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Uugghhh! Doesn't she realize how bad it will look if word gets around that *she* prevented us from saving Willowshore from the spiders?! Auntie Wu groans inwardly as she informs the messenger that she will report in shortly. "Sorry guys. I'd rather go up against a clutter of Giant Tarantulas than that sour prune, but she'll make things so much worse if we don't humor her. ... Good luck!" She heartily means it.
With a resigned sigh, she trudges toward Northside and her doom. (Well, it feels like that, anyway. Crusty old bag! Patooie!)

Vekka Tchakon |

I'm not helping much here anyway.
Vekka slinks off with Auntie Wu, not really enthusiastically to see what Granny Hu wants.

Skill Challenge |

From the West, a Clutter of Giant Tarantulas - possibly fleeing some greater menace? - are spotted heading straight for Willowshore. Can the party route them in time!?
➤ Level: Four (base DC 19)
➤ Complexity: 3 rounds; "Travel", "Hide", and "Lure"
➤ Timeframe: 1 day (R1), then 8 hours (R2), then 10 minutes (R3)
➤ Synergies: Spells / Abilities for Traveling (R1), Hiding (R2), Luring (R3), etc
➤ List of R1 Skills: Athletics (hard), Nature, Survival (easy); Forest Lore (easy), Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore
➤ List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
➤ List of R3 Skills: Crafting, Deception (easy), Survival (hard), Nature; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
➤ Limited Skills (one use only, any round): Diplomacy, Society; Willowshore Lore
Skills not described as "easy" or "hard" are moderate by default!
Thresholds ➤ Critical Success @ (12 points or 80% rate) ☆☆☆☆☆/☆☆☆☆☆/☆☆, Success @ (9 points or 60% rate) ☆☆☆☆☆/☆☆☆☆, Failure @ (6 points or 40% rate) ☆☆☆☆☆/☆
Sigurd and Kazuki arrive at the threshold between tamed and untamed wild in easily half the time it's "supposed" to take, buying them several "extra" hours to prepare their ambush!
☆☆☆☆ due to double critical success!
Go ahead, Sigurd and Kazuki, and roll / describe R2 and R3 (open the spoiler above)!

DM rainzax |

...Meanwhile, back at the War Room...
Granny Hu summons you to spy on "individuals of interest" for the entire week. Preventing you from helping with the Spiders...
To Do:
1) Please roll a 1d25, then consult the NPC Relationships alias to see which of the townsfolk has raised her suspicions - whom she is sending you to spy on!
2) Then, roll a "spy check" (Deception or Stealth works, open to other ideas if you can come up with a very good reason) to see if your petty meddling gets you caught in the act! The DC is 20. Name any relevant skill feats for a possible bonus!
If you fail, you will lose some standing with that NPC - and possibly with Southbank!
Granny Hu summons you to spy on "individuals of interest" for the entire week. Preventing you from helping with the Spiders...
To Do:
1) Due to a series of circumstances, she calls upon you to spy your own comrade: Vekka
2) Then, roll a "spy check" (Deception or Stealth works, open to other ideas if you can come up with a very good reason) to see if your petty meddling gets you caught in the act! The DC is Vekka's Perception DC. You may choose to tell him you are spying on him in any case.
But if you do tell Vekka that you are spying on him, and she finds out (I will roll her Sense Motive against your Deception DC!), then she may have additional consequences for you!
Granny Hu summons you to spy on "individuals of interest" for the entire week. Preventing you from helping with the Spiders...
To Do:
1) Please roll a 1d25, then consult the NPC Relationships alias to see which of the townsfolk has raised her suspicions - whom she is sending you to spy on!
2) Then, roll a "spy check" (Deception or Stealth works, open to other ideas if you can come up with a very good reason) to see if your petty meddling gets you caught in the act! The DC is 20. Name any relevant skill feats for a possible bonus!
If you fail, you will lose some standing with that NPC - and possibly with Southbank!

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

Plenty of time. Good. Maybe just a pair was the right idea. A larger group may attract more attention.
It was odd, Auntie Wu and Vekka seemed eager to help before excusing themselves. What happened there?
No matter, time for the task at hand. Quickly building traps and barricades to make Willowshore less tempting.
Crafting: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Quick Repair, if applicable
If only Sigurd could apply this effort towards the teahouse, it would have been done by now!

Kazuki Sato |

Round 2:
Kazuki crouched low in the tall grass, signaling to Sigurd to stay quiet as the skittering mass of giant tarantulas crept closer to Willowshore. Drawing on his ranger’s training, he moved silently, his steps calculated and precise, keeping to the shadows of the trees. His aim was simple: position himself upwind and out of sight to observe the spiders' behavior and assess their path.
Stealth (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Hero Point!
Stealth (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Round 3:
Once he had a clear view of the horde, Kazuki shifted tactics. Pulling from his deep knowledge of hunting lore, he noted their erratic movements and natural aversion to smoke and certain scents. Using his flint and steel, he quickly lit a bundle of dried leaves from his pack, the pungent smoke curling into the air. He waved it strategically, creating a barrier that disrupted the spiders’ advance and funneled them toward a safer route, away from the village.
Lore (Hunting, E): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Simultaneously, Kazuki used his longbow to fire warning shots near stragglers, herding the tarantulas into tighter groups. He called out to Sigurd, who was ready to deter any that strayed too close. Together, they worked swiftly and efficiently, redirecting the arachnid swarm into the distant wilderness before they could endanger Willowshore.

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Which NPC?: 1d25 ⇒ 22 = 22 Rajul Samudra (male nagaji shipwright) @ Dock (W23)
Right. Because it won't be a bit suspicious for *me* to suddenly be hanging around the docks all week. Ugh! Ego-bloated old hag! Nevertheless, Auntie Wu is true to her word and does her level best to spy on Rajul. She comes up with a "reason" to be there: When she was out scouting beyond the perimeter of the town, some of the plants near the river were concerned about a strange disturbance. "I can't be certain, but it sounded like there may be a threat coming from the water. It's hard to tell with plants: their thoughts don't work the same way ours do, so it could be nothing. ... It would be better for everyone's morale if you keep this between us until we know for sure." She appeals to Rajul's sense of community, hoping her farce isn't as see-through as it seems to her.
Deception to spy on Rajul: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Does this satisfy the (☆☆) moderate favor entirely, or is it only a part (☆)?

Vekka Tchakon |

What am I even getting out of this favor? That crone poisons this community...
He stifles his resentment and gets to it in the way that seems most harmless. He is not yet practices at outright deception, so he tries his skill at subtle tailing and observation from afar.
DC20 Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Oh, hello You So-Jin! I didn't see you there? Working on any interesting poultices?
She's just an herbalist who wants to provide help to those around her. Why Granny Hu, WHY?!

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

For a moment, Sigurd wonders if Kazuki has left. Sigurd will have to do this alone- wait, the signal! How did Kazuki get over there so quietly?
With the newly built obstacles finally set, Sigurd gives the signal to proceed and he can see them already crawling toward the traps and barricades. Good. Sigurd presents himself and uses his katana to point the herd away from Willowshore.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Doesn't seem like they are paying attention to him. No matter, the barricade will hold.

Ho Lan |

As I understand it, I need to make a check to actually spy on Vekka. I'm rolling here, but not entirely sure how I'd flavor it in-game. GM listed Deception and Stealth, but if it's more appropriate, it could be a Diplomacy check to convince Vekka to come clean or to help come up with a cover story, in case something is actually going on.
Spying on Vekka: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Deception +13 vs Vekka's Perception DC
Diplomacy +10 vs Vekka's Will DC
Stealth +9 vs Vekka's Perception DC
In your spoiler, this was presented as a Perception check vs Lan's Deception DC. I'm okay with that, but given that Lan is the one lying, I think it should be Lan's Deception vs Granny Hu's Perception DC. Full disclosure: because the roller wins ties, this gives Lan an extra 5% chance of succeeding. :)

DM rainzax |

Ok, go ahead and roll to Lie to Granny Hu!

Ho Lan |

Deception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

Vekka Tchakon |

DM rainzax |

Believe it or not, you rolled a "1", but per your post, you are wagering a Hero Point to avert CF.
Go ahead and Secret roll again!
The spiders are routed - Sigurd and Kazuki lure them South, and they disappear into further parts of the Hinterlands.
On the final scout mission to confirm the Route was successful, the duo make another startling doscovery: Walking Dead are amassing and heading towards Willowshore from the South!
Upon arriving back to the village (pending some additional drama...), the two of them are greeted by rangers who make another disturbing report: Wandering Phantoms are congregating and heading towards Willowshore from the Northeast!
The party decide if spending another week scouting and routing is worth abandoning other projects around the village under siege!
Similar options here: One week of Downtime to both Scout and Route for each Threat. Do we split the party, or make a united stand?

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For me, that depends on whether Granny Hu is satisfied with her favor.

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

Sigurd watches the spiders scatter off. Good. He wonders how long Willowshore will remain safe.
Not for long, apparently. The undead amass towards Willowshore from two angles. He can't cover all of this ground in one week.
"I was hoping to work on the teahouse, again..." he sighs. "This month has been busy. I'll have to contend with these... Phantoms."
When he gets the chance, he asks his friends. "Kazuki and I were able to handle the spiders, but... this week it looks like we are under assault from two directions. I will head Northeast and try to slow them down. If you can join me or redirect towards the more mindless undead, we can keep Willowshore safe."

Kazuki Sato |

"I have two gho- , uh, I mean, incorporeal charges, however, I have many arrows. It would probably be better if I went after the walking dead rather than the phantoms. We should split up into two groups -three if a couple of you wish to stay here and continue work on the town."
"Thoughts, friends?"
Kazuki waits for a response.

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"Ugh! We can't catch a break!" Auntie Wu gripes, taking a swig from her alcohol gourd. "Well, I'm not going to sit on my thumbs. I'll help Sigurd with the...uh, not-physical ones. Unless Granny Hu decides to undermine the town's safety to satisfy her paranoia. Gah! I'll be glad when I'm done with her 'favors'!" She takes a long drag from whatever it is that she's smoking this time, mellowing out soon thereafter. With a benevolent smile, she sighs: "Ah, well. One way or another, we'll keep this town safe."
I volunteer for Phantoms.

Vekka Tchakon |

Kazuki, are you certain you couldn't use help with the Walking Dead?These threats are now, and we want to be sure. Granny Hu can wait on favors I think. She should understand.

Kazuki Sato |

Kazuki, are you certain you couldn't use help with the Walking Dead? These threats are now, and we want to be sure. Granny Hu can wait on favors I think. She should understand.
"I definitely do want help! Vekka, what do you have to go up against walking dead? (Are they zombies?)
Anyway, Sigurd and Lan should use their magik against the phantoms."He looks at Auntie.
"Do you want to stay here and work on protecting the town, or join us?"
Kazuki pauses in thought for a moment.
"We should quickly consider who's best for the tasks at hand!"

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

"I am well suited towards the undead, but the Phantoms can potentially be reasoned with. Religious expertise will help in either case."
He thinks for a bit. "The Southern group are most likely zombies. Raw physical force may be enough. I am quite athletic and could help there. But I am also loud. Stealth would be out of the question."
"I think I should handle the phantoms to help exorcise them. I am a better speaker, than a fighter." At least that's what Sigurd hopes.

Vekka Tchakon |

"I definitely do want help! Vekka, what do you have to go up against walking dead? "
I have...
He holds out his katana, beats a familiar spell drum at his back, and sets the blade alight with fire.
Slash and burn undead!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A blissful smile spreads across Auntie Wu's lips as she pulls on whatever it is that she's smoking. "Niice. Mmm." She's looking at Vekka's flaming katana, but it's unclear which thing she's talking about. (Eh, probably both.)

Skill Challenge |

Double Route: Walking Dead from the South, Wandering Phantoms from the Northeast
A pincir threat twice the first, the party realizes that a few days time will converge the two bands of undead upon Willowshore, so they split up to route both, hoping to at least lessen their numbers!
➤ Level: Four (base DC 19)
➤ Complexity: 3 rounds Walkers or 3 rounds Phantoms (can't do both)
➤ Timeframe: 1 day (R1), then 8 hours (R2), then 10 minutes (R3)
➤ Synergies: Spells / Abilities for Traveling (R1), Hiding (R2), Luring (R3), etc
➤ Limited Skills (one use only, any round): Creative PC choice!
➤ Walker List of R1 Skills: Athletics (hard), Nature, Survival (easy); Forest Lore (easy), Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore
➤ Walker List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
➤ Walker List of R3 Skills: Crafting, Deception (easy), Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
➤ Phantom List of R1 Skills: Athletics (hard), Nature, Survival (easy); Forest Lore (easy), Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore
➤ Phantom List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
➤ Phantom List of R3 Skills: Deception (easy), Occultism, Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
Thresholds ➤ Critical Success @ (80% rate), Success @ (60% rate), Failure @ (40% rate)

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Hero Point: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Sigurd's first plan is to figure out where the phantoms will amass. He feels like they tricked him already...

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Sigurd, wait! Let me conjure us some mounts to make the journey faster." Auntie Wu casts Marvelous Mount twice, conjuring Large fantastical beasts that look like topiary stags. One bows its head to Sigurd, offering its flank for him to mount it. The other kneels to aid Auntie Wu's climb onto its back. She stands on its withers, grasping its branching antlers, and calls out: "That way!"
Survival, base DC 19: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
The verdant stag leaps forward, nearly knocking Mogu off her head as it plunges into the forest. Mogu extends its filaments through Auntie Wu's hair to hold on more tightly.

Vekka Tchakon |

Vekka looks over at Kazuki and charges forward.
Head-on is the only way with the walking dead!
DC24 Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
☘️DC24 Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Ho Lan |

Deception, Hero Point Reroll: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
This should wrap up the secret conversation. I will be catching up with the rest of the posts right after this, but I'm going to split into multiple posts with each different topic segregated (for your clarity and my sanity).

Ho Lan |

Lan agrees with Kazuki - he has magic (Heal) that should be quite effective against incorporeal undead.
I didn't realize it was a skill challenge. The discussion kind of focused on combat, as if we were going to fight them, but I think that's properly in character, so I agree with the split.
Phantom Round 1
Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 vs base DC 19
☘️ Nature, Hero Point Reroll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 vs base DC 19
Well, well, off to a great start.
While traveling, Lan gets spooked by every single noise in the forest, and casts a 3-action heal spell very loudly, making it easy for anyone listening to evade detection. Will knock off a 1st rank spell slot.

Kazuki Sato |

Kazuki quickly nods at Vekka before the Tengu dashes forward.
Kazuki has something else in mind other than rushing forward; he'll use his survival skills to rush around into a flank through brambles and bushes to confuse the walking dead and make them stagger away from Willowshore!
Survival (E) & +1 Terrain Expertise (forest): 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 1 = 23

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Since Lan is going after Phantoms, too, Auntie Wu will also cast him a Marvelous Mount and use up her last 2nd level spell slot for Day 1.

Skill Challenge |

Double Route: Walking Dead from the South, Wandering Phantoms from the Northeast
A pincir threat twice the first, the party realizes that a few days time will converge the two bands of undead upon Willowshore, so they split up to route both, hoping to at least lessen their numbers!
➤ Level: Four (base DC 19)
➤ Complexity: 3 rounds Walkers or 3 rounds Phantoms (can't do both)
➤ Timeframe: 1 day (R1), then 8 hours (R2), then 10 minutes (R3)
➤ Synergies: Spells / Abilities for Traveling (R1), Hiding (R2), Luring (R3), etc
➤ Limited Skills (one use only, any round): Creative PC choice!
➤ Walker List of R1 Skills: Athletics (hard), Nature, Survival (easy); Forest Lore (easy), Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore
➤ Walker List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
➤ Walker List of R3 Skills: Crafting, Deception (easy), Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
➤ Phantom List of R1 Skills: Athletics (hard), Nature, Survival (easy); Forest Lore (easy), Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore
➤ Phantom List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
➤ Phantom List of R3 Skills: Deception (easy), Occultism, Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
Thresholds ➤ Critical Success @ (80% rate), Success @ (60% rate), Failure @ (40% rate)

DM rainzax |

Auntie Wu mounts the whole team heading Northeast (Synergy success for Mounts), but the mud slows the hooves, mak8ng them difficult to control, and they arrive with nary enough daylight hours to make a proper ambush!
Success, Synergy, Failure, Critical Failure = ⭐ total (out of 3 possible]
Vekka and Kazuki, meanwhile, move like the wind in the trees South towards the vile hoarde!
Success, Success = ⭐⭐ total (out of 2 possible)
@Everyone - go ahead and roll R2 and R3 together!

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

The mounts are fast. Sigurd has heard stories of heroes summoning steeds to carry them quickly into dangerous situations. Sheela always complains about walking around town and wishes they had a horse. Of course she doesn't want to maintain the horse. And who's going to pay for the stable, the grooming, the training? Darius has had to handle the house finances. Sigurd lives off donations to the temple.
Lan seems to have trouble controlling his mount, Sigurd spends some time getting it under control. Auntie Wu has to slow down. They were doing so well, too...
➤ Phantom List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
Now it's time to build a trap for the phantoms. Just like the spider swarm. But he has to make it look like it's used. The phantoms must think Willowshore uses this pathway.
Craft (using Quick Repair): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
➤ Phantom List of R3 Skills: Deception (easy), Occultism, Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
The time has come. Sigurd raises his katana, emblazoned with a holy symbol and channels a Heal spell.
"Begone, GHOSTS!" He calls out. "Shizuru bids you to rest! Pharasma invites you to the Boneyard, where your rest will be peaceful. Worry not about the struggles of mortals!"
Casting Rank 2 Heal.
Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
The extra religious training paid off...

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Hiding: ➤ Phantom List of R2 Skills: Crafting, Stealth (easy), Survival, Perception (hard); Forest Lore, Hunting Lore, Scouting Lore (easy)
Luring: ➤ Phantom List of R3 Skills: Deception (easy), Occultism, Religion; Forest Lore, Hunting Lore (easy)
As it turns out, it's rather difficult for a small halfling to ride a large beast, especially when the only sturdy hand-holds are located above her head. Arriving at their destination bone-tired, Auntie Wu slides to the ground and slumps there for several heartbeats before heaving herself up to help Sigurd set the trap for the...incorporeal restless ones. His idea is sound. She lets the guys do the heavy lifting and busies herself with ensuring that the ground looks properly trampled and worn.
R2 Survival, base DC 19: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Hero Point: R2 Survival, base DC 19: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Once all is ready, she settles in to wait, dozing uneasily when it's not her turn on watch. A hand on her shoulder wakes her quietly. Adrenaline blooms in her body, and she takes a drink to settle her nerves. She almost spits it out as Sigurd *calls them by their name*. With effort, she swallows, bug-eyed and sputtering a little, and also casts Heal.
Casting 1st rank Heal, since I assume we haven't had time to rest.
Religion, Base DC 19: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Lucky Halfling: Religion, Base DC 19: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Sigh. Looks like the dice roller is tired, too.

Vekka Tchakon |

➤ Walker R2
Making time (moving like the wind) is good, but as he gets closer to the walking dead with Kazuki, he knows the element of surprise will be essential. Especially if they are to device some deversion.
DC19 Hiding (Stealth ,easy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Synergies: Spells / Abilities for Hiding (R2), Luring (R3), etc
➤ Walker R3
One they are closer, Vekka pauses with Kazuki to figure out what they should do. There may be options other than charging in.
Set traps? Block direct paths and set them on winding courses?
He attempts to Lure them off-course.
DC21 Crafting: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
☘️ DC21 Crafting: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Kazuki Sato |

Walkers, R2:
Kazuki sneaks along with Vekka...
Stealth (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Walkers, R3:
While Vekka attempts to lure the undead off-course, Kazuki uses his knowledge of hunting to lead them away. He bangs a pair of rocks together to get their attention.
"Over here, you rotting sacks of flesh!"
Kazuki gets the undead to go after him. He attemps to lead them astray into the woods...
Lore (Hunting, E): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Kazuki is unfamiliar with this area of wilderness.

Ho Lan |

Lan will attempt to calm down and approach with more Stealth once they find the phantoms.
Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 vs Easy
Will reroll a CF but not F.
Lan will cast a heal spell to herd the phantoms in the direction the group intends. Anyone have Sheepdog Lore?
Deception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18 vs Easy
Heal Synergy
Will reroll a CF but not F.
Note: Lan is Expert at Deception, so Auntie Wu and Sigurd can Follow the Expert if they wish. You'd get 6+CHA, which I think is +7 for both of them, but vs an Easy DC. I'm guessing Auntie Wu would still prefer to do +11 vs Normal DC, but if Sigurd wants to switch, Lan is willing to be the expert followed.

DM rainzax |

Walking Dead from the South
Upon arriving, Kazuki is able to hide amid the trees, but his lures fall a little short (S/F) - whereas Vekka virtually disappears and routes a large majority of the undead (S/S) - and shortly the stragglers follow!
Total = ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (out of 6 possible) = 83% = Critical Success = Full Route
Wandering Phantoms from the Northeast
Meanwhile, Lan uses a few tricks to keep himself hidden while driving the spirits away (S/S), Auntie Wu exposes herself but uses a blast of vital energy to redirect attention (F/S), and Sigurd cause a great spiritual disturbance - sends the Phantoms dispersing in all directions (S/S)
Total = ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐ (out of 9 possible) = 77% = Success = Strong Route
But a few make it back to Willowshore! (Low Threat Encounter)
The party reconverges and sets an ambush!
Please Arrange your Tokens on the Map (top slide) and roll Initiative!
(It is a new day - you have full rest / spells)

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

"Scatter! Find rest! Haunt Willowshore no longer, GHOSTS!" Sigurd lowers his katana. But something slips out of his eye.
"Hmpf. Some of them didn't get the message. We must return to Willowshore and repel them directly." He looks for the steed Auntie Wu conjured and tries to ride it back to Willowshore.
He draws his katana as they reach the town. "Onward!"
Initiative via Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Vekka Tchakon |

Vekka rushes back to the group with his blade out.
Assuming others have made it back...
Kazuki and I were successful in distracting the walking dead! We won't be seeing them here. How about the phantoms?
Init (avoid notice): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 welp...

Ho Lan |

"I think we were able to misdirect a bunch of them."
Initiative (Scout): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Kazuki Sato |

"I'm going to take up a position behind that wagon over there." Kazuki informs the group.
Before the undead arrive, Kazuki takes cover and hides behind a wagon next to a house. His bow is at the ready with an arrow nocked.
Stealth (T), +2 Incredible Initiative, +2 Seasonal Boon: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 2 + 2 = 26

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Eyes hard and jaw set, Auntie Wu strides purposely forward to take a stand directly in the path of the Phantoms. She plants her feet and prepares to cast a spell.
Initiative (Perception): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
1st: Heal (2), Protector Tree
2nd: Heal (2), Revealing Light

Vekka Tchakon |

Vekka nods and joins Kazuki next to the wagon.

DM rainzax |

Wolves in Town!
The direction of the 4 Phantom Wolves known, the party acts quickly!
One round of self-targeting actions. Anyone with a range increment of 100 feet or so can also take a single Strike action to fire!
Fortunately, they had done a little recon first...
Anyone who was on that Routing Mission can attempt a free Recall Knowledge check (Occultism or Religion DC 16) prior to combat starting - choose one question below per Success (so, open 2 on CS)
Immunities: disease, paralyzed, poison, precision
Resistances: all damage 2 (except force or ghost touch; double resistance vs. non-magical)

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Religion DC 16: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Wahoo! Defense and Magic spoilers are open
Realizing that she's kind of in Kazuki's line of sight, Auntie Wu strides over closer to Sigurd and Lan, calling out what she knows of the incoming threat. Mogu tightens its filaments' grip in her hair as she takes a big gulp of liquid courage. "Ahhh... That's a good batch. Packs a nice wallop."
No other actions until the Phantoms are closer.

Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |

Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Sigurd is thankful for Auntie Wu once again, as he can't remember much about these wolves. He draws his katana and casts >Runic Weapon< on it.
"Come." He holds his katana in one hand and braces for impact.

Vekka Tchakon |

Finally they arrive. With a little effort it will be like they were never here, bothering this community...
He ◆ draws his katana, manifests a shielding disc of force ◆ cast shield and absorbs the latent arcane energy into his feathers and overall being ◆ stance arcane cascade.