The Rising Phoenix |
I plan on rolling up a wizard. Either a halfing or an undine. As im working out the details I will ask, would a decendant of a river nereid be too exotic for your tastes? To be honest i dont want to submit something with a very small chance of making the cut.
Both concepts work fine. Phaendar sits on the larger river in Nirmathas, so an it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable for one to makes its way to that area. Undines were in my accepted race list, so don't worry about it hurting your chances.
caster4life - I appreciate your words, thanks for taking the time to pop in here.
theasl |
![Medical Drone](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9085-SpiderRobot_90.jpeg)
So many druids...
Anyways, here's my submission, Isaura Prives and her mount Vasis.
Role: Mounted arcane caster! Sylvan wildblooded sorcerer with an aberrant horse companion.
It was a strange sight even for the welcoming people of Phaendar - a strange, bloodied young girl, led by a similarly strange, equally bloodied beast. The little girl and her horse, on the verge of exhaustion, were quickly taken in and their wounds treated. Over the course of a few weeks, as they improved, their story was slowly but surely revealed:
The girl, Isaura, and horse, Vasis, had been ordinary citizens of a small logging village deep in the Fangwood, living uneventful lives. Over the previous few months, there had been strange happenings in the forest around the village, and several people had gone missing. The Prives family - Isaura's family - had planned to move back out of the woods to Tamran, bringing Vasis with them, but the night before they left, mysterous creatures swept out of the woods, cruelly torturing and slaughtering the inhabitants of the village and destroying everything else that stood. Vasis and Isaura were the only ones to escape, though not without suffering severe injuries. The two, having fled in different directions on the initial attack, met by chance as they wandered the forest, travelling for a week before making it out to the plains. There, they were found by a patrol, who brought them to Phaendar.
It was clear to everyone what had happened - the Darkblight had come to the village. They were lucky to escape alive, though they had both been visibly touched by the fey. Even while hurt and nearly delirious, Isaura manifested magical powers that she later fervently denied she had had before. Much of her spare time since has been spent coming to terms with and refining her control of this magic.
After recovering, the pair were inseparable, becoming a fixture around town. Though nobody officially adopted the girl, she was given a place to stay and was welcome wherever she went. With the townspeople glad to help out anyone in need, Isaura and Vasis readily settled into their new home, and in keeping with the hospitality shown by the people of Phaendar, she pledged to help should anyone else need anything from her.
Vasis's version of events: neeeeeigh (what were you expecting? he's a horse.)
Isaura is tall and slender, with faded, sickly-looking dark green hair; a light covering of fur on some parts of her skin, especially her legs; and eyes permanently and unintentionally glowing with a sense of mischief. She doesn't attempt to hide any of these strange features, dressing as any ordinary Nirmathan woman would. She does, however, try her best to hide the dark scar she has across her chest, which inexplicably throbs painfully at times.
Despite Isaura's claim that Vasis used to be a splendid white stallion, the horse is a dark colored gelding, with a faded green coat similar to Isaura's hair, and brighter green patches on his mane and tail. His eyes glow a very slight red in the dark, and he sometimes moves in a strange, unhorselike manner.
Because of her connection to the fey, Isaura's mind is rather unorthodox, and she has trouble controlling her emotions and actions. She is no longer the playful, carefree child she had been before the attack, but she puts on the act sometimes anyways, though it rarely fools anyone. However, when it comes to Vasis, she and her steed share a deep bond, and she puts his safety above almost everything else.
Experience: Not very much. I've been playing for a few years, mostly by PbP. I've gotten pretty decent at low-level play (since most PbP games die out before finishing book 1 of an AP or the equivalent of that) but will probably have no freaking clue what's going on if we manage to make it above around 4th-5th.
The Rising Phoenix |
We already have 19 submissions which is more than enough to form a full party. We are not going to keep this open the five days I originally stated, I'm shortening it to four and ending Saturday night. Please get your submission in before the deadline. I'll do my best to get the team picked and announced on Sunday.
--> I'll be ending recruitment 21:00 EDT on Saturday 2/8. <--
Current applicants:
haydenmccullen: Front liner - Half-Orc Bloodrager/Blue Dragon - (Thuk)
incandescant: Fury Druid Themed - Druid
Dakcenturi: Front liner - (Jillian)
ScorchedOne: Ranged Support - Ranger/Hooded Champion - (Phaestan)
Tilnar: Melee - Fighter Elementalist
KnightOwl20: Skills/backup fighter - CG Half-Elf investigator - (Rowan)
Phntm888: Ranged - Half-Elf Alchemist/Bramble Brewer - (Carthas)
Jezques: Skills/Ranged Damage - LG Ranger/Trapper - (Tahlarn)
Lekkric18: Battlefield control/buffing - Dwarf Wizard - (Ulmaic)
hustonj's: Ranged Combat - Huner/Ranger/Slayer - (Barhador)
McFactoid: Ranged Damage doer/goblinoid expert - Stygian Slayer - (Darrin)
natloz: Mobile striker/trap finder/survivalist - Unchained Monk - (Markus)
PatheticWretch: Wild Shape Front liner/off tank & DPS/divine - Human Druid - (Silverback)
Magicblast: Buffing/healing/CC/melee support/skills - Human (Taldan) Leshy Warder Druid - (Ceres)
Tom G: Healing and support - Herb Witch - (Vitus)
Gummy Bear: Battlefield control/scouting/stealth/face - Feyspeaker Druid - (Casia)
Corrik: Ranged Damage/Magical Support - Nature Fang Druid - (Selde)
Clebsch73: Divine caster, healing and support - Cleric/Druid/Hunter/Ranger of Erastil - (Father Emil)
theasl: Mounted arcane caster - Sylvan wildblooded sorcerer with an aberrant horse companion - (Isaura)
Wren Chavali |
![Erilene Finch](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9263-Finch.jpg)
DM, I’d kill for a spot in a long running Ironfang Invasion game. The character I’ve submitted has been in two campaigns that have died before the first scene is even over.
She is a psychic, assuming that class is acceptable to you. However, she thinks she’s a Druid. Her abilities are gifts from her Green Faith patron, by her line of thinking. She is much more skills oriented than most arcane casters. As a Faith discipline oriented psychic, Wren can provide backup healing, and has a few nifty Divine spells added to her list!
She will handle battlefield control and some direct damage at later levels.
My background
I’ve been in a few games that have run for 2-4 years and are still going. I’ve been a party member who finished an abbreviated CotCT game on this site. I love it here and if selected, I’d be ecstatic to take any suggestions or change the character in any way you deem necessary. I’ve got the backstory in the profile of the character profile. If there are any questions, please let me know.
Thanks so much for running this for everyone, and thanks for considering me. I’d love to play in this game! Good luck with your selections.
Jak of Fangwood |
![Abra Lopati](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9063-Abra_90.jpeg)
About Me: I used to travel a lot for work, and often joined in local PFS games using meetup. I’ve a solid grasp of the game and the lore. I’ve roleplayed in plenty on other PbP games, but I’ve only a some experience on the Paizo forums. I’ve wanted to play Ironfang for a while now.
Role: Ranged support, Wildness survival expert.
Jak of Fangwood, AKA Nimble Jak.
In the same year that Gyrad Tolgrith established Fort Thorn in the Bloodsworn Vale, a raiding troop of the nascent Ironfang Legion massacred a small homestead on the edge of the Fangwood and Nesmian plain. The only survivor, a young boy named Jak, fled into the depths of the forest. For days the child wondered aimlessly, until a he came to the attention of The Green Lady.
Although she only she only appeared to him once, it was made known among the forest fey that the Glaistig considered Jak to belong to her. For two years Jak lived a wild and almost feral life in the forest. He rarely interacted with the fey directly, but their subtle protection and guidance helped the young boy survive.
Then on his sixteenth birth day, it was decided that Jak was losing his innocence and must return to the world on man. He went to sleep under and old oak deep in the Fangwood and woke the next morning outside of a Foxclaws militia camp in the Chernasardo.
At first the rangers shunned the boy as fey changeling, but when the Fangwood it’s self seemed to grow angry they learned to accepted him. This was how Jak became a member of the Nirmathi insurgency. He’s served formally and informally in various Fangwood militias. These include the infamous Foxclaws and the recently reformed Irgal’s Axe. As Ranger he’s garnered a plenty of experience conducting raids and sabotaging supply lines, and then disappearing afterward without a trace.
When not fighting, trapping and hunting he makes a living on the Tourondel and Marideth Rivers in as fisher, trader and ferryman.
Over the last several years he’s become frustrated with his nation’s inability to organize and modernize in the face of the Molthune threat. He feels that convoy raids and small scale ambushes have very little affect on the bigger picture.
Description: Jak is a young man of only twenty five. He’s a little taller than average and handsome in a rugged way but could easily blend into a crowd. He has dark brown hair, a thick beard and an athletic build.
Motivation: His time with the Fangwood militias has instilled a sense of patriotism and his history with the Ironfangs makes Jak a dedicated defender against the Hobgoblins.
Initiative +4 (+4 Dexterity)
Perception +7 (+9 against Favored Enemy: Goblinoids)
CMB: + 2[+1 BAB+1 Str]
CMD: 16 [10+ 1 BAB+1 Str+ 4Dex]
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 Hide Armor)
hp 12 (1d0 +1con+1FC)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
BAB: +1
Speed: 20 (Hide armor Reduces Base Speed from 30 ft)
Melee: 1d20+2
Longsword : 1d8, 19-20/x2, S
Ranged: 1d20+5
Composite Long Bow 1d8, x3, P 110ft
Strength 13
Dexterity 18 (16+2 Human)
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma: 10
Ability Modifiers
Strength 1
Dexterity 4
Constitution: 1
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom 2
Charisma: 0
Skill Ranks per Level: 7 (6Ranger+0Int+1HumanTrait)
Climb: +2 (1Rank+1Str+3InClass-3ArmorCheck)
Handle Animal:
Knowledge (Nature): 4 (1Rank+3inClass)
Perception 7 (1Rank+3inClass+2Wis+1Pioneer)
Ride: 5 (1Rank+4Dex+3inClass-3ArmorCheck)
Stealth 5 (1Rank+4Dex+3inClass-3ArmorCheck)
Survival 6 (1Rank+2Wis+3InClass)
List of Class Skills
Ride (Dex)
Stealth (Dex)
Perception (Wis)
Profession (Wis)
Survival (Wis)
Heal (Wis)
Climb (Str)
Swim (Str)
Craft (Int)
Handle Animal (Cha)
Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)
Knowledge (geography) (Int)
Knowledge (nature) (Int)
Spellcraft (Int)
Trait Ironfang Survivor: In his youth Jak barely survived an encounter with the Ironfang Legion, one of Molthune’s infamous monster regiments. He can’t scrub the memories of their brutality from your waking or sleeping mind, and he keenly recalls their distinctive fighting styles. He gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against goblinoids, and once per day when he attempts an Intimidate, Sense Motive, or Stealth check against a goblinoid, he can roll two dice and use the better result.
Trait Magical Knack: For a time Nimble Jak was raised by a community of Fey. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for him to understand, even as he turned his mind to other devotions and tasks.
Benefit: Jak’s caster level in ranger gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise his caster level above his current Hit Dice.
Point-Blank Shot (Combat)You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot (Combat) You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.
Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Note: Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threatens the other.
This is an example list of equipment, I will finalize if selected.
Pony, Combat Trained.
Carried by Jak of Fangwood
flint and steel
fish hook
20 Arrows
Composite Longbow
Carried by the Pony
60 Arrows
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Iridia |
![Gun Scavenger](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9268-GunScavenger.jpg)
I'm going to toss another occult submission in for consideration. Iridia is an aerokineticist who lives in the woods around Phaendar. She would pick up utility wild talents to act as a scout and communications center for the group, and will contribute mostly ranged options in combat. Should she get to the point where she gets to pick a second element it would likely be aether or earth, depending on what the needs of the group might be, again with the goal of increasing her capacity as support ranged melee and scout.
Iridia was coming back to the cabin from checking the nearby traps, traps which had been empty, putting her in a worse mood than she would normally be, when she saw the smoke rising in the horizon. Her pulse quickened and she increased her pace until she reached the clearing where her cabin should be. Instead, she saw a group of bandits laughing at the charred remains of her former home; standing over the bodies of her parents which lay there like parody piles of people, no more alive than a wooden puppet or a rabbit killed in a snare. Iridia let out a scream, and as the bandits’ heads turned they were the first ever to witness Iridia manifesting her powers. How much damage Ermilis and Letia had done before Iridia got there she never knew, but when she finally fell there was only a single bandit left. He fled the scene in terror, taking no time to see that this young elemental force was finished, but rather choosing to be sure he retained his own life for as long as he could.
When a Chernasardo ranger stopped by to investigate the smoke the next day, she found Iridia still unconscious and brought her back to town. As her family was well known, the townsfolk of Phaendar pitched in to take care of her and nursed her back to health. When she regained consciousness and told her story, omitting certain details she wasn’t yet prepared to believe herself, she saw the nods and looks of sympathy on the faces around her. That sympathy was enough to allow her to regain her health before she started to take care of herself.
With her skills in the woods she had learned from her parents, coupled with her newfound control over the air itself, Iridia managed to make a living, and eventually earn enough to hire help in building a new cabin on the spot where the bandits had burned the old one down. She gained a reputation in town as a survivor. Stubborn and tough; not to be bothered with trivial matters. She fostered this reputation where she could. Keeping her powers under wraps for the most part, because who would choose to associate with someone who could shoot blasts of air at a foe just by waving their hand, Iridia isn’t a hermit, but is comfortable by herself. She comes in to town to trade once every week or so and enjoys the company of the regulars at the tavern, but can count her close friends on one hand.
Now that the Market Festival has started Iridia is in town to enjoy herself and sell the pelts and extra dried meat she’s accumulated over the summer. She has no idea that her life is about to change dramatically for the second time.
Trait-wise she's going with Unbreakable survivor from the campaign, and there's more crunch to sort out which I'll put in the character sheet over the next couple days.
Rabscuttle |
Role: Heals and Buffs plus some melee.
Rough concept: Cleric of Gozreh, Plant and Weather domains. Elf or Half-elf, I think. The character is a long-time wanderer, but has temporarily settled down on the outskirts of town or nearby wilderness for the past few months. They work as a general healer when they stop in town (will take Frontier Healer trait) - otherwise they are spending their time exploring/investigating the natural sites nearby.
Me: I've been playing Pathfinder since.. 2012ish. GMd Kingmaker for a year or two. Have been playing PbP on the boards for maybe half a year now, I'm in a handful of games.
Jagael |
I've been mulling over this for the last couple of days. I realized recently, I have never actually played a dwarf. After reading the Ironfang PG, I thought this might be a good time to bring one forward.
Role: A follower of Torag, Haldan sees himself as a defender so he places himself on the front lines to be the shield for those who are not as resilient. What kind of a dwarf would he be if he was not also a stonemason and jeweler? Depending on which class he pursues, Haldan would also be a healer for the party.
I am trying to decide whether to pursue fighter, cleric, or blend them with warpriest. If he goes fighter, he would probably prc into Stalwart Defender at some point down the line.
Concept: Hailing from Kraggodan*, Haldan was serving with a small mercenary company in the war. When his contract came to end, Holdan found it impossible to return home and fell in with a caravan of traders. Making a living by selling his own creations, Haldan keeps an eye out for other dwarves and followers of Torag for information and companionship while he waits for the opportunity to return to Kraggodan.
*Taking the Kraggodan Castaway campaign trait.
Experience: I've been focusing on Pathfinder for 3 or 4 years now. Relatively recent to PbP. I started with a Kingmaker game on myth-weavers back in March (we're in Book II now) and have joined two other ongoing games since then as a replacement player.
I normally check in and post 3-4 times throughout the day during breaks. Nights are mostly free for me, though it's normally 9 or later EST before I can devote time to long posts.
GM ShadowLord |
![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
Thank you Wren, Jak, Iridia, Rabscuttle and Jagael for your applications!
Oof. You guys aren't going to make this easy on me. We're now up to 24 applications. Thank you everyone for your interest!
haydenmccullen: Front liner - Half-Orc Bloodrager/Blue Dragon - (Thuk)
incandescant: Fury Druid Themed - Druid
Dakcenturi: Front liner - (Jillian)
ScorchedOne: Ranged Support - Ranger/Hooded Champion - (Phaestan)
Tilnar: Melee - Fighter Elementalist
KnightOwl20: Skills/backup fighter - CG Half-Elf investigator - (Rowan)
Phntm888: Ranged - Half-Elf Alchemist/Bramble Brewer - (Carthas)
Jezques: Skills/Ranged Damage - LG Ranger/Trapper - (Tahlarn)
Lekkric18: Battlefield control/buffing - Dwarf Wizard - (Ulmaic)
hustonj's: Ranged Combat - Huner/Ranger/Slayer - (Barhador)
McFactoid: Ranged Damage doer/goblinoid expert - Stygian Slayer - (Darrin)
natloz: Mobile striker/trap finder/survivalist - Unchained Monk - (Markus)
PatheticWretch: Wild Shape Front liner/off tank & DPS/divine - Human Druid - (Silverback)
Magicblast: Buffing/healing/CC/melee support/skills - Human (Taldan) Leshy Warder Druid - (Ceres)
Tom G: Healing and support - Herb Witch - (Vitus)
Gummy Bear: Battlefield control/scouting/stealth/face - Feyspeaker Druid - (Casia)
Corrik: Ranged Damage/Magical Support - Nature Fang Druid - (Selde)
Clebsch73: Divine caster, healing and support - Cleric/Druid/Hunter/Ranger of Erastil - (Father Emil)
theasl: Mounted arcane caster - Sylvan wildblooded sorcerer with an aberrant horse companion - (Isaura)
Gerald: Aracane/skills/backup heals/battlefield control - Psychic - (Wren)
johnnygeeksheek: Ranged support/ wilderness survival - - (Jak)
Zorblag: scout/comms/ranged options - aerokineticist - (Iridia)
Rabscuttle: heals/buffs/melee - cleric of gozreh
Jagael: front line defeneder/healer - Dwarf fighter/cleric/warpriest - (Haldan)
Caspan Saal |
![Horgus Gwerm](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9073-Horgus_90.jpeg)
This is motteditor, with my submission.
1. Done.
2. In combat, Caspan would serve as a frontline melee fighter (I know, it's a crowded competition for that role). Out of combat, I think he was serve as a sort of moral compass, and hopefully provide some levity. I expect him to play as a brawler throughout, though I like to be open to seeing where developments take my characters. (The crunch in this profile isn't finished quite yet, though it's a start of where I think I'm going with it.)
Things are often not what they seem. Take the story of Caspan Saal, for example.
Despite being remembered by almost no one in Phaendar, he is nonetheless a hero. He was born in the village, the only son of a pair of popular former adventurers who made their home there. But when he was no older than 9, they set out to visit Tamran. On the way, they were ambushed by bandits, who left the whole family for dead. But Caspan survived, and though he would be raised by his aunt in the capital, his story made its way back "home," where the boy because celebrated as a symbol of Nirmathan tenacity.
Things are often not what they seem: Though he was a hero, Caspan Saal spent time in prison. Captured while spying in Molthune, he was quickly placed behind a prison's heavy stone walls, destined to never taste freedom again. Even there -- officially a villain as far as the populace was concerned -- Caspan Saal acted the hero, striving to make the world around him a better place, no matter that the extent of his world was reduced to a small cell and single cellmate -- a barely literate thug with little sense of right vs. wrong, who had been caught providing muscle for a ring of criminals in the Sweet Orchard section of Canorate. He taught him about the freedoms of Nirmathas, where a man can stand on his own two feet and not have to live under such a rigid system that trapped him in the role of laborer.
So great was his heroism that when the thug's erstwhile accomplices sent knives in the night -- determined to make sure he didn't reveal their identities and land them in the dank dungeon -- Caspan fought at his cellmate's side. And though the pair were able to fight off the attackers, it wasn't without injuries: Both were left battered and bloody, the man dying there that night in the cell in the City of Masks. And when the jailers who had looked away the previous night arrived the next morning to find the blood-spattered cell, no one was in a hurry to ask too many questions -- about what happened or who would bear responsibility for the death in the supposedly secure cell -- as they rushed their prisoner out of the city, where he couldn't reveal what had happened.
Finding himself free but at risk of death if he stayed in Moltune, Caspan Saal headed back "home" to Phaendar to spend some time where he wouldn't have his life in constant danger. Determined not to forget the man who gave his life in the cell, he vowed to be a better person, paying forward the sacrifice that saved his life and earned his freedom.
Things are often not what they seem, and Caspal Saal doesn't look like a hero. He is a big, beefy man who bears little resemblance to the child who left Phaendar two decades earlier. He seems weathered by his experiences in prison, with a few scars and his skin paled by his time in the facility. His hands are calloused, those of a man accustomed to using them regularly.
3. I've been playing Pathfinder for years now, as well as doing some freelance game design in it (including a half-dozen products for Paizo). I like playing with new rules options, though I don't consider myself an optimizer -- I want to pick feats and abilities that make sense for the character. I've been doing play by post since 2010, I think? I both run (as mentioned I've got an Ironfang Invasion game going myself), and play and think I've got a consisted presence and collaborative, pushing post style.
Sbodd |
Krusk, half-orc Skald:
Party Role: As a Skald, Krusk would be a front liner, providing buffs to the party's melee contingent, swinging a greatsword along with them, along with some buff and utility spellcasting. Can also be a face as needed.
Krusk is a native of Nirmathas. He grew up in Tamran, a child of half orc parents who had settled there. His parents made enough to keep them all fed, but not much more than that. He spent his time listening to any bard, troubador, or performer who came through with heroic tales.
On reaching adulthood, he signed up with the Chernasardo rangers; his knack for capturing his comrades' deeds in poetry and song is helping him make quick friends, and the magic he's learned to put into his songs is handy once the time for stealth has passed.
I've played and run Pathfinder since the initial playtest, mostly custom scenarios with a home group. It's been a few years since I've played heavily. I know the core rules quite well, the later splats less so.
I've been active on these forums for a few years now; had one game of Dungeon World (my Belym alias) that ran for three years, and a bunch of others that have been shorter.
I'm on the forums at least once basically every day.
Iridia |
![Gun Scavenger](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9268-GunScavenger.jpg)
Iridia's crunch is largely done at this point, and I realized that I hadn't talked about myself as a player in the last post.
I've been active on the boards here for about 6 months, and while there are busy stretches where I don't get a post in for a day or two (because we've all got lives, and mine involves both a teaching schedule with spikes at times and two young children at home,) I mostly have the chance to check a couple times a day and post in my games. Historically I've been playing RPGs since the mid 80s, though I've not been particularly active at them for the past couple decades until this year. I enjoy the RP element of the game and do try to get into my characters' heads and have them react to situations in a consistent way.
If you have any questions about either myself or Iridia, do feel free to ask. Thanks for running the game and the chance to apply! Looks like you've got quite the list to go through.
Jak of Fangwood |
![Abra Lopati](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9063-Abra_90.jpeg)
I've been lurking for a while and I get the sense that ratio of players to GMs is much greater than 6:1. I think this imbalance is exacerbated by the fact that most of the players want a Pathfinder AP and most of the GMs want to GM something else.
So when you offer one of the more popular APs you get rushed :)
I've been waiting a month for ANY new AP to pop up on recruitment and this has been the first. The few others were looking for replacement players or GMs and closed recruitment within hours.
GM ShadowLord |
![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
Welcome Caspan, Sbodd and Iridia!
I've spent a considerable amount of time working through applications today as I try to group players and form a [color=red]druid[/color] party from all of the applications. I feel pretty confident I'll be ready by the end of this weekend with selections. If you haven't posted yours yet, you've got about a day left!
Haha enough Druids to form a party of them.
Ha! A fleeting thought crossed my mind of picking an all druid party as a second table, but I don't think that is going to happen.
GM ShadowLord |
![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
*lawls* second time i wasnt put on the list. A sign? Perhaps but building charectors is fun regardless :P
Whoops! There are more than 25 applications now, c'mon! I was destined to overlook someone.
... and I'd like to offer a warm, overdue welcome to TheNine! Thank you for your repeated persistence.
SteelGuts |
This AP seems to be very promising, here is my submission:
Gromrik Ranfulsson, Dwarf Brawler (Constructed Pugilist) CG with the Kraggodan Castaway trait.
Role: Frontliner with a bit of control, and Crafter if the time and the adventure give me the opportunity.
Background: Borned and raised in Kraggodan, Gromrik was supposed to become a Cleric of Torag, if it wasn't for his lack of commitment to the principles of the faith and his undisciplined mind (Well, if you ask to other Dwarfs).
When the other acolytes were studying old religous books, Gromrik was spending his time at the tavern, brawling, drinking and arm wrestling anyone passing by. The only place were he felt at home was the forge, where all his crazy ideas could come to life.
Wasting his time in a vocation that was not for him, he left Kraggodan, serving as a mercenary and smith for hire. During one of his first mission, he lost an arm to a Hobgoblin mercenary working for the Molthune.
His body was broken, but not his mind. He spent two years working on a prosthetic that could replace his lost member. Working with only one hand, inspired by the Druids and their ability to shape the wood and the lessons of the Dwarfs smiths, he created a new kind of weapon.
Since then, he settled in Phaender, where he is hoping that his inventions will be able to help those that magic can't.
Experience: I play D&D 3.5, 5E, Pathfinder and other RPGs since I am 14, and today I am 26. As a DM and player. I never had the chance to really try PbP, because the games always quickly died. English is not my native language, so I always double check to be sure that I don't make any mistakes, but I think you should know. I can post a few times each day.
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![Mounted Paladin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06_MountedPaladin.jpg)
TheNine wrote:*lawls* second time i wasnt put on the list. A sign? Perhaps but building charectors is fun regardless :PWhoops! There are more than 25 applications now, c'mon! I was destined to overlook someone.
... and I'd like to offer a warm, overdue welcome to TheNine! Thank you for your repeated persistence.
No worries! You are correct you have a lot of good submissions, im not upset at all. :)
KnightOwl20 |
Corrik wrote:Haha enough Druids to form a party of them.Ha! A fleeting thought crossed my mind of picking an all druid party as a second table, but I don't think that is going to happen.
An all druid party would be very fun though! Pathfinder 2 < Pathfinder Zoo
On a more serious note, good luck to all the other applicants and may the best druid win!
Corrik |
GM ShadowLord wrote:
Corrik wrote:Haha enough Druids to form a party of them.Ha! A fleeting thought crossed my mind of picking an all druid party as a second table, but I don't think that is going to happen.
An all druid party would be very fun though! Pathfinder 2 < Pathfinder Zoo
On a more serious note, good luck to all the other applicants and may the best druid win!
Especially considering everyone went in a different direction for the druid. Would make for a very interesting party.
GM ShadowLord |
![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
Welcome SteelGuts!
There are now 29 applications submitted and 25 hours to applications close.
haydenmccullen: Front liner - Half-Orc Bloodrager/Blue Dragon - (Thuk)
incandescant: Fury Druid Themed - Druid
Dakcenturi: Front liner - (Jillian)
ScorchedOne: Ranged Support - Ranger/Hooded Champion - (Phaestan)
Tilnar: Melee - Fighter Elementalist
KnightOwl20: Skills/backup fighter - CG Half-Elf investigator - (Rowan)
Phntm888: Ranged - Half-Elf Alchemist/Bramble Brewer - (Carthas)
Jezques: Skills/Ranged Damage - LG Ranger/Trapper - (Tahlarn)
Lekkric18: Battlefield control/buffing - Dwarf Wizard - (Ulmaic)
hustonj's: Ranged Combat - Huner/Ranger/Slayer - (Barhador)
McFactoid: Ranged Damage doer/goblinoid expert - Stygian Slayer - (Darrin)
natloz: Mobile striker/trap finder/survivalist - Unchained Monk - (Markus)
PatheticWretch: Wild Shape Front liner/off tank & DPS/divine - Human Druid - (Silverback)
Magicblast: Buffing/healing/CC/melee support/skills - Human (Taldan) Leshy Warder Druid - (Ceres)
Tom G: Healing and support - Herb Witch - (Vitus)
Gummy Bear: Battlefield control/scouting/stealth/face - Feyspeaker Druid - (Casia)
Corrik: Ranged Damage/Magical Support - Nature Fang Druid - (Selde)
Clebsch73: Divine caster, healing and support - Cleric/Druid/Hunter/Ranger of Erastil - (Father Emil)
theasl: Mounted arcane caster - Sylvan wildblooded sorcerer with an aberrant horse companion - (Isaura)
Gerald: Aracane/skills/backup heals/battlefield control - Psychic - (Wren)
johnnygeeksheek: Ranged support/ wilderness survival - - (Jak)
Zorblag: scout/comms/ranged options - aerokineticist - (Iridia)
Rabscuttle: heals/buffs/melee - cleric of gozreh
Jagael: front line defeneder/healer - Dwarf fighter/cleric/warpriest - (Haldan)
motteditor: Frontliner - Half-Orc Brawler - (Caspan)
Steelguts: Frontliner with CC - Dwarf Puugilist/Constructed Pugilist - (Gromrik)
Sbodd: Front Liner/Buffer/Utility Caster - Half-Orc Skald - (Krusk)
TheNine: Arcane Caster - Undine Wizard
Hjorleaf Asvidrson |
![Villamar Koth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9035-Villamor.jpg)
Need to fix the Background and I think that is all.
1) Done
2) Role in the party: Fighter
2) Background needs a little tweaking but for the most part is ready to go. Why are you in Phaendar: Working on that right now.
3) I have been playing D&D for a very long time (Basic Rules: Red box) Have been playing Pathfinder for several years now along with PBP. Being a stay at home parent does not give me much time to sit down and game anymore. So I got into PBP games which allow me to play around my responsibilities as a parent.
Acesy Aelln |
This will be the nine's Wizard. Filling in all the pertinant data now. I do have a quick question, Are you allowing alternate racial traits? Specifically in this case to match with my Unbreakable Survivor trait :Hydrated Vitality: An undine with this racial trait gains fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime she submerges completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. The undine can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces water affinity.
Father Emil |
![Azmur Kell](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9542-Philo_90.jpeg)
If there is an embarresment of Druids to choose from but you like the concept for Father Emil, I think the character concept would work as a Hunter, being a cross between a druid and a ranger. He would still be old enough to be the father of most PCs (and maybe other PCs would want to stipulate that).
And he would still have no interest in the life of a typical adventurer, viewing them as murder hobos, lacking the maturity to commit to a community and devote life to enriching others, not just themselves. In some ways, the Hunter would be easier to set up with the initial skill set I envision. I'll put some of the details in the crunch spoiler in his profile.
GM ShadowLord |
![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
Welcome Hjorleaf, thank you for your submission.
Are you allowing alternate racial traits? Specifically in this case to match with my Unbreakable Survivor trait :Hydrated Vitality:
Sure. I have no qualms with it.
I'll put some of the details in the crunch spoiler in his profile.
Noted. Thanks for the flexibility.
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Sounds like a great adventure path! I'd like to do a submission as well:
Character name: Rean Osbourne
Rean is a squire from Lastwall, originallyy from Vigil but stationed at Castle Everstand. He is one of the sons of a famous and respected, but not necessarily loved, knight named the 'Blood and Iron chevallier'. There are rumors abound that his father one day intends to become the next Marshall Lord of Lastwall, feeling the current one is too young at age 22. However, as far as Rean knows, these are just rumors and nothing has ever come of this.
After enlisting like the rest of his Family, Rean found himself stationed at castle Everstand where he completed the initial stages of his training under the mentorship of Sir Yuan Ka-fai, a Tien volounteer Swordsman and member of Iomedae's paladin order. Here, he learned the beginnings of some more esoteric fighting styles aside from the more traditional knighly ones.
However, things were not good at the front. Faced with seemingly endless Orcish raiding parties and outnumbered in almost every single skirmish, casualties were high. And since the capital did not approve of the plan to go on the offensive, something else had to be done. Thus, an idea was formed: what if their tactics could be improved? Legends of the Nirmathas skirmisher/geurillia forces were abound, of how they constantly managed to repel large invading armies despite having no centralised government and being just as outnumbered as Latswall's defenders.
To this end, Rean, his mentor and a small group of accompanying experienced knights were dispatched to make contact with the Nirmathas ranger corps of the Chernasardo Hopeful. The idea was to further diplomatic ties and to learn some of their techniques to later take back to the front.
Then disaster struck.
What was supposed to be a diplomatic meeting with the rangers turned out to be an ambush by the Ironfang legion. Rean only escaped at the express insistance of his mentor that he fled to warn any surrounding surrounding settlements and get word back to the homefront.
Bloodied, beaten and demoralised he withdrew, wondering how things had gone so wrong and why, and if anyone else would still be alive. He pulled a crude-looking arrow from the rolled-up map and saw a small village named 'Phaendar' supposedly nearby. He steeled himself and tried to hurry. Maybe he could make it in time to warn whoever lived there, and/or ask the inhabitants for help...
The above story was made to provide some additional possible plot hooks for the GM and I'll go along with anything the GM thinks is fun and best suits the campaign for any potential tie-ins. Rean's primary motivations for staying would be trying to confirm if any of the other knights from lastwall are still alive and to defend the people and the country to the best of ability, as both a paladin of Iomedae and as a knight of Lastwall. Since, if Lastwall's southern neighbor falls, the country would be almost completely surrounded by enemies. His final motivation would be to find out why the ambush occured; were they betrayed? If so, by who and why?
Some indication of personality: I envision him to be kind and to try and do the right thing. However, he is also young, naive and, deep down inside, perhaps scared of the enemy following the massacre that the ambush was. Can he really be a symbol of inspiration and/or leader being the only one to flee the battle, even if it was on his mentor's insistance?
Intended classes: Human or Aasimar Paladin with a swashbuckler and bloodrager dip. The dips help to protect allies or increase teamwork capacities.
Intended role: Str/Cha sword and board party tank. Not as boring as it might sound, since he focusses on a variety of abilities like shield other, opening strike, slash from the air/smash from the sky and good hope (late in the campaign assuming we get there) to buff allies, prevent ranged attacks directed at adjacent party members, redirect damage from allies to himself and occasionally grant melee allies additional attacks. He is very teamwork-oriented and less designed for personal glory.
He is a bit out of his element in the wilds since he isn't a druid or specifically made to excel in the woods, but it looks like those things are more than covered by the druid armies also in application :) He will be taking the Ironfang Survivor campaign trait.
About me as a player: I've never done a play by post before, but I have played pathfinder for around 1.5 years and my grasp of the rules is solid. I will always defer to GM-rulings on any potential rule debates since I really dislike those and it detracts from the roleplaying/story. I am eager to try this format for three reasons: First, the idea of the campaign sounds great. Second, I have less time to fully commit evenings to roleplaying since we have to take care of a baby now, but I should be able to post regularly during the day whenever there is time. Lastly, I am a hobby writer and I am very interested to see how this would play out, as it would essentially be a story written by +/- 7 people. That seems like a great writing excersice if nothing else :D
Well, I hope I get through the selection! Have a nice weekend.