Gourd Leshy

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92 posts (158 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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I am looking to cancel my various subscriptions for the time being.

That is a pretty clever way to tie the plot and mechanics together! A shame the game can't run, but irl always matters the most. Covid has certainly Shaken everything up, so I understand.

(As an aside, I probably wouldn't have been able to participate due to irl on my end, so I'm kinda glad I didn't have to turn this down, however the submissions would have fallen.)

Ellioti wrote:
Jereru wrote:
Oh! We need a name for the party! Like, Bard Sabbath or something :P
so we're doing punny names? like Linkin Bard, Nickelbard or Def Lepbard ?


Introducing Dr. Thomas Maelstrom, a Sylph Negotiator (Bard) 10/ Lion Blade (Bard/rogue flavored Prestige class) 10.

Dr. Thomas Maelstrom:

CN Stormsoul Sylph Negotiator(Bard)10/Lion Blade 10
Init+10; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception+30
AC 45, touch 21, Flat-footed 40; (+11 Armor, +5 Dex, +5 Deflection, +1 Insight, +7 Nat, +6 Shield)
hp 300 (20d8+140[Con])
Fort+18, Ref+24, Will+19; +4 vs. bardic music, language-dependent, sonic effects
Immune Fear Resist Electricity 30 SR 20 vs mind-effecting effects
Speed 65 ft; Fly 60 ft
Melee +5 Glamoured Adamantine Keen Training Ghost Touch Rapier +33/+28/+23 (1d6+17/15-20)
-or- Power Attack +5 Glamoured Adamantine Keen Training Ghost Touch Rapier[/i] +28/+23/+18 (1d6+27/15-20)
Special attacks Bardic Performance 31 rounds/day (Move action; Binding Contract, Counterargument, Dirge of Doom, Dirge of Misfortune, Distraction, Fascinate (DC 27), Fast Talk -4, Inspiring Pose +6), Narrow Miss (5/day), Perfect Surprise (DC 20), Slowing Strike, Sneak Attack +3d6, Touch of Rage +10 (10/day), Unexpected Suggestion (DC 33)
Bard Spells known (CL 10th; Concentration +17)
4th(1/day)- Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
3rd(4/day)- Glibness, Haste, See Invisibility, Tongues(Communal)
2nd(5/day)- Codespeak, Bladed Dash, Delay Poison, Invisibility, Mage's crawlspace
1st(6/day)- Alarm, Cure Light wounds, Feather Fall, Horn of Pursuit, Weaponwand
0th(At will)- Detect magic, Grasp, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic, Spark
Str 34 Dex 24 Con 24 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 24
Base Atk +15/10/5; CMB+27; CMD 44
Feats Dazzling Display, Deceitful, Eldritch Heritage (Orc), Greater Eldritch Heritage, Improved Eldritch Heritage (x2), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Shatter Defenses, Skill Focus (Preform: Act, Survival), Weapon Focus (Rapier)
Traits Armour Expert, Maestro of the Society
Skills Acrobatics +20(+30 when avoiding AoO, or moving through an enemies square at greater than half speed), Bluff +39, Diplomacy +24, Disguise +36, Intimidate +47, Knowledge [Local] +12, Perception +30, Preform (Act) +26, Sense Motive +30, Slight of Hand +30, Spellcraft +26, Stealth +44, Survival +5 [FCB: +10 Ranks]
Sylph Racial Traits: Like the Wind, Storm in the Blood, Whispering Wind
Languages Auran, Common
SQ Cloud the Mind, Crowd Strike, Expeditious Advance, Fearless, Grandmaster of Disguise, Hide in the Crowd, Master of Disguise, Master of Rhetoric, Move with the crowd, Power of Giants (20 minutes/day), Rogue Talents (Sneak Training, Stalker Talent, Weapon Focus), Stalker Talent (Shadow's Speed), Strength of the Beast, Secret Step, Silent Soul
Combat Gear +5 Glamoured Adamantine Keen Training [Shatter Defenses] Ghost Touch Rapier [Nicknamed "Objection"], +5 Mithral Determination BreastPlate, +5 Mithral Electricity Resistance (Greater) Buckler, +6 Belt of Physical Perfection, +6 Headband of Mental Superiority [Sense Motive, Slight of Hand, Spellcraft], +5 Amulet of Natural Armor, +5 Ring of Protection, +5 Aquatic Ring of Resistance, Wings of Flying, Eye of the Eagle
Ioun Stones Dusty Rose Prism, Iridescent Spindle, Western Star
Consumables Wand of Jolt x50, Wand of Infernal Healing x50, Wand of Haste x20
Spent Tomes +1 Manuel of Leadership and Influence, +4 Manuel of Bodily Health, +2 Tome of Quickness of action
Misc. Gear +1 Rapier, 1,930 gp

Dr. Thomas Maelstorm has always held an intimidating frame of Orcish brawn- And yet, at birth it was clear to the Shamans of the Fogfist Clan (Of the Fog peaks) that the child was not of this world: Their tribal voodoo gods of Lightning and thunder had blessed them with a Sylph. Growing up, the Young Sylph never felt at home with his seemingly brain dead brothers and sisters who only looked forward to raids and hunting. So when the village shaman directed young Thomas to serve as an "Ambassador" to the nearby nation of Taldor, Thomas agreed in a heartbeat... And never looked back.

His time in Taldor served him well- Indeed, even now it seems like his life flew by in a flash. Learning the intricacies of acting and performance... Driving his boss mad when he picked up his first job as a clerk serving Abadar... Getting recruited into Bardic college- And soon after, the elusive Lion Blades... Even the worst hardships of his past seemed to pale in comparison to the problems Dr. Thomas Maelstorm was currently struggling with.

His latest stint- And no doubt the highlight of his professional career- had him working with the elite of the elite in an organization simply known as the "Redress of Balance". His crew- the Oathcore- served as liaison between the rulers of Golarions nations. To those who assumed the Leaders of Golarion answered only to their gods and countrymen: Whew boy are they wrong. Each King, Queen and Ruler was free to rule as they wish: But every single one of them knew that any world-ending levels of scheming would earn them a visit from the Oathcore, who would... gently remind the monarch that they needed to tone things down or meet with Pharisma early- And thankfully, most had the good sense to know not to screw with the Redress of Balance.

It was supposed to be a simple mission: There where reports that Razmir was about to ascend to divinity- Yeah yeah, the old coot pretends he's an immortal God. But it was easy to tell that his claims of passing the starstone trials where fake. After all, who do you think controls who takes the starstone trials?

Rambling aside- It was the usual mission: Sneak into his personal quarters without setting of any wards or alerting any personnel, give him a good talking to, and leave the same way they came in. Nothing out of the ordinary for the Oathcore. See, they where true sneakies: It's not like Oathcore hogged all of the stealthiest members of the Redress... It just kinda happened naturally.

Unfortunately, the "Usual mission" turned out rather terribly when the Living God tore open a rift to the nightmare realm of Leng. The Oathcore... was caught completely off guard- Their informants (A separate organization) hadn't reported that the Living God possessed an artifact capable of sundering the material plane. The strange and fell beasts that rushed to the Living God's aid held no trouble for the Oathcore: It was when the terrible, mindbreaking gaze of... some elder god gave a passing glance through the portal that most of the Oathcore slipped into insanity and madness, attacking their own kindred in a vain attempt to stop the nightmares alive. And those that escaped the passing gaze where left to wonder if such a devastating event was circumstance... Or a sign that Razmir had slipped into worship of the ancient ones. A report had to be given: And the few members with sanity to spare urged Dr. Thomas Maelstorm to report back to hq as they fought tooth and nail to simply survive the sudden change in the tide of battle. The Sylph... retreated while his comrades held the line.

Dr. Thomas threw open the doors of hq... only to find the place already in a code red panic. It wasn't long before he would learn that a significant portion of the active agents had been slain in the line of duty. Such devastating attacks on the various crews serving the Redress of Balance couldn't be coincidence... And yet, the only clue to guide the personnel was some mysterious message: That the Grand Mover shall Awaken. Who was this Grand Mover, and did this... entity tug on the strings of fate that left the valiant warriors of the Redress dead or dying? This was a mystery that the remaining survivors would have to solve, with haste!

Build Specifics:
I know this is kinda bending the "Straight 20th level bard" vibe, but the Lion Claw is a pretty Bardy Prestige class! I've wanted to play one for some time but haven't found a good campaign for it, so I figured I "might as well" give it a shot in recruitment.

Playing a human would have worked out so much better for what I wanted to do... But my desire to play a Sylph was stronger. The Negotiator Archetype provides Rogue Talents. The Sneak training allows him to qualify for the Lion Blade Class.

Sacrificing 10 level's of spellcasting sucked and wasn't worth the trade, but as hinted, I am a sucker for the Lion Claw Prestige class. He can make stealth checks behind people which is cool, I guess. 20 minutes a day he enjoys a STR score of 40, which is definitely cool. With Bard buffs he will get sillier.

He can also use Bardic performances to seal deals with a no save Geass, provided the other party agrees to the terms. Could be useful to ensure npc's will stick to their word. If anyone want's to goof around with certain enchantments or illusions he can also inflict a -4 penalty on opponents saves.

Also, any time dirge of despair is up, he can start using Shatter Defenses to boost his damage output up a hair with his sneak attack. Though that's just icing on the cake with his stronk STR.


Str 17+5[level up]+6[Belt]+6[Orc Bloodline]=34
Dex 14+2[Racial]+6[Belt]+2[Tome]=24
Con 14+6[belt]+4[Tome]+24
Int 10+6[Headband]=16
Wis 10-2[racial]+6[headband]=14
Cha 15+2[racial]+6[headband]+1[Tome]=24

Ranks [120 Total+10 fcb into skills]=130 available ranks

Acrobatics +10 [+3 Class, +7 Dex]
Bluff +20 [+3 Class, +7 Cha, +4 Deceitful, +5 Bard]
Diplomacy +9 [+3 Class, +7 Cha, +5 Bard]
Disguise +20 [+3 Class, +7 Cha, +4 Deceitful, +2 Lion Blade]
Intimidate +20 [+3 Class, +7 Cha, +12 Str, +5 Bard]
Knowledge [Local] +1 [+3 Class, +3 Int, +5 Bard]
Perception +20 [+3 Class, +2 Wis, +5 Eagle Eyes]
Preform (Act) +10 [+3 Class, +7 Cha, +6 Skill Focus]
Sense Motive [Headband] +20 [+3 Class, +2 Wis, +5 Class]
Slight of Hand [Headband] +20 [+3 Class, +7 Dex]
Spellcraft [Headband] +20 [+3 Class, +3 Int]
Stealth +20 [+3 Class, +7 Dex, +10 Lion Blade, +4 Racial]
Survival +0 [+2 Wis, +3 Skill Focus]

Nice! The more Protean love in the Pathfinder/Starfinder line, the better!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Neidr Nine: A swampy blue pearl on the outskirts of the Lesser Belkzen imperial alliance. A star system colonized by Orcs, they have established a brutal hold on the entire system... Save for one certain planet.

7th planet orbiting the sun, Neidr Nine has been judged to be completely worthless for subjugation- Naturally due to the lack of easily harvest-able resources: To imply the War-like Orcs are simply incapable of establishing dominance is mere hearsay, and a legally admissible expression of low treason.

The Primary problem Orcs face is the overwhelming abundance of Proteans ... Proteans that guns can't handle. Addressed by researches as "Pelagastr's", tales are told of the first orcs who sailed down to the surface: Brave explorers who met a watery grave when the very seaweed itself rose beyond the waves- Possessed by Pelagastrs as temporary hosts until new bodies could be found. All the Orcs on that expedition soon became possessed, and consequently drowned. Or electrocuted. Or accidentally shot as their Pelagastr hosts remembered the joy of possessing bodies of their own- Albeit for a short time.

Consequently, military ventures to establish a stronghold always end the same way: Pelegastr Proteans rise en-mass to slip through the ships hull and possess the soldiers. Or Proteans get into the wiring and short-circuit key components. Or Proteans warp the very material of the ship into something less aerodynamic- Such as Basalt or Cotton candy. The military annals of the Lesser Belkzen Imperial alliance mark countless failures until the reigning Orcs simply decided "It's conquered!" and "Let's move on to the next planet!"

Unbeknownst to the reigning government of the galaxy... Material life has, somehow, managed to find root on a planet dictated by the tides in both the material sense, and the spiritual sense:

Miniscule Astrozans the size of a pebble work diligently on the Northern pole. Their capitol- Reefworks- Is nothing more than a bottle adrift in the seas. A bottle that happens to be warded against immaterial possession, and completely self sustained. They hold knowledge on how to craft "Ghost-proof materials" of all sorts, and may be willing to share their secrets should an adventurer discover the lone bottle: The hardest needle in a haystack the galaxy has to offer.

The Equator also bears the fruit of civilization: A network of tradeships, all run by Skittermanders. This community- charmingly named "Floatsbarely", lives and dies on the seas... Untouched by the countless Protean horde living beneath the waves. Certain research institutes keep this civilization a top-level secret as a case study on Pelagastr Possession... Or rather, the lack of it among Skittermanders. Curious scholars and scientists have a number of theories on this seeming immunity: Some say that Skittermanders are inherently Chaotic enough to avoid the Protean's attention. Others claim the reason must be divine- Perhaps these Sea-faring Skittermanders offer sacrifice or tribute for Protection. The most outlandish theory claims that Skittermanders where born as mortal heralds and children of the illusive Speakers of the Depths- Of course, this is a laughable claim made by a single brilliant, if slightly off-kilter scientist and linguist.

Regardless, there is only so much these researchers can learn from safe orbit, and they would be delighted to pay a group of adventurers handsomely to make the trip down to "Floatsbarely" and gather some scientific data and samples. The only challenge is to make it out alive, when the very sea churns with the mysteries of the deep.

stat roll:

1: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 3) = 11 -> 10
2: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 3) = 19 -> 16
3: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 6) = 15 -> 13
4: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 3) = 12 -> 11
5: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2) = 7 -> 6
6: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 1) = 15 -> 14

Undead: 1d100 ⇒ 98

Dotting, very interesting. Just out of curiosity: Will we be playing Petitioners? Are we still spooky ghosts? Or does some manner of plot reason bring us back to the living?

Dotting, very interesting

I'd also be down for playing on a discord channel, so that has my vote.

'Double Dave' Strider:

Order of the Dave's Double
HP 14

STR 13 (+2)
INT 10 (+1)
Charm 9 (+1)
Arcana 10 (+1)
Grace 13 (+2)

Defense: 14

Weapons: Knife +2 (1d4, 60 feet)

Other gear: Torch, 6 gp

Skilled With: Medium armor, heavy armor
and heavy weapons

Cannot Use: Light armor, staffs, items granting new
magical skills or projectile weapons


Fresh, Never Frozen [passive]: You have resistance to all cold damage. You are truly fresh, never frozen.

Two Beef Patties [passive]: You can dually wield any weapons
that don’t require two hands.

'Double Dave' Strider is possibly one of the coolest kids on the block. Wears a spare set of sunglasses beneath his sunglasses, and has a thesarus-level vocabulary ready to belt out sick beats and hella raps filled to the brim with only the freshest, cheesiest puns. The only thing he can't seem to find in freshville so far is a good vendor of Apple Juice (Packaged in tiny little lunchbox cartoons), but hopefully some manner of adventure will help him expand his horizons and solve this quandary.

Dotting, this sounds right up my alley. I think I'll roll up a Dave's Double. His name will be Strider.


4d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 3) = 12
4d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 2) = 12
4d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 4) = 8
4d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 3) = 9
4d4 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 1) = 10


4d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 4) + 4 = 14

I'll get a proper statblock finished when I have a free moment.

Alright: It was an incredibly tough call, but after much contemplation I have decided to select Selma Baker, the submission posted by Mattz.

To everyone else: Thank you for your time and submissions, and I hope to see you around the forums.

@Storm Dragon I would definitely prefer a battlefield control/blaster caster to a summoning build, so unless your looking to prestige into a class that needs those feats as pre-requisites, I'd recommend you swap out your feats...

...And while you swap out your feats, I would also recommend you swap out your mythweavers template as well: I noticed you are using the experimental Pathfinder template as opposed to the regular Pathfinder template (The later being the template everyone has been using up to this point.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

@Mattz Character level up looks good... With Two exceptions: Are your feats and class features merged into the same column? Most of the current players have their feats listed with the level they where gained, and everyone has their feats listed in an easy to notice block of text. I would be grateful if your character sheet offered greater clarity on that front: AoN can tell me what class features do, but it can't tell me what options you have picked.

Additionally- Sorry for another bit of nitpicking- Perhaps you could move your combat gear down to the same section as your normal gear? I'm noticing your first section of listed gear all has mechanical implications that effect your character... But I feel there is room for improvement on managing and organizing your "real estate" for the character sheet.

(Though, I will admit high-leveled characters on mythweavers tend to clutter the sheet greatly, and recognize that a universal solution will be needed near the end of the campaign.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------


Thank you all for the submissions so far: As @NewXToa mentioned, The Deadline for submissions will be at "high noon" (Mountain daylight time)... Though I will admit I will likely be sleeping. These four 'crunchy' submissions I have received are all really good, and I realized if I didn't establish an immediate deadline I would likely find myself wanting to run a second table- Something I cannot properly run with my current IRL obligations.

Anyway: I will likely make my decision later tomorrow (Today?) evening. If you haven't posted a submission yet, and can manage to quickly squeeze in a fully stated character with a complete backstory and explanation of their campaign trait and future crunch plans... Bless your heart, and best of luck getting it all typed out and submitted before I wake up.

Haha, no worries: It happens. But yes- Increase your gold to 8th level starting wealth.

Of course you can re-submit! I was hoping to see some familiar submissions- Makes things a bit easier for introductions and what not.

Not at at, feel free to slumber hex people away.

@Simion Mythweavers link looks good: I'm not specialized in Abadar-related lore, but I'm assuming the Eagle watch is a custom order? Not that I mind either way: If it's published then I can have some reading, and if not I can give some thought on how an elite group of Abadarian clergy might interact with the various groups at play in the campaign. Regardless, such an order would definitely know some intriguing info on a particular plot hook I very recently gave our Paladin of Abadar.

@Storm Dragon Funny you should mention both memory loss and inheriting a Wayfinder from someone who has passed beyond the veil: The Tortured Soul Background works well with what you are suggesting. If I select your character, I do know someone plot-related who needs someone to "carry their light and legacy" into the future- I.E, granting you a mysterious Wayfinder and a bad case of amnesia. (All campaign traits have an underlying theme of memories lost, helping me slot characters into the overarching plot.)

All I've decided that a formal deadline will probably be about 1 week from now, on the 9th: A few of my players are taking a trip into a mindscape in the near-immediate future, and I've decided I want to get that started(And, ideally finished)
before I introduce a new player, as to avoid complicating a already lore-heavy section of this campaign.

An instinctual need for order and stability is a perfectly fine interpretation of the Tortured Soul campaign trait.

@Djack I'll have to give your submission a deeper look when I have a longer stretch of free time, but my initial impression is positive. I would like to know a little more backstory and character traits, as well as what your future crunch entails.

@Simeon I am sure are Paladin would love to have a fellow members of the Abadarian Clergy join the cause of spreading righteous justice...

However, the upcoming Protean invasion is a bit of a secret at the moment- Only the party and the Chernasardo Rangers know about the upcoming threat. As such, I'd recommend that perhaps your cleric has received divine premonition that their service is needed in Tamran.

I'd be hard pressed to accept a character who's only reason to visit Tamran is to hunt Proteans.

(Though I have no problem if a submission "just happens" to have weapons or class features that are good against outsiders (chaotic). I also have no problem with submissions that have a backstory involving Proteans.)


At the moment everyone is in Tamran, which has a nice mix of being Urban, and being more connected to nature than the average nation capital.

Down the line, I can say there will be long stretches of time where you are far from major Urban settlements.

However, I can say that the archetype does have a rather amusing connection of sorts to a certain plot point: Feel free to interpret that however you will.

(As an aside: Anyone who would like to play a Pathfinder, know that the party has already interacted with the local Pathfinder lodge. As such, it would be quite easy to integrate such a character into the group.)

Several players have pretty good perception- But nobody has any class features dedicated to traps, and I don't believe anyone has an especially high Disable Device modifier.

I'd be fine with using those rules on days where the entire day is spent adventuring.

Two things to note: Firstly, the party Arcanist also crafts in her spare time (Though there is only so much equipment a single character can create)

Secondly, I have been tracking time in 8-hour blocks, and am pretty generous in letting the party pursue leads and plot hooks on their own terms- And in the party composition they see fit. Gale has spent plenty of time crafting, and if you're character wanted to invest time crafting they would have the opportunity to do so.

Now looking for an 8th level adventurer!

So, back when I first posted this recruitment thread, I nabbed two tables: Unfortunately, one fell through- But the other has been going strong.

However, one of the players has retired from the adventure to focus on school, and we are now in need of a new player. As such, I am re-opening this dusty old thread in hopes we can find a brave adventurer to defend Tamran and brave the dangerous nation of Galt.

But what does the Capitol of Nirmathas and Galt have to do with each other?:
So, a quick plot descriptor of what has happened in the campaign: Arianell's parents, Arthur and Adiella Klingeman have been revealed to have escaped Galt to raise their family far away from the endless deaths. Adiella is a warm mother who devoutly worships Desna, yet the players recently found a hidden shrine dedicated to Norgorber: Owned by Arthur Klingeman, the party is now trying to discover what is happening behind the scenes- And if it's related to the mysterious alternative personality that keeps seizing control of Arianell's unconscious body, claiming to be a revolutionary from Galt.

So what are the current players trying to accomplish?:
Well- The diviner learned that Proteans are going to invade Tamran and try to kidnap Arianell for their chaotic, confusing purposes. They have built a defensible spot to hide the slumbering Arianell- And given that the Proteans will come from beyond in the next few days, they could use a strong and cunning warrior to help them out!

Current Party balance:
Gale Fey: A Changeling (Snow May) Arcanist who is happy to have finally learned how to Scry with her latest level. Party "Diviner". Childhood Friends trait.
Ohlen: A Gillwoman Paladin of Abadar. Has the Oath against Chaos so she can smite all those pesky Proteans making mischief. Childhood Friends trait.
Kellion: A Halfling Cavalier. Tactical nuke that rides an Owl for skyward charges. Guardian Librarian trait.
Lars: A Kitsune Fighter. A Viking from the north, he recently learned he was killed by a final blade wielding Frost Giant. It is unexplained how he is currently alive and in the flesh. Currently has five magical Kitsune tails. Childhood Rival trait.
Veirah: A Raptorkin Skinwalker Inquisitor of Magdh. trigger happy on rolling Knowledge checks, Uses Bows in combat, and is incredibly useful when the party discovers strange lore and cursed books. Aspiring Bookworm trait.

Who are we looking for?:
Well- Anyone with a good submission really! A Cleric or a Wizard might be nice, but any functional build would be welcome (Doubly so if your good at killing Chaotic outsiders). Submission rules are at the start of the thread- And one of the main requirements I am looking for is that you take one of the campaign traits. We currently have Two Childhood Friends, One Childhood Rival, An Aspiring Bookworm and a Guardian Librarian. This doesn't necessarily mean I am going to reject applicants who have selected these campaign traits: It just means we currently have no adventurers with the Molthuni Spy, Tortured Soul, or the Smoldering revenge campaign traits.

If this is something that interests you, feel free to post a submission down below! I don't necessarily have a strict time limit, but I am hoping to have a new player integrated within a week- Possibly sooner or later depending on how hard you guys make it to pick just one player. As a reminder, we do use Discord and Mythweavers.

Finally... If you played on the "Alpha" table that went under, and you want a second chance, feel free to make a second submission, properly leveled up: This new submission could be your old character, or someone entirely new. Best of luck everyone: Tamran certainly will need it in the upcoming days.

Introducing Riptide Jonas, a Human Aquanaut 4.

Riptide Jonas:
CG Human Aquanaut 4
Init+2; Perception+3
AC 19, touch 13, Flat-footed 17 (+2 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Deflection, +1 Natural, +3 shield)
HP 32 (25.5 [Class HD]+8[Con])
Fort+6, Ref+4, Will+3
+2 vs divination effects
+1 vs immobilization and/or paralysis effects
Speed 30 ft; Swim 30 ft
Melee Rapier +7 (1d6+2, 18-20)
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 16
Base Atk +4; CMB+7; CMD 19 (+23 vs Disarm and Grapple)
Feats Child of Two worlds, Combat Reflexes, Improved unarmed strike, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Rapier)
Traits Athletic, Carefully hidden
Racial Traits Aquatic Ancestory, Bonus Feat
Skills Perception +3, Swim +14 (+13 Armor Penalty)
Languages Common
SQ Aquadynamic Paragon, Piercing Focus
Combat Equipment Rapier, Leather Armor, +1 Heavy Steel Shield
Other Gear +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection, 981 GP

The earliest memories Jonas had was of his mother teaching him how to empty his mind. "Jonas- close your eyes. breath in... Breath out... good job! Now, what would you like for dinner?"

Young Jonas never understood why he and his mother lived alone on the outskirts of town. He was never let out to play- He was forbidden from talking to strangers. Sometimes his mother would take him down to the sea shore, where the two of them would stare out at the tide, illuminated by the evening sun.

On one such day, His mom gave him a small pat on the head. "Remember your mindfulness dear... Mommy loves you very much." Young Jonas then watched his mother wade into the ocean. Jonas tried to follow- But wasn't big enough to fight against the crashing wake.

Jonas spent some time living alone before he was adopted- Every day he would wait at the beach for his mother to come back. He would fall asleep on the beach waiting, only waking up when the oncoming tide threatened to suck him away. It wasn't for a long, long time before he was taken in to the local orphanage.

At the Orphanage, Jonas became quite the energetic kid, and for one reason: His closest, deepest secret was to grow up big and strong so he could rescue his mother from the cruel ocean. Eat heartily, play heartily- Grow big. Grow strong. That's all that mattered.

Growing up revealed that life wasn't so simple: To eat you needed a job, and to earn a job you needed a job. Jonas thought working with the Bountiful Venture company would marry his need for a wage with his love for the sea. Unfortunately, Jonas was not hired, or even told the reason for his exclusion. Likewise, he was also rejected for both trips on the Peregrine. But Jonas wasn't about to give up: An abandoned island, begging to be colonized... Not only would it guarantee him a needed job, it would also be the perfect place to practice his swimming: After all, after long practice, Jonas could hold his breath for nearly five whole minutes! But that wasn't enough... He needed to be able to swim deeper, on his own power. He simply had to go.

Thankfully, Jonas found it easy to stow away in the ship- And despite his relative lack of skill in hiding, managed to remain undiscovered for the entire trip. Jonas has spent his time on the island hiding outside of town in a cave he liberated from monsters- And yet, Jonas has discovered he is not very good at surviving on his own. Nor is he very good at stealing the goods he needs to live from the locals. And given that stealing from the innocent leaves him feeling rather guilty, Jonas has come to terms he will need to reveal himself to the community sooner or later- The next morning sounds as good of a time as ever... especially given that his supply of jerky has just run out.

For HP I assumed Full hp at first, and Average HP for every level after.

As for player wealth, I bought some magical necessities, but am not purchasing mundane equipment until a character is selected (I find kitting out mundane stuff to be terribly boring, and decided to put it off unless Jonas is selected)

For the future crunch: After two more levels in Fighter, I will switch over to the Azatariel swashbuckler archetype. Jonas will utilize Dolphin style, Stand still and Opportune Parry/Riposte to provide a psuedo-form of area control against singular opponents, but can also rely on melee dps against foes capable of handling that kind of trickery. While his Will save isn't optimal right now, by Level 8 he will be adding his Cha-modifier to most will saves, which will help patch him up to reasonable standards.

Finally, Jonas already comes baked in with a swim speed, and down the line will eventually become amphibious, thus helping to minimize his need for magical breathing... And saving him from Dispel Magic-related underwater panic. As such, I think he is a good fit for the needed Martial slot.

Dotting: Am GM'ing one PbP, and playing at another.

I am loosely familiar with the story beats, as the primary antagonists number among my favorite monsters. But, like Grankless, I understand that having this knowledge might disclude me from being selected.

Congrats on those selected! Best of luck adventuring.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Stupid Hurricanes: Not only do they cause widespread flooding and wind damage, they also pirate virus riden programs onto the office computers! Will their debauchery never stop?

Before heading outside, Eisith sets the boots back where he found them.

"A Lover? I don't think anything of that sort was mentioned..." The halfling feels a twinge of guilt- He probably could have paid more attention. Still, there was five more locals for him to work on his detective skills.

"And on that note, perhaps we should visit the Haberdashery next: Divorce has a way of skewing one's perspective, and I'd like to cross-reference what we heard from Drummady with her ex... Was it..."

Screw fresh berries for his spellcasting, or booze for his tummy- What he really needed was a bandolier so he could stop rummaging through his pack every five seconds for the note listing all the missing apprentices, and their respective masters.

"...Petrellano Pindlion. That's his name. I'm sure we might learn some sort of... Pattern between the two star crossed... erm, ex's. Exxes? Eks." He gives his fellow party members a confident nod, leaning against the shop and trying to soak up some sunlight.

How much daylight do we have left?

...You know, the constructed Pugilist Brawler Archetype gives you a Prosthetic limb, and the language of the class feature suggests you don't actually need to lose/have an arm: You simply gain a prosthetic arm capable of doing a select number of activities.

I've run an Awakened animal using this archetype before, and it works wonders: Though mileage varies depending on the gm.

Introducing Ysias III, A Human Planar Oracle/Fighter!

Ysias III:
CN Human Planar Oracle/Fighter 1
Init+0 (+2 in Forests); Perception +4
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15 (+4 Armor, +3 Cha, +1 Shield)
hp 12 (10[Class]+2[Con])
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
-4 vs Cold spells and effects
speed 30 ft
Melee Bastard Sword +6 (1d10+4, 19-20)

Oracle Spells known (CL 1st: Concentration +4)

1st: (4/day) Air Bubble, Cure Light Wounds, Fastidiousness
0th: (At Will) Create Water, Light, Resistance

Mystery: Lore
Str 18 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB+5 ; CMD 15
Feats Cosmopolitan [Stealth, Linguistics], Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades)
Traits Armor Master, Dangerously Curious, Guerrilla Tactics
Skills Knowledge (Planes, Religion) +5, Linguistics +5, Perception +4, Stealth +4(+6 in Forests) Survival +4
Languages Common, Elven, Infernal, Protean
SQ Oracle Curse (Cold-Blooded), Planar Affinity (Maelstorm) Revelation (Sidestep Secret)
Combat Equipment Bastard Sword, Buckler, Chain Shirt
Other Equipment Outfit (Scholar), Silver Holy symbol of Ydajisk, 10 GP
Special Abilities
Cold-Blooded: -4 Penalty on Saves vs Cold spells and effects: Can survive 4 times longer without food
Side-Step Secret: Use Cha instead of Dex for AC and Reflex saves: Armors Max Dex limit applies to Cha instead

In the deviled halls of house Thrune, many nobles play a delicate dance of posturing, political intrigue, and infernal bargaining under the banner of hell. In this unholy government was young Theren Blaidys III born. House Blaidys was noble stock through and through... But the past several generations had been hard for the family, all starting when their great-grand patriarch made a startling, public deathbed conversion to the faith of Sarenrae. His conversion was quickly redacted in the public eye, but House Blaidys was forever cursed to live under greater scrutiny than their noble peers.

Young Theren Blaidys was never good with magic, or in the delicate art of bargaining with the forces of hell- Theren simply couldn't remember all the sub-clauses and legal implications that contracts carried. Thankfully, what he lacked in mental stamina, he made up with flashy, brawny swordsmanship. And while he struggled with the letter of the law, Theren found hope that he could ascend the ranks of the hellknights, and revitalize his families name. This dream came to an end when he and his family was accused of heresy, and arrested.

Theren was seated in front of a great Devil known as a Phistophilus. "Tell me your families crimes, and offer yourself up as a witness on trial. Your swordsmanship has the Cheliax nobles enthralled, and I will see that you live a long and prosperous life."

Theren denied the Contract Devil twice- All too often he had failed to discern a devils intent. And he was not going to sacrifice his families good name.

Unfortunately, House Blaidys had fallen victim to other noble's scheming ploys: Under the cover of night, an anonymous shade of a person opened a portal to the Maelstorm in the middle of the royal archives. A ton of important paperwork was lost or destroyed, and such mockery of the Thrune name could only mean execution by hellfire: And House Blaidys stood accused. No evidence to clear their name, and no supporters to stand by. Guilty with no chance at innocence.

In a cold jail cell, Theren found salvation when a mysterious, ghost like entity slipped through the wall behind him. "I'm here to free you! ...But I'll need your body. Hope you don't mind, because that wasn't a question!"

Turns out, Thrune hadn't dealt with every Protean that slipped into the material world- And floating before Theren was a Pelagastr. An incorporeal protean who yearn to possess new and exciting creatures.

Theren's memories for the next month was a blur- And hard to tell what was real and what was fake. Challenging a barbed devil to arm wrestling, punching an imp in the face, defiling Cheliaxian propaganda with graffiti- All that he knew for sure was that in his chaotic, possessed revelry he managed to escape Cheliax, waking up in a small hut on the shore of Lake Encarthan.

"Thanks for the fun! But I have to go. Stay safe Ysias!" The Pelagastr had left as quickly as it came, leaving the ex-noble all by himself- And leaving him a host of new discoveries to deal with.

It seems that, while under the Pelagastr's control, Theren had changed his name to Ysias III, learned to speak in the twisting tongue of Protean, wracked up a debt at some tavern, gained the holy symbol of an obscure protean god, and even learned to cast magic... Though at the cost of his bodily warmth, his pulse having slowed to a reptilian crawl. Still, his new life was far better than a damned existence in hell. And his first order of business would be to pay back his dept of 10 gp to some tavern.

Goals and Quirks:

-Pay back his 10 GP dept to the Taproot Inn located at Phaendar
-Discover the extent of his new, magical prowess
-Rescue his family: whether they rot in a Cheliaxian dungeon, or languish in hell.

-That Cheliaxian scouts will find him and drag him back before he grows stronger
-Bees and Wasps
-That his pulse, cursed to be slower and colder, will eventually slow to a stop.

-His family back in Cheliax have been [Redacted], so he will have to personally learn what happened to them.
-While under Pelagastr control, Ysias became fast friends with a cleric named Rhyna... Though tragically, Ysias remembers none of his time at Phaendar. As such, the friendship with Rhyna is one-sided... And possibly fragile if she took his sudden departure personally.

Phaendar Ysias is returning to Phaendar to pay back a 10 gp dept to the Taproot Inn. He will stay for the festivities, and possibly look for temporary work after the festivities peaceful end.

Stress Quirks Ever sense childhood, Ysias tends to grind his teeth when in a pinch. He is also irrationally afraid of Bees and wasps, and tends to mistrust overly complicated sounding words and people- Being eloquent is fine: But being overly verbose clearly means your hiding something.


Dotting. I have a Dwarven Kineticist/Barbarian that, with a few tweaks, would fit into the build rules- Though with your homebrew rules, I might want to try something else.

On second realization, the gameplay tab is not up yet, but it's probably for the best, as I do have a clarification I want to ask.

GM Chapel, how is Sandra Trinelli putting out requests for help? Are their flyers pinned on doorways? Word of mouth on the street? Town criers or something else?

I was going to sidestep this with a "He wakes up from drinking with a hand-written note to go visit", but it would certainly help to know how this info is being spread.

Coincidentally, I think it would be pretty easy for Eisith to meet Ibuki in a bar. Of course, An eastern Ifrit would attract his attention anywhere. Heck, just a glimpse of a passing flame would draw his attention if said flame was distinctively not torch shaped.

As for Dhomirren Tailbitter, Eisith would probably be wary of the animal companion: Too many have mistaken his slightly intoxicated, sweet breath as a snack, and as such Eisith has been nommed on by otherwise well trained animal pets in the past- And plenty of wild, untamed animals as well.

Finally, Eisith wouldn't have much of a problem with Ngozi Yohansante's phantom after learning of it's story (Regardless of if it's a truthful tale or not)

He might also try to get the Phantom drunk, "Just to see if booze holds it's same vigor in the afterlife" (As an aside, I kept forgetting to post in recruitment about this, but your backstory about swapping places with another person to trick a spirit reminded me of a welsh tale where a prince and a fey lord trade spots in a similar manner for one years time. Of course, the mythologies and story morals are wildly different, and the stories hold little similarities beyond person-swapping, but in any case, I think your spooky baby backstory was well written... Though very creepy regardless.)

Interesting. I haven't statted up a 2e character yet: Might as well go straight to level 20!

How do you feel about using the Lost Omen's world guide? If I am not mistaken, pre-order's should start shipping this week, and the Lion Blades have always called to me. (Not to imply I have a copy: I'm waiting alongside everyone else.)

congrats to those chosen!

Best of luck to all submissions!

Dotting. As it happens, My irl group got up to the glassworks before we were distracted by Emerald Spire's release.

Introducing the ragged Kobold Druid, Dyrtebble the ill.

Dyrtebble the ill:
N Kobold Fungal Pilgrim
Init+3; Darkvision 60 ft: Perception+9
AC 18, touch 14, Flat-footed 15; (Armor+2, Dex+3, Nat+1, Shield+1, Size+1)
HP 10 (1d8+2[Con])
Fort+4 Ref+3 Will+5
+2 vs inhaled Poisons
speed 30 ft
Melee Spear +1 (1d6)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; Concentration +4)

1st-Cure Light Wounds
0th (At will)-Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison

Str 10 Dex 17 Con14 Int 10 Wis 17 Cha 15
Base Atk+0; CMB-1; CMD+12
Feats Cosmopolitan (Sense Motive, Preform[Sing])
Campaign Traits Beast Trainer, Hoplomachus
Trait Iron Lungs
Racial traits Crafty; FCB +1 Skill
Adventure skills Knw:(Dungeoneering)+5, Knw:(Nature)+7, Perception+9, Sense Motive+7, Stealth+11
Background skills Craft (Traps)+6, Preform (Sing)+6
Languages Draconic, Druidic, Sylvan, Undercommon
SQ Nature bond (Companion), Wild Empathy+3 (+5 vs Darkland creatures)
GearGladiator's Leather armor, Light Shield (Wooden), Spear

Dyran the Giant Ant:

N Giant Ant
Init+1; Low-light Vision, Scent; Perception+1
AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13 (Dex+1, Natural+2, Size+1)
HP 16 (2d8+4[Con])
Fort+5, Ref+4, Will+1
Immune Mind-effecting effects
Speed 30 ft: Climb 20 ft
Melee Bite+2 (1d4 plus Grab)
Str 10 Dex 12 Con15 Int / Wis 12 Cha 10
Base Atk+1; CMB+0 (+3 Grapple); CMD 11 (19 vs trip)
Feats N/A
Skills N/A; +5 Stealth
Tricks Sneak
SQ Link, Share spells

Stat Spread:

4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 6) = 16-2=14 Str 14(-4) 10
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 4) = 18-3=15 Dex 15(+2) 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 6) = 17-1=16 Con 16(-2) 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 5) = 11-1=10 Int 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 6) = 19-2=17 Wis 17
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 5) = 18-3=15 Cha 15

The VaultWard clan of Kobolds lived a relatively peaceful life, mining around and living in an ancient, subterranean complex. Ruins older than even the elder's could recall, the Vaultward Kobolds believed these ruins where the home of a great, red dragon who would surely return someday.

However, this was not meant to be, as one fateful night Drow raided the kobold warrens, killing the defenders and kidnapping the young. The Drow knew the complex was actually an abandoned demon temple, thoroughly desecrated by Kobold tunneling and trap setting.

Intended as fodder for the gladiatorial ring, the convoy of captured Kobolds were attacked by crazed Derro, who were willing to fight the Drow in order to acquire more experiments. The Drow easily fought off the Derro- But in the crossfire, a Cytellish dart found it's way under young Dyrtebble's scales- And being chained up, the poor kobold couldn't pull it free.

The convoy would eventually find it's way to the Drow city of Zirnakaynin, where most of the kobolds were immediately shipped of to die in the ring. Dyrtebble, still suffering from a drip-feed of Cytellish, was determined to be too sick to fight- But healthy enough for slave labor.

And thus, Dyrtebble was assigned to the stables to shovel manure and feed the beasts. He eventually plucked the dart free the moment he was unchained, but the brain mold had already caused strange, irreversible changes. Formerly a regular, normal Kobold, Dyrtebble discovered in his cytellish-fueled stupor, he could understand druidic- For another stablehand's seemingly incoherent babbling turned out to be spoken druidic.

The fellow druid was surprised to find another of his kind down in the city of Drow- And even more surprised that the Kobold had seemingly stumbled into the practise. However, the stablehand taught the Kobold as much as he could- Before being hauled off to the gladiator ring that is.

To this day, Dyrtebble doesn't know if the fellow stablehand survived or not- But regardless, the Kobold never saw them again. His condition slowly began to worsen- The Cytellish had weakened his immune system, and soon Dyrtebble began hosting all sorts of strange spores in his body, constantly coughing up slimy blood, and developing small fungal growths along his scales- Formerly bright red, now crusted with old growths. At least his fungal infections were not life threatening, seemingly bolstering him against other attacks on his frame, especially air-born threats.

Dyrtebble had hoped to remain in the shadows, a simple stablehand and nothing more. Remaining out of the spotlight was, in his opinion, the best way to survive. And yet here he was- herded into a large training yard to be lectured by some Drow nobility. Looks like he wasn't as out-of sight as he thought he was.

Dyrant's backstory:
Dyrtebble had been taking care of several ferocious monsters when he discovered a large ant had somehow snuck it's way into the stables. Any of the larger monsters could easily eat the ant in a heartbeat, yet the mindless vermin seemed perfectly content, forming a rather annoying bond with the Kobold- Following the sickly lizard around like a baby duckling following their mother.

Still, Dyrtebble couldn't help but eventually feel the same kinship towards the Ant. Naming it Dyrant, the Kobold Druid began trying to teach it tricks. So far, the only trick the Ant has mastered is hiding: Often clinging to shadowy alcoves along the roof to hide from the other stablehands. Dyrtebble hopes to keep his chitinous friend well hidden, knowing that should the wrong person discover his verminous companion, the giant ant will inevitably be fed to a larger monster... Or worse, put on display to fight to the death in the ring.

Dyrtebble is intended to be a druid who is slowly succumbing to a fungal infestation (And eventually, beyond the scope of this adventure, likely become a fungus himself.)

When he hits LV 4, he will probably start riding his ant into combat- Though, until that point he will try to keep the ant's existence a secret to his best capabilities.

Also, I don't know if Common or Undercommon is spoken more often down here, but I went with Undercommon to be safe. If regular common is more spoken, I can easily swap the two languages out.

Let's see what RNG has to say...

4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 4) = 18-3=15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 5) = 18-3=15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 6) = 16-2=14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 6) = 19-2=17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 5) = 11-1=10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 6) = 17-1=16

Not to shabby: I know exactly what I want to do with this.

Congrats to those chosen!

Introducing "Rainbow for You!", a Vine Leshy Cleric of Sarenrae!

Rainbow for You!:
LG Vine Leshie Blossoming Light of Sarenrae
Init+2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Low-light Vision: Perception +7 (11 vs disguise, hidden or concealed targets)
AC 13, touch 13, Flat-footed 11; (Dex +2, Size +1)
HP 11 (8[Class]+3[Con])
Fort+5 Ref+2 Will+5
Speed 20 ft
Melee Scimitar +3 (1d4-1), Lashvine -2 (1d3-1)
Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy 6/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Spell-like Abilities (Constant; CL 2nd) Pass without trace
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; Concentration +4)

1st- FireBelly (DC 14), Songbird

Domains Legend, Revelation
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 17 Cha 13
Base Atk+0; CMB-2; CMD 10
Feats Marked for Glory, Selective Channel
Traits Envoy of Healing, Slippery
Leshy Racial Traits Pass without trace, Lashvine, Plantspeech, Unassuming foliage, Climber; FCB Cleric, +1 Skill
Adventure Skills Climb+1, Diplomacy+5, Perception+7 (+11 vs disguises, hidden or concealed targets), Stealth+11 (+15 in Forest)
Background skills Preform (Dance) +5, Profession (Baker) +7
Languages Common, Sylvan; Plantspeech (Vines)
SQ Luminous Font +0, Promise of Faith, Promise of Purity
Combat gear Stone Scimitar
Other Gear Msw. Backpack, Holy Symbol of Sarenrae (Tattoo)

Somewhere deep in the Stolen lands, a seemingly ancient statue gazed across the landscape: A Halfling Paladin, with an ancient sword in hand, and the symbol of Sarenrae emblazoned upon their helm. Perpetually granting a Consecrate effect, this statue made for a good camping spot for travelers to rest their weary bones, enabling them to sleep peacefully under Sarenrae's watchful safety.

This Paladin was truly ancient: With no caretakers, the stone was crumbling- Cracked in some places, and covered with a thin veil of ivy, the creeping vines seeking out higher and warmer perches to grow.

One day, a frequent traveler stopped by- And noted with a measure of surprise that the vines had been cleaned up. The traveler thought nothing off it, until a Vine Leshy wandered into view- Calling himself "Rainbow", this vine leshy had recently been born, waking into sentience just in time to view the sun rise.

From that moment on, the Halfling Statue had a caretaker and ward. Rainbow would spend his days gathering nuts, berries and other treasures to trade to passing souls- And slowly acquiring currency, would then trade for religious doctrine. All Vine Leshies feel a pull to learn about their maker, and this particular Leshie had grown to believe that Sarenrae herself must have granted him life.

However, his idyllic life of foraging and trading would not last. While Consecrate certainly provides a measure of protection against all manner of evil, it does little to compel the forces of nature. After one particularly life-threatening morning, the vine leshy narrowly avoided being eaten alive by a marauding Owlbear- And in the crossfire of the fight, the crazed beast knocked over the Halfling statue before running back to who knows were: But the damage was done.

Rainbow tried to fix the statue- But it was simply not meant to be. A traveler soon offered a new hope several days later: Apparently, the nation Rainbow lived in was looking to expand it's borders. And while that in of itself didn't interest the Leshy, the traveler also mentioned he had, on occasion, seen similar statues dotting the land... Rainbow soon made up his mind.

Resolving to find more statues, Rainbow set of to join the cause: By helping the local nation to expand, it would provide him a safe way to travel far and wide: Searching for similar statues, while learning how to preach about the glory of the Dawnflower: Sarenrae herself!

Rainbow for you, like most Vine leshies, consists of a plant-like body. After awakening, Rainbow's body has become a singular, Orange-red carrot-like root: With beady white eyes, a single stem bears a wide leaf above his forehead. Said leaf has been stained- Bearing a tattoo of an angelic women, he wears the holy symbol of Sarenrae in plain sight. Rainbow for you wears a cloak woven from ivy leafs, and wears a backpack made from a large, hollowed out acorn.

As for myself, I loosely know the various happenings of Kingmaker, but have yet to play it. I'll probably end up going into the Dawnflower Anchorite prestige class: I also don't suspect we will be fighting alot of undead, but I've wanted to play a Blossoming Light for awhile now- And figured a playing a Leshy more interested in sunlight than spiritual light could be interesting.


Thank you for your time, and best of luck to those selected!

Congrats to all who were chosen! Enjoy your spooky Adventure!

Discord play is fine by me: I'm already running a game on Discord, so playing another PbP using discord would be no sweat off my back.

Introducing the Naive Treasure hunting Naiad: Blueberry Dŵr.

Blueberry Dŵr:
LG Naiad Poleiheira Adherent 5/ Monk 1/ Eldritch Knight 2 || PackMule 4
Init+1; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception+14
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15; (+1 Dex, +1 Dodge, +5 Shield, +3 Wis)
hp 78 (1d8+3d6+4d10 + 24[Con] +7[fcb])
Fort+9 Ref+7 Will+12
Speed 30 feet; Swim 30 feet
Melee +9 Ghosttouch Unarmed Strike (1d6+6)
Flurry of Blows +8/+8 Ghosttouch (1d6+6)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist (1/day, DC 16)

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 7th; Concentration +12 [+16 Combat Casting])

4th- Dimension Door, Secure Shelter
3rd- Daylight, Fly, Fireball (DC 17)
2nd- Blur, Flurry of Snowballs (DC 16), Mirror Image, See Invisibility
1st- Expeditious retreat, Feather fall, Magic Missile [x2], Mage Armor
0-At Will Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
Str18 Dex 13 Con 16 Int 18 Wis 16 Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB+12; CMD 23
Feats Combat Casting, Crane Style, Cut your losses, Favored Prestige Class [Spellcraft], Improved Unarmed Strike, Prestigious Spellcaster, Scribe Scroll, Shield Focus, Stunning Fist, Unhindering Shield
Adventure Skills Acrobatics +9, Escape Artist +13, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, Planes, Religion) +10, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +12
Background Skills Linguistics +15, Sleight of Hand +13 (+15 to conceal objects on person)
Naiad Racial Traits: Inspiration [Inactive], Water Bond [Inactive]
Traits Gifted Smuggler, Muscle of the Society, Infamous [Cheliax]
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran, Treant
SQ Bonded Book, Efficient Packer (+2) Great Odyssey, Knowledge is Power (Wizard 5th), Weight Training
Combat Gear +1 Ghosttouch Handwraps, +3 Buckler
Other Gear +2 Headband of Wisdom, +2 Belt of Strength, +2 Aquatic Ring of Resistance, Muleback Cords, 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 1 potion of Delay Poison, 2 potions of Cure Light wounds, Silk Rope [50 feet], Silver Holy Symbol of Magdh, Spell component pouch, Bandolier, Masterwork Backpack
Currency 994 gp, 9 sp
Light Carry Capacity Effective Str: 16+2[Feat]+2[Trait]+2[Class]+8[Muleback]+1 [Backpack]=31 Light=612 lbs and lower


4th- Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Protection from energy, Communal, Secure Shelter
3rd- Arcane Sight, Aura Sight, Daylight, Diamond Spray, Fireball, Fly, Force Punch, Haste
2nd-Acid Arrow, Blur, Defoliate, Flurry of Snowballs, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Retrieve Item, See Invisibility
1st Air Bubble, Ant haul, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather fall, Long Arm, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Secluded Grimoir, Vanish

Stat Rolls+Racial bonuses:

Str 4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1)-1 = 17 [-2 Racial][+1 Lv.4][+2 Belt]=18
Dex 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 5)-2 = 11 [+2 Racial]=13
Con 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 6)-1 = 15 [+1 Lv.8]=16
Int 18
Wis 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 4)-3 = 14 [+2 Headband]=16
Cha 8[+2 Racial]=10

Once upon a time, a family of Naiads lived in a small, misty lake bordering some ancient ruins. Offering up rituals to the Fey Eldest, Magdh, this family of Naiads lived in harmony with nature, passing on a belief throughout the generations that their faith was intertwined with fate itself: Each offering to Magdh both inevitable and expected to keep the nearby ruins secure. Blueberry, soon developed very different beliefs and interests than the rest of his family.

Adventurers often entered the ruins. Most wouldn't return- But those that did carried great treasures, shiny and alluring. This was not the Naiads concern- For material wealth was not interesting to these fey guardians. But to young Blueberry, the stories these relics seemed to tell were far more interesting. To the adventurer with charred clothing- What caused such dire burns? And to the Cleric without an arm- You had two going in, what terrible fate caused you to lose it? Against his families wishes, Blueberry began to sneak out of their mist-veiled lake to approach these adventurers and ask personally.

Blueberry was... Not as Charismatic as most Fey. Some adventurers were kind- Others were not. But each was interesting in their own way. The one similarity to each adventurer was their seemingly magnetic pull to explore the ruins, and come out alive with gold and glory.

Eventually, Blueberry realized that if he could plunder the ruins... He would be an adventurer too! And so, armed with a cool stick, he entered the ruins. Thing was... The ruins were empty! It had seemed like every floor had been cleaned out- Not a mote of treasure, or a hint of danger. Just when he was about to give up, however- A adventuring group on the brink of death came up from the next floor.

Apparently, the next few floors had not been cleared yet- And this adventuring group had spent the better part of the day trying to escape a Minotaur lair. Calling themselves "Pathfinders", the group explained that they had run out of spells and potions- And their front line fighter had passed out from blood loss. It was a shame, but they would need to leave behind their hard-earned loot and regroup, recover and return.

Blueberry offered to help- This could be his chance to become an adventurer! The Pathfinders declined- They were already surprised and concerned a kid wandered this deep, and they weren't going to endanger him further. But... Blueberry insisted he could at least carry some stuff- If everyone was leaving the dungeon, he might as well help out!

After getting vetted, the Pathfinders decided the young Naiad had no ill intent. Letting him carry a box, they fully expected the runt to give up. But not only was Blueberry able to carry the box, he also carried a veritable mountain of treasure, surprising everyone present with an odd talent for carrying things.

After getting both their unconscious fighter, and their loot out, the Naiad begged the Pathfinders to let him help out- Clearly he proved his worth! Seeing his eagerness to adventure, the Pathfinders eventually break- And after finishing their assignment, Young Blueberry traveled out beyond the reaches of his misty, lakeside home. Once a simple fey frolicking his days away, Blueberry was now a squire! And time would only hone and develop his growing skills and passion for adventure.

Heading to Rappan Athuk:
"And were was I..? Ah yes- After I got arrested- Again, those Cheliaxian goofballs wanted to damn my soul! Yea, no kidding! Steal some wallets and your a thief. Steal all the bells hanging in their Asmodean churches and suddenly your a religious terrorist mocking the Prince of Hell! It's not my fault their belfry's are so... Unguarded!" With a grin, the Naiad continues polishing his boots: Nice black leather capable of handling the ickiest marshes, and the grossest sewers. "It's not like they were wrong though. I did have a rather lucrative job smuggling in Silver holy symbols- And none to gods the Cheliaxian government would approve of. So, once I managed to break out of jail, I figured I needed to lie low for a little, you hear? That's when I heard that spicey things were happening in Rappan Athuk- Have I mentioned my undying fondness for ruins? Super cool! So ancient and mysterious... Basically a vacation while things simmer down in Cheliax! A vacation of death and despair! It's been awhile sense I've had any real excitement!... Though that Pit Fiend incident three years back is a modest exception." The Naiad keeps talking: It's unclear if he lacks the social awareness to be more considerate to his companions, or if he's intentionally egging on the Cheliaxian lady. Either way, his enthusiasm for dungeon delving is clear! Hopefully his bark has some bite to it: For Rappan Athuk can be a cold, unforgiving dungeon- One that could snuff out his optimistic life if he isn't careful

Apologies if the Submission fluff is a little too long, or if it's a little facetious to put him interacting with the NPC's that are scheduled to have some sort of dilemma involving the submissions that are selected.

Originally he was going to be a fighter||monk gestault, but after Simon Blue-eyes helpful post describing party comp, I figured I'd modify him to be an eldritch knight. I know he's not the most min-maxed perfect Eldritch Knight, but I think he should be fine! A decent AC Arcane Caster who isn't helpless in melee, can emergency grab fallen comrades and yoink them to safer territory. (Cut your losses is a niche feat, but fantastic when it works into your action economy)

A quick question: How would you feel about a Naiad adventurer?

let's see what I have to work with.

4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 6) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 4) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 5) = 13

So... 17,15,14 and 11. I can work with this.

Dotting, am intrigued

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