A Need for Speed


You have a character who has a base land speed of over 1000 ft/rnd. What do you do with him? What feats do you take? Class levels?


Master of many styles monk with panther and snake style.

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Spring Attack. Melee sniper!

I would have a build centered around this concept. Halved speed for Fast Crawl still leaves me with over 500 ft per round, and I get excellent defensive bonuses.
And if I get enough monk/brawler levels, I can get Pummeling Charge. Then, I can charge-crawl from very long distances and still get to make a lot of attacks.

AwesomelyEpic wrote:

I would have a build centered around this concept. Halved speed for Fast Crawl still leaves me with over 500 ft per round, and I get excellent defensive bonuses.

And if I get enough monk/brawler levels, I can get Pummeling Charge. Then, I can charge-crawl from very long distances and still get to make a lot of attacks.

This is hilarious! Sonic the Hedgehog spin dash attacks.

Golarions 2nd fastest mail delivery service (stupid wizards and their stupid teleports).

Dark Archive

Martial Artist Monk with Dragon Style. Immunity to fatigue means I can run for days, and through difficult terrain. The ability to ignore hardness means I can go -through- anything that I can't go over.

And considering speed in excess of 30 feet gives a bonus to Acrobatics based on how fast you are, I can get over a lot.

Also, a 4 level dip in Barbarian. Rage is just nice to have, but most importantly I'll need Uncanny Dodge to justify not running into things before I can perceive them and react in time. Oh, and some DR for that insane wind resistance.

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