GM Dennis - SFS #4-10 The Way In - Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Dennis Muldoon


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Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

It took us what, two rounds, to finish off the four in the first room? Although they were staggered from the collision.

I think I'll start on the little ones, at the very least that may slow down the robots assault on the fleet. Although that maybe more complex than the scenario has mechanics for :-)


Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

Gunnz slips into the room, her cloaking field providing invaluable assistance. Then, hidden, she tries to take out the closest robot #2 before it can even act.

stealth T10: 10 + 19 + 1 + 10 = 40
attack vs FF EAC: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
E damage?: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 And if it hit FF vs everyone
extra E trick damage: 4d8 ⇒ (5, 3, 7, 1) = 16

However the ship rocks from a nearby explosion at just the wrong moment, possibly putting off her aim..

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

That's the end! Thanks for playing everyone. I should have your chronicles to you later today. Day Jobs are the player's responsibility now, but I'm happy to add it to your chronicle sheet for anyone that would like me to; go ahead and roll it here and I'll add it on.


Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

Dang, I was even thinking we should check out his augs as they kept getting a mention in the other scenarios in the season-arc.

Though I'm guessing if we had, we wouldn't have detected anything.

That smart AI.. sacrificing a whole fleet to just get a virus into the Lorespire.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Kasatha colonist mystic 7 | SP 37/49 HP 46/46 | RP 7/7 | EAC 18; KAC 20 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +14, SM: +14 | Speed 30 ft.; climb 30 ft. | Desert Stride, Darkvision 60 ft., Healing touch 35 hp/day, Mindlink 1/day | Spell slots 5/5 first level 3/4 second level 3/3 third level |

Told ya!

Oddman knew something was fishy with the way the prisoners were being kept...


Male CN Kasatha Ace Pilot Soldier 7 | SP 0/56 HP 48/53 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23 KAC 24 | Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +8; +2 Spellbane | Init: +14 | Perc: +1, SM: +1 | Speed 40ft | Laser (20/20) (20/20) Pulse (20/20) Plasma Ribbon (20/20) | Active conditions: none

Wait, Ziggy has augmentations? Fuunk and me are so behind - plot wise!

Well done with your first SFS scenario Dennis! Will you also be known as the author who killed Ziggy with your very first scenario???

Only time will tell...
(or rather, 4-13 will tell....)

dun Dun DUN!!!!


Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Alright folks, HERE are your chronicles. Let me know if you spot any errors, or if you'd like me to add a day job value digitally. Thanks for playing!


Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

Doesn't look like I did my dayjob
dancer: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23

The Chronicle looks good. Many thanks for GMing. It's always special having an author run.

Did we play it out pretty much as it went in testing?


Male CN Kasatha Ace Pilot Soldier 7 | SP 0/56 HP 48/53 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23 KAC 24 | Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +8; +2 Spellbane | Init: +14 | Perc: +1, SM: +1 | Speed 40ft | Laser (20/20) (20/20) Pulse (20/20) Plasma Ribbon (20/20) | Active conditions: none

1d20 ⇒ 5

Chronicle looks good!

Thank you GM Dennis for running your scenario for us! It was fun!

And thanks to my fellow players as well! You made this run a pleasure!!

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺
Gunnz wrote:
Did we play it out pretty much as it went in testing?

Pretty much. My playtesters also didn't take a rest, which is why I changed it to have Ziggy hint that you should do so. You all didn't need it, though, so it was fine. There were a few other changes too, but the general shape of their playthrough was basically the same as yours.


Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

It helps that we were effectively playing down. That did make the challenges a bit easier - which is really hard to plan for with scenarios.

Gunnz really enjoyed herself though, and so did I.,

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Gunnz reporting question:
I sent you a PM about this, but figured I'd mention here. You put -703 for Gunnz in your sign-in info, but when I went to report that came up with a different name (Compusec, I think). Gunnz popped up for -702, though, so I reported as that (and updated the number on the chronicle, which you can re-download if you want). If that's not correct, and it really should be -703 despite what the system thinks, let me know and I'll fix the reporting.


Human Female Operative (ace pilot)-10 (Spaceship speed +1 from sky jockey); init +10; SP 84/110; HP 84/84; Res 12/12; Reroll 0/1; Cloak 10/10; mk 1 healing serum 1 KAC29 ; EAC 28; (2d6 electrostatic field); DR 5/-; fire&cold/5; elect/10; Fort 8; Ref 13; Will 9; Perc +16; SM +16; Stealth +23 :T10=34 for trick shot)

oopse, yes, 702 sorry. Thanks for the fix.


Male Ysoki Mercenary Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17

Profession, gambling: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25 I can add it myself ;)

@GM Dennis - thanks for running, that was awesome! I liked the scenario, nice starship combat (I knew that they will try to infect stuff with their virus, we should have taken the Maiden :D!), cool spec-ops mission.

Unfortunately for someone like Croaker who has plenty of tools to attack the mind, it was a challenge but I still loved it.

I had a one through as we played, I would like to feel the pressure of time as you enter the ship. I think contacts from the fleet are an interesting tool for that, but I was wondering if there could be other ways to do it as well. Like patrols/automated sentries turning on, a bit like in '2-02: Waking the Past' the giant thingy showing up, forcing you to be constantly on the move.

But regardless I loved that game! Thank you for a great run @GM Dennis.

@Kat5e, @Guunz, @Fuunk, @Teleemo, @Oddman - thanks for a great game. The nice team dynamic, frequent posting! Well done! I hope to meet you at other tables.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CG Kasatha colonist mystic 7 | SP 37/49 HP 46/46 | RP 7/7 | EAC 18; KAC 20 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +14, SM: +14 | Speed 30 ft.; climb 30 ft. | Desert Stride, Darkvision 60 ft., Healing touch 35 hp/day, Mindlink 1/day | Spell slots 5/5 first level 3/4 second level 3/3 third level |

The chronicle checks out, thanks for GMing!


Android Exocotrex Mechanic 7 | SP 42/42 : HP 46/46 : RP 5/5 | EAC 25 : KAC 26| F+6 : R+13 : W+2 | INIT+8 | Speed 40ft | Resist Fire 7| Low Light & Darkvision| Arc Rifle 40/40
Acro +6 : Ath+15 : Bluff 0 : Comp +16 : Cult +5 : Dip +10 : Disg 0 : Eng +16 : Intim +10 : LSci +5 : Med +8 : Perc +12 : Phy Sci +8 : Pilot +16: Prof+4 : Se Mot -2 : Stealth +10 : Surv 0

Chronicle appears to be good!

Thanks GM Dennis, an honor to play at the writer's table! I enjoyed the whole scenario, except for the horrible, horrible description at the end! J/k, very well done!

Thanks to all everyone else at the table too, it feels like we just started! Very quick game. If they were all like that Kat would be level 7 already with you!

Hope everyone has a happy upcoming holiday season! Take care!

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Thanks everyone. I'm going to mark this campaign as 'inactive', but feel free to PM me if anything comes up.

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