TheWaskally |

Here's my submission.
What does the rest of the group know about Alaric?
Alaric is a pretty boy noble. He's pretty ameniable and likable, despite the fact that he's a Jeggare. He never talks down to anyone, regardless of rank or station.
[fangirling] Sweet! A Jeggare! I loved Dave Gross's The Life & Times of Count Varian Jeggare & Radovan Virholt Pathfinder series! If Alaric gets in and Jerax doesn't, I won't feel so bad.

Deevor |

A fighter, probably human, Lawful Evil (or Neutral) on the path to being a Hell Knight (prestige class). The daughter of a good Chelish minor noble family, who gave up childish girlie games to play rough tough games with the boys. Her parents have encouraged her to join the Hell Knights and pursue her dreams of being a hero upholding the Cheliaxan laws above all, or is it that they don´t want her as an embarrassment to the family name.
Will add character details later.

GM Snowheart |

Thank you, GM Snowheart. I am still mulling over my options, but am leaning towards either an Unchained Rogue, Inquisitor, or Mesmerist.
No problem! Happy to help.
EDIT: Will we be using Skill Unlocks/Occult Skill Unlocks?
I'm going to say "no" for now but I'll think about it some more.

Simeon |

Presenting Alixus Vade, ambitious plotter, devilishly charismatic negotiator, and priest of Asmodeus!
Alixus Vade
Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (Asmodean Advocate) 1
Lawful Evil Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 16, touch11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee heavy mace +0 (1d8/x2)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20 x2)
Special Attacks Channel Negative Energy 1d6
Class (Archetype) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
Level 0 (at will) DC 14 bleed, detect magic, guidance, resistance
Level 1 (2/day) DC 15 barbed chains, burning disarm
Domain (Trickery) Spells and Abilities
Level 1 disguise self, copycat 7/day
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Selective Channel, Verify
Traits asmodean acolyte, fiendish confidence
Intimidate +7 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 cha, +1 trait)
Knowledge (religion) +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 int, +1 trait)
Sense Motive +8 (+13 to tell if a creature is lying) (1 rank, +3 class, +4 wis)
Background Skills
Knowledge (nobility) +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 int)
Profession (barrister) +9 (1 rank, +3 class, +4 wis, +1 insight
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
Other Gear scale male, heavy mace, light crossbow, crossbow bolts (30), cleric’s kit, dagger, 42 GP
Cleric Abilities
Channel Energy (5/day): Channel 1d6 negative energy in a 30 foot burst
Domain (Trickery):
Gain bluff, stealth, disguise as class skills
Copycat (7/day): Single mirror image for 1 round/level
Serpent: Gain viper familiar, as per wizard’s arcane bond. Familiar speaks one language of character’s choice as a supernatural ability.
Devil in the Details: Use Profession (barrister) in place of Bluff and Diplomacy, also gain half level on Linguistics related to forgeries and Profession (barrister) checks
1. Alixus is in Longacre by the orders of the clergy of Asmodeus. The town is a place of sedition, heresy, and unwarranted vice. Though Alixus is far from highly ranked within the vast, byzantine hierarchy of the church, he is still a promising recruit. His talents, along with those of many others, were needed in Longacre.
2. The church of Asmodeus is full of plots and schemes, it’s members constantly vying for greater power. Friendship is rare among the novitiates, and yet Alixus managed to find one. Khamet was a rare case among the clergy, one of the Kharite Chelaxians who did not rankle against their foreign rulers. Khamet and Alixus got along naturally, both ambitious young men searching to better their station. As time passed, Alixus found himself developing feelings, though Khamet never reciprocated. Though they’ve parted ways after receiving their assignments, they correspond regularly through letters written in Infernal.
3. Alixus’ father Marnius is a cardinal within the church, and as one of ten children, Alixus constantly worked to impress him. Though joining the clergy in part to increase his social standing, he desperately wants to prove himself to his family and his father especially.
5 Concepts:
1. Alixus is a priest of Asmodeus, with the rank of cantor-adept. He serves to spread and, at least when acting within the bounds of his station or away from the eyes of his superiors, enforce the word of the King of Witches.
2. Like many priests, Alixus is bound to Hell and his master through an infernal contract. A complex piece of diabolical legal work, it is the source of his divine power.
3. Skilled with wordplay and intricate detail, Alixus found himself able to navigate the treacherous web of alliances and rivalries that is the novitiate academy of Asmodeus. He did not simply survive, he thrived, emerging with few rivals that could challenge him, and even an ally or two.
4. Born into a family entrenched in the church to its entirety, there is nothing that Alixus is more certain of than his faith in Asmodeus. When he dies he will go to Hell. If he fails in his service, he will be punished, and rightly so. But he will not fail.
5. Alixus has always wanted to be a part of the nobility. The title of cardinal, despite its many powers, is not hereditary, and even if Alixus was the first son of his family he wouldn’t be guaranteed a life of security. He had little chance of being awarded a title for service in battle, so working his way through the church seemed the best option
Two Goals:
1. Alixus desires power more than almost anything else. He sees his duty in Longacre as his first step on the long road to status and influence. More specifically, he desires a place among the Asmodean cardinals, and to finally win his father’s respect.
2. On a less lofty note, Alixus wants a family, one that he can cherish in a way that his own family never did.
Two Secrets:
1. On rare occasions before he drifts off to sleep, Alixus ponders his faith, his choices, his path in life. He wonders if his service to Asmodeus and potential damnation was truly worth the promise of power.
2. Unbeknownst to Alixus, Vicar Martius was in league with the Henderthanes, and sent Alixus to Longacre to diminish his value and lump him in with rest of the rabble.
Three People.
1. His best friend, Khamet. Despite the failed romantic connection, Alixus knows he has at least one solid ally. The church of Asmodeus is a treacherous one, and having a person to watch your back for blades in the dark is valuable indeed. They signed a pact in blood, that they would make sure that they would protect each other from their enemies depredations.
2. Vicar Ildan Martius, Alixus’ mentor within the church. The vicar was one of the first to see Alixus’ talents, and recommended him for the post in Longacre.
3. Borandis Henderthane, third son of Lord-Mayor Idressia Henderthane. Borandis, as a child of the ruling house of the Archduchy of Sirmium, was an entitled and truly obnoxious fellow novitiate. Borandis’ connections were extensive. His skills, however, were poor. Alixus ran circles around him. Borandis hadn’t even memorized the core texts of the Asmodean Monograph, much less it’s many supplemental volumes. By the time their training was over, Borandis was thoroughly humiliated in the eyes of the church and Alixus had made a sworn enemy.
Three Memories:
1. Alixus remembers being alone in a large, empty house. His father was away in Egoriam, and his mother was on a hunting trip. His siblings were doubtlessly off on an outing together, leaving Alixus by himself. He turned to the family altar of Asmodeus, and as the ritual flames burned and be muttered the profane litanies, he felt close to something greater than himself.
2. The night Alixus signed his infernal contract is forever burned into his mind. He sat shirtless in the middle of a pentagram, and a masked, robed priest doused him in blood as the candles at each point burst into red and black flames. His contract’s officiator, a phistophilus devil named Ulanaxian appeared before him. The devil held a contract with the name Alixus Vade written on it with burning ink. Alixus cut his hand with a ruby-bladed knife, and signed the contract in his blood.
3. Despite lacking any particular talent for making it, Alixus has a special love of fine Chelish patisserie. His normally austere demeanor falters when presented with it, his face breaking into something that almost resembles glee.
Warrant of Limited Contractual Authority 3T-487.59-666
ISSUED in the name of the Nine and Asmodeus most high, in accordance with protocol 24682:292.98, pursuant to relevant codes, regulations, and decrees.
ARBITRATED by Damned Procurator Ulanaxian, hereafter referred to as OFFICIATOR, in service of Asmodeus above all, to bind Alixus Vade, hereafter referred to as SIGNATORY, to the will eternal of the Nine and Asmodeus most mighty.
HERETOFORE shall the efforts of the SIGNATORY in service to the Nine and Asmodeus unparalleled, be rewarded as specified by the following terms.
The ability to channel power and magical effects, approved by the Nine and Asmodeus unsurpassed, with proper display of the Archstar, may it shine with radiance until eternity.
The grant of a representative of the Nine and Asmodeus incomparable, in the form of a viper, serving with permission of the OFFICIATOR.
The SIGNATORY is herewith granted a writ of authority to issue contracts within the bounds of infernal code 199-219 in the name of the Nine and Asmodeus without equal.
TERMINATION of the Warrant of Limited Contractual Authority 3T-487.59-666 will come upon 1) the cessation of the mortal continuation of the SIGNATORY or 2) upon deviation from the will eternal, inferred or explicit, of the Nine and Asmodeus transcendent. Termination due to the first condition will result in the full integration of the soul of the SIGNATORY according to the will eternal of the Nine and Asmodeus unrivaled. Termination due to the second condition will result in immediate revocation of all vested ability and authority.
The Warrant of Limited Contractual Authority 3T-487.59-666 shall be signed in triplicate, firstly for possession by the OFFICIATOR, secondly for possession by the SIGNATORY, finally for record-keeping in sub-vault 9016B of the Nine-Fold Archive located in the damned metropolis of Dis.
Signed in blood and bound by soul.
Alixus Vade is a tall, thin man, his black hair slicked back. His deep brown eyes cut a contrast to his incredibly pale skin. He wears the black and blood-red robes of an Asmodean priest, trimmed with gold thread over a set of scale mail. He carries a heavy mace, the favored weapon of Asmodeus, which he has named Ashmourn and a dagger for religious ceremonies. He also wears a barbed pentacle on his neck, his symbol of his lord Asmodeus. A viper curls around his wrist, ever watchful for transgressions against the Archfiend.
Alixus is a calm and charismatic man. His voice, though soft, cuts like a cold knife with an exacting precision that leaves loopholes for him to exploit and none for his enemies. When preaching about his lord Asmodeus, it rises to a fiery bombast that is hard for most to resist. To those that follow him, he is a firm but fair leader. Those that do their duty are rewarded, and those that shirk what is assigned to them are punished, just as the relationship between himself and his lord Asmodeus. To the public, he is a gracious and charismatic figure. The bitter rumors of the undue cruelty of the church of Asmodeus are lies perpetuated by those jealous of its glory and power. He seeks to spread his lords message to the non-believers, to bring them into the sublime fold of Asmodeus. What the heathens call tyranny, the faithful know as stability. What blasphemers label cruelty, Alixus will correct it as justice. Alixus knows that all, in their heart of hearts, hold dear the teachings of the Archfiend even though they may not know it. He intends to make sure that they do.

Anthorg |

Submitting Masin, a calculating vivisectionist.
The first thing to notice about Masin is that he is very tidy. His beard is neatly trimmed and there is not even a shirt button out of place. By his clothing, one cannot tell if he's a scholar or a bruiser. He wears a lab coat but there are two light maces underneath it, as well as leather armor. Out of one of the many pouches containing vials and substances, one can see a fancy hankerchief he frequently uses to wipe his simple spectacles.
With a keen eye for anything out of place, Masin is very careful with his things and he is quick to notice whenever something is not properly or orderly stored. Despite that, he is a cordial man in an annoying way and is not an imposing figure. He is mostly calm, although he may lose his temper with himself if an experiment is not going his way. He never raises his voice during an argument, which can be scary since his emotions are always a mistery.
Son of a Longacre carpenter, Masin was relatively happy until their parents died in an unfair ruling when he was 5 years old. Despite his young age, the day he was adopted by the church of Asmodeus is one that he never forgot. Masin grew paying close attention to the lessons, especially the way Hell was ruled. He gave much value to it, especially since he found the ruling that killed his parents could have been avoided.
In his later teenage years, he grew bored of the people, as he found it very difficult to find a conversation partner who could produce a subject other than the divine powers promised by Asmodeus. It's not that he didn't crave more power, but he would rather grab it by his own means. He eventually wound up learning alchemy and moved to the great city of Egorian. Not only were conversations more interesting, but he found out he liked to research various subjects. He managed to impress his professors with how easily he grasped mathematics. He gained new knowledge about the arcane and natural world and learned new languages. Over time, started dreaming of organizing a World-wide meeting on Alchemy, where alchemists would gather from all academies of the world to discuss their discoveries and research. Unfortunately he had nowhere near the prestige needed to organize such an event. His attempts were quenched by an ambitious alchemist called Windy who had nowhere near his potential.
Masin learned his place and had a baby girl Arroba with his wife Solano and laid low. One day, however, he was found to be a perfect scapegoat for one of Windy's scams, and he was unfairly pulled away from his family. When he finally managed to see them, he learned that Arroba was not only dead, but despicable things had been done to her. Solano blamed him and left. Masin decided to return to his town of birth and look for new work and allies. He was adamant that the way of Hell would have not allowed such injustice happen to him and was determined to try to bring its rules to Cheliax, his home. That would happen no matter the cost, no life was as important as this. Freedom was only a way to injustice. Slavery was a means to an end. And the notion of evil was brought up only by those too afraid to live under true rulership.
STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 19, WIS 10, CHA 10
Human (Chelaxanian)
Medium Size
Alchemist lvl 1 (Vivisectionist archetype)
Favorite class: alchemist
Favorite class bonus: 1 skill point
BaB 0
Init +2; Senses: Perception: +4, Sense Motive +0
AC 16, touch 14 flat-footed 12 (+2 Armor, +4 Dex)
Situational AC bonus: +4 Dodge with Dex mutagen, +4 Shield with shield extract
HP 9 (8 1stHD + 5*0 HD + 1*1 Con)
CMD 12 (14 with Dex mutagen)
Fort +3
Ref +4 (add 6 with Dex mutagen)
Will +0 (add 2 vs mind affecting of outsiders with the good subtype)
Speed 30 ft
Melee Rapier +2 (1d6 18-20x2)
Full attack Rapier/short sword +0/+0 (1d6 18-20x2/1d6 19-20x2)
Ranged Light crossbow +2 (1d8 19-20x2) Range increment: 80ft
Sneak attack 1d6
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
CMB +0
CL 1
DC: 14+extract level
Extract level (slots): Prepared
1 (2): Cure Light Wounds, FREE SLOT
Formula book:
1st level
Comprehend Languages
Crafter's Fortune
Cure Light Wounds
Expeditious Retreat
Keen senses
Two weapon fighting (1st level)
Martial weapon proficiency (Human)
Brew Potion (Alchemist lvl 1)
Throw Anything (Alchemist lvl 1)
Skills (4+Int+fav class+human bonus/level: 10/level):
Disable device +6 (1 rank, 2 dex, 3 class skill)
Knowledge arcana: +9 (1 rank, 4 int, 1 trait, 3 class skill)
Knowledge nature: +8 (1 rank, 4 int, 3 class skill)
Knowledge planes +9 (1 rank, 4 int, 1 trait, 3 class skill)
Perception: +4 (1 rank, 3 class skill)
Spellcraft: +8 (1 rank, 4 int, 3 class skill)
Stealth +5 (1 rank, 4 dex)
Use Magic Device +4 (1 rank, 3 class skill)
Background skills (2/level + 2 one time):
Appraise +8 (1 rank, 4 int, 3 class skill)
Craft alchemy +8(+9) (1 rank, 4 int, 3 class skill) (+level when creating alchemical items)
Knowledge engineering +9 (1 rank, 4 int, 1 trait, 3 class skill)
Sleight of hand +8 (1 rank, 2 dex, 3 class skill)
Mathematical prodigy
Campaign trait: Scion of the Nine Circles
Languages: Common, Infernal, Celestial, Elven, Halfling, Shadowtongue
Adventuring gear not yet bought
Special Class Abilities
Sneak AttackAt 1st level, a vivisectionist gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. If a character already has sneak attack from another class, the levels from the classes that grant sneak attack stack to determine the effective rogue level for the sneak attack’s extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/rogue 1 has a +1d6 sneak attack like a 2nd-level rogue, an alchemist 2/rogue 1 has a +2d6 sneak attack like a 3rd-level rogue, and so on).
This ability replaces bomb.
Brew Potion: At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.
Throw Anything: All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.
Human traits
- Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Human base land speed is 30 feet.
- 1 extra feat at 1st level, because humans are quick to master specialized tasks and varied in their talents.
- 1 extra skill point at each level, since humans are versatile and capable.
- Automatic Language: Common.

Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |

Just dotting in for now, but planning on submitting Raziya Magaalye - a Spirit Guide Oracle of Bones who uses her 'unconventional' sources to uncover secrets in the service of the Thrice Damned House of Thrune.
She will eventually go full blown necromancer, but I promise not to pout if I have to re-bury her favorite undead toys for safekeeping while we're in 'civilized' areas that look down on such things.
Or at least toss a discreet robe/illusion over them ;-)

GM Snowheart |

*snip* Was going to go for Fiendish Heritage, but realize now that I need the feat
Ingrid, just to clarify, you don't need the feet for the alternate heritages, just the variant abilities.
"Dots" (and Submissions), Alpha by Players' First Names
Player - Character Name
Anthorg - Masin - Human - Alchemist (Vivisection)
Cwethan - pending
Daedalus - pending
Deevor - pending
Delmoth - Lily Tuvol - Human - Bloodrager
Emerald Duke - pending
Fighting Chicken - pending
Fox-Pantom - Karik Blood-Drinker - Dhampir - Unchained Summoner
Grandlounge - pending
Grumbaki - Ingrid Foedottir - Tiefling - Fiendflesh Shifter
MrStr4ng3 - pending
Oblivion Scion - pending
Ouachitonian - pending
Phntm888 - pending
rdknight - pending
Scorched One - pending
Simeon - Alixus Vade - Human - Cleric of Asmodeus
TheWaskally - Jerax Hellfire - Tiefling - Antipaladin
Timeskeeper - pending
ToxicStar - pending
Veltharis - pending
Vrog Skyreaver - Alaric Jeffare - Human - Mesmerist
Please let me know if I missed you. I'll try to post an updated version of this each day.
Please note, this does not necessarily mean the submission is complete; it's just a tool for me and everyone interest to keep track of the concepts being put into the pot and who has dotted for interest.

Lily Tuvol |

GM Snowheart please note I've changed my race to half-ork. I will also get my profile changed over if I'm accepted.
Curly blond hair and dark red eyes. Stands 6'3" with a well toned musculature. Wears a white shirt with a cravat and black breeches. Would almost appear completely human if it weren’t for her protruding orkish tusks and the slight greyish pallor of her skin.
What is your character’s connection to Longacre? Why is she here?
Lily is in Longacre trying to track down her estranged father, a former Hellknight and priest of Asmodeus. She has reason to believe he has been forced to retire and resides in Longacre. After spending the last month investigating she has nothing to show for her efforts but suspects he might be using a pseudonym.
Who is one NPC your character thinks as an friend or ally?
I’ll give you two better:
Ally: Fipps Chumlett a fat, pushy human pirate. Lily worked with Fipps during her pirating phase. She’s not terribly fond of the man but knows in a fight they’d have each other’s backs. Appears in the Skull and Shackles AP, The Wormwood Mutiny. He’s a minor npc in that path.
Contact: Cimri Staelish. An NPC that the guide suggested we know. Lily in the course of searching for her father came across Crimri’s name. Whether she knew Lily’s father or knew where he was last, Lily does not know. But Lily has a reason to believe Crimri knows something.
Enemy: “Junior” Lily’s twin brother. Separated at a young age, Lily managed to find Junior in the course of searching for their father. He stylizes himself as a hero, poet, and singer. Lily wishes he’d put such childish notions away. This is another PC of mine, but feel free to use him.
What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
She mostly wants to ask her father why she has this infernal power? To what end? The last time she saw her father was during a ritual where her soul was welded to a devilish essence. But she has no idea why this happened.
If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
This is mostly covered in the questions above. What follows is her 10 minute background that will fill in the gaps..
Lily is the bastard daughter of a Hellknight and cleric of Asmodeus. She remembers trying to memorize The Asmodean Disciplines and the Asmodean Monograph at a young age. She also remembers the pain that followed when she, quite often, got it wrong. She remembers that her failings meant she would be sacrificed in Asmodeus’ honor on her 13th birthday. However, Lily’s mother had a last minute change of heart and rescued Lily. They fled taking a boat through the Shackles.
During the ritual where she was meant to be sacrificed she felt a devilish presence invade her soul. In the back of her mind, barely perceptible, it whispered of power and glory and for her to serve some greater purpose in Asomodeus’ name. The presence’s first task for Lily was to sacrifice her mother, to replace the soul Asmodeus was promised. She cut into her mother’s chest, while she slept, on the boat sailing away from Cheliax. She used her mother’s blood to draw a pentagram on the salt soaked cabin’s floor and it burst into hellfire cementing the notion that Asmodeus had plans for her.
The unscrupulous captain of the ship sold Lily to a pirate vessel as a swab and for the next couple of years she learned the pirate trade. While she enjoyed the discipline and occasional cruelty of serving on a pirate ship, even entertaining the idea of capturing her own vessel, she knew she was meant for other greater things. She sailed back to Cheliax in search of her father and answers to her condition or to at least join the Hellknights herself. She has spent the last month, or an appropriate amount of time for the adventure, investigating.
Female Half-ork Bloodrager (Infernal and Destined crossblooded) 1
LE Medium humanoid (human, ork)
Init +1 Senses Perception +1
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1+1 FCB)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -1, +2 vs fear
Speed 30 ft
Melee Falchion +5 (2d4+6, 18-20/x2)
Melee Raging Falchion +7 (2d4+9, 18-20/x2)
Melee Bite (secondary) +5 (+0) (1d4+4(+2) 20/x2)
Melee Bite Raging (secondary) +7 (+2) (1d4+5(+2) 20/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+4, 20/x2)
Special Attacks
Hellfire Strike (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action up to three times per day while raging you can infuse your attacks with hellfire. When you do, your melee attacks gain the flaming weapon special ability for 1 round.
Bloodrage (Su): 5rds/day +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +5/7, +2 when grappling; CMD 16, 19 vs grappled
Feats Unarmed combatant
Asmodean Acolyte: +1 to diplomacy, know planes, know religion, religion is a class skill, bonus language Infernal.
Sea-Souled: You are at home at sea. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks, and you can always take 10 while Swimming.
Skills4/level, Acrobatics* (1) +5, Diplomacy (1) +3, Knowledge (Religion) (1) +4, Swim* (1) +8/10, Background: Appraise (1) +0, Profession (Sailor) (1), +2
*ACP -3
Languages Racial: Common, Infernal
City-Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Skilled: Second- and third-generation half-orcs often favor their human heritage more than their orc heritage. Half-orcs with this trait gain 1 additional skill rank per level. This racial trait replaces darkvision.
Toothy: Some half-orcs’ tusks are large and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Unflinching Valor: half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and a +1 racial bonus to CMD to avoid being grappled. This replaces intimidating.
Fast Movement (Ex): A bloodrager's base speed is faster than is normal for his race by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the bloodrager's speed due to any armor worn or load carried. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the bloodrager's base speed.
GearHide armor, Falchion, Barbarian Kit, 6gp

Ingrid Foedottir |

So. In the story I have in my mind, not having spells is something of a hinderance. So I’ve decided to change the class from shifter to Feral Champion Warpriest. Enough divine magic for my needs, and enough body modification for the build. And, importantly, it makes her more useful to the party. As some spells are always better than no spells.

Cellion |

Hi Snow!
I'll be dotting in as well. Wouldn't mind another Snowheart game ;>
Not quite sure yet what I'd like to enter for consideration, but the chance to finally use all those 'evil character only' archetypes and feats is getting me hyped up. Might bring a cleric of Urgathoa, perhaps with a small martial dip.
Fun Trivia:
Did you know that Book 3 of Hell's Vengeance is the lowest rated AP book on Paizo's store? It even beats out all time famously bad books like Giantslayer Book 5 and Second Darkness Book 5.
Very curious if you plan to replace this part with a different or custom adventure, or if you haven't planned out that far yet.

Karik Blood-drinker |

Karik Blood-drinker
Male Dhampir Unchained Summoner 1
Neutral Evil Medium Humanoid (Dhampir)
Init +3; Senses:Light Sensitivity, Darkvision 60ft, Lowlight Vision 60ft Perception +0
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Light mace +3 (1d6+1/x2)
Bite +3 (1d4+1/x2)
Spells Known (CL 1):
Level 0 (at will) Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Level 1 (2/day) Infernal Healing, Barbed Chains
Spell-like Abilities: Command DC14 (1/day), Charm Person DC14 (1/day)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Extra Evolution
Traits Amoral Mercenary, Adopted (tusked)
Bluff +7 (1 rank, +3 class, +3 cha)
Diplomacy +7 (+9 vs people from Cheliax)(1 rank, +3 class, +3 cha)
Intimidate +7 (+9 vs people from Cheliax)(1 rank, +3 class, +3 cha)
Knowledge (Planes) +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 int)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +0 wis +1 trait)
Background Skills
Craft (Painting) +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 int)
Handle Animals +7 (1 rank, +3 class +3 dex)
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal, speak with animals (bats, rats, and wolves)
Other Gear Light mace, Spiked Chain, Parade Armour
1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
1. Karik is a mercanary and bounty hunter. His last target was a Chelish veteran who had been a far too outspoken in his criticism of House Thrune and Cheliax’s military policies.
At least Karik assumes that was the reason. The reason for him was simple, gold and blood.
He was given a name and an instruction. Karik does not ask questions of his employers (He has found that to be the best way to both continue your employment and continue breathing)
His mission complete he was preparing to return to Egorian to collect the 'half later' part of the bounty when he received word that his employer had turned up dead in a ditch.
With no direction or mission the Hellfire Pact seemed as good an idea as any.
2. Lilith Fednar is a young female human priest of Zon-Kuthon who Karik ran into on a previous mission.
In search of a target he sought information from two priest of Zon-Kuthon. His charming demeanor meant they happily told him what he needed to know.
However Karik always covers his tracks. The elder of the two was killed quickly but Karik's Eidolon begged him to let her have a little fun with the other.
As they had time and adequate privacy Karik saw no reason to deny his ally their fun.
As the young priestess was tortured her cries of pain were interspersed with squeals of joy as well as thanks and praise. Bewildered Karik stopped their fun to demand an explanation. Once he had had the principles of Zon-Kuthon worship explained to him Lilith's reaction suddenly made sense. It was a foreign feeling for Karik but he found satisfaction from sating her desire for pain. Her desires and those of his eidolon meshed so well that for the first time in his adult life Karik decided to allow someone to live past their usefulness and maintain something of a relationship (even if the relationship is based on torture)
It was Lilith who came to Longacre to let Karik know his employers had been killed.
3. Karik and his eidolon who goes by the name of Vaelor seek to elevate themselves beyond their halfblooded nature. Karik strives to become a true vampire.
Vaelor longs to become an Apostle Kyton (better known as chain devils) or even an Eremites, some of the eldest and most mutilated of kytons.
In the short term Karik's goals are simpler: money, power, and blood.
Power and wealth always go hand in hand and both allow him to find pleasure in the pain of others without consequences. Stronger than that is the ever-present hunger for blood.
4. As said above, Karik came to Longacre for a job and has now found himself without one.
When a slave in an orc-outpost died in a strange way while giving birth to a strange pale child with long canines who disliked the sunlight almost as much as the orcs the tribes shamans took notice.
Knowledgeable enough to recognize a Dhampir when the see one they decided to teach him to fight.
This was largely done by throwing him in a pit with another slave, some weapons and only letting one person out.
However his life took a sharp turn when the orc tribe grew to aggressive in their raiding a drew the attention of some local paladins of Sarenrae. The paladins journeyed to the orcs stronghold and gave the orcs a choice, surrender and turn towards redemption, or die. Unsurprisingly the orcs refused to surrender and the Sarenrites attacked. Well armed, well trained, and supported by divine powers the orcs were quickly defeated and put to the sword. The slaves were liberated and brought back to the local temple for physical and emotional healing.
Karik was quick to understand what the priests wanted to see and began to lie and fake until they felt he had been redeemed.
However he was forced to flee from the temple after the series of incidents where blood had been drained from sleeping children was linked to him.
Before it was proved Karik stole some supplies and valuables and went on the run.
He picked up odd jobs from taverns and various criminal groups.
The next curve-ball thrown into his life was while he was working for an ethically questionable wizard. Karik was sent on missions to steal various material components, often rather unusual thing such as fresh body parts.
One day the wizard was working on a ritual that he boasted to Karik would grant him enormous power. Jealous and power hungry Karik killed the wizard and attempted the ritual himself.
To this day he doesn't really know what happened. Whether or not the ritual went as intended what it did was reach across the boundaries of the material plane to the far-flung planes to call forth a strange creature.
Karik and the bipedal figure before him became linked, their souls meshing together and fragmenting leaving them linked, sharing shards of the same souls.
This sudden surge of power allowed Karik to step out of the shadows somewhat and take on more serious and important jobs for more powerful and influential people.
He quickly gained reputation as a cold-blooded killer for hire who asked no questions and left no witnesses despite deliberately avoiding any knowledge of his employers.
Karik initially comes across as a charismatic and likable man. He stands a little over six foot tall and is slender with well-defined musculature. His black hair and dark eyes contrast sharply against his pale complexion. With a well defined face, a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones Karik could be described as at least moderately handsome.
However when he parts his lips elongated, pointed canines hint at the darkness that lies beneath the surface.
His charming and softly spoken demeanor is only a mask for his true nature. Deep down Karik is a sadistic sociopath. He cares nothing for the feelings or desires of those around him and sees no value in human life. Despite this detachment he is good at identifying the hopes and dreams of those he meets and works to gain their favour and friendship. A entirely one-sided friendship though he keeps that well hidden.
Vaelor resembles a female Kyton complete with chain armour and wielding a spiked chain. What skin is visible under chains and scars is a grey blue colour. She takes her master's sadism to a new level, absolutely reveling in the pain of others. Despite this she is an outgoing and cheerful individual

GM Snowheart |
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Hi Snow!
I'll be dotting in as well. Wouldn't mind another Snowheart game ;>
Fun Trivia:
Did you know that Book 3 of Hell's Vengeance is the lowest rated AP book on Paizo's store? It even beats out all time famously bad books like Giantslayer Book 5 and Second Darkness Book 5.Very curious if you plan to replace this part with a different or custom adventure, or if you haven't planned out that far yet.
”We’re getting the band back together.”
Ha! Good to see you, Cellion.
On Book 3, I didn’t know about that book specifically but I do know there are some rough spots in the AP, yeah. I’d like to run this as long as possible but at the moment I’m just asking everyone selected (including myself, obvs) to commit through Book 1. ('Though if there is enough sustained interest and real life doesn't kick me in the nuts, I'd love to run it to completion.) But yeah, if there are some bad spots, I’ll likely rework them. Fortunately with an AP out this long, lots of thoughts and ideas out there.

Dαedαlus |

Okay, still some stuff to absolutely finalize (both stats and story), but they should be pretty close to completely done.
Introducing Alkorian Alzatarre, Diabolist-in-training.
Alkorian is the picture-perfect image of a pureblood Chelaxian noble, with sharp, high features, dark hair, and violet eyes. While he prefers elaborate mage-robes, he's recently made several concessions based on practicality, and his current outfit primarily consists of a black and red tunic embroidered with runes and Diabolic imagery.
The child of Hellknight Jarad Grulios and Binder Viralane Leroung, both noble and well-off, Alkorian (not his birth name, naturally) always knew that Cheliax was, without a doubt, the greatest nation on Golarion. After all, no other nation could claim to have subjugated the Outer Sphere with their cleverness, could outwit even devils at their own game. No, Cheliax truly is deserving of its high status. Naturally, with a bloodline so pure he had Azlanti eyes, and taking after his mother's mind more than his father's strength, there was only one choice of career for the young wizard - an official Binder, in service of the Crown (may House Thrune stay in power as long as Hell itself stands!). Therefore, when given the chance to prove himself while putting down some ungrateful wretches, he jumped at the chance.
1- Alkorian is in Longacre as part of an official convoy to put down the rebellious, treasonous mutterings that have come from the town lately. His academy was requested to send a few promising students to aid in enforcement, and Alkorian jumped at the opportunity to gain experience, prestige, and prove his loyalty to the Throne! So, he was promptly sent off to the distant corners of the empire. While his personality forbids him from admitting it even to himself, he is starting to get a little fed up in such a small town with so few resources for him to refine his Diabolism.
2- Alkorian thinks of Zltherai, a fellow student from his academy, as one of his closest friends (and rivals, to an extent, despite her emphasis on necromancy over summoning, like a proper Chelaxian). They have known each other most of their lives thanks to their parents, but she stayed behind to further learn in the academy rather than head out into the field and prove her loyalty, an act Alkorian thinks is somewhat cowardly.
3- Alkorian seeks to prove his loyalty to the mightiest empire on Golarion! Nothing else matters to him. (Okay, so he takes himself a little seriously, but he does mainly want to bring glory to both himself and the Empire)

MrStr4ng3 |

Rakshasa-spawn tiefling sorcerer 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
NE Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee punching dagger +3 (1d4/×3)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 16)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—fabricate disguise[UI], sleep (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 14), disrupt undead, silhouette (DC 14)
. . Bloodline Rakshasa
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Eschew Materials, Fiendish Facade
Traits suspicious, thrune informant
Skills Appraise +5, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8 (+9 to gather information), Disguise +11 (+16 to impersonate Human), Profession (gambler) +3, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Common, Elven, Infernal
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, prehensile tail[ARG], silver tongue
Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, punching dagger, artisan's outfit, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, cards[UE], dice[UE], disguise kit, dominos[UE], entertainer's outfit, flint and steel, loaded dice[APG], mess kit[UE], peasant's outfit, pickpocket's outfit[UE], pot, reversible cloak[UE], soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 4 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fiendish Facade (Human) You are easily mistaken for a member of another race. Your fiendish physical traits are normally hidden by clothing or appear to be markings of another race.
Prerequisites: Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You get a
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Rakshasa At some point in your family's history, one of your ancestors was tainted by the influence of a rakshasa. Though most of your family seem entirely normal, you have always felt your own skin is a prison from which magic allows you to escape. Your birt
Silver Tongue (7/day) (Su) At 1st level, you can draw upon your outsider heritage to spin amazingly convincing lies. Activating this ability is a swift action. You gain a +5 bonus on one Bluff check made to convince another of the truth of your words (similar to using glibn
1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?
Godvin spent much of his youth as a drifter, He was in Longacre when the Glorious Reclamation made it's push. It is a bad time to be a new face in any town so he decided to stay put.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
The tax collector is Godvin's Thrune contact, the one he reports suspicious activity to, when he comes through town. Khilba is the Kellid backer that Godvig is currently living with, he does not love her, but he does trust her as she is one of the few in town that know his heritage
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
Godvig wants one thing, a life of ease to not work another day. Deep in his heart however he wishes to become a true Rakshasa
4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
"Godvin 'never' goes out in public without a disguise, as far as he is aware Khilba is the only person in town aware that he is a tiefling" [+16 Disguise to appear Human w/o Disguise kit]

Slenk |

Here is my submission. The system isn't currently allowing me to add an avatar for some reason.
I'm very interested in this campaign and have been following the thread. Slenk is a halfling who was recently freed as a slave and has the Good Slip trait.
Slenk was born a slave in the Great Empire Cheliax, as were most of his kind. It was what he knew, what he expected, and his life was not unpleasant. His Master was a wizard of some reknown, enough to have patronage from a minor noble house, and while he was dismissive of Slenk and his compatriots he was never cruel or inappropriate with the slips he owned. Slenk knew that other slips had it much worse, and so he was quite pleased. He served as a scribe and sometimes as the back valet for his Master and his skills were such that he had considerable free time and was quite comfortable. While he heard the rabble about freedom and oppression, he was suited to his tasks and likely would be employed with the same work if he were a free slip – but then he would be expected to pay rent, cook, clean, make repairs, and all sorts of other tasks he knew little about instead of having those expert in those tasks provide for the household. The order of his existence appealed to him, everyone who excelled at their tasks accomplished it well and each benefited from the expertise of each other. This was all upended one fateful evening.
Slenk was filling in as valet, and he tried to be as perfect as he could at the task as he was not as familiar as Welin who was the actual valet. Welin was visiting his mother who had fallen ill, and the Master had actually given Welin silver to make the trip home. The Master liked a cup of watered wine later in the evenings, and Welin knocked and entered the Study as usual and dropped the platter and wine on the floor in shock at what he saw.
The Devil, for it surely was that with the with the rust-colered skin and crown of horns jutting from its alien skull, was clearly straining against an unseen force towards the Master, a unfurled scroll thrust forward in its hand. ”The terms are clear and agreed, and you are in breach Fistantus. Your soul and life are forfeit under the standard takings clause. This resistance does not become one of your stature after all these years of amicable relations.” The unearthly voice spoke with clipped precision and a cold politeness that was in stark contrast to the strain and longing apparent in its visage.
The master was sweating profusely with an apparent overwhelming effort of concentration, looking not at the devil but at the glowing circle of runes on the floor surrounding the devil. A dark red light flickering like flames was occasionally slipping between the blue glowing runes, and where the red light passed the runes the blue glow dimmed for a moment. And it was clear, even to a slip with no natural magic that the blue glow was slowly fading. The circle would fail eventually… soon actually.
The shock of the seen was replaced by guilty panic at the spilled wine and broken cup on the floor. Notably, however neither the Devil nor his Master had noticed that Slenk was there, let alone that he had failed so miserably in his duties. And he did still have duty to his Master. Slenk knew how fortunate he was to be owned by Fistantus, and within the unclear future of who his papers might fall to if his Master died the idea that he would be as fortunate again was simply not very likely. Duty then. ”Master, may I be of assistance in any way?” His voice seemed small, resolute, and polite as if there were nothing at all amiss, a total contrast to the obvious unseen struggle occurring in the room.
Oddly, the struggle lessened greatly almost immediately as the Devil’s focus shifted to Slenk. The Master’s struggle eased, but he did not shift his gaze. ”Interesting.” the Devil said. ”Loyalty is such a delicious smell, especially when blended with actual innocence. Rare to find in this city. Fistantus, who is this who joins us?”
”This is Slenk, one of my House Slips.” Slenk bowed deeply as he always would when graced with an introduction by his Master, and he saw a gleam of hope in his Master’s eye.
A look of disappointment appeared on the Devil’s face. ”Ah… a slave then. One who cannot bargain freely on his Master’s behalf. One must be free to choose to have their contracts be valid.” The Devil turned back to the Master, ready to renew the struggle.
”A moment!” the Master stated. ”Terms can always be arranged…. Slenk, do you desire your freedom?”
”Well… not really Master, I am happy in your home. I have seen what happens to my kind on the streets, I do not have the power to survive what is there.”
A rueful laugh came from the Devil. The Devil spoke again, ”Perhaps there is room to bargain here… interesting. Tell me slip, would you have your freedom if you had the power to protect yourself, power not unlike your Master, would you then desire your freedom to forge your own greatness, your own destiny?”
The slip looked at his Master. He could barely conceive of the power that his Master wielded, the magics he could perform – even binding the Devil before him. The thought of such power had never been something he dreamed of, but the concept was immediately intoxicating. ”Yes, I would.”
What remained of the struggle between the Master and the Devil ceased and the room was silent for a moment until the Devil’s unearthly voice rose in a conciliatory, almost friendly manner. “My good Master Slenk, I have made many bargains with your Master and he has a significant debt to me. A debt that you might be able to repay on his behalf. Would you like to help your Master?”[/b]
The slip looked at his master, as if seeking permission to speak. His Master smiled, somewhat eagerly. ”This you must do on your own, Slenk, with no pressure or guidance from me. You are entirely free to make this decision, and the decision must be entirely yours. You are your own Master for this discussion, and in this bargaining we are peers.”[/b
The idea was almost incomprehensible to Slenk. A peer with the Master? Even only for this day… And power of a kind with the Master? It was almost too good to be true.
[b]“What do I have that is so valuable to be bargained for in such a way? To gain my freedom from one of you and the power to enjoy it from the other?” Slenk asked.
The Devil spoke over the Master’s attempted reply. ”It is simple, you cannot freely repay your Master’s debt if he is your Master, for what it would take is a Pact between you and I that to save your Master – and that must be done of your own free will. If your Master ordered you, the Pact would remain with him, not between you and I. So your Master must free you for you to repay his debt to me. The debt owed is significant – a life or a soul. But your soul is more valuable than your Master’s, for his has been bargained away many times and each time it becomes less pure. Your soul however has real value, and I will give you value in return as should be done in all contracts. Consideration must always be paid for a service or debt. And the consideration I offer is considerable. I will plant within you the seed of arcane power, and grant you a familiar to teach you to nurture this power and to use it. For this you will enter a Pact with me that binds you to provide life or soul to me, similar to the debt your Master has now. Your Master has a reprieve for today, the ability to repay his debt to me on another day. And for your Master, he will give you your freedom both legally and functionally so that you may pursue this power to your own ends. A three-way bargain, a contract between us all. What say you?”
Finally the realization came to Slenk that this was a moment that he could not pass. ”Very well, let us talk of the details…” Slenk had scribed many agreements for his Master over the years, and he had come to understand their functioning. ”First, my power and so my Familiar, must be unobstrusive. It would be unbecoming for a halfling to appear to be rising above his station by wielding such power openly…” Slenk had never used the term “halfling” about himself, that was for the free and foreign. But then he would always be a good slip, in appearance at least. It is always best to remain below notice, attention was never what he sought… But with this power and freedom, who knows what he might eventually become. And so began the negotiations of terms for the Pact that would come to define Slenk.
The slip stands calmly and attentively, with his brown hair pulled back and his servants garb well kept and clean. He displays no crest of ownership, but his demeanor and dress are that one would expect from a slave of a minor noble house. He wears a satchel over one shoulder and, oddly, the head and ears of a white, pink-eyed rabbit seem to be peaking out.
Halfling pact witch 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65, Planar Adventures 16)
LE Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d3-1/19-20)
Special Attacks hexes (evil eye[APG], fortune[APG])
Pact Witch Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—mudball[ARG] (DC 15), sleep (DC 15)
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), light, message
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 10
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Extra Hex[APG]
Traits good slip, outcast's intuition
Skills Bluff +5, Fly +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +1, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling
SQ adaptable luck[ARG], finesse weapon attack attribute, witch's familiar (rabbit named Minion)
Other Gear dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (2), flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 82 gp, 2 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Adaptable Luck +2/+1 (3/day) +2 to one ability check, attack, save, or skill check, +1 after the roll.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evil Eye -2 (7 rounds, DC 14) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fearless +2 bonus to save vs. fear (stacks with halfling luck).
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use on attack rolls.
Fortune (1 round) (Su) Ally in 30 ft can roll 2d20 for an attack, save, ability, or skill check (and take higher) once/rd.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.

Slenk |

Here is my submission. The system isn't currently allowing me to add an avatar for some reason.
I'm very interested in this campaign and have been following the thread. Slenk is a halfling who was recently freed as a slave and has the Good Slip trait.
** spoiler omitted **...
FYI - There is a little more detail in the character profile.

GM Snowheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

All, thanks for the new submissions and notes on updates to previous ones. I'm updating my tracker and will have an updated list later today. I'll also try to start going over some of the submissions received so far and let you know if I have questions.
Background question: Is there a church of Asmodeus in Longacre? I know there is a church of Iomedae inside city limits, but I'm not sure if there is one for The God of Law. If not, I need to figure out where Jerax received his asmodean teachings initially.
Really good question. Short answer, perhaps surprisingly, is "No, there isn't." From the perspective of House Thrune and the nobility of Cheliax, Longacre is sort of a dead end, a place for the rejects and refuse to go. Until now, the Archbaron has had a relatively light touch and left the inhabitants to do what they like, as long as they pay their taxes. With the winds of rebellion in the air, that's about to change, but it explains the sort of neutral/good attitude most residents take and the resulting absence of places of worship for evil gods. So, some alternatives are you went off to study in another city or were part of a military unit or mercenary band that had a priest who mentored you.
Just a note/reminder, for those who are selected, we'll probably be doing some minor tweaks to the backgrounds to help establish some connections to one another in your characters' shared past. I'm also going to tweak the opening of the adventure a bit from the way it's written. (It comes off a bit too much as "we're a bunch of hoodlums" instead of "we have ambitions of becoming serious power players in Chelaxian society.") I'll have more on that in the discussion section once we kick off.

DoubleGold |

Quick question: Are evil characters beyond backstabbing? I don't mean the party, and definitely not our bosses if we have any, but lets say we work with another evil NPC along the way to accomplish a certain goal. That goal has been accomplished. But I want all the credit, glory and I definitely don't want to split the gold with said NPC, so I kill him in his sleep or take him to a secluded area and kill him. Almost like a rip off of Star Wars were Sith apprentices are trying to kill of their Sith masters, or any other movie where evil, sometimes even the criminals on Law and Order and other crime shows backstab each other.

Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |
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Hi Cellion! Haven't played/GM'd for you since Vixi and Lynne were jockeying over selfies in SFS :-p
Okay, I've got Raziya's stat block here, but there's a fuller version (with rules text for all special abilites etc.) in my profile. I'm holding off for now on a Full Backstory, but I'd expect that the broad strokes of it will be visible from her Bullet Points and Personality Blurb.
Neutral Evil Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +2; Senses: Lowlight Vision; Perception +0
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4 (+2 v. Disease/Poison)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Morningstar -1 (1d8-1/x2)
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8 19-20/x2)
Spells Known (CL 1):
Level 0 (at will): Create Water, Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Light
Level 1 (4/day): Bless* (May be CLW depending on group composition), Inflict Light Wounds, Murderous Command DC 15
Spell-Like Ability: Speak with Dead 1 round/day
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats: Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits: Omen, Thrune Informant
Skills: Diplomacy +8 (+1 to Gather Information), Disguise +5, Bluff +9,
Intimidate +9, Linguistics +5, Sense Motive +5, Knowledge (local) +6,
Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5
Languages Common, Elven, Osiriani, Infernal
SQ: Curse (Lich), Dual Minded, Elf Blood, Fey Thoughts, Thinblood Resistance, Voice of the Grave, Wary
Gear: Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Scale Mail, Buckler, Morningstar, 6gp
Raziya's aunt, 'Eyeblighted' Constanzia, was a sergeant in the Imperial Army, but eventually retired to Longacre. Her pension doesn't leave her a lot of wiggle room to hire sighted help, so she was thrilled that her niece was moving to town to help her. Raziya's new handler, Cimri Staelish, was glad her new agent came with a ready-made cover story.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.)
This was mostly covered in 1, but 'Eyeblighted' Constanzia, a former sergeant in the Chelish Imperial Army. She's loyal to the Thrunes, but there's definitely a growing kernel of resentment that they haven't fixed her sight, which a talented provocateur could exploit...
Despite using her as cover, Raziya does have a very real fondness for her aunt, and does plan to restore her vision when it's practical for her.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait?
Raziya wants a governorship, whether as a gift for the duration of her life, or as part of the creation of a noble family.
4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre.
Raziya doesn't emphasize her elven blood, wearing her hair long to cover her ears, and being vague or outright deceptive about that side of her family when asked. Her accent is precisely Imperial Chelish, even more so than her aunt who has lived in Longacre far longer, despite the fact that Raziya grew up in Khari and lived there until ~six months ago. Aside from that, her effervescent charm disarms those that might not recognize that she is every bit the Chelaxian they are.
Despite the dark powers she habitually dabbles in, Raziya is an almost bubbly presence, cheerful and warm until it's time to stick the knife in. She's a little lazy, highly valuing using servants and other methods to accomplish her goals at arm's length rather than getting up close and personal herself. Even in her work as a spy and informant, she's far more likely to pass along rumors and innuendo than to break into a building herself. And if she finds that a source of information can't be persuaded to help her? Well, the dead often have loose tongues...
She's also a lay member of the church of Urgathoa and could have ties that way, but other people who have been in Longacre for a while would likely know her from her very public persona, rather than her powers and cruelty.
If there's no other healer, then Raziya will swap out Bless for Cure Light Wounds. She also may shuffle around some Knowledge skills since they're all class skills for her.

GM Snowheart |

Quick question: Are evil characters beyond backstabbing? I don't mean the party, and definitely not our bosses if we have any, but lets say we work with another evil NPC along the way to accomplish a certain goal. That goal has been accomplished. But I want all the credit, glory and I definitely don't want to split the gold with said NPC, so I kill him in his sleep or take him to a secluded area and kill him. Almost like a rip off of Star Wars were Sith apprentices are trying to kill of their Sith masters, or any other movie where evil, sometimes even the criminals on Law and Order and other crime shows backstab each other.
Thanks for asking! Nothing prevents it, no, but there are some questions that would need to be asked.
1. Is it good long-term strategy? Someone who is dead is someone you can't use in the future (usually). ;)
2. Is it a character the other PCs want to keep around? If so, will you go with the consensus or will you insist on killing them?
3. Is this going to be something that my bosses will be okay with and, if not, how sure am I they won't find out, given those same bosses probably have a bunch of devils that can turn invisible and teleport at will?

Myrandya |

Hello, GM Snowheart! I'm very impressed with your preparation for this game and I'm excited to apply for it. I was going to play through the AP once before and so I am somewhat familiar with the setup as published and some of the details about Longacre, but the game fell through before we did more than introductions.
This is a new character I made for this recruitment. I call her Malladonna Take-Leave, or Malla for short. She's a halfling and a former slip, having just escaped from the Archbaron's estate. She made an infernal contract with an otherworldly patron, and the powers she received from it have made her freedom possible, such as it is. Please let me know if there's anything that you think I should change or that could be improved!
(I also can't add an avatar; the website keeps saying it is a technical issue that they are working to fix.)

Jerax Hellfire |

Background question: Is there a church of Asmodeus in Longacre? I know there is a church of Iomedae inside city limits, but I'm not sure if there is one for The God of Law. If not, I need to figure out where Jerax received his asmodean teachings initially.
Really good question. Short answer, perhaps surprisingly, is "No, there isn't." From the perspective of House Thrune and the nobility of Cheliax, Longacre is sort of a dead end, a place for the rejects and refuse to go. Until now, the Archbaron has had a relatively light touch and left the inhabitants to do what they like, as long as they pay their taxes. With the winds of rebellion in the air, that's about to change, but it explains the sort of neutral/good attitude most residents take and the resulting absence of places of worship for evil gods. So, some alternatives are you went off to study in another city or were part of a military unit or mercenary band that had a priest who mentored you.
Okay. I rewrote aspects of Jerax's backstory to coincide with Longacre's lack of asmodean temple.

GM Snowheart |

Hi all. Here are the submissions and "dots" received so far. If it's listed as pending, that means I didn't see a completion submission. If I missed it, please give me a nudge. I'm going to try to start going over them tonight and will begin emailing with any questions.
As a reminder, submissions close on Sunday the 16th at 12n Eastern (GMT-5).
Player -- Character Name -- Race -- Class
Vrog Skyreaver -- Alaric -- Human -- Mesmerist
Simeon -- Alixus Vade -- Human -- Cleric of Asmodeus
Daedalus -- Alkorian Alzatarre -- Human -- Wizard (Diabolist)
MrStr4ng3 -- Godvin -- Tiefling -- Sorcerer
Grumbaki -- Ingrid Foedottir -- Tiefling -- Feral Champion Warpriest
TheWaskally -- Jerax Hellfire -- Tiefling -- Antipaladin
Fox-Pantom -- Karik Blood-Drinker -- Dhampir -- Summoner
Delmoth -- Lily Tuvol -- Half-Orc -- Bloodrager
eriktd -- Malladonna -- Halfling -- Witch
Anthorg -- Masin -- Human -- Vivisectionist
Cwethan -- Raziya Magaalye -- Half-Elf -- Oracle
Patrick McDade -- Slink -- Halfling -- Witch
Cellion -- pending
Deevor --pending
Emerald Duke --pending
Fighting Chicken --pending
Grandlounge --pending
Oblivion Scion --pending
Ouachitonian -- -- Tiefling --
Phntm888 --pending
rdknight --pending
Redac --pending
Scorched One --pending
Timeskeeper --pending
ToxicStar --pending
Veltharis --pending
Summary of Questions To Date
* Starting Wealth is average for your class
* On tiefling variant abilities, they are allowed; just declare you will be using tiefling as your race, that you will be taking the tiefling heritage feat, and then roll 1d100 three times in this thread. You can then incorporate the results and your choice into your submission later.
* Using the archetypes for LE antipaladins (from Paizo or Way of the Wicked) is fine.
* We will not be using skill unlocks.
* Variant Multiclassing (VMC) is fine.
* There is no temple to Asmodeus in Longacre.

Ingrid Foedottir |

Alright. Character is just about done. Came to the sad realization that my original feat intensive build won’t work (just far too many for natural attack dragon style). So now without all of my feats needed I have room for something a bit more fun.
Alternate Physical Features: 1d100 ⇒ 96
96 Other: unnatural temperature
Lvl 1 Feat Fiendish Heritage: 3d100 ⇒ (86, 85, 41) = 212
85 Supernatural awareness grants you a +2 racial bonus on all Perception checks.
86 Your anatomy is slightly unusual, giving you a 15% chance to ignore critical hits made against you.
41 You possess spell resistance equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice.
Huh. Ok. Will need to think about this for a bit. I think this might need a tweak of background. I’ll put her final background in the profile so I don’t take any more space in this thread.

Eris Northanger |

Here's my submission. Veda is a Changeling Vivisectionist / Chirurgeon Alchemist.
The build information is in the profile. I'm still working on background, personality and so forth. Hopefully I'll have it all finished tonight. I'll add an avatar when it's possible.
Here's the elevator speech version:
Veda isn't particularly religious, and doesn't much care about politics. She's a loyal Chelaxian like most Chelaxians are. She has discovered a taste for money though. Even more than the money she's looking for thrills and a tight pack to run with while finding them. Her need for people to insulate her from the her mother's call, even if it's weaker now than in the past, makes her loyal. But her relative lack of empathy means she isn't the best shoulder to cry on.

Deevor |

Hope I got the "Elephant in the Room" correct, hence all the addional featy stuff....
Would prefer in some ways to be Lawful Nuetral to start with, although I would have no problem in her moving to Lawful Evil as the story progresses. I just see her as justifying her actions because it is the law, no matter the legitimacy of the law. A contract signed is a contract signed kind of thing, she obeys orders from above, they give her legitimacy because she is contracted to follow orders. One day she will be a Hell Knight (prestige class).
With a slightly different build, I can make her a Sentinel of Asmodeus, if you like that as an idea instead. (Inner Sea Gods).
Female human (Chelaxian) fighter (armiger) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 94)
LN or LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception -1
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . dueling dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . light flail +5 (1d8+3)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20)
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4 (+6 disarm, +6 reposition, +6 steal, +6 trip); CMD 14 (16 vs. disarm, 16 vs. reposition, 16 vs. steal, 16 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Reposition[APG], Improved Steal[APG], Improved Trip, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (light flail)
Traits chelish noble, deft dodger
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 to jump), Bluff +2 (+3 vs. members of Chelish aristocracy), Climb +1, Diplomacy +3 (+4 vs. members of Chelish aristocracy), Disguise +2 (+3 vs. members of Chelish aristocracy), Handle Animal +6 (+7 vs. members of Chelish aristocracy), Intimidate +6 (+7 vs. members of Chelish aristocracy), Knowledge (planes) +5, Ride -2
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ hellknight order (Order of the Chain[ISWG]), studious squire
Other Gear breastplate, heavy steel shield, barbed bolt (20), crossbow bolts (20), dagger, dueling dagger, light crossbow, light flail, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, climber's kit, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], noble's outfit, pot, signet ring, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 3 gp
Special Abilities
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Feint You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Improved Steal You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when stealing.
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Studious Squire Gain 1 additional skill points/level in Intimidate and Knowledge (planes)
1. What is your character's connection to Longacre? Why is he here?
Sent by the Order of the Chain, she is sent to capture escaped tiefling servants that escaped their servitude to Lord Cathron in Kintargo. Capturing and administering justice upheld by the law will enhance the reputation of the Order with the Nobles of Cheliax. Anything to enhance the Order in the eyes of House Thrune, it is her duty to uphold the law.
2. Who is one NPC your character thinks of as a friend or ally? (Can be made up and not from AP or official source material.) Karul Trast, a magic user, an experimenter, who asked Mosquitte for help in encouraging his appentices to aid in his work. It was in their contract of employment, so it is just the Law, just because a few of his underlings transformed into mishapen beings, none had died as a result so no murder was committed. In return, Karul had provided Mosquitte with magical potions on occassion, even to aid her recovery from wounds.
3. What is one goal for your PC other than the one provided in your campaign trait? To rise up in the Hell knights Order to then redeem herself in her parents eyes, as a worthy daughter. If her parents do not give her the redemption, at least she will have power in Thrune.
4. If your character is anything other than a human Chelaxian, explain how she fits in to Longacre. She is human.
Born to a minor Noble Family, the third offspring born to Lord Haworth de Havillander and his wife Cynversi. Her elder brothers, Jahnder and Chiristem, were bought up to follow the tennets of law and Asmodeus, for it kept the family safe and with a small amount of power in the region. Mosquitte had grown up leading an active childhood, fighting with her brothers. As her brothers were taught the skills of the sword and shield to become knights, she learned how to fight and relieve them of their weapons. Much to the annoyance of her siblings, beaten by a girl with just a wooden pole with rope attached. She was a natural fighter, though this was not the path laid out by her parents. A political match with House Drummier, was scupped when she was found in the forest, naked in the arms of Avril Harwell. With both women disgraced, Lord Haworth decided to rid himself of the embaressment, letting Mosquitte's natural desire to become a hero in the feared and deadly Hellknights. So now, sent to Kinargo with a letter of introduction, she has been taken under the Order of the Chain, to prove her worth and with an iron will ensure the Law will prevail and trample all who oppose the rightful Chelish rule.
Looks like Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones
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GM Snowheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

rdknight/Veda, thanks! Got it!
Thanks, Deevor! (Good to see you again.) I'll probably be plugging stuff into HeroLab at some point just to double-check stuff but no worries. It's a bit new to me, too, but seems to open up a lot of options for folks so I wanted to give it a try.
Background Info on Longacre
All, just FYI and in case it helps, I've added a bunch of background information on Longacre in the Campaign Info tab. The locations related to the Map sheet linkable at the top of the campaign page. I think I scrubbed all the potentially spoilerific material from that but if you see anything, please shoot me a PM. I do not expect everyone to know this as it is not in the Players Guide and I won't judge a submission based on whether it reflects the information in this background. But, it's information I was going to put up eventually and I was starting to get some questions on it.

Bayard the Axeman |

Alright, this is Ouachitonian's submission. Background, Stats, etc are in the alias. I'll add a picture once we can again. Bayard is a a former Iomedaean, a fallen paladin-in-training who is now a bloodrager devoted to Moloch (and to he destruction of his former co-religionists). I went with Elemental(Fire) for his bloodline rather than the more obvious Infernal or Abyssal, because Fire is a big part of Moloch; he grants the Fire domain and is also known as the God of Fires or Ashen Bull, and because I felt that it better fit Bayard's desire to wreak burning vengeance on his former faith. I'll definitely be picking up some more Tiefling racial feats, like Armor of the Pit and Fury of the Tainted, along with typical barbarian standbys like Toughness and Raging Vitality. I might look at some of the Damnation feats as well, since this is probably the best chance I'll ever get to use them.

Ingrid Foedottir |

Hope I got the "Elephant in the Room" correct, hence all the addional featy stuff....
Would prefer in some ways to be Lawful Nuetral to start with, although I would have no problem in her moving to Lawful Evil as the story progresses. I just see her as justifying her actions because it is the law, no matter the legitimacy of the law. A contract signed is a contract signed kind of thing, she obeys orders from above, they give her legitimacy because she is contracted to follow orders. One day she will be a Hell Knight (prestige class).With a slightly different build, I can make her a Sentinel of Asmodeus, if you like that as an idea instead. (Inner Sea Gods).
** spoiler omitted **...
Absolutely nothing wrong with lawful neutral in an evil campaign when the LN is to an evil god and an evil country. Especially when going hell knight.

Morvan Fellis |

Here is Phntm888's submission. I ended up going in a completely different direction, because this character spoke to me more than any of my other ideas. Morvan Fellis is a Warpriest of Moloch, who will be focused on tripping, disarming, and striking really hard with a whip. I may also delve into grappling later on, if I get Greater Whip Mastery.
- 1. Morvan is in Longacre because he was sent here to scout for signs of the Glorious Reclamation, and because his friend Vendrin asked him to work with a family contact on something.
- 2. Vendrin Delgar, a scion of a minor noble family who helped Morvan not fail out of school.
- 3. Morvan secretly hopes to show his father that, despite becoming neither a priest of Asmodeus nor a barrister, he is not a disappointment.