
Spike 'Croaker''s page

885 posts. Organized Play character for Farol.

Full Name

Spike 'Croaker'


Ysoki Mercenary


Mystic/9 | SP: 56/56 | HP: 50/50 | RP: 9/9 | EAC:22 KAC:22 | Fort +4/Ref +7/Will +11 | Init +5 | Perception +17





Strength 9
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 20
Charisma 14

About Spike 'Croaker'

Mystic 9 Ysoki Mercenary

SFS-ID 2359780-703


EAC 22 KAC 22

Fortitude Save +4
Reflex Save +7
Will Save +11

STR 9 (-1) DEX 20 (+5) CON 12 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 20 (+5) CHA 14 (+2)

BAB +6
Melee Attack +5
Ranged Attack +11
Thrown Attack +5


ACROBATICS +5 ATHLETICS* +3 (1 rank) BLUFF +14+3 (9 ranks) CULTURE +5 (1 rank) DIPLOMACY +13 (7 ranks) DISGUISE +2 ENGINEERING +4 (1 rank) INTIMIDATE +8+3 (2 rank) MEDICINE +10 (6 ranks) MYSTICISM +17 (9 ranks) PERCEPTION +17 (9 ranks) PILOTING +5 (1 rank) PROFESSION (WIS) gambling +16 +4 (9 ranks) SENSE MOTIVE +15 (7 ranks) STEALTH +6 SURVIVAL +11 (1 rank)

Ysoki Refractor Suit (+7/+7) + Jump Jets
Nova Rifle, Yellow Star(2d6 E&f, 60ft, line unswieldy) + Bayonet Bracket, Light and a surival knife
Knife, survival (1d4 S)
Medkit, basic
1 week field rations
Hygiene Kit
Professional clothes
Engineering Kit
Tool kit (gambling)
Ring or resistance with Hellknights emblem
Synergizing Symbiote (+2 WIS)
Synergizing Symbiote II (+4 Dex)
Aeon Stone, Bright Yellow Cabochon (+4 insight bonus to Culture Check, 1/day cast comprehend languages)
War Wagon vehicle with Urban Cruiser

Credits: 3362 + 5880 + 5841 + 60

DC = 10 + 1/2 lvl + WIS MOD = 13 + spell level
0 LVL Spell (6 known)
Token Spell - Standard Action, 10 ft. Effect or area. Will save no. Spell Resistance Yes
Telekinetic Projectile - standard action, close range, throw an object (up to 1 bulk) at a foe deal 1d6 dmg to both. Range Attack against KAC
Stabilize - standard action, close range, insta. Stabilize hurt hero.
Detect Magic - standard action 60 ft, cone, concentration (up to 1 minute/level). Detect spells, effects, items and objects no magical traps.
Ghost Sound - standard action, close range(25 + 5/2 * lvl ft), 1 round/level, Will save disbelief, Spell resistance no. Create a sound, max noise up to 20 normal humans.
Detect Affliction - standard, close range (25 + 5/2 * lvl ft), you learn if someone is diseased, poisoned or cursed. With a check you can learn what is the poisoned

1 LVL Spells (6 known, 6 per day)
Mystic Cure - heal 1d8 + Wisdom modifier, touch, Will save lower the healing by half, Spell Resistance yes
Command - Standard action, close range, one living creature, Will save negates, Spell Resistance Yes.
Wisp Ally - standard action, close range, 1round/level, can move up to 60 ft per round, provide harrying fire or covering fire on a place where it is
Detect Thoughts - 60 ft, many round - learn what other think.
Reflect Armor - as a reaction deal the same damage to attacker (max 10), reflex save for half
Life Bubble

2 LVL Spells (4 known, 5 per day)
Inflict Pain - -2 to ability checks, attack rolls and skill checks, standard action, close range for 1 round/level, Will save shortens the duration to 1 round. Spell resistance yes
Hurl Disk - range attack vs EAC, deal 3d6 force damage and ricochette to 4 more creatures (15 ft away). Eache enemy gets separate attack roll vs EAC and dmg 2d6
Paranoia - close range, Will save, 1 round/lvl, The target treats all others as enemies, is shaken if adjactent to more than one creature, must attempt attacks of opportunity whenever any creature provokes it
Hold Person - Person can't move nor take actions.

3 lvl spells (4 known, 3 per day)
Mind Thrust - deal 4d10, standard action, close range, Will save lower the dmg by half. Spell resistance yes
Battle Sonata
Dispel Magic
Basic Melee Weapons, Small Arms
Light Armor

Weapon Proficiency - longarms
Cosmic truth - as a standard action, use 1 RP. Enemy 30 ft from you attempt a Will Save DC=10+half/ranks in bluff +wis). If fails confused 1d4 rounds. language-dependent, sense-dependent ability
Great Fortitude

Connection - Mindbreaker,
connection power (Share Pain), - move amount of dmg equal to your Mystic level on the enemy. Will save. Whenever a foe does damage, 1 resolve point as a reaction. DC 10+Wis mod + 1/2 level
connection spell (Mind Thrust) - see spells,
healing touch (once a day, 10 mins to restore 5 HP per level)
Theme knowledge
Cheek Pouches - 1 square foot 1 bulk swift action
Darkvision - 60 feet in the dark
Scrounger (+2 Eng, +2 Stealth, +2 Survival)
Channel Skill (+2 Insight to Bluff, Intimidation)
Weapon Specialization
Versatile Specialization
Connection Power - Backlash - when someone resist the spell and negates its effect it gets 1 damage/lvl mind-affecting pain.
Connection Power = Sow Doubt - As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to create uncertainty in the mind of a foe within 30 feet. You choose whether the target becomes flat-footed, becomes off-target, takes a –2 penalty to saving throws, or takes a –2 penalty to skill checks. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your mystic level, unless the target succeeds at a Will save to reduce the duration to just 1 round. A creature can be affected only by one sow doubt effect. If you use this ability on the same creature again, the new effect replaces the old effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Mercenary Theme - Grunt - treat your STR as +1 for determining bulk
Mental Anguish - 60ft, standard action vs will save or be nauseated for 1 round.


Akitonian Common Kasatha Vesk Ysoki

FAME: 14
Acquisitives: 31
Wayfinders: 2
Exo Guardians: 2
Second Seeker (EH): 5

Contractor’s Respect (Social Boon; Limited Use 1/3): The organization loans you a set of armor or a nonconsumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure.
Organization: Hellknights (Pike)

Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon): you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don’t have this boon slotted instead gain a +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships—the direct result of your guidance during the battle.

Mystical Guidance Systems Upgrade (Starship Boon): Blueprint that allow you to change one weapon into a hybrid weapon. Gunner using it can use mysticism and wisdom instead of piloting and dex.

In-the-Vehicle Training (Starship Boon): While operating a vehicle (but not a starship), you increase its EAC, KAC, and hardness by 1.

Souvenir Cestus (Slotless Boon; Limited Use): You can use downtime to create austere bone cestus for 120 credits
Basic Hireling Access (Ally Boon: set 4: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, Modifier: level)
Amateur Hireling Access (Ally Boon: set 4: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, Modifier: 2 + level)
Professional Hireling Access (Ally Boon: set 4: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, Modifier: 4 + level)

Distinguised Ambassador (Social Boon, Limited-use, 1/4 used) - use this boon to lower the price of an item by 10%.

Swarm Foe (Social Boon): Get +1 to attack and damage rolls against the Swarm creatures. Can reroll one per adventure a single throw to resist swarm creature.

Purchasing Power (Social Boon; Limited-Use: 0/10): you can buy any grenade or healing serum 15% cheaper. Or mark a use and buy them for 50% price.
Acquisitives Champion, Imrpoved (faction): when successing on a Culture or Intimidate check recover 1 RP

Society Solidarity (Social Boon): Get +2 circumstance bonus to all skills made to influence members of Starfinder Society. Reduce the cost of body recovery and raise dead.

Corpse Fleet and Devourer Blueprints (slotless Boon, Limited-Use)

Loaned Ship: Crypt Warden (starship boon; Limited-Use)

Finished adventures
1-12 Ashes of Discovery
1-28 It Rests Beneath
Skitter Shot
1-32 Acts of Association
2-01 Pact World Warriors
2-21 Illegal Shipment
2-10 Corporate Interests
2-23 The Edge of Cadascon
3-02 Subterran Safari
3-00 The Last Bite
2-07 Four for the First
2-02 Waking the Past
Dead Suns Splintered Worlds
4-10 The way In


Spike comes from Akiton where he wanted to get out of. He found it possible by joining a group of mercenaries where he started as a medic and engineering help. Given time Spike discovered his fascination in the way how other beings think and feel. He practiced his way as a Mystic and through the years got a nickname Croaker as still, he is a field medic as well as Mystic support for mercenary groups.

Croaker is an average height Ysoki wearying military outfit with a laser pistol and a knife as his weapons of choice. He always wears a med bag and a medical patch on his shoulder. He doesn't remind the imagination of a mystic much. In his free time, Croaker plays cards and tell stories.

Bot me:

[dice=Shooting with laser rifle vs EAC]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Laser rifle fire damage]1d8+4[/dice]

[dice=Mind thrust, DC15]4d10[/dice]

[dice=Attack with a knife vs KAC]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Slashing damage]1d4+1[/dice]