GM Bret’s PBP Gameday XIII PFS1 CORE #5-03 The Hellknight’s Feast

Game Master BretI

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Dark Archive

Male N Gnome Sorcerer 7 Buffs: Mage Armor, Haste. | HP 67/72| AC 20 Incorp T 17 T 13 FF 18| CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +10 R +6 W +6, +2 vs Illusion| INIT +7| PER +16 Low Light SM -1| Speed 40' |Resist Fire 5|
Re-roll 0/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1, Claws 9/9, +3 vs Spells 1/1, +2 UMD 1/1| Spells: Sorcerer 1st 5/8 2nd 6/8 3rd 4/5

Opponents need to either see or touch an opponent (and then select that opponent) to cast a targeted spell like Suggestion or Magic Missile. This is right in the CRB (Aiming a Spell, page 213-214).

Exceptions to this include ray spells which allow you to fire when blind or at an invisible target. (CRB page 214).

I hope that this is helpful. :)

Sovereign Court

Male | HP= 57 | AC=24 | CMD=19 | Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 | LG Gnome Paladin (4) / Bard (1) / Shadowdancer (2) | Init+2

I do not understand how to read the map.
Did yellow just made 5 feet step onto a square with chair?

Please clarify what is difficult terrain and what is not than


Only thing I would consider difficult terrain is the pool table and the table as climbing up on them would slow a person down.

Dark Archive

Bard-8: HP 56/56; GM reroll @+4 1/1;music available 18/20; Spells avail:L1 5/(5+1)L2 1/4;L3 0/2; +1 d20 bonus 1/1; Enduring Scholar (+6) 1/1; Faction pin 1/1; Archivist (+4) 1/1; Wand CLW 30/50; Loremaster 1/1; (free-scr) knock 1/1; CSW 1/1; CLW 1/1;
knowledge take 10s:
add guidance: Arcana 40; Dungeoneering 36; Engineering 37; Geography 39; History 41; Planes 40; Religion 37 ;all others 34
(Heroism active, +2 to saves and atk)AC 20 (FF:19); Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +5 (extra +4 vs sonic & language)(extra +1 when surprised/flat footed (included in FF))(extra +1 vs evil outsiders); resist cold/4; ; Init +1; Perception -2;(+1 cmd vs grapple)

I'd forgotten how lethal Grog was to evil outsiders.

I'd extend my sympathies to the GM, except, well, I'm kind of glad to see the back of them to be honest.

Power Attack plus relatively low enemy AC does mean that the DR is less of a problem.

Still the Paladins are also quite capable of destroying evil outsiders.

I just have to keep reminding myself that AC is on a completely different scale than 2e.

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