
Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya's page

213 posts. Alias of JonGarrett.

Full Name

Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya


Active Buffs:
+1 Morale Bonus to saves within 20ft | +2 Enhancement to One Stat


Martial Focus 1/1 | Mythic Power 13/13 | Bard Performance 21/21


Rajah/Heir Apparent Gestalt 15 - Reluctant Hero 5 | HP 128/128 | AC: 30, T: 13, FF: 16| Fort: +20, Ref: +21, Will: +20 | BAB: +7, CMB: +7, CMD: 27, | Init: +10 | Perception: +27 |





About Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya

Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya
Female Changeling Heir Apparent Rajah 15
Mythic Reluctant Hero Tier 5.
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Native)
Initiative; +10 Perception +27


AC 39, touch 18 flat-footed 34 (Base +10, Dex +4, Armour +14, Natural Armour +3, Shield Bonus +5, Dodge Bonus +3)
hp 207
Fort +21, Ref +20, Will +21
(Dex +5 | Con +4 | Wis +4 - Base Fort +9 | Base Reflex +5 | Base Will +9 - +2 Luck Bonus, +5 Resistance, +3 Class to Reflex, +1 Trait to Willpower, +1 Trait to Fortitude.)
Resistance: Roll Twice against Mind Effects, Immune to Fear, Immune to Poison, No Need to Breath, +25 Fire Resistance.


Speed 60 ft - 60 ft Perfect Flight
Melee - Claws x 4 - +16 to Hit - 1d6+5 Slashing + 1d6+4 Fire Damage - x2 Crit
Ranged- Riven Darts (5+1 Essence Invested) - 7 Darts - +18 to Hit + 7d4+6 Force Damage + 1d6+3 Fire Damage - x2 Crit - 60ft Range - Touch Attacks - A single creature cannot be targeted by more than 2 darts in a single round.


Orisons - 9 known - Unlimited uses a day - DC 21
Detect Poison - Sense and identify a poison.
Enhanced Diplomacy - Creature touched gains +2 to Diplomacy or Intimidate.
Spark - Ignite a flammable object.
Stabalize - Stop a creature from dying.

1st Level Spells - 5 known - 9 per day - DC 22
Cure Light Wounds - Heal 1d8 + level (max 5) at a touch.
Fairness - Prevent unfair trading.
Songbird - As a swift action summon music to aid with performance, bardic skills and sonic spells.
Sure Casting - Add +5 to the next spell cast to overcome spell resistance.
Remove Fear - Grant a +4 against fear effects and suppress fear for the duration of the spell.

2nd Level Spells - 5 known - 9 per day - DC 23
Lesser Restoration - Restore 1d4 temporary ability damage, remove fatigue and ease exhaustion.
Cure Moderate Wound - Heal 2d8+level (Max 10) at a touch.
Ancestral Communion - Add +8 to all Knowledge checks for 1 minutes per level.
Augury - Learn the potential consequences of an action. Maybe.

3rd Level Spells - 4 known - 9 per day - DC 24
Cure Serious Wounds - Heal 3d8+ level (max 15) at a touch.
Invisibility Purge - Negative invisibility in an area.
Remove Curse - Destroy or temporarily negate a curse.
Dispel Magic - Negate a magical effect.

4th Level Spells - 4 known - 8 per day - DC 25
Cure Critical Wounds - Heal 4d8 + level at a touch.
Restoration - For 100gp Diamond Dust removes all temporary ability damage, 4 temporary negative levels or, for 1000gp in diamond dust, one permanent negative level.
Blessings of Fervor - Choose one of several benefits.
Infernal Healing - Grant fast healing 4 for 1 minute. Smell real bad to angels.

5th Level Spells - 4 known - 8 per day - DC 26
Mass Cure Light Wounds - Cure several creatures 1d8+level.
Breath of Life - Return a recently dead creature to life, healing 5d8 + level in health.
Greater Forbid Action - Several creatures are unable to do an action.
Break Enchantment - Break a permanent enchantment.

6th Level Spells -3 known - 8 per day - DC 27
Mass Cure Moderate Wound - Heal 2d8+level for several creatures.
Greater Dispel Magic - Negate several magical effects.
Heal - Restore 10 hp per level and heal most negative effects.

7th Level Spells - 2 known - 6 per day - DC 28
Mass Cure Serious Wounds - Heal 3d8+ level (max 35) for several creatures.
Greater Restoration - For 5000gp remove almost all negative conditions completely.

Mythic Spell
Augury - Add twice Mythic level to the effect of Augury.

Spell-Like Abilities - Unlimited Uses
Create Water (Servnts) - Create 1 gallon of water per caster level.
Enhance Water (Servants) - Change water to wine.
Mending (Servants) - Repair small items, but do not restore magic.
Detect Magic - Sense magic and gain an understanding of it’s nature with further study.
Read Magic - Comprehend and understand magical languages
Arcane Mark - Create a rune or sigil on an item or person.
Erase - Remove magical and non-magical writing.

Spell-Like Abilities - Three Times a Day.
Vampiric Touch - Drain 5d6 damage as a touch attack and gain it as temporary hit points. Can be used at range on a bleeding target.
Bleed - A stable creatures resumes dying.
Comprehend Languages - Understand, but not speak, any tongue.


Essence Pool - 22
Essence Capacity - 4 per veil.
Veils Available 7 + Riven Darts
Veil Binds 4 + Riven Darts.

Riven Darts - Fire a Dart of pure force the inflicts 1d4 damage plus an additional 1d4 for each point of Essence Invested.
Charkra Bind (Hands) - For each point of Essence invested fire another Dart.
Immaculate Touch - Heal 1d6 per point of essence invested. A creature can only be healed in this way once plus charisma modifier.
Chakra Bind (Hands) - Add one Paladin’s Mercy to the effects of the healing.
(4 Points Invested in Both)

Angelic Wings - With a DC 15 fly check fall as with feather fall. For each point of Essence add 10ft of fly speed and improve manevurability by one step.
Chakra Bind (Shoulder) - When the owner is at 25% health they gain the effect of Sanctuary (DC 10+Essence+Charisma Modifier), which is negated on any round they attack. If an ally reaches 25% of their health as an immediate action they can be teleported adjacent to the character and benefit from the same effect.

Title Veils

Rather than weaving Veils onto themselves, the Rajah bestows them as Titles to their allies.

All Titles can be found Here.

Opal Farella - The Memory (2 Points - Bound)
Aenil Vlos - The Watcher (2 Points)
Logain Arjac - The Warlord (2 Points)
Ylvahild - The Brawler (2 Points)

Stances and Maneuvers

Initiator Level: 15
Stances Known: 6
Maneuvers Known: 13
Maneuvers Prepared: 8


Spoils of War
Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Level: 1
Description: Once per round, when an ally inflicts damage, they heal 2 x Charisma +3
Essence: Each point of Essence adds +3 to the healing.

Stance of Piercing Rays
Discipline: Solar Wind
Level: 1
Description: All attacks add an additional 1d6 fire, plus 1d6 per eight levels.

Elemental Flux Stance
Discipline: Elemental Flux
Level: 3
Description: All attacks add an additional 2d6 fire and energy resistance 15 against fire. You also gain Fast Healing 1 and shine like a torch.

Stance of the Solar Shield
Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Level: 5
Description: Create a number equal to Charisma modifier of 10x10 barriers with a hardness equal to level .
Essence: Each point of Essence adds +3 hardness,

Sun’s Zenith
Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Level: 8
Description: Remove Essence invested into any Maneuvers and Stances. All unused Maneuvers and Stances now have that much Essence in them.


Arcane Shield
Discipline: Elemental Flux
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 2
Action: Immediate
Type: Counter
Description: Make a Spellcraft Check with a DC of the attack roll made - if successful the attack is negated.

Push the Advantage
Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 7
Action: Instant
Type: Counter
Description: Heal self and allies a total equal to Charisma x7
Essence: Add 9 to the amount healed for each point.

Searing Break
Discipline: Solar Wind
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 4
Action: Swift
Type: Boost
Description: All ranged attacks inflict an extra 3d6 fire damage.

Eldritch Consumption
Discipline: Elemental Flux
Saving Throw: N’/A
Level: 4
Action: Immediate
Type: Counter
Description: Roll damage as if the caster of a spell had just taken damage from your attack. They must make a concentration check or the spell is eaten.

Noblesse Oblige
Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 5
Action: Immediate
Type: Counter
Description: When a ally is reduced to 0 they are instead reduced to zero, and attack made against the target with an additional 3d6 damage. The ally is healed the same amount of damage. They can only be affected by this ability once per sunrise.

Burning Break
Discipline: Solar Wind
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 6
Action: Swift
Type: Boost
Description: Increase fire damage to all attacks by 5d6.

Shatter Resistance
Discipline: Solar Wind
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 6
Action: Swift
Type: Boost
Description: Inflict 4d6 fire damage per attack, and negate fire resistance. Immunity is reduced to half damaged.

Tyrant's End
Discipline: Solar Wind
Saving Throw: Fort (DC 18 + Cha modifier
Level: 8
Action: Standard
Type: Strike
Description: Add +6d6 to damage and suppress all immunities, resistances and such for 1 round.
Essence: Each point reduces the targets AC by 4.

Maneuvers Known

Degrade Resistance
Discipline: Elemental Flux
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 2
Action: Swift
Type: Boost
Description: Reduce resistance to fire by 10 points for 1 round.

Solar String
Discipline: Solar Wind
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 1
Action: Standard
Type: Strike
Description: Create caltrops that slow enemies going through them.

Discipline: Radiant Dawn
Saving Throw: N/A
Level: 1
Action: Immediate
Type: Counter
Description: Grant one target DR 7/- for one round.


Str 10 Dex 20, Con 18, Int 18 Wis 18, Cha 32
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 25

1st - Shape Veil (Riven Darts) - Gain the ability to form the chosen Veil.
- Akashic-Imbued Body - Add +2 HP for every Akashic Feat.
2nd -.Shape Veil (Angelic Wings) - Shape an additional Veil.
- Unarmored Specialist - Add +4 to AC when not wearing armour.
3rd - Craft Wondrous Tattoos - Create magical tattoos.
- Varian Multiclass (Bard) - Gain Bardic Knowledge as if you were a bard of your level.
4th - Compact Tattoos - Allow two Tattoos to occupy one slot at the cost of a +5 DC.
- Shape Veil (Immaculate Touch) - Gain the ability to form the Immaculate Touch Veil.
5th - Zodiac Tattoos - Treat your skin as armour for the purposes of enhancements.
- Solar Wind Style - Add +1 fire damage to ranged attacks per 5 levels, and target is affected as if by Fairy Fire.
6th - Toughness - Add +3 to HP, then +1 per level after 3rd level.
- Fuse Style - Activate a Combat Style and Stance with the same swift action.
7th - Essence of the Immortal - Gain additional HP equal to essence pool, and 1 bonus essence. Counts as Toughness.
- Variant Multicass (Bard) - Gain the Inspire Courage and Inspire Competence as a bard -4 levels, and gain Bardic Performance equal to level + Charisma.
8th - Bind Lower Chakra (Hands) - Bind Veils to the Hand slot and gain +1 to swim and climb.
- Twin Veil (Hand) - Shape 2 veils in the hand chakra.
9th - Spell Focus (Enchantment) - Add +1 to Enchantment DC.
- Solar Wind Flash - Upon inflicting damage a target gains the dazzled condition. Negated on a 10 +½ level + Cha modifier save.
10th - Enhanced Capacity - One Veil can have an additional point of Essence invested in it, chosen when preparing Veils.
- Expanded Veilweaving - Weave one additional veil per day.
11th - Quicken Spell (Metamagic) - Increase spell level by +4, and cast it as a swift action.
- Variant Multiclass (Bard) - Gain the Versatile Performance ability.
12th - Chakra Bind (Shoulders) - Bind Veils to the Shoulder slot.
- Solar Wind Inferno - Negates the characters level of fire resistance. Fire immunity is treated as 30 for this ability.
13th - Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) - Add +1 to Enchantment spell DC.
- Spell Penetration - Add +2 to Spell Penetration.
14th - Additional Traits Gain two additional traits.
- Additional Traits Gain two additional traits.
15th - Extra Performance - Gain 6 more rounds of Bardic Performance.
- Variant Multiclass (Bard) - Gain the Lore Master Ability.

Mythic Feats
Tier 1 - Mythic Precise Shot - Ranged attacks affect swarms and ignore miss chances from magical effects (like blur or mirror image).
Tier 2 - Mythic Spell Focus (Enchantment) - Add +2 to Enchantment spells DC. Spend a Mythic power point to force the target to reroll, and take the worse result.
Tier 3 - Mythic Spell Penetration - Add half your Mythic Tier to Spell Penetration.
Tier 4 - Mythis Spell Lore - Gain access to Mythic Spells equal to Tier level.
Tier 5 - Paragon - Add +2 to Mythic tiers for the effect of abilities.

Diva in Training (Campaign) - All perform skills are class skills, and +1 to one in particular.
Resilient (Combat) - +1 t Fortitude.
Auspicious Tattoo (Race) - Gain +1 to Will.
Fate’s Favoured (Faith) - Increase all Luck bonuses by +1.
Secret Keeper (Social) - Add +1 to Bluff and to the DC of magic to force honesty.
Extremely Fashionable (Equipment) - While wearing items worth 150gp or more increase Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate by +1.
Tattooed Wanderer (Regional) - Gain +1 to Perform.
Wisdom in the Flesh - Use Wisdom for swim.
Curator of Mystic Secrets (Exemplar, Magic) - Use a Metamagic Feat 2 x a day, +1 for every other magic trait you possess. Remove the usual limit for Magic traits.
Overwhelming Beauty (Magic) - DC of mind affecting abilities is increased by 1 if they share a subtype.
Arcane Temper (magic) - Gain +1 to concentration checks and initiative.
Outcast’s Intuition (Magic) - +1 to Sense Motive, Spells are 1 level higher for Dispelling.

Racial Traits
Witchborn - Gain +2 to Intelligence rather than Wisdom.
Pyrophile - Gain +1 to fire damage for every 4 levels.
Darkvision - See 60ft in total darkness.
Climbing Claws - Gain a ten foot climb speed.

Skills +2 all knowledges and Linguistics, +2 Luck Bonus all skills.
Acrobatics - +19 (+5 Dex - 12 Ranks - +2 Luck)
Appraise - +14 (+4 Int - 5 Rank - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Bluff - +35 (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +1 Trait - +3 Class Bonus)
Climb - +10 (0 Str - 5 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Craft (Tattoo) - +29 (+4 Int - 0 Rank - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +5 Competence - +15 Background Skills)
Craft (Alchemy) - +25 (+4 Int - 0 Rank - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +15 Background Skills)
Diplomacy - +40 (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +1 Trait - +3 Class Bonus - -, +5 Competence)
Disable Device - +7 (+5 Dex - 0 Ranks - +2 Luck Bonus)
Disguise - +13 (+11 Cha - 0 Ranks - +2 Luck Bonus )
Escape Artist - +7 (+5 Dex - 0 Ranks - +2 Luck Bonus)
Fly - +17 (+5 Dex - 7 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Handle Animal - +13 (+11 Cha - 0 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Heal - +6 (+4 Wis - 0 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Intimidate - +32 (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +1 Trait)
Knowledge (Arcana) - +31 (+4 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - +23 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Engineering) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Geography) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (History) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Local) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Nature) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Nobility) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Planes) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Knowledge (Religion) - +21 (+4 Int - 5 Ranks - Class Skill +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Class Bonus)
Linguistics - +24 (+4 Int - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Perception - +27 (+4 Wis - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +3 Class Bonus)
Perform (Dance) - + 32 (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill + 2 Luck Bonus - +1 Trait)
Perform (Sing) - + 32 (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill + 2 Luck Bonus - +1 Trait)
Ride - +7 (+5 Dex - 0 Rank - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Sense Motive - +32 (+4 Wis - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus - +7 Mythic - +1 Trait)
Sleight of Hand - +7 (+5 Dex - 0 Rank - +2 Luck Bonus)
Spellcraft - +13 (+4 Int - 3 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Stealth - +22 (+5 Dex - 15 Rank - +2 Luck Bonus)
Survival - +7 (+4 Wis - 0 Ranks - +2 Luck Bonus)
Swim - +14 (0 Str - +4 Wis - 5 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus)
Use Magic device - +31 - (+11 Cha - 15 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Luck Bonus )
Languages Common,

Gear Katavahndi’s Stylus (+5 to Craft (Tattoo), allows tattooing all over body), Lord’s Banner of Terror (Enemies must a DC 16 saving throw or panic. On a success become Shaken.), Black Soul Shard (Absorbs 1 negative level a week), Cornucopia of Plenty (Create food for up to six beings three times a day, or use a Mythic Power Point to create a Hero’s Feast.)
1000gp in assorted jewelry, rings, necklaces, bangles and earrings.
200gp in Fire Ink Tattoos.

Item Slots - Slots for magical items and tattoos. Magical tattoos have various costs and effects. Each one takes up a magic item slot, but a second tattoo can be placed in the same slot.
Armour - Armour Ink (Tattoo)- Add +7 to armour.
Metallic blooms within the vines across her body.
Back Phoenix (Tattoo) - Once per day, if dropped to zero HP the tattoo is activated and Heals the owner back to full HP.
A regal phoenix perched upon the vines that covers her entire back.
Belt - Meridian Belt (Tattoo) - Use two additional rings as toe rings, although only two can be active at any one time.
- Mirroring Belt - Use three times a day for 6 minutes, creating 8 mirror images. If a ranged attack hits one of these mirror images it is reflected back. If Mythic Power is used when activating the belt hitting the wearer restores one missing Image.
A belt of vines woven around the waist with a mirrored silver flower buckle.
Body Blazing Robe (Tattoo) - Add +5 to Fire Resistance and increase any fire spells by 1 level.
- Casshern’s Gem of Contraception - Block any potential pregnancy.
Chest -
Eyes -
Feet - Boots of the Raptor (Tattoo) - Add +30ft movement, and gain claw attacks on the feet at will
Vines running from the ankle to the toes with long thorns.
Hands - +1 Akashic Catalyst (Tattoo) - Increase any veil in the same slot by +1.
The vines of the left hand are covered in blooded thorns.
Head - Helm of Telepathy - Read and send mental messages.
Gem-like eyes hide in the vines on Rani’s skull, few of which can be seen at the edge of her hair.
Hand - Vampiric Gloves - Use Vampiric Touch and Bleed three times a day. Vampiric Touch can be used at a range of 30ft, but only on dying creatures.
Neck - Heron Tattoo - Add +5 to diplomacy.
A heron purchases at the vines weaving across the back of Rani’s neck.
Ring - Stone of Good Luck (Tattoo) - +1 Luck Bonus to saves, skills and ability checks.
A vine wrapped around the middle finger of left hand with a dull, grey stone on the top that often takes people a moment to notice isn’t actually there.
- Ring of Force Shield (Tattoo) - Add +2 Shield to AC.
Flickering brass shield covered in tendrils on her middle finger of the right hand.
- Ring of Freedom of Movement[/i] (Tattoo, toe) - When active functions like the Freedom of Movement spell.
A small bird breaking free of the vines.
Shoulders - Juggernaut’s Pauldrons - Add +4 to CMB and grant Ferocity. Become large at will.
A vine-wrapped iron plate on the left shoulder.
Wrist - Flaming Weapon Ink (Tattoo) - Attacks Inflict an additional 1d6 Fire Damage.
- Basletrop’s Mark of the Armsmen - +1 Competence Bonus to hit with Darts. Once per day, for 10 rounds, increase to hit and damage by +5. Once per day confirm a critical hit, but become fatigued.
Several burning feather-like darts held by the tendrils of vines.
Slotless - Icon Tattoo - All allies within 20ft gain a +1 Morale Bonus to all saves, counts as a Focus.
An icon of power at the base of her throat, glowing with power, wrapped in vines.
- Mesmerizing Tattoo - Add +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy

Money 123,500gp 0sp 0cp
Stipend 0gp 0sp 0cp (Median Belt (Tattoo), Boots of the Raptor (Tattoo), Akashic Catalyst (Tattoo), Katavahndi’s Stylus, Phoenix Tattoo, Helm of Telepathy, Heron Tattoo, Blazing Robe)

Special Abilities

Automatic Bonus Progression - As the character grows in level they gain unusual powers.
- Resistance +5 - Gain +5 to all saves.
- Armour Attunement +2 - Attuned Armour gains a +4 AC bonus or +3/+3 to armour and shield
- Attuned Weapon +3 - Attune weapon becomes a +3 weapon.
- Tougherning +2 - Gain a +2 Natural Armour bonus
- Deflection +2 - Gain a +2 dodge bonus.
- Mental Prowess +6 - Gain a +4 bonus to Wisdom and + 6 to Charisma.
- Physical Prowess +4 - Gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity and +2 to Con.

Oath of Forbidden Knowledge (1 Oath Point) - Gain the Instinctive Defiance drawback.
Oath Against Artifice (1 Oath Point) - Cannot use metal armour, weapons or tech that uses charges.
Oath of Ritual (1 Oath point) - Perform a ritual that costs 5gp per level or drops HP by 1 per level.
Immortality (Cost 2 Oath Points) - Ignore aging effects, poisons, eat, drink, poisons, sleep and do not need to breath.
Energy Resistance (Costs 1 Oath Points) - Gain fire resistance 5, +5 for every 4 levels.

Path of the Reluctant Hero Abilities
Bonus HP - 4 additional HP per tier.
Cynic - Gain half of mythic level to will saves for illusion, mental effects, full tier to Sense Motive. If an illusion or enchantment is failed spend a point of mythic power to reroll the test now or as a move action with a +4.
Hard to Kill - Automatically stabilize, and must be reduced to twice con before dying.
Surge - Spend a point of Mythic Power to add 1d8 to a d20.
Amazing Initiative - Add Mythic Tier to Initiative.
Mythic Power - Gain twice your Tier plus 3 as Mythic Power.
Recuperation - Regain all health with 8 hours rest.
Mythic Saving Throws - Against a non-mythic attack a successful saving throw negates all effects.
Perfection - Gain a +1 increase to an attribute when you add +2 at each even level.
Helpful Rebuke - If a character fails a save in which the character is trained they can give them a reroll.
Perfect Pitch - Inspire Courage counts as 5 levels for all it’s effects.
- Idomintable Self - When you take ability damage or drain reduce it by half your mythic tier.
- Use Everything - Use other spells slots +1 to cast a higher level spell.

Rajah Abilities

Crossroads - Crown of the Sky Sovereign - Use Charisma to attack, but does not add Strength to damage. If used with the Vassalage Ability Charisma is used.
Divine Mandate - With an hour’s blessing grant up to the charisma modifiers worth of allies a +2 bonus to a ability score.
Empowered Title - Gain the ability to Bind a certain number of Title Veils to there wearer.
Indomitability - Roll two d20’s again mind effects, choose the higher.
House of Servants - Create Unseen Servants equal to Charisma Modifier as a free action. They cannot Aid Another. They have a unique, but semi-transparent appearance, or can be made invisible.
Heraldry - A series of abilities that strengthen the Rajah outside of combat.
- Ambrosia - The Servants can cast Create Water and Enhance Water on command, and Tears to Wine 3 times a day.
- Constructed Comforts - Create a weightless palanquin able to carry six people. With a minute’s work this can become a 6 person tent or a Secure Shelter or a Mage's Magnificent Mansion.
- Philosopher King - Cast Comprehend Languages three times a day, and Detect Magic, Arcane Mark, Read Magic and Erase as Spell-Like Abilities.
- The Emperor’s New Clothes - Change into another set of magical clothing as a standard action. If a minute is spent on being dressed gain a +2 to two of Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff and Disguise. Servants gain Mending as a spell like ability.
- The Treasury - Conjure inventory as a full round action. Storage space is 50lbs per Rajah level +50 per Charisma Modifier (950 lbs).
- Valued Customer - Perform a ritual to summon an interdimensional merchant.
- House of Jesters - The Unseen Servants can sing, dance and play music. Three times a day one can do so to allow a re-roll on Diplomacy, Intimidate or Bluff checks.
Regality - Immunity to fear effects, +1 Essence Capacity to all Veils.
Royal Mandate - As a Standard Action order an ally to take an additional action - make an additional attack, move there full movement or gain a bonus equal to Charisma Modifier to AC or a save for one round.
Symbol of Authority - Once a round allow an ally to re-roll a will save.
Vassalage - Anyone under the effect of one of the Rajah’s Title Veils counts as being the Rajah themselves for the purpose of triggering counters, boosts and strikes.
Warrior of the Courts - Gain a +3 bonus to three skills (Diplomacy, Bluff, Perception). Twice per day treat a roll in said skill as an 11.

Heir Apparent Abilities

Adventuring Goals - An area of study that is part of why the character.
- Spellcaster (Oracle) - Gain Spellcasting at the same rate as a Bard.
- Spellcaster (New Prospects) - Gain spells as a Sorcerer.
Capital Expense - At certain levels gain a magic item worth an increasing amount.
- 2nd Level - 2500gp - Flaming weapon Ink
- 5th Level - 4500gp - Basletrop’s Mark of the Armsmen
- 8th level - 11,250gp - Icon Tattoo
- 11th Level - 24,750gp - Stone of Good Luck (Tattoo)
- 14th Level - 52,250gp - Armoured Ink (+7) - Add +7 to the characters armour.
Influential - Use a Diplomacy check (DC 30 minus character level) to be recognized and aided.
Find a Way - Gain +3 to Reflex or Fortitude (reflex chosen).
Personal Training - Special skills learned by working hard.
- 1st - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
- 3rd - Uncanny Dodge - Cannot be caught flat-footed except by Feint and Paralysis.
- 5th - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
- 7th - Improved Uncanny Dodge - Cannot be flanked.
- 9th - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
- 11th - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
- 13th - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
- 15th - Skill Training - Add +4 Skill Points.
Stipend - A pool of money that can only be spent on the Heir Apparent without punishment.
- Share the Wealth - Stipend can now be spent on others without punishment.

Favoured Class Bonus +3 ¾ essence.

Short is perhaps the first thing people should notice about Rani. Although she has a certain...presence, she doesn’t even reach 5ft in height. Her skin, what can be seen at least, is quite dark and her eyes are heterochromatic, with one being ash grey and the other coloured rose. This is something of a theme for her - her style is largely asymmetrical.

Her long hair is usually kept up in a complicated style that involves woven silver threats, long needles and other accouterments. Although she changes the exact nature often it is clear that a single person shouldn’t be able to create it on their own, hinting at the fact she has a small court of servants to aid her even when she shouldn’t.

Her clothing is equally magnificent, and often obviously magical. Thanks to her ability her clothing will not just change daily, but often several rounds an hour as the mood strikes her or the situation changes. Although she can’t change the jewelry she does often wear it, partially to disguise the few magical items she does carry.

One detail that everyone notices, very quickly,is that she is covered in tattoos. Literally from the soles of her feet to her scalp she is covered in a winding series of tattoos in the shape of dark green vines with gorgeous flowers in various places. Interwoven with these vines and flowers are different images, artfully made to be part of the whole. Vines form rings on her fingers with a flower shaped gemstone, a length of parchment held between two vines on her chest, a phoenix with outspread wings on a thick vine that covers much of her back among several others.

Interwoven with the vines are lines of fire inks, creating a dazzling spectacle as Rani moves.

Rani rarely wears shoes (as a Changeling her skin has always been tough enough that such things as pointy gravel or sharp glass isn’t a concern,and she uses to show off her superiority to her more human family members) and always wears one of a variety of perfumes. The nails on her hands and feet are long are strong and painted a shade to compliment her make up, which is whatever the mood strikes her but is often reds, bronzes and golds. Her abilities mean she never misses a bath, and so she usually smells quite pleasant. Rani’s voice is on the high end of the mezzo-soprano range and is calm and melodic.

Imperious and proud, Rani is not to be trifled with. She does not take disrespect well, and to mock her is to mark such in her memory until a suitable apology is made or recompense taken by force.

Of course, Rani is proud and arrogant for a reason. She is powerful by any standards- only those dedicated to combat can overwhelm her abilities directly - but her true strength lies in empowering her allies. Or servants. If Rani entirely understands the difference it isn’t always obvious in the way she acts.

Still, Rani is a useful ally to have. She is a skilled healer and can invest a great deal of power into those that she trusts. WIth her lifetime of training she is witty and pleasant to talk to, and generous with her time and wealth. She enjoys having people who need her.

The same is, oddly, not the same about her needing others. She is fiercely independent, with no wish to need anyone or anything from anyone. Her magical items are almost all tattooed onto her body by her own hand, and what she owns that isn’t a tattoo or somehow attached to her body is kept in an extradimensional space. She creates her own residence with her power, and even her servants are a magical creation. Rani even uses magic to create her clothing, food and drink.

There are plenty of reasons for this, but it’s often noted among those she works with with - that she will cheerfully give but very rarely takes, and only from those she trusts the most. Accepting anything from someone is an act Rani does very rarely, and is a rare honour. Rani is at he strongest when helping others, but at her most vulnerable when being helped.

When you can live centuries it turns out that you can father a lot of children, but not all of them are equal. Vashal, a Aasimar adventurer, discovered this when he and his partner was presented with a daughter, Rani. Sadly for marital unity Rani was a changeling. Her mother had been an encounter gone wrong during Vashal’s career, and now he had a very awkward reminder of a failed adventure.

It was his wife, Vashda, who insisted that the child was raised as one of their children, but there was never any chance that Rani would be simply another one of the kids. For a start, despite being very short by other races standards she is still a good foot taller than her parents and siblings. For another, she was grey, the dark grey of ash, and her nails were black. Her eyes were rose and slate, her hair had red within it. It was striking, certainly, but as a child with over a dozen siblings it was a mark of difference.

Rani grew up with siblings seeking to promote themselves from the pack and a father that was embarrassed by her existence. It was only her step mother’s protection that saw her avoid the worst of the bullying. She never blamed the child for her parents, even if some of her siblings did. Still, her items had a tendency to go missing or get broken, and eating meals could be an adventure in strange seasonings.

When Rani was teen her step-mother passed away and her father…stopped. Without Vashda Vashal stopped caring. About anyone, and anything. Interestingly, this actually improved his relationship with Rani, who shared his grief and, without the shame he felt from her origin, they actually grew a bit closer. It was therefore less of a shock when he announced that all his children - legitimate and otherwise were to compete for his fortune.
Vashal and Vashda had been adventurers for nearly a hundred years before retiring to luxury in the Heartlands, using their wealth to make more money and occasionally smiting an undead champion or two when they got bored. As a result their fortune was vast. Vashal announced that the giant pile of gold, gems and magical items they had spent their days acquiring was not going to simply be handed out like feast day gifts. Each of their children had a choice - they could get a small stipend, more than enough to live comfortably enough if not in great luxury and do with their life as they pleased. Everyone else could become and adventurers, backed by there father with gear, supplies and training, and go forth.

Rani was very much torn. Living a quiet, comfortable life away from people seemed like luxury. On the other hand, the chance to prove herself, the chance to show everyone who had seen fit to torment just what she could do, was a great lure. In the end it was neither that made her decide to become and adventurer, albeit it somewhat reluctantly - it was the chance to prove to herself what she could accomplish.

While her siblings chose magic swords, magic armour and the like, Rani took another route. She had seen tattoos of power of her ‘uncles’, her father and mothers former adventuring friends, and she had seen everything she cared for stolen or broken. Magic swords would be exactly the same - if not by a greedy sibling then by a real enemy. So instead, she learned to tattoo magic onto her skin.

Rani’s initial designs were simple, but elegant. As she adventured her skill grew, as did her tools and abilities. She learned to summon servants to help her, aid her and keep her in luxury she had never known. Once she learned how to hide vital items in another space she began to gather better tools.

She also found that her skills made her a huge asset to others. While reasonably powerful herself, Rani’s true strength lay in aiding others. As well as the standard Vancian magic most caster popularly used she leaned Akashic magic, channeling her powers into Titles she could invest in others as well as weapons and defences of her own. Her healing skills were excellent too, and supporting others was her main talent.

It helped that Rani could also allow her allies to travel in luxury and safety, feast and enjoy other powerful benefits.

As she adventured and grew stronger her siblings dropped out, either deciding it was too dangerous, suffering wounds that stopped them or even dying, it became obvious that Rani was one of the strongest of the siblings. Only one or two could match her offensive abilities, as limited as they were, and her other gifts made her exceptionally dangerous if she was allied with someone else. Family reunions got very awkward for some former bullies.

Despite her abilities, or because of them, Rani seeks to constantly ally with others. There are dangers for her - other than her less scrupulous family members who are happy to kill her off, such as a Skin Stealer of unusual and mythic strength - and by aiding others she grants herself there protection. In return, it is very difficult to kill someone bearing one of Rani’s titles. They are hers and even Death will have to wait until she is done with them. It makes Rani a sought after ally