About Hjorleaf AsvidrsonHjorleaf Asvidrson
Attributes STR 17 (+3) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0) Offense
Great Axe
Throwing Axe (range 10ft)
Touch: 12 (10 Base +2 Dex +0 Armor +0 Natural Armor +0 Deflection +0 Magical) Flat-Footed: 14 (10 Base +0 Dex +4 Armor +0 Natural Armor +0 Deflection +0 Magical) Ice Coat (Armor Bonus +4 Max Dex +3 Check Penalty -2 Speed 20 Weight 24
Fort: +4 (+2 Base +2 Con)
Fighter Per Level: 5 (2 Base + 0 Int +1 Human + Background Skills): 5 Background Skills: Skills List:
Blood of Giants: You’re a big person, and people have always said you’ve got some giant blood in you. Even as a child, you towered over your friends, and as you grew older, you grew even taller and stronger. Maybe your hair has a tint of blue as well, or your skin is as pale as snow. Perhaps someday you’ll get the opportunity to travel to the North and meet some real giants, and see whether the rumors about you are true. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder, and a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers. Weapons Training: +1 trait bonus on damage rolls with the following weapons: bastard sword, battleaxe, greataxe, greatsword, handaxe, light hammer, longbow, longsword, shortbow, short sword, throwing axe, and warhammer. Feats:
H Weapon Focus: Axes F Iron Will C Powerful Maneuvers FT Power Attack FT Combat Expertise FT Agile Maneuvers FT Weapon Finesse FT Deadly Aim 2 Smashing Style: Axe 3 Intimidating prowess 4 Weapon Specialization: Great Axe 5 Martial Focus:Axe Racial Abilities:
Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Class Abilities:
Fighter Bonus Feats:1 Bravery +0 Magical Items:
Potion of Cure Light Wounds X3 Ioun Torch Equipment:
Equipment: Fighter Kit *backpack *bedroll *belt pouch *flint and steel *iron pot *mess kit *50 rope *soap *trail rations (14 days) *waterskin Winter Blanket x2 Great ax Dagger Throwing Axe x2 Ice Coat Survival Kit Wine Skin (mead, Sweet)x2 Medium Tent Compass Heat Stone x3 Snow Shoes 65 GP
Back Ground:
Appearance: Height: 7'3" Weight: 302 Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blond Skin: Dark Tan Haircut: Long and braided, shaved sides Build: Wide, Large and Heavy Personality: Background: As he made his way towards the center of the village to join the meeting, Hjorleaf notice that many of the langhús were empty. He quickened his pace as he did not want to be late. The wooden door swung open to sweet aroma of food and drink being consumed. The voices were loud and carried out the door until he closed it behind him as he entered. The Jarls and Karls were arguing again, trying their best to be heard above the others. While the thralls just watched. This was the way of things as of late. Argue to the point of exhaustion with nothing that has been agreed to. It was not until Bodvar Ottarson spoke loud enough about a topic that has gain momentum over the last months. The orcs and their ilk need to be dealt with, even if we do not have the numbers to match theirs; we still need to do something. The gods are watching and they demand action. The room grew quiet but there still was some rumblings going around the room. It has been a problem for Clan Varg. The orcs of the Belkzen have gotten bold with their success against Lastwall. A Karl by the name of Ragamund stepped forward and spoke his mind on the topic.If the gods demand war with the orcs then we should give them a war. The assembled men and women all agreed in some tone or another. Still there was pause for the numbers of the humanoids has swelled greatly over the last couple of years. Now outnumbered a thousand to one, the Warriors of Clan Varg were not worried about dying. No man, woman or child cared much about dying in battle. The rewards were too great to worry about death. If one died in battle for the gods then the rewards would be great. No, what bothered the Jarls of Clan Varg was that if they failed, it would leave a path open for the orcs to come deep into Mammoth Lord lands. After several hours, it was agreed that the Varg would push the orcs away from Hillscross and back towards Wyvernsting. Many were upset by this decreed and it was whispered that a challenge for leadership might come up soon. The only other voice that came up was that of a Karl Thorvald Flokison. Perhaps there is another way to deal with the orcs. Send a small force to attack the Belkzen from the eastern border. If we do enough damage and are complete in our task..it will send a message that demons have moved against them and the filth will turn their attention to World Wound. A war on two fronts is not one they can maintain, even with their numbers. It was as if a damn of words had been breached for many tried to talk at the same time. In the end many clan warriors agreed to travel to to the eastern boarder and raid the Hold of Belkzen. The trip would take almost three months travel time to make it there. A dangerous trek to say the least. Hjorleaf was one of the volunteers. The warriors gathered their supplies and said their good byes. The traveling was rough but the group made good time within the Tusk Mountains. The gods were looking out for them as there were ample animals for food and plenty of snow for water. Then the animals started to become scarcer. Then none at all. It was as if the animals knew something was wrong and fled the area. The warriors of Clan Varg should have paid attention to the animals. Several days past by with no sign of food and the supplies were dwindling to nothing. If they did not find some food soon, they would die in the mountains. It was dusk when the orcs attacked. The warriors had set up camp for the night with their small fires that were just enough to keep from freezing but nothing more. The fire did not bring comfort to those sleeping on the ground but this was their way. The cold meal was interrupted when the orcs began their war cries. The battle was not that long as the orcs did not expect that many warriors to be present. The orcs were defeated but several Varg warriors were lost as well. A few days past by and another orc attack this one was defeated as well but again the cost of more warriors was problematic. The Varg were down to less than two dozen warriors, now this was still a fierce force to be reckoned with. The Varg warrior was worth ten common soldiers of any other kingdom. The days went by and food was almost gone. Talk of leaving the mountains to enter the Belkzen territory was becoming more and more prevalent. It was the morning hours when the Varg started to do their raids. The orcs were not used to fighting in the daytime. This was to the barbarians advantage. The small village was sacked in such a short time that it was hardly worth the effort. Supplies were taken and by mid morning the Varg had moved along to their next target. These raids went by for several weeks when the humanoids sent and army to fight back against these raids. The Varg headed back into the mountains and turn southeast towards Tamrivena. The orcs never caught up with them and continued on towards the demons. Once out of the mountains they would turn south towards Vigil. From there they would make for Korvosa across land. Then from there they would take ship for Kalsgard and from there make for home. That was the plan but it never came to be. Once in Vigil the group decide that it would be best if they made some coin on their way home. They signed on as guards on a merchant ship heading to Xer. They were paid very well, so well that they signed on to continue the journey back across the sea to Tamran. Once in Tamran they again signed on as guards to escort a caravan to the town of Phaendar. The remaining Varg took this time to relax and soon enough were ready to go home. Hjorleaf made his way to a tavern to relax and enjoy a drink or four. He was sorry for the loss of so many worthy warriors but he knew that they resided with the gods now and that they were in good hands. He ordered and sat at a table by himself and waited for his meal and drinks. He sat on the floor next to the table as was his way. The chairs were too brittle for his frame and often made one soft and too relaxed when the time for action was needed. The men of the north desired no such comforts; instead wish to feel the earth beneath their bones as true warriors. His meal arrived and he paid with silver coins and went about his business. While he ate, men and women came and went as the day went on. Often times a look was given to him but for the most part he was left alone. Alone that is until several drunk men entered the tavern, mercenaries by the look of them. As they past by one of them whispered something to another of the men. They laughed, kept walking a few steps until another one turned around and looked at Hjorleaf. Since when do they let Dwarves in here…my how the atmosphere has changed. he started to laugh at the "dwarf". Hjorleaf just stared at the men, his eyes roaming over the mercenaries. He watched them for a good amount of time, wondering when they would react to his stare. He did not have to wonder long. The speaker stepped closer to the table and continued his verbal assault. I suggest you get out of here and go join your own kind....Dwarf. The room got real quiet and Hjorleaf continued to stare. The man slammed his fist down on the table spilling the mug of mead that was there. I said get out of…. The man stops in mid sentence. Hjorleaf let his stare fall to the his mug of spilled mead and then back up at the man. His anger was there for all to see. The "dwarf" stood up from his seat at the table but it was not a dwarf nor was he sitting in a chair at the table. His full frame stood taller than any other person in the room. Looking at the mercenaries, he sees that they let their hands rest on top of their weapons. du knullet med feil vung.
Ambitions: To see all orcs split in two by his ax. To have his own name written in runes and immortalized in song.