Rise of the Runelords

Game Master Veniir

Sandpoint overview

Battle map

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Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

As soon as Fosyo enters, Juriya nearly scowls, but has collected herself enough to realize that is a horrible idea, and puts on her best expression for the situation: sadness. "Oh, hello Mrs. Clovermark. Arrian, Donimah, myself, Persephone, and Zeldrith went to investigate an incident at the Glassworks. We found... certain things that we felt we should tell Ano about after we rescued Ameiko. I can assure you, we didn't involve her in the search, but it was imperative we rescue Ameiko before anything happen to her. You understand, yes?"

Bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Worst comes to worst, she thinks to herself, break out the blackmail early in Minkaian. Ano would be the only other person who understood what we're talking about, and I can signal to her that it's all smoke and mirrors. Stay calm, and don't give anything away unnecessarily. She runs through multiple scenarios in her head, as she often does, as common sense is something that barely exists for the kitsune.

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3

Arrian's Interrogation:

Before leaving the Glassworks, Zeldrith goes to get Arrian, only to find him attempting to intimidate the captive goblin. Noticing Arrian floundering, the demonspawn soldier steps in. "Believe me - Puk, your name was? How is that spelled again? Believe me, Puk, Arrian here is practically your best friend. He only wants to kill you, you see." He smirks, his seven fingers drumming on the hilt of his sword. "Now, I'm sure you've heard of my people as well. Probably even worship some of them. So believe me when I tell you that killing you would be unimaginative. I fought in the Goblinblood Wars, you know. Seen what the hobgoblin warlords did to deserters. We could impale you through the arms and legs with spears, stick you out in the sun. We could even bring you a little food and water each day, just enough to keep you alive. You'd survive - you'd soon wish you hadn't. Meanwhile, we could find your tribe, tell them how you told us everything about your feeble little plans for Sandpoint." His smirk widens, becoming a nightmare-inducing grin showing his impressive number of sharp teeth. "They'd probably even write it down, so your name would be remembered forever as a traitor to the tribe. You wouldn't like that, would you?" The grin abruptly vanishes, and he yanks the little goblin off his feet with one hand. "SO TALK, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE RUNT!"

Intimidate (Aid Another): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Apologies - not trying to hijack Arrian's interrogation, but with no ranks and a negative Charisma modifier, as well as him trading out his Intimidating racial trait, I thought it would be best. Juriya's help would also not go amiss.

Before Fosyo Enters:

Zeldrith notices Ano's tears and pulls up a chair near the distraught amurrun. After a moment's hesitation (given his previous experience with Ano's mercurial moods), he cautiously pats her shoulder. "I had heard about this Nualia, but I hadn't known you were her friend." He clears his throat before continuing. "...Look, Ano, you're young. You don't know much about the world - there are some things out there that can explain this. When I was in the Goblinblood Wars, I saw some pretty nasty stuff, you know. At the Bridge of Rysev, just a little ways to the south of here, the hobgoblin battle-priests pulled our fallen from the dead, sent them after their friends. In the Sunken Queen, at the heart of the Mushfens, there were traps that stole the mind, made us have to kill our own comrades when they turned on us. A merchant from Ridwan told me about something that stole the souls of the devil-blooded, made them slaves without the will to disobey. Whoever - whatever - this goblin leader is, your friend is probably already in Desna's realm, beyond the courts of the dead. Really, we'd be doing her a favor by killing the thing that's stolen her face."

The former soldier takes Tsuto's journal from her hands, opening it to the page with Nualia's likeness. "I have to take this to Sheriff Hemlock, you understand. If he doesn't know about what the goblins have planned, he can't protect the town." Looking back down at the page, Zeldrith opens the book as far as the spine allows, tugging on the page with the sketch of Nualia until it comes free of the cheap bindings. Tucking the journal away into a pocket of his coat, he presses the page into Ano's hands. "This can stay between us. The sheriff doesn't have to know."

Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

Before, intimidating the goblin

Juriya licks her lips, switching forms to her natural Kitsune form to emphasize the point, "More than just goblins chew and bite. I can still taste the old leather!" She then switches back to human form to escort Ameiko out.

Aid Another auto succeeds.

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah gives Zeldrith an indignant look as he discusses the journal with Ano.

"Hey! Lemme read that first!" she barks.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |

Perhaps I should've put a skill point in Intimidate but I felt being able to swim, climb, use Heal, etc. were a more immediate need. Oh and Arrian has +1 from his Stern Gaze class ability so it cancels out his penalty - woo hoo! Also he doesn't really care if Puk believes him or not; he's ready to kill the goblin if it farts without permission.

Intimidation: 1d20 ⇒ 2

At the first sign of smirk, chuckle, or any other disrespectful gesture/noise Arrian remarks, "Good don't believe me; the shock on your face when I run you through will give me a laugh. Hey Zel, what wine would you recommend to go along with goblin for dinner?"

To Zel at the Rusty Dragon:
"We need to talk."

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone is seen making a mean face at the goblin.
Intimidation (U) to Aid DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Once the group decides to leave the Glassworks, the Shaman stares a while at the sky as they walk
If to Thistle Top we go then commune with Desna I must. Give me 5 days.

If we want our Healer to have Healing...?

She is Desnans...lol.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
Persephone. wrote:

Persephone is seen making a mean face at the goblin.

[dice=Intimidation (U) to Aid DC 10]1d20+3

Hah we should've had Persephone intimidate him! 8)

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)

Before Fosyo enters

Ano sniffles a bit, Cherry nuzzling her in comfort. She looks somberly at Zeldrith. “I hope it’s just some…thing…taking over Nualia’s body. Though if it is her, maybe there’s a chance to make things right. You see, last time we spoke-

Cue Fosyo


The snarling scream echoes inside the Inn as Fosyo storms inside, her claws digging into the wood of the door as she stomps over to her daughter, who is now full of fear. Before she can get to her daughter, however, she’s stopped by Juriya.

Fosyo Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The older amurrun has no proof to counter against Juriya’s claims, though she’s still not happy.

I told Ano to meet me at your family’s house some time ago, and I see her with you lot. And I’m hearing something happened in the Glassworks. So it’s for the best that she goes with me now before you delinquents taint her mind even further.

With that she rudely shoves Juriya out of the way, then beckons Ano to go with her. When she stays silent for a second, Fosyo snaps, “We are leaving. NOW!!!” and grabs Ano by the ear. It’s clear a claw or two is piercing her ear, as a small drabble of red comes from Fosyo’s hand, followed by Ano’s shrieking, “Ama, your claws, stop! Ow!

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3

Before Fosyo:

Arrian wrote:
"We need to talk."

Zeldrith glances at Arrian with a friendly smile. "Sure thing! What about?" He taps the side of his nose knowingly. "It's about those tunnels, isn't it? I've been thinking: it's a tunnel here, obviously, but it's also a tunnel there - wherever the goblins are massing, I mean. We could probably go down there, cut the head off the snake."

Donimah wrote:
"Hey! Lemme read that first!"

The former soldier nods. "I thought it would be best to look over this before taking it to the Sheriff, see if there's anything to be learned from it. You study Thassilon, yes? Any knowledge of military history? I'd appreciate your help on..."

Fosyo's Entrance:

Zeldrith is cut off mid-sentence by Fosyo storming into the Rusty Dragon, and his mood is immediately dampened by the older amurrun's appearance. He glares at Ano's mother as she tries to take her daughter home, but when Fosyo grabs his friend's ear, he leaps up and rushes forward, yanking her hand away. "Can't you see you're hurting your daughter?"

Combat Maneuver: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

With the two separated, he stands between Fosyo and Ano, scowling at the older catfolk. "You say we are delinquents, yes? Filling her head with lies? One of the things that I hope she has learned from us is that the people who hurt her are her enemies, and that they do not have her best interests at heart. You would do well to learn that yourself. Tell me, is this how you wish your relationship with your daughter to be?" He continues to glare at Fosyo, but does step to the side if anyone else attempts to come forward.

Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

Oh boy, here we go. Go time, she thinks to herself before she nervously gulps and brings the bombshell up.

"You aim for her to be an acolyte of Desna, yes? Keeping her locked in one place seems very antithetical to a god of travel! I imagine Desna looks upon your actions with disdain right now. And besides," Juriya says as she foolhardedly gets in Ano's mother's face. "What are lies compared to whatever you have planned, Fosyo?"

She then has a manic look in her eyes as she heel-turns to Minkaian with a smile on her face,

"I wasn't supposed to, but I found the contract!"


Bluff (Lie): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Blackmail time!

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |

To Zel:
"It would be best to discuss these things with more privacy for discrete matters. Perhaps at the Sheriff's office." He looks about the crowd in the Rusty Dragon as if to emphasize how many people could overhear.

Standing next to Zel, Arrian takes his turn addressing Mrs. Clovermark:
"Mrs. Clovermark, Ano's friend has just lost her entire family. Whatever you think of us we have her best interests at heart. Not just her's but others in Sandpoint as well. Now you'll have to excuse us; we have important matters to attend to."

I think Fosyo will be promoted to BBEG in this adventure at some point.

The goblin seems to be having some trouble following Zeldrith's speech. Despite the eloquent threat, much of it just whooshed over Puk's head. The goblin looks at Arrian and Zeldrith with contempt and says dismissively "Baf, I know longshanks have thing called honor that you can't kill me. I wait in prison until my tribe come and rescue me one day to plunder."

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)

Fosyo Claw Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Fosyo Claw Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

The second Zeldrith makes Fosyo let go, the older amurrun whirls around and strikes the tiefling in the face, though it's debatable if her claws struck deeply.

"KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME, WHORE SPAWN!" she shrieked. The sudden ferocity of her mother caused Ano to stumble back, gingerly checking her bleeding ear.

"How DARE you put your hands on me, or accuse me of being a horrible mother! How I raise my daughter is none of your business!" Once Juriya steps in, Fosyo hisses, "Oh hold your tongue, alchemist, you know nothing of Desna. For even Desna has made a grave mistake in unleashing the Gossamer King in her travels! If even a goddess can make things worse for others through travel, what makes you think a clumsy, stupid amurrun like her wouldn't do any damage to this world?!"

Juriya Arima wrote:

At that, Ano's good ear perked up, and she slowly picked herself off the floor to look at her raging mother in the eye and ask, "Ama? What contract? What is she talking about?"

Fosyo Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

"Don't listen to her! There's no contract, she's just trying to make the situation even more chaotic! Just like what a trigger happy alchemist would do!" It's clear that Fosyo is getting more and more enraged at the escalating situation.

Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

"Alright. Well, Zeldrith," she says as she gets a manic glee in her voice, not really restraining herself, "My father's away gathering ingredients that we don't normally carry, and my mother is out in Magnimar to purchase some," Juriya lets out a distinctly vulpine laugh. "Wait for me at the Sherriff's office! I have to drop by the house to pick something up."

Juriya thwn smiles at Fosyo, "I hope you have a wonderful day, Ms. Clovermark," she says with a very sickly-sweet voice. She tries to manage a snarl as she exits, but with a human visage... it falls very flat.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Once she's in the house gathering the contract that the parents "conveniently" left there, she has a moment of pause and starts swearing internally.

Wait, she thinks. There's no verifiable proof that my parents do not plan to go through with the contract, she says as she facepalms while pacing around the family home. Do I... really have to implicate my parents? Is that what this boils down to?!

She then rushes out of the house to catch up to Zeldrith, the contract safely tucked away. I can decide later!

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Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah rises as the situation unfolds, anger written broad across her face.

"HOW BLOODY DARE YOU?!" she roars. "Ano has had one of the HARDEST days of her LIFE, and you would make it EVEN WORSE?! SHAME!."

She approaches to try and get between Fosyo and Ano.

"She SAVED the life of Ameiko Kaijitsu, she's just discovered her DEAD BEST FRIEND HAS BEEN ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME, and she nearly LOST CHERRY in the Glassworks! And WHAT does she get from HER OWN MOTHER?! MORE VIOLENCE! I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND OF AUTHORITY YOU PRESUME TO HAVE IN THIS TOWN, BUT A GOOD PARENT DOES NOT STRIKE THEIR CHILD FOR ANY REASON!!! And to hear you call her words like 'clumsy' and 'stupid' IN BROAD DAYLIGHT FOR ALL TO SEE?! Are you TRULY mad enough to think ANY of this is helping your case with ANYONE?!"

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone simply sips her tea, as a proper lady. The Desnans Priestess only smiles.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)
Donimah Southlander wrote:

Donimah rises as the situation unfolds, anger written broad across her face.

"HOW BLOODY DARE YOU?!" she roars. "Ano has had one of the HARDEST days of her LIFE, and you would make it EVEN WORSE?! SHAME!."

She approaches to try and get between Fosyo and Ano.

"She SAVED the life of Ameiko Kaijitsu, she's just discovered her DEAD BEST FRIEND HAS BEEN ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME, and she nearly LOST CHERRY in the Glassworks! And WHAT does she get from HER OWN MOTHER?! MORE VIOLENCE! I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND OF AUTHORITY YOU PRESUME TO HAVE IN THIS TOWN, BUT A GOOD PARENT DOES NOT STRIKE THEIR CHILD FOR ANY REASON!!! And to hear you call her words like 'clumsy' and 'stupid' IN BROAD DAYLIGHT FOR ALL TO SEE?! Are you TRULY mad enough to think ANY of this is helping your case with ANYONE?!"

You have no right to be angry at me! All I ask for is a daughter who actually LISTENS TO ME! Desna cursed me to have just one child, and I end up with the MOST DENSE, MOST NAIVE, MOST RECKLESS CREATURE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! I am the only one in this world who cares about her, I know you adventuring lot will just throw her into the jaws of some beasts and leave her for dead to save your own skins, that’s all you lot are! Especially filthy magic slinging Riddleport rats, spawn of succubi whores, scatterbrained alchemists, unwanted spawn of orcs, and air headed Desnan priests!

AMA, STOP!!! You’re making everything worse and-

Fosyo Claw 1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Damage 1: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Surprising but Thematically Appropriate Crit confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Extra Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Fosyo Claw 2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Damage 2: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
So 3 more damage

Fosyo swipes both of her claws, each one hitting Ano directly in the face, one claw slashing across her forehead and the other tearing even more into her messed up ear. Fosyo now stands over Ano, a similar spark of rage in her eyes-not unlike what Ano’s friends have seen before when the younger amurrun flew into a bloodrage.


All Ano could do was close her eyes, turn her head, and press her hands on her ears, desperately trying to block out such ugly, familiar words spoken to her before.

Aaaand it all comes out for Fosyo. If this is heavy I apologized, but this is the moment where Fosyo is officially a lost cause.

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M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3
Fosyo Clovermark wrote:

As Fosyo becomes more enraged, Zeldrith seems to grow calmer, his words level and measured but with biting force behind them. "Say what you will to me, but at least I can look my nephew in the eyes without seeing fear and suspicion. I told your sister that I would protect Ano - right now, that means protecting her from you. Now get out and leave Ano in peace, before I throw you out."

When Fosyo lashes out in anger, however, the soldier finally loses his temper in return, striking the older amurrun firmly across the face as he pushes her away from her daughter, his red eye flashing white with arcane power as a strange tone comes over his words. "GET OUT! OUT, I SAID! You would strike your own daughter? You're no mother to her!" He moves between the maddened catfolk and her daughter, scowling at Fosyo. "If your daughter is dead to you, my family in Magnimar will take her in. You see, 'succubi whore-spawn' or no, my family doesn't abandon their own. If you hate your daughter so much, you can live alone in this little town, with only memories for company." He glares at the older catfolk, nearly spitting out his last words. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Unarmed Strike (Power Attack): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage (Power Attack, Arcane Strike): 1d3 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 8

Technically, Zeldrith isn't a bloodrager like Ano, but the Eldritch Scion archetype blurs the lines, and seeing how his 'famous wizardly ancestor' was the Runelord of Wrath, his arcane powers are linked to a certain degree with his short temper.

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Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Fosyo's horrific words make Donimah's jaw drop as her anger is replaced with utter shock.

"And here I thought Lord Kaijitsu was a horrific parent...my own mother abandoned me and my father, and yet I can say with certainty she was a better parent than you!"

She watches wordlessly as Zeldrith takes charge, and goes over to comfort Ano, crouching down to offer her a hug.

"It's not your fault...it's not your fault...you do have worth...you matter...you're a hero, Ano, and don't let her tell you different," she says quietly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |

Arrian calls upon the power of Cayden to heal Ano:

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

He then puts the much-smaller catfolk under his arm in a protective gesture and tells Mrs. Clovermark, "The next time you strike her, I'm going to defend her - physically. Leave now before the Sheriff arrests you for assaulting Ano. As for family she has family everywhere in Sandpoint - except your house."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

Juriya doesn't want to anger Fosyo further, so she just walks out right by her. She doesn't even contest being scatter-brained, as in comparison to the rest of the insults there... that one was admittedly true.

At the Sheriff's Office.

Juriya is shaking at this point, she saw one of her friends get assaulted by her own mother, her other friend was nearly killed by her half-brother and his band of raving goblins. Today was... certainly not the best day, and it was bound to get worse.

Once she finally has audience with the Sheriff, she sits down and describes what happens. "Sh-sheriff Hemlock? Fosyo has... gotten worse. She's been assaulting her daughter, and is currently doing so in the Rusty Dragon, and has... has contracted my family to essentially ruin her brain so she's incapable of spellcasting and raging," she then unfurls the contract she had stolen from her parents (she actually wasn't supposed to be doing this, it was supposed to be a way to hold her off for a while until she just calmed down). "Here's the contract my parents signed, going over the potential options for removing her bloodrage. I... the first two options... they sound like my family, admittedly. Constant payments," she says as she points to the section detailing the Calm Emotion regiment, before continuing while tearing up. "Then there's the Padma Bl-blossom one. Both would work without harming Ano, and I don't doubt they'd attempt it if it p-payed well."

At this point, she's full on shaking and crying as she worries for her family's safety and that of Ano. Fosyo needs to be dealt with, and assaulting her just to be retaliated against her won't work. She continues, "then there's the third option. My family is... if they're actually going through with it? Going to get Brain Moss to mutilate her brain so she can't bloodrage anymore. My mother and father are out for M-Magnimar right now. I can't tell if they're actually going through with it, or if they're just... trying to stop Fosyo's deteriorating mood. The only informed me of... the first two options. The safe options," Juriya says. "Is... is there any r-recourse against Fosyo for this? For the assaults against her d-d-daughter? Fosyo's s-signature is under the option f-for the Brain Moss 'solution.'"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

"There's also... been issues at the Glassworks, as I'm sure you heard by now. I don't have the proof of that, the others that helped rescue Ameiko should be coming here shortly with proof and more news, I just... wanted to spill this as quickly as possible without anyone else here. I hope you understand," she says as she waits for the rest of the party to come to tell Sheriff Hemlock about... well, the literal massive raid planned. Admittedly, she should have waited for the rest of the party to show up, but she didn't want to tack on revealing this to Ano on top of the Sheriff at the same time.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)

Fosyo HP 9/17

Fosyo recoils at the feeling of a fist hitting her face, shrieking,


Zeldrith Angothane wrote:
"If your daughter is dead to you, my family in Magnimar will take her in. You see, 'succubi whore-spawn' or no, my family doesn't abandon their own. If you hate your daughter so much, you can live alone in this little town, with only memories for company." He glares at the older catfolk, nearly spitting out his last words. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Take her for all I care! She's no longer my daughter! She took the Oath of the Clovermark, and she not only broke it, but she conspired with you lot to make me look bad! All because I wanted that magic out of her-it's not my fault I was offered that brain moss or whatever it's called!"

Arrian wrote:
"The next time you strike her, I'm going to defend her - physically. Leave now before the Sheriff arrests you for assaulting Ano. As for family she has family everywhere in Sandpoint - except your house."

"If you ever strike me, half orc, I'll make sure Jargie's business is ruined forever, you filthy bea-"

Fosyo Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Saryo's sleep spell is a DC of 13 so barely failed

A soft harmony fills the inn, but only Fosyo seems to be affected, as her eyes flutter in confusion before she collapses to the floor, in a deep sleep. Behind her, looking both furious and horrified, is Saryo, with Cherry on her shoulder.

"Ano!" the bird calls out, flying to check on Ano, who is currently shaking in Donimah's arms, still muttering to try and drown out her mother's cruel words.

"What have you done, Fosyo...?" Saryo asks softly, before sighing, and looking at the party. "Thank you. Thank you so much for being there for my niece. I'm sorry about my sister, I...I knew she didn't see Ano in a positive light since the Unpleasantness, but for her to truly...how can I repay you?"

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F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Isabel lands on the Shaman's shoulder.
I told you to prepare Calm Emotions.

Persephone only grins.

Whenever the group decides to report to any actual authority, they both join them.
Quite a spirited breakfast.

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah thinks on what kind of moss Fosyo is talking about.

With her shiny new Knowledge (Nature) skill!

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3

As Saryo casts her spell and Fosyo collapses, Zeldrith scowls down at the unconscious catfolk. "Thanks, Miss Clovermark, but with a minute and a broken chair leg, I'd have saved you the spell." He shakes his head sadly. "My sister doesn't much like the rest of the family - she moved to a different district, even changed her name to try to get away from us. Despite it all, though, I've never given up hope for her - I write her every week, see how she's doing. To think that Fosyo was really willing to give up on Ano entirely - to think that she wished her own daughter were dead... I just don't understand it."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote:
As Saryo casts her spell and Fosyo collapses, Zeldrith scowls down at the unconscious catfolk. "Thanks, Miss Clovermark, but with a minute and a broken chair leg, I'd have saved you the spell." He shakes his head sadly. "My sister doesn't much like the rest of the family - she moved to a different district, even changed her name to try to get away from us. Despite it all, though, I've never given up hope for her - I write her every week, see how she's doing. To think that Fosyo was really willing to give up on Ano entirely - to think that she wished her own daughter were dead... I just don't understand it."

"It could be because I'm young but I'll think it was the loss she suffered that caused all of this to happen."

Arrian doesn't let go of Ano - just in case.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)
Zeldrith Angothane wrote:
As Saryo casts her spell and Fosyo collapses, Zeldrith scowls down at the unconscious catfolk. "Thanks, Miss Clovermark, but with a minute and a broken chair leg, I'd have saved you the spell." He shakes his head sadly. "My sister doesn't much like the rest of the family - she moved to a different district, even changed her name to try to get away from us. Despite it all, though, I've never given up hope for her - I write her every week, see how she's doing. To think that Fosyo was really willing to give up on Ano entirely - to think that she wished her own daughter were dead... I just don't understand it."

Saryo sighs, "I've been considering using that spell on her tantrums for a while...I am as appalled as you are that she gave up on Ano. She truly thought something needed to be fixed with Ano...but to attack her own daughter..."

Arrian wrote:
""It could be because I'm young but I'll think it was the loss she suffered that caused all of this to happen."

"Yes, Fosyo never been the same since the Late Unpleasantness. But even before that she dealt with events that changed her for the worse. That's not here, though; we need to deal with other things now." The silver amurrum headed to her niece, placing a hand on her and chanting a soft hymn.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 ⇒ 1

Only a little bit of the slashes were healed up, Ano's right ear was permanently slashed up with a large notch. The slash mark across her forehead didn't seem to be too deep, so it might be a coin flip between whether that would scar or not.

"Ondo dago, Ano, zure amak ez zaitu gehiago minik egingo." It's okay, Ano, your mother won't hurt you anymore.

Ano opened her eyes, looking at everyone with overwhelming relief and grief. "I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know why...I just want to do the right thing..."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |

@Ano: Arrian healed Ano for 9 HP a few posts above.

"You always do Ano. That's why everyone loves you and smiles when you come around."

Arrian sports a tusky grin to try to lighten the mood.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 2, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 16/16, F+2 R+2 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +2 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah glowers a bit at Saryo as she finishes speaking.

"I won't lie, Miss Clovermark, I am disappointed that you saw this building and chose not to intervene until now. But at least you are intervening now. That counts for something."

She turns to Ano and her expression softens a bit.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved Cherry and Ameiko in the Glassworks today. You took down Tsuto and stopped him from getting away to advance his schemes and bring more death and suffering to the town. You are the hero of the day, Ano."

She takes out a blank scrap of parchment and a piece of charcoal, and draws a harsh, glaring sigil upon it.

"This is the Vengeful Glare, ancient Thassilon's rune of wrath. The mark of your power. But the rune has another translation, as most of the Thassilonian language does; kindness. The greatest virtue I've seen in you, Ano. Master both, and you'll master your powers. And I'll offer whatever advice I can, even if the way your magic manifests is different than mine. I promise you."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3
Ano wrote:
"I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know why...I just want to do the right thing..."

Zeldrith moves over near Ano, trying to comfort his friend. "Ano, you've fought goblins, slain the undead, and saved this town twice over. There's an old Varisian proverb - 'only in the light of ruination can we see our true selves.' Rages or no, when the time comes, you always do the right thing. If your mother can't see that, then she's lost the company of one of the most kind-hearted, selfless people I've seen in all my years of life."

He examines her mangled ear, wincing. "...I'll be honest, Ano, your ear's in pretty bad shape. It will scar, if it heals at all." He reaches out with his seven-fingered hand, patting his friend reassuringly on the shoulder. "Bear it as a mark of pride, my friend. You've faced this challenge and emerged the stronger for it." He glances at the unconscious Fosyo. "Whenever your fool of a mother sees it, she'll know that no matter how much she tries to hurt you, you'll heal, and that you're stronger than she is. More than that, it will let her know that even if she's given up on you, you've never given up on her - who knows? Maybe in time, she'll realize what a fool she's been to turn you away." He glares at the unconscious catfolk. "Who knows? Perhaps the pigs will learn to fly and the horse will learn to sing."

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During the exchange, the patrons in the inn are awestruck. They fail to talk or act due to pure shock. It is clear that Ameiko heard some shouting, which is why Bethana goes to her room, no doubt called in.

At the Garrison...

The sheriff is still on his excusion to Magnimar to reinforce the town guard. In the meantime, he left corporal Redmane in charge of the garrison. Redmane is a large man, but not known for quick wits. Being aware of this, he often refrains from taking action, to avoid doing something stupid. He hears Juriya and clearly struggles to read the contract she puts in front of him. He takes a while to respond and offers to reheat some tea for her. He says "Please, tell your whole story from the beginning."

I'm assuming Juriya tells him in details/ Afterwards, the tea is already warm enough. As Jurya drinks it, it is not very good, but the hot water does help her calm some. He says "This sounds bad, miss Arima, but I'm not sure I can do anything. Ano is Mrs. Clovemark's daughter and I have no say in how she raises her. You will find many parents hit their children as punishment for many things. I can't go arresting all our farmers that do this, we'd end up with no food!"

I'm not interfering with Rusty Dragon scene yet, in case you want to continue it like the awesome people you are.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

"Alright. I was mainly here to inform you of the contract... that stuff will grow in your brain and out your ears until you're basically a puppet. That, and the possibility of violence spilling to not-Ano," Juriya says before heading out back to the Rusty Dragon.

Rusty Dragon

Stepping over Fosyo's unconscious body with grace, Juriya enters into the scene right after the sleep spell is cast. "Ugh, bus-- wait. Who cast a sleep spell here?" Juriya says as she goes to hug Ano, crumpled contract put back safely in her bag. "Whoever did it," shee says as she continues hugging, "thank you. Since Fosyo is out now... I can asnwer some questions you presumably have," she then gulps nervously. She's visibly sweating at this point. She ran as fast as she could, for what?

Time to face the music, she thinks to herself.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
Juriya Arima wrote:

"Alright. I was mainly here to inform you of the contract... that stuff will grow in your brain and out your ears until you're basically a puppet. That, and the possibility of violence spilling to not-Ano," Juriya says before heading out back to the Rusty Dragon.

Rusty Dragon

Stepping over Fosyo's unconscious body with grace, Juriya enters into the scene right after the sleep spell is cast. "Ugh, bus-- wait. Who cast a sleep spell here?" Juriya says as she goes to hug Ano, crumpled contract put back safely in her bag. "Whoever did it," shee says as she continues hugging, "thank you. Since Fosyo is out now... I can asnwer some questions you presumably have," she then gulps nervously. She's visibly sweating at this point. She ran as fast as she could, for what?

Time to face the music, she thinks to herself.

"As much as questions and answers are waiting to be revealed I believe our first order of business is getting to the garrison and...discussing...the situation with the authorities. For clarification of course."

Arrian gestures his head to the door.

Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

"Since you guys have proof, we should probably head there now, yeah," Juriya says as she slides her hand behind her head, nervousness dying down a little.

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone and Isabel remain quiet as the group visits the sheriff offices. They both look at each other when it is discovered that no one will be visiting this Thistle Top....

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)
Donimah Southlander wrote:

Donimah glowers a bit at Saryo as she finishes speaking.

"I won't lie, Miss Clovermark, I am disappointed that you saw this building and chose not to intervene until now. But at least you are intervening now. That counts for something."

Saryo frowns a bit at that. "I have tried to calm Fosyo's paranoia down with my words, unfortunately she has a habit of not listening. As for her striking Ano...as far as I'm aware this is the first time this has happened. If it has happened before my sister did a good job hiding that from me."

Donimah Southlander wrote:

She turns to Ano and her expression softens a bit.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved Cherry and Ameiko in the Glassworks today. You took down Tsuto and stopped him from getting away to advance his schemes and bring more death and suffering to the town. You are the hero of the day, Ano."

She takes out a blank scrap of parchment and a piece of charcoal, and draws a harsh, glaring sigil upon it.

"This is the Vengeful Glare, ancient Thassilon's rune of wrath. The mark of your power. But the rune has another translation, as most of the Thassilonian language does; kindness. The greatest virtue I've seen in you, Ano. Master both, and you'll master your powers. And I'll offer whatever advice I can, even if the way your magic manifests is different than mine. I promise you."

Arrian wrote:

"You always do Ano. That's why everyone loves you and smiles when you come around."

Arrian sports a tusky grin to try to lighten the mood.

Zeldrith Angothane wrote:

Zeldrith moves over near Ano, trying to comfort his friend. "Ano, you've fought goblins, slain the undead, and saved this town twice over. There's an old Varisian proverb - 'only in the light of ruination can we see our true selves.' Rages or no, when the time comes, you always do the right thing. If your mother can't see that, then she's lost the company of one of the most kind-hearted, selfless people I've seen in all my years of life."

He examines her mangled ear, wincing. "...I'll be honest, Ano, your ear's in pretty bad shape. It will scar, if it heals at all." He reaches out with his seven-fingered hand, patting his friend reassuringly on the shoulder. "Bear it as a mark of pride, my friend. You've faced this challenge and emerged the stronger for it." He glances at the unconscious Fosyo. "Whenever your fool of a mother sees it, she'll know that no matter how much she tries to hurt you, you'll heal, and that you're stronger than she is. More than that, it will let her know that even if she's given up on you, you've never given up on her - who knows? Maybe in time, she'll realize what a fool she's been to turn you away." He glares at the unconscious catfolk. "Who knows? Perhaps the pigs will learn to fly and the horse will learn to sing."

Ano gives a small smile at the words of her friends. "Th...thank you. I wish ama could see that..." She reaches a hand towards her bad ear, wincing a bit at the pain. She always read about soldiers and adventurers commenting on wearing their scars as badges of strength and perseverance, but to have that come from her own mother...

Juriya Arima wrote:

"Since Fosyo is out now... I can asnwer some questions you presumably have," she then gulps nervously. She's visibly sweating at this point. She ran as fast as she could, for what?

Time to face the music, she thinks to herself.

Ano looked up at her kitsune friend. "You mean the contract? What was that all about?"

"Contract? What contract?" Saryo asked.

When the subject of going to the garrison was brought up, Ano says, "Yeah, I'll go. If they want proof of what my mother did, they'll see for themselves." She picks herself up slowly, making sure to not rush herself.

"If it is alright with you all, I prefer to take my sister home. I have some choice words for her when she wakes up. And if they decide to arrest her, you know where she'll be." Saryo lifted up the unconscious catfolk, having her lean against the acolyte's shoulder.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
Persephone. wrote:

Persephone and Isabel remain quiet as the group visits the sheriff offices. They both look at each other when it is discovered that no one will be visiting this Thistle Top....

Arrian hasn't forgotten but it would be wise to warn the town of impending trouble (and possibly where it's coming from) before charging off. Plus we could use Shalelu Andosana's help and/or input on Thistletop, what it looks like, etc. I don't give our side the advantage in a *checks notes* 6 vs. 200 fight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kitsune Trickster 2 | hp 15/15 | Init +5; Perc +3 | AC14 (T14 FF11) | CMD 12 CMB +4 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will -2 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (4/4) | [Human Form]

Juriya double-checks that Fosyo is out cold before saying anything, and sighs. "My parents and I... concocted a two-pronged plan to see how... dedicated Fosyo is to having your magic removed."

Juriya sighs once again, unfurling the contract from her pack. "As you may know, my parents aren't... shining examples of morality. We came up with three potential plans to remove Ano's magic-- granted it only stimmies the rage-- that Fosyo could choose between. Two of these my parents might actually have gone through with until Fosyo becomes stable, the last one was meant as a trap to show that... well, she's lost it."

She then points to the first section of the contract, "The first plan was simple calm emotions potions... a lot of them. Given the continuous income, we figured no one would go for this. However, all it takes to stop it is to just... stop."

She then points to the next section, the one detailing the Blossom. "Then, there's the second one. If any of you have heard of the Padma Blossom, it's like a continuous Calm Emotions potion as long as you hold it. Again, reversible should she realize she's being absolutely insane, and a control-freak."

She then sips some water she had ordered before, trying to calm her nerves as she brought up the trap itself. "The third one is... the horrifying one your mother chose, Ano. We had all agreed as a family to never actually go through with this one, given the danger and horrific nature of it. It was solely meant as a trap for Fosyo to show Sandpoint she can't be trusted."

She then finishes her water, sweat beads all over her face as she takes a deep sigh. "Brain Moss. To put it simply, it would have made you unable to rage and extremely prone to suggestion. It's a blue moss that grows in the brain, and out the ears and nose and scrambles your brain beyond recognition. Mom and Dad tried to, and successfully did somehow, convince her that we could extract it before it kills but... it's honestly horrific. As I stated before, they were uncertain if they'd go through with the first two options, but we all vehemently agreed to not do this. "

She puts the glass of water down, now fully empty of its former contents. "And if you're wondering where my parents are now? They had to have some credibility to the plan while hoping Fosyo calms down... so they went to get ingredients for a bulk shipment of liquid ice for some client venturing into Irrisen without bringing Alchemist's Fire. Convenient timing."

And that's the tea spilled.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |

"I would say I'm surprised but I'm not. It's just sad."

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)

Ano was horror stricken by the revelation, Cherry looked like he was ready to faint, and now Saryo had the scowl that Fosyo held onto moments ago. “Y’know,” she said, addressinf Zeldrith, “Maybe I should’ve let you hit her with a chair. Or a whole frying pan even.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
Ano Clovermark wrote:
Ano was horror stricken by the revelation, Cherry looked like he was ready to faint, and now Saryo had the scowl that Fosyo held onto moments ago. “Y’know,” she said, addressinf Zeldrith, “Maybe I should’ve let you hit her with a chair. Or a whole frying pan even.

"We could always take her and dunk her in the tank with Norah. That way she could try the Hagfish Challenge..."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 2 HP: 13/13 | AC: 19/11/18 | CMD: 16 | F: +3; R: +1; W: +2 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 3/3 | Hero Points: 3
Arrian wrote:
"We could always take her and dunk her in the tank with Norah. That way she could try the Hagfish Challenge..."

Zeldrith glares down at the unconscious catfolk. "She's already dug her own grave, I think. Everyone in the tavern saw her wish death on her own daughter, strike her, threaten those who tried to step in. Even her sister would not stand by and watch her cruelty towards her own family. She can lie, but everyone in town will know the truth before long. No matter what we do here tonight, Fosyo Clovermark is finished in this town. She'll have to live out the rest of her life here, knowing that everyone sees her for the monster she is, and that if he were alive, her own husband would be ashamed to speak with her. I don't know that we can do anything worse than what she has already done to herself." He turns towards the door, reaching into his pocket and feeling the weight of Tsuto's journal. "We should probably go to the Sheriff's office, Ano - she's already taken enough years of your life, and were I you, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of taking more."

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 1 | HP 16/22 | AC 15 | touch 13 | ff 12 | Fort +6 | Ref +3 | Will +0 | Init +5 | Perception +9 | Bloodrage 9/12 | Hero Points: 3 | Current Conditions: Fatigued (3 minutes, -2 Str and Dex)

Ano nodded, walking with the rest of them to the Sheriff's office. Saryo held Fosyo and headed towards their home, with Ano passing by her unconscious mother without even looking at her. She holds herself close as they walk, sighing, "I hate how...well, I hate how similar words were spoken by Nualia the last time we talked...I wish I knew my mother resented me. I would have done anything to make her better..."

I'm not sure what you did with the goblin. Can I assume you took him to the garrison to be arrested?

Arriving at the garrison, corporal Redmane is ready to listen to the tale from the heroes,

I don't want to skip this dialogue because how you present your case can impact the result.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 / 12 T / 16 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 Init + 4 | Perception + 7 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = None| Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (2/3) |
I like runes wrote:

I'm not sure what you did with the goblin. Can I assume you took him to the garrison to be arrested?

Arriving at the garrison, corporal Redmane is ready to listen to the tale from the heroes,

I don't want to skip this dialogue because how you present your case can impact the result.

Yes he is coming with us to the prison but:

"We captured this goblin during the incident at the Glassworks. A warning: he is a spellcaster so a regular cell may not hold him. Is there anywhere he can be secured where he won't cause more trouble or possibly escape? I know you must have many questions about what I just said and rest assured we will address them all. What's most urgent right now is that we need to get word to the Sheriff and Shalelu Andosana that Sandpoint is in imminent danger of another, and much larger, attack from goblins. When I say much larger our information suggests there could be as many as two hundred goblins involved in the next attack. So if we have riders, messengers, anything like that to send out we need to do so - now. Or there may not be a Sandpoint left."

Arrian awaits Corporal Redmane's response. I also don't want him taking all of the oxygen out of the room by dominating the conversation; it's not Arrian's nature. If anyone needs information from the encounter at the Glassworks I took some notes that might help.

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