About Eris NorthangerStatistics:
Female Human Investigator (Cartographer / Natural Philosopher) 7
NG Humanoid (Human) Init +4; Senses Perception +4
HP 63 Fort +6, Ref +10 Will +8
Melee +9 DEX / +8 STR Ranged +9
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 22
TRAITS: Brigand (Campaign):
Student of Philosophy (Social):
Precise Treatment (Magic):
Resilient (Combat):
Nervous (Drawback):
FEATS: Toughness:
Healer's Hands:
Precise Shot:
SKILLS: (91 points; 42 class, 28 INT, 7 skilled, 14 background)
Acrobatics* +12 = DEX+4+5+3
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages: Taldane, Elven, Varisian, Hallit, Silvan, Draconic Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ HUMAN: Skilled:
INVESTIGATOR (Cartographer / Natural Philosopher): Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Class Skills:
Inspiration (Ex): (1d6 7 Rounds / Day)
Natural Philosopher’s Inspiration (Ex):
Alchemy (Su):
Studied Combat (Ex):
Studied Strike (Ex):
Studied Terrain (Ex):
Dungeon Map: While indoors, underground, or in any other type of environment where visibility is limited by walls, the radius is 100 feet per level, and only areas that the cartographer has explored within the past 24 hours count as studied terrain. Areas explored after drawing the map do not retroactively become part of the studied terrain. Overland Map: In natural terrain, the radius of the mapped area is equal to 1 mile per investigator level. If he is unable to see the whole area, he extrapolates and uses his knowledge of geography to fill in the blanks. Town Map: While in an urban area or ruins, the radius is 1,000 feet per level or the entirety of the urban or ruined area, whichever is smaller. Much like alchemy, cartography requires materials, but the cost of those materials is negligible. However, knowing an area so well as to gain these benefits requires more than just paper and ink—a great deal of memorization and a bit of inspiration are also required. For this reason, a cartographer can maintain these benefits in only one area at a time. The benefits remain in effect until the cartographer studies a new area or refreshes his inspiration pool.
Geographic Lore (Ex):
Swift Travels (Ex):
Track (Ex):
Herbalism (Su):
TALENTS Quick Study:
Alchemist Discovery:
Alchemist Discovery:
1st (4+1/day) Coin Shot
2nd (3+1/day) Alchemical Allocation
3rd (1+1/day Channel Vigor
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Kukri (MWK Cold Iron)
Hand Axe +1
Healers Kit (10)
Carrying Capacity
Money 15 GP 7 SP 8 CP
Eris was born in Edme, a city that was in the past the intellectual capital of Galt. Her grandfather was a university professor there who was well known for his expertise in the natural sciences. Edme became even more famous as the home of Hosetter, also an academic, and a key figure in the beginning of the Red Revolution. Despite the high-minded aspirations of the original revolutionaries, the political and social situation in Galt quickly spun out of control. After Hosetter’s fall, the repercussions in Edme were swift and severe. Family and friends of the philosopher, and even those who shared some sort of connection with him, fell under suspicion. Suspicion meant guilt. Eris’s grandfather knew Hossetter casually, another academic who he sometimes crossed paths with, but that was enough for him to be arrested and executed as well. It was the end of higher learning in Edme, with only a small handful of academics and writers surviving the purge. Those few who did only bought themselves time by serving the government of the moment. When it fell in its turn, they were doomed as traitors along with it. Eris never knew her grandfather, she grew up knowing the university only as a feared political prison, a place where inmates arrived and never left. Her father, the Professor’s son, educated Eris in the library of books left behind when his own father was taken. They were hidden away, possession of such books, or reading such subversive works was illegal. Eris’s parents had to turn to new ways of making a living. Both her father and mother had some alchemical knowledge, and both of their businesses made use of their training. Her father started a small bakery. As he told Eris often, “baking is edible chemistry”. Eris’s mother sold medicines and tinctures, and offered simple medical services in the back of her apothecary. Eris helped out in both places as needed when she was young. The family managed, but life was always difficult and unpredictable. Food shortages, disease, and banditry became the new routine, with lethally unpredictable politics always lurking in the background. When her parents were arrested, it was not because of the illegal books. Suspicion fell on them when a politician in Edme was assassinated with poison. The chatter afterwards asked where such a poison might be made, and Eris’s parents were suggested as the culprits. After all they had knowledge of chemicals. It was enough for heir arrest, and an arrest was enough to prove their guilt. Fortunately for Eris, who was a young teen at the time, she was overlooked for a while. Eris knew how things worked though. She packed up some essential belongings and fled into the Boarwood. Eris hadn’t been educated through books alone. Her grandfather had carried out all of his own fieldwork and was an expert outdoorsman. As he had passed on that knowledge to his son, so had he passed it on to Eris. From a young age Eris had been trekking into the Boarwood with her father. Eris never came back to Edme. Well, strictly speaking she did engage in a little theft from outlying houses and farmsteads to get by at first. But as her skills sharpened, she moved farther into the forest and lived self-sufficiently. When Eris had mastered the daily struggle to keep herself fed and sheltered, she lived comfortably for a while. Eris occupied herself with traveling to see other parts of the region. The Boarwood is expansive and quite long, stretching deep into Galt and approaching Isarn, the capitol city. What she found was disheartening. Edme wasn’t a particularly bad place; it was typical of everywhere in Galt. When she ran out of forest, Edme decided to venture out and follow the river from Isarn. It was not a long journey before she came to the Sellen River and the border. Eris swam the Sellen and found herself at the edge of more wilderness. As she wandered on, Eris learned that the far side of the Sellen River was called the River Kingdoms, and that the name was a bit grander than the reality. Really it was a decentralized region of small, or occasionally mid-sized settlements. It was a free place where Eris could freely walk about in the towns, coming and going as she pleased. She quickly adopted it as her new home. She also found that she was hardly the only refugee from Galt there. In fact there were lots of Galtans, mostly gathered in a couple of ‘kingdoms’, and mostly plotting to somehow regain control of their homeland. Eris didn’t think very highly of those places, but she did know they were far better than anything across the river. It was at that point when Eris embarked on a career of sorts. After getting to know the lay of the land on both sides of the river, she began to smuggle refugees from Galt across to the River Kingdoms. Eris never considered what she was doing a business. She only charged enough to meet her meager needs. She did charge those who could easily afford it more in order subsidize taking others who had nothing across. Eris never took on any partners or tried to expand what she was doing in scale. It was always occasional, spaced out trips to avoid falling into a predictable pattern. She never took more than a dozen people in a trip, and preferred even smaller groups. Things went well for over a year, but then Eris had a couple of consecutive close scrapes with Galtan hunters from local militias. It was apparent to Eris that she had become known to them, and they were actively trying to catch her. She decided the best response would be to go black for a while. She would do some exploring further into the River Kingdoms, them after a prudent amount of time has passed she will go back a start up again. While she waits, Eris has been wandering and taking jobs here and there to support herself. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'4 Weight: 135 Hair: Auburn Brown Eyes: Hazel Personality |