DM Voomer's Age of Ashes

Game Master Voomer

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LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Yeah. Witch got some cool things for their familiar.

The other one to be aware of that I grabbed is the level 8 feat of Spirit Familiar.

I also got access to Haste and Slow from the Chronomancer archetype. I don't have either of those prepared currently though.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |
Haven't done combat in so long I had to double-check every rule and my abilities and stuff, lolol.


Double-checking it myself because that's how I be...

Personal Antithesis is half level +2, which is 6 points now.

The 3d10 is odd. I think the first two d10s are normal weapon damage and will be doubled on a crit. The third one is from the Fatal trait and since it is something that is added by the crit already, then it doesn't also get doubled. The weakness damage also doesn't get doubled. It took me a while to figure out that the +2 on the weapon damage is from Weapon Specialization (spellcaster here, I won't get that for a while). I think(?) the +4 is an even more outdated number for Personal Antithesis. Unless there is something more that I have forgotten about that would be adding static damage to a ranged attack.

So: ( d10(10) + d10(4) +2)x2 +d10(9) +6(EV) = (16)x2 +9 +6 = 47 damage.

Edit: The +4 is from Implement's Empowerment. So that would be included in the base weapon damage that then gets doubled on a crit.

So 55 damage.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Apparently I should have triple-checked. Always forget about the boosts and keep saying I'm going to build them into my macros >_> thank you for checking me (and yeah the +4 is empowerment, everyone always forgets why it's there lol)

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Yes, the party's chronomancer is doing delayed damage. Needle of Vengeance damage happens during the Bida's turn conditional on its action choices, and persistent damage happens at the end of its turn unless it does something to qualify for immediate assisted recovery during its turn.

Cool. Makes sense.

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And, of course, the drained condition does immediate "damage" as well.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

I'm pretty dang sick. I'll be slow the next few days, but I will keep an eye out. Going to roll reflex now.

Good luck on your fort checks the next few days!

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Drink a healing potion!

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

Also, reminder to account for the 6 Temp HP that Yasami has if that changes anything.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

I will be able to post this evening!

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Ok, sorry to hold things up. I want to have Cat take a shot at the pillar, but I see it's up on a platform. How far away from her is the pillar right now? Could she get closer and be able to take aim, or do I need to get Cat up onto the platform?

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It is currently 65 feet away. I don't want to get into the math of it (because I couldn't), but from the present position, you and the pillar can target each other with standard cover. Get any closer forward and it has greater cover, although you could decrease the distance to the pillar a bit by moving West a few squares. Note that is difficult terrain picking through ruins to the West. You would have greater cover, though.

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Catalina does not hit the pillar so she will need to clear the misfire. I'll given Oren to the end of the my workday (PST) and then I'll bot him.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

I will be able to post after school today. Sorry for the delays. Sickness hasn't really left the household.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Hey all, I am leaving for the weekend. I probably won't be available until late Sunday, potentially Monday. Just a heads up.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

As per usual - I'll post after school today. Been a busy week or so with doctor's appts and work.

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Maybe the name of the bida was Eloy?

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

My spouse just had dental surgery and the recovery really sucks. I will likely be able to post tomorrow. If there's anything pressing, you can @ me on discord and I can get something quickly typed up.

I posted this in the Caia game, too.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

I'll be able to post this evening!

Great. I'll be traveling this next week, which will slow me down...

Since I will be traveling for the next week, this is a good opportunity for the group to strategize its approach to the fortress, and any general tactics and other preparation. I would prefer that happen in the discussion thread rather than Discord, so we have a better record of it. Ask any questions you have and I will try to answer them as I am able during my travels...

Thanks for the summary Yasami! That all sounds like a correct summary of what the group knows. As for the pillars, you suspect they were previously capable of firing all manner of attacks, but you believe you have now neutralized that capacity. Based on previous discussions with the elves and Caiten’s arcane investigations, the group believes Caiten is correct that the pillars around the fortress still prevent the elves from approaching, even though (you hope and suspect) they no longer have firing capacity.

FYI, I'm fine with saying that Lisi already has shape wood memorized, since you all knew this was coming and he didn't use all his spells in the combat. Also, given the travel time, you may be able to prep new spells tomorrow and then approach the fortress the next day, unless you want to travel the full day and move immediately on the fortress at night.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Sounds good. Seems like folks are pretty busy right now so I'm around and paying attention, just seeing who else chimes in when they have time.

No rush to anyone at all.

Male Versatile Human Barbarian 8 HP 136/136| AC 26| F +18| R +12| W +14| Perc +134, +1 Stealth, +2 on Initiative Rolls Speed 30 ft.| Hero Points 1/3| Conditions: None

I'm ready

I'll give some thought to the familiar-doing-watch question. Can folks give me a watch order (with and without Sulee)? Also, anyone else want to try a survival check? Regardless, I'll aim to move things forwards by the end of the weekend. Have a good weekend, all.

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

Some light reading (lol) on the subject.

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