
Ethulfel Umbrada's page

177 posts. Alias of Giant Halfling.

Full Name

High-Stargazer Ethulfel Umbrada, he who walks with the Wandering Star, last of the Azlanti


meteors 17/17, borealis 24/24, breach gulf 1/1; dweller 1/1, void 2/2, shooting stars 5/5; channel: 16/16, liberation 20/20, freedom call 20/20; mythic: 7/7 |


active effects: contingency, endure elements, fastidiousness, heroes’ feast, nine lives, wind walk


Image | HP 318/303 | AC 46 (t29/ff32) | CMD 31 | F +26, R +26, W +25* | perception (see in darkness) +32*, sense motive +32 | +7 initiative |





Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 20
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 20
Charisma 38

About Ethulfel Umbrada

Ethulfel Umbrada official image

Racial Abilities:
Child of Desna
A line of aasimar, descended from azatas, whose blood bears an echo of the Starsong's music of the spheres.

base: musetouched aasimar
+2 Dex and Cha
speed: 30'; fly 60' (good) [10 rp]
darkvision 60'
resist 5 vs acid, cold, and electricity
skilled- +2 diplomacy and perform
SLAs: at will- faerie fire [2 rp]; 1/day- glitterdust
Dreamspeaker- +1 to DCs of divination and sleep spells. In addition, members of this race with a Charisma score of 15 or higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability [2 rp]
Weapon Familiarity- automatically proficient in shuriken and starknife [1 rp]

Class Abilities:
Sorcerer 20* +4 robe
Bloodline: Starsoul
arcana- targets that fail save vs evocation dazzled by starlight for 1 round/spell level
minute meteors- 1d4+12 fire damage in 5'x30' column (30' range; DC 36 ref negates; 17/day); add to spell being cast (robe; swift, 3/day)
voidwalker- no longer need to breathe
aurora borealis- as wall of fire but deals cold damage; instead of radiating heat, one side fascinates upto 48 HD worth of creatures within 10' (DC 36 will negates; 24 rounds/day)
breaching the gulf- +3 CL to teleportation spells; 1/day teleport target within 30' to space- target takes 6d6 cold damage/round and must hold breath or begin suffocating (DC 36 will to negate; new save each round as full-round action to return)
starborn- immune to cold and blindness; see perfectly in darkness (including magical); fast healing 1 outside at night

Aasimar FCB- +5 CL to spells with [good] descriptor

Oracle 20
Curse: Branded
- brand target with touch attack: 1d6+10 fire damage; -4 to save vs my spells/SLAs and roll twice vs their SR until damage healed
- resist 10 vs fire
- add Cha bonus to Fort saves

Mystery: Heavens
awesome display- targets count as their HD - my Cha bonus for [pattern] spells
coat of many stars- +12 armor bonus to AC and DR 5/slashing; 20 hours/day
dweller in darkness- as weird spell; 1/day
guiding star- know precise location if night sky is visible; when under open night sky, add Cha bonus to all Wis based rolls and 1/day add empower, extend, silent, or still to a spell for free
interstellar void- target within 30' takes 20d6 cold damage, is stunned for 1 round, and exhausted; DC 34 Fort halves damage and negates stun/exhaustion (2/day)
guiding start- study star charts for 10 minutes to gain effect of divination spell (as extraordinary ability)
spray of shooting stars- (ring) 5'r burst, 20d4 fire damage, 60' range; DC 34 Ref for half; 5/day- can fire upto 5 as standard action but targets only take damage from 1 if overlapping
diverse mysteries (alternate capstone)
- primal companion: gain an animal companion (as druid +3; bear, boar, crocodile, shark, tiger, or wolf only)
- prophetic armor: add Cha bonus to AC and Ref instead of Dex

Aasimar FCB: +3 to effective level for primal companion revelation

VMC [cleric]
Domain: Liberation
liberation- automatically gain freedom of movement whenever restricted; 20 rounds/day
freedom's call- 30' aura protects allies from confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions; 20 rounds/day (standard action to activate)

Channel Energy: 16/day; heal living and constructs 11d6+1, plus bless (1 min) and starry motes (obedience boon: those healed reduce miss chances by 10% and treat 1s as 2s on damage dice for 6 rounds); or, harm undead and constructs 11d6+1, plus bane (1 min; DC 11 will negates)

Mythic Abilities:
Archmage/Hierophant 1
Hard to Kill: auto-stabilize below 0 hp; don't die until hp equal -Con x2
Mythic Power (7/day)
Surge: +1d6 to any d20 roll

Wild Arcana: cast any sorcerer/wizard spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less, at +2 CL (standard action; 1 mp)

Inspired Spell: cast any cleric/oracle spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less, at +2 CL (standard action; 1 mp)

Path Abilities
longevity- no penalties from aging, no max age
extra mythic power- +2 uses of mythic power/day

Traits, Feats, and Skills:
reactionary [combat]
irrepressible [faith]
focused mind [magic]
beast bond [social]
voice of solid things [regional]

Background- deific obedience [Desna]
Background- planar traveler (completed)
1- divine fighting technique [Desna]
M1- dual path
S1- eschew materials
3- VMC [cleric]
4- craft wondrous item
5- extra combat talent [critical genius (thrown)]
6- planar infusion [Cynosure]
7- VMC [cleric]
S7- iron will
8- improved planar infusion
9- extra combat talent [throwing mastery]
10- minor spell expertise [silent image]
11- VMC [cleric]
12- phase strike
13- greater planar infusion
S13- toughness
14- ancient tradition [Azlant]
15- VMC [cleric]
16- quick channel
17- selective channel
18- major spell expertise [persistent image]
19- VMC [cleric]
S19- quicken spell
20- persistent spell

skills (4 +4 Int +2 bonus/level)
bluff +27 (10 ranks +3 class +14 Cha)
diplomacy +39 (20 ranks +3 class +14 Cha +2 race)
fly +35 (20 ranks +3 class +4 Dex +8 racial)
intimidate +27 (10 ranks +3 class +14 Cha)
knowledge [arcana] +27 (20 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
knowledge [planes] +27 (20 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
knowledge [religion] +27 (20 ranks +3 class +4 Int)
perception +32 (20 ranks +3 class +5 Wis +4 alertness) +4 sacred vs surprise
sense motive +32 (20 ranks +3 class +5 Wis +4 alertness)
spellcraft +37 (20 ranks +3 class +14 Cha)
use magic device +37 (20 ranks +3 class +14 Cha)

background skills
handle animal +38 (20 ranks +3 class +14 Cha +1 trait)
knowledge [history] +27 (20 ranks +3 class +4 Int)

languages: Azlanti, Celestial; Auran, Common, Draconic, Elven

Spells and SLAs:
0th level- create water, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, spark, stabilize, vigor
1st level (10/day)- color spray; cure light wounds; endure elements, fastidiousness, obscuring mist, sanctuary, starsight
2nd level (10/day)- hypnotic pattern; cure moderate wounds; gentle repose, lesser restoration, light prison, make whole, resist energy
3rd level (9/day)- daylight; cure serious wounds; channel vigor, holy javelin, magic circle against evil, skyshroud
4th level (9/day)- rainbow pattern; cure critical wounds; divine power, freedom of movement, restoration, sending
5th level (9/day)- overland flight; mass cure light wounds; breath of life, flame strike, life bubble, plane shift
6th level (9/day)- chain lightning; mass cure moderate wounds; heal, heroes' feast, wind walk
7th level (8/day)- prismatic spray; mass cure serious wounds; greater restoration, holy word, regenerate
8th level (8/day)- sunburst; mass cure critical wounds; create demiplane, greater spell immunity, nine lives
9th level (8/day)- meteor swarm; miracle, polar midnight, true resurrection

0th level- arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic
1st level (10/day)- unseen servant; grease, keep watch, magic missile, shield, true strike
2nd level (10/day)- glitterdust; alter self, false life, mirror image, planetarium, spectral hand
3rd level (9/day)- blink; dispel magic, haste, heroism, major image
4th level (9/day)- call lightning storm*; greater invisibility, greater make whole, ice storm, wandering star motes
5th level (9/day)- overland flight; duplicate familiar, monstrous physique 3, permanency, teleport
6th level (9/day)- repulsion; beast shape 4, cold ice strike, contingency
7th level (8/day)- reverse gravity; mage's magnificent mansion, particulate form, simulacrum
8th level (8/day)- greater prying eyes; clone, form of the alien dragon 3, scintillating pattern
9th level (8/day)- meteor swarm; mage's disjunction, time stop, wish

* deals fire damage; damage increased when outdoors at night

Spell-like Abilities
At Will- faerie fire
2/day- silence, silent image, persistent image
1/day- air walk, arcane sight, dream, dream travel, glitterdust, overwhelming presence, reverse gravity, splendorous ally*, weird

* summon lillend azata (gain telepathy with lillend to 100'; duration=20 minutes)

Custom Equipment
Starsoul Robe (body; self crafted= 23,750g)
- robe of arcane heritage (16000/2)
- sorcerer's robe (5000x1.5/2)
- 2 handy haversack pockets (4000x1.5/2)
- +1 caster level, from robes of Xin-Shalast (12000x1.5/2)

Stargazer's Mantle (chest; self crafted= 14,500g)
- war vestments (14000/2)
- mantle of the faithful vessel (10000x1.5/2)

Stargazer's Amulet (neck; self crafted= 9,250g)
- phylactery of positive channeling (11000/2)
- construct channeling brick (5000x1.5/2)

Other Equipment
ring of counterspell (4,000g)
ring of lesser revelation [spray of shooting stars] (10,000g)
glove of familiar touch (self crafted= 11,500g)
keen adamantine starknife (5,024g)
silken ceremonial armor of determination (30,180g)
spell foci (3,065g)
- contingency (1500)
- repulsion (50)
- mage's magnificent mansion (15)
- clone (500) <in personal demiplane>
- create demiplane (500)
2,731 gold

belt of collaborative thaumaturgy (as spell, at will; self crafted= 18,000g)

Material Components
diamonds/diamond dust (110,000g)
labratory supplies (2,000g) <in personal demiplane>

wish x5 (125,000g)
simulacrum x10 (50,000g) <9 in personal demiplane>
clone x2 (2,000g) <inert in personal demiplane>

Automatic Bonus Progression
Weapon Attunement: +5 starknife
Armor Attunement: +5 silk ceremonial armor
Mental Prowess: +6 Cha, +4 Int, +2 Wis
Physical Prowess: +2 Str, +4 Dex, +6 Con

resistance- +5 resistance to all saves
deflection- +5 deflection to AC
toughening- +5 enhancement to natural armor

Combat Stats:

Str 14 (12 +2 abp)
Dex 18 (12 +2 race +4 abp)
Con 20 (14 +6 abp)
Int 18 (11 +3 age +4 abp)
Wis 20 (15 +3 age +2 abp)
Cha 38 (17 +2 race +3 age +5 level +6 abp +5 wish)

HP 303 (20d8 +100 Con +20 fcb +20 feat +3 mythic)
AC 46 (+12 armor +14 Cha +5 natural +5 deflection), touch 29, flat footed 32

Fort +26 (+7 base +14 Cha +5 resist)
Ref +26 (+7 base +14 Cha +5 resist)
Will +24* (+12 base +5 Wis +5 resist +2 feat) * +9 vs charm/compulsion (substitute Cha for Will)

Immunities: cold, blindness
Resistances: acid 5, electricity 5, fire 10
Damage Reduction: 5/piercing
Other Defenses: +4 vs sleep effects, no perception penalty for sleeping; does not breathe

+7 initiative (+4 Dex +2 trait +1 sacred)

+5 keen, adamantine starknife +34/29/24, 1d4+19, 15-20/x2*; range 10'(immediately returns)
* +15 damage on crit (after multiplying)


Ethulfel stands a little less than six and a half feet tall with a lithe, almost elf-like build. His skin is fair and starkly contrasts his chestnut-brown hair which parts neatly to one side despite always seeming wind swept. His face is exceedingly handsome and highlighted by brilliant sapphire eyes. His most striking feature, however, is the large pair of blue butterfly wings growing from his back.

With very few exceptions, he is always accompanied by Moonshadow, a large white tiger with bright blue eyes.


Ethulfel knows virtually nothing about his family. His mother arrived badly wounded and laboring in an unimportant village on the now lost continent of Azlant. The town’s healer did all she could and was able to deliver him but not to save his mother. She was shocked by his tiny wings and, taking him for some manner of fey, nearly abandoned him in the wilderness. She couldn’t bring herself to do it though and instead raised him as her own. As a child, he showed a knack for magic, so the aging healer decided to consecrate him to the service of her patron, Shelyn; but when the anointing oil she used touched his skin it burst into flame, leaving behind a brand in the shape of a butterfly. He had always been enthralled by the stars and she took this fiery intervention as a sign that he’d been claimed by Desna. Not long afterwards, a wandering priest of the Starsong passed through the village and she sent the boy to accompany him.

He spent his teen years traveling and learning from the priest, then several decades continuing on alone, all along growing in both his magical abilities and renown. When a devil summoning warlord arose to challenge the young Azlanti empire, he played a significant role in defeating the diabolist. In recognition of his service, he was appointed High Stargazer- the nation’s first high priest of Desna. He served in that role for over a century, advising several rulers, protecting the people from numerous threats, and providing aid as he saw fit on his frequent travels. Eventually a stern ruler took the throne who would not countenance his advice, so he took to journeying across the planes and returning less and less frequently to his homeland.

Eventually he returned to find the entire continent had been swallowed by the ocean. This greatly saddened him. He departed to the outer planes and did not return for several centuries. In the thousands of years since then, he has spent most of his time traveling the planes—sometimes joining battles against various devils, sometimes enjoying long stretches of peace in Desna’s realm or the idyllic wilds of Elysium—and only returning to Golarion once every century or so. Most recently, he returned to learn that one of the Runelords (whom he had opposed, though only indirectly, during the Thassilonian era) was attempting to return. He traveled to Xin Shalast and thwarted Karzoug’s return. Since then he’s been traveling throughout Avistan, taking in how much it’s changed, catching up with some old friends, and listening for whispers of other Runelords trying to return…

A large, white-furred tiger with bright blue eyes. She has barely visible patches of fine white scales around her mouth and paws which hint at her draconic heritage (though few would likely guess that it was not a white dragon but the alien lunar dragon that provided that lineage). ~Official Image~

Animal Companion/Familiar
base companion: big cat (white tiger)
free archetype: draconic companion
mythic template: savage

CG large magical beast
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +28

AC 54, touch 21, flat-footed 47 (+7 Dex, +33 natural +5 deflection -1 size)
hp 304+15* (18d8+160); fast healing 10 *temporary hp from heroes’ feast
Fort +23, Ref +23, Will +24 (+4 vs charm/compulsion)
DR 10/epic; Immune aging, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep; Resist acid 15, cold 20, electric 15, fire 15, sonic 15

Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) <overland flight>
Melee 2 claws +33 (2d6+17 plus grab/15-20), bite +33 (3d6+17 plus grab/15-20)
Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +33, 2d6+17/15-20), bleed (successful attacks inflict 1 stacking bleed damage), savagery (+1 attack on full attack), breath weapon 20d6 (cold; 60’ line; 3/day; DC 27 Ref for half), critical genius (+15 damage on critical hit), deliver touch spells

Str 34, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +15; CMB +33; CMD 50
Feats iron will, toughness, weapon focus [natural], improved natural attack, extra combat talent [critical genius (natural)], improved critical [natural], planar infusion [positive energy plane], improved planar infusion, greater planar infusion
Skills Acrobatics +32, Bluff +13, Climb +30, Diplomacy +23, Fly +30, Handle Animal +23, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge (history) +24, Knowledge (planes) +24, Knowledge (religion) +24, Linguistics +10, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +24, Stealth +28 (32 in snow), Survival +26, Swim +30, Use Magic Device +23 Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in snow)
Languages Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Sylvan
SQ accelerated recovery, breathless, basic planar infusion (+4 to stabilize, +20 hp from positive energy healing), devotion, greater planar infusion (raise dead 1/day- no cost/penalties if used within 20 min of death), immortality, improved evasion, improved planar infusion (use cure serious wounds, lesser restoration, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or remove paralysis 1/day), oath of poverty, share spells, speak with kind, speak with master