Rise of the Runelords

Game Master Veniir

Sandpoint overview

Battle map

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Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (3/4) | [Human Form]

Oh god. Those things.

"Don't have time to explain. Vargouille. Don't let it bite you."

Juriya, with the pre-loaded croosbow, fires at the creature, scared for her frail life... as usual, it misses.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (5) = 10

"s%!% s~*@ s#*& s*#~"

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah stiffens at Juriya's warning, and her mind races as she loads her crossbow, thinking on what she might have read about vargouilles.

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Donimah, you can ask 3 questions about it.

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

What resistances does it have?

What weaknesses does it have?

What special attacks does it have?

"More importantly, don't let it kiss you," Donimah says to the others.

Donimah remembers that these creatures are fairly easy to hit with no special resistances. It is not particularly good in resisting attacks on its mind (read: not great Will saves). Upon kissing a helpless target, a 1-time Fort save prevents a slow death and transformation of the victim into another Vargouille. This usually takes up to a day. It can be delayed with sunlight and it can be stopped with powerful (for you at least) magic.
It also administers poison on its bite attack which makes it harder to heal damage from its bite.
It can also shriek which can make all around it to become paralyzed and thus, susceptible to its kiss.

Special attacks was the money question.

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

"They try to paralyze you with their shriek, and then kiss you," she explains. "If you don't resist the curse that inflicts, you die as your head detaches and becomes another vargouille! Sunlight can keep the curse from advancing, but ultimately it's fatal unless you have access to powerful magic...the kind we likely couldn't find in Sandpoint. Fortunately, their wills aren't strong and they don't have any immunities or protections that would render our weapons inefficient. We just have to take it down before it can shriek at us, and keep it away from our damn mouths. And like Juriya said, don't let it bite you either, it's got venom that makes wounds harder to heal."

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/3) |

Yikes that's some list!

Time for surprise round, brought to you exclusively by Ano's nat 20. Juriya already did hers.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/3) |
I like runes wrote:
Time for surprise round, brought to you exclusively by Ano's nat 20. Juriya already did hers.

Arrian can act in the surprise round?

Everyone can.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = Bless | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (0/3) |

Arrian moves in to strike at the monster:

Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 71d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

But misses by a mile.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 15/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: N/A

if we can attack with melee…

Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Rapier Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Ano makes a flying leap to skewer the vargouille.

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