[Gameday XIII] PFS2 #4-13 Within the Prairies

Game Master cmlobue

Tier 3-4, 19 CP

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Envoy's Alliance

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

per: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Jeeves looks slightly warily at the huge trees all around.
"This does not seem like the sort of place a gunsmith would want to be? Would they not need a forge?"

He glances upward, hoping for a glimpse of the almost forgotten sun.

"Ahh... perhaps that is what we are looking for?" he suggests, pointing out a treehouse.

Vigilant Seal

m human (Keleshite) Cloistered Cleric/3 [HP: 38/38] [AC: 17 (18) (19)] [fort: 8; reflex: 7; will: 10] [perception: 8; initiative: +10] [Hero Point: 1/3] [Focus Point: 2/2]

"My apologies, but I need to be able to see.", says Ahzeem while raising his left arm at shoulder length and 45 degrees above. "Great Goddess Serenade please gift your Light upon your servant." A small pale yellow "Sun" appears at his fingertips. When he lowers his hand it continues to float at the same position as he moves along. "I can provide up to 3 more for anyone who wishes."

Please note the new spell details for those not familiar.

Cantrip; Concentrate; Light; Manipulate
Traditions: arcane, divine, occult, primal Range: 120 feet
Duration: until your next daily preparations
You create an orb of light that sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) in a color you choose. If you create the light in the same space as a willing creature, you can attach the light to the creature, causing it to float near that creature as it moves. You can Sustain the spell to move the light up to 60 feet; you can attach or detach it from a creature as part of this movement.

You can Dismiss the spell. If you Cast the Spell while you already have four light spells active, you must choose one of the existing spells to end.

Heightened (4th) The orb sheds light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the next 60 feet).

Ahzeem hears Percival and looks around.....

Perception vs. DC: 18: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Vigilant Seal

CG female changeling fey sorcerer 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 | F +6 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6 Darkvision| speed 30 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

We rested since the rats, right?

Gwen doesn't seem to mind the dark and shields her eyes for a moment even when Tsimaan cracks the glowstick. She waves away Ahzeem's offer and takes a look up at the treehouse. "Are they up there?"

Radiant Oath

Elf / Nephilim Cleric 1 - HP 15/15, AC 15 - Perception +7 - F: +4/R: +5 / W: +9 - Speed: 30 feet - Hero Points: 1/3, Active Conditions: None; Default Exploration Activity: Scout

Perception vs. DC 18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Elidathas, a forest elf, spots the tree house immediately, and points it out to Gwen. "Above that alder branch there, the one with silver-gray bark. There is a tree-house."

Horizon Hunters

Male Fetchling Kineticist 2 | HP: 30 | AC: 18/19 | Fort 9, Ref 8, Will 6 | Per 6 | Stealth 6 | Speed 25’ | Darkvision

Shalosar narrows his eyes when the light sources appear, but follows the gaze of the others. Then he turns to Tsimaan.

”Looks like we found them. Now what? Knock on the tree?”

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

High above the forest floor and partially obscured by thick branches, a sprawling home sways with the tall trees. At least a dozen acorn-shaped huts encompass trunks at varying heights, connected by sturdy rope bridges. Each structure is surrounded by a wooden balcony and railing with odd gaps that lead into thin air. Glass globes hang from ropes strung over the bridges and huts, and hundreds of luminous insects feast on the glowing lichen contained within. More of the same insects feast on lichen growing on the tree trunks and branches, providing plenty of light for the entire home. An individual bearing remarkable resemblance to a large screech owl peers down from the entrance to one hut.

“Tsimaan, who have you brought me?” they ask, their voice gravelly and laced with displeasure.

“I’ve brought you friends, Whiirii,” Tsimaan replies with a chuckle. “Provided you don’t scare them off with your glum demeanor first.”

Whiirii’s beak makes an audible clack. “We’ll see about that. State your business, strangers.”

Vigilant Seal

CG female changeling fey sorcerer 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 | F +6 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6 Darkvision| speed 30 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺

Gwen squints upward at the grumpy gunsmith. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Whiirii, is it? I'm Gwen." She makes a small curtsy.

"We are told you are a skilled gunsmith with deep knowledge. We have a very special weapon that we would like your help with. I think you might be very interested in seeing it. Come see what we have and then you can tell us if you're interested." She gives him a dazzling smile in the dark.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Envoy's Alliance

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

Jeeves searches his mind for the right form of address for an owl.
society: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
And shuffles his feet, letting the more articulate do the talking.

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺

Whiirii clacks their beak again. They walk to a gap in the railing, pause, and then fall forward into empty air. They allow themself to plummet toward the ground for a few seconds before snapping their wings open and gliding gracefully to the forest floor. Dozens of glowing insects follow them down the bottom and take up residence on the tree trunks, providing bright light for the entire clearing.

The Pathfinders can get a better look now at the syrinx.

Strix Lore DC 14 or Society DC 16:

Success or Strix Ancestry:
Strix and syrinx regard each other as cousins. Syrinxes are always welcome in strix society and vice versa, demonstrating a stark difference in their treatment of each other compared to their view of other societies. Their cultures share more similarities than they do differences, despite being separated by an ocean.

Critical Success:
Strix and syrinx were once the same people and lived on Arcadia. The location of their original home is lost, due to both time and the cataclysm depicted in the Scattered Nest. During the upheaval, they were separated into two groups. The ones able to stay behind became syrinx, and the ones who were able to flee eventually became strix. Many generations later, each group discovered the other survived. The reunion ushered in an era of joy and cultural prosperity, as both groups believed the other perished in the aftermath.

Critical Failure:
Strix and syrinx were once the same people and lived on Arcadia. The location of their original home is lost, due to both time and the cataclysm depicted in the Scattered Nest, when the two groups fought a fierce war over their territory. Those who were driven out became strix, while those ones able to stay behind became syrinx.

“I’m Whiirii, a gunsmith. I make, repair, and alter an assortment of guns for those who seek out my services.” Whiirii pauses and
looks the Pathfinders up and down. “Who are you, and what o you want from me?”

Radiant Oath

LG Female Human | Field Medic | Monk Lvl 3 | ◆◇↺ | Arrows: 26/28 | HP 41/41 | AC 20 | F/R/W: 8/10/10 | Perc(E) +10 | 35 feet (40 in Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 18 | Medicine(E): +10, Acrobatics/Stealth/Nature/Religion: +8, Athletics/Lore (PFS, Warfare): +6 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 |

None of the above. Maneki watches...

Envoy's Alliance

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

Can I take my Society check above as relating to the spoilers?

Cosmic Captive | Defy the Dragon | Renewal's Blight | Within the Prairies | ◆◇↺
Percival Jeeves wrote:

Can I take my Society check above as relating to the spoilers?


Envoy's Alliance

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

"Jeeves, at your service, Gunsmith." explains the butler.

"We have heard of your expertise and had hoped that you may be willing to take on a challenging task, one that is as far beyond lesser gunsmiths as your abode is above my head." he says, looking slightly nervously upward.

Vigilant Seal

m human (Keleshite) Cloistered Cleric/3 [HP: 38/38] [AC: 17 (18) (19)] [fort: 8; reflex: 7; will: 10] [perception: 8; initiative: +10] [Hero Point: 1/3] [Focus Point: 2/2]

Society: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

"Well now, they didn't tell us we would be meeting a Syrinx. What a true honor it is" exclaims Ahzeem excitedly.

"We would be grateful for any assistance that you may be able to give.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

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