Countess Abrielle Pace

Bella Sidare's page

672 posts. Organized Play character for chadius.


♥️ 78 | AC 23 | Saves 12/13/9 | Perception 9 | >Eidolon<


PFS ID: 133608-2007 | Female Human Swashbuckler 5 | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇↺ |

Strength 3
Dexterity 4
Constitution 3
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 0
Charisma 3

About Bella Sidare

Pathbuilder 2e character sheet

>Fey Eidolon, her sister Khiari<

PFS: 133608-2007
XP: 52
GP: 117.72
Faction: Envoy's Alliance

PFS Provisions
- >Potion of Leaping<
- >Gecko Potion<

Crissi began to willingly enter Lord Sidare's manor. He and his servants were cursed to appear as beasts and architecture. The only way to break it: the power of love, a classic. Crissi thought Lord Sidare would turn into a human, but no, he's still a satyr.

Oh well.

Bella and Khiari are twins (Bella is 7 seconds older), able to freely roam the manor but otherwise never to meet. Khiari is native to the First World but keeps her view on the Material Plane. There's always a story or two to tell her friends, and she has a knack for storytelling.

Bella steps outside to Galt and spends time reading, fencing with the other haughty nobles, and dancing. She enjoys making new dances, mixing up styles, and embarrassing the so-called experts.

Lord Sidare's death came suddenly; a blade of cold iron pierced his heart. His assistant Bettlebell (formerly a fountain, now a naiad) executed his will and bequeathed the manor to Crissi. His last wish listed a ritual he had been working on. Binding the sisters so they can exist in the other's world.

With the ritual complete, Bella and Khiari sense a thrilling journey ahead of them- and so many sights to see.


HP 78
AC 23 (+2 with Flashy Dodge)

Flashy Dodge (PC Core 2, Page 163)
If Bella can see a creature target her with an attack, she can React and gain a +2 Circumstance bonus to AC. If the Strike misses, she gains Panache until the end of her next turn.

Opportune Riposte
Bella can React to a Critical Miss by making a Strike or Disarm.

[/ooc]↺[/url=]>Opportune Riposte<[/url] to Strike the first enemy that Critical Misses her.[/ooc]

>Dancing Scarf< - Swirl Scarf (Manipulate):
- On your most recent action, you succeeded at a Performance check to dance
- You become concealed until the beginning of your next turn.

Fort (Expert) 10
Ref (Expert) 11
Will (Expert) 8

Speed 30 feet (Includes +5 ft status bonus)
Panache: +10 foot status to all her speeds (35 ft total)

>Feather Step< Bella can Step into difficult terrain.


Improved Initiative (+2 to Initiative)

Precise Strike
Strike with an Agile or Finesse melee weapon or unarmed strike
Deal 3 extra precision damage

Confident Finisher
Requires Panache, Consumes Panache
Finisher trait: Cannot use anything with an Attack action for the rest of her turn.
Strike with a weapon that deals Precise Strike damage.
Success: Deals 3d6 precision damage
Failure: Deal half of precise strike damage

Opportune Riposte
Bella can React to a Critical Miss by making a Strike or Disarm.

Handwraps of Mighty Blows +1 Striking
Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed
[dice=Bludgeoning Damage]2d4+3[/dice]

Cold Iron Dagger +1
Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft, Versatile S
[dice=Cold Iron Dagger]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Piercing Damage]1d4+3[/dice]

Agile, Finesse, Versatile S
[dice=Piercing Damage]1d6+3[/dice]

Light Hammer
Agile, Thrown 20 ft
[dice=Light Hammer]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning Damage]1d6+3[/dice]

[dice=Light Hammer Thrown]1d20+13[/dice]

[dice=Piercing Damage]1d6[/dice]
[dice=Deadly]1d10[/dice] Please add if it was a critical hit


(E) [dice=Perception]1d20+9[/dice]
Improved Initiative +2

(E) [dice=Acrobatics]1d20+13[/dice]
(T) [dice=Athletics]1d20+10[/dice]
(T) [dice=Deception]1d20+10[/dice]
(T) [dice=Diplomacy]1d20+10[/dice]
(T) [dice=Lore: Genealogy]1d20+7[/dice]
(T) [dice=Lore: Pathfinder Society]1d20+7[/dice]
(E) [dice=Nature]1d20+9[/dice]
(E) [dice=Performance]1d20+12[/dice] (Assurance for DC 19)
(T) [dice=Society]1d20+7[/dice]
(T) [dice=Stealth]1d20+11[/dice]
(T) [dice=Thievery]1d20+11[/dice]

Dubious Knowledge
>Dubious Knowledge< When you fail (but don’t critically fail) a Recall Knowledge check using any skill, you learn the correct answer and an erroneous answer, but you don’t have any way to differentiate which is which.

Tumble Through Stride up to Bella's speed. Make an Acrobatics check against the enemy's Reflex DC. Success means the enemy space is treated as Difficult Terrain while she Strides through them (and she gets Panache). Failure means she stops and provokes an AoO.

Panache: Bella gets a +1 bonus to Tumble Through attempts. If Bella Succeeds on Tumble Through, she gains Panache.

Bravado: Bella gains Panache until the end of her turn if she Fails but not Critically Fails the Acrobatics Check.

Stylish Combatant: Bella gets a +1 Circumstance Bonus during a Combat Encounter.

[/ooc]◆ Bella uses [/url=]>Fascinating Performance<[/url] on TARGET_NAME. Thanks to [/url=]>Focused Fascination<[/url], she only needs a Success to Fascinate. Thanks to [/url=]>Assurance<[/url] her Performance check is 19. As long as she doesn't critically fail, she gets Panache.[/ooc]

Panache: Bella gains Panache if her Performance Check exceeds the Will DC of an observing foe, even if they aren't fascinated.

Bravado: Bella gains Panache until the end of her turn if she Fails but not Critically Fails the Performance Check.

Stylish Combatant: Bella gets a +1 Circumstance Bonus during a Combat Encounter.

Assurance Bella can forgo rolling and make a 10 + Proficiency bonus check.

Fascinating Performance: Fascinate 1 target for 1 round with a successful Performance check vs Will DC. If in combat, critical success is needed and this gains the incapacitation trait. Target is immune for 1 hour.

Focused Fascination Bella can fascinate 1 target in combat with a success rather than critical success. She has to attempt Fascinating Performance against a single target.

>Impressive Performance< Can Make an Impression using Performance instead of Diplomacy. Bella can spend time Performing in front of an audience to impress multiple members without penalty.

>Dancing Scarf< provides a +1 Item bonus to Performance checks.

>Courtly Graces<: Bella can use Society to Make an Impression on a noble. She can also use Society to Impersonate and pretend to be a noble.


>Dancing Scarf<
Winter Clothing x2 (for Bella and Khiari)

Pup Tent
Thieves' Tools


Non Keyboard Symbols:




1-01 Absalom Initiation (GM Credit):

Earn Income

Bella gained GM credit.

B-16 Boom Town Betrayal:

B-8 The Tireless Path:

B-7 Cleanup Duty:

B-6 Road from Otari:

2-11 Pathfinder Trials:

I'm Level 2:

Level 1 character sheet

Purchase >Handwraps of Mighty Blows< +1 for 35 gp

HP +10 (Swashbuckler) +2 (Con) +1 (Toughness) = 34 Max

Proficiency Bonus +1

Skill Feat: >Group Impression<

Class Feat: >Summoner Dedication<
Fey Eidolon makes Bella Trained in Deception and Nature

>Link to Eidolon<

The Second Confirmation:


Bella earned 0.4 gp on her Performance check/

Intro 2: United in Purpose:

4-01 Vault of Boundless Wonders:

Level 3:

HP 47
General Feat: Feather Step
Great Fortitude: Fort Saves Expert
Vivacious Speed: Status bonus is 5ft. 10ft with Panache
Stylish Tricks: Assurance (Performance)
Opportune Riposte: Bella can React to Critical Misses with a Strike or Disarm.

Bounty 18 - From Family Lost:

It's a bounty. No downtime to earn income.

Bounty 19 - Grim Tidings:

It's a bounty. No downtime to earn income.

Quest 14 - The Swordlord's Challenge:

5-01: Intro: Year of Unfettered Exploration:

I'm Level 4:

Class Feat:
>Initial Eidolon Ability<
Khiari gains Fey Gift Spells:
- >Magical Understudy< feat
- Access to Enchantment and Illusion arcane school spells
- If Bella gets access to a spell repertoire via summoner, she can access Enchantment and Illusion arcane school spells

Skill Feat:
>Bon Mot<

- Striking Rune for Handwraps of Mighty Blows (65 gp)
- +1 Potency Rune for Cold Iron Dagger (35 gp)

5.04: Equal Exchanges:

1.14: Lions of Katapesh:

PC Core 2 rebuild:

Level 1
Ancestry: Human
Background: Noble (Genealogy)
Class: Swashbuckler (Battledancer)

Ability Scores
- Ancestry: Str, Con
- Background: Dex, Cha
- Class: Dex
- Free Boosts: Str, Dex, Con, Cha
- FInal Scores: Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int 0, Wis 0, Cha +2

Skill Training
- Swashbuckler: Acrobatics, Perception (Expert)
- Swashbuckler Style: Performance
- Swashbuckler 4 + Int: Athletics, Diplomacy, Stealth, Thievery
- Background: Society, Lore (Genealogy)
- Pathfinder Society: Lore(Pathfinder Society)

Skill Feat:
- Courtly Graces (Background)
- Fascinating Performance (Swashbuckler Battledancer)

- Heritage Feat (Versatile Heritage) -> Toughness
- Ancestry Feat (Natural Ambition) -> Flashy Dodge (PC Core 2, Page 163)

Class Features:
- Precise Strike (PC Core 2, Page 160)
- Stylish Combatant (PC Core 2, Page 160)
- Panache
- Confident Finisher

Saving Throws
- Fort: Trained
- Reflex: Expert
- WIll: Expert

Level 2
Skill Feat: Dubious Knowledge

Class Feat: Summoner Dedication (Fey Eidolon)
- Skill Training: Deception, Nature
- Action: Manifest Eidolon

Fey Eidolon
- Name: Khiari
- Type: Skirmisher Fey
- Ability Scores: Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int 0, Wis 0, Cha +1
- Primary Attack: 1d6 (Finesse, 1d8 Deadly, Bludgeoning)
- Secondary Attack: 1d6 (Agile, Finesse)
- Size: Medium
- Senses: Low-light vision
- Languages: Fey

Level 3

Class Features:
- Fortitude Expertise: Fort (Expert)
- Opportune Riposte (PC Core, Page 161)
- Vivacious Speed (PC Core, Page 161)
- Stylish Tricks (PC Core, Page 161): Performance (Expert), Assurance (Performance)

General Feat: Feather Step
Skill Increase: Acrobatics (Expert)

Level 4
Class Feat: Initial Eidolon Ability
- Khiari gains the Magical Understudy feat
- Khiari adds Arcane spells from the Enchantment and Illusion school (how does this work after the Remaster? Possibly spells with the Illusion or Mental Traits?)
- Bella can add those extra spells to her Spell Repertoire (when she gets one)
- Khiari learns 2 new cantrips: Daze, Timber

Skill Feat: Impressive Performance

(GM Credit) 5-12: Mischief in the Maze:

>Earn Income<
Bella did not play, but she does get credit.

Armor Potency Rune +1 160 gp

Level 5:

Ability Boost: Str, Dex, Con, Cha
Skill Increase: Expert Nature
Ancestry Feat: General Training
- General Feat Incredible Initiative

Weapon Expertise: Expert weapons
Precise Strike: 3 & 3d6

Khiari leveled up, too

2-18 Fanciful March of Urwal:

>Earn Income< Critical Failure for 0

TODO: Wishlist
- >Persona Mask<
- >Bracelet of Dashing<
- +1 Striking Composite Shortbow