Sebecloki presents the Rod of Seven Parts (Inactive)

Game Master Sebecloki

Maps and Images:

Part One: The Dreaming Domes of the Aboleth Psilords

Trouble is fomenting in the prosperous Blood Sea city state of Malvent; the half-elven cerebremancer Ezria Santhrasslisan the Insightful, apprentice and confidant to the archmage Mordenkainen the Magnificent has vanished, and the vaunted head of the Circle of Eight is in need of aid to locate his protege; at the same time, foul rumors of fester regarding a series of caravans that have vanished on the road between Malvent and Phloon over the past several months. Has a new force of evil begun to accost the trade in this benighted region on the northern shores of the Sea of Blood? Heroes are sorely needed.

The Sea of Blood/Sanguine Sea Region

Region Map

Northern Sea of Blood Region: contiguous with the pre-Divine War realm of Kingdom of Thaumka (half-giant and orc/goblinoid worshippers of the Titan Kadum); notably, contains the non-aligned city-states of Malvent and Phloon; treacherous middle territory between the slavers of the Citadel of Tarim to the East and the despot of city-state of Hanfar and her purple plumes (legions of magus); north lies the Ravenlands of the Bloodmist; remnants of Thaumka in the northwestern tribe lands of ogres, orcs, giants, and others between the settled regions of the coast and the Ravenlands of the Bloodmist.

Northern Sea of Blood Coast: Region Map
Northern Sea of Blood: Region Map (Classic Icons)

City-State of Malvent

Overview Map
Vauntor Square, East Malvent Docks District (Night)

Vauntor Square

Floating Fighter Tavern (high class establishment, frequented by nobles)
Breakwater Tavern (run by former adventurers)
Vauntor's Drop (bridge over canal)
Hermuk's Allgoods (general store)
Ganza's Arms and Armor
Blackalbuck's Swap Shop
Temple of the Rainbow: Temple of Jazirian w/ shrines to Iris, and Renbuu -- nagaji and ophiduan priests from the distant south
Umberlee's Bosom (underground dive bar)

301 to 350 of 408 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | next > last >>

Ok, I'm getting some of the maps together for the beginning leg of our journey -- just a reminder, we'll be using Astral and/or Foundry for maps, so, even though they're both free for you, you'll need to plan on making an account before we get started. I'll need to test that everyone can access stuff before we start so it doesn't slow the game down.

Giant Halfling wrote:
My concern wasn’t the base traits from WotR, it’s how they interact with mythic paths. They each connect with a mythic path and if you have that mythic path you get a bonus way bigger than a normal trait (like, the guardian one gives you +3 hp/level, iirc).

I'm not seeing those extra bonuses either on the PFSRD or in the Player's Guide itself.

If you can provide me with the info, I'll let ya know if they are okay for the game.

Latest updates for new page:

Aenil Vlos (@Monkeygod), thaythilor crimson dancer/harbinger

Liliyashanina (@Mightypion), succubus gunslinger//skald

Jaezred Nasadra (@Diamondust), drow noble oracle//slayer

Opal Farella (@SmooshieBanana), human taskshaper/evangelist//wizard

Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya (@JonGarrett), changeling heir-apparent//rajah

Eladithas Starchild (@TheWaskally), elf luckbringer//godling

- @Ouachitonian

Moreo The Windlord (@Yttras), enlightened human aerokineticist//soulknife

- @ThesiusMonteblanc

Ethulfel Umbrada @GiantHalfling noble feyfolk swashbuckler//inquisitor

Krynn of the Wyred (@Trevor86), stoneblessed elf paladin//oracle

Logain Arjac (@GrinningJest3r), thaythilor fighter//inquisitor

Sethris Stilthor (@PaleDim), thaythilor monk//warpriest

- @trawets71

- @LordFoulII

- @Daynen

Ylvahild Mirsdottr (@eriktd) half-giant noble fighter//witch

- @gyrfalcon phyrexian mutant kineticist//shifter

Myrwyn (@Jereru), thaythilor bard//godling

Zenkichi Inoue (@polyfrequencies), tiefling monk//inquisitor

Rook (@PhiloPharynx), crystal wyrwood aegis//psion

- @TarkXT

- @Nickadeamous

Monkeygod wrote:

I'm not seeing those extra bonuses either on the PFSRD or in the Player's Guide itself.

If you can provide me with the info, I'll let ya know if they are okay for the game.

Maybe the bonuses are part of the AP and not intrinsic to the trait? I don’t really want any of the WotR campaign traits, I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be completely screwing myself by not picking one if everyone else was going to be getting a big bonus from them.

For race traits, the one I was hoping to take was memory master which seemed like a cool fit for house Senth (which gets memory lapse and modify memory for their SLAs).

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Rokan the Ascetic wrote:
Philo Pharynx wrote:
My concept is Rook. He's an aegis/psion whose theme is "admantine cannon" - high defenses and a variety of offensive powers. Being neutral, he can adapt to either an evil or good group.
My most favorite gestalt combo ever (which I'm not using here) was a soulknife/aegis. There's a lot of synergy there and you basically have a tank who manifests all of their equipment.

They do have awesome synergy in a normal game. I once played a jedi by gestalting soulknife with psychic warrior (meditant).

But when you have ABP and a high money value Soulknife is less useful. You still get some stuff, but a big class feature is redundant. With Aegis, it's actually a little better because you don't have to spend customization points on upping the armor bonus.

Well, I figured out why you would do soulknife in an ABP game. If you have four arms, you get two magic weapons from ABP and two from soulknife. And end up with 12 attacks at max bonus. Melee or thrown within 100'.

This is not an application, just an exploration.

four armed experiment:

Unnamed Hero
Elevated kasatha elocator 1/psychic warrior (meditant) 3/soulknife (high psionics gifted blade) 11/gestalt 15/warprie (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 60, Ultimate Psionics 53, 57, 276, 282, 357)
CG Medium monstrous humanoid
Hero Points 1
Init +16; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +29
AC 38, touch 35, flat-footed 28 (+2 deflection, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 enhancement, +2 natural, +1 shield, +9 Wis)
hp 290 (15d10+130); fast healing 1
Fort +20 (+4 vs. fatigue, exhaustion, running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments), Ref +23, Will +23
Defensive Abilities desert runner, hard to kill, mythic saving throws, sacred armor (+3, 15 minutes/day); SR 26
Speed 90 ft.; jumper, terrain stride
Melee !kukri 1 - mind blade +27/+27/+27 (2d6+14/15-20/×3 plus 2d6 vs. evil+1d4 ectoplasmic) and
. . !kukri 2 - mind blade +27/+27/+27 (2d6+14/15-20/×3 plus 2d6 vs. evil+1d4 ectoplasmic) and
. . !kukri 3 +27/+27/+27 (2d6+14/15-20/×3) and
. . !kukri 4 +27/+27/+27 (2d6+14/15-20/×3)
Special Attacks blessings 10/day (Freedom: greater liberation, liberation, Liberation: freedom's shout, liberation), champion's strike (fleet charge), channel positive energy 8/day (DC 26, 5d6+1), enhanced mind blade, fervor 16/day (5d6), form mind blade, mythic power (13/day, surge +1d8), psychic strike, quick draw, sacred weapon (2d6, +3, 15 rounds/day)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 15th; concentration +24)
. . 5th—breath of life (2, DC 24), cleanse[APG], sanctify weapons (2)
. . 4th—bit of luck (2), cure critical wounds, death ward, healing flames (DC 23), ride the waves[UM] (DC 23)
. . 3rd—cure serious wounds, dispel magic (3), invisibility purge (2), life shield
. . 2nd—align weapon (4), resist energy (3)
. . 1st—divine favor, fastidiousness, starsight, stone shield[ARG] (5)
. . 0 (at will)—create water, guidance, mending, purify food and drink (DC 19), stabilize
Psychic Warrior (Meditant) Powers Known (power points 73, ML 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—absorb weapon, call weaponry, empty mind (path), metaphysical weapon (path), synesthete
Soulknife (High Psionics Gifted Blade) Powers Known (power points 73, ML 11th; concentration +13)
. . 3rd—vampiric blade
. . 2nd—body purification, specified energy adaptation
. . 1st—offensive prescience, vigor
. . 0 (at will)—
Str 16, Dex 28, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 14
Base Atk +14; CMB +23; CMD 48
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Anatomical Savant, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Combat Rhythm, Combat Stamina, Deadly Aim, Deep Focus, Deep Focus[M], Dodge, Double Slice, Extra Path Ability[M], Fighter's Blade, Gravitic Stability, Greater Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Improved Critical[M], Improved Two-weapon Fighting[M], Mindblade Proficiency, Multiweapon Specialist, Persistent Focus, Power Attack, Psionic Body, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Quick Draw, Returning Throw, Soul Warrior, Spring Attack, Twin Throw, Two-weapon Defense, Two-weapon Fighting, Two-weapon Rend, Weapon Adept, Weapon Finesse[M], Weapon Focus
Traits blessed touch, frontier healer, heavenly touch, psionic knack, reactionary, sun-blessed
Skills Acrobatics +27 (+51 to jump), Autohypnosis +27, Craft (weapons) +17, Fly +13, Heal +14, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (psionics) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +29, Profession (gardener) +27, Sense Motive +27, Stealth +29, Survival +27
Languages Celestial, Common, Kasatha
SQ active energy type, agile maneuvers, amazing initiative, blade skills (dual imbue, emulate melee weapon, enhanced range, full enhancement, multiple throw), combat expertise, combat reflexes, deadly aim, dodge, double slice, finesse weapon attack attribute, fleet warrior[MA], greater two-weapon fighting, hero points, impossible speed[MA], improved critical, improved two-weapon fighting, limitless range[MA], maneuver (weaponmaster's path), manifesting, maximized critical[MA], mobility, path power, personal gravity, point-blank shot, power attack, precision[MA], precision[MA], psionic armor, quick draw, recuperation, scorn earth, shape mind blade, spring attack, terminal velocity, throw mind blade, trance (weaponmaster's path), two-weapon defense, two-weapon fighting, two-weapon rend, warrior's path, warrior's path (weaponmaster path)
Combat Gear truesight goggles[UE]; Other Gear !kukri 3, !kukri 4, !kukri 1 - mind blade, !kukri 2 - mind blade, - custom magic item -, boots of skating, golembane scarab, minor cloak of displacement, soulsight goggles, swarmbane clasp[UE], 84,753 gp
Special Abilities
Active Energy Type (Sonic) Lets you set your psionic active energy type.
Equipment Slots In Use Eyes, Feet, Neck, Shoulders,
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Agile Maneuvers [Combat Trick] For a Combat Maneuver, treat self as size category larger for each 2 Stamina spent (up to Dex bonus)
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Anatomical Savant (Kukri) With chosen weapon, reduce fortification and similar by 25%, treat imm as 100% fortification.
Blessings (10/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Blindsense (30 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Combat Expertise +/-4 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Expertise [Combat Trick] Ignore penalty from Combat Expertise for stamina spent.
Combat Reflexes (10 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Combat Reflexes [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to make a second attack of opportunity at -5 for the same provoking action after missing.
Combat Rhythm Each damaging melee attack reduces total voluntary penalties by 1 for until next turn.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -4/+8 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deadly Aim [Combat Trick] 4 stamina points reduce penalty from Deadly Aim by 1.
Deep Focus You can psionically focus your subconscious in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus normally.
Deep Focus [Mythic] Your subconscious mind’s focus is improved.
Desert Runner (Ex) +4 to Con checks and Fort saves vs. fatigue/exhaustion, or ill effects from running, starvation, and temperature.
Dodge [Combat Trick] Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.
Double Slice [Combat Trick] Spend stamina points up to half Str bonus, add bonus damage to second attack equal to stamina spent.
Dual Imbue When utilizing multiple mind blades, the soulknife may charge both blades with her psychic strike ability at the same time (including when expending her focus to charge her psychic strike). However, her psychic strike damage is reduced by 1d8 when us
Emulate Melee Weapon (- custom / magic weapon -) The soulknife can form his mind blade to replicate any single melee weapon, chosen at the time he takes this blade skill. The soulknife is proficient with his mind blade in this form and it functions in all ways as the chosen weapon. This blade skill
Enhanced Mind Blade +7 (Su) You can enhance your Mind Blade with a total enhancement bonus of +7.
Enhanced Range The soulknife's range increment when throwing her mind blade in any form doubles.
Fast Healing 1 (Ex) Heal damage every round unless you are killed.
Fervor (5d6, 16/day) (Su) Standard action, touch channels positive/negative energy to heal or harm. Swift to cast spell on self.
Fighter's Blade Your training with a mind blade is not hindered by dabbling in other studies.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+5 bonus, bypass all DR).
Fleet Warrior (Ex) You may move up to your full speed before or after making a full attack.
Form Mind Blade (Mind Blade [Light], Slashing) (Su) Form a semi-solid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from your own mind.
Full Enhancement When forming her mind blade into multiple items, the soulknife suffers no reduction in enhancement bonus.
Gravitic Stability You have an uncanny stability against attempts to impede your movement.

Prerequisites: Elocater level 1st

Benefit: Any time your movement speed would be reduced to 10 ft. as a result of using personal gravity or scorn earth (such
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to make another attack at -15 after successful third attack.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Impossible Speed (+50 feet) (Ex) Spend 1 power to increase speed by 10 ft/tier for 1 hour.
Improved Critical [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to roll another confirmation roll for double damage after a failed critical hit.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to make an additional AoO attack with off-hand weapon at a -5.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [Mythic] In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a -5 penalty. On AoO if primary weapon hits, attack with secondary weapon as a free action.
Jumper (Ex) You always are considered to have a running start when jumping.
Limitless Range (Ex) Throw any melee weapon as if it had a range increment of 20 ft.
Maneuver (Weaponmaster's Path) Maneuver: Beginning at 3rd level, you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action when an enemy attacks you to make a single melee attack against that enemy and then take a 5-foot step. The enemy’s attack is resolved before you take
Manifesting You have a reduced ML equal to ML-2.
Maximized Critical (Ex) Maximise the weapon dice on a critical hit.
Mobility [Combat Trick] Double bonus of Dodge combat trick vs. Attacks of Opportunity provoked by movement.
Multiple Throw The soulknife can throw a number of mind blades per round equal to the number of melee attacks she could make. A soulknife must be at least 14th level to choose this blade skill.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Path Power (Metaphysical Weapon [Path]) (Ex) Gain a bonus power related to your path.
Persistent Focus (Psionic Armor [Ex]) You are always treated as maintaining psionic focus for one ability.
Personal Gravity As long as the elocater is within 1 foot of a sufficiently stable solid or liquid surface, she can change her personal gravity with a thought (free action). As a result, she may move on walls, ceilings, etc. as if they were level floors, including be
Point-Blank Shot [Combat Trick] Up to 6 stamina points to increase Point-Blank range by 5 ft per stamina spent.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Power Attack [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to use Power Attack only until end of turn, instead of the start of the next turn.
Psionic Armor +9 (Ex) The Meditant adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Psionic Body Bonus HP +16
Psionic Meditation You can take a move action to become psionically focused.
Psionic Talent Gain 2 or 1 extra power points.
Psychic Strike +3d8 (Su) +3d8 to your mind blade damage.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Quick Draw (Su) You can manifest your Mind Blade as a free action.
Quick Draw [Combat Trick] Have at least 1 stamina point, can sheathe weapon as a swift action.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
Sacred Armor +3 (15 minutes/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant armor enhancement bonus or certain powers. Use 1 fervor as free action to also activate Sacred weapon.
Sacred Weapon +3 (15 rounds/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
Scorn Earth t 1st level, an elocater's feet lift from the ground. From now on, she can float a foot above the ground, but still move and act as if she were standing on solid ground. At distances greater than 1 foot from any sufficiently stable surface, her speed
Shape Mind Blade Change the form of your mind blade, or reassign its abilities
Soul Warrior You have learned to blend your abilities with psionic power and the mind blade.
Spell Resistance (26) You have Spell Resistance.
Spring Attack You can move - attack - move when attacking with a melee weapon.
Spring Attack [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to use Spring Attack as a standard action.
Surge (1d8) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Terminal Velocity As long as either personal gravity or scorn earth is active, if the elocater would be in a position to fall (for example, stepping over a pit), she instead hovers at her current position, as if standing on solid ground. As a move action, she can safe
Terrain Stride (Favored Terrain [Desert]) (Ex) Not slowed by difficult terrain in chosen terrain, unless magically manipulated.
Throw Mind Blade Light 20ft, 1H 15ft, and 2H can't be thrown.
Trance (Weaponmaster's Path) +1 When psi-focused gain a competence bonus on manufactured weapons.
Two-Weapon Defense +1 to AC while wielding 2 weapons. +2 when doing so defensively.
Two-Weapon Defense [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to double Two-Weapon Defense bonus until next turn.
Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat Trick] Reduce two-weapon fighting penalty for primary hand by 1 for every 2 stamina spent.
Two-Weapon Rend Deal extra 1d10+4 if you hit a foe with both main and off hand weapons.
Two-Weapon Rend [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to use Two-Weapon Rend a second time in a round.
Warpriest Channel Positive Energy 5d6+1 (8/day, DC 26) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Warrior's Path (Ex) Gain benefits based on a specific warrior path.
Weapon Focus (Light Blades) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.

@Sebecloki So according to my notes I know *looks* 30 languages. Any ideas on where to start?

I'm starting to look at submissions from Erik's above list, and it seems like we might have lost a few people along the way(as happens in recruitments).

Thus, I need a roll call. Who is still present, with a mostly finished character sheet? Or if not sheet but still present, and definitely interested, list your concept/classes.

Still present, and Rani should be finished and ready to go. She's delightfully neutral, so she can play the buffer/healer/face for a good or evil table.

Philo Pharynx wrote:

Well, I figured out why you would do soulknife in an ABP game. If you have four arms, you get two magic weapons from ABP and two from soulknife. And end up with 12 attacks at max bonus. Melee or thrown within 100'.

This is not an application, just an exploration.

Oof. This is not in fact how I did it, but I'm impressed :) In my case it's a warforged but now you have me thinking about installing extra limbs :)

eriktd wrote:
Latest updates for new page:

Would it be reasonable to list them with alignments next time? Asking for a lazy friend...

I'm still in, and having a lot of fun building my Phyrexian mutant, who has tentatively taken on the name "Star Love", and whose second class probably won't be shifter...and might be either Legendary Alchemist or Legendary Cleric.

Maybe too much fun, as I really DO need to settle down on final build soon, but it keeps unfolding in interesting ways.

Looking forward to reading more builds.

Oh, and to answer Sethris, I'm definitely Team Good.

I'll start updating the list with the folks who respond to the roll call at the top, and I'll see if I can figure out their alignments too while I'm at it. Just for you, @PaleDim! ;)

My N noble giant Fighter//Witch is still in the running, I hope!

Present and interested. I don't have high hopes that I'll be chosen to play my obscenely-btoken character, but Eladithas was fun to make.

Silver Crusade

Still present, just waiting on the results atm.

@Monkeygod, regarding the WotR traits and their mythic bonusses, you can read the mythic path bonusses here:

As stated previously, some of them like exposed to awfulness grant rather large bonusses like +3 hp per level, not myhtic level, so the same as three toughness feats. Or the ability to recharge wands for free each day.

I'm not sure if it matters for selection, but I've been looking into slightly altering Krynn mechanically by taking a second paladin archetype for the spheres of power side this one This would train away Smite Evil for even more flashy/ceinematic swordplay and mobility/utility abilities from the spheres system. Like gaining evasion abilities by moving 10 or more feet each turn or creating afterimages from just being that fast , and having a few more stances and maneuvers from the Path of War taken via spare feats this would free up.

There's also a feat path for being able to use Vital Strike on AoO's like succesful greater trips, I later read, though that gets really crazy really fast if stuff like Mythic Vital Strike was allowed (even the sane interpretation as linked in the mythic solutions essentially almost triples your damage if you have abilities that force AoO's). I'm assuming mythic vital strike is banned for that reason?

Those mythic bonuses must be the result of something(maybe the mythic ascension itself) that happens in game, because the Player's Guide to Wrath doesn't mention them.

We'll be using solution one for Mythic Vital Strike.

I would need to see the feat chain to determine if it needs to be nerfed, edited or banned outright.

Still here, of course.

Myrwyn (CG Male Thaythilor Eldritch Godling/Legendary Bard) still on the making. Most of the crunch is done, I just need to bring it to the alias and finish all the links.

Currently in the process of putting it together. Adjusting things as I go. Didn't know just how complex and versatile pactmakers really were until I started diving into it. Currently navigating my way to something similar to Elric. At least close enough to simply be another iteration of him in a different reality.

Tark, I have a few ideas about bonus spirits you can have researched beforehand, but still trying to figure which method is most fair.

Question, aside from the obvious 'all of them', how many spirits do you feel your character needs in order to best fit your vision for him? And then roughly how many more beyond that would be really beneficial for him to have?

Still here. Though I'm concerned about the setting. How friendly is it to people who know nothing about M:tG.

Monkeygod wrote:

Question, aside from the obvious 'all of them', how many spirits do you feel your character needs in order to best fit your vision for him? And then roughly how many more beyond that would be really beneficial for him to have?

Well I wrote down a bunch going off the aforementioned rules I went with earlier. With some additional guidelines based on lore behind moorcocks world. Mainly I outright did not go with any Lawful spirits. Melnibone's people were firmly on the side of Chaos and most of their ancient pacts were with that ilk. So most of what I have favors chaos and in many cases evil despite the fact that the character itself is largely a decent person with terrible terrible luck. Lemme put that list here. Basically looking at 4 per spirit level and two of the highest as I wouldn't be at the level yet to have four by my own set of rules. Though regardless of how many I actually have I can only ever have three bound, 4 even at max. I'm honestly just interested in a lot of the ceremonies for summoning them and the hilarity they provide. A lot of these guys want you to do some heinous stuff to yourself.

The dirty couple dozen:
Spirits Known
Achaelous; The Slumbering God
Cave Mother; sorceress of secrets
coralene; sovereign of silver
verbose; she with endless names
Lady Jarah; mistress of many faces
Moy; The Uncaring Queen
Pevwyrn Pervon; The Belied Apprentice
Tairos; The Wyrmkin
N'alyia; The First Vampire
Obba, Ella, Atasha; The Dark Sisters Three
Vandrae; Drowess Poisontouch
Sybee Rose; Demons Flame
Anajira; Prideless King
Prime Ravager; Leader of the Storm
Hexus; The Living Curse
Kadisha; The Deserts Revenge
Arthu; The Sleeping King
Green Glomairah: The World Tree
Loathix; Lord of Linnorms
Mishpo; The Rightful Kobold
Minezon; The Untouchable
Daios Kalagos: Sworn enemy of time
Jayna Warlock: Traveler of Worlds
Ma'Zad and Azami
Quicksilver: Warrior of The Wastes
Bercilak Hautdesert: The Green Knight
Lord Saruga: Soul Eater
Musha'Vadu: The Shadow-Bones Emperor
Essek Avix: Twins Rejoined
Solterra: Grandmother Earth

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Still here. Though I'm concerned about the setting. How friendly is it to people who know nothing about M:tG.

Did you read the recruitment post carefully?

It's a mix of a dozen different things -- I was reading about Phyrexians recently, and that also seemed cool, so I'm going to throw that in too. I'll definitely be adding stuff continuously as I get inspiration. You should definitely reconsider if mixing stuff from a lot of different campaigns is going to irk you for some reason -- you need to be really clear that this isn't Golarion/Faerun/Greyhawk and be okay with that; it's a mix of all those things and a lot of other stuff too.

TarkXT wrote:
Well I wrote down a bunch going off the aforementioned rules I went with earlier. With some additional guidelines based on lore behind moorcocks world. Mainly I outright did not go with any Lawful spirits. Melnibone's people were firmly on the side of Chaos and most of their ancient pacts were with that ilk. So most of what I have favors chaos and in many cases evil despite the fact that the character itself is largely a decent person with terrible terrible luck. Lemme put that list here. Basically looking at 4 per spirit level and two of the highest as I wouldn't be at the level yet to have four by my own set of rules. Though regardless of how many I actually have I can only ever have three bound, 4 even at max. I'm honestly just interested in a lot of the ceremonies for summoning them and the hilarity they provide. A lot of these guys want you to do some heinous stuff to yourself.

That list is 30 total. Are you honestly good with that? If you're truly not, let's work out a way to get you a some more bonus ones.

Still here, almost finished with my character.

Monkeygod wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Well I wrote down a bunch going off the aforementioned rules I went with earlier. With some additional guidelines based on lore behind moorcocks world. Mainly I outright did not go with any Lawful spirits. Melnibone's people were firmly on the side of Chaos and most of their ancient pacts were with that ilk. So most of what I have favors chaos and in many cases evil despite the fact that the character itself is largely a decent person with terrible terrible luck. Lemme put that list here. Basically looking at 4 per spirit level and two of the highest as I wouldn't be at the level yet to have four by my own set of rules. Though regardless of how many I actually have I can only ever have three bound, 4 even at max. I'm honestly just interested in a lot of the ceremonies for summoning them and the hilarity they provide. A lot of these guys want you to do some heinous stuff to yourself.
That list is 30 total. Are you honestly good with that? If you're truly not, let's work out a way to get you a some more bonus ones.

Honestly yeah. Even this "small" list drowns you in options. And options within options. And some quite literally dont get along with one another, or actively hate you. If I feel the need for more I'll try to research them in-game. Though I think I'd be hard pressed to exhaust this list without a lot of time and extraordinary circumstances.

In any case. I'm getting to be about done so heres where we at so far. But I need to get to bed. I'll jump back on it in the morning and getting it finished when I wake up. Somethings like the current bound spirits and readied maneuvers wont be added until the game starts.

I am always there its just this inferior equipment
Liliya acrobatically kicks her own helmet, while it is on her head, she does have the acroabtics for it, but that does not make it a good idea.
Сука Блядь she swears as her own head rings from the impact.
F@~# Desna, F*%% me, F!+~ whoever thought redemption is a good idea. Cr30 demi-god first Succubi I happen to work for being explicitly excluded.
As she collects herself she thinks
F%#% this, I will improve my mood by drastically murdering these clowns trying to sell Daemon Heroin to visiting mortals on my turf of Alyushinniras booze market, WITHOUT GIVING ME A CUT. Last mistake they ever make

Thats just Lily, adjusting to no longer being a Demon.

Obviously still here. Doesn't even need to be said lol

Sebecloki wrote:
Philo Pharynx wrote:
Still here. Though I'm concerned about the setting. How friendly is it to people who know nothing about M:tG.

Did you read the recruitment post carefully?

It's a mix of a dozen different things -- I was reading about Phyrexians recently, and that also seemed cool, so I'm going to throw that in too. I'll definitely be adding stuff continuously as I get inspiration. You should definitely reconsider if mixing stuff from a lot of different campaigns is going to irk you for some reason -- you need to be really clear that this isn't Golarion/Faerun/Greyhawk and be okay with that; it's a mix of all those things and a lot of other stuff too.

Not a problem. I don't have an issue with kitchen sink campaigns so long as we get an idea of what we know about them.

Silver Crusade

Monkeygod wrote:

Those mythic bonuses must be the result of something(maybe the mythic ascension itself) that happens in game, because the Player's Guide to Wrath doesn't mention them.

We'll be using solution one for Mythic Vital Strike.

I would need to see the feat chain to determine if it needs to be nerfed, edited or banned outright.

It's essentially a single feat. he-opportunity-combat/

It's just that with support from different combat systems, it's a lot stronger than it looks. For instance, Krynn could use:

Rushing Wake:

Rushing Wake
Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost); Level: 3
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round


With a sudden burst of speed, you charge towards a foe, skillfully knocking aside any others in your path. After initiating this boost, when you make a charge attack this round, you can make a trip attempt as a free action against each opponent adjacent to you at any point in your movement. These trip attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity, although your movement still does as normal.


Shifting waters stance:

Shifting Waters Stance
Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance); Level: 5
Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Stance


You dance your way across the battlefield, heedless of any obstacles between you and your target. While you maintain this stance, you do not need to move in a straight line while charging, and may move through difficult terrain while charging (although your movement is still reduced if you do so). In addition, any time a maneuver allows you to move as part of initiating it (including maneuvers that allow you to take a 5-foot step), you may move an additional 5 feet. You can sheath your weapon once per round as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if it is not your turn.

Along with any charge move to trip the entire room when a combat would start, then greater trip into mythic vital strike every succesful one for somewhere around 115 damage. Or, using the target table, the blue number for DPR/EDV. Except, both on every enemy at once (if they can be tripped) on round 1 and on every AoO they would incur on following rounds. I'm sure there are other and better ways to do it except I went for style mostly when picking the moves and abilities. Is the above example okay on the mythic balance scale?

Hey Monkeygod, 2 Qs:

1) do you know what other mythic fixes we'll implement? In particular, are you doing the suggested change to stats from the page you linked?

2) LIght Body Technique is an optional Spheres of Might rule that grants some Athletics mobility for free to anyone using SoM. Can we add that in for SoM users who want it? (Fine with me either way, but it'll fit my Phyrexian Mutant so I thought I'd ask.)

BTW, I suspect that knowing what's in/out of bench press may not be trivial with builds this complex. I'll just go on record saying that if it seems like it'll improve the game to rebalance parties a bit (toning something up or down) after a bit of gameplay, I'm 100% down for that.

BTW #2, I THINK I've finally settled my classes: L. Kineticist (*Kinetic Lancer) | L. Alchemist (*Physician, Subtle, Etheric Mystic). My main element is Machine, with some Void and Water thrown in. Getting it done by EOD is a bit of a stretch, but I'll be mostly there.

About done. I'm reviewing my choices to make sure theyre cohesive enough to make a character im happy with. Then I'll get the sheet onto the actual profile and throw the background up here.

TarkXT wrote:
About done. I'm reviewing my choices to make sure theyre cohesive enough to make a character im happy with. Then I'll get the sheet onto the actual profile and throw the background up here.

Profile is up. Will tweak, adjust and clarify as I go. Pounding out the backstory now.

Roll call responders (so far):

Aenil Vlos (@Monkeygod), CE thaythilor crimson dancer/harbinger

Rani Nakushi Agneyastra Arya (@JonGarrett), N changeling heir-apparent//rajah

Sethris Stilthor (@PaleDim), LE thaythilor monk//warpriest

- @gyrfalcon G phyrexian mutant legendary kineticist//legendary alchemist

Ylvahild Mirsdottr (@eriktd) N half-giant noble fighter//witch

Eladithas Starchild (@TheWaskally), CG elf luckbringer//godling

Krynn of the Wyred (@Trevor86), LG stoneblessed elf paladin//oracle

Myrwyn (@Jereru), CG thaythilor bard//godling

Dyrvic, the Ancient Emperor (@TarkXT), CN shabti occultist//mystic

Rook (@PhiloPharynx), N crystal wyrwood aegis//psion

Jaezred Nasadra (@Diamondust), NE drow noble oracle//slayer

Liliyashanina (@Mightypion), CN succubus gunslinger//skald

Logain Arjac (@GrinningJest3r), LE thaythilor fighter//inquisitor


Opal Farella (@SmooshieBanana), human taskshaper/evangelist//wizard

- @Ouachitonian

Moreo The Windlord (@Yttras), enlightened human aerokineticist//soulknife

- @ThesiusMonteblanc

Ethulfel Umbrada @GiantHalfling noble feyfolk swashbuckler//inquisitor

- @trawets71

- @LordFoulII

- @Daynen

Zenkichi Inoue (@polyfrequencies), tiefling monk//inquisitor

- @Nickadeamous

Backstories all done. Dyrvic is more or less a hero. But can fit easily into whatever good or evil group you can toss him into. He's ready to go though I'm still gonna be tweaking and adjusting here and there. Taking a break for now.


Born to an empire ancient when the cosmos were young, Dyrvic was the product of centuries of inbreeding to a people human or perhaps elven in shape but utterly cruel and brilliant in manner and deed. True servants of Primordial Chaos this race would conquer worlds and enslave countless in their name. With pacts amongst the Lords of Chaos and even their Tanari usurpers secured and allegiances formed with darker powers still it seemed as if the empire of Melnibone was all but set to last until the end of time. With Viska, The Wolf Spider's blessing upon their royal line ensuring both eternal treachery and rule. But Chaos is fickle and Time devours all and one would be born among its number to become its doom. Heir to an empire crumbling under the weight of its own decadence and heir to ancient pacts to beings ineffable and powerful beyond imagining Dyrvic was unlike many of his kin. Weak in body, kept alive only by sorcery and potent alchemical concoctions, and prone to fits of wanderlust he would make a poor emperor as he often left his throne unattended to go off on adventures for one quest or another to chase after questions of morality among the young races blossoming at the time.

He would be betrayed by the uncle he put in place as regent at the time who declared him traitor and imprisoned his lover in an icy prison. And as a result he would lead a daring raid of a young human barbarian tribe against his own mountain kingdom to free her and reclaim his birthright from him. As the barbarians sacked the city and Dyrvic made his way up the ten thousand steps his uncle fled into the plane of Limbo to obtain an artifact powerful enough to sever his connection to the Lords of Chaos and kill him permanently, the Mournblade. While chasing him through the ever changing fields and accosted by the hordes of prometheans and Slaad that would rip apart his flesh and carry his soul deep into the depths of entropy he would reach into the maelstrom and pull from it a pure manifestation of carnage, an artifact of such great evil that it’s mere idea lingers heavily in the cultures of every civilization before and hence; the Stormbringer. With this black sword in hand he drove back the hordes called by his uncle and stole their life and souls for his own. It was upon an impossible volcano that spat cold fire that he would meet his uncle in single combat who bore the only weapon known to be able to sever the connection between the royal line and the Wolf Spider, the Mournblade, Stormbringers twin. Their duel would rock the cosmos to its foundations and realities would shift and twist with every parry and thrust. As Limbo began weeping blood and shadowy figures would crawl out of the abyss to lap at the rivers of ichor forming in their wake Dyrvic revealed the still living form of Dyrvic’s lover to him and thrust her between them as a distraction so that he could make his escape. Tragically, Dyrvic could not hold back Stormbringers bloodlust and he watched helplessly as his arm thrust forward and cut her down in that cursed place devouring her life and soul as easily as it had done to countless others.

Enraged like never before, Dyrvic pursued his uncle and threw him to the ground, casting Mournblade back into the endless calamity of Limbo. Forcing Stormbringer back Dyrvic would take great delight in the slow torture and death that would fall on his uncle.

He would return from Limbo to find his city burned to the ground, his people scattered and ruined by his own hand. Even the barbarians who marched with him would be crushed and destroyed by the vengeful earth elementals that served as guardians of the city but were too slow to awaken to its defense. Yet this was not even the worst outcome. With no empire, and no heirs the blessing of Viska would turn to curse. Nothing could permanently destroy Dyrvic, he would wander eternally and suffer until the end of time. There would be no respite, no rest, not even a resolution of punishment for the crimes that Dyrvic committed. Any joy he would find would inevitably become dust by the ravages of time.

Master of magics wielded before elf and dragon imprisoned them in blood and word and a swordsman born of the fires of ancient conflict Dyrvic has wandered the centuries unable to die due to an ancient blessing turned curse and bearing a sword that feeds on his immortality and the vitality of its victims until the day it can finally feast on its wielders lifeblood and soul. Only now has he found an opportunity, a glimmer of hope in a millennia of hopelessness to end his suffering and put paid to an eternity of suffering. He has lived many lives, attempted just as many ways to end it, made deals with gods, aided both demon and angel alike both in their respective domains, and even quested briefly with a dozen other versions of his own self from different realities against beings greater than said gods in their bid to consume all creation. For now, he simply wanders, watching gods and empires rise and fall, magic change again and again. Seeking a peace that will never come.

Well, I'm still here but I was off yesterday during the day and planned to finish Ethulfel then. Unfortunately, the site wouldn't let me sign in all morning and then the planned maintenance rat showed up until I left for work in the evening. So, there's no way I'm going to be done today, which is probably for the best anyways- I don't really have enough time to take on a high level/power game like this. Good luck to everyone else.

Seb Where is an L15 gestalt T5 character in relation to a Praetor? Are they like Demon Lords? Deities? I'm wondering how little/big a fish my little mutant is, in his heretical opposition to them. Also, do you have an opinion about whether he's part of a small opposition (that he might lead) of phyrexian "race traitors" who've decided to side with Life? vs being the only anomaly that he knows about?

As to the roll call, I'm still here and interested, as Monkeygod knows, but for the sake of the list, here is my mentioning of it.

Giant Halfling wrote:
Well, I'm still here but I was off yesterday during the day and planned to finish Ethulfel then. Unfortunately, the site wouldn't let me sign in all morning and then the planned maintenance rat showed up until I left for work in the evening. So, there's no way I'm going to be done today, which is probably for the best anyways- I don't really have enough time to take on a high level/power game like this. Good luck to everyone else.

As I said the other day, you don't need to be 100% done by today. We'll probably pick the PCs tonight, and then give everybody the weekend or so to finish up.

That said, if you would prefer to bow out, that's understandable. Though a little sad, as Ethulfel was on my short list for the good guys.

Silver Crusade

In that case, good luck on the selection again, everyone!

Okay, links aren't there and there's some money left to spend and some feats to take (I know, right?), but that's mostly what it is.

Myrwyn, as explained in the small intro, is a descendant of Desna (or a similar deity). He's been tasked with protecting this world from outside menaces - either from other worlds in this plane or from other planes. He's been doing so for quite a long time, using his inherited powers (Eldritch Godling) over the four elements (plus sonic representing thunder) and his studies (Legendary Bard) of folklore and occult knowledges in a deadly combination.

As I explained in another post far above, he can deliver tons of damage through a Fireball (which he turns into Sonic or any other energy), coupled with several penalties (dazed, sickened and concussive metamagics). Meanwhile, his Bardic Inspiration acts as a reverse Bardic Performance, piling on penalties on enemies instead of bonuses on allies (my way to avoid reiteration with anyone else playing a Bard).

The character is loosely based in the original Merlin. Quite loosely, I have to say. I made up the Cymrians, some tribes of Celtic folks settled somewhere in the Northern continent - I hope you don't mind. If you guys have instead something similar already in the setting, just tell me and I'll change it to that.

Now, knowing the chance to get selected is quite low, I have to say I've had a wonderful time putting all of this together, and I wish I had time to make another one - the possibilities constantly jumped into my eyes, and I had to discard many cool ideas.

Good luck to y'all!

Edit: As a protector from outer dangers, I took a small "Geas" or drawback: Myrwyn is not using any spell or anything that summons creatures. If I find I mistakenly included one, I'll remove it.

OK, here's Star Love, the genderless Phyrexian mutant, granted empathy and cosmic awareness by the Black Butterfly!

Background, Appearance, and (mostly complete) crunch is in their profile.

I'll keep working on it tonight and tomorrow, but there's enough there to give a sense I hope.


EDIT - role is mobile melee striker, with some ranged, a bit of healing, and some kineticist-based battlefield control. His talents are almost all Machine element, with a bit of Void and Water. 3/4 BAB and d8 HD, but pretty resilient.

I spoke to Seb, and we're going to push the close of this to Monday, to make up for Paizo being down most of yesterday. I was going to just extend it to tomorrow, but decided to make it Monday cuz it's also the weekend.

New submissions are now closed.

If you have already posted interest, but haven't finished your PC you have until Monday, Feb 14th to mostly complete them. You do not need to be 100% done, but the vast majority should be.

As I am currently staying up quite late, I will likely make selections around 3-5am Monday night(technically early Tues morning).

That's good news for me!

Monkeygod, did you see my Qs above about mythic fixes, and about a light Body Technique?

Monkeygod wrote:

As I said the other day, you don't need to be 100% done by today. We'll probably pick the PCs tonight, and then give everybody the weekend or so to finish up.

That said, if you would prefer to bow out, that's understandable. Though a little sad, as Ethulfel was on my short list for the good guys.

Thanks, it’s always nice to hear that someone else was into your idea also. But, I’ve got to go plan a funeral in the morning and I just don’t have the time or the energy to write out all my ideas for his background/region/organization/etc, let alone to pick spells, spend 400k, and do all his combat calculations. I do hope the game goes well for all who do play though.

Jereru wrote:
Myrwyn, as explained in the small intro, is a descendant of Desna (or a similar deity). He's been tasked with protecting this world from outside menaces - either from other worlds in this plane or from other planes. He's been doing so for quite a long time, using his inherited powers (Eldritch Godling) over the four elements (plus sonic representing thunder) and his studies (Legendary Bard) of folklore and occult knowledges in a deadly combination.

I would love if Eladithas and Myrwyn were both picked! They're essential brothers, having the same mother!!

I'm starting to assemble the maps and images and fluff on the campaign page under the 'maps and images' spoiler if people want to take a look and ask questions.

gyrfalcon wrote:

BTW, I suspect that knowing what's in/out of bench press may not be trivial with builds this complex. I'll just go on record saying that if it seems like it'll improve the game to rebalance parties a bit (toning something up or down) after a bit of gameplay, I'm 100% down for that.

The benchmarks are useful. But i think tricky to avtually enforce once in game.

Very few classes and build in this game are "passive" in that their full capability is noted entirely on their sheet. Most characters are "active" in that they spend resources, actions, or time activating abilities to significantly increase their capability well beyond established expectations.

Like on paper Dyrvic's a tough nut to crack but doesnt hit particularly hard nor is particularly mobile. But, when he gets into stance, has his spirits bound, and atarts getting into rhythm hes a very very different animal. Which in some ways is very close to the character he draws from.

When I made my last post I didn't realize the deadline for already started characters was being pushed all the way back to Monday... I'll do my best to finish as much as I can by then. So, please leave me on the list of active submissions.

Dyrvic, The Ancient Emperor wrote:

The benchmarks are useful. But i think tricky to avtually enforce once in game.

Very few classes and build in this game are "passive" in that their full capability is noted entirely on their sheet. Most characters are "active" in that they spend resources, actions, or time activating abilities to significantly increase their capability well beyond established expectations.

Like on paper Dyrvic's a tough nut to crack but doesnt hit particularly hard nor is particularly mobile. But, when he gets into stance, has his spirits bound, and atarts getting into rhythm hes a very very different animal. Which in some ways is very close to the character he draws from.

I would build with the assumption that you are using the abilities that you can reasonably keep up most combats.

I'd factor in: Your main stance, long-term buffs, medium-term buffs from low-level spell slots, feats that kick in based on your normal MO, big pools like rage or bardic inspiration, small pools like panache or grit that refill easily, and stuff like that.

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