Journey to the East - Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Severed Ronin

When a decades-old secret is exposed, an unassuming local tavern-owner and a close friend of the PCs discovers her birthright is to rule one of the ancient Dragon Empires of Tian Xia—the empire of Minkai. Yet the current ruler of this empire, the mysterious and increasingly cruel Jade Regent, has no intention of giving up his hold over the throne. In order to save Minkai from a would-be tyrant, the PCs must not only escort their friend from Varisia to Tian Xia, braving the frozen horrors of the Crown of the World, but must aid her in gaining the trust and support of a nation on the edge of anarchy.

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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8

György Badžo wrote:
Jean, in the interest of all of us having a chance to play and not just sit and watch the scout, please just scout 1-2 rooms at a time.

Believe me, as soon as something of interest comes up i will stop. This guy isnt a knowledge monkey. Hes looking to find the bad guys and then report back. He doesnt want to engage.

Update to come. Got some personal issues I'm working through over the next few days. I'll try to be as quick as I can about it.


Round One. Fight.

I'll get tokens added to the map soon. For now, Jean andCorvus are in the center of the lowest level area (on the right) and the creature is above them on the cavern ceiling. As before just post your actions and we'll get you safely set up.

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

So this morning my computer decided to go all screwy on me. I didn't have time to troubleshoot so I'll be looking at it tonight. I'm hoping it's something minor but wanted to give a heads up if I don't post that's why.

Copy that! Thanks for the heads up.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8


The Menacing ability. It increases the flanking bonus by +2 for allies flanking a creature adjacwnt. There is no type to the bonus or increase, though being same cause, I've never had 2 people with the ability at the table. I don't think it should stack because it is the same cause, but you should probably call it.

No, it does not stack.

"Bonus Types: Usually, a bonus has a type that indicates how the spell grants the bonus. The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works (see Combining Magical Effects). The same principle applies to penalties—a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one, although most penalties have no type and thus always stack. Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source."

Both of the bonuses are coming from a menacing weapon property, so they don't. I considered this when deciding to apply the property. My thoughts were that you wouldn't always necessarily be flanking the same enemy. The party may end up focusing on two separate enemies and for this reasoning, the abilities would work. Just clearly not if both of you were on the same enemy.

Treygan and I also talked about an alternative ability for him as well which I believe I offered to Jean as well. If I didn't, it's basically a way to have the ability switched via your patron deity through a ritual of sorts. If you want the ability switched, let me know and we'll sort details out. It just didn't make sense to have two separate abilities coming from the same source.

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

Jean to Mukluk I'm sorry Mario, but your princess is in another castle

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Mukluk Muletender wrote:
"Ah-man Seck-het!" Mukluk says, invoking the power.

Bwaha! I can't stop laughing. That just made my day. Maybe one day I'll get to actually play that character.

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

Computer is fixed. I'll be catching up over the course of this week to get caught back up. Apologies for the delays.

No worries.

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

As an FYI, I'll be gone next week on a trip for work. Experience has taught me I won't have the time to post on this trip, so please bot me as necessary. As an RP thing, if we encounter any of those birds, Treygan will try to deal subdual damage to one to take it alive for questioning.

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

Just a heads up I'm back from my work trip. It's too late for me to get a post in tonight, but at least wanted to mention I'm catching up on my games. I'll try to get caught up tomorrow.

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

Burninate the Trogs! Woot!

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9
Jean LeFavre wrote:
Burninate the Trogs! Woot!

What? Trogdor?

Also, I always thought that Fireball was a Lvl 3 Magus spell.

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

It is lvl 3 sorc/wiz so presumably magus as well

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

Good spot. I've checked the Excel spreadsheet I use and compared it to the PRD and see that L2 spells have been omitted and all others have been moved down one - so the list of L2's I picked from were in fact L3 - which I can't cast until I'm L7!

Ignore my post and I'll re-stat my spells in the next 24 hours...

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

If in doubt - go with good old-fashioned pen and paper...

Level-2 spells updated - and Corvus can join in next round.

Update inbound.

Jean, reading back through everything I wanted to apologize for not seeing the post you made about blocking the door with your Disable Device check. If I'd seen it, things could've gone vastly different.

Without delving into personal details, I'll be bottling Treygan until a good departure point (likely the end of the book). After contacting him, he relayed that he's been trying to catch up and just couldn't and wanted to apologize to everyone for delaying as long as he did.

Treygan, if you come back here and see this, best of luck.

Good luck Treygan!

Royal Guardsman HP: 12/12 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 10/10 | DR:24/8 | Dodge:9 | Parry:13 | Precog Danger Sense: 12 | Influence:+1 | Primary attk: Force Saber 18, Dmg: 7d(5) |

Luck man! [bro five!]

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

Thanks all! I'm really, really sorry for having to drop. I don't like quitting things, which honestly is just as much part of the problem. I've taken on a few too many things at work, and the last couple have suffered for it. Plus I've been doing prep work for the gastric bypass surgery, and the lifestyle changes I'm trying to implement haven't been helping the whole thing. I hope this AP goes well for the rest of you though! I really like the group for it!! Good luck and have fun!!!

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9

Laters, Treygan.

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

A bit late - but all the best Treygan...

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Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

Some fitting Battle music?


Royal Guardsman HP: 12/12 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 10/10 | DR:24/8 | Dodge:9 | Parry:13 | Precog Danger Sense: 12 | Influence:+1 | Primary attk: Force Saber 18, Dmg: 7d(5) |

Going camping, back 8 Aug. Bot me as necessary.

Heads up that I'm likely to have few if any updates until Tue Aug 19 or Wed Aug 20 due to
1. Important pitch this week
2. Losing several days to Gen Con (every slot is full)
3. Taking my oldest off to college
Always a chance I'll slip a post in here or there, but please GMPC me as needed to keep things moving.

Gotcha! Thanks to all and have fun to any and all attending GenCon!

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger
György Badžo wrote:

Heads up that I'm likely to have few if any updates until Tue Aug 19 or Wed Aug 20 due to

1. Important pitch this week
2. Losing several days to Gen Con (every slot is full)
3. Taking my oldest off to college
Always a chance I'll slip a post in here or there, but please GMPC me as needed to keep things moving.

Wish I'd noticed prior...I was there too at Gencon...

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

Apologies for the delays...I'm in the middle of a house move and vacation - and the plan to have uninterrupted internet has been dampened by the news I'll have to wait 6-10 working days!

Please NPC me as appropriate until normal service is resumed. I may be able to do some posting from my phone but I can't be 100% sure how often.

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

I get internet back properly next Monday. I'll follow the posts on my phone and if I need to jump in, I will. Auto to me if it seems more sensible. Sorry for the lack of posting - it's as frustrating for me.

Gotcha! No worries. You guys are nearing the end of the line, so we seem to be winding down.

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

And then there was wifi! I have the Internet again – thanks so much for your patience…

Welcome back Corvus!

Welcome back!

Well, it was slow going at times and quick at others on our part, but we're finally here! We've reached the finish line for this leg of our journey. There are treasures that you found that I didn't rightly identify or divulge to you because we are at the end. You've each saved Ameiko and helped her discover her divine right to rule. Through methods as varying as the stars, you've established a foothold in her journey and made the journey your own as well.

Whether through stout bravery as the proud and sometimes single-minded in his methods Sir Gavin, the battle dance of unsure Corvus and her wondrous hawk, or the merciless slayings of the lost and confused Jean, you've reached this point. Of course, you couldn't have done it without the amusing mutterings of Mukluk and Gyorgy's stories and the knowledge and divine blessings they presented along the way. Each of you made truly memorable characters for this journey and I certainly don't feel as if Aneiko or Koya or Sandru (poor Sandru) and certainly not Shalelu, will forget them anytime soon.

Right now I'm lost in another state revisiting old family, but I'm hoping to start up Book Two sometime. My eccentricities will likely not be lost among the next leg of the adventure, so if they vexed you here they'll likely do in the next adventure as well. When I start up a thread for Book 2, if any of you are interested, I'll shoot you a message there and you can let me know if you want in. You have been one of the best groups I've ever GMed for and the difference in character designs you came up with was awesome. Certainly a treat for me. If you're not interested, that's fine. It was awesome gaming with you and hopefully the experience was rewarding for you as well.

Until then Riddleport is a few days journey south of your location.

Happy gaming, folks, and thanks for playing.

Also, congrats on your level up!

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

Beazy im still in.

Royal Guardsman HP: 12/12 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 10/10 | DR:24/8 | Dodge:9 | Parry:13 | Precog Danger Sense: 12 | Influence:+1 | Primary attk: Force Saber 18, Dmg: 7d(5) |

Me too!

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

Me three

Count me in too! Beazy, would you be willing to consider reporting this for Pathfinder Society credit? Even if we don't run it with PFS characters, we can get credit so long as you're willing to report it. I could help you with steps if you're willing to do it.

Absolutely. Anyone wanting it reported for PFS credit, send me your numbers and I'll input it in the system. I'll also see what I can do about getting Chronicles scanned and uploaded.

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

7470-8 Pfs

Royal Guardsman HP: 12/12 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 10/10 | DR:24/8 | Dodge:9 | Parry:13 | Precog Danger Sense: 12 | Influence:+1 | Primary attk: Force Saber 18, Dmg: 7d(5) |

So we make ourselves Level 5?

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

Beazy any idea on when we may start again?

Sorry, but I do not yet have a set date. Too many things going on right now that I'm trying to sort and in a week or so I'll be losing Internet at my house until I sort things out with my provider (saying I didn't pay when I did - have receipts and all).

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