the effect as normal, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool.
The mystic must be unencumbered and wearing light or no armor to use this ability. This ability does not protect the mystic from traps, extraordinary or supernatural abilities, or any other effects that require a Fortitude or Reflex save. A helpless mystic does not gain the benefit of withstand spell.
Instant Enlightenment (Ex)
Starting at 6th level, a mystic is capable of drawing deep on her training to channel the untapped energies within her, granting her an infinitesimal moment of perfect clarity. Once per day as a free action, the mystic may expend one granted maneuver and instantly replace it with another maneuver she knows. This maneuver is added to her currently granted maneuvers and readied for use, replacing the previous maneuver. At 10th level and every four levels thereafter, the mystic can use this ability one additional time per day.
Quell Magic (Su)
Starting at 9th level, a mystic can channel her animus to act as a sort of null-magic energy, smothering active magical effects with its flow. In order to use this ability, the mystic must have identified an ongoing spell or power through a Spellcraft check or other method. As a standard action, she can spend a number of points of animus equal to that spell or power’s level to suppress (as if by an antimagic field spell) that spell or power for a number of rounds equal to her mystic initiation modifier. Time spent suppressed counts against the suppressed spell or power’s duration. This ability can only be used on effects within 30 feet, although the mystic does not need to identify the effect while it is within that range, and it remains suppressed even if it leaves that range.
Font of Animus (Su) 1d6+12 13/day
At 15th level, a mystic gains the ability to draw in energy from the world around her, converting it into animus to fuel her own primal power. As a move action, the mystic can add a number of points of animus to her animus pool equal to 1d6 + her mystic initiation modifier. Unlike other animus abilities, this may be used outside of combat to generate a small pool of animus that persists for one minute outside of combat. A mystic cannot use this ability multiple times to accumulate animus; additional attempts only her animus pool to 1d6 + her mystic initiation modifier. The mystic may use this a number of times per day equal to her mystic initiation modifier + 1 (minimum of 1).
Glyph Mastery (Su)
At 20th level, a mystic’s control over her elemental powers are strong enough that she can manifest two elemental glyphs at the same time. As a move action, the mystic may spend two points of animus and manifest an elemental glyph of any two elements, regardless of her active element. These glyphs otherwise function as her elemental glyphs class feature.
Stances:Elemental Nimbus,Reaching Blade Stance,Formless Dance,Nexus of Elemental Retribution, Mithral Lighting Stance,Spiritual Weapon Stance,God of the Hourglass Stance
1st-Strike the Hourglass, Flowing Creek, Swift Current, Fluctuation Movement
2nd-Eldritch Fury,Energy Spark, Iron Wave,Resonance Strike, Cursed Fate,Temporal Form
3rd-Salt Breeze Strike,Brilliant Moon,Time Shifter
4th-Arcane Torrent,Flicher Strike
5th-Flowing Stream, Warp Form
6th-Crushing Wave
7th-Raging Whirlwind
8th-Heart of a Timelord, Mithral Wave
Sudden Block (Su)
As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to hinder a melee attack made against you or an adjacent ally. Add your tier to your AC or the ally’s AC against this attack. The creature making the attack must make two attack rolls and take the lower result. Once the attack is resolved, you or your ally (your choice) can make one melee attack against the creature. The damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Armor Master (Ex)
You don’t take an armor check penalty or incur an arcane spell failure chance when wearing light armor or using a shield (including a tower shield). In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of light armor doesn’t apply to you. You can select this ability up to three times. The second time, it also applies to medium armor. The third time, it also applies to heavy armor.
Sudden Attack (Ex)
As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack at your highest attack bonus. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. When making a sudden attack, you roll twice and take the better result, adding your tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Titan’s Bane (Ex)
You can move through the space of any creature two or more size categories larger than you without provoking attacks of opportunity, and you can share such a creature’s space. When sharing a larger opponent’s space, you gain cover against all melee and ranged attacks made by the creature, and it is considered flat-footed for the purposes of any melee or ranged attacks you make against it.
At least a bare bones without maths