Heroes of Lastwall

Game Master Tilnar

The epic tale of the characters who answered the call of young Lord Kalthun, the would-be heroes who seek to deal with the growing orcish threat -- to win back some of the land that has been lost, and inspire others to take up the fight.

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Still,... OUCHIES! ;P

Glad you are getting better!

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
Treppa wrote:

I'm much better, thank you. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can finally see well!

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

Well, that sounds decidedly unpleasant. Glad it's relatively easily handled and that you're mostly recovered.

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

*peers around*

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2


<echos> Hello,... hello,... hello,...</echoes>

I know MY life is a hot mess right now. (And not JUST because it's friggin SUMMER in the down-south!) ;P

But I hope the radio silence means that everyone is enjoying their summer? And not because of RL (bad) issues??? O_o

FYI, Im having (another) friggin surgery next week, Thu.
(July 11)
Hopefully they wont mess THIS one up like they did the LAST one! >_<

So if I vanish (again) it's just recovery. And/or pain. And not ignoring anyone. :)

Happy week all!

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Still kind of waiting for someone to tell me what they're doing so I can adjudicate that.

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Waiting for Sahar to interview the healer. Eloen might be making a circuit to look for further clues, pending Merlan saying it's worth doing so.

Sorry, RL has been a little TOO real lately.

Let me re-read the last few posts and see if our chatty-wizzie-wannabe can do a verbal push. :)

SO, before I forget to tell everyone and vanish mysteriously,

Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going in again for another surgical procedure to 'fix' me after the major cancer removal almost 2 years ago now.
This will be the second attempt to 'fix' the issue.
(Here's hoping they dont mess THIS one up!) ;P

It is considered 'minor' and out-patient, but I will be in pain and out of it for a few days at least. And literally not able to sit in a chair for who-knows-how-long. (2 weeks at least)

I will respond and keep myself in the loop as much as possible, but you get a break from my novel-length posts for a while! ;)

Since I'll be out of it, Happy weekend all ! :)


Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Sooo... we still goin'?

Oh I am glad to see a post!

I was afraid maybe the site was acting up again.
(You know, NOT showing new posts on an active thread) :)

F Human Samurai 5 [ HP 57/60 (0 NL) | AC 22¹ Tch 15¹ FF 19 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +3 | CMD 21¹ | Init +3 | Perc +9, low-light vision, scent⁵ | Challenge: 1/2 | Resolve: 3/3 | Hero Points: 1 | Stamina: 8/9 | Effects: shield of faith +2, scabbard of vigor +1 (6/10) ]

I'm still here.

DM, can we make some intelligent assumptions of action to move things along a bit?

I'm here!
(OK, OK, not MENTALLY, but 'Present'!) ;P

RL is kinda bein' a 'pain' (cant actually type those kinda words, they just get !@#$% out) to everyone lately it seems.

Start of University Semester insanity. The usual.
Meaning even MORE of 'the usual' than usual.
It will calm down once we get started again.

A little. MAybe. ;P

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

I'm starting to worry that our DM has vanished :(

Thats scary,
I thought it was his job to make the PC's vanish! ;P

(Seriously, I hope he and everyone is OK. RL has been handing out beatings like candy at Halloween lately. So I hear.) :(

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Sorry, folks. I came in here to post a "huh, where is everyone" only to find that you're looking for me and that I stopped getting updates.

That said - we seem to have the three of you still actively posting, but Treppa has largely vanished and DSX seems to have fallen into a metaphorical pit.

I'm all for moving forward and rebuilding momentum (including by being clever about stuff, as Fiona suggested), but I do worry there's a lack of critical mass here -- so, I'm not really sure what the best next steps are.

RL stinks, generally speaking. ;P

My own IRL recently (if 'recent' is the last 2 years!) has been a series of 'one step forward, two steps back',
But WITHOUT the attractive singer/dancer and cool animated cat! ;P

I DO hope everyone is ok! (?!?)

I'm open to options. :)

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Well, we can either try to follow up on our investigation one scene at a time, or try to grab a fourth (or fifth) player from the small remaining base here on the boards.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

I've always liked 5, personally, but that's a me thing.

But if we're going to try to bring in new blood to get things moving, we need to make sure that those of us who are still here want to do that -- that is to say, that they want to continue, that they want to pick up the pace, and that they're willing to change the party composition/dynamics to do so.

Hey, I'll try anything once.
TWICE if I like it! (That's what gets me in trouble,...) ;P

I'm easy, I'm good with whatever we decide, new blood, make sure old hands are Ok and if coming back? all of the above?
Just let me know.

(Character-wise, I'm not entirely certain that Merlan would notice if the tall-folk swapped out. He's mostly looking at their knees after all!) ;P

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

The challenge with a campaign like this one is that there are so many threads - it’s tough to pick up after a hiatus

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Tilnar does seem to run fairly complex storylines (from my sample size of two). We seem to be kinda stalled out on this because we aren't sure how to really "prove" that the murder was committed by a faerie instead of by the elf-kin boy, and we keep running into the wall of just not knowing where to look or what to look for.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

To be fair, that was sort of what everyone agreed to at the jump (way back when) - of course, people were also posting multiple times a day back then. ;)

In terms of the current situation, I can certainly be more prescriptive about potential things you could do in cases (i.e. - "so, do you want to go in and look for evidence, try to find the trail and track it or go to the loft?") in order to keep things moving, it's generally been more a matter of not wanting to put people on rails/in boxes.

And I Do appreciate the 'not railroading'!
(I like to THINK I'm smart and creative!) ;)

But in PbP, I ALSO really like hints and reminders of what the options are. :D

Sorry about posting fall off, been a REAL 'hectic' IRL recently.
(Putting it politely) >_<

Is it just me? Or does RL seem to be hitting EVERYone in the 'feels' recently?!?

Just me?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Well, other than getting COVID again a few weeks ago, life's mostly ok around here in terms of the actual happenings (well, other than being forced back into the office 4/week. That's less good, too, especially after the promises made over the previous years.. But hey, still not wealthy enough to quit, so what can you do?).

That said, hectic does seem like an apt term, nonetheless.

Tilnar wrote:

Well, other than getting COVID again a few weeks ago, life's mostly ok around here in terms of the actual happenings (well, other than being forced back into the office 4/week. That's less good, too, especially after the promises made over the previous years.. But hey, still not wealthy enough to quit, so what can you do?).

That said, hectic does seem like an apt term, nonetheless.

Ooof, sorry to hear that Til.

(From experience, I can verify that the 'Antibody Infusion' DOES work. Like magic. The earlier you get it once you realize you have "C", the faster and better it works.)

Yes, my own job is becoming more stressful VERY recently. (SHOULDN'T be, but others seem to be determined to make my life miserable)
I will not lie, it is getting bad enough I am thinking of looking at other job possibilities within the same university system. So I can keep my benefits at least.
I certainly am not rich enough to quit! (If I can just hang on another 2-3 years, I can take retirement, at half my current cruddy income. Yay?!?) :(

'Hectic', Yeah,... I was being 'polite' in my phraseology. ;P
There are other words I would MUCH rather use.
But I'd probably get banned if I tried to type them out here. :D

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2
Tilnar wrote:

To be fair, that was sort of what everyone agreed to at the jump (way back when) - of course, people were also posting multiple times a day back then. ;)

In terms of the current situation, I can certainly be more prescriptive about potential things you could do in cases (i.e. - "so, do you want to go in and look for evidence, try to find the trail and track it or go to the loft?") in order to keep things moving, it's generally been more a matter of not wanting to put people on rails/in boxes.

I'm not opposed to "open world" questing, but I feel like we have stalled out on a murder mystery where we are sympathetic to the people involved and we don't want to just up and go somewhere else and leave this village to get divided and conquered. So, we are kinda spinning in circles because we want to help these people, stop the orc horde, and catch the real murderer/prove the innocence of the young farmboy, but we do not seem to have any way to approach any of these goals.

What Eloen Said.
Much shorter than how I would have said it. :)

(Aw yes, the drawbacks of playing a Genius-IQ toon, with a
'less-than-genius' RL IQ) ;P

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Hi all. I know I’ve been quiet. Life has been busy, and I don’t check in here as much as I used to.

I think I’m going to continue to have difficulty being here regularly and following the game, so I think it is time that I bowed out.

This has been a lot of fun, and I appreciate everything you have put into it, Tilnar! I am sorry that I am not able to continue.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

With the total lack of forward, the vanishing of Treppa and DSX, and now CH bailing...

...that kind of feels coffin-nail-ish to me.

That said, if people feel otherwise and want to try to recruit (and we can figure out a way to make an entry point that isn't a total maze), then let me know -- otherwise, I'll mark this one dead next week.

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Well, boo.

Sorry to hear that.

I hope Treppa and DSX are ok?!?

I can see that a lot of folks are not as active as we used to be.

(I blame RL for that!)

I'm sorry. :(

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

I mean, I want to play, but I don't know what to do at this point, and it feels like nobody else does, either. :(

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

That's one vote to keep moving - of course, I'd prefer if there were a few more before figuring out the right way to move to a good new entry point.

I agree, I want to play,
but RL has been kickin' my tushie recently. :P

Im open to options, continuing, stopping for a while, shutting it down,
let me know what you think.

Not sure how to move forward if a others have vanished from the boards?
(I mean, other than recruiting again, which almost feels like starting over after almost finishing the first chapter of a RPG video game) ;)

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

It would require a new recruitment, and skimming forward and sideways enough that new folks could follow along and not be drowning in mystery.

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

* glub glub *

heh, yeah,...

What, exactly, makes you think that we're NOT already drowning in mystery here? ;P

If I had known we were gonna be playing a murder mystery, I woulda' made one of the Scooby gang!

Probably Shaggy.
As an Alchemist variant w/ the alchemy-powered wagon/vehicle.
The potions and infusions he makes are the scooby snacks. :)

Just a thought,...

Female Elf Ranger (guide, trapper) 5 | 56/56 HP | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +11 (+13 vs. traps) | Ranger's Focus 0/2

Heh. Well, if we manage to snag a recruit, I hope they can make better sense of this all than I can. ;)

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