Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Keeper of Forbidden Lore's page

4,001 posts. Alias of seekerofshadowlight.



About Keeper of Forbidden Lore

Savage Tide



Karkalla +4

Action points.

Hit points
Ardanto=88/current 74
Finn=80/current 68
Daurros=60/current 60
Guard=85/ currently 80
Toxim=76/ currently 62
*Snem=26/ current 26
Karkalla=81[89 shifted]/ 56



Legacy of fire



Vrealk=35[current 35 hp]
Ayishida=19[curre 3 hp]
Markhet=43[current 3 hp]
Celena=41 [current 8 hp]
N'Djamena=41/ current 41 hp]
Kalden=32/ current= 26 hp

Hero points:

Pathfinder HP for leveling
D12 is 1d4+8 HP
D10 is 1d4+6 HP
D8 is 1d4+4 HP
D6 is 1d4+2 HP

Action points.
Right now you have 5 to start with. they must be used by the time you level they do NOT rollover. Also they do not refill till you gain a new level. So use em or lose em

You can spend an action point to improve the result of an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, a level check, or a saving throw. Certain feats and prestige class features allow you to spend action points in different ways, but this is their most basic use. When you spend an action point, you add the result of a roll of 1d6 to your d20 roll to help you meet or exceed the target number for the roll. You can declare that you are spending an action point after you have already rolled the d20, but you must do so before the Dungeon Master reveals the result of your roll (whether the attack roll or check or saving throw succeeded or failed). You can’t use an action point on a skill check or ability check when you are taking 10 or taking 20. You can only use action points once in a round. If you spend 1 or more action points on a special action (see below), you can’t spend a point in the same round to improve a die roll, and vice versa. No spell, power, or other special ability can allow a character to reroll an action point die. If a character suffers permanent level loss, he does not lose any action points he has remaining, and any subsequent level advancement provides new action points as normal.

Instead of altering the result of a d20 roll, you can use action points to perform one of the special actions described below. In addition, some
prestige classes and feats allow you to spend action points to gain or activate specific abilities.
Activate Class Feature: You can spend 2 action points to gain another use of one of the following class features that has a limited
number of uses per day: bardic music, rage, smite evil, Stunning Fist, turn or rebuke undead, or wild shape.
Hasten Infusion: On his turn, an artificer can spend 1 action point to imbue an infusion in 1 round, even if the infusion’s casting
time is normally longer than 1 round.
Stabilize: When your character is dying, you can spend 1 action point to stabilize at your current hit point total. Spending an action point does nothing for you if you’re already dead.
Attempt difficult maneuvers: You may try something that might not normally be allowed or doable if they are high action [Up to my call]
Saving throws You may use an action point to aid a saving throw roll.
Skill check You may add an action point to any single skill check, or use an action point to reroll a failed one.
Extra attack you may use an action point to gain an extra attack at your highest attack bounes. This must be used as part of a full attack action

Hero Points

Whenever a hero point is spent, it can have any one of the following effects.

Act Out of Turn: You can spend a hero point to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Bonus: If used before a roll is made, a hero point grants you a +8 luck bonus to any one d20 roll. If used after a roll is made, this bonus is reduced to +4. You can use a hero point to grant this bonus to another character, as long as you are in the same location and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of the roll (such as distracting a monster, shouting words of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the check). Hero points spent to aid another character grant only half the listed bonus (+4 before the roll, +2 after the roll).

Extra Action: You can spend a hero point on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.

Inspiration: If you feel stuck at one point in the adventure, you can spend a hero point and petition the GM for a hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no information to be gained, the hero point is not spent.

Recall: You can spend a hero point to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis.

Reroll: You may spend a hero point to reroll any one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.

Special: You can petition the GM to allow a hero point to be used to attempt nearly anything that would normally be almost impossible. Such uses are not guaranteed and should be considered carefully by the GM. Possibilities include casting a single spell that is one level higher than you could normally cast (or a 1st-level spell if you are not a spellcaster), making an attack that blinds a foe or bypasses its damage reduction entirely, or attempting to use Diplomacy to convince a raging dragon to give up its attack. Regardless of the desired action, the attempt should be accompanied by a difficult check or penalty on the attack roll. No additional hero points may be spent on such an attempt, either by the character or her allies.

Cheat Death: A character can spend 2 hero points to cheat death. How this plays out is up to the GM, but generally the character is left alive, with negative hit points but stable. For example, a character is about to be slain by a critical hit from an arrow. If the character spends 2 hero points, the GM decides that the arrow pierced the character's holy symbol, reducing the damage enough to prevent him from being killed, and that he made his stabilization roll at the end of his turn. Cheating death is the only way for a character to spend more than 1 hero point in a turn. The character can spend hero points in this way to prevent the death of a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, or special mount, but not another character or NPC.