Sir Torlgrith

Jiggo Maeleranti's page

358 posts. Organized Play character for chadius.


♥️ 60 | AC 17 | Saves 10/7/9 | Perception 9 | Spells -/3/2 (DC 20) | Focus Point 1/1


PFS ID: 133608-2006 | Male Human Summoner 4 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇◈ ↺ |


Battle Medicine: | Angel Emissary Salera |


Common, Elven, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 18

About Jiggo Maeleranti

PFS: 133608-2006
Faction: Radiant Oath
Gold: 278.34
XP: 47

Minor Healing Potion

Pathfinder Provisions:
2nd-rank scroll of >clear mind<

>Pathbuilder 2e sheet<

Jiggo's Eidolon, >Salera<

Jiggo's Story:

Boy meets girl.
Girl disappears the next morning.
Paladin is looking for a demon trickster.
Boy is shunned.

Jiggo left his temple, his village and his grandmother.
He was lost without his love, and he betrayed himself and his deity Shelyn.
But love works in mysterious ways.
The girl returned to him with a gift: their daughter.
Also, some baggage: her angry betrothed.

Jiggo found himself a natural-born leader and rallied forces to defeat the demon.
It came at the cost of his beloved's life.
He demanded payment, and the Heavens brought her back, on their terms.

Jiggo and his wife travel as a duo, scouring the land for wrongs to right.
He couldn't be happier.


Spell DC 20
[dice=Spell Attack]1d20+9[/dice]
Unlimited Signature Spells

Divine Tradition
Cantrips (Unlimited)
Disrupt Undead
Divine Lance
Produce Flame

1st Rank (3 per day)
Concordant Choir
Magic Weapon

2nd Rank (2 per day)
>Blazing Armory<
>Gentle Breeze<

Summoner Link Spells
1 Focus Point
Evolution Surge (Costs 1 Focus Point)

Link Cantrips (Cost 0 Focus Points)
Boost Eidolon


HP 60
Speed 25 feet
AC 17

Saving Throws
Fort (E) 10
Ref (T) 7
Will (E) 9

- Common
- Elven
- Celestial
- Abyssal
- Draconic


Group: Club
Two Hand 1d8: Jiggo deals more damage if he holds it in 2 hands.


Group: Knife
Agile: Jiggo takes a -4 penalty for Multiple Attacks.
Finesse: Jiggo can apply his Dex bonus to attacks.
Thrown 10 ft.: Jiggo can throw this as a ranged attack
Versatile S: Jiggo can deal Slashing Damage instead.

Handwraps of Mighty Blows (+1)
Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed, Magical


E [dice=Perception]1d20+9[/dice]

Untrained Improvisation: Jiggo gets a +2 Proficiency bonus to all Untrained skill checks.
T [dice=Acrobatics]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Athletics]1d20+6[/dice]
T [dice=Deception]1d20+10[/dice]
T [dice=Diplomacy]1d20+10[/dice]
T [dice=Intimidation]1d20+10[/dice]
T [dice=Lore, Library]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Lore, Scribing]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Medicine]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Religion]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Society]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Stealth]1d20+7[/dice]
T [dice=Thievery]1d20+7[/dice]

>Battle Medicine<


>Adventurer's Pack< (1.5 gp, Bulk 1) which includes:
- backpack
- bedroll
- 10 pieces of chalk
- flint and steel
- 50 feet of rope
- 2 weeks' rations
- soap
- 5 torches
- waterskin

Bedroll (0.02 gp, Bulk L)
Staff (0 gp, Bulk 1)
Dagger (0.2 gp, Bulk L)
Handwraps of Mighty Blows +1, Striking
Religious Symbol of >Shelyn< (0.2 gp, Bulk L)
Religious Symbol of >Nocticula< (0.2 gp, Bulk L)

Healer's Kit

--- History

Character Creation:

Ancestry: >Human<
Ancestry Feat: >Cooperative Nature<
Heritage: >Versatile Heritage<
Versatile Heritage Feat: Battle Medicine

Background: >Translator<
Background Skills: Society, Scribing Lore
Background Feat: >Multilingual<
Languages from Background: Abyssal, Draconic

- Common (Ancestry)
- Elven (Ancestry and High Int)
- Celestial (Eidolon)
- Abyssal (Background)
- Draconic (Background)

- Summoner Cha
- Background: Con, Cha
- Human: Int, Cha
- Free: Dex, Con, Wis, Cha
Final: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18

School of Scrolls
Skill: Library Lore

Eidolon: Diplomacy, Religion
Background: Society, Scribing Lore
Summoner: Perception, Acrobatics, Stealth
Summoner Feat: Medicine
Int: Athletics
PFS: Library Lore

Saving Throws
Expert in Fortitude
Trained in Reflex
Expert in Will

Summoner Evolution Feat
Dual Studies
Medicine - Jiggo is Trained in Medicine
Deception - Salera is Trained in Deception
>Expanded Senses< - Salera gains Scent as an Imprecise Sense.

Hit Points
Ancestry: 8
Summoner: 10

25 feet

Weapon and Spell proficiencies
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks

Trained in unarmored defense

Trained in spell attack rolls of your spellcasting tradition, determined by your eidolon
Trained in spell DCs of your spellcasting tradition, determined by your eidolon

Link Spells
1 Focus Point
Evolution Surge (Costs 1 Focus Point)

Link Cantrips (Cost 0 Focus Points)
Boost Eidolon

2 Trained + 1 Level + 4 Cha = 7
Spell DC 17

Spell repertoire
Divine Lance
Healing Plaster
Produce Flame

1st list
Burning Hands

Spells per day
5 Cantrips
1 1st list

Salera, the Reformed
Angelic Emissary
Teaches Summoner Divine tradition

Manifest Eidolon
Act Together
Share Senses

>Adventurer's Pack< (1.5 gp, Bulk 1) which includes:
- backpack
- bedroll
- 10 pieces of chalk
- flint and steel
- 50 feet of rope
- 2 weeks' rations
- soap
- 5 torches
- waterskin

Bedroll (0.02 gp, Bulk L)
Staff (0 gp, Bulk 1)
Dagger (0.2 gp, Bulk L)
Religious Symbol of Shelyn (0.2 gp, Bulk L)

Starting Gold: 15
Total Cost: 1.92 gp
Remaining Gold: 13.08 gp

Bulk Maximum: 5
Total Bulk: 2.2
Remaining Bulk: 2.8

B10 Hillcross Roundup:

GM 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail:



Jiggo did not participate, but he did get credit.

B15 Treasure Off The Coast:

2-11 The Pathfinder Trials:

(GM Credit) 3-99 Fate in the Future:

I'm Level 2.

(GM Credit) 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road:


Jiggo did not participate, but he did receive credit.

3-08 Foundation's Price:

3-12 Fury's Toll:

I'm Level 3:

>Level 2 build<

Proficiency +1

HP +10 +1 Toughness (47)
Skill Increase: Now Trained in Performance (Jiggo +9, Salera +7)
Shared Vigilance: Jiggo and Salera are now Expert in Perception. (Jiggo +8, Salera +8)

Unlimited Signature Spells (Heal and Concordant Choir can be Heightened)

New 2nd level spell: >Resist Energy<

Can cast 1 level 2 spell per day.

3-02. The East Hill Haunting:

>Earn Income roll< Failure, 0.64 gp earned

3-05. Inheritor's Rite:

B.21 Against the Unliving:

4-12 Negotiations for the Star Gun:


>Performance (Success)< earns me 0.2 gp
Jiggo retrained his level 3 Skill Increase.
- Now Untrained in Performance
- Expert in Medicine

I'm Level 4:

Spell Repertoire Swap

- Lose Resist Energy
- Gain >Blazing Armory<

New Rank 2 spell: >Gentle Breeze<

Can cast 2 rank 2 spells per day

Skill Feat: >Skill Training< (Deception)

Class Feat: >Skilled Partner<

- 1st level skill feat: >Intimidating Glare<
- 2nd level skill feat: >Courtly Graces<

Purchase Striking Rune for Wraps of Mighty Blows

4-13 Within the Prairies:


>Downtime Retraining<

Jiggo will spend 7 days of Downtime to retrain his Dual Studies feat into >Expanded Senses<.

Jiggo's proficiency in Medicine will become Trained.
Salera will become Untrained in Deception.

With his remaining 1 day of Downtime, Jiggo will Earn Income: Critical Success earns 0.5 gp

5-12 Mischief in the Maze:

GM Credit 2-23: An Agent's Obligation:

>Earn Income<, 2.4 gp

Jiggo didn't play, but he did get credit.