Either way, I'll get a few things out of the way here. Going with an unchained barbarian with the Love Lost trait; I rarely play big scary melees and I felt like switching it up.
starting gold:3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) = 11 Damn. Just over the average.
Oh, before I forget, question for the GM: Are you okay with a myth-weavers character sheet? I can link it in my statline along with whatever other basics you prefer.
I have no experience with 2E pathfinder yet and I have not played a Kingmaker game at all. I try to be open to new things insofar as they don't completely turn me off and the twists from the DM are a... curious proposal.
All that is to say, with a bit more brevity...this is a pretty big dot.
So question about character building: your "racial HP" line, does that mean we're getting that plus our class's full HD at 1st level? So, say a human witch would get 14 plus their CON modifier? Just want to be sure I'm grasping that correctly.
So I've got a crazy idea taking shape and I think I'm gonna run with it. Question for DM: are you okay with me using myth-weavers for my character sheet? I can embed a link to it right in the character line of every post for easy reference.
Bleh...not liking the way mine's shaping up, at least mechanically. I'm not really a major min-maxer but even I can tell when a build is going to be...awkward. My most likely role is also quite a crowded aspiration, if the submissions list is anything to go by. I think I'm going to let this one go. Happy plundering, mateys.
I have an old alias for a SnS game I had to bow out of years ago; it needs retooling for your creation rules and I might revise the bio a bit. You okay with me posting a mythweavers link to my sheet, GM? I can embed in my posts for easy reference.
I'm almost a tabula rasa when it comes to FR lore. I read a trilogy of Drizzt novels once years ago. The Thousand Orcs, The Lone Drow and The Two Swords, I believe. I know a tiny bit about Waterdeep from the great board game but have no familiarity with the Dalelands, so as long as folks are okay with someone who's interested but not quite brushed up, I'm willing to go for either and see where the road takes us.
I played & GMed the Realms back in the day - even ran City of the Spider Queen a couple times! - and love the heck out of that era. I would happily wrestle one...nay, several kittens, for a place in this game.
{Announcer voice} We've secretly replaced his ordinary kittens with displacer beast, manticore, and chimera kittens. Let's see if he can tell the difference.
A setting I've been interested in but haven't gotten any experience with...an experienced GM with a developed sense of pacing who's looking for a story of adventure...and a generous character creation ruleset with an eye for theming and fun rather than munchkins?
How can I say no to that? consider this a big fat DOT.
yeah it's free for all the stuff I utilize. I can just throw the link right in, like, the race line of the profile so it's right there in the name header of my posts. One click, easy peasy.
so four 14s, a 15 and a 17, if I read the rolling rules correctly. Hard to go wrong with an array like that--well-rounded, room for growth, plenty of space to minmax if needed...hmmm. I could do literally anything with that...
I started cooking up some form of gunslinger...but from the looks of our list, we seem to be shy in some crucial areas. I'll see what inspiration strikes later tonight.
I am intrigued by this proposal; I've only barely done any DMing and, in my opinion, not very successfully. I feel like I have a style of campaign planning that's mostly unplanned yet I also never feel like I'm actually making it really work. Perhaps there's something to be learned here.
On the flipside, I've also spent time looking at alternate means of character creation. Hitomi's point about rolling stats forcing people to come up with more believable and memorable characters is a stronger point than most realize. Some of my favorite characters here on the boards are ones where I've rolled one (or multiple!) low stats and said "screw it, let's make this work." Of course, I haven't gotten to play any of those characters as long as I liked thanks to attrition, campaign falling or just having to let things go to focus on more important life things but that's neither here nor there.
Honest criticism, you say? Now you're speaking MY language. I can very much provide honest criticism without being a jerk, so we're definitely on the same page there. (Of course I can also be a TOTAL ass if for some strange reason that's actually desired, but we'll cross that bridge...)
I've watched a bit of Sanderson too. I've been trying to make myself write a book but just haven't been able to get in gear; Brian's info has helped to plug in a few gaps about building a natural world, at the very least.
"yo dawg we heard you like RPGs so WE SHOVED THEM ALL INTO A SINGLE CAMPAIGN! GET ROLLING, SCRUBS!" Like, holy crap man, it sounds awesome but does the phrase "choice paralysis" mean anything to you? XD
I swear to god if the first thing we face is a giant lightning snail I will repave the roads in your hometown with randomly spaced, misshapen speedbumps and then sneak into yours and your neighbors houses, steal all your car keys, shake them up in a bag and then give you each a random one!
Ohhhh, we get our own flying village? Sounds like my kind of trip. Lots of room for adding new rooms, new upgrades and machinery, new weapons and armor and stuff? Customization is king so let's PIMP OUR RIDE!
I know just enough about modern FF games to be curious as to how a PBP would go. I'll throw in my tentative interest, at least until the introductory blurb.
Any game that offers the chance to roll for stats has to be worth a look. Some of the greatest characters of all time have come from rolling stats. Let's see what the dice gods throw back at me today!
So 16, 14, 14, 13, 11, 10...I've built characters off of MUCH worse than that. Time to see what strikes me and get back to ya.
Also: YE GODS, a negative PB equivalent? And a 46? As in, Four six? I wouldn't even know WHAT to do with 46 point buy; that's some 'outer realms' level insanity right there.
Fascinating. Starting at 8 opens up worlds of possibilities...
Quick question though, GM: are you averse to me simply providing a link to a myth-weavers character sheet in lieu of all the spoilers and formatting of an alias? I can do either; I just like the actual character sheet layout better.
No worries; I know about the statline trick. Just need to make sure I get the pertinent stuff for Starfinder since I've had basically zero playtime with this system.
Haven't made an alias yet, but I'll throw in my opening submission here:
Tori "sunskimmer" Steelfoot is a halfling operative who wants to build and fly the hottest starships in the galaxy. She's skilled, resourceful and knowledgeable. She'll snipe your eye out at any range, on foot or in the cockpit and she'll find a way to tune your ship to perfection...just don't ask her to arm wrestle.
As for the crunch...how do you feel about a link to a mythweavers sheet?
The alien, a spider-like being that looks to be made of translucent crystals, swiftly moves to block you from proceeding down the space station corridor. It's body flashes rhythmically in bright reds and dull oranges as it makes a series of popping and crackling sounds similar to fireworks while pointing at the grenade on your belt.
Tori looks up with a start from her datapad at the strange, crystalline spider, eyes wide with fascination. "Whoah...now what sort of crawly are you, I wonder?"and what are you made of? As she considers performing a scan, she notices the tip of its appendage pointing to her belt. "What...that? Ohhhh...no, you don't want that." She pulls the grenade from its loop and shows it to the creature, which continues its flashing. "It's a grenade. It blows things up."
She pantomimes the motions of pulling the safety pin and throwing the grenade, then makes a big flourish with both arms and her best impression of an explosion. The creature seems to shift its weight slightly, as if tilting its...head?... to one side.
Is THIS thing security? Or just someone's pet? Tori lifts the grenade above her head, watching the spider carefully. She holds it out first to one side, then the other, noting as it follows the movement of the grenade with whatever passes for eyes. She holds it out in front of her and the spider seems to inch towards it...then she abruptly flings it backward, letting it bounce and roll away behind her. The spider looks at her for a moment, as if weighing its priorities, then it skitters off in pursuit of the explosive. Tori watches it go with a chuckle as she starts off down the corridor at a brisk jog. Just hope he doesn't try to--
Her thought is interrupted by precisely the sound she was afraid she'd hear: an explosion followed by the tinkling of a crystal rain.
Returning to the scene, she finds fragments everywhere and crystalline limbs scattered to all parts of the hall. "Well...S*%@." After all of five seconds surveying the carnage, quick glances both directions confirm she's alone; she scoops up a crystal fragment and pockets it, then hastens off down the corridor. Seriously thought I'd actually have a minute or two...figures.
What an unusual way to open a recruitment. I like unusual.
1: You get a kingdom
Haven't really had the chance to do as many games as I would've liked, much less kingdom builders.
2: fortune fame and honor among thieves
It's an excuse to play rogues in a setting that almost certainly calls for them.
3: Felonious few
Bad guys given a second chance with potential for all manner of redemption arcs, antiheroics or just plain self-serving machinations? Why not?
Man. A whole dumptruck full of blurby, houserule-y high powered craziness that is...gestalt, lots of "fixes" from community houserules, lot of material to work with. Thinking I just might throw my hat in when this goes up.
10th level? Phew. That's some mighty wide room for opening builds. Never played through any of the APs so I might have to improvise heavily on background but it could be fun.