Keolin's Reign of Winter Campaign, Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Nickadeamous

Roll20 Link
Loot List


[dice=Ragnar] 1d20-1 [/dice]
[dice=Warden] 1d20+2 [/dice]
[dice=Fang] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Droviz] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Havelock] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Krystae] 1d20+6 [/dice]
[dice=Elen] 1d20+3 [/dice]

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"It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea region. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world?"

This campaign will be run as a play-by-post following the Reign of Winter Adventure Path created by Paizo. Gameplay and die rolling will take place on this forum; Roll20 will be used for mapping purposes.

Participants will generally be expected to post at least every other day. If something comes up and you are unable to meet that quota, it's not the end of the world; depending on what is going on I may declare an action on your behalf to keep things moving. If you are going to be gone more than a few days please let me know in the discussion thread. I'm sure there will be times where I will have to be absent from time to time too; I will make sure to keep you posted in the discussion thread as well.

We will begin with the first adventure in this campaign, The Snows of Summer. I have run this module with a live group before; unfortunately I never got to do the second adventure before I moved back to the USA.

Play by post games always take far longer than face to face. There are some things we will do differently to mitigate that as much as possible. Below are some general guidelines:

1. If you are declaring an action and you know what skill or game mechanic is used, go ahead and roll it at the same time as your post. Make sure that you label your roll so I know what it is for.

2. If a roll needs to be made and there isn't a decision for you to make, I will make the roll myself. This includes saves, perception checks as well as anything else you have forgotten to roll yourself. Waiting for players to make passive rolls slows things down too much.

3. If you are making an attack roll, make a damage roll at the same time. Don't make assumptions about whether you hit or not.

4. If you roll a 1 on an attack roll, make a second roll at your highest attack bonus to confirm a critical fumble (I am using critical fumble rules). If you forget to do this I will roll it myself, so no worries.

5. When real life happens and you can't post for a while, please let me know so we don't wait for you. If you don't post after 2-3 days and we are in a non-combat, non-critical situation, you just won't say/do anything and we will move on. If we are in a combat or other critical situation and you haven't posted after 2-3 days, I will declare an action on your behalf and move on.

6. We will not be using normal initiative rules. At the beginning of each combat I will roll initiative for the players as a group, using the party's average initiative bonus. The players will act in whatever order they post during the party's turn. This will help to reduce delays because you don't have to go in a specific order.

7. Play by post is a medium that makes it easier to do deeper roleplaying. Feel free to include internal character thoughts in italics. Anything your character actually says should be in "bold text with quotes." Describe your action in detail, and when talking to NPCs feel free to ask more than one question at once. OOC (out of character) questions go to the discussion thread.

Character Creation Guidelines:

First and foremost, I want interesting characters that will do more than stab everything they run into. I had a great live group before I moved that was far beyond the "you see something and..." "we kill it! yeah!" way of thinking. They tried to talk people down instead of just trying to kill everything, and often found creative ways to defuse encounters. I really like that style of play, so I'm looking for a less hack and slash type of game. I think this style of play is particularly well suited to PbP. Don't get me wrong; I love combat too, but killing everything in sight shouldn't be the default behavior. We can't all be Belkar ;)

For your application, please include:

1. A brief background explaining why your character is in Heldren and what drove them to the adventuring life, what their motivations are, etc. Two to three paragraphs is plenty.

2. A brief description of the personality and mannerisms of your character. You should try to put enough information here that it could serve as a guide for running your character if you were unavailable.

Please put your information in spoiler tags so we can keep the thread nice and neat.


Ability scores will be generated by 20 point point buy. All Paizo core classes and base classes are permitted. All characters start at level 1 with average wealth for their class. Core races are ok; other races may be considered on a case by case basis. All official Paizo materials are ok to use for making your character; third party materials can be considered on a case by case basis. In addition to the normal starting feats characters may begin with two traits, either general traits or Reign of Winter campaign traits. See the Reign of Winter player's guide here.

In general I believe in giving players as many choices as possible. Game balance is my primary concern; if you want to do a weird character I'll probably allow it as long as it won't break the game for everyone else.

Applications are open until Sunday, August 25th. I will make the final decisions on who will get to play as soon as I can after that, but it probably won't be as fast as I would like as I am in the process of getting ready to move out of state. I've been craving Pathfinder too much lately to wait until I moved to get the ball rolling on this though.

I look forward to reading your submissions.


Dot for interest. Had an Arctic Druid concept I'll try to flesh out.

Made this dude for a different reign of winter campaign. Will adapt to your guidelines.

I have a wonderful ideal if you would let me; for a delightfully unique character. Hear me out here- Harpy oracle of Flames raised by Humans with the Tongues curse(Rendering her Voice attack Worthless in combat to anything that doesn't understand her.). Would require some tweaking, but I could assure you she would be a unique addition to your party. She would most likely be a blaster type, with the ability to off heal after combat if needed. If you like this ideal I can get to developing her, then stating her with what ever rules you have.

Here is the character I am planning to go with, if he seems too "stab first and ask questions later" for your taste, feel free to tell me so and I'll go with another.

Throwing out my interest. I'm floating between several character ideas. Either a magus, inquisitor, or just a straight up fighter. I'll decide soon.

I plan on applying but will create my background later.

This character was made for a RoW game that never really go off the ground. He's a bit of an odd background concept, but his mechanics are pretty straightforward. He's a high-strength Oracle of Bones headed toward Rage Prophet.

His backstory is a bit long, but it's a fun story. Let me know what you think.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Interested. Especially if i could get a PFS chronicle for it, what is perfectly legal if you go through the small pain to report it as a PFS game.

I´m posting quite often, as you can see in my history.

Would be considering a gnome sorcerer, either slyvan or elemental fire bloodline. Played it before in parts for PFS, but as i often GM i´m quite good at holding back player knowledge.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Planning to submit a winter witch. Just need to build it. Should have something up here after a bit.

Plenty of interest already, but I'll report mine as well just in case.
I'll have something up tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

Dotting, will likely come up with a 'slinger because that's what I really want to play in RoW. I will note that I am GMing my own pbp of RoW so I hope that's not an issue.

As of right now... I'm strongly considering the Witch Hunter archetype for inquisitor. I think it would fit in quite well in this AP. Now the question becomes... melee or ranged?

May I present Kohr for your consideration...

Details are in this profile.

Just popping in to answer questions; reviewing backgrounds probably won't happen for a bit. Moving sucks.

@Khaosclaire- while I might allow a monstrous character, harpies are off limits. Being able to fly really breaks the game at low levels.
@Hayato- I'm willing to do a PFS chronicle for it. I was unaware that RoW was approved for this. I'm not familiar with the details of using APs for PFS but we can certainly work it out.
@Dylos- as long as you can keep player and GM knowledge separate I don't mind. It's easier to do that in a PbP than in a live game, as you have time to consider the question "Would my character know this?" in more detail. Gunslinger is fine with me.
@Faelyn- a witch hunter inquisitor sounds perfect for this AP.
@Donald- a winter witch could be very interesting- instead of "all witches must burn" you might be looking for a change in management in Irrisen or something.

I will be submitting Delmond Miller

He is a common man driven towards madness by the machinations of witches. He will be working on the World Serpent Barbarian powers. Wields an Earth Breaker and has no regard for his personal safety!



I am thinking of an urban barbarian who was part of a landholder's private company of soldiers. The company was "overzealous" in pursuing outlaws and, as a result, most of them were captured and imprisoned. The PC will have escaped the law and decided to hide out in Heldren until the affair is forgotten by the authorities. To him, the odd weather and tales of Baba Yaga coming to Golarian are useful because they keep people away from the area.

As far as he is concerned, the Witch Queen is probably just a legend anyway.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Keolin Portara wrote:

Just popping in to answer questions; reviewing backgrounds probably won't happen for a bit. Moving sucks.


@Donald- a winter witch could be very interesting- instead of "all witches must burn" you might be looking for a change in management in Irrisen or something.

I had something very similar planned. Got busy at work, so haven't built character yet. Maybe have one up monday. I am going to take the "Failed Winter Witch" campaign trait. I thought that a good basic background was that the character was at one time a winter witch apprentice, but lacked the "cold-hearted nature" as a child and was cast out. The character will have been studying witchcraft alone and in secret and plans to change the views of not only the Irrisen leadership, but also of outsiders; proven that one can wield the power despite a "warmed soul".

If possible, I'd like to play samsaran as my race just so I can have access to haste. Most of my spells will be buffs or debuffs such as the witch's specialty. Will be taking Ice Patron though I know my damaging ice spells will not be very effective for a good portion of the campaign (hence buffs/debuffs). If not allowed, I'll go either elf or human.

Dotting. Thinking of submitting a Monk of the Sacred Mountain. Will have a profile complete sometime this weekend.

Dotting. Thought for this old man to take his chance for applying in.

In a pilgrimage to other countries to see more world and conduct a bit more civilization (originating from Taldor). However the real reason he is on his way appears to be something else but that to be left in secret (Apparently in search to find a way to get more closer to her goddess, which caused some ill-misunderstanding between him and higher-ranking cleric)

Galrian is an old refined man past his prime but still having the looks (like wine getting better the older it gets). Charismatic, quick-witted and ready to embark on journey whether it was by words or by foot. He has seen world from south to north, from west to east so there is a little he has missed but even still he is not knowledgeable and thus is humble, listening others and giving his wisdom when asked or required.

(Galrian is otherwise ready but there is some changes need to be done-> stats and background info due to being in another game but can be easily changed)

Dotting. Working a Kellid concept.

I would certainly be interested. I might need a little bit of help preparing my character, but yeah, I'm game. Thinking elf or human Druid character-wise.

All right! I am working up a Camel riding Emissary/Beast Rider Cavalier who will be an envoy in Irrisen. Will have full concept up in a bit.

dotting for intrest would you allow the winter mystery from People of the North? (I'm not sure if it is a pathfinder or 3rd patry published book).

I have the crunch done and will have the fluff up tomorrow.

Human (Kellid) Cavalier (Emissary, Beast Rider) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; +1 trait bonus vs. the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of evil arcane spellcasters.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +4 (1d4+3/x2) and
. . Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Lance +4 (1d8+4/x3) and
. . Nine-ring broadsword +4 (1d8+3/x3)
Ranged Shortbow +2 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks dragon's challenge +1 (1/day)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Arcane Vendetta, Mounted Combat (1/round), Rugged Northerner
Traits Classically Schooled, Warded Against Witchery
Skills Acrobatics -5, Climb -3, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Perception +5, Ride -1, Spellcraft +5 (+6 to identify spells cast by evil arcane spellcasters.), Stealth -5, Survival +5 (+6 to provide food and water for allies or to protect allies from harsh weather), Swim -3; Racial Modifiers +6 ride while riding your bonded mount., dragon's skills
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ animal companion link, orders (order of the dragon)
Other Gear Scale mail, Heavy wooden shield, Arrows (20), Dagger, Lance, Nine-ring broadsword, Shortbow, Flint and steel, Signal horn, Snow goggles, 11 GP, 3 SP
Special Abilities
+6 Ride while riding your bonded mount. (Ex) Cancel your armor check penalty of -6 while riding your mount.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Arcane Vendetta +2 bonus on damage vs. arcane spellcasters
Dragon's Challenge +1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, allies gain +1 to hit the target of your challenge.
Dragon's Skills +1 (Ex) +1 to Survival checks for allies.
Mounted Combat (1/round) Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Rugged Northerner Frostbite, hypothermia, and extreme cold effects lessened
Snow goggles +8 save vs. visual effects, -4 sight-based Perception & all foes have 20% concealment.
Warded Against Witchery +1 to spellcraft to ID spells of evil arcane spellcasters, +1 to save vs thier spells and abilities.

Sovereign Court

Querek, Elven Transmuter


Querek came to Heldren to make a few purchases of Taldor-style sculpture. He catalogues styles of statues, carvings, and stonework from different cultural centers and collects what he wants to keep in his small study at his academy. He's always looking predisposed and keeps to himself. When his head is not in a book he is putting the final touches on one of his stonecarvings he's had for decades. Much like the stones he collects, Querek is slow to change unless outside pressures dictate otherwise. A few would be thieves have been knocked about thoroughly when trying to pry into his belongings. With a gesture of his closed fist the pilfers become laid out, only getting up when they found it safe to flee. Querek has heard rumors of ancient ruins and has become curious of their stoneworking. He is looking for others who are venturing outside of the usual trade routes...

Init +3;
Perception +1
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 . (+1 nat armor, +3 Dex)
HP 9 (6+3 Toughness)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1

-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------

Speed 30 ft.

Chisel (Dagger): 1d4-1 (Crit: 19/20 x2)
Hammer (Club): 1d6-1 (Crit: x2)
(Thought I'd flavor him up a bit with semantics)

-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------

Str 9, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk 0; CMB -1; CMD 2


Scholar of the Ancients
Mathematical Prodigy

Craft: Stonecarving +6
Arcana +8
Engineering +7
History +7
Planes +6
Linguistics +6
Spellcraft +8
Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic, Orc, Sylvan, Gnoll, Gnome

Racial Traits: Elemental Resistance Acid (For protecting oneself from polishes and acids)
Arcane Focus
Keen Senses
Elven Magic
Low-light vision

Arcane Bond: Familiar: Tortoise +1 Nat Armor

Robes x2
Belt pouches X3

Here is the personality and crunch of Filius Hiemem (I may have to change some things for him).


Male Human Oracle 1
CN Humanoid

Mystery Winter
Deity Gozreh
Initiative +2 (+2 DEX)
Concentration +5
Perception +0


AC 19 Touch AC 12 Flat-Footed AC 17
HP 9
Current HP 9/9
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2


Speed 30ft
Melee Dagger Attack +0 (19-20x2) Damage 1d4 Type P or S Range 10ft
Melee Club Attack +0 x2 Damage 1d6 Type B
Ranged Light Crossbow Attack +2 (19-20 x2) Damage 1d8 Type P Range 80ft Ammunition Bolts (10)

Spells Known

Bonus Spells Known (and at what level learned): endure elements (2nd), frost fall (4th), sleet storm (6th), ice storm (8th), icy prison (10th), cone of cold (12th), ice body (14th), polar ray (16th), mass icy prison (18th).

0: (4) Detect Magic, Mending, Create Water, Virtue

1st: (2 + all cure spells) Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Inflict Light Wounds

Spells Per Day

1: 4 (3 + 1 from high CHA)

Str11 Dex14 Con12 Int12 Wis10 Cha18

Str11 Dex14 Con12 Int12 Wis10 Cha18

BAB +0 CMB +0 CMD 12

Favored Class Bonus: Skills = 1, Health = 0, Alternate Human Bonus= 0


lvl 1: Skill Focus (Stealth)
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus increases to +6.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.

HBF: Extra Revelation
Prerequisite: Revelation class feature.
Benefit: You gain one additional revelation. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this revelation.
Special: You can gain Extra Revelation multiple times.

Human Traits
+2 to one ability score
Medium Sized
Normal Speed
Bonus Feat
Taken Traits

Restless Wayfarer: You have long led a nomadic life—perhaps because your parents were travelers (whether roaming Varisian caravaneers or traveling merchants who traded far and wide), you belonged to a nomadic
tribe, or you ran away from home to discover the world at a young age. Some call it wanderlust, but to you the thought of new places and experiences is truly what makes life worth living, and no region catches your imagination like the windswept wilderness of the
North. You are used to getting along in unfamiliar lands and interacting with interesting new people. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. You can also speak one additional language (this does not count toward your number of languages).

Armor Expert: You have worn armor as long as you can remember, either as part of your training to become a knight's squire or simply because you were seeking to emulate a hero. Your childhood armor wasn't the real thing as far as protection, but it did encumber you as much as real armor would have, and you've grown used to moving in such suits with relative grace.
Benefit: When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit's armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.

Ranks: ( Class + Favored Class + Skilled)
Acrobatics +
Appraise +
Bluff +
Climb +
Craft* +
Diplomacy* +8
Disable Device +
Disguise +
Escape Artist +
Fly +
Handle Animal +
Heal* +
Intimidate* +
Knowledge (arcana) +
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +
Knowledge (engineering) +
Knowledge (history)* +
Knowledge (local)* +6
Knowledge (nature)* +5
Knowledge (nobility) +
Knowledge (planes)* +
Knowledge (religion)* + 5
Linguistics +
Perception +
Perform +
Profession* +
Ride +
Sense Motive* +4
Sleight of Hand +
Spellcraft* +5
Stealth* +9 (5 if wearing armor)
Survival* +
Swim +
Use Magic Device +
*Class Skill
Common, Alko, Skald,


Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends

The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile.


Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.

At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one.

At 10th level, you can make a new saving throw each minute to resist mind-affecting effects as your subconscious searches for loopholes.

At 15th level, any creature that violates its freely given word to you takes a penalty to AC, to spell resistance, and on saving throws against your attacks and abilities equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 24 hours.

Icy Skin (Ex): You gain resist cold 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level, you gain immunity to cold.

Child of Winter (Ex): You gain the constant benefit of endure elements, but only against cold temperatures. You can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow costs you only 2 squares of movement instead of 4. You can move across icy surfaces without penalty, and never need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. You leave no trail in ice or snow, and cannot be tracked (you may choose to leave a trail if you so desire). During winter months, you gain a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saving throws.

Item Price Weight
Oracle's Kit 8 GP 19 lbs
Backpack (part of kit)
Bedroll (part of kit)
Belt Pouch (part of kit)
Candles (10) (part of kit)
Flint and Steel (part of kit)
Iron Pot (part of kit)
Mess Kit (part of kit)
Soap (part of kit)
Torches (10) (part of kit)
Trail Rations (5 days) (part of kit)
Waterskin (part of kit)
Clerics Vestments 5 GP 6 lbs
Light Crossbow 35 GP 4 lbs
Bolts(10) 1 GP 1 lbs
Dagger 1 GP 1 lbs
Club 0 GP 3 lbs
Kikko 30 GP 25 lbs (+5 AC, Max DEX +4, Check Penalty -2 Speed 30ft to 20ft)
Heavy, Wooden Shield 7 GP 10 lbs (+2 AC, Max DEX -, Check Penalty -2)

Weight Load
Light Load 38
Medium Load 76
Heavey Load 115
Lift Over Head 115
Lift Off Ground 230
Drag or Push 575
Current Weight


Filius is a cheerful fellow. He seems to think that winter is a fun time because people have time to bond and get to know each other. Also, he loves to play in the snow whenever he isn't doing something pressing there he is probably in a snow drift just rolling around. While he is immensely cheerful he doesn't like it when people threaten his friends (that being said if two of his friends fight he just makes sure that no-one gets truly hurt). He enjoys making friends and does so very often, even if the person doesn't know that they have just become his friend.

Here are some questions on his build.
1)Would you allow the legalistic curse it is from Blood of Fiends?
2)The armor my character is wearing is from Ultimate Equipment is that okay?

Will have background done and up sometime tomorrow/today.

Have reseted my background and stats -> re-calculated and changed everything. 90% done and almost ready to be inspected.

The presentation is not in the norm but rather in descending order and clearly shown where each section begins




Glaive +1 1d10+1 20/3x [Special] Reach

Shortbow +1 1d6+1 20/x3 60 ft. arrow-nor [+1 atk /w arrow pc vs armor & natural]


9 (8+1 *favored class)


AC: 1 [+)
Touch: 1 [+)
FF: 10


XP:0 / 2000


Fort: +2 (+0 con)
Refl: +1 (+1 ref)
Will: +5 (+3 wis)



Initiative: +0
Movement: 30 ft.


Aura: Good

Channel Energy (Su)
Channel Energy DC 15 vs Will
Use: 5/5 per day

Domain Abilities:

Lightning Arc (Sp): 1d6+1 dmg | 6/6 use [standard action]

Touch of Good (Sp): granting a sacred bonus +1 on attack rolls,
skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round | 6/6 use [standard action]

Refreshing spells: Evening
* = Used
** = x rounds used / x originally

Daily Spells

Spells 0 lvl = DC 13
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.

Resistance:Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

Spells 1 lvl = DC 14

Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.

Doom: One subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

Domain Slot
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, plus additional protection against selected alignment


Improved Channeling: +2 to DC check [1 lvl Feat]

Selective Channeling: When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. (+2 person)[Human Feat]


World Traveler (Human): Benefit: Select one of the following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

Restless Wayfarer: Benefit: You have long led a nomadic life—
perhaps because your parents were travelers (whether roaming Varisian caravaneers or traveling merchants who traded far and wide), you belonged to a nomadic tribe, or you ran away from home to discover the world at a young age. Some call it wanderlust, but to you the thought of new places and experiences is truly what makes life worth living, and no region catches your imagination like the windswept wilderness of the North. You are used to getting along in unfamiliar lands and interacting with interesting new people. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. You can also speak one additional language (this does not count toward your number of languages).


Base: [2*level +2 Int mod +1 human] = 5

Appraise (Int):
Craft (Int):
Diplomacy (Cha): +6 (+3 class skill + 1 point + 2 cha)
Intimidate (Cha):
Knowledge (arcana) (Int):
Knowledge (history) (Int): +6 (+3 class skill + 1 point + 2 int)
Knowledge (nobility) (Int):
Knowledge (local) (Int): +7 (+3 class skill + 1 point + 2 int + 1 trait)
Knowledge (planes) (Int):
Knowledge (religion) (Int):
Knowledge (geograhpy) (Int): +7 (+3 class skill + 1 point + 2 int + 1 trait)
Linguistics (Int):
Profession (Wis):
Sense Motive (Wis): +7 (+3 class skill + 1 point + 3 wis)
Spellcraft (Int):


Holy Symbol x5 5 gp
Glaive 8 gp 10 lb
Cleric Outfit
Shortbow 30 gp 5 lb
Arrows, common (20) 3 gp 3 lb
Arrows, armor piercing (20) 3 gp 3 lb
Rope, Silk (50 ft.) 10 gp 5 lb
Back, waterproof 5 sp 5 lb
Ink x2 16 gp
Oil x2 2 sp 1 lb
Paper x5 20 sp

gold= 43,3
load= 32 lbs

Str: 12, light: <43 lbs



His appearance has been affected a lot from his journeys and activities. White hair with blue eyes, Height around 5 feet 6 in, skin tanned from the sun and hands full of calluses. Well gone now past his prime but still retaining his youthful personality and hint of that youthful comeliness he still has when willing to show and put on his best.

The clothes are mostly basic cleric outfits with mixing of colors but blue and white representing most of the time in some way. Time to time when the situation needs or Galrian feels like it, he will carry his glaive on his back.

@Donald- Samsaran is fine.
@Void Dragon- People of the North is fine, Blood of Fiends is Fine, and Ultimate Equipment is fine.

Basically any Paizo material is approved by default. If you use something that isn't core, please include a link to whatever you are using on d20pfsrd since I don't have all of the books.

Before I am done with my concept, I have one question, what about the Tengu race? It's not very vital, but I have always wanted to try playing one once.

link to winter mystery. (the icy skin revelation is semi-hard to find as it is after the ice shape revelation, but it doesn't have a return so it is on the tail end of that revelation).
link to Legalistic curse (and some other curses too).

@BoggBear- Tengu are approved for PC play in this campaign.
@Void- Legalistic looks interesting. Winter mystery is fine. Be aware though- this campaign has a lot of monsters that are immune to cold.

This the character I plan to use if chosen. Crunch is the profile.

Khar-Zan is a powerful and quick man bent on one day mastering the mammoth. For the time being he is content to work over those who refuse to yield with the aid of his mighty bactrian camel, Baka. Working as a guide and envoy to traders using the trade route through the Tusk Mountains, Khar-zan has found himself in the south of Taldor just having escorted his most current wards returning from Tian Xia.
A strong and passionate man, but not given to ridiculous out burst or careless behavior. Khar-Zan will give quarter when it is due, yet will lay those who have harmed him or his friend Baka low. Suspicious of magic and trained to hunt those who use it, the warrior is capable of hiding this important fact till it is too late.

I have this crossblooded sorceror boreal/verdant I'd like to submit.
I plan to go some sort of arcane archer route.

Ghalzudel was born into a dwindling family of recluses... Kyonin outcasts of an impure elven heritage living in an isolated grove in Venduran Forest. As his elders had resigned themselves to the end of the bloodline, his birth was not celebrated.
During the last few of the nearly twenty years of solitude - which came with the passing of the last elder, a human settlement sprung up on th edge of his family's grove. They had apparently been lured by the natural resources of the land.. now left unused.
He watched them from afar, and was unaware of the stories which spread about him. A few episodes of danger to the settlers turned Ghalzudel from furtive observer to rescuer, and afterward he would disappear again. His enigmatic benevolence had driven the humans to include Ghalzudel in the prayers to their many gods. For Ghalzudel, seeing the determined people fight to survive, and thrive on the expectation of a better tomorrow... was a spiritual experience. He would do everything in his power to protect that spark of life.
The winters became more harsh each year. The settlers left in small groups at first, then the last made the decision to abandon their settlement. Ghalzudel could not bear to be alone again. He gifted the settlers the remainder of his families resources, and traveled with them to Heldren.


Ghalzudel is unintentionally eccentric in behavior and dramatic in speech. He enjoys vitality in people... becomes enthralled by song, and art which evoke passions. He has a little difficulty with subtext, but he is learning... sometimes stating out loud he understands what is "not being said".
Killing is not taken lightly, and should be swift.
Tanglevine gives transgressors time to submit, the bow and the words he speaks to empower it are for quickly dealing death.

Here then for your perusal is a certain Tengu Alchemist, notorious for many things, some of them good.

This is a very interesting set up me and my brother are looking for a good game we can get behind I'm moving away from family and this only way we can play now so I will tell him of this game but we are looking to play 2 dwarf cousins (fighters dabbling in team work feats) I will have more drawn up soon but sounds extremely interesting

Here is the alias of Filius and here is his backstory. (Void Dragon)


Filius was born in one of the worst winters the Ulfen had ever experienced. He had black hair and the bluest eyes anyone in the village had ever seen. Soon after his birth the winter ended and the never-ending task of rebuilding the village began. It was in this environment that Filius and his sister Ingred grew up.

Filius was expected to become a great Viking warrior or maybe a Skald, but he never had the strength to fight, and he scared away anybody with his musical "talent". His sister on the other hand was firmly in the Viking group as she was always able to beat not only other children her age, but also children 3-4 years older. Her only flaw was that she couldn't find north if her life depended on it. While she was already getting ready for the joining ceremony, Filius was on the verge of joining either group because of how well he took to armor, and because he could get everybody to do almost anything for him. His parents were sure that he wouldn't be a warrior like his sister, but he might just be a leader due to his friend making abilities.

His greatest achievement was destroying the old feud between the Hammerfells, and the Beerbreaths. He did through an ability to ruthlessly make "friends" of those who refused to be his friends. When they saw him swearing oath after oath to get the families to stop fighting, and getting sick every time he failed made them finally decide to end the feud (that and he was costing them a fortune in new fur rugs). With this seemingly impossible task under his belt they started calling him Oath-Maker as his byname, but his byname was to change all to soon.

On his 15th birthday Filius found that winter had suck up on the entire village. He and his family thought that this was no problem until they found out that Ingred was missing. Filius vowed to get her back home safely and went out to find her. He traveled throughout the village and beyond looking for his sister and when he finally found her he was overjoyed. She had become lost in a blizzard and needed help to get back to the village. Filius traveled with her back to the village, but was unable to get her fully there as a snow bear attacked. Sending his sister home Filius prepared to die, but after the bear knocked him unconscious he was not eaten. Instead, he was left for the cold hands of winter to finish the job, but Filius didn't die he stayed there in the snow with his eyes open until it seemed that they had devoured everything they could of winter. When he finally came back to his village he found that most people had thought him dead and were happy for his survival. Until, they saw his eyes of course. With his long stay in the winter his eyes had changed from blue to pure uncaring white. It was from these eyes that his new byname was created WinterBorn.

With this new name on his head Filius decided to go and wander the world experiencing every winter he could. He spent the next 3 years of his life traveling finding that he survived winter better than summer. Even though he likes winter he has never stopped making friends and he will jokingly claim "My hearts the only thing that kept me from freezing all these years". He now travels to ~insert name of starting village here~ in the hopes of making even more friends.

I'm sorry to say I do have one more question. What is the starting village for this adventure?

Keolin Portara wrote:

@BoggBear- Tengu are approved for PC play in this campaign.

@Void- Legalistic looks interesting. Winter mystery is fine. Be aware though- this campaign has a lot of monsters that are immune to cold.

While there may be a lot of monster immune to cold in this campaign I picked winter mainly because it fit with the setting, and there is like only one spell for oracles to learn that does cold damage. All the other cold damage spells I will be learning from my mystery, and this is a good reason not to want to fight. If all of my spells are gong to be useless, why not be diplomatic ;)

So, I have this witch, she was playing in a game of Slumbering Tsar that ended very early. She has ties to the northlands in her background, and I could rebuild her to Level 1 and 20 PB pretty easily. I think I'd choose the winter witch archetype with the Trickery patron, although I might change that prior to the beginning of the adventure once I see who else is playing.

Elen left Kyonin early in her life (for an elf) and traveled around the world, literally -- through the Keleshite Empire, into Tian Xia, and over the crown of the World, and came to the Land of the Linnorm Kings, where a pair of witches invited her into a coven. (This would be when she took her first level in Witch.) Despite her greater age and experience, they found a profound innocence in her spirit, as well as that she had never had any sexual experience, which qualified her to be the Maiden to their Mother and Crone.

Eventually Estrid, the Crone, died, and Freyid, the Mother, would have moved into that position, but without any prospect of children, Elen could not become the Mother, and no other witches were immediately available. So, the coven ended under amiable conditions, and Elen left, her cat Frostwhiskers travelling with her.

(The possibility of Elen seducing a local human and becoming a mother of a half-elven child was briefly raised, but Elen absolutely refused. She is a romantic at heart and wants to find the person for whom her love is written in the stars. Incidentally, like many elves she is equally open to that person being male or female.)

She took passage on a boat heading to Taldor, and from there traveled north with the general plan of returning to her homeland. This travel has brought her to Heldren at the beginning of the adventure.

So me, HayatoKen, applies with this pretty little character.
Statistics, backstory and everything you can see under the alias profile.

Alternatively like i said i would play


Unnamed Hero
Female Human (Kellid) Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +4; Senses Perception +0
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 14 (1d6+8)
Fort +3 (+5 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/x2) and
. . Shortspear +0 (1d6/x2)
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (4/day) Color Spray (DC 15), Endure Elements
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Resistance, Detect Magic, Light
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Boon Companion (Animal Companion), Eschew Materials, Tribal Scars (Bearpelt)
Traits Desperate Focus, Reactionary
Skills Bluff +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (nature) +4, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ animal companion link, hero points, mutated bloodlines (sylvan), share spells with companion
Combat Gear Scroll of - Add custom scroll -, Burning Hands (x3, Scroll of - Add custom scroll -, Infernal Healing ; Other Gear Haramaki, Dagger, Shortspear, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Cold weather outfit, Poncho, Scroll case (empty), Snowshoes, Waterskin, 8 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Boon Companion (Animal Companion) +4 levels to calc familiar/animal comp abilities (max of your HD).
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Scroll of - Add custom scroll -, Burning Hands (x3) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of - Add custom scroll -, Infernal Healing (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Snowshoes -50% walking penalty for heavy snow.
Sylvan Your magic shows a kinship to that of the beast-talkers and shapechanger fey.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

Backstory would be kind of similar to first. Perhaps i could do the gnome as a sylvan too.

Forgot to include her personality. Elen is shy and retiring, but warms up to someone once she gets to know them. (Her CHA will be 8 or 7 to reflect this lack of social comfort.) She would like to learn every language spoken on Golarion, although she realizes this is a very difficult task. She's a nerd in a lot of ways -- bookish, fascinated by reading and learning more about the world.

She has no desire to be in the thick of things. Her MO in combat is to shut her foes down from a distance. Slumber and Misfortune hexes, and battlefield control spells will be her preferred methods. If she feels it necessary to save her spells, she'll shoot her ranged weapon, either a crossbow or a shortbow depending on circumstances. She does carry a longsword at her side, but if she has to draw it, chances are something's gone terribly wrong (unless she's using it to coup-de-grace a foe she's caused to go to sleep).

Good luck Elen!

I am still working on my character. In a debate between human ranged inquisitor or a dwarven meleer.

@Filius- the starting village is the small town of Heldren, located in Taldor.

Presenting for consideration: Lionna, human Arctic Druid (with giant weasel animal companion).


Female Human (Taldan) Druid (Arctic Druid) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +7
17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
Resist cold 2
20 ft.
Melee Scimitar +3 (1d6+3/18-20/x2)
Druid (Arctic Druid) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Create Water, Stabilize
16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Self-sufficient
Traits Northern Ancestry, Poverty-Stricken
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Climb -1, Craft (leather) +4, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Handle Animal +4, Heal +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +7, Ride -3, Stealth -3, Survival +12, Swim -1
Languages Common, Druidic
SQ animal companion link, nature bond abilities (slink, weasel, giant), share spells with companion,
spontaneous casting, wild empathy
Other Gear Hide armor, Light wooden shield, Scimitar, Sling, Bullet x20, Backpack (12 @ 32 lbs), Belt pouch (1 @
0.52 lbs), Blanket, Feed (per day) (2), Flint and steel, Holly and mistletoe, Spell component pouch, Torch
(5), Trail rations (2), Waterskin, 22 GP, 4 CP
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex)
You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Damage Resistance, Cold (2) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as
touch spells.
Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.


Male Weasel, Giant
N Medium Animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 12 (+2)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +1
40 ft.
Melee Bite +5 (1d6+1/x2)
13, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk] +1; CMB +2; CMD 16 (24 vs. Trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Tricks Attack, Attack Any Target, Defend, Down, Fighting,
Heel, Stay, Track
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+8 jump), Perception +5, Stealth +8
SQ attack any target [trick], defend [trick], fighting [trick], heel [trick], track [trick]
Other Gear You have no money!
Special Abilities
Attack Any Target [Trick]
The animal will attack any creature on command.
Defend [Trick] The animal will defend you.
Fighting [Trick] The animal has been trained to fight.
Heel [Trick] The animal will follow you.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Track [Trick] The animal will track a scent.


Lionna is native to the area. At a young age, wanderlust struck her, and she swapped the comforts of home for the wilderness. Ever since, she's lived in the forests of Taldor, roaming wherever takes her fancy, weasel at her side. She's adapted well to the chills that have been sweeping the area, but it still worries her. As such, she's followed her instincts to Heldren, where the unseasonable cold seems to be coming from.

Lionna is a bit clueless when it comes to social interactions - for the last several years, her only contact with people has been to trade supplies at villages. Nevertheless, she's bright and eager, and always alert - years in the wilderness teaches one to be prepared, after all. She is loath to go anywhere without Slink, and feels far more comfortable on the hard ground than in any bed.

Lionna is 23 (which she knows only through the changing of the seasons), and is a small woman, standing only 5'3". She has brown hair, pale skin, and cold blue eyes. Her face is slightly feline in shape - she has small, pointed features, and isn't particularly pretty nor ugly - the type of face that bends in well. Or would, if she didn't have a messy, dishevelled appearance (and spending so much time close to a weasel has unfortunate odorous side-effects). Her armour is patchworked hide - bits replaced here and there as needed - and most of her gear has the same treatment.

Any and all feedback is appreciated - I've never built or played a druid before, and I'm very conscious of the fact that my backstories are usually bland.

Greetings, I would like to express my interest in this campaign. The concept I am considering is a half-orc ranger (Kagan Wolfbrother), one that I have been wanting to actually play for some time. Right now it is a straight up ranger no archetype or the like. A skirmisher type, one that would start with his bow but be able take the fight to the enemy with his blade/axe.

I will get on the character and should hopefully have him ready tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest.


Almost finished with crunch on my gunslinger, just a little more gold to spend. Just wanted to ask, for bullets, can i be assumed to craft any starting ammunition with the gunsmithing feat.

Here is my character sheet so far.

I've decided a new picture is needed for Elen as she wouldn't be tanned due to years in the deserts of Qadira in this incarnation.

Now she's... a blonde!

My concept of her appearance is that she doesn't fit the stereotype of tall, willowy elves -- she's shorter than usual and has an almost human-like plumpness to her. For an elf, she's definitely got a few more pounds than one would expect. (This is insulation, built up over years in the cold.)

As a winter witch, she would be able to endure the cold much more than usual, so she wears ordinary light dresses, skirts, and tunics, not bothering with heavy clothes, other than boots and snowshoes when needed, since you still have to walk in the snow (or on it) even if the cold doesn't bother you.

Her witches' coven made sure to infuse her with the ability to endure cold as soon as possible -- hard to dance skyclad under the full moon if you're shivering your butt off and getting hypothermia.

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