
GM Hansj's page

Organized Play Member. 2,198 posts (2,202 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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Arlo destroys the first, wounded wizard with his first attack and goes on to injure the remain wizard, who is then pulled directly up to Gift, standing at the alter of the God Of The City.

The creatures eyes glow as it approaches Gift and it reaches out a claw-like hand to touch her... But first, Arlo and The Solar get attacks of opportunity as the thing is dragged across the battle field..

Terex finishes the last straggler and arrives at the "main chamber" of the mindscape...

The tall flaming angel descents into the middle of the fray, Cutting down the undead wizard badly wounded by Gift on one side, slicing through the death priest previously wounded by Terex on the other side and badly damaging a further wizard in it's remaining attacks... IE, with size and reach and positioning, it could attack everything

The wounded wizard steps back cowering and with a small gesture, a huge interposing blue hand of force appears between it and the angel. The other wizard shuffles behind the first and sends an empowered lightning bolt at Gift. 60 points lightning damage, reflex save 22 for half

Two enemies in the main area, one lost in labyrinth. The Dark Traders now have cover but only against the Solar

The lead Dark Trader looks demoralized but hold it's ground, surviving the concussive-onslaught...

Terex manages to destroy one of straggling death knight...

It's still the Solar's action...

Azzim bin Farouq wrote:

No worries! I'm trying to reconcile Gift's action with Pontiax and family being a programmed illusion and the solar casting a defensive spell on them.

I'm tempted to go with Gift's action because it looks cool and have the solar attack. What do you think?

Sounds fine.

Note, it's also Arlo and the Solar's turn to attack, keep in mind

Azzim bin Farouq wrote:

Azzim was a little surprised when the traders managed to bypass his forbiddance spell and teleport in. He briefly considered how they might have done that....

Gack, g$%#~# it, I forgot about that, apologizes...

That said, as you worded it, you cast the Forbiddance on the area of townhouse and the mindscape is a distinct demi-plane from that original area and so it could be argued not affected.

I'm not saying this is necessarily correct but it seems like how I'll play it going forward. The Organization did offer the rod of Threnodic spell which helped make this possible, so I'm trying to help here...

Having emerged, the glowing, robed skeletal leader leaps off the ground and flies to looping path to land directly in front of Poinifaxsis The Solar and Arlo each get an attack of opportunity. "Even this trick won't save you..." and breathes a cloud of foul, magic gas from his mouth ... that stops short without effect (the death effect ... impeded, the creature coughing, momentarily)

Meanwhile, three of the remaining five figures appear where the leader first appeared (evidently teleporting in using a description transmitted mentally). The party can tell that the remain figures, those in armor, are still struggling to find their way through the maze-like mansion. Terex can attack either of these from hiding in the mansion - neither of these were first target however.

Gift Fitzroy-Brighthammer wrote:
2ed week of a film shoot in london, so not been posting much

So I think Gift is saying go on without them for a bit.

Once they enter the townhouse (and the mindscape), the dark clad posse charges through the first two rooms and then stop. Looks are exchanged (and presumably silent communication). The lead figure intones, in a thin, threatening voice "Poinifaxsis, we are here for you, you will find what befalls those who betray the lords of death... at which point the group drops their dark guises and comes to resemble more glowing skeletons in rich robes, cossacks or armor. This leading figure then stretches out a finger, from which springs a gray ray that blasts one wall, perhaps to speed up the journey but when the group goes through this hole, they find themselves in yet another mysterious antechamber, from which a servant runs screaming, somehow evading jets of fire from the group. At point, the group apparently decides to split up...

... and after further wandering and curses, the lead figure stumbles into the center room, alone, And can be attacked ... while Terex begin picking off stragglers... But nothing destroyed yet...

Azzim, yon basically can have to group enter at a pace of your choosing. And you have more "believable monsters" left and even a stone golem or two or eight would be easily believable at this point. Also, you can set the mindscape to impede evil magic and death spell btw...

So the mindscape needs to be specified in some detail here... Azzim asked for input so others could add some conditions...

The dark figures in a disoriented manner...

But at the minimum, everyone but Azzim gets at least one round to attack. Azzim in the mindscape, organizing it...

So, the party quickly works to finish the honey pot, sending a message to The Organization requesting materials. The requested ingredients arrive, along with Greater Rod of Meta-magic Spell, Threnodic with a note from Ari Shadowfire, "Azzim, your plan was so close to perfect, it was worth scouring Sigil for this final item. Good Luck".

With materials and spells in place, Arlo and Azzim make a show of moving the chest into the "Town House" for the bat-like shadow you have noticed recently watching the area.

Within an hour, a "welcoming party" of ten figures step from the shadows and approach the "Town House", obvious Dark Traders dropping their disguises. 20 feet from the entry way, the strengthen themselves with unholy fire, literally blast through the front door of the mansion, charge into the entryway and activates the Mindscape upon passing through the inner door at the end of this antechamber as Azzim secretly observes...

So let me know what happens, what exact qualities the mindscape has, what creatures you direct, what the means of escape is (see spell description)...

With Arlo and Terex' efforts, the library staff enchants, traps and fortifies the doors of the South Wing. The phantoms retreat and seem to be biding their time and the party turns it's attention to the honey pot...

I'll wait and see what other ideas occur to you folks here...

The phantom retreats as Arlo menaces them. Arlo is able to intimidate the phantom group back into the recesses of the stacks and away from the South Wing proper. But the threat remains.

Still, the activity dies down, at this point Dzitizim and Aran tell Terex the various factions have united "For the first time in fifty years, it's remarkable what a common threat can do." and they are gradually getting things under control. He asks if the Terex has any tactics to suggest - currently they're just detect undead to unmask the traitors.

Meanwhile, the Party is preparing and fortifying the honey pot; an old warehouse in the common district. You've made a show of seeming to hide Poinifaxsis and his family and you suspect there's a Dark Trader scout observing the place from a distance. Showing the chest as you enter would be the next step...

If you can manage, describe spells and other preparations for the honey pot ... as well as other actions.

Taking a huge slice across his chest, the large phantom falls back a step and then his right hand turns into a tendril of ectoplasm that he hurls, whip-like, at Arlo, who dodges the strike ... and watches the whip like tendril rebound and wrap itself around the creature... who stumble several more feet back...

Meanwhile, the party puzzles over the chest contents as chaos. A dark trader gift? The salvaged remnants of planar machinery? ... then, looking at the Orichalcum shapes and what images you have of the battlefield seals you have reconstructed, it hits you. These are specifically seal openers, nefarious devices for ending the seals that clearly were designed at the time of seals themselves and somehow deposited here... It seems the defenders of Orguanion wished to have one more trick up their sleeves for further invasions ... a forgotten trick but apparently discovered by the Dark Traders...

I'll leave at that for now...

As Terex and others try to puzzle-out the contents of the chests, Arlo surprises the phantoms milling outside the large Lower Door to the South Wing, by emerging from a side entrance and wading into combat. Most of the phantoms scatter before his sword but one large ectoplasmic figure stands it's ground... Roll to hit or do something else ...

The honeypot that the party has set-up remains quiet ... for now.

Meanwhile, Aran quickly explains to Terex as discussion on the intercom continues, "The phantoms are not undead (as far as I understand) but beings of protoplasm created six hundred years ago by a 'security committee' of that time. Lately, they seem to have heavily sided with certain factions and are now finally 'rogue'... I am not sure why they seem to side with these Dark Traders you describe but I can't deny they have... "

Investigating the bricked-off section, you find first a variety of rare but only marginally important texts and media but beneath a sub-door, you find a chest...

Gaining access:disable device 35:
The chest contains an assortment of strange objects, all of similar form; more or less cylindrical, made mostly of Orichalcum but silver and mithral filigree, having points, edges and gears protruding from one side and a handle with some nobs and dials on the other.

The nearby door booms with the sound of battering ram but also holds...

Sure, roll knowledge planes for what this is - but first guess, if possible...

Aran listens to Terex and activates a device with a tank of liquid neon and a magnetic vibrating membrane that serves as a communication device and begins a conversation with the other library branches, relaying Terex' message.

Pausing for a second, he says "This clears things up a little. The phantoms began attacking people on the open stacks six hours ago. The branches closed their doors quickly but a phantom got into our lower area and slew Marinon and Kovil before Ethar targeted with it a sanitizing device... We have all the door barred and magically held at this point. The phantom began randomly acting but now seem to be concentrating on the Lower, East door but at least one at each door, keeping us in, you think you're 'Dark Traders' control the phantoms then? Or perhaps have corrupted them?..."

The library doesn't have weapons as such but many of it's strange devices can be used as weapons or blockade an area. The library staff is holding off the phantoms reasonably well but can only do for some number of hours more.

knowledge history 25:
"You realize the Lower East door is near a ancient section of the wing that you wanted-to, but never had a chance to, explore, with several bricked off areas that promised interesting things.

Gift and Azzim get Poinifaxsis and his sister to a safe area and set-up a "honey pot" at the Colnalias house. Not attack comes ... not immediately..

Meanwhile, Terex and Arlo arrive at the South Wing, the normally quiet zone is filled with frenetic activity and confused shouts. In the first minute, you seen Dzitizim who call out "The library phantoms are revolting, pick a door and throw every protection spell you have on it...", a bit later, Aran grabs the party group and takes you into the head office. "A flock of library phantoms is besieging us but things could be worse. I'm receiving sendings of support from every existing faction. It seems the circle of hands refused the credentials of some fake 'Colnalias' and a battle started right in the heart of the council... Circle of Hands may not recover... We are vindicated..." Pauses to get his breath... "I think, I hope all the factions are on defending the city. It will be cold comfort if we can't survive this siege. I remember you're from an offworld military faction. Can you give us some tactics?"

Gift Fitzroy-Brighthammer wrote:

::"This place is a little constraining I will have to be careful so I may not be of much use other than dealing with the odd threat"::

She seems genuinely worried about causing caltural damage

As he leaves for the safe house, Poinifaxsis seems to sense Gift's motives ... "I wouldn't worry much about any ruckus, this city has seen nearly everything and shrugged it off..."

So Gift rings Poinifaxsis' door bell and Poinifaxsis answers and the party enters and unites sister, brother and children. As the group briefly hugs, the tiefling noble turns to you and says "So what comes next?". Azzim outlines the plan and Poinifaxsis and family agree to whatever is needed.

Everyone, assuming you'll do Azzim's plan, give a description of how you'll situate yourself in the Colnalia house and/or South Wing library section.

So, after gathering any further evidence available on the small island, the party exits the mist-gate and teleports with Leandrew and her two children back to an area outside of Poinifaxsis' small family house/apartment. Leandrew is still a bit in shock but eager to return home. Some or all of you can ring the bell to bring her in.

At this point, you know that you have thrown a wrench in the Dark Traders' efforts to control the factions in Orguanions but you are still uncertain what that control amounted to other using Poinifaxsis family identity. However, it seems very likely that Poinifaxsis will face retaliation from the Traders soon but also your ostensible employers in South Wing may also face attacks... You could come up for a defense plan or something else..

With a final word, Azzim destroys the strange canine in a flash of lightning... You are able to clear the area of the remaining Juju zombies and investigate the castle as you speak with the tiefling woman... She identifies herself as Leandrew Colnalia, sister of Poinifaxsis, her two young children are Efee and Ardu. "For six months, these creatures kept me here with spells and illusions but when those faded, they used fear and force. Conditions were worsening, I think..." Leandrew walks around the island, appreciating her new found freedom...

You find few clue here but enough to confirm the Dark Traders are involved. The castle has a supply of grim rations and some crude weapons, tools and garments and little else. Leandrew mentions that more powerful entities seemed to teleport in regularly...

You may wish to return to Poinifaxsis or do something else

It's fur blackened by it's flames, the red fire ghost snarls softly as Terex' missile hits it and then once again vanishes, appearing ten feet from Gift, the tiefling woman and Azzim at the mist-gate. The creature looks ready to rush out the portal gate but is stopped momentarily by the dimension-door disorientation.

Immediately after it vanishes, Arlo and Nexqil rush into the room and see the children in the iron cage.

Gift would basically have to take the woman to near the mist-gate since it can't teleported through, so they are there

Azzim enters the mist-gate to the area of castle and the Juju zombie at the gate explodes into dust next to Arlo (who get a little on his beard).

Meanwhile, Terex enters the castle's main gates - the only entrance not magically sealed - and finds a large foyer with two Juju at the entrance to main room behind them - they draw their swords and advance but Terex is able to fly around them to a hallway to the left where he hears two children crying. He arrives to see the red fire ghost shooting flames inches from the skin of two caged children and gibbering in a fashion that seems to bend the minds Will save 22 or be confused - unless you've previously saved against the effect

There's a bare flicker as Gift appears and then both she and the tiefling vanish...

At that point, the Juju Zombie advances towards Arlo brandishing its club and rope, and manages to give the dwarf a solid thump (8-3)= 5 points non-leathal meanwhile the red fire ghost again vanishes and isn't visible anywhere.

perception 25:
You can hear the soft "pop" of a dimension door appearance from somewhere within the castle that you are on the steps of.
35 perception tells the room where the sadistic canine is using it's fire breath to torment two young children trapped in a crude iron cage...

Once she gets a moment, the tiefling woman shouts, "My children!"

As Arlo runs up the stair, the strange hyena hybrid known as a red fire ghost, slips next to the tiefling, laying it's muzzle next to her neck while muttering a stream of strange demonic curses as its eyes flash white in silent challenge to the dwarf paladin and another long clawed limb wraps around her waist. She stands frozen in fear. The Zombie expressionlessly pulls its rope tighter.

Terex moves silent forward as well, taking in the scene and not detecting any illusions...

From cover at the shore, Azzim summons a forest of glowing vines which tear apart the two Juju Zombies and the injured red fire ghost and grab and mangles the green-glowing animate armor... Rather than struggling with the vines, the creature in the armor seems to vomit a cone of green ichor at Arlo 35 point damage, reflex save for half.

Meanwhile, gift rushes to through the mist-gate and destroys the corpse-caster with a single ray of green energy...

As this happens, two figures appear, struggling at the top of castles, an older Tiefling woman is screaming and trying to escape from a juju zombie armed a rope and a cudgel. The zombie is expressionless as it clubs her and pulls on the rope.

Meanwhile, the remaining red fire ghost disappears from view.

Perception 35:
It's dimension-door-ed to cover behind a statue next to the woman and will attempt something like a sneak-attack next round.

Note, remember, magic can only act on one side of the "mist-gate" since the border is actually a planar border. Azzim and Chella on the edge of the island, Arlo is at the mist-gate on the Island side and Gift and Terex on the other side of the mist-gate, seeing a large castle that can somehow fit into the area. Getting to the other side of the mist-gate is move action.

Also, Azzim and Chella have yet to act, then the monster act, etc

Basically, Terex and Nexqil are beyond the mist gate facing one red fire ghost and an undead caster (probably a lich or equivalent). Arlo, the other red fire ghost and the evil-armor/grave-knight are locked in combat on one side of the "mist gate", which is in the center of the quite small island. Two Juju Zombies are standing unresponsive about 60' away. Azzim, Gift and Chella are concealed behind rocks on at the shoreline, 160' from the mist gate. You know the mist gate will stop some effects - Terex is got back in communication with the party when Nexqil went through mist gate. Rough Map

Also, the area inside the mist-gate, include is somehow bigger than the dotted area would indicate.


Battle Map tomorrow, my life has been more hectic than usual...

Arlo swings mightily and opens a huge rent in the hyena-like red fire ghost, which bleeds flickering flames as it screeches shrilly... but the force of the first blow slightly unbalances the dwarf and the wriggling aberration dodges his further strikes making a snuffling, hissing sound...

The walking corpse on the castle steps seems to ignore the flames but does seem stuck to the steps...

The Dwarven paladin's blade bites into the snarling, squirming brown-red beast. The creature lets out a screeching, babbling howl while spraying brownish spittle in Arlo's area DC 22 will save or be confusedand also scratching with it's 6" claws 11 points of damage - w/DR 8 point damage while the gray suit of armor charges Arlo as well, slashing him on the side 21-3 point slashing damage plus 6 acid damage . As the graveknight closes, Arlo also feels the foul effect of his aura of its Sacrilegious Aura You must overcome a caster check 20 to use positive energy effects like lay on hands. .

The Juju zombies remain inert.

The glowing motes on Terex go out as he again as well hidden as a ghost himself.

When open, the mist-gate still only shows vague onlines of what is beyond it - some kind of castle in this case

As Terex slips through the mist-gate, the party feels him cut off from the hive-mind... (though apparently sound does pass through the mist-gate and the rest of the party has an idea of the action from this).

Immediately on the other side, Terex can see steps leading to a small castle of a style similar but distinct from Orguanion. But in front of that, he sees a figure in a simple gray wool tunic and trousers with a necklace of dark wood, a human or near-human, face palid white but animated with an expression of amused focus. It looks like a blood drained corpse a week dead but well-preserved, walking... The figure with one hand sends a flood of floating embers in Terex' general direction, illuminating him (glitter dust Will save 20 or blinded ) while sending a more powerful spell towards him with the other hand. But that spell is stopped by Terex' spell resistance.

The meanwhile, one of the red fire ghosts charges through the mist-gate as well and breath fire in Terex's general direction but with the creature blinded, the blast goes wide...

In the Island side of the mist-gate, The other red fire ghost and the graveknight (A dark figure in flat, gray, unadorned plate armor, only an pail green glow of eyes visible in the helmet) move closer to the gate...

The Juju zombies stay where they are.

I'm flying to Maine Friday, if all goes well. No post Friday and maybe not Saturday either.

The castle in the mist is something like a demi-plane, nothing done on the Island proper short of nukes is likely to affect those in the castle - still, keep in mind, Terex did open a gate between them

So Terex opens the magical mist simultaneously with Azzim setting off Sunburst, seeming blinding all the undead visible to you... Azzim roll 15D and 6D6. Terex roll reflex save, keeping your improve evasion in mind (ie, you can't be blinded regardless etc). Meanwhile, a voice thin, threatening voice calls from within the mist...


"Who enters the castle? Are there more hostages?"

Hopefully, it's reasonably clear what happening - the rest of the group is off the island, ready to teleport to a hidden location and then attack (or with Chella, just attack). Terex has figured out how to open the "cloud gate". He could open it and you all rush through, he could open it and some folks attack the undead and other rush through. He could open it and sneak/dive through (but then he'd have to deal with what inside, the creatures could might close the gate and so forth). Everyone else could attack and then Terex opens the gate. Since you're just off a small island, you would attack first if you chose to act. Add questions in the discussion (or message me) if unclear.

After 30 seconds, Terex knows how to open cloud-gate to castle/demi-plane where Gift determined pontifax' family is being held. However, he won't be able to actually open it without attracting attention. One of 'fire ghosts' seems nervous but isn't doing anything...

The grave knight very mechanically patrols the area and so the door could be opened when it's at the furthest reach of it's patrol (50' from the door). The fire ghosts move randomly but don't have life sense.

Terex is making reasonable progressive with the trap but it's difficult work staying out of range and sight of the various creatures flitting around...
Five round to completion, make another stealth roll... the undead and the red fire ghosts would both be vulnerable to sunbrust...

Terex manages to teleport to the front of the mist-shrouded castle and is apparently not being observed by even the alert and whisper-quiet Red Fire Ghosts. Approaching the steps, he senses that the mist itself serves as some sort of barrier Roll disable device for magical traps, this may take a small amount of time...

Chella Heartfire wrote:
Chella has a spheres power (Pouncing Teleport) that lets her make a single attack after a teleport. She can use it at up to medium range if she spends her spell point and increases the casting time by one step (a move and a standard action). I wasn't sure when I built her if this was the sort of thing that you were suggesting players not take, and if that messes up your plans I'm fine with there being some reason it doesn't work as I primarily chose it for flavor (it's the only magical thing her infernal heritage gives her).

That would work fine. I'm saying the group can essentially move and attack once, so this actually doesn't change things.

So, anyone doing a frontal assault could dimension below the water and emerge to attack the next round by surprise. The grave knight is AC 30, the Juju Zombies are AC 25 and the Red Fire Ghosts are AC 28 (touch AC 24 too). To get to the "Ghosts" you need a successful 30 perception or sense motive check on the round you attack. Anyone trying to get past the Red Fire Ghosts into castle, roll stealth and a will save. Roll away...
(remember, anyone dimension-dooring or teleporting onto land can't act till the end of the round and you probably don't want that)

I had to deal with extra work and googling for a part for my old car 'till eyes bled. I will post tomorrow.

The priest does a slow double take as Azzim drops his disguise and describes the situation. Once Azzim finishes his description, he stops, think and answers slowly... "I believe you and will aid you. Let me know what you need. I should warn you I cannot rely even all those below in this hierarchy so I will not mention your reason for visiting. But you return will likely not raise eyebrows since this city filled with mysterious visitors and dealings... It is sad that things have reached this level of corruption but not entirely surprising...". He then directs Azzim to leave back in disguise but arranges to meet with him periodically if he wishes.


Terex engages in feverish research following Gift's vision of the location of Poinifaxsis' family on an island of the Norward Sea. With 25,000 years of history, it's not strange that a detailed picture book of these islands was made 5,491 years ago and so the rescue party is able to teleport in hops to tin Vinhale Island, overlooking Caliop Island where the hostages are held.

Keeping watch, you see a couple juju zombies and a graveknight patrolling the area but most of the Island's buildings look empty and ruined. Further, you by experimentation that the basalt castle is hidden by magical mist in the center of Island which prevents teleportation past it.

Perception 30:
Slinking through the bushes you glimpses at least two Red Fire Ghosts. These very stealthy creatures resemble elongated hyenas with red highlighted black fur and are reputed to have the breath of hell hounds and the voice of Leucrottas as well as other powers.

Note link to map. Dotted area in the center is mist where stairs to castle can be seen.

Poinifaxsis agrees to Gift's offer in principle but advises that she get a guard for process since he would not be strong enough if the dark ones were to appear... with that taken care of, Gift sleeps and sees Poinifaxsis' family, guarded by various disguised incorporeal undead in a strange basalt castle on a green but desolate Island on the Norward Sea 1000 miles in Northwest spiral away from Orguanion. Technically on a different plane but since planar boundaries are fuzzy in this area, I'm having the Mind Hunter power work cross-plane in this case but ordinary teleport won't work to get you there though multiple hops might...

The priest make a small gesture as he looks at Azzim - "You seem in earnest, indeed my magic says you are in earnest. Yet you worry me. Perhaps your disguise is too good or you really are from outside the city. Either way, no doubt if the seals against undeath our order created years ago are threatened, I certainly would wish to help but our order is small and powerless in the scheme of things. Acting without one of the major factions would be foolhardy and I would have to at least know which faction I'm acting with..." he looks around "Note, I have sealed this chamber against any others overhearing us, even others of this order. We can talk freely ... to the limits of my own sealing ability ... which may be the greatest in Orguanion and perhaps sufficient..."

Reply to Gift in a bit

Note, the acolyte Azzim finds isn't in a temple to The God Of The City but in one of several pantheons, temples devoted to many gods.

As Azzim describes the seals (or a seal), the acolyte looks alternately alarmed, suspicious and confused. Once Azzim finishes, he says "This is quite beyond me. I must take the question to my master. If you would follow me..." and takes Azzim from the public area of the Pantheon through a series of hallways only used by clerics and finally to a small office deep in building. He has Azzim wait outside for several minutes while he enters and then the door opens and a somewhat older and also fairly nondescript priest beckons him in with studied neutrality. Once he is inside, says, "So, sir, you seek a renewal of certain 'large orichalcum structures'? Tell me more details. This must be a serious matter"

The phantom confronting Chella has gradually shifted it's attitude as the discussion has progressed... First gruff and suspicious, it now seems uncertain and inward looking. Taking out several sheets of vellum, the creature says, "The undead are not permitted in the city, much less the library stack. Please make me a detailed report on your observations and include your name and where in the library you are employed. I will see that it reaches my superior..."

Poinifaxsis looks at Gift, "Ah, I should have known that there were more spiderwebs in this. But well, we are now tied together also my love... As to knowledge, I wish I had more. Myself, Marciette my mother, Coleum my sister and her young babes Ornby and Calip had just returned from the day before. That day, I returned from a dreary council meeting to find all of my relative bound by what could be only walking corpses. These creatures directed me, on pain of my relative's deaths, to stay at home and sign papers as they would command - they hustle last remain blood out of the house and repeated their commands. Apparently they have someone impersonating me in the petty office I hold but still need me for certain things. Sometimes when they come, they show me Ornby and Calip playing in cabin, Marciette knit or Coleum by a brook. " He pauses. "The difficulty is that we are the last of an entire noble house. That makes useful but also means I have none of turn to ... well, until now. But tell what you can do?" he stops. "One more thing I don't understand. This house has all the guards on it, regularly renewed, yet this creatures come and without being bothered by them..."

Azzim finds an acolyte of the God of The City after inquiring at a couple temples. "I can offer all the blessings specific to the City God. Most of our rites involve sanctifying buildings, crossroads and arches as well as sealing portals and general area against evil. However, we do have a few rites that deepen one's knowledge of a place and we perform the common rites for the enhancement of trade and craft. Which were you thinking of?" he adds off-handedly also "While we have likely blessed most major buildings here, this city is so old that our efforts mostly involve renewing rites..."

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