DM rainzax |
DM rainzax wrote:I'll also give you "Synergy" for Part B using "Assume a Role"Thanks! So, I didn't include this synergy with my roll, because I wasn't sure how big it was. +1? +2?
Synergy is a free success for the skill challenge, adding on top of anything you earn by rolling.
No action needed.
Ho Lan |
Synergy is a free success for the skill challenge, adding on top of anything you earn by rolling.
No action needed.
Even better! Thank you!
(Midori thanks you!)
DM rainzax |
Wait. Can I retract that hero point? I just discovered a failure at climbing just means no progress, not a fall.
I'm a "stricty" on dice and hero points, because "hindsight" in probability used to inform "foresight" obviates the need for dice in the first place. And so, rolled is rolled I say.
Ask yourself: Would you make the same request if you rolled a "20"?...
Kazuki Sato |
Fair enough. I'll be sure to read the rules on skills before attempting rolls.
DM rainzax |
a Stranger wrote:Vekka and Auntie Wu - please adjust your AC for the time being!Done. Do they confiscate his circle of spell drums as well?
I played it as your katana was somehow snuck in, everything else that isn’t just clothes has been confiscated.
Auntie Wu |
I don't want Vekka to lose (almost) everything, so retrieving his stuff from the treasury is pretty important. If we don't have time to grab everything, we can leave Auntie Wu's armor. It'll be relatively easy to replace. Sigurd, don't get caught! ;)
DM rainzax |
Got a few "miss by 1" thresholds, I am checking up on bonuses.
Lan, did you add your "+1 circumstance to Impersonate" from your Alter Ego Dedication?
Ho Lan |
Lan, did you add your "+1 circumstance to Impersonate" from your Alter Ego Dedication?
I did not, but intentionally so. The tracker says the Deception roll is to Lie, not to Impersonate, so I didn't add that bonus. I'm happy to add it, though, if it's appropriate. I don't think it will affect the outcome of my rolls.
PCs w/ Tokens Placed
I'm not sure whether the success we've achieved so far have allowed us all the way into the warehouse, or just to the warehouse entrance. I've placed Lan at the entrance to the warehouse.
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Rescue All Other Prisoners (must "Rescue Midori" first)
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)With current progress, we are temporarily at "Choose Two"!
Okay, so I think it's agreed that the first priority is to rescue Midori, and with Lan's presumed success, that gives us two others, one other if Vekka crit fails.
We probably need to recover armor and backpacks from the Treasury, OR avoid combat with unfavorable numbers, to avoid a really bad fight. Both would be nice, but I think we should all agree on priorities.
DM rainzax |
DM rainzax wrote:Lan, did you add your "+1 circumstance to Impersonate" from your Alter Ego Dedication?I did not, but intentionally so. The tracker says the Deception roll is to Lie, not to Impersonate, so I didn't add that bonus. I'm happy to add it, though, if it's appropriate. I don't think it will affect the outcome of my rolls.
I will fix this on my end using the trackers.
I remember there being a couple edge rolls!
DM rainxax wrote:PCs w/ Tokens PlacedI'm not sure whether the success we've achieved so far have allowed us all the way into the warehouse, or just to the warehouse entrance. I've placed Lan at the entrance to the warehouse.
That's great.
You can basically place your Token wherever you want, as unless you meet all seven Objectives (or leave some undone), there is going to be a fight.
The chaos of Infiltration Heist reserves me the right to take that as a suggestive input when setting up the (probably inevitable) encounter.
DM rainzax |
DM rainzax wrote:Lan, did you add your "+1 circumstance to Impersonate" from your Alter Ego Dedication?I did not, but intentionally so. The tracker says the Deception roll is to Lie, not to Impersonate, so I didn't add that bonus. I'm happy to add it, though, if it's appropriate. I don't think it will affect the outcome of my rolls.
I will fix this on my end using the trackers.
I remember there being a couple edge rolls!
DM rainxax wrote:PCs w/ Tokens PlacedI'm not sure whether the success we've achieved so far have allowed us all the way into the warehouse, or just to the warehouse entrance. I've placed Lan at the entrance to the warehouse.
That's great.
You can basically place your Token wherever you want, as unless you meet all seven Objectives (or leave some undone), there is going to be a fight.
The chaos of Infiltration Heist reserves me the right to take that as a suggestive input when setting up the (probably inevitable) encounter.
DM rainzax wrote:⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Rescue All Other Prisoners (must "Rescue Midori" first)
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)With current progress, we are temporarily at "Choose Two"!
Okay, so I think it's agreed that the first priority is to rescue Midori, and with Lan's presumed success, that gives us two others, one other if Vekka crit fails.
We probably need to recover armor and backpacks from the Treasury, OR avoid combat with unfavorable numbers, to avoid a really bad fight. Both would be nice, but I think we should all agree on priorities.
If you choose "Treasury" as one of your Objectives you will get everything back and enough time to don armor, yes.
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
Choose 2?
Rescue Midori
Recover Armor and backpacks from Treasury
Sounds like there are at least 2 leaders we need to be careful about: Zoudou (some kind of spiritual leader) and Mugirou (the jailer)
Vekka Tchakon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"temporarily at"
So then one hopes with more success additional choices become possibly.
DM rainzax |
"temporarily at"
So then one hopes with more success additional choices become possibly.
In fact, while we await Kazuki's final Special Hero Point re-roll (for Lan, Auntie Wu, or Vekka), we currently sit at 3 Objectives (⬤⬤⬤). Kazuki's roll may change this by one less (❌) or up to two more (+⬤/+⬤⬤). So, let's organize the Top 5 priorities.
Rescue Midori
Recover Armor and backpacks from TreasurySounds like there are at least 2 leaders we need to be careful about: Zoudou (some kind of spiritual leader) and Mugirou (the jailer)
Okay, so I think it's agreed that the first priority is to rescue Midori, and with Lan's presumed success, that gives us two others, one other if Vekka crit fails.
We probably need to recover armor and backpacks from the Treasury, OR avoid combat with unfavorable numbers, to avoid a really bad fight. Both would be nice, but I think we should all agree on priorities.
Auntie Wu wrote:I don't want Vekka to lose (almost) everything, so retrieving his stuff from the treasury is pretty important. If we don't have time to grab everything, we can leave Auntie Wu's armor. It'll be relatively easy to replace. Sigurd, don't get caught! ;)
Quick Note: Treasury is "all or nothing"
From the above discussion, I am gathering:
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ ???
Does this sound like it represents the group?
⬤ Rescue All Other Prisoners (must "Rescue Midori" first)
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
What do we want to occupy the 5th slot? Or swap in for the 3rd / 4th?
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
I would be fine losing "Avoid combat Altogether" in exchange for either Rescueing All Other Prisoners or Damaging the Ritual Stakes. Sigurd feels very guilty about rescuing one prisoner, but he can be convinced they will return for the rest/it would be impractical to escort everyone back without the enemy noticing.
Kazuki Sato |
Use that special hero point if you want. Shouldn't one of them make the roll since they're performing the action?
Auntie Wu |
@Kazuki: I think you need to choose who gets that Hero Point, and then they can roll.
Auntie Wu's priorities are:
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
I included an extra priority in case it helps decide a tie.
Vekka Tchakon |
Vekka would be anxious to get to rescue all others as well, but he understands it might be simpler to delay the ritual preparation for now.
DM rainzax |
@Kazuki: I think you need to choose who gets that Hero Point, and then they can roll.
Yes, it has to be you, Kazuki.
DM rainzax |
@Kazuki: I think you need to choose who gets that Hero Point, and then they can roll.
Yes, it has to be you, Kazuki.
That said, I got to keep the game moving, and as Hero Points can also make things worse, I'll give you until the evening to choose to roll or not. (Around 5pm EDT).
Auntie Wu's priorities are:
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
Looking for a second and third to approve of the above Objectives!
Gunna use Quorum of Three for this decision
Ho Lan |
Lan will second the first three (Rescue Midori, Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury, Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers) in that order, but if we manage a fourth, Lan would prefer to rescue everyone rather than do anything with the stakes.
Edit: Don't give the Hero Point to Lan. He Succeeded, and he rolled pretty high to boot, so Hero Pointing has a very good chance of making things worse.
Kazuki Sato |
The only one I see needing my special hero point is Vekka who got an 11 on his deception roll. I really don't want to risk it and end up rolling a crit failure.
DM rainzax |
The only one I see needing my special hero point is Vekka who got an 11 on his deception roll. I really don't want to risk it and end up rolling a crit failure.
It's a tough decision, with a lot at stake!
DM rainzax |
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Damage the Ritual Stakes
⬤ Avoid combat Altogether (must "Avoid Unfavorable Numbers" first)
⬤ Totally Destroy the Ritual Stakes (must "Damage" first)
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
⬤ Rescue All Other Prisoners (must "Rescue Midori" first)
⬤ ???
Sigurd seems between the two, Vekka seems to prefer Lan's Plan but will settle for Auntie Wu's Plan, Kazuki has yet to weigh in on the matter.
Sticking to Quorum of Three for this decision!
Ho Lan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If I could nerd it up, Vekka's third roll, (6)+7 vs DC 20, is more reroll-worthy than his second roll, (10)+1 vs DC 19.
The third roll has a 8/20 (40%) chance of succeeding or better, 9/20 (45%) chance of failing, and 3/20 (15%) chance of crit failing.
The second roll has a 3/20 (15%) chance of succeeding or better, 9/20 (45%) chance of failing, and 8/20 (40%) chance of crit failing.
But aside from raw points, there's how valuable the objectives are, since objectives lower down our list are worth less than objectives higher up on our list.
Right now, we sit at 100% probability of having our armor and a not-unfavorable fight. If the third roll is rerolled, it translates into 40% of that plus one other objective (TBD), 45% just what we have already, and 15% having weapons and armor but for an unfavorable fight.
Basically, is a 40% of having an additional objective worth a 15% of having one less? That's not immediately obvious, so I agree it's a hard decision, but just wanted to nerd it up a bit.
DM rainzax |
For the record, re-rolling "second" rolls (and "first" rolls) is off the table. Just "thirds" please.
(Because, using a Hero Point to re-roll any check in an entire Skill Challenge is very strong compared to just re-rolling a check in a given round of a Skill Challenge...)
Auntie Wu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm most in favor of minimizing the risk of a crit failure.
DM rainzax |
Alright gang, I'm calling "time" and going with this (for which there appears to be a consensus):
⬤ Rescue Midori
⬤ Recover armor and backpacks from Treasury (!!)
⬤ Avoid combat with Unfavorable Numbers
Basically, I am building you an Encounter that "ends" when Midori is moved off the Map! The Encounter itself will be "moderate / severe" (instead of "severe / extreme"), and you will start the encounter with your armor (anything confiscated) as well as the Loot in the Treasury. May finish tonight, may finish tomorrow, we'll see what I can get done!
DM rainzax |
Ok I think I got it.
This is going to be a somewhat complex encounter, please hit me with any clarifying questions in the Discussion after reading through the Combat Tracker!
Edit: Sigurd, don't forget to take your pre-Initiative single action!
Ho Lan |
GM, can you clarify if the Noppera-Bo treat Lan as if he were one of them, or if they have seen through his disguise already?
Also, can you clarify if Midori treats Lan as a Noppera-Bo?
DM rainzax |
Good Point.
Lan is a Noppera-Bo! (Kazuki and Sigurd recognize him)
I'll say if you want to "reveal" yourself, you can do so by attacking a Noppera-Bo, or (similar to Auntie Wu) by using (◆) Deception / Diplomacy to convince MIdori that you are not.
That work?
Question: For Auntie Wu and Vekka, does removing our hands from our fake bonds count as an action?
They were part of a disguise so let's say no!
Also, I'm going to bump your skilled action to your turn (we will keep your roll though).
Meaning you still have a single action (non-attack, non-skill).
Ho Lan |
Oh, I'll reveal myself by attacking a Noppera-Bo, alright. :D
Edit: Explanation - Lan will try to Command the grunts for as long as he can. When it fails, someone's getting a Scorching Ray for disobedience.
Auntie Wu |
Also, I'm going to bump your skilled action to your turn (we will keep your roll though).
Meaning you still have a single action (non-attack, non-skill).
Fair. Retconned in Gameplay.
Question: the stat block for Noppera-Bo states that they are Medium creatures. Auntie Wu is a halfling, size Small. Wouldn't Midori be able to tell the Captain who took Auntie Wu's face isn't actually her grandma? I expect that it would be confusing and terrifying, but a nine year old would be able to tell the difference. Instead of competing with the Captain for Midori's allegiance, is Auntie Wu trying to convince her that she isn't an impostor too?
DM rainzax |
A fair point, Auntie Wu. I will assess it's Impersonation attempt a -2 circumstance penalty.
That said, outside of PFS play, I treat statblocks as excellent suggestions.
DM rainzax |
Vekka - do you have the text for "deadly"?
Vekka Tchakon |
Oh, I upped the dice for deadly too early didn't I? I just noticed it doesn't increase until the greater striking rune.
Auntie Wu |
Auntie Wu would be encumbered if she carried Midori, reducing her Speed to 15. But seeing as Midori is 9 years old, does she need to be carried? Would holding hands while fleeing work? How would that affect Speed? It seems reasonable that a child's Speed would be less than an adult's, so we'd only be able to run as fast as the child's Speed if we were holding hands. Thoughts?
DM rainzax |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
She needs to be carried, yes. Because fear. 2 Bulk or 4 Bulk, per combat tracker.
The "throne" is just difficult terrain. Eschewing "facing" for simplicity!
Ho Lan |
Lan has 2 Bulk available (yay unarmored, unarmed sorcerers!), and would not be Encumbered with a willing Midori. But he's dressed like a Noppera-Bo, so I'm assuming she'd be unwilling without spending actions to change her mind.
Lan would be willing to drop his adventurer's pack (1 Bulk) and club (1 Bulk) to carry an unwilling Midori - Auntie Wu should probably have figured that out by now - but the bigger downside would probably be that he can't cast spells with somatic components any more.
Auntie Wu |
Fair. Just clarifying. I'm looking forward to picking up a bag of holding next time we level up, but that won't help us now.
If Midori doesn't trust anyone else, perhaps Auntie Wu could drop her adventurer's pack (1 Bulk) and shield (1 Bulk) to carry Midori, and Lan can grab her stuff.
DM rainzax |
Yes, 2 bulk to Auntie Wu (because willing), but 4 bulk to scary Lan (because unwilling - kicking and squirming).
You can still cast spells with both hands occupied.
DM rainzax |
Quick check in about Armor / Armor Class.
Auntie Wu, even though you are trained in medium armors, I see with your STR 8 character that you seem to want to be avoiding taking a check penalty on your skills, but Leather Armor has a Strength Score of 10, and I am not seeing that reflected in your skills (perhaps you missed it because you are Untrained in those pertinent skills?). In which case, would not Hide Armor accomplish the same goal? Please advise!?
Vekka, comparing Studded Leather and Hide Armor, both of which you are trained in, I see a difference of +1 AC trading out for 1 less bulk (because you handily meet both Strength requirements). Is that your intent? I see an incentive for Laughing Shadow to be unarmored, but not lightly armored per se. Please advise!?
The rest of you look like things are working as intended...
DM rainzax |
Sigurd Strides twice off of the throne before Swapping to a 1 handed grip on his Katana.
Swapping is swapping.
You can Release a hand as a free action.
I'll assume then your third action is to draw your shield?
What is your third action?
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
In that case, Sigurd will draw his shield as his third action.
There's been a... lot of debate about switching handed grips.
Auntie Wu |
Quick check in about Armor / Armor Class.
Auntie Wu, even though you are trained in medium armors, I see with your STR 8 character that you seem to want to be avoiding taking a check penalty on your skills, but Leather Armor has a Strength Score of 10, and I am not seeing that reflected in your skills (perhaps you missed it because you are Untrained in those pertinent skills?). In which case, would not Hide Armor accomplish the same goal? Please advise!?
I'd rather have leather armor's 0 Speed penalty and only a -1 check penalty. I forgot to put the check penalty in her skills, but it's fixed now.
Vekka Tchakon |
Vekka, comparing Studded Leather and Hide Armor, both of which you are trained in, I see a difference of +1 AC trading out for 1 less bulk (because you handily meet both Strength requirements). Is that your intent?
Looks like he should upgrade to hide armor soon.
I see an incentive for Laughing Shadow to be unarmored, but not lightly armored per se. Please advise!?
While in Arcane Cascade stance, you gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speeds, or a +10-foot bonus if you're unarmored.
Right, so he would get the 5 ft speed bonus, not 10 ft. I'm not clear on what I need to advise on here (maybe because it's a little late and I'm tired?)
Ho Lan |
I think GM is pointing out that for the laughing shadow magus, there's no difference between lightly armored and medium armored, and just wanted to make sure you had no other incentive to be lightly armored vs medium armored (having cleared up the STR requirements and stuff).
It's an unusual build, because it gives up the whole laughing shadow arcane cascade bonus thing, but I think it works.
DM rainzax |
I think you are shorting yourself 1 point of AC, actually, for no apparent gain (no difference in skills, speed, etc), other than to spare yourself 1 point of Bulk, which it doesn't seem you really need!