Longroads Coffeehouse 2.0

Game Master chadius

6-05 Silver Bark, Golden Blades (1-4) by GM Hmm

>RPG Chronicles< | >Slides< | >Macros<

2-18 Fanciful March (3-6) GM Tiger:

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Radiant Oath

Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera | ♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1 PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |

I'll add botting instructions today.

I'm fine with or without breaks; I'll have a very quiet Christmas this year with plenty of time to kill.

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