A Tiny Part Of The Dimension Wars (Interdimensional Spy Follies

Game Master GM Hansj

Back in Sigil, decompressing

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Azzim bin Farouq wrote:

Azzim was a little surprised when the traders managed to bypass his forbiddance spell and teleport in. He briefly considered how they might have done that....

Gack, g*!*#% it, I forgot about that, apologizes...

That said, as you worded it, you cast the Forbiddance on the area of townhouse and the mindscape is a distinct demi-plane from that original area and so it could be argued not affected.

I'm not saying this is necessarily correct but it seems like how I'll play it going forward. The Organization did offer the rod of Threnodic spell which helped make this possible, so I'm trying to help here...

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

No worries! I'm trying to reconcile Gift's action with Pontiax and family being a programmed illusion and the solar casting a defensive spell on them.

I'm tempted to go with Gift's action because it looks cool and have the solar attack. What do you think?

Azzim bin Farouq wrote:

No worries! I'm trying to reconcile Gift's action with Pontiax and family being a programmed illusion and the solar casting a defensive spell on them.

I'm tempted to go with Gift's action because it looks cool and have the solar attack. What do you think?

Sounds fine.

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]

rule of cool

I will be traveling next week. It probably won't impact my posting much but conceivably it might.

We're between arcs so I might put out an ad for another player. Starting them close to the arc's beginning might help someone stay engaged.

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]


Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Sorry a bit distracted, will try to get a post up tomorrow.

Traveling today and working tomorrow, so I'll post on Tuesday.

Hope you enjoy the latest arc concept.

'Scuse the delay in posting, I was recovering from my trip.

So this latest arc is yet another effort to have a different approach to PbP. It's a bit challenging but hopefully interesting. Let me know if you have any suggestion.

Give your character wide latitude find stuff also.

Lay on Hands 5d6 10/10xday|
Percep +21|SM +20|Diplo +16|Acro +11|Craft (weapons) +19|Intim +27|Kn. planes +17|Kn. relig +17
HP 240/240, Fast Healing 5|AC 29 (12 T, 28 FF)|F: +19, R: +12, W: +12|Resist Negative Energy, Cold, Electricity 10|ImmuneMagic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage

Does Arlo have time to say goodbye to his wife before he leaves? Mainly for RP purposes.

Arlo Brighthammer wrote:
Does Arlo have time to say goodbye to his wife before he leaves? Mainly for RP purposes.

Yes - but this will be just a quick trip. The adventure won't really begin until you enter the "resort" where you'll use your reputations...

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

This last week or two has been really busy for me at work, so I've not been keeping up too well. Sorry about that. Got a few days off now so I should be able to post a bit more.

Gift Fitzroy-Brighthammer wrote:

Gift plays to become the new Demon Lord, leaving an opposing side of corrupted heroes. Turning the tables of good and evil. She/he used one final Bluff to trick all of the remaining players into recognizing her as such and banding into a broken group if corrupted nations, fighting themselves while she/he pulled the strings.

Bluff(Cha) Nat 20 +30...

She sat in her power base, while either other players fight over the last position in the game, the Empirorer's spot on the board of becoming.
While she/he supported and unsupported them for fun. It was obvious to any with game skill that she had played and beaten the others for nothing more than her/his own Entertainment. Controlling each as she wished. After getting to this point she/he busts out laughing.

"Most entertaining"

She had won as such the could not end, not as long as it keep him/her entertained.

She/He looked to the referees,

"Would you like to call it?"


Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Will try and get a post up tomorrow. The kids are sick and the past few days have been a bit full on.

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Heh it got late again, will try to post tomorrow.

Azzim bin Farouq wrote:
Heh it got late again, will try to post tomorrow.

Things have been quite busy with me lately also and the next few post will take some thought.

I will have to wait 'till tomorrow to post. Sorry about that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OK, there is much to learn about this situation. Assume that complete of a given NPC or quality requires concentration (and forgive me for missing earlier rolls and investigations ).

But now, focus on one or two of the characters/qualities/possibilities at a time, describing the investigation if possible. "Do two people seem to be enemies" is a great question but a complete answer to questions like that won't necessarily come immediately. (And keep in mind "rival" is more mild than enemy).


I feel like I have to give you a little more to go for this.

Apologies if folks weren't sure how to proceed earlier. I'm hoping this will clarify possibility...

And any questions or comments welcome.

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]

Back and posted

Well, now the discussion has become fascinating.

Due to a situation where a friend got into an accident driving my car and insurance and threats ensued, I have been occupied with high grade baloney and must postpone posting until tomorrow. Hope you find this arc interesting...

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

Yikes! Hopefully you're able to get things cleared up without great expense.

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Oh dear hope that gets sorted out quickly!

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]

Assume Likeness (Su)
An ascendant psion of 8th level can assume the likeness of any Small, Medium, or Large creature as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The ascendant psion’s abilities do not change, but he appears to be that creature, relying on his Bluff and Disguise skills to deflect suspicion. Alternatively, the ascendant psion can simply alter his appearance to not look like himself. In either scenario, an ascendant psion gets an additional +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks when using this ability.
This ability replaces the discipline ability normally gained at 8th level.

So this arc is winding up. Message me if you have any for requests for upcoming arcs. I do have an idea but input is always useful.

Gift is going full god mode, her plane and minds will I hope shift to a higher, possibly shimmer plane, who knows. Where they end up is up to the GM, I loved playing GIFT and she was great to play.

Arlo is OK I think I may go back to playing Lyra.
We can find a good baby sitter. HAHA, we know a Dragon who may be a good bet.

Or I could make a new PC, I will have a think. I think Lyra may be fun again. Given the missions we are on.

How Arlo and She deal with Gift subliming [see notes] who know. The Sublimed don't tend to come back and interact with our reality. Why to much fun up there in the higher planes.

Let me know what you think Arlo and crew

Lay on Hands 5d6 10/10xday|
Percep +21|SM +20|Diplo +16|Acro +11|Craft (weapons) +19|Intim +27|Kn. planes +17|Kn. relig +17
HP 240/240, Fast Healing 5|AC 29 (12 T, 28 FF)|F: +19, R: +12, W: +12|Resist Negative Energy, Cold, Electricity 10|ImmuneMagic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage

GM_Panic, returning to Lyra sounds good to me.

Could Arlo also be sublimed as well?

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

Whatever you want to play.

Let's see, other arc ideas... I still like the idea of Terexaltherin unknowingly acquiring a powerful magical book (maybe even a sapient one) for his library, having it cause some odd things to happen and then perhaps have someone powerful hunting it down. Maybe a non-Dark Trader but still evil force seeking after it.

I do also like the idea of defending the Organization against a Dark Trader attack. Or maybe having to go to the rescue of another Organization team (one Terecho was with could be neat).

Arlo Brighthammer wrote:

GM_Panic, returning to Lyra sounds good to me.

Could Arlo also be sublimed as well?

Arlo can be sublimed, there's a logical place in the narrative coming up.

Lyra is very welcome to rejoin and another character could be an option.

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]

Arlo Gift is going to become the positive force in this new cosmos, If you enter the orb, she will pull you to her side and elevate / sublimed you so you can survive the experience od being there when a new prime reality comes into being. By all means leave an heroic imprint :)

Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND]

Hi all,

A close in fighter with Arlo
A Wise, sneaky rouge with Terex
A massive mage Azzim.

Lyra will be as she was clothing and with a long range rifle of some kind. A ranged fighter, sniper. Some tech crafting skills and gagits.
Tech head in other words.

Gift Elan-Ascendant-Psion [Move/TP/flight 40'r][AC25+7^ TAC25+7^ FF-- ] CMD 24/+6CMB|F+14/18* R+17/21* W+21/25*|HP92/92|Init+3|Per+36|SM+24|PP253/262|[Conceal Thoughts/Barred & Hidden Mind] See Invis/Empathy/360 Mindsight 60' [HIDDEN MIND]

I just thought Terexaltherin, Gift made dragons
Feel free to do as Arlo did and enter Gift proto-Plane
to teach the Dragons there. I think that would be really cool.

Azzim would you like to also contribute to Gift plane?
Like add magic into the plane, There is Psionics but magic can be there as well.
Feel free too

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Maybe Azzim did contribute, but he doesn't quite remember what happened xD

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

I prefer the "never even got to say goodbye" thing, and at this point it'd take a retcon for Terex to be involved.

I shall post tomorrow, it's been a long week. You folks have outdone yourselves, btw.

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

I've been toying with the idea that Terexaltherin (and maybe Azzim) might have some long-term after-effects from whatever going through that crystal inflicted on them. :D Not sure what said after-effects might be, though...

Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND]

Sorry GM kind of just ran with it.

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20
Terexaltherin, Pseudodragon wrote:
I've been toying with the idea that Terexaltherin (and maybe Azzim) might have some long-term after-effects from whatever going through that crystal inflicted on them. :D Not sure what said after-effects might be, though...

Mm I'm wondering if Azzim lost something as a result, memories certainly but maybe something else too. Quite possibly this was for his own protection.

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

Odd holes in Azzim's memory could be interesting, yeah. I'm debating about Terex starting to feel a bit... unstuck from material reality, like his repeated brushes with these entities that live outside normal space and time is starting to affect at least his mind, if not more. Like every now and again he catches himself looking where someone will be in a second or where they were a second ago, or sometimes he briefly feels like he got a glimpse through his surroundings to... something else. Nothing major enough for game effects yet, probably, but enough to be worrying.

Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND]

Terexaltherin, can I ask whats tyhe range on your Telepthy Hub mind?
if its not super long range thinking Lyra may give out encrypted comms units

M Pseudodragon Unchained Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 10 Hedgewitch 3 | HP 108/108 | AC: 30 T: 23 Fl: 22 | CMB: +16 CMD: 30 | F +12 R +23 W +14 | Init +7 | Perc: +19, Blindsense 60' | SR 25 | Spell Points: 16/18 | Inspiration 4/4 | Guile 2/4 | Current Effects: Dispersion

Terexaltherin's telepathy range is 220 feet--pretty good, but if we split up in different locations not enough.

Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND]

Ok cool, I will get Lyra to give you all long range comms units, miles etc, but not world wide etc.

Human | Resource Tracker | Shaman 15 | HP 124 / 124 | AC 24; 12tch 24ff | +13fort +10ref +21will |
Bluff +20 | Dip +23 | Heal + 12 | Kn: Arc +20| Kn: Hist +20 | Kn: Nat +22 | Kn: Pla +25 | Kn: Rel +23 | Perc +26 | SMotive +29| Splcraft +24 | UMD +20

Didn't we get permanent group telepathy for one of the previous missions? That doesn't include Lyra but it could be extennded.

Lyra Anna Fitzroy Android [Move 40'][DR3/-][AC22 TAC13 FF19] CMD 32 CMB+21|F+12R+16W+16|HP111/111|Init+3|DV 60'|Per+27+1d8|SM+20+1d8|INsp_13{+1d8} [HIDDEN MIND]

GM Where abouts is it shadow, can her mech have a go at stomping it.

Lady Lyra Anna Fitzroy wrote:
GM Where abouts is it shadow, can her mech have a go at stomping it.

Shadow has run 30' away, back to the streets of the market, in range of mech yes.

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