SmooshieBanana |

Region Map
Blue= Water?
Red= Blood Sea? What is this made of? Blood? Iron deposits? Is it drinkable? Toxic? Red Sand?
Brown/Yellow= Desert/Mountains?
White= Snow?
Scale of each hex?
City-state of Malvent
I noticed on the City-State map, that the wall extends into the water. Is that in error or is this a place where there are vessels kept that belong perhaps to the military?
Vauntor Square
Where on the city-state of Malvent map is Vauntor Square (roughly)?

Sebecloki |

Region Map
Blue= Water?
Red= Blood Sea? What is this made of? Blood? Iron deposits? Is it drinkable? Toxic? Red Sand?
Brown/Yellow= Desert/Mountains?
White= Snow?
Scale of each hex?City-state of Malvent
I noticed on the City-State map, that the wall extends into the water. Is that in error or is this a place where there are vessels kept that belong perhaps to the military?Vauntor Square
Where on the city-state of Malvent map is Vauntor Square (roughly)?
Blue is water -- the blood in the blood sea isn't on the map, but it's a cloud in the middle in the depths from the bleeding corpse of the Titan Kadum.
The red sand has mercury-laden iron deposits. It's toxic.Yellow/brown is desert/mountains -- there are several different tiles with similar colors/terrain.
There's more than one white tile -- it's a mix of snow and cold desert/mountains.
The wall goes into the water b/c it's a sea wall that surrounds the naval port.
Vauntor Square is in Eastern Malvent. It's at the major concavity facing the western side of the city.

Sebecloki |

SmooshieBanana wrote:Region Map
Blue= Water?
Red= Blood Sea? What is this made of? Blood? Iron deposits? Is it drinkable? Toxic? Red Sand?
Brown/Yellow= Desert/Mountains?
White= Snow?
Scale of each hex?City-state of Malvent
I noticed on the City-State map, that the wall extends into the water. Is that in error or is this a place where there are vessels kept that belong perhaps to the military?Vauntor Square
Where on the city-state of Malvent map is Vauntor Square (roughly)?Blue is water -- the blood in the blood sea isn't on the map, but it's a cloud in the middle in the depths from the bleeding corpse of the Titan Kadum.
The red sand has mercury-laden iron deposits. It's toxic.
Yellow/brown is desert/mountains -- there are several different tiles with similar colors/terrain.
There's more than one white tile -- it's a mix of snow and cold desert/mountains.The wall goes into the water b/c it's a sea wall that surrounds the naval port.
Vauntor Square is in Eastern Malvent. It's at the major concavity facing the western side of the city.
The map is about 2,400 hexes on a side and it's about 1 mile per hex on the region map. The focus map of the north is about 1/9 of the total, and it's about 1,200 hexes to a side, so each hex there is about 3/4 of a mile

eriktd |

Updated links for new page:
• Aenil Vlos (@Monkeygod), CE thaythilor crimson dancer/harbinger
• Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya (@JonGarrett), N changeling heir-apparent//rajah
• Sethris Stilthor (@PaleDim), LE thaythilor monk//warpriest
• Star Love (@gyrfalcon) phyrexian mutant legendary kineticist//legendary alchemist
• Ylvahild Mirsdottr (@eriktd) N half-giant noble fighter//witch
• Eladithas Starchild (@TheWaskally), CG elf luckbringer//godling
• Krynn of the Wyred (@Trevor86), LG stoneblessed elf paladin//oracle
• Myrwyn (@Jereru), CG thaythilor bard//godling
• Dyrvic, the Ancient Emperor (@TarkXT), CN shabti occultist//mystic
• Rook (@PhiloPharynx), N crystal wyrwood aegis//psion
• Jaezred Nasadra (@Diamondust), NE drow noble oracle//slayer
• Liliyashanina (@Mightypion), C succubus gunslinger//skald
• Logain Arjac (@GrinningJest3r), LE thaythilor fighter//inquisitor
• Opal Farella (@SmooshieBanana), CE human taskshaper/evangelist//wizard
• Ethulfel Umbrada @GiantHalfling N noble feyfolk swashbuckler//inquisitor
• Moreo The Windlord (@Yttras), enlightened human aerokineticist//soulknife
- @Daynen
• Zenkichi Inoue (@polyfrequencies), tiefling monk//inquisitor

![]() |

That's a pretty cool map! Oh, one question, with this being a focus of the north of the world, Tromek and the desert surrounding it aren't visible on it, right? I believe they were to the far east as stated earlier.
Also, I made a final update to Krynn's profile with a section on a potential slightly altered build where he takes the flashier route as discussed earlier, trading away smite evil and group smite evil for more speed- and swordplay-related abilities. Should he be selected it could be discussed if the group has any preference.
Kind regards, and good luck on the final stretch everyone, also to those still working on their submission.

eriktd |

Also, I made a final update to Krynn's profile with a section on a potential slightly altered build where he takes the flashier route as discussed earlier, trading away smite evil and group smite evil for more speed- and swordplay-related abilities. Should he be selected it could be discussed if the group has any preference.
For what it's worth, the changes look good to me! Generally, playing with spheres of might suggests focusing on Vital Strike as a good use of resources. And while I suppose you'll face a lot of evil enemies, with your whirlwind attack powers I think you'll enjoy having the ability to hit harder against lots of enemies rather than against one specific one.

Sebecloki |

Since we've almost got this started I'm going to throw out an idea for a different game I have in mind, and see if there's any interest in this group before starting a new thread; I prefer to have the same group in multiple games, as that leads to more consistency in group dynamics and posting.
Basic idea: very loose 'Arthurian' game. I don't really want to play high levels, so if we're going to make Galahad, etc., I'd want it to be in the early days of Camelot, before Arthur becomes king.
Sources of inspiration are:
Camelot Unchained
Dark Age of Camelot
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Robin Hood (2018)
This wouldn't be at all historical, or not meaningfully so -- the world would consist of large fantasy continents with the names of mythological and historical places from England, Scandinavia, and Ireland (and maybe Greece/Rome and/or Egypt if I eventually added zones). For example, on the 'England' continent, there would be a 'Church of the Unconquered Sun' -- sort of a more organized form of Mithraism or state Zoroastrianism, instead of Christianity, but essentially recognizable enough as a Christianity stand-in that the fluff wouldn't be too hard to grasp. There'd be some names of real stuff used without a lot of regard for the context: there'd be 40 'kingdoms' in the 'England' continent named after English counties, but it's just a loose framework for a Ren Faire ambience that's basically comprehensible without a lot of explanation.
For rules, I was thinking of using FFd20 classes, the Legendary Games Legendary X classes (Legendary-X) classes, and a series of 3pp. classes called 'S-series' by Samurai Sheepdog that are core classes like Monk balanced to the level of a base Summoner (S-series).
For the mecha element of FFd20 and the Tinker class, I'm thinking of not sci-fi but more ancient aliens/Chariots of the Gods/Star Gate/steam punk. Think golem factories (run by 'kabbalists' (i.e., a small sect of 'not-Jewish' mystics who worship angels), Atlantean technology that looks like Mondowshans from 5th element or stuff from Star Gate, steam punk ideas from Warhammer or Age of Sigmar.
I'd be open to other classes that are similar in design (i.e., number of class features in the class table and options: compare Elementalist to Black Mage, those are self-evidently not made the per same paradigm of class design, just to give an example, lots more going on in the latter), but I'm not sure of any others off the top of my head, but if you can find stuff, or homebrew something appropriate, I'm open to it. We'd throw out the FF races and do something else more in line with the setting concept. This isn't historical so no 'humans only' or whatever. Check out the Camelot Unchained site which has concepts like golems, gargoyles, and cat people. The Disney animated Robinhood would also be a source of inspiration, so all kinds of theriomorphs are possible.
I was thinking of granting a free archetype so players could pick up psionics, path of war maneuvers, akasha, or spheres by picking one of the classes that have applicable archetypes for those systems, if that's a strong desire.
For adventure concept, I was thinking of something like quest for the sword in the stone, or to find the grail, or maybe something based on Tad William's Memory Sorrow and Thorn where you have to find a magical sword in each of the three realms to defeat the schemes of Oberon, the evil king of the Sidhe.
It'd be great if there were enough interested parties in this thread that we could quickly hash out the remaining details of build rules.
My rough proposal would be
25 or 35 pt. buy or some rolling scheme
level 8, single class, gestalt, or some kind of free archetype system, depending on how complicated we want to get
Max Hp
elephant feat tax (or the equivalent ffd20 system)
background skills
+2 skill pts. per level
Spheres Oaths or ABP of some sort so the magic items are interesting not cookie cutter things for pts.
Races -- either just get rp to make something. Maybe a template.

JonGarrett |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I would be from Northumberland. Because I *am* from Northumberland, and I know the history of constant warfare and betrayal well. It was mostly us doing the betraying. We were really good at it! Not so good at betraying the losing side, mind...
Sounds like fun to me. Anytime I can flex growing up within sight of a border castle is a plus.

Sebecloki |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A quest! A quest! Hooray! What interesting game concepts you have, Sebecloki! Sounds like fun, though you'll have to ready yourself for lots of Monty Python and the Holy Grail references. (Oh, what am I saying, that's always a risk!)
My Dad's a real life medievalist (Phd who teaches at a university in a tenured chair), and he considers that one of the great depictions of the Middle Ages.

Sebecloki |

May I request the following to be Canon?
Lady Nocticula has an animal companion, which appears in the form of a most fluffy white rabbit, and has DR/40 Holy Hand grenade.
In this context, we'd probably rename Nocticula as Lillith Queen of Succubi, but other than that, I'm okay with some tongue and cheek stuff, it doesn't have to be super-serious. The setting is going to have rabbit-people, golems, gargoyles, elves, humans etc. living in villages together in a continent-sized Arthurian quasi-England, so this isn't super serious.
Just to clarify one other fluff point--FFd20 has a anime/Japanese aesthetic, but I'm explicitly not interested in asian-analog characters like samurai. I'm really imagining all characters coming from celt-land, viking-land, or britain-land, and I don't want to have to think deeply about the setting outside of that. There's a vague idea that there were Atlantians/Lemurians/inhabitants of Mu that left ancient aliens tech around that some still use, but I'm not interested in designing not-Japan, not-Egypt etc. for characters to come from at this point.

Sebecloki |

To flesh out the setting a bit more, here's a basic overview of the three main continents I have in mind:
Bryten (not-England) -- continent divided between the 40+ kingdoms of the Angul-Seaxans (Ango-saxon analogs who follow the faith of Sol Invictus, and are inheritors of Atlantean technology), and these are ruled by an upper class of Nortmann (Normans), and the 'Danelaw' northern territories of Skáney (not-Scandinavia). The western regions would be previous Ériu territories (not Wales) that were conquered by the Nortmann Dukes. So there's a mix of post-Norman invasion feudalism with 4 kingdom period viking-anglo-saxon conflicts like in the Last Kingdom.
Skáney -- not Scandinavia continent. Follow viking religion that is similar to MCU asgardians. Kingdoms named after the 31 petty kingdoms of Norway. Invading both Bryten and Ériu. Also contains Giant/Jotun kingdoms in the north.
Ériu -- Not Ireland; about 36 or so 'kingdoms' named after the Irish counties. Follow the old druidic faith (may have origins in Atlantis like the Old Faith in Mists of Avalon). Elven/fairy kingdoms either underground, in the middle of a deep forest, or other hidden locale.
The sunken lands of 'Atlantis'/Mu/Lemuria would be in a maelstorm/whirlpool in the middle of these three large land masses.
Maybe there's a not-Middle east continent that certain animals could be from, but I wasn't really going to get into it.

Sebecloki |

These Mierce minatures are also a good reference point for what I'm imagining aesthetically Mierce Miniatures

![]() |

Trevor86 wrote:Also, I made a final update to Krynn's profile with a section on a potential slightly altered build where he takes the flashier route as discussed earlier, trading away smite evil and group smite evil for more speed- and swordplay-related abilities. Should he be selected it could be discussed if the group has any preference.For what it's worth, the changes look good to me! Generally, playing with spheres of might suggests focusing on Vital Strike as a good use of resources. And while I suppose you'll face a lot of evil enemies, with your whirlwind attack powers I think you'll enjoy having the ability to hit harder against lots of enemies rather than against one specific one.
Thanks, that's good to hear, coming from an expert on the sphere system :) I do like the idea of experimenting around with more unusual abilities. Might just go for the vital strike/sphere/maneuver build over the one with smite just for the exotic factor.
@Seb That also sounds like a cool idea for a new campaign! And I'd be interested, though I'd like to see if I'm accepted into this one first due to estimated time commitments.

eriktd |

My Dad's a real life medievalist (Phd who teaches at a university in a tenured chair), and he considers that one of the great depictions of the Middle Ages.
I've written a number of sourcebooks for Ars Magica, another D&D-like game that's set in Europe in the middle ages, and I definitely agree with your dad! It's satirical, but it's also so well-researched. As you'd expect from a bunch of college-educated British comedians. :)
I'm guessing everyone would be lawful good in this adventure?

Sebecloki |

That's a pretty cool map! Oh, one question, with this being a focus of the north of the world, Tromek and the desert surrounding it aren't visible on it, right? I believe they were to the far east as stated earlier.
Also, I made a final update to Krynn's profile with a section on a potential slightly altered build where he takes the flashier route as discussed earlier, trading away smite evil and group smite evil for more speed- and swordplay-related abilities. Should he be selected it could be discussed if the group has any preference.
Kind regards, and good luck on the final stretch everyone, also to those still working on their submission.
This is the equivalent of the moon sea area in Faerun, it's not even showing the whole northern continent in detail -- and the Tromek are from the Kara-tur equivalent thousands of miles away.

Liliyashanina |

Sebecloki wrote:My Dad's a real life medievalist (Phd who teaches at a university in a tenured chair), and he considers that one of the great depictions of the Middle Ages.I've written a number of sourcebooks for Ars Magica, another D&D-like game that's set in Europe in the middle ages, and I definitely agree with your dad! It's satirical, but it's also so well-researched. As you'd expect from a bunch of college-educated British comedians. :)
I'm guessing everyone would be lawful good in this adventure?
Life of brain is hilarious too. "He is the messias!".
What I really liked is that the German translation of Holy grail has extra jokes, because yes, the pythons actually translated it themselfs.
Sebecloki |

So are you abandoning your Legacy of Tzarilon game in place of this? Are you planning on doing that, this game, and an Arthurian game?
I think I would do 1 of the 2. It depends which there is more interest in.
Here is the other campaign pitch, if anyone wants to look or refresh their memory. How about everyone gives me a vote about which they'd rather do if we do another campaign (probably use similar build rules for both)

Sebecloki |

Which version of Morgan La Fay are you going to be using? Some early stories have her a benevolent protector of Arthur, but then she sort of morphs over time into being both good and evil. Other versions have her mostly evil, and vindictive towards many of the Knights of the Round.
I haven't really decided -- it would probably depend on whether anyone wanted to be a young morgana. Otherwise I might see her as a queen of the dark elves or something like that.
A lot of this depends on (1) whether we play pre-Arthur, camelot days, or late camelot/post-arthur and (2) whether we make new characters or play young versions of the main cast, or similar characters like robin hood and members of the merry band.

Sebecloki |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

okay let me lay out the two campaign concepts and everyone can chime in to vote what the other one we do is (I'm not doing both)
(1). Legacy of Tzarilon: Homebrew dark fantasy based partly on Dark Sun; the campaign starts in a post-apocalyptic era on an island that has lost contact with the outside world. Exploration and lost technology. The game would be kind of like a mix of Dark Sun/Numenera: Torment
(2). Dark Age of Camelot -- some kind of Arthurian adventure pre, during, or post-camelot either playing young famous figures, their squires/apprentice, or other characters (we'd have to decide the time period and player concept).

Sebecloki |

So for the Camelot campaign I think we can do this two ways if we do a late timeline with the players being the squires/apprentices of important figures -- the campaign would occur during the time when Mordred is getting an army of Neanderthals from Skáney together to conquer Camelot; the other option is after this has already happened, and different Vyking factions control the entire north of Bryten, and we're more in Last Kingdom territory; I can imagine Vyking factions being more like Rus (which might have Slavic mystics of Chernabog etc.), something like Niebelungs from Wagner, something like Asgardian vikings, etc. The campaign would be more about the invasion of Bryten from the other territories following Arthur's death.

Sebecloki |

I'm definitely more into Tzarilon. I'm a sucker for fantasy-ish apocalypses. Adding Numenera to it only makes my mouth water more. I love the Numenera setting, but the rules are less interesting.
Okay, so let me explain the Tzarilon setting a bit more so interested parties can think about it -- the history of the world is one of almost endless conflict after the 'Golden Age of Technology' thousands of years ago. During this time, the children of the gods -- races known as wordbearers with the power of names and linked to specific elements -- developed faster than light travel, AI, cold fusion technology, orbital elevators, and other wonders.
This age somehow declined was was followed by the rule of dragons. This civilization ended with a war between the elven and kobold children of the dragons. The end of this conflict coincided with deeper journeys into the outer planes, where the mortal races first encountered the demons and devils, which began the first great age of conflict, which lasted a thousand or more years. After a millennia of fighting, the two sides agreed upon a tense truce, after which the dragon gods of the Blood Storm -- evil elemental deities in the forms of dragons, invaded. It's not exaggeration that the forces of the demoniacs and godchildren were outnumbered 100 to 1 by the elemental forces of the Blood Storm. This situation led to a strange alliance where some CN and LN individuals adopted the powers of the devils and demons, and a sort of alliance developed between the infernal powers and those of the wordbearers. In the end, a desperate 3,000 year long conflict ended with the gods and the druids sacrificing themselves to enact the Shroud, a division between the world of Tzarilon and the outer planes, severing the Blood Storm from the mortal plane, but also denying the wordbearers any afterlife. However, with the death of many gods, most wordbearer races have no afterlife to look forward now -- just a dismal existence in the wilds of the elemental planes or the plane-sized dungeons of the demons and devils. However, the Shroud means that all wordbearers who die come back as ghosts (these are the ectoplasmic ghosts from Ghostwalk). This situation has only existed for about 10 years at the time of the campaign opening, and isn't tenable long-term; at some point, the world will become overpopulated by ghosts and they will form the majority of the population. It is a stop gap measure until the mortal races find some other solution to their predicament.
The current state of the island or subcontinent of Rasoom is one of isolation. A dense barrier of wilderness surrounds the inner reaches, which contains several villages and towns built on the ruins of the Golden Age of Technology. A tunnel connected these settlements to the cities of the shore, but caravans have recently dried up, and Rasoom has had no visitors from the mainland since the end of Kralizec -- the war of the Blood Storm. Sorting through the terrors remaining from the conflict and the wonders of the Golden Age of Technology, enterprising heroes must discover what has happened to the coastal cities, as well as the mainland, and perhaps find a way to save their world from its current plight.
Some setting concepts
-Druids sacrificed themselves to sever the world from the elemental planes; druids are replaced by an elemental gishes.
-Drow are basically aquatic; one culture has numerous half black dragons, another has a kraken/aboleth/tentacle theme, and another is associated with prehistoric monstrosities like the dunkelosteus.
-There are a race of otterkin who are children of the dead god Hermes.
-The 'normal' elves are winged.
-The orcs are former servants of the dragon of the earth of the Blood Storm -- they almost anihilated the minotaurs, the children of Juno; they were freed from their bondage and have tried to repay their savagery by interbreeding with the minotaurs to produce the minorc race to continue both species.
-Most 'clerics' are channelers of the elements -- the wordbearers quickly discovered their magic didn't work as long as they continued to claim their gods were alive; now, faith in the elements, seasons, or other powers is the source of divine magic.
-The Olympian gods are dead, but the Pharonic deities are still alive in another part of the world, so there is a division between those cultures whose gods are still living and those who are dead.
-The world is filled with the remnants of the Golden Age of Technology that are studied by the equivalent of 40k machine priests and treated with reverence.
-Dragons can have any color and elemental affiliation. So, when you meet a purple dragon, you're not sure if it's good or evil. It could be a Dawn Dragon or a Venom Dragon.

Philo Pharynx |

Oooh, I likes that. Lots of juicy stuff to play with.
Dead gods are wonderful. You could try to bring one back... or steal their source of power and become one.
I haven't heard of Ghostwalk in long time. I had a great campaign with those rules. There's a lot of expansion you could do.
And technology is a wonderful thing. Both as equipment and as stenge reflavorings of odd classes.
Oh, I am so jonesing for this.

Philo Pharynx |

Sebecloki wrote:they almost anihilated the minotaurs, the children of Juno; they were freed from their bondage and have tried to repay their savagery by interbreeding with the minotaursSo first we genocide you, then we rape you. You wanna be my friend? *heart emote*
Well, it's happened several times in real life...

TarkXT |

Sebecloki wrote:they almost anihilated the minotaurs, the children of Juno; they were freed from their bondage and have tried to repay their savagery by interbreeding with the minotaursSo first we genocide you, then we rape you. You wanna be my friend? *heart emote*
You're Assuming those are separate instances.

Sebecloki |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, they raped them because they felt guilty about genociding them.
It's actually wasn't intended to be sinister in that way. The minotaurs don't have a large enough gene pool left to continue their species, and the orcs were cursed with sterility by their former dragon-god master, but both species are able to perpetuate themselves by blending. It was a mutual agreement.

Sebecloki |

Oooh, I likes that. Lots of juicy stuff to play with.
Dead gods are wonderful. You could try to bring one back... or steal their source of power and become one.
I haven't heard of Ghostwalk in long time. I had a great campaign with those rules. There's a lot of expansion you could do.
And technology is a wonderful thing. Both as equipment and as stenge reflavorings of odd classes.
Oh, I am so jonesing for this.
There's a lot more twists to the back story even that what I'm telling you -- it's quite a complicated set up with some planar/time travel and other elements.
Unfortunately, I don't think I can do a good job presenting this and the Camelot game at the same time along with the Rod of Seven Parts -- I'd have to pick one to do either justice.

Monkeygod |

Team Good
Leading off we got Eladithas Starchild! Next up, Krynn of the Wyred! Coming in third Myrwyn!! In clean up, Star Love! Followed by Dyrvic, The Ancient Emperor! Then we got Rook, and in last we have Ethulfel Umbrada!!
Team Evil
First up, Aneil Vlos!! In second, we got Sethris Stilthor! Next in line, Opal Farella! In clean up, Logain Arjac!! Comin in hot at 5th, Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya!! Takin 6th is Ylvahild Mirsdottr! And rounding things out is Jaezred Nasadra !!
<Chants of "Let's Go Evil!!>
Finally, on the reserves, switching it up as only a succubus can, we got Liliyashanina who can take the place of any 'injured' players!!
Please message me for the discord invite, as much of the discussion(and possibly some play) will be taking place there.