About Acesy AellnMale Undine Wizard/Oracle 1
Feats: Combat casting:
You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled. Scribe Scroll (class):
You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price. Skills: (trained) craft ( ) +7, knowledge arcane +7, knowledge religion +7, Knowledge planes +7, Intimidate +5, Spellcraft +7 Background Skills - profession gambler +5,Linguistics + 7 Traits: Out Of Towner:
Out-of-Towner: You’re not from Riddleport originally. Whether it’s from your clothes, your mode of speech or how you carry yourself, that fact is very visible to any local who sees you. As a result, people tend to underestimate just how savvy and dangerous you can be. You’ve learned to use this tendency to your advantage, letting them think they have the upper hand until you prove otherwise in a suitably threatening display. Riddleport is said to be a city of opportunities, and you’re going to make the most of them—starting with the Gold Goblin casino’s opening gambling tournament. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one Craft or Profession skill of your choice, and a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate rolls. Intimidate is always a class skill for you. Magical Talent:
Choose a 0-level spell. Create Water. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. This spell-like ability is cast at your highest caster level gained; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1st. The spell-like ability‘s save DC is Charisma-based. Languages:Common,Aquan,Elven, Dwarven, Celestial Combat Gear:
Ability Score Racial Traits: Undines are both perceptive and agile, but tend to adapt rather than match force with force. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Strength. Type: Undines are outsiders with the native subtype. Size: Undines are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Base Speed: Undines have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a swim speed of 30 feet, can move in water without making Swim checks, and always treat Swim as a class skill. Languages: Undines begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Undines with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Defense Racial Traits Energy Resistance: Undines have cold resistance 5.
Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Undines can use hydraulic push 1/day (caster level equals the undine’s level).
Darkvision: Undines can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Water (elemental)wizard:
Arcane Bond Dagger - These objects are always masterwork quality. If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell’s level. If the object is a ring or amulet, it occupies the ring or neck slot accordingly. A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the wizard’s level.
Spells memorized
Oracles Curse Powerless Prophecy - You are forewarned of danger but can’t act to prevent it. You gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, you can’t take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions. In the absence of a surprise round, you are staggered for the entire first round of combat. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks. At 10th level, you gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using your oracle level as your rogue level. At 15th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all your saving throws and to your AC during surprise rounds and when you are otherwise unaware of an attack.
Ice Armor (Su): You can conjure armor of ice that grants you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this armor grants you DR 5/piercing. In cold conditions, the armor bonus (and DR bonus) increases by 2; in very hot conditions it decreases by 2. You can use this armor for 1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.
Spells per day 0- Infinite -
When he was twelve years old after a strange storm where green thunder blasted through the clouds and acidic rain fell...That night he had dreams of terror and fear night terrors about a terrible darkness. His father, afraid of what portents might mean, sent the boy to study under a distant relative whom was a wizard. The next 25 years of his life he spent in study under a mage who was almost as awkward and reclusive as the boy now studying under him. Still The young boy growing awkwardly into a man didn't mind, in fact he found the principles of wizardly to his liking. Even when it was hard to concentrate because he didn't sleep properly due to the occasional strange dream. They almost always started the same way, swimming in darkness, a storm raging overhead. He always felt as if he were chasing after something, some grand thing that would make everything clear if he could just grasp it... but it always seemed to slip away. His master never had answers, he always just posed questions to put the awkward youths mind spinning into more positive directions. As the years near the end of his learning tenure came to a close, the old wizard began to introduce him more and more into the secrets of the world, though the questions about his dreams remained elusive. Finally the dreams began to change, darkness was still there, but now it was intermingled with laughter, the sounds of dice, the crackling of a fire. He interpreted it that his future lay somewhere else, after all it sounded like the common room of an inn. Spellbook in hand, meager belongings with him, he traveled to the nearest inn, and out of boredom waiting for his future to happen, he took up a game of dice... and won. In fact he won a lot. Since the men whose coin he took looked sour, he moved on... and has done so ever since. He heard of the opening of a new Casino near-by with a huge opening tournament and after another dark dream made his way there for it. ----------------------
He certainly is awkward around women folk who show any interest in him. Despite his time at gambling tables and dens, his initial upbringing of books and study has left him very unsure how to react. He has however due to his time spent gambling learned how to glower and glare at any fool who decides to try and bully him due to his slight nature. |