The Ancient GM |
The Stolen Lands have been conquered! The king and his council have defeated any and every foe that has stood to face them, and conquered all those that opposed him. The cries for more conquest grow louder by the day, people cry out for an empire, an empire of the rivers. With the recent conquests and future conquests the focus of the king and council, exploration of conquered territories have taken a backseat. Vast swathes of untamed land lay ripe with untold riches, forgotten monsters, and ancient secrets. Are you clever, strong, quick, or stupid enough to go out into this untamed wild and become a hero?
As you probably read the campaign will take place in the Riverlands, Mostly in the Stolen Lands. There will be spoilers for the Kingmaker AP, though knowledge of the events that happen in the AP is not a requirement to apply. It will start with the arrival of the party in Thornkeep, then moving onto various areas in the the riverlands, along with homebrew areas. The system will be pf1 and I plan on taking on a party of 4, though possibly larger. I expect atleast a post a day on the weekdays, while on the weekend posts are more optional though I am more than willing to accommodate lots of posts. If there are any of things That come up please let me know we can work together, but i will not wait on one person for weeks because of someone's silence.
Please submit a post with your characters name, statblock, background, along with the reason for your character coming to the stolen lands new kingdom. A completed alias is not required though it is appreciated. Once selected alias's will be made and backgrounds ironed out.
-1st level max wealth per class
-2 traits with possible third with drawback, though drawbacks and traits will be roleplayed
-All classes allowed except for non Bolt Ace Gunslingers, psionic/occult classes
-Unchained classes were it applies
-Background skills
-Evil alignment is allowed though must have a good reason to remain loyal to party
-20 pt buy with max of 18 and min of 8 before racial modifiers
-No 3pp material
-Elephant in the room feat tax, Feat tax link
I have been playing pathfinder for close to 5 years, and I recently go on the forums within the last 6 months. This will be my first time DM'ing on the boards and being a technology averse person things will be a little rough. But if you're willing to work with me I will return the favor with maximum effort. I enjoy both the roleplay and combat aspects of the game, and will try to not favor either aspect, though I am willing to work with the party to ensure the game is as much fun as possible.
You have two weeks to answer the call. (August 1st EST, the recruitment will close)
Blue Symbiote |
Dotting for interest. I'm new to Pathfinder, and I've been trying to get into my first game on here, so please bear with me if I mess up some calculations or character choices along the way. :)
I do have a quick question though: would you like us to make an alias for our submission, or can that wait for after we do/don't get chosen?
Gyrwynt |
Introducing "Rainbow for You!", a Vine Leshy Cleric of Sarenrae!
Init+2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Low-light Vision: Perception +7 (11 vs disguise, hidden or concealed targets)
AC 13, touch 13, Flat-footed 11; (Dex +2, Size +1)
HP 11 (8[Class]+3[Con])
Fort+5 Ref+2 Will+5
Speed 20 ft
Melee Scimitar +3 (1d4-1), Lashvine -2 (1d3-1)
Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy 6/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Spell-like Abilities (Constant; CL 2nd) Pass without trace
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; Concentration +4)
1st- FireBelly (DC 14), Songbird
Domains Legend, Revelation
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 17 Cha 13
Base Atk+0; CMB-2; CMD 10
Feats Marked for Glory, Selective Channel
Traits Envoy of Healing, Slippery
Leshy Racial Traits Pass without trace, Lashvine, Plantspeech, Unassuming foliage, Climber; FCB Cleric, +1 Skill
Adventure Skills Climb+1, Diplomacy+5, Perception+7 (+11 vs disguises, hidden or concealed targets), Stealth+11 (+15 in Forest)
Background skills Preform (Dance) +5, Profession (Baker) +7
Languages Common, Sylvan; Plantspeech (Vines)
SQ Luminous Font +0, Promise of Faith, Promise of Purity
Combat gear Stone Scimitar
Other Gear Msw. Backpack, Holy Symbol of Sarenrae (Tattoo)
This Paladin was truly ancient: With no caretakers, the stone was crumbling- Cracked in some places, and covered with a thin veil of ivy, the creeping vines seeking out higher and warmer perches to grow.
One day, a frequent traveler stopped by- And noted with a measure of surprise that the vines had been cleaned up. The traveler thought nothing off it, until a Vine Leshy wandered into view- Calling himself "Rainbow", this vine leshy had recently been born, waking into sentience just in time to view the sun rise.
From that moment on, the Halfling Statue had a caretaker and ward. Rainbow would spend his days gathering nuts, berries and other treasures to trade to passing souls- And slowly acquiring currency, would then trade for religious doctrine. All Vine Leshies feel a pull to learn about their maker, and this particular Leshie had grown to believe that Sarenrae herself must have granted him life.
However, his idyllic life of foraging and trading would not last. While Consecrate certainly provides a measure of protection against all manner of evil, it does little to compel the forces of nature. After one particularly life-threatening morning, the vine leshy narrowly avoided being eaten alive by a marauding Owlbear- And in the crossfire of the fight, the crazed beast knocked over the Halfling statue before running back to who knows were: But the damage was done.
Rainbow tried to fix the statue- But it was simply not meant to be. A traveler soon offered a new hope several days later: Apparently, the nation Rainbow lived in was looking to expand it's borders. And while that in of itself didn't interest the Leshy, the traveler also mentioned he had, on occasion, seen similar statues dotting the land... Rainbow soon made up his mind.
Resolving to find more statues, Rainbow set of to join the cause: By helping the local nation to expand, it would provide him a safe way to travel far and wide: Searching for similar statues, while learning how to preach about the glory of the Dawnflower: Sarenrae herself!
As for myself, I loosely know the various happenings of Kingmaker, but have yet to play it. I'll probably end up going into the Dawnflower Anchorite prestige class: I also don't suspect we will be fighting alot of undead, but I've wanted to play a Blossoming Light for awhile now- And figured a playing a Leshy more interested in sunlight than spiritual light could be interesting.
MrStr4ng3 |
I would like to Submit a half Orc Fighter.
Male half-orc fighter (brawler) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 44)
NG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 (+1 to avoid being surprised)
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee gladius +2 (1d6+1/19-20) or
. . heavy shield bash +2 (1d6+3) or
. . punching dagger +4 (1d4+3/×3)
Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20)
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack, Two-weapon Fighting
Traits easy way or the hard way, scrapper
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Intimidate +7 (+8 to demoralize opponents), Linguistics +0, Perception +0 (+1 to avoid being surprised), Profession (driver) +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Orc, Varisian
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, orc blood
Other Gear lamellar (steel) armor[UC], shield spikes heavy steel shield, crossbow bolts (10), gladius[UC], heavy crossbow, punching dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, crowbar, flask, flint and steel, hammer, hemp rope (50 ft.), iron spike[APG] (10), sack, sack, sack, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 189 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Snowhawk |
He's now found his way to the Stolen Lands, only recently settled by a group of adventurers if the tales are true, to see how the forging of a wild land works at the hands of the southerners when so many have already failed in the very same task.
The Ancient GM |
Oh yeah, any race restrictions? And just as a theoretical question, are Kingmaker campaign traits allowed?
My bad I forgot that one big thing, no specific race requirements but the more out there the race the better a background should be to support. Though anything over 20 rp will get a lot of scrutiny.
Yes they are, please if you do pick campaign traits stick to kingmaker’s.
Sorry for no earlier clarification on these.
Thibaut "Bob" Dufour |
If Kingmaker traits are allowed, the only changes I needed to make were feat taxes.
@GM The GM of the Kingmaker campaign I applied to allowed me to Combat Train the horse granted by Pioneer for half the difference in price (between Light Horse and Light Horse - Combat Trained). If that is not ok, I'll make modifications.
Male human (Chelaxian) ranger 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee flambard +3 (1d10+3/19-20)
Ranged longbow +6 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (fey +2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus
Traits focused disciple, pioneer
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +6, Ride +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Swim +4
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, track +1, wild empathy +0
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (20); Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), flambard, longbow, backpack, belt pouch, flint and steel, mess kit[UE], trail rations (2), waterskin, light horse (combat trained), bedroll, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), riding saddle, saddlebags, 33 gp, 9 sp
Tracked Resources
Arrows - 0/20
Cold iron arrows - 0/20
Trail rations - 0/2
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Favored Enemy (Fey +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. fey foes.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Weapon Focus (Bows) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons from the selected group. The bonus only applies
Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
His life was generally happy and lazy. His serfs were generally well treated and reasonably comfortable, and his estate prospered.
He spent most of his free time hunting in the nearby forests. One day, while hunting, he met an incredibly beautiful woman in the wood. Unknown to Thibaut, the woman was a nymph-like fey creature. Unable to resist her charming influence, Thibaut was enraptured. Moving toward her, he stepped into a fairy ring and was transported to the First World.
After a single night of glorious passion, Thibaut awoke in the forest remembering only flashes other than the nymph's face and the name "Jessica". Wracked in shame and guilt, he returned to his manor, only to find that it had been burnt to the ground decades ago.
He soon found that over 200 years had passed, Aroden had died, his family was long dead, and Galt was now a seething cesspool of murder and anarchy. His questions drew the attention of a Grey Gardener named Antony Henry and he fled for his life, one step ahead of the guillotine.
Making his way to the River Kingdoms, he tried to lay low and put his hunting skills to use to support himself. A Ranger who called himself only Garen took pity on him and trained him. Life stabilized. He never forgot the horror imposed on him by the "horrible fey witch". He learned to cope, while honing his anger.
He makes a living now by guiding merchants, nobles, and the like through the wild stretches of Brevoy, and occaisonally being contracted by villages to track down groups of monsters and bandits.
With the recent uncertainty, escort missions have trailed off. Needing work, he has made himself available to guide the adventuring group into the Stolen Lands.
Helikon |
May I present:
Grimm Landsknecht
LN Human Fighter
Init+2; Perception+6
AC 20, touch 14, Flat-Footed 18; (+6 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge +1)
hp 13 (10[Class]+2[Con]+ 1[FCB])
Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+2
Speed 20 ft
Melee Aldori duelling sword + 6 1d8+9
Ranged Sling +3 1d4+4
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB+5; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Focus (heavy blades), Dodge, Extra Traits
Traits Sword Scion, Defender of the Society, Eyes and ear of the city, Indomitable Faith
Adventure Skills Climb +4, Knowledge engineering +4, Profession Bodyguard +5, Perception +7, Survival+6
Languages Common
Combat gear Aldori duelling sword (free) dagger (2) sling (free)
Other Gear Breastplate (200) Fighter´s kit (9) Light horse with saddle, wodden holy symbol of Abadar.
Grimm is a mercenary at heart, a hard man, used to the blood and pain in battle. He has worked for a few years as town guardian, but then made a living as a sellsword. For the last three months he guarded the daughter of a nobleman, but this job is over, as she was safely delivered to her husband. Stranded now in the capital of the stolen lands, he seeks a new tour of duty, and the chance to tame the lands sound so very promising to him.
He stands tall, almost 6´6”, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, a strong chin and clear brown eyes. He keeps his muddy brown hair cut short, to prevent being grabbed by the hair in infight.His word is his law and he has a reputation as utterly dependable.
But he is also, a deeply devoted man, with strong faith into Abadar.
Atar Bilaruh |
Presenting Atar Bilaruh, div-spawn tiefling swashbuckler.
Atar Bilaruh
Male div-spawn tiefling swashbuckler 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 21, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +6 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks deeds (derring-do, dodging panache, opportune parry and riposte), panache (3)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Traits anatomist, indomitable faith
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Linguistics +3, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Linguistics
Languages Abyssal, Common, Kelish
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, swashbuckler finesse
Other Gear leather armor, darkwood buckler, arrows (20), rapier, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, 33 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Swashbuckler Finesse Use Dex for att with light/1-hand pierce wep. Use Cha instead of Int for combat feat pre-reqs.
Weapon Focus (Light Blades) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Fire Healing Once per day, exposure to fire heals you 1d6 hit points of damage. This ability does not negate fire damage.
Atar is the offspring of a desert div who seduced a woman from a nomadic Qadiran tribe of fire-worshippers. Upon birth, his mother discovered that the child was not only monstrous in appearance but also mindless as a result of not having a soul. After countless attempts of every sort, she stumbled upon a possible solution: through a series of rituals, Atar's mother could sacrifice her own soul in order to give one to her child. Against the wishes of her clan, she went through with the ritual, extinguishing her existence for ever in order to give her child a chance at a life worth living.
Though the ritual worked, the tribe accepted the child only out of begrudging duty, seeing the div-spawn as his own mother's killer. Atar, meanwhile, struggled with his desire to honour his mother's sacrifice on one hand and the malice that he felt coursing through his veins on the other. Though his good side often won and the effects of his actions were generally good and well intentioned, his means were devious and manipulative at best, something worsened by his fiendish knack for identifying a person's both physical and mental weak points.
After years of tension between himself and his clan, Atar was eventually forced to leave Qadira due to one his attempts at protecting the tribe: he challenged and then personally humiliated the leader of a competing clan by exposing the man's sexual fetishes to the whole audience. Though the warring faction was left completely demoralised and dishonoured, many of its supporters considered uniting against Atar's tribe unless the tiefling was banished.
Atar is a handsome tiefling whose skin is usually of the same golden brown hues of his human relatives. However, the closer he is to a fire source, the darker it becomes, potentially reaching an unnatural deep black with shades of red if he is exposed to searing temperatures. More clearly indicating his fiendish blood, though, are the ram horns that adorn his forehead and ram ears, both characteristics being almost impossible to hide.
Having long given up in trying to occult his heritage, Atar prefers to dress in clothes that show off the rest of his physique and deceives enemies that believe a solid armour is a swashbuckler's best defence.
As soon as the initial shock of Atar's features passes, people find themselves attracted to his charisma and at least apparently unshakeable optimism. Prone to such honest bursts of emotions that those who meet him cannot help but becoming endeared, his quick laugh and sense of humour tend to disarm situations before they escalate.
Unknown to most, however, is the constant inner struggle that permeates Atar's life: his desire to do good and his pleasure in deviousness that feeds on frustration and despair. He must feed a relentless faith that, against all odds and expectations, he will prevail against his darker inclinations, as the alternative to that is despair and the waste of his mother's sacrifice.
Nothing too creative happening here: as a swashbuckler, Atar is supposed to be both the group's face and a competent fighter. His skills are mostly social (bluff, diplomacy, intimidate in the future) and his damage output will get a big bump once he reaches lvl 3, with fencing grace adding dex to his damage and precise strike, and then once again on lvl 5 with the improved crit that comes with weapon training.
Souls At War |
The Ancient GM |
@souls, you may be a young character but you’ll gain no penalties for being young except Roleplay wise; ie it might be harder to order people around when you 12 and they’re 25.
@Chyrone I’m thinking atleast 15 or so, but it’s adjustable to fit the party and the story, as I have an overarching story in mind that will need to be filled in with more or less content to get the desired level.
Wilhim |
Not every follower is a "monsters are awesome" sort. Midwives could pray for safe delivery, while diehard priests would dedicate to the more depraved aspects.
But that'd be a topic on itself. :)
Yeah well we aren't talking midwives here. We're talking adventurers. And the one time I allowed it I got a demonic rape wolf. Never again. GM is of course the final arbiter, but I stand by my words.
Blue Symbiote |
Okay, so I did a bit of character randomization character brainstorming, and I have an idea I like that could go two different directions. It's a Barbarian who's a reformed gang member and is trying to learn how to better control and release their anger.
The problem is I'm caught between making this character a Gnome or a Half-Orc. I think Gnome would be funnier and it might be interesting to try building a Dex-based Barbarian, but I love Half-Orcs and I kind of love the idea of everybody expecting him to be a rage monster but then he's all mild-mannered and polite. Idk, anybody have thoughts?
Also, in reference to the Lamashtu wolf, WHAT. THE. DUCK. Who let that happen? No one should let that happen.
Atar Bilaruh |
Just realised I had forgotten to add Atar's reason for being in the Stolen Lands. His profile has been updated with an extra spoiler field for that.
Atar Bilaruh
Male div-spawn tiefling swashbuckler 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 21, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 56, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +6 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks deeds (derring-do, dodging panache, opportune parry and riposte), panache (3)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Traits anatomist, indomitable faith
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +9, Linguistics +3, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Linguistics
Languages Abyssal, Common, Kelish
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, swashbuckler finesse
Other Gear leather armor, darkwood buckler, arrows (20), rapier, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, 33 gp, 9 sp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Swashbuckler Finesse Use Dex for att with light/1-hand pierce wep. Use Cha instead of Int for combat feat pre-reqs.
Weapon Focus (Light Blades) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Atar is the offspring of a desert div who seduced a woman from a nomadic Qadiran tribe of fire-worshippers. Upon birth, his mother discovered that the child was not only monstrous in appearance but also mindless as a result of not having a soul. After countless attempts of every sort, she stumbled upon a possible solution: through a series of rituals, Atar's mother could sacrifice her soul in order to give one to her child. Against the advice of the tribe, she went through with the ritual, extinguishing her existence for ever in order to give her child a chance at a life worth living.
Though the ritual worked, the tribe accepted the child only out of begrudging duty, seeing the div-spawn as his own mother's killer. Atar, meanwhile, struggled with his desire to honour his mother's sacrifice on one hand and the malice that he felt coursing through his veins on the other. Though his good side often won and the effects of his actions were generally good and well intentioned, his means were devious and manipulative at best, something worsened by his fiendish knack for identifying a person's both physical and mental weak points.
After years of tension between himself and his clan, Atar was eventually forced to leave Qadira due to one his attempts at protecting the tribe: he challenged and then personally humiliated the leader of a competing clan by exposing the man's fetishes to the whole audience. Though the warring faction was left completely demoralised and dishonoured, many of its supporters considered uniting against Atar's tribe unless the tiefling was banished.
Atar is a handsome tiefling whose skin is usually of the same golden brown hues of his human relatives. However, the closer he is to a fire source, the darker it becomes, potentially reaching an unnatural deep black with shades of red if he is exposed to searing temperatures. More clearly indicating his fiendish blood, though, are the ram horns that adorn his forehead and ram ears, both of which are almost impossible to hide.
Having long given up in trying to hide his heritage, Atar prefers to go dress in clothes that show off his physique and deceives enemies that believe a solid armour is a swashbuckler's best defence.
As soon as the initial shock of Atar's features passes, people find themselves attracted to his charisma and at least apparently unshakeable optimism. Prone to such honest bursts of emotions that those who meet him cannot help but becoming endeared, his quick laugh and sense of humour tend to disarm situations before they escalate.
Unknown to most, however, is the constant inner struggle that permeates Atar's life: his desire to do good and his pleasure in deviousness that feeds on frustration and despair. He must feed a relentless faith that, against all odds and expectations, he will prevail against his darker inclinations, as the alternative to that is despair and the waste of his mother's sacrifice.
Nothing too creative happening here: as a swashbuckler, Atar is supposed to be both the group's face and a competent fighter. His skills are mostly social (bluff, diplomacy, intimidate in the future) and his damage output will get a big bump once he reaches lvl 3, with fencing grace adding dex to his damage and precise strike, and then once again on lvl 5 with the improved crit that comes with weapon training.
Leaving a trail of good deeds and the fallout of said deeds between the Qadiran sands and the River Kingdoms, Atar embraced a life of daring adventures. His latest deed was rescuing the daughter of a local ruler from a band of bandits and helping her to marry her lover, the leader of another group of raiders. The father, furious with Atar, not only refused to pay for Atar's services, but also offered the money as a bounty for the tiefling's head. The daring swashbuckler, unwilling to shed unnecessary blood and not too ecstatic with the idea of countless mercenaries hunting him, decided to keep low for some time in the nearby and mostly uninhabited stolen lands.
Wilhim |
The problem is I'm caught between making this character a Gnome or a Half-Orc. I think Gnome would be funnier and it might be interesting to try building a Dex-based Barbarian, but I love Half-Orcs and I kind of love the idea of everybody expecting him to be a rage monster but then he's all mild-mannered and polite. Idk, anybody have thoughts?
I think it's great. I love strange Gnome ideas. One of the ones I'm bee wanting to make forever is a Gnome Luchadore.
Also, in reference to the Lamashtu wolf, WHAT. THE. DUCK. Who let that happen? No one should let that happen.
I let that happen and I absolutely agree. Nobody should let that happen. The player was reasonable and toned that down after I brought it up and offered to change his eidolon when he was murdering everything before anybody else got a chance. But I will still never allow it again.
Souls At War |
Blue Symbiote wrote:Also, in reference to the Lamashtu wolf, WHAT. THE. DUCK. Who let that happen? No one should let that happen.I let that happen and I absolutely agree. Nobody should let that happen. The player was reasonable and toned that down after I brought it up and offered to change his eidolon when he was murdering everything before anybody else got a chance. But I will still never allow it again.
Sounds like a mix of high rolled stats vs low rolled stats plus a lot of house rules.
Blue Symbiote |
Blue Symbiote wrote:
The problem is I'm caught between making this character a Gnome or a Half-Orc. I think Gnome would be funnier and it might be interesting to try building a Dex-based Barbarian, but I love Half-Orcs and I kind of love the idea of everybody expecting him to be a rage monster but then he's all mild-mannered and polite. Idk, anybody have thoughts?I think it's great. I love strange Gnome ideas. One of the ones I'm bee wanting to make forever is a Gnome Luchadore.
Quote:Also, in reference to the Lamashtu wolf, WHAT. THE. DUCK. Who let that happen? No one should let that happen.I let that happen and I absolutely agree. Nobody should let that happen. The player was reasonable and toned that down after I brought it up and offered to change his eidolon when he was murdering everything before anybody else got a chance. But I will still never allow it again.
Well the Luchadore is a great funny idea, but I think I'll leave that for you to use. :)
Well, at least the lesson was learned. I've thankfully never had to deal with something that explicit while GM-ing. Worst I've ever let it get was when one of my players wanted to get experimental cybernetic implants for...ahem, "performance enhancement." Long story short, don't trust the crazy alien with lots of knives to do anything right.
*cough* gnome paladin *cough*
(I'm assuming this is aimed towards me.) Nah, sorry. I'm pretty dead set on a barbarian.
caps |
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Here is my application. I'm happy to flesh any part of him out further at your request.
Baroot is about as simple as they come. Fiercely loyal to his friends and merciless to his enemies. He has had several lives already, but he can't tell you much about them; whether because he can't remember them, can't put them into words, can't understand that you're asking about them, or is slyer than he looks and is just playing dumb, you just can't tell. Regardless, he's here now, ready to help. It's possible that some of his friends are (former?) bandits, which may give you a hint of what he has been up to most recently.
Baroot was heavily inspired by Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, although he has a larger vocabulary. If selected I would discuss a potential shared (recent) history for him to have with one of them, a la Rocket Raccoon and Groot.
Bloodrager 1
N Medium plant (ghoran)
Init +2; Senses Perc +4, SM -1
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (10 +5 armor +2 shield +2 Dex +2 natural armor)
HP 13/13
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Stamina 3/3
scimitar, attack, bloodrage, power attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 2 - 1 = 16
slashing: 1d6 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 13
18-20/x2 critical
cestus, attack, bloodrage, power attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 - 1 = 17
bludgeoning/piercing: 1d4 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11
19-20/x2 critical
javelin, bloodrage, deadly aim: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (11) + 3 - 1 = 13
piercing: 1d6 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 8
x2 critical, 30ft. 5/5
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
Str 17
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 6
Wis 8
Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; -2 to escape grapple from creature with bite + grab CMD 16
Combat Stamina
Deadly Aim*
Power Attack*
Point Blank Shot*
*Campaign bonus feat
Courageous: +2 vs. fear saves
Frontier-forged: +1 perception and +1 survival to get along in the wild
Common, Sylvan
Natural Magic
Detect Poison 1/1
Goodberry 1/1
Purify Food and Drink 1/1
Light Dependent
Bloodrage 6/6
+4 str (+2 atk, +2/3 dmg), +4 con (+2 hp, +2 fortitude), fast healing 1, +2 will, -2 AC
Skills (4 ranks - 2 Int)
+6 intimidate (1 rank +3 class +2 Cha)
+4 perception (1 rank +3 class -1 Wis +1 trait)
Background Skills
+6 handle animal (1 rank +3 class +2 Cha)
+2 lore, trees (1 rank +3 class -2 Int)
180gp starting gear
Combat Gear
050 scale mail
015 scimitar
007 heavy wooden shield
005 javelin (5)
005 cestus
Other Gear
Special Abilities
+2 Natural Armor: Ghorans have tough, rugged skin.
Plant: Ghorans have the plant type but lack the immunities to mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects that type usually has.
Delicious (Ex): Ghorans take a –2 penalty on Escape Artist and combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple against a creature that has a bite attack with the grab ability.
Natural Magic (Sp): Ghorans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—detect poison, goodberry (created berries bud from the ghoran’s own body), and purify food and drink. The caster level is equal to the ghoran’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the ghoran’s Charisma bonus.
Seed (Ex): As a full-round action, a ghoran can expel the seed from an orifice in its abdomen. If planted in fertile ground and left undisturbed for 2d6 days, the seed grows into a healthy duplicate of the original ghoran, save that the duplicate can reallocate all skill ranks upon sprouting. Once a ghoran expels this seed, it gains 1 negative level, and it dies as soon as the duplicate sprouts. This duplicate replaces the previous ghoran character.
Light Dependent: Ghorans take 1d4 points of Constitution damage each day they go without exposure to sunlight.
Creator's Legacy
Infused with the druidic magic of their creator, ghorans quickly take to nature-based spells and spellcasting. Ghoran bloodragers and sorcerers with the verdant bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ghoran clerics and druids with the Plant domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level. This doesn’t give the ghoran early access to level-based powers; it affects only powers that could already be used without this trait.
This replaces past-life knowledge.
Bloodline: Each bloodrager has a source of magic somewhere in his heritage that empowers his bloodrages, bonus feats, and bonus spells. Sometimes this source reflects a distant blood relationship to a powerful being, or is due to an extreme event involving such a creature somewhere in his family's past. Regardless of the source, this influence manifests in a number of ways. A bloodrager must pick one bloodline upon taking his first level of bloodrager. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.
When choosing a bloodline, the bloodrager's alignment doesn't restrict his choices. A good bloodrager could come from an abyssal bloodline, a celestial bloodline could beget an evil bloodrager generations later, a bloodrager from an infernal bloodline could be chaotic, and so on. Though his bloodline empowers him, it doesn't dictate or limit his thoughts and behavior.
The bloodrager gains bloodline powers at 1st level, 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. The bloodline powers a bloodrager gains are described in his chosen bloodline. For all spell-like bloodline powers, treat the character's bloodrager level as the caster level.
At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, a bloodrager receives one bonus feat chosen from a list specific to each bloodline. The bloodrager must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.
At 7th, 10th, 13th, and 16th levels, a bloodrager learns an additional spell derived from his bloodline. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table 1–4. These spells cannot be exchanged for different spells at higher levels.
If the bloodrager takes levels in another class that grants a bloodline, the bloodlines must be the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of the classes must change. Subject to GM discretion, the bloodrager can change his previous bloodline to make them conform.
Bloodrage (Su): The bloodrager's source of internal power grants him the ability to bloodrage. At 1st level, a bloodrager can bloodrage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, he can bloodrage for 2 additional rounds per day. Temporary increases to Constitution (such as those gained from bloodraging or spells like bear's endurance) don't increase the total number of rounds that a bloodrager can bloodrage per day. The total number of rounds of bloodrage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours don't need to be consecutive.
A bloodrager can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a bloodrager gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the bloodrager 2 hit points per Hit Die, but these disappear when the bloodrage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While bloodraging, a bloodrager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
A bloodrager can end his bloodrage as a free action. When the bloodrage ends, he's fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the bloodrage. A bloodrager cannot enter a new bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a bloodrage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a bloodrager falls unconscious, his bloodrage immediately ends, placing him in peril of death.
Bloodrage counts as the barbarian's rage class feature for the purpose of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects.
Fast Movement (Ex): A bloodrager's base speed is faster than is normal for his race by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the bloodrager's speed due to any armor worn or load carried. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the bloodrager's base speed.
Verdant Bloodline
Your body is suffused with raw plant life. When you bloodrage, your plantlike characteristics bolster your durability and grant you some control over vegetation.
Bonus Feats: Bolstered Resilience, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Raging Vitality, Toughness.
Bonus Spells: entangle (7th), greensight (10th), burst of nettles (13th), command plants (16th)
Bloodline Powers: While bloodraging, you gain plantlike abilities and immunities as you become overgrown with jagged branches, rugged bark, and thick vines.
Verdant Growth (Su): At 1st level, you gain fast healing 1 while bloodraging. Your fast healing increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level. If you have a bloodrager class feature that also grants you fast healing (such as the spelleater’s blood of life class feature), you can stack up to half of your fast healing from such abilities with the fast healing gained from this ability, but you cannot do so by an amount that exceeds your Charisma bonus (minimum 0).
It is probably not important right now, but I don't see the scimitar and shield being his "signature weapon" at all; it's just what he's using right now.
The Ancient GM |
So far loving the submissions, it’s gonna be hard to choose. Please feel free to ask any questions you can think of! Also do try to meet all the application requirements I saw a couple that were missing reasons for being in the stolen lands, I’ll give a heads up when it gets closer who is missing a few things.
mahuffma |
I a submitting a vine leshy druid (leshy warden)
CN Vine Leshie Druid (Leshy Warden)
Init+2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Low-light Vision: Perception +5
AC 18, touch 13, Flat-footed 15; (Dex +2, Size +1, +4 armor, +1 deflection)
HP 10 (8[Class]+2[Con])
Fort+4 Ref+2 Will+6
Speed: 20 ft
Melee: Spear +0 (1d4) x2 20ft
Ranged: sling + 2 (1d3) x2 50ft
Spell-like Abilities: Grapevine
Supenatural abilities: Cruel Thicket 7,day
Druid Spells Prepared
1st- entangle, thorn javelin
Domain: Plant (thorn)
Str 10 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 18 Cha 11
Base Atk+0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats: Photosynthetic healing, Alertness w/ familiar
Traits: Dangerously curious, Tangle Guerrilla (snare trap)
Leshy Racial Traits: Plantspeech, Unassuming foliage, Climber; FCB Druid, +1 Skill
Adventure Skills Climb +2, Perception +8, Stealth +7 (+11 in Forest), UMD +5, Survival +10
Background skills: Handle animal +4, Kn. Nature +5
Languages Common, Sylvan; Plantspeech (Vines)
Leshy traits: Change shape, Verdant burst
Combat gear: Short Spear, Sling, lamellar leather, light wooden shield
Other Gear: Msw. Backpack, 6 gp
N Small plant (leshy)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural armor)
hp 5
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Immune electricity, sonic, plant traits
Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft., fly 10 ft. (clumsy); glide
Melee shortspear +2 (1d4-2/19-20)
Ranged seedpods +2 touch (1 plus deafen)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
Constant—pass without trace
Str 6, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 8
Feats Weapon Finesse, improved evasion
Skills Fly -1, Stealth +5 (+9 in forests and jungles), Survival +1 (+5 in forests and jungles), UMD +2; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth and Survival in forests and jungles
Languages Druidic, Sylvan; plantspeech (trees)
SQ change shape (Small tree; tree shape), verdant burst
Glide (Ex)
A leaf leshy cannot use its fly speed to hover. When flying, a leaf leshy must end its movement at least 5 feet lower in elevation than it started.
Seedpods (Ex)
Leaf leshys sprout explosive acorns, pine cones, or other seedpods, and can hurl these as ranged attacks. A seedpod has a range increment of 10 feet and detonates on contact to deal 1 point of bludgeoning damage (this damage is not modified by Strength). Anyone struck by a seedpod must succeed at a DC 11 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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I have gm'd the first book of Kingmaker. That group fell apart soon after starting book two, though I did read through the rest of them in preparation.
I see Brightberry picking up feats such as train plants and grow plants. He will make this his primary goal, along with creating more leshies. Unfortunately for him, to earn the resources for this he will need to become an adventurer.