About The First FlameColossal Neutral Good Fey (good, augmented) Incanter 20/Mageknight (Sun Warrior) 20/Mythic Spherecaster/Guardian 1 Saves
Initiative +8
Immune: Fire, Light, Age, Poison, Critical Hits, Precision Damage
Favored Class: Incanter (+1 Hit Point/level) Feats and Traits
Transformation: Humanoid Form Medium Sized, Anthropomorphic Transformation (Hybrid option) Mythic Transformation: Stellar Phoenix Form
Traits: Racial Traits
Boons: Boon of the Apex Entity and Boon of Evolutions's Chosen Templates: Titanic, Holy, Advanced
Magic talents:
Energy Strike Energy Wall Explosive Orb (free 3x/day from Mythic) Sculpt Blast Admixture Spirit Blast Blinding Blast Fire Blast Searing Blast Extended Range x2 Calamity (free 3x/day from Mythic) Extreme Range Greater Admixture Penetrating Blast Radiation Blast Nature (Fire Geomancing)
Deific Talents
Class Features
Mythic Features
Path abilities
In its natural form The First Flame is a titanic mass of stellar plasma in the vague shape of a great eagle with a 400' wingspan, its plummage glowing in shifting hues of yellows, oranges, and reds, its eyes churning orbs of brilliantly-burning flame. While in Hyraeatan it more frequently appears in the form of a humanoid bird with the same fiery plummage. In either shape, it never speaks aloud, instead the very light it sheds seeming to form words or images in those it wishes to converse with. History:
On one small material plane, the first creator gods got a little overexcited when igniting the first star. A flare erupted from its newly-burning surface when they ignited it. This flare split from its parent star, charged with the excess power of creation the gods had poured into the star, and formed great wings and keen talons, becoming the first and greatest of all phoenixes (for its plane, at least). The gods were a bit surprised by this, but it knew its purpose. It would go forth to bring light and warmth to the coldest and darkest corners of existence, and since that time it has flown the void, bringing its fire to those who need it most.
…or so one legend says of its origin. But legends about it are as numerous as its names: The Sunwing, The Beginning of Phoenixes, The Stellar Eagle. When asked, the name it gives for itself most often is The First Flame, but it acknowledges the others, as well. What is certain is that The First Flame is a being of great compassion, but also terrible wrath. At times they descend on a darkened corner of a world and bring hope to a dying people, using its power to rekindle life where it was almost extinguished. At other times their coming is marked by vitrifying entire swaths of land with its flames--sometimes because of an obvious threat, other times when no danger can be seen. Still other times it descends in its smaller, anthropomorphic form, to speak to and guide individuals or nations that were lost in metaphorical darkness. Also certain is its incredible age, having lived to see the cycle of life and destruction that stars go through, seeking in some way to emulate in itself the way stars are the ultimate source of all warmth and light in the universe, yet simultaneously the most destructive forces in existence... and how that destruction births new worlds and stars. It came to Hyraeatan recently, by its reckoning, meaning it's 'only' been in the city for a little under a century. It is officially a member of the Ashlords faction, though they are known to also have some ties to the Cocoon Pact, sometimes serving as a liason between the two factions. Its belief in the cycles of destruction and creation are well-suited to this position, though it does draw some suspicion from the more 'orthodox' members of the Ashlords.