Jade Regent, the Unexpected Journey

Game Master GM Wulfson

Campaign Resources

In Game Date: Toilday, 28 Erastus

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That's very strange, because I assure you it does. Anyone else having this issue?

Female Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 2/Samurai (Warrior Poet) 2 | 20/31 HP | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10 (trap spotter) | Challenge 1/1 | Ki pool 2/3 | Resolve 0/1

I got the same error message as Lyraesel.

All right. I'll have to figure out what is wrong. Worst case scenario I'll have to make a game in Roll20.

EDIT: Okay, haven't been able to make a link that works. Roll20 it is.


Here's the link to the Roll20. Idk what to say if this one doesn't work

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