The Way of Honor, a Legend of the Five Rings campaign

Game Master EltonJ

Adventures in the lands of Rokugan.

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Game play thread here, fellas!

F Human Samurai


Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Shall we get started?

F Human Samurai


Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

This adventure takes place in the town of Tsuma, in Kakita lands. The Topaz Championship is held there. You all meet along the way.

As you roam down on the way to the town of Tsuma, it's a beautiful morning. And why not? Would the Asahina shugenja allow the event to be rained on? You all know better, and it's a spectacular spring day. After all the river valley is lush and green. The stalks of orange wul are filled out for harvest, all of you met at the last waystation. And today your anxious feet carry you as fast as any pony through the orchards. Until you come up behind an old man dressed in peasant clothes topped by a brilliant blue scarf. He is laden by a great chest on his back. At your approach, he tried to get out of the way and splashed in the water. Trying to keep his face out of the water.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

At the last waystation, the group would come across Bayushi Yoshi. Dressed in the traditional colors of his clan, the black and reds covered the lightly armored man. While handsome, rings at the bottom of his eyes and a pale complexion betrayed his weak health though his body showed no signs of fatigue or exhaustion.

Bowing at the waist at each of his peers, he greeted them by clan name with appropriate suffix to it. Like all of them, he was polite to the utmost level. The upper half of his face was visible, revealing eyes that were as dark as coals and hair pulled back and tied meticulously that matched. On their journey, he remained quiet but friendly to those who wished to engage with the Scorpion in their midst.

Coming across the peasant man carrying the heavy chest on his back, he nodded in respect as the man moved to get out of the way. When he tripped and fell into the water, the Scorpion hesitated for just a moment to consider things. He would then move swiftly to whichever side would likely dirty him the least as the man flailed.

"Stop your flailing. Make your arms like bamboo and lock them tightly. We will lift you." Grabbing a hold of the chest, he would begin to pull the man back. His eyes darted back to the others, to see how the rest of his travelling companions would react.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

A Kakita herself, Kakita Kiyoko's icy blue eyes look upon the world with cold indifference through the bangs of a chin-length platinum bob. She is of slender build, lithe and toned, and has a distinctive beauty mark to the right of her chin. Standing in sharp contrast to both her icy demeanor and her frosty coloration, she is attired in a solid red kimono and geta sandals when she joins the group some distance away from Tsuma. Unlike the Bayushi samurai, she simply does not greet anyone by name, instead acknowledging them with a perfunctory bow and her own name: "Kakita Kiyoko."

As the end of the journey to Tsuma is in sight, she spies the burdened man with the chest on his back and simply steps past him as he topples into the muck, not paying the man a second thought as she continues walking, ice-blue eyes fixed firmly forward. Almost to the inn. A cup of umeshu will be good.

And already her Insensitive disadvantage is in play.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Help, please?" He is immediately helped by Bayushi Yoshi.

F Human Samurai

When Matsu Niko is called into the office of her dojo being informed that she has been nominated to go to the Topaz Tournament she graciously accepts the nod, thanking her Shindoshi and swiftly gathering her possessions that she has in her barracks and makes her way to the Prefecture of the Kakito.

At the waystation proudly announces her clan and he family while at the same time when the males talk to her she at the same time gets shy but tries as hard as she can to be coy not lookin then up and down.

While travelling she wears her clan's kimono over the upper body part of her armor and he helmet laces around her neck with a shark skin lanyard, she has a rucksack and carries her Nodachi in its scabbard across her back with her arms wrapped around it but not holding the pommel.

She says as she slings her sword across her back and grabs one of the chest's handles and helps hand it back to the man, "Ojisan, would you happen to be going to Tsuma or are you travelling further afield?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Yes, I'm on my way to Tsuma," the old man announces.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

"You must be careful where you step. If it was not for myself and Matsu-san, you were be in a heap of trouble." The young bushi says, taking a step back once the man was righted once more. "Stay to the firmer ground. It will take more time but you will not end up drowned in a puddle."

Yoshi gives the young Lioness a nod, his eyes not betraying anything as he steps back onto the pathway once more to Tsuma. The Crane's coldness was noted as well, as well as the actions of the others around him. Quietly, the Scorpion began to collect what little bits of information he could collect on his fellow competitors.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Would you be up to sharing a tea ceremony with me?" the old man asks.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

"Surely there has been a mistake? The Shiba are far more likely to represent our clan well in such a martial event. A shugenja is unlikely to be a serious competitor for the championship." The young man is obviously surprised, falling back on the forms he knows to hide the true reaction.

"While your observation is accurate, not everyone is sent to the Topaz Championship to compete for the title. Some are sent to remind the rest of the Great Clans who the Phoenix are, that the teachings of Shiba should be reflected in our actions, not just in our prayers. The Tao is not simply words to be spoken and forgotten. You are to be such a reminder. Comport yourself well, and display the Tao in all that you do, so that they may remember." The instructors seem to have been prepared for the youth's hesitation.

"Hai. It is the duty of all shugenja to see to the spiritual welfare of our fellows. The task was mine before I understood it." He bows deeply before his headmaster, apologizing for his hesitation, accepting the task, and providing her the honor her position deserves. He honestly never thinks of the competition as an opportunity for advancement or an honor.


The young priest is in the characteristic orange robes so common among initiate Isawa shugenja. He doesn't address anyone initially, waiting for others to draw out something about names. He provides each a quick bow, acknowledging them by family name while bowed. "Kakita-san," "Bayushi-san," "Matsu-san," and "Hiruma-san." After acknowledging them, he identifies himself. "I am Isawa Asao, I hope that each of you finds some success during the contest."


When the old man falls into the water and begins flailing, Asao moves directly to him, helping the man back to his feet as the others have taken control of his chest. "Are you well, Grandfather?"

Holding off on the Tea Ceremony question until later tonight, as I just covered a significant amount of ground, and someone else my want to reply first, anyway.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Kiyoko pauses a short distance ahead at the mention of a tea ceremony. She looks over her shoulder and inwardly shudders, recalling the tongue-lashing her Sensei had given her the first time she had tried to perform the ceremony for him--and failed. No indication of distress crosses her features as she looks back, waiting for her traveling companions. I do hope he does not ask me to perform it.

F Human Samurai

Matsu Niko nods and responds to the man, "Ojisan, it is known that honoring our elders is a duty, I would be happy to take part in a tea ceremony at the nearest convenience after getting settled in Tsuma."

She then looks at her travelling companions for a long second. Subtly looking at both Isawa Asao and Bayushi Yoshi a little bit longer letting her eyes take in their forms more, she then briskly turns back to the old man, scratching her temple to coyly cover part of her scar.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

"Matsu-san is quite correct." Yoshi says softly, his voice cool and collected. "We have obligations there and cannot be deterred. Perhaps in time, we can." The Scorpion had no real yearning to share tea with the man; his standing was potentially small and the risk to honor if a mistake should be made was plentiful. He did take a moment though to study the man, just in case this supposed peasant was more than what he appeared to be.

I would like to make a Lore: Heraldry roll, just in case. Last thing I wish to be is incredibly rude to someone of some importance that we've mistaken for being a lesser station.

Lore: Heraldry: 4d10 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 7) = 14
Not the best roll. So because my Fire Ring is three, I keep three of these rolls, correct? That'd leave me with a 13.

Usually, Bayushi Yoshi would be far more discerning of the man's appearance. Assassins and other hidden dangers were a possibility at all time, something that was drilled into him for a moment. Yet his eyes caught that of Matsu-san as she peered over at him and his eyebrow rose slightly in curiosity. The moment passed and any other further scrutiny would seem suspicious on his own part.

Once he was certain that the chest was secured to the man, he would say his goodbyes and continue his way to Tsuma with the others. Unless there is something else people wish to do.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The old man wishes to give Yoshi a gift before he leaves.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Bayushi Yoshi had turned from the man when he spoke his intentions of offering a gift. The young samurai turned around, regarding the elderly man for a moment before his features softened and he shook his head.

"Oji-san, I cannot accept a gift. It is merely my duty of compassion." While the words were smooth, they likely were like oil sliding over water for the rest of his fellow samurai to hear. He was quite interested in what the old man had to offer but etiquette must be followed. If offered a second time, Bayushi would refuse it once more. Only when he was offered a third time would he, with feigned reluctance and admiration for the man's stubbornness, accept the gift with enough humility that he did not insult either of their stations.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The old man pulled out a katana from the chest. "This is yours, honorable Samurai, for your help," he said.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

"How did you come across this weapon, oji-san?" Bayushi Yoshi asked, his voice calm but with the slightest edge to it. Commonfolk were not supposed to be in possession of a samurai's weapon. "I must know. One of your station should not have a samurai's weapon belonging to them."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"My lord gave it to me for safe keeping," said the old man. "But now it's yours. Take it."

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

I would like to roll Lore: Heraldry again, this time on the weapon.

Lore: Heraldry: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 8, 5, 6) = 25 = a total of 20. Do I recognize which clan this weapon belongs to? With this guy appearing as a peasant, I'm inclined to call him a criminal and have him executed for having a samurai's weapon rather than taking it.

"Your...lord gave it to you for safekeeping? Why would he entrust you with such a dangerous item? Are you samurai?" Yoshi says, noting the man's peasant clothing.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

"Grandfather, surely you know there are many who would kill you for having this blade." He looks at his companions, concern breaking through his on. "How you answer his questions may be more important than you realize."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Bayushi Yoshi wrote:

I would like to roll Lore: Heraldry again, this time on the weapon.

[dice=Lore: Heraldry]4d10 = a total of 20. Do I recognize which clan this weapon belongs to? With this guy appearing as a peasant, I'm inclined to call him a criminal and have him executed for having a samurai's weapon rather than taking it.

"Your...lord gave it to you for safekeeping? Why would he entrust you with such a dangerous item? Are you samurai?" Yoshi says, noting the man's peasant clothing.

The Katana is an exceptional item. It seems to belong to the Scorpion Clan. "I am Megumi," said the old man. "My Lord had this weapon made especially for you, Yoshi. Take it."

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Kiyoko's eyebrows rise as she watches what transpires back with the others. A woman's name? And so familiar with Bayushi-san, as well. Does he know this person?

I know that Rokugan is not Japan and all that, but Megumi is a feminine name in Japan. I'm assuming that's the case here, too.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

The weapon appeared to have the stylizations and accoutrements one would find with the Scorpion clan. Was this a test? It was impossible to say.

"Isawa-san is correct, you could've been in grave danger. If I wished, I could have you executed for harboring a samurai's weapon." Tentatively, he took the blade and inspected it carefully. It was not his grandfather's blade but, with a careful eye, he could inspect it and learn more of the weapon's history.

"I thank you for your gift. In the future, show greater care though. There was no need to put your life at such risk." Wrapping the blade up, the young Scorpion would put it under his arm before nodding in thanks once more before turning to join the others again.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Kakita Kiyoko wrote:

I know that Rokugan is not Japan and all that, but Megumi is a feminine name in Japan. I'm assuming that's the case here, too.

Rokugan is based off of Japan. But Megumi, at least in Rokugan, is the kami of cranes.

F Human Samurai

A lot has happened since I went to bed, damn

As this happens, Matsu Niko starts looking around to see if anyone is watching from nearby because this whole scene may could cause the lot of them a loss in face. As a precaution she clicks her no-dachi so that an inch of the blade can be seen from the scabbard.

Perception is 3 so I roll 3d10 3d10 ⇒ (7, 1, 6) = 14

She says, "This is highly irregular."
as she keeps her head on a swivel.

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

A giant man in Crab colors joins the others as the Isawa introduces himself. The Crab samurai looks around when the Phoenix greet a Hiruma in search of a clan mate.

Seeing no Hiruma nearby the man decides to introduce himself. "Greetings! I am Hida Tetsumaru!"

"Isawa-san is correct, you could've been in grave danger. If I wished, I could have you executed for harboring a samurai's weapon." Tentatively, he took the blade and inspected it carefully. It was not his grandfather's blade but, with a careful eye, he could inspect it and learn more of the weapon's history.

"Come now Bayushi-san. This man is a peasant. What else could he do if his lord commanded him to bring the sword to you?" the Hida says in defense of the old man. "It is not like he can refuse his lord, eh?"

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

"It is very strange that a lord here in Tsuma would have a katana belonging to the Scorpion clan. Tsuma is in the territory of the Crane Clan, after all." Yoshi muttered softly to himself. He turned towards Hida-san and nodded before continuing. "The law is quite clear; a peasant holding onto a samurai's weapon can be considered a criminal and summarily executed. I do not begrudge him though; he has done as his lord wishes and I see no reason to harm him. There are others that would such situations." The Scorpion muses, knowing that his clan proudly wore their villainy. The others hid it behind their own masks of civility and tradition. "My gift to him was my advice to avoid such circumstances. Those in his station have a hard enough life as it is."

"We have tallied too long here and our presences are required in Tsuma. I will learn the blade's history and ensure that it returns to the proper family." Yoshi finishes, ready to continue their trip forward towards the Topaz Competition.

Crab Clan * Samurai * Hida Bushi 1 * | Honor: 3.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Armored TN 25(Reduction 5) | Unarmored TN 15 | Init: 3k2 | Speed 20 ft |Taint: 0.0 | Condition: Healthy | Wounds: 0/57

"Ha! See? Bayushi-san is a reasonable man. Did your lord ask you to do anything else?" Tetsumaru looks at the peasant to see if he has any further business with the gathered samurai.

"So you are on your way to Tsuma as well? What good fortune! My journey takes me to Tsuma as well! I am heading there for the Topaz Championship. Are you participating as well?" he asks the others.

F Human Samurai

While still keeping her eyes peeled for potential interlopers, she nods in agreement.

She says, "Only through use does a samurai's skill maintain the necessary sharpness. There is much to ponder on such."

She tries to be sly taking a peek at Tetsamaru, making a mental note for later.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

I had missed the reference to the Kami of Cranes completely, myself. I am not THAT steeped in the L5R lore!

Lore: Theology to recognize reference 4K3: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 9, 10) = 39 Okay, I guess I will make the connection.
Explosions 1, 2, 4: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 10, 5) = 16
Explosion 2: 1d10 ⇒ 5 For 11, 25, 9, and 15, for 51 kept.
A little Google says Fortune of Heroic Guidance, and a bit more I won't spoil.

That would explain this encounter, but, could he be a servant of the fortune? Or . . .? The young Isawa takes another look at the old man. "Grandfather, you said your lord is Megumi, but you did not provide a title. Can you tell me more of your lord, please?"

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Bayushi Yoshi was happy to have the attention pulled off of him for the time being, taking a step back to watch the others interact with the man. These were some of his competition in the tournament ahead. His eyes glanced at the quiet, cold Crane girl beside him now. Her sternness radiated like that of a Scorpion at times. The others were revealing little bits of themselves here and there, tiny morsels of information for him to consume.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Isawa Asao wrote:

I had missed the reference to the Kami of Cranes completely, myself. I am not THAT steeped in the L5R lore!

[dice=Lore: Lore: Theology to recognize reference 4K3: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 9, 10) = 39 Okay, I guess I will make the connection.
Explosions 1, 2, 4: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 10, 5) = 16
Explosion 2: 1d10 ⇒ 5 For 11, 25, 9, and 15, for 51 kept.
A little Google says Fortune of Heroic Guidance, and a bit more I won't spoil.

That would explain this encounter, but, could he be a servant of the fortune? Or . . .? The young Isawa takes another look at the old man. "Grandfather, you said your lord is Megumi, but you did not provide a title. Can you tell me more of your lord, please?"

"Megumi is the fortune of cranes, heroic guidance and more," he says. "My lord is pleased with those that helped me. Especially to you, Yoshi-san."

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Yoshi was happy, not for the first time, to have the mask upon his face hiding his emotions. If this old man was speaking true, his act of supposed kindness was rewarded by Megumi. Such a thought was preposterous. There was a danger in finding false pride in his action; it wasn't true kindness. Masks upon masks, calculated actions upon actions. He was deemed to be one of the growing best of this generation, a Bayushi worthy of the name. Even being skilled in his family's talents, that did not mean he was worthy of being selected of attention by the kami. Such prideful thoughts would be the exact weakness a Scorpion like himself would look for.

Taking a moment to cough, the sound honest as he covered his mouth, he would take into consideration the events that happened before them. Religion was not his focus at all but he was not a disbeliever either. He trusted in his own actions moreso than that of the divine; the results tended to be much faster.

I see..." Bayushi murmured, bowing his head in thanks. "Please take my considerable thanks to your lord then for his kindness." Matsu-san was quite correct; this whole interaction was risky to reputation and face. It was better to consider the business down and ruminate upon it later.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The katana he gave you is capable of 5K2. And is of exceptional quality.

F Human Samurai

Anything on my perception roll? Did I do it right?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Matsu Niko wrote:

A lot has happened since I went to bed, damn

As this happens, Matsu Niko starts looking around to see if anyone is watching from nearby because this whole scene may could cause the lot of them a loss in face. As a precaution she clicks her no-dachi so that an inch of the blade can be seen from the scabbard.

Perception is 3 so I roll 3d10 3d10

She says, "This is highly irregular."
as she keeps her head on a swivel.

There is no one else nearby. It's just you, the others, and the old man.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Did not the old man say his name was Megumi, and not his lord's? Kiyoko thinks, raised brows slowly settling as the business concludes. She makes a point to show appropriate deference to the old man in case he was the kami in question as she seeks to extricate herself from the situation and make for the inn again.

F Human Samurai

Matsu Niko fairly certain that the group has not been eavesdropped upon, clicks her No-dachi fully closed and bids Megumi fairwell. And then she pivots on her heel and starts walking towards their destination.

Scorpion Samurai Bushi|Armored TN 25 (Reduction: 3); Unarmored TN 20|Init: 5k4|Speed 20 ft|Honor: 2.5 Glory: 0.0 Status: 1.0 Taint: 0.0|Conditions: None
Wounds: 0-5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19|Wound Status: Healthy|Current Wounds: 0

Bayushi Yoshi joins the rest of them, ruminating on the strange encounter as they make their way into Tsuma proper.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

As the group continues their journey, Asao can't help but looking back several times, to see if the old man transforms. The third time he looks, another voice enters his thoughts.

Look at you! You are not shugenja enough to know whether or not you have met a Fortune! The truth is simple enough, neither you nor these other children you have met on the road are significant enough to draw such attention. You know your place better than this, so start behaving like you do!

The berating continues as the group walks, no one any wiser to the Isawa's unique burden. Though it is clear something is unsettling him.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

As you have the town in sight, you come across an unusual man with wares to sell. He appears to have garments with the mon of the Crab on. His wares are many, and he appears to be a merchant of some kind.

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Kiyoko scarcely pays the merchant any mind as she keeps walking, though she does give his wares a casual glance.

What exactly makes him 'unusual'? And what all is he selling?

F Human Samurai

Niko walks up to the merchant and says, "Why are you set up so far from the village shonin-san?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Kakita Kiyoko wrote:

Kiyoko scarcely pays the merchant any mind as she keeps walking, though she does give his wares a casual glance.

What exactly makes him 'unusual'? And what all is he selling?

He's selling good luck trinkets.

Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Isawa 1 | Wounds 0/38 | Armor TN 15+ | Init 3K2 | Speed 30' | Honor 4.5 | Glory 2.0 | Status 2.0 | Taint 0.0 | Disturbing Countenance (burn scars on face and scalp)

A solo Crab merchant selling out of a cart in the middle of Crane lands isn't enough to make him unusual?

"I hope you have had your rice today, Crab-san. I have to agree with Matsu-san, though. Wouldn't you have more customers at the championship than on the road?"

Female Human Kiyoko's Portrait(s)

Fair enough.

Kiyoko pauses as Niko strikes up a conversation with the Crab merchant. Wordlessly doubling back, she takes a closer look at the trinkets the man is selling. A Yasuki merchant? she wonders silently, looking at the man out of the corner of her eye. He was bold to be trading in lands his family abandoned centuries ago, but perhaps he had someone's patronage or permission to be here. Not that the matter concerned her...much.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Isawa Asao wrote:

A solo Crab merchant selling out of a cart in the middle of Crane lands isn't enough to make him unusual?

"I hope you have had your rice today, Crab-san. I have to agree with Matsu-san, though. Wouldn't you have more customers at the championship than on the road?"

"I'd rather sell my wares here, little Pheonix."

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