Dispater's Devils by GM SnowHeart (a Hell's Vengeance AP)

Game Master SnowHeart

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
GM Snowheart wrote:

Thanks, Deevor! (Good to see you again.) I'll probably be plugging stuff into HeroLab at some point just to double-check stuff but no worries. It's a bit new to me, too, but seems to open up a lot of options for folks so I wanted to give it a try.

Thanks for the kind words GM Snowheart, I must admit its good to see you on the boards again. So anyone picked you're gonna love it. I stayed with the starfinder game and we got to about 5th level, by which time I kinda didn't feel the love for my character, or for starfinder really. I much prefer the fantasy setting, but you don't know til you give it a try, we got to 5th level before I said goodbye.

The other players there were really good (as was Cellion) and I enjoyed playing lots, but my character lost her appeal. Envoys are OK, but the encounters became a process rather than a joy.

Anyway, none of that here, just glad you are well and on the boards.


Hell's Vengeance! I do love me a chance to play a villain, and I have a soft spot for Cheliax, and all it's glory. Looking at Longacre's summary, it's a dark mirror of the usually humble beginnings of all APs, and I had an idea to match that.

The Initial Questions:

Question the First wrote:
What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?

Demibaroness Malgorzata Galizia Jialli, of the Jiallis of Egorian, is a victim of her terribly overzealous and overprotective parents interfering in her life path. The young woman's meddling in courts, and budding abilities in espionage and politicking have been nipped in the bud by her parents, for fear for her life. Following that, she'd been sent to the Sisterhood of Eiseth in Westcrown, in the hopes that a religious education would do her good, only for them to quickly pull her away from the monastic order a mere year later, the results of the Hamatulatsu's brutal training too horrible for them to imagine. Settling for sending the young woman to a less dangerous place than either of Cheliax's cosmopolitan metropolises, Malgorzata was put at the charge of a distant, nearly senile relative in Longacre, where she spends her days being utterly bored out of her mind, waiting for an opportunity for anything exciting to appear.

Question the Second wrote:
Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally?

Rianne Fortmile's probably Malgorzata's closest friend and confidante in Longacre. Malgorzata sees a flicker of life, joy and ingenuity, unusual to the Hell-forsaken place that is Longacre, and the raven messenger appreciates the tales Malgorzata has from the distant ends of Cheliax and the latter's rather acerbic wit.

Question the Third wrote:
What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

Malgorzata is a staunch Thrune loyalist, and the drive to show both her family and the Throne her worth is there, of course. But the infernal and extraplanar parts of the country have always kept a mystery to the young woman, having heard only tales and whispers of the heroics (and more importantly, guile) of the Throne Agents. To see and win a bargain with a devil, or to defeat a misguided angel wanting to strike at the Chelaxian empire has long been a dream to Malgorzata, even if she knows that such matters are way beyond her ken for now.

Question the Fourth wrote:
If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.

I know she is a Chelaxian human, but still.

She fits, if only just. Having learned to adopt a veneer of pale indifference, and to overtly hint her displeasure at being stuck in the sticks, Malgorzata fits in Longacre as well as any 'big town young lady' fits in a backwater - with barely concealed sense of superiority.

In short, I wanted two things, the first was to have the standard 'little town adventurer is bored', with an evil twist. Malgorzata is LN, for the moment, simply for the lack of opportunities. She grew up in Egorian, however, and the stories of how those in power got there are rampant, and has daydreamed of striking down a political rival or coming up with devious plots. In the back garden, with a book and a jug of wine, usually.

The second one was to fight with a fighting fan, since they're damn cool, hence the stat block below. Build-wise, I'll be going for a durable front-liner, focused around feinting, not afraid to take a hit. She'll be pretty good at social skills, too, but not quite to the level a dedicated bard is going to be!

Demibaroness Malgorzata Jialli, Statblock:

Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Perception +0
Favored Class Bonus +1 to HP, +1 to skill points
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+2+1)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+1), or
Melee Fighting Fan +5 (1d4+1, x3)

Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2*; CMD 16
Feats Fast Learner, Deft Maneuvers, Improved Unarmed Strike

Skills: (Rank/Class/Stat/Bonus)
Acrobatics +8/6 (1/3/4/0/-2)
Bluff +7 (1/3/0/3)
Diplomacy +7 (1/3/0/3)
Sense Motive +4 (1/3/0)
Knowledge(Local) +5 (1/3/1)
Perception +4 (1/3/0)

Background Skills: (Rank/Class/Stat/Bonus)
Linguistics +2 (1/0/1)
Knowledge(Nobility) +6 (1/3/1/1)

Skills: (Rank/Class/Stat/Bonus)
Languages Common, Infernal
Special Abilities
Brawler's Cunning
Chelish Noble (+1 to cha checks vs. chelish nobility)
Sneak Attack (1d6)
Martial Training
Extremely Fashionable
Chelish Noble (Campaign)
Fighting Fan 5gp
Chain Shirt 100gp
Noble's Outfit
Signet Ring
Majestic ruby necklace worth 200gp

@Gm Snowheart

Would you like us to work out pre existing relationships between PCs? I now I might be all for naught if we don't get picked but I don't know about anyone else but I enjoy the process of talking through backstory stuff even if its just conceptual.

If anyone is keen shoot me a PM. Karik has worked as a killer for hire and general odd-job person for several years and though he has a habit of removing witnesses he doesn't extend that disregard for human life to those he works with, especially if they have shown value and may prove useful in the future.

He was also 'rehabilitated' (obviously unsuccessfully) at a church of sarenae if anyone sees a link there.

Veda's Background/Appearance/Personality sections are in the profile now.

I believe she's finished except for a last run through for editing and anything I might have missed. I might fiddle around some with her gear and extracts list yet.

Well, I've put some more thought into a Hamatulatsu martial artist and a character and statblock are starting to coalesce...and its kinda dumb in all the right ways.

Elevator pitch: She's the star pupil of Westcrown's Sisters of Eiseth Convent and Orphanarium Orphanage, she fought her way to the top and the other students fell in line or felt her wrath. She's come of age and now Cheliax is on the menu.

Crunch: Human scaled fist sensei monk gets charisma to attack and grapple. Hamatulatsu feats help grappling happen, and sensei lets her command her team to victory. May multiclass down the road, but anilities will revolve around unarmed combat, grappling, debuffing enemies, and secondarily buffing allies.

Layman's terms: Star prefect at nazi Hogwarts (all Slytherin, all the time) bosses around her friends and torments her enemies with sexy jiu jitsu; gives the best hugs.

Question for Snowheart: Sensei was built for classic monk but I don't think it replaces anything that unchained monk doesn't get. How would you feel about this concept in Unchained? I generally like the unchained chassis better but I'm happy to build with either.

There! Now Veda has a face!

I transferred the profile over to an unused character with an avatar that works well enough for her.

Bayard the Axeman wrote:
Alright, this is Ouachitonian's submission. Background, Stats, etc are in the alias. I'll add a picture once we can again. Bayard is a a former Iomedaean, a fallen paladin-in-training who is now a bloodrager devoted to Moloch (and to he destruction of his former co-religionists). I went with Elemental(Fire) for his bloodline rather than the more obvious Infernal or Abyssal, because Fire is a big part of Moloch; he grants the Fire domain and is also known as the God of Fires or Ashen Bull, and because I felt that it better fit Bayard's desire to wreak burning vengeance on his former faith. I'll definitely be picking up some more Tiefling racial feats, like Armor of the Pit and Fury of the Tainted, along with typical barbarian standbys like Toughness and Raging Vitality. I might look at some of the Damnation feats as well, since this is probably the best chance I'll ever get to use them.

Just realized I forgot to answer the questions. So:


1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?
He's just passing through. Or at least, that's what he keeps saying. He's been here a few weeks now (or months, if that'd be better) and never quite manages to leave.

2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
He's taken a shine to Cimri Staelish. She's got issues with the law, but given her background, who wouldn't? She's nice to him, though. That's a rare thing. Especially in women. She's probably just using him, but he hasn't realized it yet. When he does, it'll be one more thing to be angry about.

3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? Everyone serves. He isn't looking to become his own man, not really. But he'd like to rise. Whether that merely means being a prominent agent of the Thrunes, or actually means commanding troops, either way is fine. Maybe found a Hellknight Order one day. (Why not dream big, right?)

4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
He isn't liked by the townsfolk, but he's feared at least as much as he's loathed, which is how he likes it. The common folk should be afraid of him.

TBH, I might have to go back and significantly rework my background. I really like it as is, but I feel like I don't have strong enough Longacre connections. I don't want to miss this chance.

@Lion & Ouach -- Thanks for the submissions. I don't have time tonight to do a full list of current dots and subs, but want to acknowledge them.

@Karik -- Not yet, no. Last time I counted, there were about a dozen completed submissions and another ten "dots" of people expressing interest. I have in the past seen (and been part of) a "paired submission" and they can make for really interesting story concepts, but are kind of a high risk approach since you're assuming the GM is going to like two concepts and two players. Instead, after I've made and announced decisions, I'll ask players to check-in on the Discussion thread, I'll let them know what additional information I want them to work on, and at that time I will either match up characters based on preliminary backgrounds or give everyone an opportunity to collaborate on something.

@Zefig -- Funny you ask. I was just looking into using an archetype for the classic summoner to match up with the unchained summoner, and someone pointed out a quote from the rules that as long as a classic archetype's modified abilities pair up directly (level for level on abilities and spells) with the unchained, it's absolutely fine to port them over. So, while I haven't looked at the archetype (it's Friday and I've had some wine), the concept is totally fine.

@Veda -- Aw! You got my hopes up that the avatar thing had been fixed. ;-) Thanks for the heads up. I'll update the hyperlink on my tracker.

Also, happy Valentine's/Galentine's/Friendship Day all. :)

Hi GM! Archlich here with my character. I will change her avatar once Paizo's site decides to stop crashing on me, but I added all the details directly on the profile. Thanks for the opportunity of participating in this selection! I hope you enjoy the concept.

Thanks, GM Snowheart! Happy Day of Captain Cook's Stabbing by the Inhabitants of the Big Island of Hawaii to you too! ;)

“No one ever became extremely wicked suddenly” – Juvenal

Submitting Annalise Wykes (“Liz” or “Lisa” to her friends), an Arcanist (occultist) who – if selected – will be exemplifying the above quote. Although she is LE from the very beginning, it’s currently more a reflection of her pragmatism and upbringing. As she progresses through the AP, it may start to manifest as something colder and crueller. And by the time she’s sacrificing people to bind devils to her will (if the game gets that far), she will have long since crossed the moral point of no return.

Stats, background and so on are in the profile. Answers to the questions are below.

1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?

Annalise has learned the hard way that it’s not, sadly, what you know – it’s who. And she doesn’t know anyone, or at least, doesn’t know the right people. She’s in Longacre seeking employment and/or further training, having exhausted pretty much every other avenue. She’s aware of Longacre’s reputation as a backwater town full of failures and she’s feeling bitter about ending up here.

2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)

Annalise is staying at the Arch and Lark (appearances matter) and has made the acquaintance of Fordaneil Cembers. The older woman is hard going, snobby and generally disdainful, but Annalise has been relentlessly polite and has offered her magical services in helping to cleaning the place up to the standards of the nobility (not that any nobles are going to drop in any time soon, she realises). Fordaneil Cembers has told Annalise that there’s a retired warmage in Longacre, by the name of Tealan Ruckleer. Annalise is hoping either that he’ll take her on as an apprentice to continue her training, or that he will be able to refer her to someone.

3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

In the short term, find employment as a mage and/or someone to continue her training. In the longer term? It's quite a list. Magical supremacy. Take those smug bastards at the Egorian Academy down a peg or two. (Or nine. Nine is a suitable number.) Basically, to prove to herself (and everyone else) that she’s got what it takes to summon, control and bind devils to her will. And if she amasses wealth and power in the process, well, that’s a nice extra.

Two ex-slave halfling witches... well I guess it is officially a trope.

Hi all. Here are the subs and dots I have so far. We currently have 19 submissions and 13 dots (and here I was worried less than a week to submit would be too short). Obviously, I won't be able to accept everyone but I am considering running a second "table".

As a reminder, submissions will close Sunday the 16th at 12n Eastern (GMT-5); 9am Pacific; 6pm Paris.

Player -- Character Name -- Race -- Class
Anthorg -- Masin -- Human -- Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Cwethan -- Raziya Magaalye -- Half-Elf -- Oracle
Daedalus -- Alkorian Alzatarre -- Human -- Wizard (Diabolist)
Deevor -- Mosquitte -- Human -- Fighter
Delmoth -- Lily Tuvol -- Half-Orc -- Bloodrager
eriktd -- Malladonna -- Halfling -- Witch
Fox-Pantom -- Karik Blood-Drinker -- Dhampir -- Summoner
Grumbaki -- Ingrid Foedottir -- Tiefling -- Feral Champion Warpriest
MrStr4ng3 -- Godvin -- Tiefling -- Sorcerer (Rakshasa)
Ouachitonian -- Bayard the Axeman -- Tiefling -- Bloodrager
Patrick McDade -- Slink -- Halfling -- Witch
Phntm888 -- Morvan Fellis -- Human -- Warpriest
rdknight -- Veda Northanger -- Changeling -- Alchemist (Vivisectionist / Chirurgeon)
Sarah Queen B -- Annalise Wykes -- Human -- Arcanist
Simeon -- Alixus Vade -- Human -- Cleric of Asmodeus
The Lion Cleric -- Malgorzata Jialli -- Human -- Brawler
TheArchlich -- Mashaka Lyra -- Changeling -- Cleric of Mestama
TheWaskally -- Jerax Hellfire -- Tiefling -- Antipaladin
Vrog Skyreaver -- Alaric -- Human -- Mesmerist
Cellion -- pending
Delightful -- pending
Emerald Duke -- pending
Fighting Chicken -- pending
Grandlounge -- pending
Oblivion Scion -- pending
Pathetic Wretch -- pending
Redac -- pending
Scorched One -- pending
Timeskeeper -- pending
ToxicStar -- pending
Veltharis -- pending
zefig -- pending

I realized that I, too, missed your specific questions from my submission. Allow me to correct that now (I am posting the whole thing together to make it easier to find):

Alaric Jeggare:

LE Human (Cheliaxian) Mesmerist 1

str 8
dex 12
con 12
int 14
wis 8
cha 20

HP 9
AC: 14; T: 11; FF: 14 (10 base +3 armor +1 dex)
BAB 0; CMB: -1; CMD: 10
Init +5

Fort +1
Ref +3
Will +1

Speed 30'

1) Dagger: -1 to hit; 1d4-1 damage; 19-20/x2 crit

Adventuring Skills:
Bluff r1 +11
Diplomacy r1 +10
Disguise r1 +9
Escape Artist r1 +5
Intimidate r1 +10
Perception r1 +3
Sense Motive r1 +3
Spellcraft r1 +6
Stealth r1 +5
UMD r1 +9

Background Skills:
Knowledge (Nobility) r1 +9
Linguistics r1 +6


Class Features:
*Consumate Liar (half class level to bluff checks)

*Hypnotic Stare (range 30'; swift action; gives target -2 penalty to will saves til start of my next; target doesn't know they're effected.)

*Mesmerist Tricks (6/day; standard action to implant; 1 active at a time)
- Fearsome Guise: gain disguise self; trigger when subject attacks a creature; I can attempt to demoralize target of attack when triggered)

*Chelish Noble (+1 trait bonus to knowledge: nobility and it's a class skill. +1 trait bonus to cha-based skills vs. Chelish aristocracy. Start with a signet ring, noble's outfit, and Masterwork Studded Leather Armor; campaign)

*Extremely Fashionable (if wearing clothes and jewelry worth at least 150 gp and clean, get a +1 trait bonus to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate checks, and intimidate checks and bluff is a class skill.)

*Noble Scion (Scion of War: +2 to Knowledge: Nobility checks and it's a class skill. Add my cha instead of dex to init checks)

*Noble Stipend (gain 100 gp/week that can only be spent on RP stuff, like lifestyle or retainers)

*Spell DC: 15 +Spell Level
*Spells/Day: -/3

*Knacks: 4
- Daze (DC 15 Will Save)
- Detect Magic
- Prestidigitation
- Read Magic

*First: 2
- Command (DC 16 Will Save)
- Murderous Command (DC 16 Will Save)

Signet Ring
Noble's Outfit (with jewelry)
MW Studded Leather armor
Noble's Outfit
28 gp


Alaric has always known that he is better than everyone else, even his parents.

Born the scion of house Jeggare, he grew up being taught that Cheliax is the greatest nation on the face of Golarion, and that Jeggare (although never spoken aloud, he was never discouraged of his belief) is the greatest house of the empire, not Thrune.

Of all the skills that Alaric learned, delegation was the most important: he was taught to avoid the trap that most dictators and small thinkers fell into.


He knew that if recruited talented individuals, compensated them well, and gave them no reason to dislike you, they would obey of their own "free" will. This act of self deception amused Alaric to no ends. He quickly learned not to show this belief ever; instead, he would hold himself as an ally and champion of his lessers, allowing them to think that each decision they make that leads to the successful completion of Alaric's goals are indeed their own.

So, for now he bids his time and helps House Thrune. They've put out a call for adventurers, and he has answered that call.

Answeres to Specific Questions:

1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?

He's here because of mere luck: he was travelling to Egorian to sign the Hellfire Compact (or to convince the person observing the signatures that he had, in fact, done so, since he considers the Thrunes beneath him.

His carriage broke down, and he's been staying in town while it's repaired. Not wasting any time, he's been ingratiating himself with some of the locals, including those who are of a more rebellious nature; it's surprising what buying someone beers can get you. He's not sure what to do with this information yet, but it'll likely be of use.

2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)

When he messaged his father that he was stuck in town, his father pointed him at a local named Cimri Staelish, who he says owes him one. His father is willing to allow him to call on his marker and get assistance from her for the duration of his stay in town.

3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

Darwin has the kernel of an idea to start a mercenary or adventuring company; not because he loves danger or wants to help people, but because it's a good pathway to information and access to people that can be hard to get otherwise.

4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.

My character is both Chelaxian and Human, so there =P

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Slenk wrote:
Two ex-slave halfling witches... well I guess it is officially a trope.

::crumples up the first draft of Raziya's build::

Yes... two...

Vrog, thanks!

Cwethan, LOL!

Slenk wrote:
Two ex-slave halfling witches... well I guess it is officially a trope.

1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?:

Slenk has been in Longacre for his entire life, though he has spent almost all of it within his former Master's house. Only recently as he is on his own in Longacre.

2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally?:

His former Master, Fistantus, is a minor devil binder, and while not a friend or ally in truth, to even the weight of the Pact that got Fistantus out of a bind (pun intended) Fistantus is required to provide Slenk with three favors as long as the favors do not threatn Fistantus's life or station.

3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?:

Slenk does not intend to permanently lose his soul to the Contract Devil he has a Pact with, and the Pact does envision Slenk being able to escape from that as long as he can provide another soul of equal or greater value to the Devil. This condition was, of course, inspired by his Master's predicament.

4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.:

Slenk fits in on a daily basis appearing to be a slave or potentially free but servant slip who is likely about on his Master's behalf. He makes an effort to appear innocuous, defferntial and not attract attention.

I haven't specifically answered the questions either, so here they are:

Campaign Questions:

1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?

Veda has lived in Longacre since birth, or as near to birth as possible without being literally born there. She's connected to Longacre in the way most anyone and their hometown are. Veda's feelings about the town are mostly negative.

2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)

Dennet Northanger. Veda's adoptive father. Despite considerable strain in their relationship lately they do have a loving relationship.

Cimri Staelish. More or less Veda's BFF in Longacre, though Cimri might not feel the same way. Responsible in part for Veda's strained relationship with Dennet.

3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

Topping Veda's list is not becoming a hag. After that the rest is gravy. Leaving Longacre for the city, getting rich, and becoming a true expert in chymistry round things out at the top.

4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.

Veda fits as bets she can. She doubts anyone except possibly Dennet realizes she's not human because people in Longacre are really pretty stupid. Veda puts considerable effort into keeping up the appearance of being human. It doesn't help her popularity much in town though. She's still the odd orphan girl raised by the undertaker, which means she doesn't get to hang out with the cool kids.

All the other players have reminded me to answer the specific questions too.


1 - Masin is from Longacre originally. He has returned after the tragedy with his family

2 - Linxia Benzerki, taken from the player's guide. She and Masin know each other from meeting occasionally in Asmodeus' church.

3 - Even after the humiliation he suffered in Egorian, Masin wishes to organize a worldwide academic congress so scientists can share their findings.

4 - Human Chelaxian.

So many heroic loyalists to house thrune and the one true god, Asmodeus. It does one proud to see such willingness to free the world from the violence and oppression of Iomodae’s shiny thugs.

Well of course, it’s simple duty to queen, country, and god!

Of course we're all loyal worshippers of Asmodeous. That is totally what is happening here. Totally.

*shrug* Evil pays better.

Although it comes with a few occupational hazards, like disloyal underlings.

Oh, and paladins.

Slenk wrote:
Two ex-slave halfling witches... well I guess it is officially a trope.

Halflings are pretty common in Cheliax, so it's an easy choice to make. I like the differences between Slenk and Malladonna, particularly in how they view their roles in Cheliax society and what they intend to do with their witch powers now that they have them.

Alright, here is Cellion's submission. Meet Vivia Nens, the vengeful mom!

Quick Facts:
Character basis + theme song: I'd do anything for love (that included)

  • After Iomedean clerics banished her contract devil husband, Vivia swore vengeance - but first she needs to raise her two tiefling boys as a hard-working single mom.
  • Not able to return to her previous trade as an itinerant mercenary, she now looks for a stable avenue of employment that lets her use her martial strength and hopefully has good benefits. Working for Thrune fits that bill.
  • A devout lay follower of Urgathoa after the goddess or her agents saved her children, Vivia is a wholehearted agent of the Pallid Princess.

  • 4 Campaign Questions:
    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?
    ---> Vivia has been traveling across Cheliax, looking for jobs that'll still let her have some family time with her sons. Longacre came at the suggestion of an old contact of hers who lives in town. With the town at the cusp of some kind of upheaval, it seems likely that work for one side or the other will surface. Maybe even a nice stable job for the Crown that's happy to look the other way when the obligatory ritual debauchery happens.
    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
    ---> Vivia's twin tiefling sons, Nico and Tiro. Nico has a magical knack despite his young age (0th level sorcerer), while Tiro is happier hunting with a bow in his hands. / Vivia knows Tealan Ruckleer from the times she did mercenary work for the military.
    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
    ---> To see her sons grow up strong and self-sufficient / To bring misery and despair to those Iomedaean clerics that banished her husband.
    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
    ---> Vivia fits in mostly fine among all the veterans in town. Nico and Tiro currently volunteer at Rohalendi's hospice in exchange for room and board, which helps keep their tiefling natures out of the public eye.

    More character details, background, and the character sheet are available in the profile!
    To be clear - the expected path here is to start with a more martial character and invest all levels after 1st into cleric. If the campaign continues into later books, this means she'll gradually cede the melee limelight and take a more supportive role with 9-level casting.

    Sarah 'queen' B. wrote:

    *shrug* Evil pays better.

    Although it comes with a few occupational hazards, like disloyal underlings.

    Oh, and paladins.

    Evil has cookies.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Evil doesn’t care if you slouch.


    Wait, we're evil?

    Some of us are merely aspiring heroes of Cheliax. We're the good guys, maintaining order in the face of misguided and nearsighted activists.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure that the Glorious Reclamation is receiving money and help from Andoran, we can't trust foreign agents in our midst!

    Sarah 'queen' B. wrote:

    *shrug* Evil pays better.

    Although it comes with a few occupational hazards, like disloyal underlings.

    Oh, and paladins.

    Morality is illogical

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    Cleonora's Crunch:

    LE Slayer(Butterfly Blade) 1
    Medium humaniod (human)
    Initiative +3; Perception +2


    AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
    hp 12 (1d10+2)
    Fort +4, Ref +5, Will -2;


    Speed 30ft
    Melee +4 Butterfly Sword 1d4+2
    Ranged +4 Dagger(thrown) 1d4


    Strength 14(+2), Dexterity 17(+3), Constitution 14(+2), Intelligence 12(+1), Wisdom 7(-2), Charisma 15(+2)
    Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
    Traits: Thrune Informant, Dirty Fighter
    Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Deft Maneuvers
    Skills: Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Perception +2, Stealth +7
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Class abilities: Studied Stalker, Track


    Gear: Butterfly Sword, Leather armor, 10 daggers, Slayer's Kit, Grappling hook, Crowbar
    Coin: 100gp


    Cleonora's Backstory:
    There are always some that go unseen. Those that are abandoned by society, for one reason or another, that as whole people turn a blind eye to. Orphans, slaves, half-breeds, in Cheliax these are pieces of society that many know exist but either spare no love for them, or actively avoid. However, some see the value in those that the world has ignored. For every orphan, slave, or even half-breed still have eyes, ears, and tongues which can carry the most valuable of things… information.
    It was from those places I came from. My family, if you wish to call them that, left me on the steps of an orphanage. The madam was cruel but she kept us alive if only barely. When I was seven I left that place for the streets. I’d not be her slave any longer, and I learned to steal, and most importantly hide. It was hard but I made my own choices, and in time met the one who would see the potential in me. I was twelve, and had tried to steal his purse. Unlike the rest of the crowd, he caught me. Grabbed by the arm I looked up at the man, face hardened with many years and eyes filled with secrets. I actually believed I was going to die, I knew he could kill me. But he didn’t…. He looked around and saw that the guards hadn’t seen what I did, and most of the rest of the people just kept walking. He gave me a half grin and said “Potential should not be wasted here.” Then he looked like he was thinking about something and added “Where are you parents?” When I informed him I had none he nodded, looking somewhat pleased. ”Good, that makes this easier. You’re coming with me, I’m going to teach you how to be better at that. Unless of course, you’d like to get the guards involved?” No one wanted the guards involved and I sure as Hell didn’t want to lose a hand!
    So I left with this strange man. Looking back, some many warning signs should have been going off, however as bad as this could have gone… it didn’t. He saved me in his own way. That man adopted me, called me his daughter and gave me a new name. I also found out what it was he did. My new father worked for the crown, as an informant. He had a whole ring of people who answered to him and he in turn answered to the crown. He taught me how to fight, what information is useful and what wasn’t. To make sure I never take important papers, but that I comment them to memory and write them down upon returning. Yet there was something else that he made me learn, and had me do as soon as he believed I was ready… that was to kill. If information was the most valuable thing, then silencing those who held it was sometimes necessary. The price for information goes up when you’re the only one who has it as well.
    All that seems so long ago now. Two years back I set out to hone my skills on my own. He wouldn’t always be around to hold my hand after all, and I needed to ensure I could do it one my own. So he gave me one last bit of help. My dear father introduced me to his Thrune contact and got me work with them. Now I am a Thrune informate in my own right… and set off on my first mission in this quaint little town named Longacre. They’ve no idea the true Hell that has been unleashed upon them.

    Okay so I left the guy in the story vague because if chosen I want to weave some stuff together! If allowed of course!

    As long as I get to kill Iomedaeans legally, I'm happy.

    I'd be very interested in this

    The idea is for an Aasimar who has not so much fallen from grace as never known grace to begin with.

    I do have some questions though.
    - Would you allow a Halfling born, aka small, Aasimar?
    - Would you allow said Aasimar to take the Good Slip campaign trait?
    - And last, would you allow an Aasimar to roll for alternate abilities like you do a Tiefling?

    Grand Lodge


    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?

    After the Chelish Civil War Longacre became the home for many former rebels, disgruntled soldiers, and other military exiles. For this reason, the house of Thune still keeps an eye on the region sending occasional spies, inquisitor, and in some circumstances, assassins to the area to maintain order. Deacon is one such inquisitor.

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)

    A former general in the Chelish army who still works as in informant for the military. Though the people who know him best know his loyalties to the state are a ruse to help him maintain access to information.

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

    To achieve a level of power, fame or infamy that will mute the voices that hold his race against him.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits into Longacre.

    Officially, decently well. Deacon is legally free, so they have to deal with him; he also has some authority as he has maintained auxiliary status with the military. That does little to stop people from trying to undermine him, one-up him, or attack him if given a chance. He is still accused of 'stepping out of line.'

    Striker, face, utility caster. This character is an inquisitor that plays like a cavalier. The interesting mechanical addition are mostly in versatility, detect alignment, a flying mount, hunters focus to change senses or boost abilities, spells to augment skills and combat. I think he is an all-around useful character but also fits a halfling well into the very hostile environment of Cheliax. This also leads me to what I hope is an interesting take on being a free halfling in Cheliax and how that would bring scorn but as the laws have him as a legal citizen the lawful evil have no choice to recognize his place. I hope that it is a fun and interesting seed for drama.

    About me:
    I post frequently in many games. I have several PFS games wrapping, so I will have more bandwidth coming up. Please feel free to look over my games. There are a lot with very different styles and I pride myself in adapting to new games, GMs, and players.


    Deacon is a nearly square halfling. He is short for his race but nearly as wide as he is tall. His face is as square as his body is marked by the lumps of someone that has seen combat and intense training; it gives his face a little gravitas beyond that of a normal 25-year-old. Deakon, occupies a strange place in society as he has never been a slip. Due to a clerical error, he was born free, and as no one in Cheliax will admit to said clerical error, he remains free. Work is hard to find as a free halfling, especially with two slips as parents, so when Deakon came of age, he inlisted. As the only halfling most people would ever meet, he had to work twice as hard, and mitigate expectations for success. Success was never a promotion; it was limited to not being discharged.

    Serving was hard. During every exercise, the people training with Deacon would take cheap shots, and go harder then they would against their peers. Ultimately, it made Deacon stronger. When you are fighting someone as small as he is, even just barely beating him is humiliating, and much to everyone's sunrise, he started winning on occasion. He was not stronger than everyone but stronger than enough people that they had at least acknowledge his competence.

    The next goal was to get an assignment better than cooking duty. Deacon needed a niche, so he went out and spent three weeks of leave and to catch a Yuilbis Heron, a large local bird that could bear his weight and developed his own aerial cavalry style bolstered by divine magic. That gave him the edge he needed. Suddenly there were missions server better by his skills than those of others.

    The slanderous talk never stopped, but it changed. "Above his station," "an affront to tradition," "a loss of respectability," "disrupt unit cohesion" became the new screeds.

    Deacon took his little bits of revenge, steal this, sabotage that. Under-payed and under-appreciated Deacon started taking 'protection' jobs whenever he had leave. If doing things the right way won't help him, he will do things his way.

    His most recent assignment, six months now, is a busy work assignment, reporting on Longacre. Though this is nothing more than an excuse to get him off base, it does allow him to pursue 'other activities.'

    Build :

    Neutral Evil Small Halfling Inquisitor 1;
    Init 1; Senses Perception: +7

    AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17
    hp 11
    Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 3

    Speed 15 ft.
    Melee Lance +4 (1d6+4 /x3),
    Inquisitor spells known (CL 1; concentration +2)
    1st (2/day)- Divine Favor (DC 12);

    0th (at will)- Detect Magic (DC 11); Guidance (DC 11); Light (DC 11); Read Magic (DC 11);
    Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9
    Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13

    Feats Mounted Combat;

    SQ Animal Companion (Yulbris Heron); Gifted Detective; Hateful Retort; Stern Gaze;
    Domains: Anger Inquisition;

    Trait: Fate's Favored, Thune Informant

    Skills: Bluff +5; Diplomacy +4/+6; Knowledge (local) +5; Perception
    +7; Ride +7; Sense Motive +6;

    Equipment: Lance, Kikko Armor, Light Shield, Leather Barding

    The Exchange

    Presenting Eris Seven-veils, Human Cleric 1, for your consideration.


    First, backstory and much more detail on my character sheet.

    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here? Eris's deceased father, a nationalistic ruler and noble in Cheliax, was born in Longacre. Now a cranium and Eris's companion, he asked her to come. Why? She doesn't really know, but Longacre sure sounds like fun if she can go with her dad!

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.) Eris's primary ally and friend is her deceased father. Though Eris is the only one that can talk to him, that's okay with her. It's just more for her, and less for everyone else.

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? Eris primarily wants to have fun. She enjoys warped, sadistic pranks and stealing things. Her exploits are theatrical performances that are funny to her alone. Spectacle is more important than success for Eris, and if it is not spectacular it is boring.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre. She's Chelaxian human.


    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?
    Sent here to inform on the goings on and neutralize any "problem child".

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
    This is the one I'd like to talk to the GM about if chosen. Either way it would be her adoptive father.

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
    To hone her skills, and establish her own ring of the unseen.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
    She is human! So we're good!

    I almost forgot to put these up! This is what you get when you use two different places to keep stuff for the same character! Crunch and story on a notepad on the computer while these were in a Google doc so I could work on them on the go! XD

    Cuan, I’d rather keep to the raw as closely as possible. I see the logic in what you’re getting at (nothing conceptually means an outsider couldn’t procreate with a halfling) but that’s just not in the stats for Aasimar.

    Vivia, Eris, and Grandloungr, confirming your submissions. Thanks!

    Having played this character previously in HV, I'd like to submit him again. This time he's a Pact Wizard, aiming for Darkfire Adept.


    “Sidebar: Non-Human Aasimar
    Not all aasimar are descended from humans. Aasimars can be born of any intelligent race, though human aasimars are the most common. Aasimars of other races usually exemplify the ideals of beauty and skill as seen by their base race. For example, halfling aasimars are small, beautifully proportioned, and display exceptional grace. Half-orc aasimars are slightly larger and stronger than ordinary orcs, with tough skin and metallic claws and tusks—they are likely to be neutral rather than evil, but still display aggression and incredible combat prowess. Less common humanoids, such as lizardfolk, catfolk, tengus, and others, can also produce aasimars, though given these races’ exotic appearance, members of the more common races may have trouble telling such aasimars apart from their kin.

    It should be noted that while any creature that breeds with a celestial may give birth to half-celestial offspring, only humanoids can give birth to aasimars. Thus, while it’s possible to encounter a half-celestial dragon, unicorn, or griffon, any children of such creatures would be either half-celestials or normal members of their race. (And just as often, these less conventional half-celestials are sterile.) When discussing half-celestials and aasimars, it’s important to distinguish them from both true celestials (angels, azatas, agathions, etc.) and simple celestial creatures (creatures with the celestial template, which are themselves denizens of the good-aligned Outer Planes but similar in many ways to their Material Plane counterparts). Most aasimars also have a difficult time getting people to grasp distinctions between celestial types, with common folk erroneously grouping all such beings together as “angels.”

    Non-human aasimars have the same statistics as human aasimars with the exception of size. Thus a halfling aasimar is Small but otherwise possesses the same statistics and abilities as a human aasimar—the difference is purely cosmetic. Non-human aasimars do not possess any of the racial abilities of their base race. However, they are usually raised in the same cultural context as other members of their base race, and thus generally adopt the same fighting style as their peers, use the same types of weapons and armor, and study the same skills.”

    RAW reading of that is up to the GM.

    Interesting! Thanks for that. So, then, yeah, you could be a small Aasimar. And I’m open to letting you use the good slip trait; but it would have to be a good explanation as to how an halfling-Aasimar was a mere slave.

    On the variant abilities, I feel like if I’m requiring tieflings to take a feat to do that, the same should apply for Aasimar. I’m having trouble digging into those rules right now though and it’s late on a Saturday. I’ll try to get this tomorrow morning but might not be in time for the deadline.

    It's Delightful and here's Ameliya Arvanxi, that Psychic that I promised. She's a built to be a full-caster specialized in enchantment spells who can also be an effective Face and resident Know-It-All.

    If missed anything or there's something wrong with her sheet (be it stats or fluff) feel free to let me know.

    Character Stats:

    Ameliya Arvanxi
    Female Human (Chelaxian) Psychic 1
    LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
    Init +1; Senses Perception +5
    AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 10 (+1 Dex)
    hp 7 (1d6+1)
    Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
    Defensive Abilities Emotional Push (+2, 1/day)
    Speed 30 Ft.
    Melee Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19–20)
    Ranged Mwk Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19–20)
    Special Attacks Phrenic Amplification (Psychic Defense), Phrenic Pool (2)
    Psychic Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
    1st (4/day)—Charm Person (DC 16), Mage Armor, Mind Thrust I (DC 15)
    0 (At Will)—Daze (DC 15), Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
    Psychic Discipline Rapport
    Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
    Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
    Feats Additional Traits, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
    Traits Chelish Noble, Extremely Fashionable, Overwhelming Beauty, Rich Parents
    Adventuring Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Local) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5
    Background Skills Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Profession (Courtesan) +5
    Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Shadowtongue
    SQ Phrenic Amplification (Psychic Defense), Psychic Discipline (Emotional Bond, Emotional Push)
    Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3), Scroll of Color Spray, Scroll of Disguise Self, Scroll of Enlarge Person,
    Scroll of Murderous Command; Other Gear Dagger, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20) Belt Pouch, Jewelry (Worth 200 Gp), Mirror, Noble’s Outfit, Prismatic Crystal, Scroll Case, Signet Ring, Sleeves of Many Garments, 66 gp

    Favored Class Bonus:
    Psychic 1 (+1 Skill Point)


    Born in 4690 AR to two ambitious if still minor aristocrats in the city of Westcrown, Ameliya Arvanxi was never meant for greatness nor infamy. The plain-faced second daughter of Caeto and Liciana of House Arvanxi, Ameliya was but another political chip in her parents’ hands, and even than she was a secondary one. Her elder sister, the future infamous queen of Korvosa, was always the more favored of the two. Whether it was in terms of beauty, poise or etiquette, Ileosa always outshined Ameliya’s accomplishments, a fact that IIeosa was never shy of rubbing in. Backhanded compliments and outright bullying were frequent, with comments and jabs like, “Ameliya the Ugly Duckling fails to impress again,” and “Maybe if you keep trying Mother and Father will finally notice you,” becoming a constant fixture in Ameliya’s childhood. Accordingly, Ameliya grew to hate her own sister even as she secretly wished that she could be her.

    Her relationship with her parents was little better. When it became obvious to Ameliya that she could not compete with her sister when it came to social graces, she tried to gain her parent’s attention another way. An exceptionally bright child with a gift for mathematics, law and various other academic subjects, Ameliya would constantly try to show cleverness and its usefulness. But it would always be for naught, instead becoming a sad exercise in futility that lasted the entirety of her childhood as her ever-critical and scathing parents would either ignore her talents or condemn them as frivolous and unladylike. The fact of the matter was that Ameliya the secondborn, a spare child and a living fallback, her very existence and worth being predicated on ensuring that House Arvanxi would still have someone to marry off to an important House in the event Ileosa was to die unexpectantly.

    Ameliya knew all this but still tried to gain their love all the same, her determination and drive to succeed never wavering even as her jealously and bitterness grew with time. Though the emotional pain of her marginalization was damaging enough, it came with the added bonus of physical agony as well. As Ameliya made the transition from childhood to adolescence she pushed herself further and further when it came to her studies, rarely sleeping or socializing with the small pool of people that she could call her friends. As a consequence, her mind grew increasingly fatigued, so much so that she eventually began to experience excoriating headaches and auditory delusions. For a time, she tried to keep this ailment a secret, knowing that her family would not sympathize with such “weakness,” but it would eventually become so severe that secrecy became impossible.

    In a cruel twist of fate this secret would be revealed at possibly the worst venue possible. It would at massive and expansive soiree that her parents had thrown that Ameliya would suffer an especially painful headache, one that felt like a hundred voices were simultaneously screaming in her head with such cacophony that she couldn’t help but openly scream out in writhing pain. Of course, Ameliya’s parents didn’t care about their daughter’s health or her worsening condition. They were far more concerned that she had “embarrassed” them in front of nearly half the Wiscrani nobility. After a long night of verbally and physically chastising their daughter for bringing such dishonor to them and their House, they made the decision to have Ameliya sent to a faraway and isolated boarding school in the Menador Mountains.

    To Ameliya’s later shame and disgust, she unabashedly cried and begged when she was forcibly dragged away from her family’s estate the next day.

    St. Lilitha’s Academy For Misfit Girls was more a prison for the unwanted daughters of the Chelish nobility than a true boarding school. Accordingly, strict adherence to the academy’s rules of proper conduct was enforced by the ever-present threat of corporal punishment. Ameliya tried to survive her new environment the best she could, enduring the verbal thrashings and beatings that she suffered at the hands of St. Lilitha’s sbullies while desperately holding onto hope that her parents would eventually come for her. But as the years went by and her family continued to not send so much as a letter her way, Ameliya’s childish hopes slowly gave way to a hateful desire for retribution against everyone who had ever wronged her. With her parents safely in Westcrown, she directed her anger at her tormentors at St. Lilitha. While she wasn’t capable of physically dominating them, Ameliya was clever and found other ways to get her revenge. Soon girls would find themselves losing mementos that had to be ransomed back to them, getting blackmailed by their own embarrassing secrets, and suffering suspect accidents that left them some of them maimed.

    It would be during this time that Ameliya would realize that her headaches and madness were not signs of a disorder but instead a boon! What she believed to be delusions were, in fact, her actually hearing the inner thoughts of those around her. In no time at all Ameliya started to cultivate this power, using it to gain even greater control of St. Lilitha’s student body as a knower of everyone’s deepest, darkest secrets. Ironically, it would turn out that the matrons of St. Lilitha had dark secrets of their own as well. Sensing Ameliya’s growing power, the instructors of the academy grabbed a flailing and defiant Ameliya one night and brought her to a secret basement underneath the academy. It was there that Ameliya learned the truth. St. Lilitha was more than just a miserable boarding school. In reality, it was a front and recruitment ground for a cult sworn to Ardad Lili, one of the hellish Queens of the Night. The diabolic cultists of The End of Innocence offered Ameliya the chance to not only learn how to hone her psychic powers but also the seductive ways of The End of Innocence. While knowing that she would die if she didn’t join them certainly made her more willing to say yes, the fact was that Ameliya was not only eager to gain more power but also enthralled by the idea of finally becoming beautiful and finally desired. And so, she accepted, and in doing shred what little innocence still lay within her. In the years to come Ameliya would undergo a transformation of both mind and body, becoming well-versed in the limitless potential of the psionic arts and the subtle power that lay within coy words, sensuous body language, and various other methods of seduction and intrigue.

    When her parents finally sent word about how Ileosa had abandoned the family to marry some Varisian king and that they needed her to return to Westcrown to fulfil a marriage arrangement, a remade Ameliya smiled as she was finally able to set her long-awaited plans of revenge into motion.

    Her wedding was spectacular affair, with several thousand gold pieces having been spent on making it as lovely as possible for its noble attendants. But even still, the most striking and beautiful thing at the event may have been Ameliya herself. Gone was the meek, plump and plain-faced girl that they remembered from years ago. In her place was a woman of hypnotic beauty whose charming smile and honeyed words won over everyone attending. Seeing their daughter walk down the aisle as radiant as she was, Ameliya’s parents said words that she had craved to hear throughout her entire childhood. “We are so proud of you.”

    It would be an hour or so after they said those words that they would die choking on their own spittle.

    Not to soon after the ceremony guests began to feel lethargic then short of breath and then finally outright started to suffocate as their throats began close even as they tried to drink more wine in a foolish bid to clear their throats. Everyone at the wedding who had drunk from the poisoned wine had been afflicted but not all would die. Ameliya would survive while her mother, father and wedded husband would die gruesomely. An investigation on the poisoning was made and eventually the Westcrown’s dottari came into a most fortuitous lead that pointed them in the direction of a rival Wiscrani noble House that House Arvanix had been feuding with for some time. Ameliya was in the clear, and in the eyes of the polite society, was a lucky survivor of a cowardly act of mass murder. Though now the inheritor of her parent’s fortune and her husband’s dowry, Ameliya was unwilling to settle for the meagre urban holdings that her parents possessed and promptly sold off her family home and left Westcrown.

    Her connection to family now truly good and severed, Ameliya would spend several years honing her powers and serving her new “family” in the cult of Ardad Lili before finally establishing herself in the world as a truly free and wealthy young woman. Using her inhertiance as seed money, she would travel across Cheliax in search of the perfect location for her desired business. She would eventually find it in the sleepy town of Longacre. It would be there that Ameliya would set up the Sweet Caress, a brothel that would serve as the first of many more local businesses that she planned on either building herself or taking over, her goal being the eventual ownership of the entire community. Of course, in the year that she’s been in Longacre a problem has arisen. Many of the other business leaders there have no intention of selling their livelihoods to some mysterious noblewoman from the big city, especially one that’s also a madame. Fortunately for Ameliya, she’s been in contact with a townie thug that plans on damaging her biggest rival’s tannery for some mysterious patron. While Ameliya would prefer to handle Louslik through more “refined” means like blackmail, seduction or poisoning, she is unwilling to let such a possibility pass her by.

    She will own Longacre. No matter the cost. The town being the first step in even grander ambitions.


    While she puts on a courteous and charming face for the outside world, Ameliya is in her heart a cold manipulator and brilliant thinker who strives to be in control of every situation she is in. She is also a proud woman, make no mistake, one that doesn’t not easily suffer fools who make gross assumptions about her capabilities. As such, Ameliya is driven to use her prowess (be it in business, guile or magic) to show the world her individual worth, talent, and genius.

    Passionate and domineering, Ameliya strives to make her mark in the world on her own terms. To achieve such a grandiose goal, she places few limits on her actions. In her view, deception and seduction are acceptable tools in a world filled with unscrupulous people willing to do anything for power, her upbringing and religion having taught little in the way of altruism. That said, wanton acts of violence and slaughter do revolt her. Not because of any real disgust with murder or slaughter per say, but because she finds such “indulgences” to be the mark of a stunted and savage mind.

    Past all the intrigue and ambition though, Ameliya is a woman with passions and interests outside of finance and the cumulation of power. The study of the psionic arts has not only been a powerful tool but also an intellectual pursuit that she strives to master for the sear academic challenge. Blessed with a gift for numbers even as a child, Amelia is a polymath that marries her head for numbers with her knowledge for finance and people, creating a trifecta that has served her well over the years. In the regard to her faith, Ameliya breaks with most of her Chelish countrymen by being a follower of Ardad Lili instead of Asmodeus, the End of Innocence 's guile and rise to power deeply resonating with her.



    Ameliya is a tall, stunningly attractive young woman with enchanting grey-blue eyes, lustrous red hair, and a flawless pale complexion. She has a thin waist, large hips, and is voluptuous. Ameliya speaks in a breathy, sultry voice, one that can just as easily coyly promise pleasure as well as witheringly ridicule the ignoble. When out in public or travelling she will dress in tasteful gowns and women's suits that befit her noble station and role as a businesswoman. When in more "intimate" venues, she clades herself in diaphanous garments or corsets that leave little to the imagination and flaunt her ample assets and curves.

    Age: 25 Height: 5' 9" Weight: 135 lbs. Hair: Red Eyes: Blue Build: Slender

    Four Questions:

    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?
    Ameliya has been living in Longacre for nearly a year now and is proud owner of the Sweet Caress brothel. She chose to migrate to the town after learning of the relative cheapness of land and the local nobility's laissez-faire attitude to the governance there. She intends to expand and purchase more businesses in town until she can effectively own it as a personal fiefdom and launching point for even further expansion in the Heartlands.

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
    Ameliya is still steadfastly loyal to the Cult of Ardad Lili, seeing the cult as her true family. Similarly, sees her employees at the Sweet Caress as sisters and views them as her most trustworthy allies in Longacre. In regard to more prominent members of the town, she makes use of the corrupt dockmaster Ingoe Zoags. With coin and flattery, Ameliya has been able to persuade Zoags to "lose" vital cargo belonging to her business rivals in town.

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
    While the fanatics of the Glorious Reclamation concern her, Ameliya still sees the rebellion as a manageable threat that will be beaten by the forces of House Throne. As such, she is more focused on her own long-term plans: Clandestinely undermining the other businesses in town so she can eventually buy them all out. While not a cleric of Ardad Lili, Ameliya still sees the expansion of The End of Innocence's influence in Cheliax as an important secondary long-term goal.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
    Ameliya is, for better or worse, Chelaxian to the bone. She is entirely human, which is not surprising given the severe exclusivity that the Chelish nobility enforces when it comes to "acceptable breeding stock."

    Okay, here is my character: Padma Uppali Human (Vudrani) investigator 1


    Neutral Evil Human Investigator (Empiricist) 1;
    Init +2;

    AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
    hp 10
    Fort 1, Ref +4, Will +2

    Speed 30 ft.
    Melee: Rapier +4 (1d6 18-20x2)
    Ranged: Light Crossbow (1d8 19-20/x2)
    Investigator extracts known (CL 1)
    1st (2/day)- Cure Light Wounds, True Strike (DC 12);

    Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 12
    Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12

    Languages: Common, Infernal, Celestial, Halfling

    Feats: Persuasive, Dodge

    SQ Alchemy, Inspiration, Trapfinding,

    Trait: Seeker, Thrune Informant

    Skills: Acrobatics +6; Bluff +7; Craft (alchemy) +9, Diplomacy
    +6; Disable Device +7; Intimidate +7; Knowledge (local) +9; Knowledge (nobility) +8; Knowledge (planes) +8; Knowledge (religion) +8; Perception +5; Sense Motive +6; Stealth +6;

    Equipment: Studded leather, rapier, light crossbow, 10 bolts



    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is she here?
    She has worked in Longgare on a number of occasions, whether it's the the recovery of lost slaves, finding blackmail or the occasional dressing down of a mark.
    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
    Mr. Ingoes needed help to recovery some lost merchandise from the docks. It took a number of days, but she managed to track down the perpetrators and steal back the items. Not that she likes him any more than anyone else in town.
    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
    Coin and reputation are admirable goals for the detective, but her biggest motivation is to prove to Cheliax that she is the very best the kingdom has to offer.
    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
    As stated before, Longacre is one of the many locations in Cheliax where she has worked in, but it is one of a few places in the kingdom where family has emigrated from. Yet she's just as proud of Cheliax as any loyal Cheliaxian.

    Fighting Chicken presenting Brogol Stockl for consideration. Stockl is a once (and once-again) resident of Longacre, recently back in town to give some hard-earned coin to his family, and to restore a broken but ornate carriage. Stockl figures he'll head back to Westcrown once that's done, unless his old friend Cimri has some work for him?

    Mechanically, Brogol's an Unchained Rogue, though at this point in his life, he's really just an unemployed, unethical, and ambitious driver. I've got answers to the four questions in the spoiler below, and crunch and background in the alias. Thanks for the consideration, and good luck everyone!

    Four questions:

    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?

    My connection? Spent the worst part of my childhood in this flyspeck hellshole. I guess there was some OK parts too, if I really think hard. Played with the Fortmile kids - you know, the Jackdaw folks? They were alright, my favorite people here, other than my ma and my sisters. Just bought a carriage from them the other day. Carriage’s in bad shape, don’t even work, but one day, she’ll be a beauty. Only other good friend from those days was Cimri Staelish, and she was alright in a different way, chinney?

    Anyways, I came into a little money and I’m just back in town to do something for my ma, something nice like. When da died and we lost the ranch… well, life wasn’t easy for us, yeah? Don’t get any ideas about any money by the way - it’s already spent. Anyways, I’ll probably head back to Westcrown when I get my carriage up and running, start my own business. Meantime, maybe I’ll stop by and say hi to Cimri, see if she needs help with anything. Anything on the upandup, of course.

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)

    Well, I mentioned the Fortmile kids, and Cimri. Other than that, my ma of course, she’s a saint and I’ll black the eye of anyone that suggests differently. And my sisters, Emelia and Shae, they’re both still at home, and they’re fooking lovely peoples yeah? Em, she’s gonna be a real-life Chelish Diva, if this world lets her - she’s not so swarthy-looking as me, Varisian in all the right ways and none of the bad. And Shae? She’s the smartest of us. Recently started working at the Longacre Historical Society, just a clerk now, but one day, she’ll be a librarian or a professor or something grand, chinney?

    Isn’t it more interesting to talk about who we don’t like though? My step-da, the Captain Kaelman. I’ll just say the world’ll be better off when he’s not in it, you know?

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?

    This is a cruel country and you gotta be cruel to get ahead. I’ll step on my enemies no problem with that, but if I can lift my ma and my sisters up along the way, and maybe keep my sisters from growing up cruel? That would be something worth living for.

    Yeah, I gotta get that damned carriage fixed.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.

    Fit in? Not so good. Ma’s a widow remarried to a mean drunk, ex-military, not well liked around town. But the Captain’s got a small pension and a house and they love each other in their own way I guess.

    So the Stockls don’t have money. And we’re Varisian so that’s that, you know? Can’t say Longacre has loved us, and I for one sure as hells don’t love it!

    Grand Lodge

    Thanks GM Snowheart. I'm looking forward to seeing the final group. You have lots of great submissions. I should have included in my post that I'm happy to build interconnected backstories with players and I like the ten minute background I have done it for a number of other games.

    I'd don't envy Snowcat in the least. Having to choose from so many excellent character submissions must be heartbreaking.

    Jerax Hellfire wrote:
    Having to choose from so many excellent character submissions must be heartbreaking.

    Truth. This is an amazing community.

    Here's what I have at present; holler if I missed you. Submissions close in approximately four hours.

    Player -- Character Name -- Race -- Class
    Anthorg -- Masin -- Human -- Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
    Cellion -- Vivia Nens -- Human -- Bloodrager
    Cwethan -- Raziya Magaalye -- Half-Elf -- Oracle
    Daedalus -- Alkorian Alzatarre -- Human -- Wizard (Diabolist)
    Deevor -- Mosquitte -- Human -- Fighter
    Delightful -- Ameliya Arvanxi -- HJuman -- Psychic
    Delmoth -- Lily Tuvol -- Half-Orc -- Bloodrager
    eriktd -- Malladonna -- Halfling -- Witch
    Fighting Chicken -- Brogol Stockl -- Human -- Unchained Rogue (Sanctified Rogue)
    Fox-Pantom -- Karik Blood-Drinker -- Dhampir -- Summoner
    Grandlounge -- Deacon -- Halfling -- Inquisitor
    Grumbaki -- Ingrid Foedottir -- Tiefling -- Feral Champion Warpriest
    MrStr4ng3 -- Godvin -- Tiefling -- Sorcerer (Rakshasa)
    Ouachitonian -- Bayard the Axeman -- Tiefling -- Bloodrager
    Pathetic Wretch -- Eris Seven-veils -- Human -- Cleric
    Patrick McDade -- Slink -- Halfling -- Witch
    Patrickthekid -- Padma Uppali -- Human -- Investigator
    Phntm888 -- Morvan Fellis -- Human -- Warpriest
    rdknight -- Veda Northanger -- Changeling -- Alchemist (Vivisectionist / Chirurgeon)
    Sarah Queen B -- Annalise Wykes -- Human -- Arcanist
    Scorched One -- Vokrin -- Tiefling -- Wizard (Conjurer)
    Simeon -- Alixus Vade -- Human -- Cleric of Asmodeus
    The Lion Cleric -- Malgorzata Jialli -- Human -- Brawler
    TheArchlich -- Mashaka Lyra -- Changeling -- Cleric of Mestama
    TheWaskally -- Jerax Hellfire -- Tiefling -- Antipaladin
    Timeskeeper -- Cleonara -- Human -- Slayer
    Vrog Skyreaver -- Alaric -- Human -- Mesmerist
    Emerald Duke -- pending
    Oblivion Scion -- pending
    Redac -- pending
    ToxicStar -- pending
    Veltharis -- pending
    zefig -- pending

    Sovereign Court

    I present Hallidan Regg, my halfling negative channeler cleric of Urgathoa. (You could almost make an entire party of halflings at this point!)


    1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?
    Hallidan has lived in Longacre all his long life, in service to a necromancer (name to be determined-- possibly another party member?). He is his master's procurer of bodies. His master does not, however, quite realize that Hallidan is himself a fully-realized priest of Urgathoa.

    2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
    His master isn't particular about where Hallidan gets his bodies. Since the prime of his youth is now behind him (he's middle-aged), he has a friendship of sorts with Baranin, the local mortician. He goes to Baranin when he has trouble procuring one in other ways.

    3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
    Like any good Urgathoan, Hallidan hopes to one day be granted a "second birth" as an undead.

    4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
    Slips in Longacre are practically required to be in the service of one human or another, and Hallidan is no exception. He knows that he has to play the part if he doesn't want to wind up dead in a gutter.

    Don't mind the picture, I'll change it when I can.

    Just a note, I have yet to finalize my spellbook/gear selection. That always takes the longest for me. Could I wait until/if I'm selected to do that?
    Also, as I'm not entirely sure about the setup for the start of the first adventure, my current background is fairly light on how Alkorian ended up in Longacre, but that can be easily adjusted.

    Some very interesting backgrounds here! I like the creativity.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Definitely a lot of competition.

    Hallidan Regg wrote:
    I present Hallidan Regg, my halfling negative channeler cleric of Urgathoa. (You could almost make an entire party of halflings at this point!)

    Once had a PFS group with 2 halflings, a gnome, a dwarf, and a half-ork. The half-ork was nominated the leader and they said "Yes my tallest!" to her all game.

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